How to use BranchNameField method in argos

Best JavaScript code snippet using argos


Source: ifscSearch.js Github


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1const ifscForm = document.getElementById("ifscForm");2const ifscTextField = document.getElementById("ifscTextField");3const bankNameField = document.getElementById("bankNameField");4const branchNameField = document.getElementById("branchNameField");5const centreField = document.getElementById("centreField");6const stateField = document.getElementById("stateField");7const cityField = document.getElementById("cityField");8const districtField = document.getElementById("districtField");9const addressField = document.getElementById("addressField");10const contactField = document.getElementById("contactField");11const bankCodeField = document.getElementById("bankCodeField");12const rtgsField = document.getElementById("rtgsField");13const upiField = document.getElementById("upiField");14const neftField = document.getElementById("neftField");15const impsField = document.getElementById("impsField");16const micrField = document.getElementById("micrField");17const swiftField = document.getElementById("swiftField");18const bankLogo = document.getElementById("bankLogo");19const bankDetailsCard = document.getElementById("bankDetailsCard");20const shareButton = document.getElementById("share-button");21bankDetailsCard.classList.add("hide");22const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;23const codeParam = urlParams.get("code");24if (codeParam) {25 ifscTextField.value = codeParam;26 OnSearch(codeParam);27}28ifscForm.addEventListener("submit", async (e) => {29 e.preventDefault();30 const ifscCode = ifscTextField.value;31 await OnSearch(ifscCode);32});33shareButton.addEventListener("click", shareLink);34async function OnSearch(ifscCode) {35 bankDetailsCard.classList.remove("show");36 bankDetailsCard.classList.add("hide");37 if (ifscCode.length === 0) return;38 await getIfscCodeDetails(ifscCode);39}40async function getIfscCodeDetails(ifscCode) {41 await fetch(`https:/​/​​${ifscCode}`)42 .then((response) => {43 if (response.ok) {44 return response.json();45 } else {46 throw new Error(47 `Request failed with StatusCode: ${response.status} and StatusText: ${response.statusText} at ${}`48 );49 }50 })51 .then((data) => {52 bankDetailsCard.classList.remove("hide");53 bankNameField.innerHTML = data.BANK;54 branchNameField.innerHTML = data.BRANCH;55 centreField.innerHTML = data.CENTRE;56 stateField.innerHTML = data.STATE;57 cityField.innerHTML = data.CITY;58 districtField.innerHTML = data.DISTRICT;59 addressField.innerHTML = data.ADDRESS;60 contactField.innerHTML = data.CONTACT;61 bankCodeField.innerHTML = data.BANKCODE;62 rtgsField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.RTGS);63 upiField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.UPI);64 neftField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.NEFT);65 impsField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.IMPS);66 micrField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.MICR);67 swiftField.innerHTML = humanizeBoolean(data.SWIFT);68 bankDetailsCard.classList.add("show");69 updateUrlWithIfscCode(ifscCode);70 getBankLogo(data.BANK);71 })72 .catch((err) => {73 console.error(err);74 updateUrlWithIfscCode();75 });76}77function getBankLogo(bankName) {78 fetch(79 `https:/​/​​v1/​companies/​suggest?query=${bankName}`80 )81 .then((response) => {82 if (response.ok) {83 return response.json();84 } else {85 throw new Error(86 `Request failed with StatusCode: ${response.status} and StatusText: ${response.statusText} at ${}`87 );88 }89 })90 .then((data) => {91 if (data && data.length > 0) {92 bankLogo.src = data[0].logo;93 }94 })95 .catch((err) => {96 console.error(err);97 });98}99function humanizeBoolean(value) {100 return value ? "Yes" : "No";101}102function updateUrlWithIfscCode(ifscCode) {103 try {104 let nextUrl = "";105 if (ifscCode) nextUrl = `${window.location.pathname}?code=${ifscCode}`;106 else nextUrl = `${window.location.pathname}`;107 const nextTitle = "My new page title";108 const nextState = { additionalInformation: "Updated the URL with JS" };109 /​/​ This will create a new entry in the browser's history, without reloading110 window.history.pushState(nextState, nextTitle, nextUrl);111 /​/​ This will replace the current entry in the browser's history, without reloading112 window.history.replaceState(nextState, nextTitle, nextUrl);113 } catch (err) {114 console.error(err);115 }116}117async function shareLink() {118 try {119 /​/​build share text120 const text = `IFSC Code belongs to ${bankNameField.innerHTML}, ${branchNameField.innerHTML}, click on the link for more details`;121 /​/​build share data object, pass the current page url122 let shareData = {123 title: "IFSC Code Details Finder",124 text: text,125 url: window.location.href,126 };127 /​/​check if navigator.canShare is supported128 /​/​if its supported, then send the share data object129 if (!navigator.canShare) {130 throw new Error(`navigator.canShare() not supported`);131 } else if (navigator.canShare(shareData)) {132 await navigator.share(shareData);133 } else {134 throw new Error(`Specified data cannot be shared`);135 }136 } catch (err) {137 console.error(err);138 }...

