How to use verifyApplicationPlatform method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

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...842 if (this.opts.autoLaunch === false) {843 return;844 }845 try {846 await verifyApplicationPlatform(, this.isSimulator());847 } catch (err) {848 // TODO: Let it throw after we confirm the architecture verification algorithm is stable849 log.warn(`*********************************`);850 log.warn(`${this.isSimulator() ? 'Simulator' : 'Real device'} architecture appears to be unsupported ` +851 `by the '${}' application. ` +852 `Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.`);853 log.warn('Don\'t be surprised if the application fails to launch.');854 log.warn(`*********************************`);855 }856 if (this.isRealDevice()) {857 await installToRealDevice(this.opts.device,, this.opts.bundleId, this.opts.noReset);858 } else {859 await installToSimulator(this.opts.device,, this.opts.bundleId, this.opts.noReset);860 }...

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Source:utils.js Github


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1import B from 'bluebird';2import { utilities } from 'appium-ios-device';3import { fs, util, net, plist } from 'appium-support';4import path from 'path';5import { utils as iosUtils } from 'appium-ios-driver';6import { exec } from 'teen_process';7import xcode from 'appium-xcode';8import _ from 'lodash';9import log from './logger';10import iosGenericSimulators from './ios-generic-simulators';11import url from 'url';12import os from 'os';13import semver from 'semver';14const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY = 'default';15const XCTEST_LOG_FILES_PATTERNS = [16 /^Session-WebDriverAgentRunner.*\.log$/i,17 /^StandardOutputAndStandardError\.txt$/i,18];19const XCTEST_LOGS_CACHE_FOLDER_PREFIX = '';20async function detectUdid () {21 log.debug('Auto-detecting real device udid...');22 const udids = await utilities.getConnectedDevices();23 if (_.isEmpty(udids)) {24 throw new Error('No device is connected to the host');25 }26 const udid = _.last(udids);27 if (udids.length > 1) {28 log.warn(`Multiple devices found: ${udids.join(', ')}`);29 log.warn(`Choosing '${udid}'. If this is wrong, manually set with 'udid' desired capability`);30 }31 log.debug(`Detected real device udid: '${udid}'`);32 return udid;33}34async function getAndCheckXcodeVersion () {35 let version;36 try {37 version = await xcode.getVersion(true);38 } catch (err) {39 log.debug(err);40 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine Xcode version: ${err.message}`);41 }42 // we do not support Xcodes < 7.3,43 if (version.versionFloat < 7.3) {44 log.errorAndThrow(`Xcode version '${version.versionString}'. Support for ` +45 `Xcode ${version.versionString} is not supported. ` +46 `Please upgrade to version 7.3 or higher`);47 }48 return version;49}50async function getAndCheckIosSdkVersion () {51 try {52 return await xcode.getMaxIOSSDK();53 } catch (err) {54 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine iOS SDK version: ${err.message}`);55 }56}57/**58 * Get the generic simulator for a given IOS version and device type (iPhone, iPad)59 *60 * @param {string|number} platformVersion IOS version. e.g.) 13.061 * @param {string} deviceName Type of IOS device. Can be iPhone, iPad (possibly more in the future)62 *63 * @returns {string} Generic iPhone or iPad simulator (if applicable)64 */65function getGenericSimulatorForIosVersion (platformVersion, deviceName) {66 let genericSimulators = iosGenericSimulators[deviceName];67 if (genericSimulators) {68 genericSimulators = genericSimulators.sort(([simOne], [simTwo]) => util.compareVersions(simOne, '<', simTwo) ? -1 : 1);69 // Find the highest iOS version in the list that is below the provided version70 let genericIosSimulator;71 for (const [platformVersionFromList, iosSimulator] of genericSimulators) {72 if (util.compareVersions(platformVersionFromList, '>', platformVersion)) {73 break;74 }75 genericIosSimulator = iosSimulator;76 }77 return genericIosSimulator;78 }79}80function translateDeviceName (platformVersion, deviceName = '') {81 const deviceNameTranslated = getGenericSimulatorForIosVersion(platformVersion, deviceName.toLowerCase().trim());82 if (deviceNameTranslated) {83 log.debug(`Changing deviceName from '${deviceName}' to '${deviceNameTranslated}'`);84 return deviceNameTranslated;85 }86 return deviceName;87}88// This map contains derived data logs folders as keys89// and values are the count of times the particular90// folder has been scheduled for removal91const derivedDataCleanupMarkers = new Map();92async function markSystemFilesForCleanup (wda) {93 if (!wda || !await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath()) {94 log.warn('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to mark system files for cleanup');95 return;96 }97 const logsRoot = path.resolve(await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath(), 'Logs');98 let markersCount = 0;99 if (derivedDataCleanupMarkers.has(logsRoot)) {100 markersCount = derivedDataCleanupMarkers.get(logsRoot);101 }102 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, ++markersCount);103}104async function clearSystemFiles (wda) {105 // only want to clear the system files for the particular WDA xcode run106 if (!wda || !await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath()) {107 log.warn('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to clear system files');108 return;109 }110 const logsRoot = path.resolve(await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath(), 'Logs');111 if (derivedDataCleanupMarkers.has(logsRoot)) {112 let markersCount = derivedDataCleanupMarkers.get(logsRoot);113 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, --markersCount);114 if (markersCount > 0) {115`Not cleaning '${logsRoot}' folder, because the other session does not expect it to be cleaned`);116 return;117 }118 }119 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, 0);120 // Cleaning up big temporary files created by XCTest: const globPattern = `${os.tmpdir()}/${XCTEST_LOGS_CACHE_FOLDER_PREFIX}*/`;122 const dstFolders = await fs.glob(globPattern);123 if (_.isEmpty(dstFolders)) {124 log.debug(`Did not find the temporary XCTest logs root at '${globPattern}'`);125 } else {126 // perform the cleanup asynchronously127 for (const dstFolder of dstFolders) {128 let scheduledFilesCount = 0;129 B.resolve(fs.walkDir(dstFolder, true, (itemPath, isDir) => {130 if (isDir) {131 return;132 }133 const fileName = path.basename(itemPath);134 if (!XCTEST_LOG_FILES_PATTERNS.some((p) => p.test(fileName))) {135 return;136 }137 // delete the file asynchronously138 fs.unlink(itemPath).catch((e) => {139;140 });141 scheduledFilesCount++;142 })).finally(() => {143 if (scheduledFilesCount > 0) {144`Scheduled ${scheduledFilesCount} temporary XCTest log ` +145 `${util.pluralize('file', scheduledFilesCount)} for cleanup in '${dstFolder}'`);146 }147 }).catch((e) => {148;149 });150 }151 log.debug(`Started background XCTest logs cleanup in '${dstFolders}'`);152 }153 if (await fs.exists(logsRoot)) {154`Cleaning test logs in '${logsRoot}' folder`);155 await iosUtils.clearLogs([logsRoot]);156 return;157 }158`There is no ${logsRoot} folder, so not cleaning files`);159}160async function checkAppPresent (app) {161 log.debug(`Checking whether app '${app}' is actually present on file system`);162 if (!(await fs.exists(app))) {163 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find app at '${app}'`);164 }165 log.debug('App is present');166}167async function getDriverInfo () {168 const stat = await fs.stat(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));169 const built = stat.mtime.getTime();170 // get the package.json and the version from it171 const pkg = require(__filename.includes('build/lib/utils') ? '../../package.json' : '../package.json');172 const version = pkg.version;173 return {174 built,175 version,176 };177}178function normalizeCommandTimeouts (value) {179 // The value is normalized already180 if (typeof value !