How to use BranchUpdateCard method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source:BranchesTable.js Github


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1import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';2import Paper from '@material-ui/​core/​Paper';3import Popup from "reactjs-popup";4import {BranchUpdateCard} from '../​../​BranchUpdateCard'5import {EmployeeCard} from '../​../​EmployeeCard'6import { useAlert } from "react-alert";7import { 8 RowDetailState,9 FilteringState,10 IntegratedFiltering, 11 SearchState,12 PagingState,13 IntegratedPaging,14 SortingState,15 IntegratedSorting,16} from '@devexpress/​dx-react-grid';17import {18 Grid,19 VirtualTable,20 TableHeaderRow,21 Toolbar,22 TableRowDetail,23 TableFilterRow,24 SearchPanel,25 PagingPanel,26} from '@devexpress/​dx-react-grid-material-ui';27import './​index.css';28const BranchesTable = () => {29 const [expandedRowIds, setExpandedRowIds] = useState([]);30 const [rows, setRows] = useState([])31 const [pageSizes] = useState([5, 10, 15, 0]);32 const setBranchData = (data) => {33 let deltaRows = rows.slice(0);34 deltaRows.forEach(function(r, i) {35 if( == {36 deltaRows[i] = data;37 }38 })39 setRows(deltaRows);40 }41 const alert = useAlert();42 const getRowId = row =>;43 const RowDetail = ({ row }) => {44 console.log(row)45 return (46 <div>47 <table class="inner-table" style={{width:"100%"}}>48 <tr>49 <td>ID:</​td><td>{}</​td>50 </​tr>51 <tr>52 <td>Name:</​td><td>{}</​td>53 </​tr>54 <tr>55 <td>Address:</​td><td>{row.address}</​td>56 </​tr>57 <tr>58 <td>Manager ID:</​td>59 <td>60 <Popup 61 trigger={<span style={{62 cursor:"pointer",63 color:"blue",64 textDecoration: "underline"65 }}>{row.manager_id}</​span>} position="right center"66 modal67 closeOnDocumentClick68 >69 <div className="modal">70 <div className="header"><h3>Manager Details</​h3></​div>71 <EmployeeCard employee_id={row.manager_id}/​>72 </​div>73 </​Popup>74 </​td>75 </​tr>76 <div style={{77 display: "grid",78 gridTemplateColumns: "1fr 1fr",79 gridColumnGap: "10px"80 }}>81 <button type="button" onClick={async () => {82 const response = await fetch("/​autoshop/​api/​branches/​", {83 method: "DELETE",84 headers: {85 "Content-Type": "application/​json"86 }87 });88 let resp = await response.json();89 if (!response.ok) {90 alert.error(JSON.stringify(resp));91 return92 }93 let deltaRows = rows.slice(0);94 console.log(deltaRows)95 deltaRows.forEach(function(r, i) {96 if ( == {97 deltaRows.splice(i, 1);98 }99 })100 console.log(deltaRows)101 setRows(deltaRows);102 }}>Delete</​button>103 <Popup 104 trigger={<button type="button">UPDATE</​button>} position="right center"105 modal106 closeOnDocumentClick107 >108 <div className="modal">109 <div className="header"><h3>Update Branch</​h3></​div>110 <BranchUpdateCard branch={row} setBranchData={setBranchData}/​>111 </​div>112 </​Popup>113 </​div>114 </​table>115 </​div>116 )117 };118 const [columns] = useState([119 { name: 'id', title: 'ID' },120 { name: 'name', title: 'Name' },121 { name: "address", title: "Surname"},122 { name: "manager_id", title: "Manager ID"},123 ]);124 useEffect(() => {125 async function getBranches() {126 const branchesResp = await fetch(127 "/​autoshop/​api/​branches", {128 method: "GET",129 headers: { 130 "Content-Type": "application/​json"131 }132 }133 ) 134 let resp = await branchesResp.json()135 if (!branchesResp.ok) {136 alert.error(JSON.stringify(resp))137 return138 }139 setRows(resp);140 }141 getBranches();142 }, []);143 return (144 <Paper height="100%">145 <Grid146 rows={rows}147 columns={columns}148 getRowId={getRowId}149 >150 <SortingState/​>151 <IntegratedSorting /​>152 <PagingState153 defaultCurrentPage={0}154 defaultPageSize={5}155 /​>156 <IntegratedPaging /​>157 <SearchState /​>158 <FilteringState defaultFilters={[]} /​>159 <IntegratedFiltering /​>160 <RowDetailState161 expandedRowIds={expandedRowIds}162 onExpandedRowIdsChange={setExpandedRowIds}163 /​>164 <VirtualTable height="100%"/​>165 <TableHeaderRow showSortingControls/​>166 <TableRowDetail167 contentComponent={RowDetail}168 /​>169 <TableFilterRow /​>170 <Toolbar /​>171 <SearchPanel /​>172 <PagingPanel173 pageSizes={pageSizes}174 /​>175 </​Grid>176 </​Paper>177 );178};...

