How to use CardFooter method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: ModelPeformance.js Github


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1import React from "react";2import TextField from "@material-ui/​core/​TextField";3import Autocomplete from "@material-ui/​lab/​Autocomplete";4import {5 Card,6 CardHeader,7 CardBody,8 CardFooter,9 CardTitle,10 Row,11 Col,12} from "reactstrap";13import axios from "axios";14/​/​ export default function ModelPerformance() {15class ModelPerformance extends React.Component {16 constructor(props) {17 super(props);18 this.state = {19 data: {20 baseline_on_original: {},21 baseline_on_augmented: {},22 model_options: [],23 model_types: [],24 train_accuracy: [], 25 val_accuracy: [],26 train_f1: [],27 val_f1: [],28 val_precision: [],29 val_recall: [], 30 train_precision: [], 31 train_recall: []32 },33 hide: true,34 value: {},35 };36 }37 componentWillMount() {38 axios.get(`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​model-performance`).then((res) => {39 console.log(;40 console.log("res precision",;41 this.setState({ data: });42 console.log("state precision",;43 });44 }45 render() {46 47 48 return (49 <div className="content">50 <p style={{ color: "#707070" }}>51 <h4>Baseline Model Trained on Original Dataset and Tested on Original Dataset</​h4>52 </​p>53 <Row>54 <Col sm="3">55 <Card className="card-stats">56 <CardBody>57 <Row>58 <Col md="4" xs="5">59 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">60 <i className="nc-icon nc-trophy text-warning" /​>61 </​div>62 </​Col>63 <Col md="8" xs="7">64 <div className="numbers">65 <p className="card-category">Validation Accuracy</​p>66 <CardTitle tag="p">67 {}68 </​CardTitle>69 <p /​>70 </​div>71 </​Col>72 </​Row>73 </​CardBody>74 <CardFooter>75 <hr /​>76 {/​* <div className="stats">77 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update Now78 </​div> */​}79 </​CardFooter>80 </​Card>81 </​Col>82 <Col sm="3">83 <Card className="card-stats">84 <CardBody>85 <Row>86 <Col md="4" xs="5">87 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">88 <i className="nc-icon nc-sound-wave text-success" /​>89 </​div>90 </​Col>91 <Col md="8" xs="7">92 <div className="numbers">93 <p className="card-category">Validation F1-Score</​p>94 <CardTitle tag="p">95 {}96 </​CardTitle>97 <p /​>98 </​div>99 </​Col>100 </​Row>101 </​CardBody>102 <CardFooter>103 <hr /​>104 {/​* <div className="stats">105 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day106 </​div> */​}107 </​CardFooter>108 </​Card>109 </​Col>110 <Col sm="3">111 <Card className="card-stats">112 <CardBody>113 <Row>114 <Col md="4" xs="5">115 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">116 <i className="nc-icon nc-zoom-split text-danger" /​>117 </​div>118 </​Col>119 <Col md="8" xs="7">120 <div className="numbers">121 <p className="card-category">Validation Precision</​p>122 <CardTitle tag="p">123 {}124 </​CardTitle>125 <p /​>126 </​div>127 </​Col>128 </​Row>129 </​CardBody>130 <CardFooter>131 <hr /​>132 {/​* <div className="stats">133 <i className="far fa-clock" /​> In the last hour134 </​div> */​}135 </​CardFooter>136 </​Card>137 </​Col>138 <Col sm="3">139 <Card className="card-stats">140 <CardBody>141 <Row>142 <Col md="4" xs="5">143 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">144 <i className="nc-icon nc-bulb-63 text-primary" /​>145 </​div>146 </​Col>147 <Col md="8" xs="7">148 <div className="numbers">149 <p className="card-category">Validation Recall</​p>150 <CardTitle tag="p">151 {}152 </​CardTitle>153 <p /​>154 </​div>155 </​Col>156 </​Row>157 </​CardBody>158 <CardFooter>159 <hr /​>160 {/​* <div className="stats">161 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update now162 </​div> */​}163 </​CardFooter>164 </​Card>165 </​Col>166 </​Row>167 <p style={{ color: "#707070" }}>168 <h4>Baseline Model Trained on Original Dataset and Tested on Augmented Dataset</​h4>169 </​p>170 <Row>171 <Col sm="3">172 <Card className="card-stats">173 <CardBody>174 <Row>175 <Col md="4" xs="5">176 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">177 <i className="nc-icon nc-trophy text-warning" /​>178 </​div>179 </​Col>180 <Col md="8" xs="7">181 <div className="numbers">182 <p className="card-category">Test Accuracy</​p>183 <CardTitle tag="p">184 {}185 </​CardTitle>186 <p /​>187 </​div>188 </​Col>189 </​Row>190 </​CardBody>191 <CardFooter>192 <hr /​>193 {/​* <div className="stats">194 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update Now195 </​div> */​}196 </​CardFooter>197 </​Card>198 </​Col>199 <Col sm="3">200 <Card className="card-stats">201 <CardBody>202 <Row>203 <Col md="4" xs="5">204 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">205 <i className="nc-icon nc-sound-wave text-success" /​>206 </​div>207 </​Col>208 <Col md="8" xs="7">209 <div className="numbers">210 <p className="card-category">Test F1-Score</​p>211 <CardTitle tag="p">212 {}213 </​CardTitle>214 <p /​>215 </​div>216 </​Col>217 </​Row>218 </​CardBody>219 <CardFooter>220 <hr /​>221 {/​* <div className="stats">222 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day223 </​div> */​}224 </​CardFooter>225 </​Card>226 </​Col>227 <Col sm="3">228 <Card className="card-stats">229 <CardBody>230 <Row>231 <Col md="4" xs="5">232 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">233 <i className="nc-icon nc-zoom-split text-danger" /​>234 </​div>235 </​Col>236 <Col md="8" xs="7">237 <div className="numbers">238 <p className="card-category">Test Precision</​p>239 <CardTitle tag="p">240 {}241 </​CardTitle>242 <p /​>243 </​div>244 </​Col>245 </​Row>246 </​CardBody>247 <CardFooter>248 <hr /​>249 {/​* <div className="stats">250 <i className="far fa-clock" /​> In the last hour251 </​div> */​}252 </​CardFooter>253 </​Card>254 </​Col>255 <Col sm="3">256 <Card className="card-stats">257 <CardBody>258 <Row>259 <Col md="4" xs="5">260 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">261 <i className="nc-icon nc-bulb-63 text-primary" /​>262 </​div>263 </​Col>264 <Col md="8" xs="7">265 <div className="numbers">266 <p className="card-category">Test Recall</​p>267 <CardTitle tag="p">268 {}269 </​CardTitle>270 <p /​>271 </​div>272 </​Col>273 </​Row>274 </​CardBody>275 <CardFooter>276 <hr /​>277 {/​* <div className="stats">278 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update now279 </​div> */​}280 </​CardFooter>281 </​Card>282 </​Col>283 </​Row>284 <p style={{ color: "#707070" }}>285 <h4>Custom Model Statistics</​h4>286 </​p>287 <Autocomplete288 id="debug"289 options={}290 getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title}291 style={{ width: 300 }}292 value={this.state.value}293 onChange={(event, newValue) => {294 if (newValue){295 this.setState({296 value: newValue, hide: false297 })};298 /​/​ console.log("new title", this.state.value.title);299 /​/​ console.log("new value",;300 /​/​ console.log(this.state.hide);301 }}302 renderInput={(params) => (303 <TextField {...params} label="Choose Model" variant="outlined" /​>304 )}305 /​>306 <br /​>307 308 { (this.state.hide == false) ? 