How to use this.remote.executeAtomAsync method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:ios-controller.js Github


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...554 var counter = this.executedAtomsCounter++;555 this.returnedFromExecuteAtom[counter] = false;556 this.processingRemoteCmd = true;557 this.asyncResponseCb = cb;558 this.remote.executeAtomAsync(atom, args, this.curWebFrames, responseUrl, function (err, res) {559 this.processingRemoteCmd = false;560 if (!this.returnedFromExecuteAtom[counter]) {561 this.returnedFromExecuteAtom[counter] = true;562 res = this.parseExecuteResponse(res);563 cb(err, res);564 }565 }.bind(this));566 this.lookForAlert(cb, counter, 0, 5000);567};568iOSController.receiveAsyncResponse = function (asyncResponse) {569 var asyncCb = this.asyncResponseCb;570 //mark returned as true to stop looking for alerts; the js is done.571 this.returnedFromExecuteAtom = true;572 if (asyncCb !== null) {...

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Source:web.js Github


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...258 // save the resolve and reject methods of the promise to be waited for259 let promise = new B((resolve, reject) => {260 this.asyncPromise = {resolve, reject};261 });262 await this.remote.executeAtomAsync(atom, args, this.curWebFrames, responseUrl);263 return await this.waitForAtom(promise);264};265helpers.waitForAtom = async function (promise) {266 // need to check for alert while the atom is being executed.267 // so notify ourselves when it happens268 let done = false;269 let error = null;270 promise.then((res) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-then271 done = true;272 return res;273 })274 .catch((err) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks275 logger.debug(`Error received while executing atom: ${err.message}`);276 // error gets swallowed, so save and check later...

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Source:execute.js Github


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...15 throw new errors.NotImplementedError();16 }17 args = this.convertElementsForAtoms(args);18 this.asyncWaitMs = this.asyncWaitMs || 0;19 const promise = this.remote.executeAtomAsync('execute_async_script', [script, args, this.asyncWaitMs], this.curWebFrames);20 return await this.waitForAtom(promise);21};22// Overrides the 'executeMobile' function defined in appium-ios-driver23extensions.executeMobile = async function executeMobile (mobileCommand, opts = {}) {24 const commandMap = {25 //region gestures support26 scroll: 'mobileScroll',27 swipe: 'mobileSwipe',28 pinch: 'mobilePinch',29 doubleTap: 'mobileDoubleTap',30 twoFingerTap: 'mobileTwoFingerTap',31 touchAndHold: 'mobileTouchAndHold',32 tap: 'mobileTap',33 dragFromToForDuration: 'mobileDragFromToForDuration',...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {remote} = require('webdriverio');2(async () => {3 const browser = await remote({4 capabilities: {5 }6 });7 await browser.executeAtomAsync('get_page_source', [], (result) => {8 console.log(result);9 });10 await browser.deleteSession();11})();12var atom = {};13atom.execute = function() {14 return document.documentElement.outerHTML;15};16module.exports = atom;

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1const {remote} = require('webdriverio');2(async () => {3 const browser = await remote({4 capabilities: {5 }6 })7 console.log(value);8 });9 await browser.deleteSession()10})().catch((e) => console.error(e))11from appium import webdriver12from import WebDriverWait13desired_caps = {}14driver.implicitly_wait(10)15print(value)16driver.quit()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', function() {2 it('should work', function() {3 .executeAtomAsync('mobile: swipe', [{4 }])5 .then(function(res) {6 console.log(res);7 });8 });9});10* Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.9.211* Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): 1.8.112* Node.js version (unless using|exe): v10.13.0

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Using AI Code Generation


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1this.remote.executeAtomAsync('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],2 function(err, res) {3 console.log('err: ', err);4 console.log('res: ', res);5 }6);7this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],8 function(err, res) {9 console.log('err: ', err);10 console.log('res: ', res);11 }12);13this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],14 function(err, res) {15 console.log('err: ', err);16 console.log('res: ', res);17 }18);19this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],20 function(err, res) {21 console.log('err: ', err);22 console.log('res: ', res);23 }24);25this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],26 function(err, res) {27 console.log('err: ', err);28 console.log('res: ', res);29 }30);31this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],32 function(err, res) {33 console.log('err: ', err);34 console.log('res: ', res);35 }36);37this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],38 function(err, res) {39 console.log('err: ', err);40 console.log('res: ', res);41 }42);43this.remote.execute('mobile: scroll', [ { direction: 'down' } ],44 function(err, res) {45 console.log('err: ', err);46 console.log('res: ', res);47 }48);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let result = this.remote.executeAtomAsync('execute_script', ['return document.readyState'], [], (result) => {2 console.log('Result is: ', result);3});4result.then((result) => {5 console.log('Result is: ', result);6});7let result = this.remote.execute('return document.readyState');8result.then((result) => {9 console.log('Result is: ', result);10});11let result = this.remote.execute('return document.readyState');12result.then((result) => {13 console.log('Result is: ', result);14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var remote = require('webdriverio').remote;2var config = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var remote = require('webdriverio').remote;7var config = {8 desiredCapabilities: {9 }10};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1"use strict";2const wdio = require("webdriverio");3const assert = require("assert");4const opts = {5 desiredCapabilities: {6 }7};8 .remote(opts)9 .then(client => {10 .executeAtomAsync("find_element", ["name", "xxx"], [])11 .then(function(element) {12 console.log("element id is " + element);13 .executeAtom("get_text", [element], [])14 .then(function(text) {15 console.log("text is " + text);16 })17 .catch(function(error) {18 console.log("error is " + error);19 });20 })21 .catch(function(error) {22 console.log("error is " + error);23 });24 })25 .catch(err => {26 console.log("error is " + err);27 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 .executeAtomAsync("execute_script", [`2 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];3 var elements = document.evaluate('${myXPath}', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);4 callback(elements.snapshotLength);5 .then(function (result) {6 return parseInt(result, 10);7 });8module.exports = myResult;9 .executeAtomAsync("execute_script", [`10 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];11 var elements = document.evaluate('${myXPath}', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);12 callback(elements.snapshotLength);13 .then(function (result) {14 return parseInt(result, 10);15 });16module.exports = myResult;17 .executeAtomAsync("execute_script", [`18 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];19 var elements = document.evaluate('${myXPath}', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);20 callback(elements.snapshotLength);21 .then(function (result) {22 return parseInt(result, 10);23 });24module.exports = myResult;

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