Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver
Source: TextFieldUtils.js
1//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2//3// Copyright (c) 2014-present, Egret Technology.4// All rights reserved.5// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without6// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:7//8// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright9// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.10// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright11// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the12// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.13// * Neither the name of the Egret nor the14// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products15// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.16//17// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS18// OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES19// OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.20// IN NO EVENT SHALL EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,21// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT22// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA,23// OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF24// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING25// NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,26// EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.27//28//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////29var __reflect = (this && this.__reflect) || function (p, c, t) {30 p.__class__ = c, t ? t.push(c) : t = [c], p.__types__ = p.__types__ ? t.concat(p.__types__) : t;31};32var egret;33(function (egret) {34 /**35 * @private36 * @version Egret 2.437 * @platform Web,Native38 */39 var TextFieldUtils = (function () {40 function TextFieldUtils() {41 }42 /**43 * è·å第ä¸ä¸ªç»å¶çè¡æ°44 * @param textfield ææ¬45 * @returns {number} è¡æ°ï¼ä»0å¼å§46 * @private47 */48 TextFieldUtils.$getStartLine = function (textfield) {49 var values = textfield.$TextField;50 var textHeight = TextFieldUtils.$getTextHeight(textfield);51 var startLine = 0;52 var textFieldHeight = values[4 /* textFieldHeight */];53 if (!isNaN(textFieldHeight)) {54 if (textHeight < textFieldHeight) {55 }56 else if (textHeight > textFieldHeight) {57 startLine = Math.max(values[28 /* scrollV */] - 1, 0);58 startLine = Math.min(values[29 /* numLines */] - 1, startLine);59 }60 if (!values[30 /* multiline */]) {61 startLine = Math.max(values[28 /* scrollV */] - 1, 0);62 if (values[29 /* numLines */] > 0) {63 startLine = Math.min(values[29 /* numLines */] - 1, startLine);64 }65 }66 }67 return startLine;68 };69 /**70 * è·åæ°´å¹³æ¯ä¾71 * @param textfield ææ¬72 * @returns {number} æ°´å¹³æ¯ä¾73 * @private74 */75 TextFieldUtils.$getHalign = function (textfield) {76 var lineArr = textfield.$getLinesArr();77 var halign = 0;78 if (textfield.$TextField[9 /* textAlign */] == egret.HorizontalAlign.CENTER) {79 halign = 0.5;80 }81 else if (textfield.$TextField[9 /* textAlign */] == egret.HorizontalAlign.RIGHT) {82 halign = 1;83 }84 if (textfield.$TextField[24 /* type */] == egret.TextFieldType.INPUT && !textfield.$TextField[30 /* multiline */] && lineArr.length > 1) {85 halign = 0;86 }87 return halign;88 };89 /**90 * @private91 *92 * @param textfield93 * @returns94 */95 TextFieldUtils.$getTextHeight = function (textfield) {96 var textHeight = (egret.TextFieldType.INPUT == textfield.$TextField[24 /* type */]97 && !textfield.$TextField[30 /* multiline */]) ? textfield.$TextField[0 /* fontSize */] : (textfield.$TextField[6 /* textHeight */] + (textfield.$TextField[29 /* numLines */] - 1) * textfield.$TextField[1 /* lineSpacing */]);98 return textHeight;99 };100 /**101 * è·ååç´æ¯ä¾102 * @param textfield ææ¬103 * @returns {number} åç´æ¯ä¾104 * @private105 */106 TextFieldUtils.