309 <div>310 311 312 313 <Row>314 <Col sm="3">315 <Card className="card-stats">316 <CardBody>317 <Row>318 <Col md="4" xs="5">319 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">320 <i className="nc-icon nc-trophy text-warning" /​>321 </​div>322 </​Col>323 <Col md="8" xs="7">324 <div className="numbers">325 <p className="card-category">Train Accuracy</​p>326 <CardTitle tag="p">327 {[]}328 </​CardTitle>329 <p /​>330 </​div>331 </​Col>332 </​Row>333 </​CardBody>334 <CardFooter>335 <hr /​>336 {/​* <div className="stats">337 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update Now338 </​div> */​}339 </​CardFooter>340 </​Card>341 </​Col>342 <Col sm="3">343 <Card className="card-stats">344 <CardBody>345 <Row>346 <Col md="4" xs="5">347 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">348 <i className="nc-icon nc-sound-wave text-success" /​>349 </​div>350 </​Col>351 <Col md="8" xs="7">352 <div className="numbers">353 <p className="card-category">Train F1-Score</​p>354 <CardTitle tag="p">355 {[]}356 </​CardTitle>357 <p /​>358 </​div>359 </​Col>360 </​Row>361 </​CardBody>362 <CardFooter>363 <hr /​>364 {/​* <div className="stats">365 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day366 </​div> */​}367 </​CardFooter>368 </​Card>369 </​Col>370 <Col sm="3">371 <Card className="card-stats">372 <CardBody>373 <Row>374 <Col md="4" xs="5">375 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">376 <i className="nc-icon nc-zoom-split text-danger" /​>377 </​div>378 </​Col>379 <Col md="8" xs="7">380 <div className="numbers">381 <p className="card-category">Train Precision</​p>382 <CardTitle tag="p">383 {[]}384 </​CardTitle>385 <p /​>386 </​div>387 </​Col>388 </​Row>389 </​CardBody>390 <CardFooter>391 <hr /​>392 {/​* <div className="stats">393 <i className="far fa-clock" /​> In the last hour394 </​div> */​}395 </​CardFooter>396 </​Card>397 </​Col>398 <Col sm="3">399 <Card className="card-stats">400 <CardBody>401 <Row>402 <Col md="4" xs="5">403 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">404 <i className="nc-icon nc-bulb-63 text-primary" /​>405 </​div>406 </​Col>407 <Col md="8" xs="7">408 <div className="numbers">409 <p className="card-category">Train Recall</​p>410 <CardTitle tag="p">411 {[]}412 </​CardTitle>413 <p /​>414 </​div>415 </​Col>416 </​Row>417 </​CardBody>418 <CardFooter>419 <hr /​>420 {/​* <div className="stats">421 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update now422 </​div> */​}423 </​CardFooter>424 </​Card>425 </​Col>426 427 428 </​Row>429 430 <Row>431 <Col sm="3">432 <Card className="card-stats">433 <CardBody>434 <Row>435 <Col md="4" xs="5">436 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">437 <i className="nc-icon nc-trophy text-warning" /​>438 </​div>439 </​Col>440 <Col md="8" xs="7">441 <div className="numbers">442 <p className="card-category">Validation Accuracy</​p>443 <CardTitle tag="p">444 {[]}445 </​CardTitle>446 <p /​>447 </​div>448 </​Col>449 </​Row>450 </​CardBody>451 <CardFooter>452 <hr /​>453 {/​* <div className="stats">454 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update Now455 </​div> */​}456 </​CardFooter>457 </​Card>458 </​Col>459 <Col sm="3">460 <Card className="card-stats">461 <CardBody>462 <Row>463 <Col md="4" xs="5">464 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">465 <i className="nc-icon nc-sound-wave text-success" /​>466 </​div>467 </​Col>468 <Col md="8" xs="7">469 <div className="numbers">470 <p className="card-category">Validation