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Source: delete_wordles.js Github


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1"use strict";2/​* global inverted_wordles, aria */​3/​**4 * Bind event listeners for "Delete a wordle" buttons in the given container. It is the caller's5 * responsibility to ensure this function is called only once on each newly generated block of markup.6 * Currently, this function is called in two cases:7 * 1. At the page load when all wordles are rendered;8 * 2. When a new wordle is created and added to the wordle list.9 * @param {DOMElement} containerElm - The DOM element of the holding container to find delete buttons.10 * @param {Object} options - The value of inverted_wordles.manage.globalOptions.11 */​12inverted_wordles.manage.bindDeleteEvents = function (containerElm, options) {13 const delButtons = containerElm.querySelectorAll(options.selectors.deleteButton);14 for (let i = 0; i < delButtons.length; i++) {15 const currentButton = delButtons[i];16 if (!currentButton.disabled) {17 /​/​ Open the delete confirmation dialog18 currentButton.addEventListener("click", evt => {19 aria.openDialog(options.deleteDialogId,, options.deleteCancelId);20 const deleteDialog = document.getElementById(options.deleteDialogId);21 /​/​ set the aria-controls attribute to the id of the wordle row that will be deleted22 const wordleRowId = inverted_wordles.manage.getNameWithSharedSuffix(, options.deleteButtonIdPrefix, options.wordleRowIdPrefix);23 deleteDialog.querySelector(options.selectors.deleteConfirm).setAttribute("aria-controls", wordleRowId);24 /​/​ set the branch name to the delete confirmation dialog for the future retrival when the deletion is confirmed25 deleteDialog.querySelector("input[name='" + options.branchNameField + "']").value = currentButton.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector("input[name='" + options.branchNameField + "']").value;26 });27 }28 };29};30/​**31 * Delete a wordle.32 * @param {DOMElement} closeButton - The DOM element of the close button.33 * @param {Object} options - The value of inverted_wordles.manage.globalOptions.34 */​35inverted_wordles.manage.deleteClicked = function (closeButton, options) {36 /​/​ find out the branch to be deleted37 const branchName = closeButton.parentElement.querySelector("input[name='" + options.branchNameField + "']").value;38 /​/​ close the confirmation dialog39 aria.closeDialog(closeButton);40 /​/​ Find the row with the current branch name41 const rowElm = inverted_wordles.manage.findWordleRowByBranchName(options.selectors.wordlesArea, branchName);42 /​/​ Find the status element for reporting errors when occuring43 const oneStatusElm = rowElm.querySelector(options.selectors.oneStatus);44 /​/​ delete the branch45 fetch("/​api/​delete_wordle/​" + branchName, {46 method: "DELETE"47 }).then(response => {48 /​/​ Javascript fetch function does not reject when the status code is between 400 to 600.49 /​/​ This range of status code needs to be handled specifically in the success block.50 /​/​ See https:/​/​​whatwg/​fetch/​issues/​1851 if (response.status >= 400 && response.status < 600) {52 response.json().then(res => {53 inverted_wordles.manage.reportStatus("*FAILED: Sorry the question failed to delete. Error: " + res.error + "*", oneStatusElm, true);54 });55 } else {56 /​/​ Remove the wordle from the wordle list57 rowElm.remove();58 }59 }, error => {60 error.json().then(err => {61 inverted_wordles.manage.reportStatus("*FAILED: Sorry the question failed to delete. Error: " + err.error + "*", oneStatusElm, true);62 });63 });...