$getValign = function (textfield) {107 var textHeight = TextFieldUtils.$getTextHeight(textfield);108 //if (textfield.$TextField[sys.TextKeys.type] == egret.TextFieldType.INPUT) {109 // if (textfield.$TextField[sys.TextKeys.multiline]) {110 //return 0;111 //}112 //return 0.5;113 //}114 var textFieldHeight = textfield.$TextField[4 /* textFieldHeight */];115 if (!isNaN(textFieldHeight)) {116 if (textHeight < textFieldHeight) {117 var valign = 0;118 if (textfield.$TextField[10 /* verticalAlign */] == egret.VerticalAlign.MIDDLE)119 valign = 0.5;120 else if (textfield.$TextField[10 /* verticalAlign */] == egret.VerticalAlign.BOTTOM)121 valign = 1;122 return valign;123 }124 }125 return 0;126 };127 /**128 * æ ¹æ®xãyè·åææ¬é¡¹129 * @param textfield ææ¬130 * @param x xåæ å¼131 * @param y yåæ å¼132 * @returns ææ¬å项133 * @private134 */135 TextFieldUtils.$getTextElement = function (textfield, x, y) {136 var hitTextEle = TextFieldUtils.$getHit(textfield, x, y);137 var lineArr = textfield.$getLinesArr();138 if (hitTextEle && lineArr[hitTextEle.lineIndex] && lineArr[hitTextEle.lineIndex].elements[hitTextEle.textElementIndex]) {139 return lineArr[hitTextEle.lineIndex].elements[hitTextEle.textElementIndex];140 }141 return null;142 };143 /**144 * è·åææ¬ç¹å»å145 * @param textfield ææ¬146 * @param x xåæ å¼147 * @param y yåæ å¼148 * @returns ææ¬ç¹å»å149 * @private150 */151 TextFieldUtils.$getHit = function (textfield, x, y) {152 var lineArr = textfield.$getLinesArr();153 if (textfield.$TextField[3 /* textFieldWidth */] == 0) {154 return null;155 }156 var line = 0;157 var textHeight = TextFieldUtils.$getTextHeight(textfield);158 var startY = 0;159 var textFieldHeight = textfield.$TextField[4 /* textFieldHeight */];160 if (!isNaN(textFieldHeight) && textFieldHeight > textHeight) {161 var valign = TextFieldUtils.$getValign(textfield);162 startY = valign * (textFieldHeight - textHeight);163 if (startY != 0) {164 y -= startY;165 }166 }167 var startLine = TextFieldUtils.$getStartLine(textfield);168 var lineH = 0;169 for (var i = startLine; i < lineArr.length; i++) {170 var lineEle = lineArr[i];171 if (lineH + lineEle.height >= y) {172 if (lineH < y) {173 line = i + 1;174 }175 break;176 }177 else {178 lineH += lineEle.height;179 }180 if (lineH + textfield.$TextField[1 /* lineSpacing */] > y) {181 return null;182 }183 lineH += textfield.$TextField[1 /* lineSpacing */];184 }185 if (line == 0) {186 return null;187 }188 var lineElement = lineArr[line - 1];189 var textFieldWidth = textfield.$TextField[3 /* textFieldWidth */];190 if (isNaN(textFieldWidth)) {191 textFieldWidth = textfield.textWidth;192 }193 var halign = TextFieldUtils.$getHalign(textfield);194 x -= halign * (textFieldWidth - lineElement.width);195 var lineW = 0;196 for (var i = 0; i < lineElement.elements.length; i++) {197 var iwTE = lineElement.elements[i];198 if (lineW + iwTE.width <= x) {199 lineW += iwTE.width;200 }201 else if (lineW < x) {202 return { "lineIndex": line - 1, "textElementIndex": i };203 }204 }205 return null;206 };207 /**208 * è·åå½åæ¾ç¤ºå¤å°è¡209 * @param textfield ææ¬210 * @returns {number} æ¾ç¤ºçè¡æ°211 * @private212 */213 TextFieldUtils.$getScrollNum = function (textfield) {214 var scrollNum = 1;215 if (textfield.$TextField[30 /* multiline */]) {216 var height = textfield.height;217 var size = textfield.size;218 var lineSpacing = textfield.lineSpacing;219 scrollNum = Math.floor(height / (size + lineSpacing));220 var leftH = height - (size + lineSpacing) * scrollNum;221 if (leftH > size / 2) {222 scrollNum++;223 }224 }225 return scrollNum;226 };227 return TextFieldUtils;228 }());229 egret.TextFieldUtils = TextFieldUtils;230 __reflect(TextFieldUtils.prototype, "egret.TextFieldUtils");...