F1-Score</​p>471 <CardTitle tag="p">472 {[]}473 </​CardTitle>474 <p /​>475 </​div>476 </​Col>477 </​Row>478 </​CardBody>479 <CardFooter>480 <hr /​>481 {/​* <div className="stats">482 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day483 </​div> */​}484 </​CardFooter>485 </​Card>486 </​Col>487 <Col sm="3">488 <Card className="card-stats">489 <CardBody>490 <Row>491 <Col md="4" xs="5">492 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">493 <i className="nc-icon nc-zoom-split text-danger" /​>494 </​div>495 </​Col>496 <Col md="8" xs="7">497 <div className="numbers">498 <p className="card-category">Validation Precision</​p>499 <CardTitle tag="p">500 {[]}501 </​CardTitle>502 <p /​>503 </​div>504 </​Col>505 </​Row>506 </​CardBody>507 <CardFooter>508 <hr /​>509 {/​* <div className="stats">510 <i className="far fa-clock" /​> In the last hour511 </​div> */​}512 </​CardFooter>513 </​Card>514 </​Col>515 <Col sm="3">516 <Card className="card-stats">517 <CardBody>518 <Row>519 <Col md="4" xs="5">520 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">521 <i className="nc-icon nc-bulb-63 text-primary" /​>522 </​div>523 </​Col>524 <Col md="8" xs="7">525 <div className="numbers">526 <p className="card-category">Validation Recall</​p>527 <CardTitle tag="p">528 {[]}529 </​CardTitle>530 <p /​>531 </​div>532 </​Col>533 </​Row>534 </​CardBody>535 <CardFooter>536 <hr /​>537 {/​* <div className="stats">538 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update now539 </​div> */​}540 </​CardFooter>541 </​Card>542 </​Col>543 544 545 </​Row>546 547 548 <Row>549 <Col md = "12">550 <Card className="card-stats" justifyContent="center" >551 <CardHeader>552 <CardTitle>553 <p className= "card-category" style = {{textAlign: "center" ,padding: "0 0 2em 0 "}}>554 <h4>555 Model Architecture556 </​h4>557 </​p>558 </​CardTitle>559 </​CardHeader>560 <CardBody style = {{textAlign: "center", height: "100%", width: "100%"}}>561 <img 562 alt="Model Architecture"563 /​/​ className="avatar border-gray"564 key = {}565 src={`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​static/​models/​` + this.state.value.title + `/​model.svg`}566 /​/​ style = {{height: "80%", width: "80%"}}567 568 /​>569 <p>570 <br /​>571 <br /​>572 </​p>573 </​CardBody>574 <CardFooter>575 <hr /​>576 {/​* <div className="stats">577 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day578 </​div> */​}579 </​CardFooter>580 581 </​Card>582 </​Col>583 </​Row>584 <Row>585 <Col md = "4">586 <Card className="card-stats">587 <CardHeader>588 <CardTitle>589 <p className= "card-category" style = {{textAlign: "center"}}>590 <h4>591 Loss-Accuracy Curve592 </​h4>593 </​p>594 </​CardTitle>595 </​CardHeader>596 <CardBody>597 <img 598 alt="Accuracy-Loss Curve"599 /​/​ className="avatar border-gray"600 key = {}601 src={`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​static/​models/​` + this.state.value.title + `/​loss_acc.gif`}602 style={{ height: "120%", width: "120%"}}603 /​>604 </​CardBody>605 <CardFooter>606 <hr /​>607 {/​* <div className="stats">608 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day609 </​div> */​}610 </​CardFooter>611 </​Card>612 </​Col>613 <Col md = "4">614 <Card className="card-stats">615 <CardHeader>616 <CardTitle>617 <p className= "card-category" style = {{textAlign: "center" }}>618 <h4>619 Precision-Recall Curve620 </​h4>621 </​p>622 </​CardTitle>623 </​CardHeader>624 <CardBody>625 <img 626 alt="Precision-Recall Curve"627 /​/​ className="avatar border-gray"628 key = {}629 