== 'string') {181 return value;182 }183 let result = {};184 // Use as default timeout for all commands if a single integer value is provided185 if (!isNaN(value)) {186 result[DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY] = _.toInteger(value);187 return result;188 }189 // JSON object has been provided. Let's parse it190 try {191 result = JSON.parse(value);192 if (!_.isPlainObject(result)) {193 throw new Error();194 }195 } catch (err) {196 log.errorAndThrow(`"commandTimeouts" capability should be a valid JSON object. "${value}" was given instead`);197 }198 for (let [cmd, timeout] of _.toPairs(result)) {199 if (!_.isInteger(timeout) || timeout <= 0) {200 log.errorAndThrow(`The timeout for "${cmd}" should be a valid natural number of milliseconds. "${timeout}" was given instead`);201 }202 }203 return result;204}205async function printUser () {206 try {207 let {stdout} = await exec('whoami');208 log.debug(`Current user: '${stdout.trim()}'`);209 } catch (err) {210 log.debug(`Unable to get username running server: ${err.message}`);211 }212}213/**214 * Get the IDs of processes listening on the particular system port.215 * It is also possible to apply additional filtering based on the216 * process command line.217 *218 * @param {string|number} port - The port number.219 * @param {?Function} filteringFunc - Optional lambda function, which220 * receives command line string of the particular process221 * listening on given port, and is expected to return222 * either true or false to include/exclude the corresponding PID223 * from the resulting array.224 * @returns {Array<string>} - the list of matched process ids.225 */226async function getPIDsListeningOnPort (port, filteringFunc = null) {227 const result = [];228 try {229 // This only works since Mac OS X El Capitan230 const {stdout} = await exec('lsof', ['-ti', `tcp:${port}`]);231 result.push(...(stdout.trim().split(/\n+/)));232 } catch (e) {233 return result;234 }235 if (!_.isFunction(filteringFunc)) {236 return result;237 }238 return await B.filter(result, async (x) => {239 const {stdout} = await exec('ps', ['-p', x, '-o', 'command']);240 return await filteringFunc(stdout);241 });242}243/**244 * @typedef {Object} UploadOptions245 *246 * @property {?string} user - The name of the user for the remote authentication. Only works if `remotePath` is provided.247 * @property {?string} pass - The password for the remote authentication. Only works if `remotePath` is provided.248 * @property {?string} method - The http multipart upload method name. The 'PUT' one is used by default.249 * Only works if `remotePath` is provided.250 * @property {?Object} headers - Additional headers mapping for multipart http(s) uploads251 * @property {?string} fileFieldName [file] - The name of the form field, where the file content BLOB should be stored for252 * http(s) uploads253 * @property {?Object|Array<Pair>} formFields - Additional form fields for multipart http(s) uploads254 */255/**256 * Encodes the given local file to base64 and returns the resulting string257 * or uploads it to a remote server using http/https or ftp protocols258 * if `remotePath` is set259 *260 * @param {string} localPath - The path to an existing local file261 * @param {?string} remotePath - The path to the remote location, where262 * this file should be uploaded263 * @param {?UploadOptions} uploadOptions - Set of upload options264 * @returns {string} Either an empty string if the upload was successful or265 * base64-encoded file representation if `remotePath` is falsy266 */267async function encodeBase64OrUpload (localPath, remotePath = null, uploadOptions = {}) {268 if (!await fs.exists(localPath)) {269 log.errorAndThrow(`The file at '${localPath}' does not exist or is not accessible`);270 }271 if (_.isEmpty(remotePath)) {272 const {size} = await fs.stat(localPath);273 log.debug(`The size of the file is ${util.toReadableSizeString(size)}`);274 return (await util.toInMemoryBase64(localPath)).toString();275 }276 const {user, pass, method, headers, fileFieldName, formFields} = uploadOptions;277 const options = {278 method: method || 'PUT',279 headers,280 fileFieldName,281 formFields,282 };283 if (user && pass) {284 options.auth = {user, pass};285 }286 await net.uploadFile(localPath, remotePath, options);287 return '';288}289/**290 * Stops and removes all web socket handlers that are listening291 * in scope of the currect session.292 *293 * @param {Object} server - The instance of NodeJs HTTP server,294 * which hosts Appium295 * @param {string} sessionId - The id of the current session296 */297async function removeAllSessionWebSocketHandlers (server, sessionId) {298 if (!server || !_.isFunction(server.getWebSocketHandlers)) {299 return;300 }301 const activeHandlers = await server.getWebSocketHandlers(sessionId);302 for (const pathname of _.keys(activeHandlers)) {303 await server.removeWebSocketHandler(pathname);304 }305}306/**307 * @typedef {Object} PlatformOpts308 *309 * @property {boolean} isSimulator - Whether the destination platform is a Simulator310 * @property {boolean} isTvOS - Whether the destination platform is a Simulator311 */312/**313 * Verify whether the given application is compatible to the314 * platform where it is going to be installed and tested.315 *316 * @param {string} app - The actual path to the application bundle317 * @param {PlatformOpts} expectedPlatform318 * @throws {Error} If bundle architecture does not match the expected device architecture.319 */320async function verifyApplicationPlatform (app, expectedPlatform) {321 log.debug('Verifying application platform');322 const infoPlist = path.resolve(app, 'Info.plist');323 if (!await fs.exists(infoPlist)) {324 log.debug(`'${infoPlist}' does not exist`);325 return;326 }327 const {CFBundleSupportedPlatforms} = await plist.parsePlistFile(infoPlist);328 log.debug(`CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ${JSON.stringify(CFBundleSupportedPlatforms)}`);329 if (!_.isArray(CFBundleSupportedPlatforms)) {330 log.debug(`CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key does not exist in '${infoPlist}'`);331 return;332 }333 const {334 isSimulator,335 isTvOS,336 } = expectedPlatform;337 const prefix = isTvOS ? 'AppleTV' : 'iPhone';338 const suffix = isSimulator ? 'Simulator' : 'OS';339 const dstPlatform = `${prefix}${suffix}`;340 if (!CFBundleSupportedPlatforms.includes(dstPlatform)) {341 throw new Error(`${isSimulator ? 'Simulator' : 'Real device'} architecture is unsupported by the '${app}' application. ` +342 `Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.`);343 }344}345/**346 * Returns true if the urlString is localhost347 * @param {?string} urlString348 * @returns {boolean} Return true if the urlString is localhost349 */350function isLocalHost (urlString) {351 try {352 const {hostname} = url.parse(urlString);353 return ['localhost', '', '::1', '::ffff:'].includes(hostname);354 } catch (ign) {355 log.warn(`'${urlString}' cannot be parsed as a valid URL`);356 }357 return false;358}359/**360 * Normalizes platformVersion to a valid iOS version string361 *362 * @param {string} originalVersion - Loose version number, that can be parsed by semver363 * @return {string} iOS version number in <major>.<minor> format364 * @throws {Error} if the version number cannot be parsed365 */366function normalizePlatformVersion (originalVersion) {367 const normalizedVersion = semver.coerce(originalVersion);368 if (!normalizedVersion) {369 throw new Error(`The platform version '${originalVersion}' should be a valid version number`);370 }371 return `${normalizedVersion.major}.${normalizedVersion.minor}`;372}373export { detectUdid, getAndCheckXcodeVersion, getAndCheckIosSdkVersion, getGenericSimulatorForIosVersion,374 checkAppPresent, getDriverInfo,375 clearSystemFiles, translateDeviceName, normalizeCommandTimeouts,376 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY, markSystemFilesForCleanup, printUser,377 getPIDsListeningOnPort, encodeBase64OrUpload, removeAllSessionWebSocketHandlers,...