Source: LzhhtGrid.js
1/**2 * 3 * */4Ext.define("core.lzhht.view.LzhhtGrid", {5 extend: "Ext.grid.Panel",6 alias: "widget.lzhhtGrid",7 id: "lzhhtgrid",8 store: "",9 border: 0,10 selModel: {11 selType: "checkboxmodel"12 },13 multiSelect: true,14 frame: true,15 tbar: [16 {xtype: 'button', text: 'æ·»å ', ref: 'add', iconCls: 'table_add'}, '|',17 {xtype: 'button', text: 'ä¿®æ¹', ref: 'edit', iconCls: 'table_edit'}, '|',18 {xtype: 'button', text: 'å é¤', ref: 'del', iconCls: 'table_remove'},19 "->",20 'æå称æ¥è¯¢:',21 {22 xtype: 'triggerfield',23 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',24 listeners: {25 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {26 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();27 _store.clearFilter(false);28 _store.filter("name", _new);29 }30 },31 onTriggerClick: function() {32 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();33 _store.clearFilter(false);34 _store.filter("name", this.getValue());35 }36 },37 'æç¼å·æ¥è¯¢:',38 {39 xtype: 'triggerfield',40 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',41 listeners: {42 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {43 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();44 _store.clearFilter(false);45 _store.filter("id", _new);46 }47 },48 onTriggerClick: function() {49 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();50 _store.clearFilter(false);51 _store.filter("id", this.getValue());52 }53 }54 ],55 bbar: {56 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',57 store: '',58 dock: 'bottom',59 displayInfo: true60 },61 enableKeyNav: true, //å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç¨é®çæ§å¶ä¸ä¸62 columnLines: true, //å±ç¤ºç«çº¿63 columns: [64 {xtype: 'rownumberer'},65 {text: "æ¿å
ååç¼ç ", dataIndex: "ycbhtbm", width: 100, field: {66 xtype: "textfield"67 }},68 {text: "æµè½¬ååç¼ç ", dataIndex: "lzhtbm", width: 100, field: {69 xtype: "textfield"70 }},71 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹ç¼ç ", dataIndex: "cbfbm", width: 70, field: {72 xtype: "textfield"73 }},74 {text: "å让æ¹ç¼ç ", dataIndex: "srfbm", width: 70, field: {75 xtype: "textfield"76 }},77 {text: "æµè½¬æ¹å¼", dataIndex: "lzfs", width: 70, field: {78 xtype: "textfield"79 }},80 {text: "æµè½¬æé", dataIndex: "lzqx", width: 70, field: {81 xtype: "textfield"82 }},83 {text: "æµè½¬å¼å§æ¥æ", dataIndex: "lzqxksrq", width: 70, field: {84 xtype: "textfield"85 }},86 {text: "æµè½¬ç»ææ¥æ", dataIndex: "lzqxjsrq", width: 70, field: {87 xtype: "textfield"88 }},89 {text: "æµè½¬é¢ç§¯", dataIndex: "lzmj", width: 70, field: {90 xtype: "textfield"91 }},92 {text: "æµè½¬å°åæ°", dataIndex: "lzdks", width: 70, field: {93 xtype: "textfield"94 }},95 {text: "æµè½¬ååå°ç¨é", dataIndex: "lzqtdyt", width: 70, field: {96 xtype: "textfield"97 }},98 {text: "æµè½¬ååå°ç¨é", dataIndex: "lzhtdyt", width: 70, field: {99 xtype: "textfield"100 }},101 {text: "æµè½¬è´¹ç¨è¯´æ", dataIndex: "lzjgsm", width: 70, field: {102 xtype: "textfield"103 }},104 {text: "ååç¾è®¢æ¥æ", dataIndex: "htqdrq", width: 70, field: {105 xtype: "textfield"106 }}107 ],108 initComponent: function() {109 this.callParent(arguments);110 }
Source: DkGrid.js
1/**2 * 3 * */4Ext.define("", {5 extend: "Ext.grid.Panel",6 alias: "widget.dkgrid",7 id: "dkgrid",8 store: "",9 border: 0,10 selModel: {11 selType: "checkboxmodel"12 },13 multiSelect: true,14 frame: true,15 tbar: [16 {xtype: 'button', text: 'æ·»å ', ref: 'add', iconCls: 'table_add'}, '|',17 {xtype: 'button', text: 'ä¿®æ¹', ref: 'edit', iconCls: 'table_edit'}, '|',18 {xtype: 'button', text: 'å é¤', ref: 'del', iconCls: 'table_remove'},19 "->",20 'æå称æ¥è¯¢:',21 {22 xtype: 'triggerfield',23 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',24 listeners: {25 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {26 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();27 _store.clearFilter(false);28 _store.filter("name", _new);29 }30 },31 onTriggerClick: function() {32 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();33 _store.clearFilter(false);34 _store.filter("name", this.getValue());35 }36 },37 'æç¼å·æ¥è¯¢:',38 {39 xtype: 'triggerfield',40 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',41 listeners: {42 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {43 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();44 _store.clearFilter(false);45 _store.filter("id", _new);46 }47 },48 onTriggerClick: function() {49 