src={`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​static/​models/​` + this.state.value.title + `/​pr.gif`}630 style={{ height: "120%", width: "120%"}}631 /​>632 </​CardBody>633 <CardFooter>634 <hr /​>635 {/​* <div className="stats">636 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day637 </​div> */​}638 </​CardFooter>639 </​Card>640 </​Col>641 <Col md = "4" >642 <Card className="card-stats">643 <CardHeader>644 <CardTitle>645 <p className= "card-category" style = {{textAlign: "center" }}>646 <h4>647 F1 Curve648 </​h4>649 </​p>650 </​CardTitle>651 </​CardHeader>652 <CardBody >653 <img 654 alt="F1-Scores"655 /​/​ className="avatar border-gray"656 key = {}657 src={`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​static/​models/​` + this.state.value.title + `/​f1.gif`}658 style={{ height: "120%", width: "120%"}}659 /​>660 </​CardBody>661 <CardFooter>662 <hr /​>663 {/​* <div className="stats">664 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day665 </​div> */​}666 </​CardFooter>667 </​Card>668 </​Col>669 </​Row>670 {/​* <Row>671 <Col md = "12" >672 <Card className="card-stats">673 <CardBody >674 <img 675 alt="F1-Scores"676 /​/​ className="avatar border-gray"677 src={`http:/​/​localhost:5000/​static/​models/​` + this.state.value.title + `/​cm.png`}678 style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%"}}679 /​>680 </​CardBody>681 <CardFooter>682 <hr /​>683 <div className="stats">684 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day685 </​div>686 </​CardFooter>687 </​Card>688 </​Col>689 </​Row> */​}690 </​div> : null}691 692 693 </​div>694 );695 }696}...

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Source: Dashboard.js Github


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1/​*!2=========================================================3* Paper Dashboard React - v1.2.04=========================================================5* Product Page: https:/​/​​product/​paper-dashboard-react6* Copyright 2020 Creative Tim (https:/​/​* Licensed under MIT (https:/​/​​creativetimofficial/​paper-dashboard-react/​blob/​master/​* Coded by Creative Tim9=========================================================10* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.11*/​12import React from "react";13/​/​ react plugin used to create charts14import { Line, Pie } from "react-chartjs-2";15/​/​ reactstrap components16import {17 Card,18 CardHeader,19 CardBody,20 CardFooter,21 CardTitle,22 Row,23 Col,24} from "reactstrap";25/​/​ core components26import {27 dashboard24HoursPerformanceChart,28 dashboardEmailStatisticsChart,29 dashboardNASDAQChart,30} from "variables/​charts.js";31class Dashboard extends React.Component {32 render() {33 return (34 <>35 <div className="content">36 <Row>37 <Col lg="3" md="6" sm="6">38 <Card className="card-stats">39 <CardBody>40 <Row>41 <Col md="4" xs="5">42 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">43 <i className="nc-icon nc-globe text-warning" /​>44 </​div>45 </​Col>46 <Col md="8" xs="7">47 <div className="numbers">48 <p className="card-category">Capacity</​p>49 <CardTitle tag="p">150GB</​CardTitle>50 <p /​>51 </​div>52 </​Col>53 </​Row>54 </​CardBody>55 <CardFooter>56 <hr /​>57 <div className="stats">58 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update Now59 </​div>60 </​CardFooter>61 </​Card>62 </​Col>63 <Col lg="3" md="6" sm="6">64 <Card className="card-stats">65 <CardBody>66 <Row>67 <Col md="4" xs="5">68 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">69 <i className="nc-icon