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Source:BranchUpdateCard.js Github


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1import React, { useState, useEffect} from 'react';2import useForm from "react-hook-form";3import * as yup from "yup";4import { useAlert } from "react-alert";5import HashLoader from 'react-spinners/​HashLoader'6import './​index.css';7const BranchUpdateSchema = yup.object().shape({8 name: yup.string().required("Branch name is required"),9 address: yup.string().required("Adress is required"),10 manager_id: yup.string().required("Manager ID is required"),11});12const BranchUpdateCard = ({branch, setBranchData}) => {13 const { register, errors, handleSubmit, setValue } = useForm({14 validationSchema: BranchUpdateSchema15 });16 const alert = useAlert();17 const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)18 const onSubmit = async data => {19 console.log(JSON.stringify(data));20 const response = await fetch("/​autoshop/​api/​branches/​" +, {21 method: "PUT",22 body: JSON.stringify(data),23 headers: {24 "Content-Type": "application/​json"25 }26 });27 const resp = await response.json();28 console.log(response)29 if (!response.ok) {30 alert.error(JSON.stringify(resp));31 return32 }33 setBranchData(resp);34 alert.success("Success");35 };36 const [employees, setEmployees] = useState([])37 useEffect(() => {38 async function getEmployees() {39 const response = await fetch(40 "/​autoshop/​api/​employees?per_page=1000",41 {42 method: "GET",43 headers: {44 "Content-Type": "application/​json"45 }46 }47 )48 let data = await response.json();49 console.log(data)50 data = (item, index) {51 return {52 value:,53 name: + " " + item.surname54 }55 });56 setLoading(false);57 setEmployees(data);58 }59 getEmployees();60 for(let key in branch) {61 setValue(key, branch[key]);62 }63 }, {});64 return (65 <div style={{height: "100%"}}>66 {67 loading ?68 <HashLoader69 sizeUnit={"px"}70 size={150}71 css={{height: "100%", margin: "0 auto"}}72 color={'#394263'} 73 loading={loading}74 /​>75 :76 <form className="custom-form" onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} style={{maxWidth:"650px"}}>77 <div style={{78 display: 'grid',79 gridTemplateColumns: '1fr 1fr',80 gridColumnGap: '10px',81 }}>82 <div>83 <label>Name</​label>84 <input type="text" name="name" ref={register} /​>85 { && <p>{}</​p>}86 </​div>87 <div>88 <label>Address</​label>89 <input type="text" name="address" ref={register} /​>90 {errors.address && <p>{errors.address.message}</​p>}91 </​div>92 <div style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>93 <label>Manager</​label>94 <select name="manager_id" ref={register}>95 { => {96 return <option value={val.value}>{}</​option>97 })}98 </​select>99 {errors.manager_id && <p>{errors.manager_id.message}</​p>}100 </​div>101 </​div>102 <input type="submit" /​>103 </​form>104 }105 </​div>106 )107}...