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Source:app-utils.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import { plist, fs, util } from '@appium/support';4import log from './logger.js';5const STRINGSDICT_RESOURCE = '.stringsdict';6const STRINGS_RESOURCE = '.strings';7async function extractPlistEntry (app, entryName) {8 const plistPath = path.resolve(app, 'Info.plist');9 try {10 return (await plist.parsePlistFile(plistPath))[entryName];11 } catch (err) {12 throw new Error(`Could not extract Info.plist from '${path.basename(app)}': ${err.message}`);13 }14}15async function extractBundleId (app) {16 const bundleId = await extractPlistEntry(app, 'CFBundleIdentifier');17 log.debug(`Getting bundle ID from app '${app}': '${bundleId}'`);18 return bundleId;19}20/**21 * @typedef {Object} PlatformOpts22 *23 * @property {boolean} isSimulator - Whether the destination platform is a Simulator24 * @property {boolean} isTvOS - Whether the destination platform is a Simulator25 */26/**27 * Verify whether the given application is compatible to the28 * platform where it is going to be installed and tested.29 *30 * @param {string} app - The actual path to the application bundle31 * @param {PlatformOpts} expectedPlatform32 * @throws {Error} If bundle architecture does not match the expected device architecture.33 */34async function verifyApplicationPlatform (app, expectedPlatform) {35 log.debug('Verifying application platform');36 let supportedPlatforms;37 try {38 supportedPlatforms = await extractPlistEntry(app, 'CFBundleSupportedPlatforms');39 } catch (err) {40 log.debug(err.message);41 return;42 }43 log.debug(`CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ${JSON.stringify(supportedPlatforms)}`);44 if (!_.isArray(supportedPlatforms)) {45 log.debug(`CFBundleSupportedPlatforms key does not exist in '${path.basename(app)}'`);46 return;47 }48 const {49 isSimulator,50 isTvOS,51 } = expectedPlatform;52 const prefix = isTvOS ? 'AppleTV' : 'iPhone';53 const suffix = isSimulator ? 'Simulator' : 'OS';54 const dstPlatform = `${prefix}${suffix}`;55 if (!supportedPlatforms.includes(dstPlatform)) {56 throw new Error(`${isSimulator ? 'Simulator' : 'Real device'} architecture is unsupported by the '${app}' application. ` +57 `Make sure the correct deployment target has been selected for its compilation in Xcode.`);58 }59}60async function readResource (resourcePath) {61 const data = await plist.parsePlistFile(resourcePath);62 const result = {};63 for (const [key, value] of _.toPairs(data)) {64 result[key] = _.isString(value) ? value : JSON.stringify(value);65 }66 return result;67}68async function parseLocalizableStrings (opts) {69 const {70 app,71 language = 'en',72 localizableStringsDir,73 stringFile,74 strictMode,75 } = opts;76 if (!app) {77 const message = `Strings extraction is not supported if 'app' capability is not set`;78 if (strictMode) {79 throw new Error(message);80 }81;82 return {};83 }84 let lprojRoot;85 for (const subfolder of [`${language}.lproj`, localizableStringsDir, '']) {86 lprojRoot = path.resolve(app, subfolder);87 if (await fs.exists(lprojRoot)) {88 break;89 }90 const message = `No '${lprojRoot}' resources folder has been found`;91 if (strictMode) {92 throw new Error(message);93 }94 log.debug(message);95 }96`Will extract resource strings from '${lprojRoot}'`);97 const resourcePaths = [];98 if (stringFile) {99 const dstPath = path.resolve(lprojRoot, stringFile);100 if (await fs.exists(dstPath)) {101 resourcePaths.push(dstPath);102 } else {103 const message = `No '${dstPath}' resource file has been found for '${app}'`;104 if (strictMode) {105 throw new Error(message);106 }107;108`Getting all the available strings from '${lprojRoot}'`);109 }110 }111 if (_.isEmpty(resourcePaths) && await fs.exists(lprojRoot)) {112 const resourceFiles = (await fs.readdir(lprojRoot))113 .filter((name) => _.some([STRINGS_RESOURCE, STRINGSDICT_RESOURCE], (x) => name.endsWith(x)))114 .map((name) => path.resolve(lprojRoot, name));115 resourcePaths.push(...resourceFiles);116 }117`Got ${resourcePaths.length} resource file(s) in '${lprojRoot}'`);118 if (_.isEmpty(resourcePaths)) {119 return {};120 }121 const resultStrings = {};122 const toAbsolutePath = function (p) {123 return path.isAbsolute(p) ? p : path.resolve(process.cwd(), p);124 };125 for (const resourcePath of resourcePaths) {126 if (!util.isSubPath(toAbsolutePath(resourcePath), toAbsolutePath(app))) {127 // security precaution128 throw new Error(`'${resourcePath}' is expected to be located under '${app}'`);129 }130 try {131 const data = await readResource(resourcePath);132 log.debug(`Parsed ${_.keys(data).length} string(s) from '${resourcePath}'`);133 _.merge(resultStrings, data);134 } catch (e) {135 log.warn(`Cannot parse '${resourcePath}' resource. Original error: ${e.message}`);136 }137 }138`Got ${_.keys(resultStrings).length} string(s) from '${lprojRoot}'`);139 return resultStrings;140}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3driver.init({4}).then(async () => {5 const xcuitestDriver = new XCUITestDriver({server: driver.server});6 const isAppInstalled = await xcuitestDriver.verifyApplicationPlatform();7 console.log(isAppInstalled);8});9const wd = require('wd');10const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');11driver.init({12}).then(async () => {13 const xcuitestDriver = new XCUITestDriver({server: driver.server});14 const isAppInstalled = await