nc-money-coins text-success" /​>70 </​div>71 </​Col>72 <Col md="8" xs="7">73 <div className="numbers">74 <p className="card-category">Revenue</​p>75 <CardTitle tag="p">$ 1,345</​CardTitle>76 <p /​>77 </​div>78 </​Col>79 </​Row>80 </​CardBody>81 <CardFooter>82 <hr /​>83 <div className="stats">84 <i className="far fa-calendar" /​> Last day85 </​div>86 </​CardFooter>87 </​Card>88 </​Col>89 <Col lg="3" md="6" sm="6">90 <Card className="card-stats">91 <CardBody>92 <Row>93 <Col md="4" xs="5">94 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">95 <i className="nc-icon nc-vector text-danger" /​>96 </​div>97 </​Col>98 <Col md="8" xs="7">99 <div className="numbers">100 <p className="card-category">Errors</​p>101 <CardTitle tag="p">23</​CardTitle>102 <p /​>103 </​div>104 </​Col>105 </​Row>106 </​CardBody>107 <CardFooter>108 <hr /​>109 <div className="stats">110 <i className="far fa-clock" /​> In the last hour111 </​div>112 </​CardFooter>113 </​Card>114 </​Col>115 <Col lg="3" md="6" sm="6">116 <Card className="card-stats">117 <CardBody>118 <Row>119 <Col md="4" xs="5">120 <div className="icon-big text-center icon-warning">121 <i className="nc-icon nc-favourite-28 text-primary" /​>122 </​div>123 </​Col>124 <Col md="8" xs="7">125 <div className="numbers">126 <p className="card-category">Followers</​p>127 <CardTitle tag="p">+45K</​CardTitle>128 <p /​>129 </​div>130 </​Col>131 </​Row>132 </​CardBody>133 <CardFooter>134 <hr /​>135 <div className="stats">136 <i className="fas fa-sync-alt" /​> Update now137 </​div>138 </​CardFooter>139 </​Card>140 </​Col>141 </​Row>142 <Row>143 <Col md="12">144 <Card>145 <CardHeader>146 <CardTitle tag="h5">Users Behavior</​CardTitle>147 <p className="card-category">24 Hours performance</​p>148 </​CardHeader>149 <CardBody>150 <Line151 data={}152 options={dashboard24HoursPerformanceChart.options}153 width={400}154 height={100}155 /​>156 </​CardBody>157 <CardFooter>158 <hr /​>159 <div className="stats">160 <i className="fa fa-history" /​> Updated 3 minutes ago161 </​div>162 </​CardFooter>163 </​Card>164 </​Col>165 </​Row>166 <Row>167 <Col md="4">168 <Card>169 <CardHeader>170 <CardTitle tag="h5">Email Statistics</​CardTitle>171 <p className="card-category">Last Campaign Performance</​p>172 </​CardHeader>173 <CardBody>174 <Pie175 data={}176 options={dashboardEmailStatisticsChart.options}177 /​>178 </​CardBody>179 <CardFooter>180 <div className="legend">181 <i className="fa fa-circle text-primary" /​> Opened{" "}182 <i className="fa fa-circle text-warning" /​> Read{" "}183 <i className="fa fa-circle text-danger" /​> Deleted{" "}184 <i className="fa fa-circle text-gray" /​> Unopened185 </​div>186 <hr /​>187 <div className="stats">188 <i className="fa fa-calendar" /​> Number of emails sent189 </​div>190 </​CardFooter>191 </​Card>192 </​Col>193 <Col md="8">194 <Card className="card-chart">195 <CardHeader>196 <CardTitle tag="h5">NASDAQ: AAPL</​CardTitle>197 <p className="card-category">Line Chart with Points</​p>198 </​CardHeader>199 <CardBody>200 <Line201 data={}202 options={dashboardNASDAQChart.options}203 width={400}204 height={100}205 /​>206 </​CardBody>207 <CardFooter>208 <div className="chart-legend">209 <i className="fa fa-circle text-info" /​> Tesla Model S{" "}210 <i className="fa fa-circle text-warning" /​> BMW 5 Series211 </​div>212 <hr /​>213 <div className="card-stats">214 <i className="fa fa-check" /​> Data information certified215 </​div>216 </​CardFooter>217 </​Card>218 </​Col>219 </​Row>220 </​div>221 </​>222 );223 }224}...