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Source: branches.js Github


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1/​*2 * ----- Dependencies3 */​4const { debounce } = lodash;5/​*6 * ----- Hide the tag panel7 */​8wp.domReady( function () {9 'core/​edit-post').removeEditorPanel( "taxonomy-panel-post_tag" );10} );11/​*12 * ----- Broadcast whenever Gutenberg's editor mode is changed13 *14 * The first occurence of this event is basically used as an indirect measure of determining15 * when Gutenberg has loaded. A lot of the code that follows in this file relies on this event.16 *17 */​ function () {19 let currentEditorMode = null20 /​/​ Data store state tree selectors21 let getEditorMode = 'core/​edit-post').getEditorMode;22 return function () {23 let newEditorMode = getEditorMode();24 if ( newEditorMode === currentEditorMode )25 return;26 wp.hooks.doAction( "gutenberg-editor-mode-change", { editorMode: newEditorMode } );27 currentEditorMode = newEditorMode;28 };29}() );30/​*31 * ----- Make the post title non-editable32 *33 * This has to be done every time the editor mode is changed34 * (i.e. between "visual" and "code/​text")35 *36 */​37function disablePostTitleFromBeingEdited () {38 jQuery( ".editor-post-title" ).find( "textarea" )39 .prop( "disabled", true )40 .attr( "placeholder", "" )41 .val( null )42}43disablePostTitleFromBeingEdited();44wp.hooks.addAction( "gutenberg-editor-mode-change", "disable_post_title_from_being_edited", debounce( disablePostTitleFromBeingEdited, 750, { trailing: true } ) );45/​*46 * ----- Dynamically set the post title based on data entered into the custom (ACF) fields47 */​48let branchName = "";49let branchRegion = "";50function setPostTitle () {51 let postTitle = ""52 if ( branchName.trim() ) {53 postTitle = branchName.trim();54 if ( branchRegion.trim() )55 postTitle = postTitle + ", " + branchRegion.trim().toUpperCase();56 }57 jQuery( ".editor-post-title" ).find( "textarea" )58 .val( "" )59 .attr( "placeholder", postTitle )60}61wp.hooks.addAction( "gutenberg-editor-mode-change", "set_post_title", debounce( setPostTitle, 750, { trailing: true } ) );62wp.hooks.addAction( "gutenberg-editor-mode-change", "when_on_visual_mode", debounce( function ( { editorMode } ) {63 if ( editorMode !== "visual" )64 return;65 wp.hooks.removeAction( "gutenberg-editor-mode-change", "when_on_visual_mode" );66 wp.hooks.addAction( "acf-fields-mount", "dynamically_update_post_title_based_on_user_input", function () {67 let branchNameField = acf.getFields( { name: "branch_name" } )[ 0 ];68 let branchRegionField = acf.getFields( { name: "region" } )[ 0 ];69 branchNameField.on( "input", onFieldEditEventHandler );70 branchRegionField.on( "change", onFieldEditEventHandler );71 function onFieldEditEventHandler ( event ) {72 branchName = branchNameField.val();73 branchRegion = branchRegionField.val();74 setPostTitle( branchName, branchRegion );75 }76 onFieldEditEventHandler();77 } );78 /​*79 * ----- When ACF mounts all the custom fields, trigger an event80 */​81 /​/​ This is a hacky approach that essentially polls the DOM (via ACF's `getFields` function)82 /​/​ until a non-empty value is returned83 function observeWhenACFFieldsLoad () {84 if ( acf.getFields().length )85 wp.hooks.doAction( "acf-fields-mount", { } );86 else87 setTimeout( observeWhenACFFieldsLoad, 100 );88 }89 observeWhenACFFieldsLoad();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import argosSdk from 'argos-sdk';2const { BranchNameField } = argosSdk;3import { BranchNameField } from 'argos-sdk';4import { connect } from 'react-redux';5import { withRouter } from 'react-router';6import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';7import { withI18n } from '@lingui/​react';8import { compose } from 'ramda';9import { BranchNameField } from 'argos-sdk';10import { getEntry, saveEntry } from '../​../​actions/​entries';11import { getEntry as getEntrySelector } from

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 var __class = declare('test', [_DetailBase], {5 BranchNameField: function () {6 return this.fields.BranchName;7 },8 });9 lang.setObject('icboe.Views.Test', __class);10 return __class;11});12define('test', [13], function(14) {15 var __class = declare('test', [_DetailBase], {16 BranchNameField: function () {17 return this.fields.BranchName;18 },19 });20 lang.setObject('icboe.Views.Test', __class);21 return __class;22});23define('test', [24], function(25) {26 var __class = declare('test', [_DetailBase], {27 BranchNameField: function () {28 return this.fields.BranchName;29 },30 });31 lang.setObject('icboe.Views.Test', __class);32 return __class;33});34define('test', [35], function(36) {37 var __class = declare('test', [_DetailBase], {38 BranchNameField: function () {39 return this.fields.BranchName;40 },41 });42 lang.setObject('icboe.Views.Test', __class);43 return __class;44});45define('test', [46], function(47) {48 var __class = declare('test', [_DetailBase], {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1define('test', [2], function(3) {4 var field = new BranchNameField();5 var value = field.formatValue('1234');6 console.log(value);7});8define('argos-sdk/​Fields/​BranchNameField', [9], function(10) {11 var __class = declare('argos.Fields.BranchNameField', null, {12 formatValue: function(value) {13 return lang.replace("Branch Name: {0}", [value]);14 }15 });16 lang.setObject('Sage.Platform.Mobile.Fields.BranchNameField', __class);17 return __class;18});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require('argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField');2var branchNameField = new argos.Fields.BranchNameField();3branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');4var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();5console.log(branchName);6define('test', ['argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField'], function(BranchNameField) {7 var branchNameField = new BranchNameField();8 branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');9 var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();10 console.log(branchName);11});12define('test', ['argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField'], function(BranchNameField) {13 var branchNameField = new BranchNameField();14 branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');15 var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();16 console.log(branchName);17});18define('test', ['argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField'], function(BranchNameField) {19 var branchNameField = new BranchNameField();20 branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');21 var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();22 console.log(branchName);23});24define('test', ['argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField'], function(BranchNameField) {25 var branchNameField = new BranchNameField();26 branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');27 var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();28 console.log(branchName);29});30define('test', ['argos-saleslogix/​Fields/​BranchNameField'], function(BranchNameField) {31 var branchNameField = new BranchNameField();32 branchNameField.setValue('MyBranchName');33 var branchName = branchNameField.getValue();

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