Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver
...514 async determineDevice () {515 // in the one case where we create a sim, we will set this state516 this.lifecycleData.createSim = false;517 // if we get generic names, translate them518 this.opts.deviceName = await translateDeviceName(this.xcodeVersion, this.opts.platformVersion, this.opts.deviceName);519 // check for a particular simulator520 if (this.opts.udid && (await simExists(this.opts.udid))) {521 const device = await getSimulator(this.opts.udid);522 return {device, realDevice: false, udid: this.opts.udid};523 }524 if (this.opts.udid) {525 if (this.opts.udid.toLowerCase() === 'auto') {526 try {527 this.opts.udid = await detectUdid();528 } catch (err) {529 // Trying to find matching UDID for Simulator530 log.warn(`Cannot detect any connected real devices. Falling back to Simulator. Original error: ${err.message}`);531 const device = await getExistingSim(this.opts);532 if (!device) {...
1import B from 'bluebird';2import { fs, util } from 'appium-support';3import path from 'path';4import { utils as iosUtils } from 'appium-ios-driver';5import { SubProcess, exec } from 'teen_process';6import xcode from 'appium-xcode';7import _ from 'lodash';8import log from './logger';9const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY = 'default';10async function detectUdid () {11 log.debug('Auto-detecting real device udid...');12 let cmd, args = [];13 try {14 cmd = await fs.which('idevice_id');15 args.push('-l');16 log.debug('Using idevice_id');17 } catch (err) {18 log.debug('Using udidetect');19 cmd = require.resolve('udidetect');20 }21 let udid;22 try {23 let {stdout} = await exec(cmd, args, {timeout: 3000});24 let udids = _.filter(stdout.split('\n'), Boolean);25 udid = _.last(udids);26 if (udids.length > 1) {27 log.warn(`Multiple devices found: ${udids.join(', ')}`);28 log.warn(`Choosing '${udid}'. If this is wrong, manually set with 'udid' desired capability`);29 }30 } catch (err) {31 log.errorAndThrow(`Error detecting udid: ${err.message}`);32 }33 if (!udid || udid.length <= 2) {34 throw new Error('Could not detect udid.');35 }36 log.debug(`Detected real device udid: '${udid}'`);37 return udid;38}39async function getAndCheckXcodeVersion () {40 let version;41 try {42 version = await xcode.getVersion(true);43 } catch (err) {44 log.debug(err);45 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine Xcode version: ${err.message}`);46 }47 if (!version.toolsVersion) {48 try {49 version.toolsVersion = await xcode.getCommandLineToolsVersion();50 } catch (ign) {}51 }52 // we do not support Xcodes < 7.3,53 if (version.versionFloat < 7.3) {54 log.errorAndThrow(`Xcode version '${version.versionString}'. Support for ` +55 `Xcode ${version.versionString} is not supported. ` +56 `Please upgrade to version 7.3 or higher`);57 }58 return version;59}60async function getAndCheckIosSdkVersion () {61 let versionNumber;62 try {63 versionNumber = await xcode.getMaxIOSSDK();64 } catch (err) {65 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not determine iOS SDK version: ${err.message}`);66 }67 return versionNumber;68}69async function translateDeviceName (xcodeVersion, platformVersion, devName = '') {70 let deviceName = devName;71 switch (devName.toLowerCase().trim()) {72 case 'iphone simulator':73 deviceName = 'iPhone 6';74 break;75 case 'ipad simulator':76 // no need to worry about floating point comparison because of the77 // nature of the numbers being compared78 // iPad Retina is no longer available for ios 10.379 // so we pick another iPad to use as default80 deviceName = (parseFloat(platformVersion) < 10.3) ? 