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Source: CardFooter.js Github


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1import CardFooter from "components/​Cards/​CardFooter.js";2const passProps = {3 children: "This is the CardFooter tag.",4};5const props = `CardFooter.defaultProps = {6 border: true,7};8CardFooter.propTypes = {9 children: PropTypes.node,10 border: PropTypes.bool,11};`;12const description = "";13const preview = `import React from "react";14/​/​ @notus-pro/​react15import CardFooter from "@notus-pro/​react/​CardFooter";16const props = ${JSON.stringify(passProps)};17export default function Example() {18 return (19 <>20 <CardFooter {...props} /​>21 </​>22 );23}`;24const docsObjects = {25 component: CardFooter,26 componentName: "CardFooter",27 description,28 props,29 preview,30 passProps,31};...

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1define('test', ['module', 'exports', 'argos/​CardFooter'], function (module, exports, _argosCardFooter) {2 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 });4 var _argosCardFooter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_argosCardFooter);5 function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {6 return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {7 };8 }9 var __class = (0, _argosCardFooter2.default)('test', {10 });11 exports.default = __class;12 module.exports = exports['default'];13});14define('test', ['module', 'exports', 'argos/​CardHeader'], function (module, exports, _argosCardHeader) {15 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {16 });17 var _argosCardHeader2 = _interopRequireDefault(_argosCardHeader);18 function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {19 return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {20 };21 }22 var __class = (0, _argosCardHeader2.default)('test', {23 });24 exports.default = __class;25 module.exports = exports['default'];26});27define('test', ['module', 'exports', 'argos/​CardLayout'], function (module, exports, _argosCardLayout) {28 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {29 });30 var _argosCardLayout2 = _interopRequireDefault(_argosCardLayout);31 function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {32 return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {33 };34 }35 var __class = (0, _argosCardLayout2.default)('test', {36 });37 exports.default = __class;38 module.exports = exports['default'];39});40define('test', ['module', 'exports', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {2});3define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {4});5define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {6});7define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {8});9define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {10});11define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {12});13define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {14});15define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {16});17define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {18});19define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {20});21define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {22});23define('test', ['argos/​CardFooter'], function(CardFooter) {24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var cardFooter = require('argosy-pattern-card-footer');3var footer = argosy();4footer.pipe(cardFooter()).pipe(footer);5footer.accept({title: 'test title', description: 'test description'});6footer.accept({title: 'test title 2', description: 'test description 2'});7footer.on('data', console.log);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var CardFooter = require('argos-test').CardFooter;2var header = new CardFooter();3header.set({4});5module.exports = header;6var CardFooter = require('argos-test').CardFooter;7describe('CardFooter', function() {8 it('can set leftText', function() {9 var header = new CardFooter();10 header.set({11 });12 expect(header.leftText).toEqual('leftText');13 });14 it('can set rightText', function() {15 var header = new CardFooter();16 header.set({17 });18 expect(header.rightText).toEqual('rightText');19 });20});21var CardFooter = require('argos-test').CardFooter;22var header = new CardFooter();23header.set({24});25module.exports = header;26var CardFooter = require('argos-test').CardFooter;27describe('CardFooter', function() {28 it('can set leftText', function() {29 var header = new CardFooter();30 header.set({31 });32 expect(header.leftText).toEqual('leftText');33 });34 it('can set rightText', function() {35 var header = new CardFooter();36 header.set({37 });38 expect(header.rightText).toEqual('rightText');39 });40});41var CardHeader = require('argos-test').CardHeader;42var header = new CardHeader();43header.set({44 'action': {45 'fn': function() {}46 }47});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var CardFooter = require('argos-sdk/​src/​CardFooter');2var cardFooter = new CardFooter();3cardFooter.create();4var CardLayout = require('argos-sdk/​src/​CardLayout');5var cardLayout = new CardLayout();6cardLayout.create();

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Two-phase Model-based Testing

Most test automation tools just do test execution automation. Without test design involved in the whole test automation process, the test cases remain ad hoc and detect only simple bugs. This solution is just automation without real testing. In addition, test execution automation is very inefficient.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


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