xcuitestDriver.verifyApplicationPlatform();15 console.log(isAppInstalled);16});17const wd = require('wd');18const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');19driver.init({20}).then(async () => {21 const xcuitestDriver = new XCUITestDriver({server: driver.server});22 const isAppInstalled = await xcuitestDriver.verifyApplicationPlatform();23 console.log(isAppInstalled);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var caps = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('', 80, 'SAUCE_USERNAME', 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY');6 .init(caps)7 .then(function() {8 return driver.verifyApplicationPlatform();9 })10 .then(function() {11 console.log("Application is installed on the right platform");12 })13 .then(function() {14 return driver.quit();15 })16 .catch(function(err) {17 console.log(err);18 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;2const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();3driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');4const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;5const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();6driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');7const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;8const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();9driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');10const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;11const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();12driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');13const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;14const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();15driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');16const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;17const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();18driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');19const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;20const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();21driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');22const AppiumXcuitestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').default;23const driver = new AppiumXcuitestDriver();24driver.verifyApplicationPlatform('iOS');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require("wd");2var chai = require("chai");3var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5chai.should();6chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;7var desiredCaps = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const {assert} = require('chai');3const {exec} = require('teen_process');4const {fs, tempDir} = require('appium-support');5const {XCUITestDriver} = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');6describe('my tests', function () {7 let driver;8 let caps = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2(async () => {3 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');4 console.log(platform);5})();6const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-android-driver');7(async () => {8 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');9 console.log(platform);10})();11const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-windows-driver');12(async () => {13 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');14 console.log(platform);15})();16const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-mac-driver');17(async () => {18 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');19 console.log(platform);20})();21const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-espresso-driver');22(async () => {23 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');24 console.log(platform);25})();26const {verifyApplicationPlatform} = require('appium-youiengine-driver');27(async () => {28 const platform = await verifyApplicationPlatform('/path/to/your/app');29 console.log(platform);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { verifyApplicationPlatform } from 'appium-ios-driver/build/lib/commands/general';2import { util } from 'appium-support';3import _ from 'lodash';4const PLATFORM_NAME = 'iOS';5const PLATFORM_VERSION = '13.3';6async function test() {7 const platformName = PLATFORM_NAME;8 const platformVersion = PLATFORM_VERSION;9 const app = null;10 const bundleId = null;11 const deviceName = null;12 const isSimulator = true;13 const realDevice = false;14 const opts = {15 };16 const driver = {17 capabilities: {18 },19 };20 const capabilities = {21 };22 ];23 const capabilitiesConstraints = {24 app: {25 },26 bundleId: {27 },28 };29 const result = await verifyApplicationPlatform(driver, capabilities, requiredCaps, capabilitiesConstraints);30 console.log(result);31}32test();33import _ from 'lodash';34import { util } from 'appium-support';35async function verifyApplicationPlatform (driver, caps, requiredCaps, capabilitiesConstraints) {36 const {app, bundleId, deviceName, isSimulator, realDevice} = caps;37 const {platformVersion} = driver.opts;38 const {app: appConstraint, bundleId: bundleIdConstraint} = capabilitiesConstraints;39 const {app: appRequired, bundleId: bundleIdRequired} = requiredCaps;40 const isSafari = app === 'safari' || bundleId === '';41 if (isSafari) {42 return true;43 }44 if (!app && !bundleId) {45 return true;46 }47 if (app) {48 if (appConstraint)

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