'iPad Retina' : 'iPad Air';81 break;82 case 'iphone 8':83 case 'iphone 8 plus':84 case 'iphone x':85 // Xcode 9.0(.0) mis-named the new devices86 if (xcodeVersion.major === 9 &&87 xcodeVersion.minor === 0 &&88 (!util.hasValue(xcodeVersion.patch) || xcodeVersion.patch === 0)) {89 const namesMapping = {90 'iphone 8': 'iPhone2017-A',91 'iphone 8 plus': 'iPhone2017-B',92 'iphone x': 'iPhone2017-C'93 };94 deviceName = namesMapping[devName.toLowerCase().trim()];95 }96 break;97 }98 if (deviceName !== devName) {99 log.debug(`Changing deviceName from '${devName}' to '${deviceName}'`);100 }101 return deviceName;102}103// This map contains derived data attachment folders as keys104// and values are stacks of permssion masks105// It is used to synchronize permissions change106// on shared folders107const derivedDataPermissionsStacks = new Map();108async function adjustWDAAttachmentsPermissions (wda, perms) {109 if (!wda || !await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath()) {110 log.warn('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to set permissions on WDA attachments folder');111 return;112 }113 const attachmentsFolder = path.join(await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath(), 'Logs/Test/Attachments');114 const permsStack = derivedDataPermissionsStacks.get(attachmentsFolder) || [];115 if (permsStack.length) {116 if (_.last(permsStack) === perms) {117 permsStack.push(perms);118`Not changing permissions of '${attachmentsFolder}' to '${perms}', because they were already set by the other session`);119 return;120 }121 if (permsStack.length > 1) {122 permsStack.pop();123`Not changing permissions of '${attachmentsFolder}' to '${perms}', because the other session does not expect them to be changed`);124 return;125 }126 }127 derivedDataPermissionsStacks.set(attachmentsFolder, [perms]);128 if (await fs.exists(attachmentsFolder)) {129`Setting '${perms}' permissions to '${attachmentsFolder}' folder`);130 await fs.chmod(attachmentsFolder, perms);131 return;132 }133`There is no ${attachmentsFolder} folder, so not changing permissions`);134}135// This map contains derived data logs folders as keys136// and values are the count of times the particular137// folder has been scheduled for removal138const derivedDataCleanupMarkers = new Map();139async function markSystemFilesForCleanup (wda) {140 if (!wda || !await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath()) {141 log.warn('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to mark system files for cleanup');142 return;143 }144 const logsRoot = path.resolve(await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath(), 'Logs');145 let markersCount = 0;146 if (derivedDataCleanupMarkers.has(logsRoot)) {147 markersCount = derivedDataCleanupMarkers.get(logsRoot);148 }149 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, ++markersCount);150}151async function clearSystemFiles (wda) {152 // only want to clear the system files for the particular WDA xcode run153 if (!wda || !await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath()) {154 log.warn('No WebDriverAgent derived data available, so unable to clear system files');155 return;156 }157 const logsRoot = path.resolve(await wda.retrieveDerivedDataPath(), 'Logs');158 if (derivedDataCleanupMarkers.has(logsRoot)) {159 let markersCount = derivedDataCleanupMarkers.get(logsRoot);160 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, --markersCount);161 if (markersCount > 0) {162`Not cleaning '${logsRoot}' folder, because the other session does not expect it to be cleaned`);163 return;164 }165 }166 derivedDataCleanupMarkers.set(logsRoot, 0);167 // Cleaning up big temporary files created by XCTest: const cleanupCmd = `find -E /private/var/folders ` +169 `-regex '.*/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner.*\\.log$|.