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Source:index.js Github


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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var branch = require('argosy-pattern-branch');3var branchUpdateCard = require('argosy-pattern-branch-update-card');4var argosyBranch = argosy();5argosyBranch.use(branch());6argosyBranch.use(branchUpdateCard());7argosyBranch.branchUpdateCard({8 card: {9 }10}, function(error, result) {11});12var argosy = require('argosy');13var branch = require('argosy-pattern-branch');14var branchDeleteCard = require('argosy-pattern-branch-delete-card');15var argosyBranch = argosy();16argosyBranch.use(branch());17argosyBranch.use(branchDeleteCard());18argosyBranch.branchDeleteCard({19}, function(error, result) {20});21var argosy = require('argosy');22var branch = require('argosy-pattern-branch');23var branchGetCards = require('argosy-pattern-branch-get-cards');24var argosyBranch = argosy();25argosyBranch.use(branch());26argosyBranch.use(branchGetCards());27argosyBranch.branchGetCards({28}, function(error, result) {29});30var argosy = require('argosy');31var branch = require('argosy-pattern-branch');32var branchAddAddress = require('argosy-pattern-branch-add-address');33var argosyBranch = argosy();34argosyBranch.use(branch());35argosyBranch.use(branchAddAddress());36argosyBranch.branchAddAddress({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var branch = argosy.branch();3var card = branch.card();4var card2 = branch.card();5var card3 = branch.card();6card.branchUpdateCard(card2, function(err, card3) {7 if (err) {8 console.log('Error: ' + err);9 } else {10 console.log('Card3: ' + card3);11 }12});13var argosy = require('argosy');14var branch = argosy.branch();15var card = branch.card();16var card2 = branch.card();17var card3 = branch.card();18card.branchUpdateCard(card2, card3, function(err, card3) {19 if (err) {20 console.log('Error: ' + err);21 } else {22 console.log('Card3: ' + card3);23 }24});25var argosy = require('argosy');26var branch = argosy.branch();27var card = branch.card();28var card2 = branch.card();29var card3 = branch.card();30card.branchUpdateCard(card2, card3, 'foo', function(err, card3) {31 if (err) {32 console.log('Error: ' + err);33 } else {34 console.log('Card3: ' + card3);35 }36});37var argosy = require('argosy');38var branch = argosy.branch();39var card = branch.card();40var card2 = branch.card();41var card3 = branch.card();42card.branchUpdateCard('foo', card2, card3, function(err, card3) {43 if (err) {44 console.log('Error: ' + err);45 } else {46 console.log('Card3: ' + card3);47 }48});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { BranchUpdateCard } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​Erp/​Offline';2import { SageAPI } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​SData';3import { connect } from 'react-redux';4import { create } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​Erp/​Offline/​SData';5const svc = new SageAPI();6const branchUpdate = new BranchUpdateCard(svc, { id: 'someId', name: 'someName' });7const branchUpdateModel = create(branchUpdate); .then((model) => {10 console.log(model);11 })12 .catch((err) => {13 console.log(err);14 });15import { BranchCreateCard } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​Erp/​Offline';16import { SageAPI } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​SData';17import { connect } from 'react-redux';18import { create } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​Erp/​Offline/​SData';19const svc = new SageAPI();20const branchCreate = new BranchCreateCard(svc, { id: 'someId', name: 'someName' });21const branchCreateModel = create(branchCreate); .then((model) => {24 console.log(model);25 })26 .catch((err) => {27 console.log(err);28 });29import { SageAPI } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​SData';30const svc = new SageAPI();31svc.request('someUrl', { method: 'GET' })32 .then((response) => {33 console.log(response);34 })35 .catch((err) => {36 console.log(err);37 });38import { SageMobileStatus } from 'argos-sdk/​src/​Models/​Erp/​Offline/​SData';39const status = new SageMobileStatus();40status.registerStatus('someStatus', () => { console.log('someStatus'); });41status.registerStatus('anotherStatus', () => { console.log('anotherStatus'); });42status.registerStatus('yetAnotherStatus', () => { console.log('yetAnotherStatus'); });43status.registerStatus('oneMoreStatus', () => { console.log('oneMoreStatus'); });'someStatus');'anotherStatus

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var branchUpdateCard = require('argos-saleslogix/​Models/​Erp/​ErpBillTo/​Offline');2 var currentContext = {3 entity: {4 }5 };6 var options = {7 };8, options);9define('argos-saleslogix/​Models/​Erp/​ErpBillTo/​Offline', [10], function(11) {12 var __class = declare('argos-saleslogix.Models.Erp.ErpBillTo.Offline', [Offline], {13 create: function(entry, options) {14 var currentContext = options.context;15 var currentEntityId = currentContext.entity.ErpBillToId;16 var currentEntity = currentContext.entity;17 var currentEntityName = currentContext.source;18 var returnTo = options.returnTo;19 var entity = entry;20 var entityName = 'ErpBillTo';21 var entityNameLower = entityName.toLowerCase();22 var entityDisplayName = entityName;23 var entityDisplayNameLower = entityNameLower;24 var entityDisplayNamePlural = entityName;25 var entityDisplayNamePluralLower = entityNameLower;26 var entityDisplayNameProperty = entityName + 'Name';27 var entityDisplayNamePropertyLower = entityDisplayNameProperty.toLowerCase();28 var entityDisplayNamePropertyPlural = entityDisplayNameProperty;29 var entityDisplayNamePropertyPluralLower = entityDisplayNamePropertyLower;30 var entityDisplayNamePropertyFirstCharUpper = entityDisplayNameProperty.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + entityDisplayNameProperty.slice(1);31 var entityDisplayNamePropertyPluralFirstCharUpper = entityDisplayNamePropertyPlural.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + entityDisplayNamePropertyPlural.slice(1);32 var entityDisplayNamePropertyFirstCharLower = entityDisplayNameProperty.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + entityDisplayNameProperty.slice(1);

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