*/StandardOutputAndStandardError\\.txt$' ` +170 `-type f -exec sh -c 'echo "" > "{}"' \\;`;171 const cleanupTask = new SubProcess('bash', ['-c', cleanupCmd], {172 detached: true,173 stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],174 });175 await cleanupTask.start(0);176 // Do not wait for the task to be completed, since it might take a lot of time177 // We keep it running after Appium process is killed178 cleanupTask.proc.unref();179 log.debug(`Started background XCTest logs cleanup: ${cleanupCmd}`);180 if (await fs.exists(logsRoot)) {181`Cleaning test logs in '${logsRoot}' folder`);182 await iosUtils.clearLogs([logsRoot]);183 return;184 }185`There is no ${logsRoot} folder, so not cleaning files`);186}187async function checkAppPresent (app) {188 log.debug(`Checking whether app '${app}' is actually present on file system`);189 if (!(await fs.exists(app))) {190 log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find app at '${app}'`);191 }192 log.debug('App is present');193}194async function getDriverInfo () {195 let stat = await fs.stat(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));196 let built = stat.mtime.getTime();197 // get the package.json and the version from it198 let pkg = require(__filename.indexOf('build/lib/utils') !== -1 ? '../../package.json' : '../package.json');199 let version = pkg.version;200 let info = {201 built,202 version,203 };204 return info;205}206function normalizeCommandTimeouts (value) {207 // The value is normalized already208 if (typeof value !== 'string') {209 return value;210 }211 let result = {};212 // Use as default timeout for all commands if a single integer value is provided213 if (!isNaN(value)) {214 result[DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY] = _.toInteger(value);215 return result;216 }217 // JSON object has been provided. Let's parse it218 try {219 result = JSON.parse(value);220 if (!_.isPlainObject(result)) {221 throw new Error();222 }223 } catch (err) {224 log.errorAndThrow(`"commandTimeouts" capability should be a valid JSON object. "${value}" was given instead`);225 }226 for (let [cmd, timeout] of _.toPairs(result)) {227 if (!_.isInteger(timeout) || timeout <= 0) {228 log.errorAndThrow(`The timeout for "${cmd}" should be a valid natural number of milliseconds. "${timeout}" was given instead`);229 }230 }231 return result;232}233/**234 * Get the process id of the most recent running application235 * having the particular command line pattern.236 *237 * @param {string} pgrepPattern - pgrep-compatible search pattern.238 * @return {string} Either a process id or null if no matches were found.239 */240async function getPidUsingPattern (pgrepPattern) {241 const args = ['-nif', pgrepPattern];242 try {243 const {stdout} = await exec('pgrep', args);244 const pid = parseInt(stdout, 10);245 if (isNaN(pid)) {246 log.debug(`Cannot parse process id from 'pgrep ${args.join(' ')}' output: ${stdout}`);247 return null;248 }249 return `${pid}`;250 } catch (err) {251 log.debug(`'pgrep ${args.join(' ')}' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: ${err.code}`);252 return null;253 }254}255/**256 * Kill a process having the particular command line pattern.257 * This method tries to send SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL to the258 * matched processes in this order if the process is still running.259 *260 * @param {string} pgrepPattern - pgrep-compatible search pattern.261 */262async function killAppUsingPattern (pgrepPattern) {263 for (const signal of [2, 15, 9]) {264 if (!await getPidUsingPattern(pgrepPattern)) {265 return;266 }267 const args = [`-${signal}`, '-if', pgrepPattern];268 try {269 await exec('pkill', args);270 } catch (err) {271 log.debug(`pkill ${args.join(' ')} -> ${err.message}`);272 }273 await B.delay(100);274 }275}276/**277 * Kills running XCTest processes for the particular device.278 *279 * @param {string} udid - The device UDID.280 * @param {boolean} isSimulator - Equals to true if the current device is a Simulator281 * @param {object} opts - Additional options mapping. Possible keys are:282 * - {string|number} wdaLocalPort: The number of local port WDA is listening on.283 */284async function resetXCTestProcesses (udid, isSimulator, opts = {}) {285 const processPatterns = [`xcodebuild.*${udid}`];286 if (opts.wdaLocalPort) {287 processPatterns.push(`iproxy ${opts.wdaLocalPort}`);288 } else if (!isSimulator) {289 processPatterns.push(`iproxy.*${udid}`);290 }291 if (isSimulator) {292 processPatterns.push(`${udid}.*XCTRunner`);293 }294 log.debug(`Killing running processes '${processPatterns.join(', ')}' for the device ${udid}...`);295 for (const pgrepPattern of processPatterns) {296 await killAppUsingPattern(pgrepPattern);297 }298}299async function printUser () {300 try {301 let {stdout} = await exec('whoami');302 log.debug(`Current user: '${stdout.trim()}'`);303 } catch (err) {304 log.debug(`Unable to get username running server: ${err.message}`);305 }306}307async function printLibimobiledeviceInfo () {308 try {309 let {stdout} = await exec('brew', ['info', 'libimobiledevice']);310 let match = /libimobiledevice:(.+)/.exec(stdout);311 if (match && match[1]) {312 log.debug(`Current version of libimobiledevice: ${match[1].trim()}`);313 }314 } catch (err) {315 log.debug(`Unable to get version of libimobiledevice: ${err.message}`);316 }317}318/**319 * Get the IDs of processes listening on the particular system port.320 * It is also possible to apply additional filtering based on the321 * process command line.322 *323 * @param {string|number} port - The port number.324 * @param {?Function} filteringFunc - Optional lambda function, which325 * receives command line string of the particular process326 * listening on given port, and is expected to return327 * either true or false to include/exclude the corresponding PID328 * from the resulting array.329 * @returns {Array<string>} - the list of matched process ids.330 */331async function getPIDsListeningOnPort (port, filteringFunc = null) {332 const result = [];333 try {334 // This only works since Mac OS X El Capitan335 const {stdout} = await exec('lsof', ['-ti', `tcp:${port}`]);336 result.push(...(stdout.trim().split(/\n+/)));337 } catch (e) {338 return result;339 }340 if (!_.isFunction(filteringFunc)) {341 return result;342 }343 return await B.filter(result, async (x) => {344 const {stdout} = await exec('ps', ['-p', x, '-o', 'command']);345 return await filteringFunc(stdout);346 });347}348export { detectUdid, getAndCheckXcodeVersion, getAndCheckIosSdkVersion,349 adjustWDAAttachmentsPermissions, checkAppPresent, getDriverInfo,350 clearSystemFiles, translateDeviceName, normalizeCommandTimeouts,351 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_KEY, resetXCTestProcesses, getPidUsingPattern,352 markSystemFilesForCleanup, printUser, printLibimobiledeviceInfo,...
...16const simctl = new Simctl();17async function createDevice () {18 return await simctl.createDevice(19 SIM_DEVICE_NAME,20 translateDeviceName(UICATALOG_SIM_CAPS.platformVersion, UICATALOG_SIM_CAPS.deviceName),21 UICATALOG_SIM_CAPS.platformVersion22 );23}24async function getNumSims () {25 return (await simctl.getDevices())[UICATALOG_SIM_CAPS.platformVersion].length;26}27describe('XCUITestDriver', function () {28 this.timeout(MOCHA_TIMEOUT);29 let baseCaps;30 let caps;31 let driver;32 before(async function () {33 const udid = await createDevice();34 baseCaps = Object.assign({}, UICATALOG_SIM_CAPS, {udid});...
...74 const ipadDeviceName = 'iPad Simulator';75 const iphoneDeviceName = 'iPhone Simulator';76 const outrageouslyHighIosVersion = '999999.999999';77 it('should set the correct iPad simulator generic device', function () {78 let deviceName = translateDeviceName('10.1.2', ipadDeviceName);79 deviceName.should.equal('iPad Retina');80 });81 it('should set the correct iPad simulator generic device for iOS >= 10.3', function () {82 let deviceName = translateDeviceName(10.103, ipadDeviceName);83 deviceName.should.equal('iPad Air');84 deviceName = translateDeviceName('10.3', ipadDeviceName);85 deviceName.should.equal('iPad Air');86 deviceName = translateDeviceName(10.3, ipadDeviceName);87 deviceName.should.equal('iPad Air');88 });89 it('should set the correct iPhone simulator generic device', function () {90 translateDeviceName('0.0', iphoneDeviceName).should.equal('iPhone 6');91 translateDeviceName('10.3', iphoneDeviceName).should.equal('iPhone 6');92 });93 it('should set the correct iPhone simulator generic device for simulators gte iOS 13.0', function () {94 translateDeviceName('13.0', iphoneDeviceName).should.equal('iPhone X');95 });96 it('should set the default iPhone simulator to the highest generic device that is defined in ios-generic-simulators.js', function () {97 // The highest iOS version we define for iPhone in ios-generic-simulators.js is currently iOS 13.098 // If this changes, update this test99 translateDeviceName(outrageouslyHighIosVersion, iphoneDeviceName).should.equal('iPhone X');100 });101 it('should set the default iPad simulator to the lowest generic device that is defined in ios-generic-simulators.js for v0.0', function () {102 // The highest iOS version for iPad we define in ios-generic-simulators.js is currently iOS 10.3103 // If this changes, update this test104 translateDeviceName('0.0', ipadDeviceName).should.equal('iPad Retina');105 });106 it('should set the default iPad simulator to the highest generic device that is defined in ios-generic-simulators.js for iOS < 13', function () {107 // The highest iOS version for iPad we define in ios-generic-simulators.js is currently iOS 10.3108 // If this changes, update this test109 translateDeviceName('12.9', ipadDeviceName).should.equal('iPad Air');110 });111 it('should set the default iPad simulator to the highest generic device that is defined in ios-generic-simulators.js', function () {112 // The highest iOS version for iPad we define in ios-generic-simulators.js is currently iOS 10.3113 // If this changes, update this test114 translateDeviceName(outrageouslyHighIosVersion, ipadDeviceName).should.equal('iPad (5th generation)');115 });116 });117 describe('isLocalHost', function () {118 it('should be false with invalid input, undefined', function () {119 isLocalHost(undefined);120 });121 it('should be false with invalid input, empty', function () {122 isLocalHost('');123 });124 it('should be true with ipv4 localhost', function () {125 isLocalHost('http://localhost');126 });127 it('should be true with ipv4 localhost with port', function () {128 isLocalHost('http://localhost:8888');...
...13 caps = Object.assign({14 usePrebuiltWDA: true,15 wdaStartupRetries: 0,16 }, MULTIPLE_APPS);17 caps.deviceName = translateDeviceName(caps.platformVersion, caps.deviceName);18 });19 afterEach(async function () {20 // try to get rid of the driver, so if a test fails the rest of the21 // tests aren't compromised22 await deleteSession();23 });24 if (!process.env.REAL_DEVICE) {25 it('should start and stop a session', async function () {26 driver = await initSession(caps);27 (await driver.isAppInstalled('io.appium.TestApp')).should.equal(true);28 (await driver.isAppInstalled('')).should.equal(true);29 });30 }31});
...6// TODO: allow passing in all the various build params as CLI args7async function build () {8 const xcodeVersion = await getAndCheckXcodeVersion();9 const iosVersion = await getAndCheckIosSdkVersion();10 const deviceName = translateDeviceName(iosVersion, DEFAULT_SIM_NAME);11 const device = await getExistingSim({12 platformVersion: iosVersion,13 deviceName14 });15 const wda = new WebDriverAgent(xcodeVersion, {16 iosSdkVersion: iosVersion,17 platformVersion: iosVersion,18 showXcodeLog: true,19 device,20 });21 await wda.xcodebuild.start(true);22}23if (require.main === module) {24 asyncify(build);...
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new webdriver.Builder()2 .withCapabilities({3 }).build();4driver.execute('mobile: translateDeviceName', {deviceName: 'iPhone 7', platformVersion: '10.3'})5 .then(function (translatedDeviceName) {6 console.log(translatedDeviceName);7 });8driver.quit();9caps = {10 caps: {11 }12}13driver = 'mobile: translateDeviceName', {deviceName: 'iPhone 7', platformVersion: '10.3'}15puts driver.execute_script 'mobile: translateDeviceName', {deviceName: 'iPhone 7', platformVersion: '10.3'}16from appium import webdriver17caps = {18}19print(driver.execute_script('mobile: translateDeviceName', {'deviceName': 'iPhone 7', 'platformVersion': '10.3'}))20driver.quit()
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new webdriver.Builder()2 .withCapabilities({3 })4 .build();5 .execute('mobile: translateDeviceName', { name: 'iPhone 6' })6 .then(function (translatedName) {7 console.log('translatedName', translatedName);8 });9driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1const driver = new XCUITestDriver();2driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 8');3driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 8 Plus');4driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone X');5async translateDeviceName (deviceName) {6 const udid = await this.opts.device.udid;7 const device = await this.opts.device;8 const platformVersion = await device.getPlatformVersion();9 const resultMapping = await this.opts.device.getDeviceMapping(deviceName, platformVersion);10 if (resultMapping) {11`Got the mapping of '${deviceName}' to '${resultMapping.udid}'`);12 return resultMapping.udid;13 }14`No mapping of '${deviceName}' to device found.`);15 return udid;16}17async getDeviceMapping (deviceName, platformVersion) {18 const udid = await this.opts.device.udid;19 const deviceConfig = await this.getDeviceConfig(deviceName, platformVersion);20 if (deviceConfig) {21 return {22 };23 }24`No device config found for '${deviceName}'`);25 return null;26}27async getDeviceConfig (deviceName, platformVersion) {28 const deviceConfig = await this.getDeviceConfigFromDeviceSet(deviceName, platformVersion);29 if (deviceConfig) {30 return deviceConfig;31 }32`No device config found for '${deviceName}' in the local device set`);33 return null;34}35async getDeviceConfigFromDeviceSet (deviceName,
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new iosDriver();2driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');3driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s Plus');4driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 7');5driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 7 Plus');6driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 8');7driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 8 Plus');8driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone X');9driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone XS');10driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone XS Max');11driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone XR');12driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone SE');13driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 11');14driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 11 Pro');15driver.translateDeviceName('iPhone 11 Pro Max');16var driver = new iosDriver();17driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (9.7-inch)');18driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (10.5-inch)');19driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (12.9-inch)');20driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)');21driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)');22driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (10.5-inch)');23driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (11-inch)');24driver.translateDeviceName('iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation)');
Using AI Code Generation
1var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;3translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');4var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');5var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;6translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');7var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');8var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;9translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');10var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');11var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;12translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');13var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');14var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;15translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');16var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');17var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;18translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');19var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');20var translateDeviceName = xcuitest.translateDeviceName;21translateDeviceName('iPhone 6s');22var xcuitest = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');
Using AI Code Generation
1const xcode = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { translateDeviceName } = xcode;3translateDeviceName('iPhone 6');4translateDeviceName(['iPhone 6']);5translateDeviceName({name: 'iPhone 6'});6translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}]);7translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, {name: 'iPhone 7'}]);8translateDeviceName(['iPhone 6', 'iPhone 7']);9translateDeviceName(['iPhone 6', {name: 'iPhone 7'}]);10translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7']);11translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}]);12translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}, 'iPhone 9']);13translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}, 'iPhone 9', {name: 'iPhone 10'}]);14translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}, 'iPhone 9', {name: 'iPhone 10'}, 'iPhone 11']);15translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}, 'iPhone 9', {name: 'iPhone 10'}, 'iPhone 11', {name: 'iPhone 12'}]);16translateDeviceName([{name: 'iPhone 6'}, 'iPhone 7', {name: 'iPhone 8'}, 'iPhone 9', {name: 'iPhone 10'}, 'iPhone 11', {name: 'iPhone
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