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();50 _store.clearFilter(false);51 _store.filter("id", this.getValue());52 }53 }54 ],55 bbar: {56 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',57 store: '',58 dock: 'bottom',59 displayInfo: true60 },61 enableKeyNav: true, //å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç¨é®çæ§å¶ä¸ä¸62 columnLines: true, //å±ç¤ºç«çº¿63 columns: [64 {xtype: 'rownumberer'},65 {text: "å°åç¼ç ", dataIndex: "dkbm", width: 120, field: {66 xtype: "textfield"67 }},68 {text: "å°åå称", dataIndex: "dkmc", field: {69 xtype: "textfield"70 }},71 {text: "ææææ§è´¨", dataIndex: "syqxz", field: {72 xtype: "textfield"73 }},74 {text: "å°åç±»å«", dataIndex: "dklb", field: {75 xtype: "textfield"76 }},77 {text: "åå°å©ç¨ç±»å", dataIndex: "tdlylx", field: {78 xtype: "textfield"79 }},80 {text: "å°åç级", dataIndex: "dldj", width: 100, field: {81 xtype: "textfield"82 }},83 {text: "åå°ç¨é", dataIndex: "tdyt", width: 70, field: {84 xtype: "textfield"85 }},86 {text: "æ¯å¦åºæ¬åç°", dataIndex: "sfjbnt", width: 100, field: {87 xtype: "textfield"88 }},89 {text: "å®æµé¢ç§¯", dataIndex: "scmj", width: 70, field: {90 xtype: "textfield"91 }},92 {text: "å°åä¸è³", dataIndex: "dkdz", width: 70, field: {93 xtype: "textfield"94 }},95 {text: "å°å西è³", dataIndex: "dkxz", width: 70, field: {96 xtype: "textfield"97 }},98 {text: "å°ååè³", dataIndex: "dknz", width: 70, field: {99 xtype: "textfield"100 }},101 {text: "å°ååè³", dataIndex: "dkbz", width: 70, field: {102 xtype: "textfield"103 }},104 {text: "å°åå¤æ³¨ä¿¡æ¯", dataIndex: "dkbzxx", width: 70, field: {105 xtype: "textfield"106 }},107 {text: "æç人å§å", dataIndex: "zjrxm", width: 70, field: {108 xtype: "textfield"109 }}110 ],111 initComponent: function() {112 this.callParent(arguments);113 }
Source: NewBackList.js
1Ext.define('', {2 extend : 'Ext.Viewport',3 layout : 'anchor',4 hideBorders : true,5 initComponent : function() {6 var me = this;7 var store = new{8 fields : [ 'NEWFITTINGBACK_NO', 'BACK_DAY', 'STORE_ID',9 'STORE_NAME', 'SHENQING_OP', 'OBJECTIVE_STORE', 'APPLY_DATETIME',10 'APPLY_RESULT', 'APPLY_OP', 'INOUTNO', 'CLASS',11 'UPDATEMAN', 'UPDATEDATE' ],12 proxy : {13 type : 'ajax',14 url : basePath + 'as/port/getNewBackList.action',15 reader : {16 type : 'json',17 root : 'target',18 totalProperty: 'totalCount'19 }20 },21 autoLoad : true,22 pageSize: parseInt((Ext.isIE ? screen.height*0.73 : window.innerHeight)*0.7/23)23 });24 Ext.apply(me, {25 items : [ {26 xtype : 'grid',27 anchor : '100% 100%',28 columnLines : true,29 id : 'grid',30 plugins: [Ext.create('erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter', {31 remoteFilter: true32 })],33 columns : [ {34 text : 'ç³è¯·åå·',35 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',36 dataIndex : 'NEWFITTINGBACK_NO',37 width : 180,38 filter: {39 xtype : 'textfield'40 }41 }, {42 text : 'éåæ¶é´',43 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',44 dataIndex : 'BACK_DAY',45 width : 90,46 filter: {47 xtype : 'datefield'48 }49 }, {50 text : 'ç½ç¹ç¼å·',51 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',52 dataIndex : 'STORE_ID',53 width : 150,54 filter: {55 xtype : 'textfield'56 }57 }, {58 text : 'ç½ç¹å称',59 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',60 dataIndex : 'STORE_NAME',61 width : 80,62 filter: {63 xtype : 'textfield'64 }65 }, {66 text : 'ç³è¯·äºº',67 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',68 dataIndex: 'SHENQING_OP',69 width : 70,70 filter: {71 xtype : 'textfield'72 }73 }, {74 text : 'ç®æ å
¬å¸',75 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',76 dataIndex : 'OBJECTIVE_STORE',77 width : 80,78 filter: {79 xtype : 'textfield'80 }81 }, {82 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æ¶é´',83 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',84 dataIndex : 'APPLY_DATETIME',85 width : 90,86 filter: {87 xtype : 'datefield'88 }89 }, {90 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æè§',91 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',92 dataIndex : 'APPLY_RESULT',93 width : 90,94 filter: {95 xtype : 'textfield'96 }97 }, {98 text : 'å®¡æ ¸äºº',99 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',100 dataIndex : 'APPLY_OP',101 width : 70,102 filter: {103 xtype : 'textfield'104 }105 }, {106 text : 'åºå
¥åºåå·',107 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',108 dataIndex : 'INOUTNO',109 width : 110,110 filter: {111 xtype : 'textfield'112 }113 }, {114 text : 'åæ®ç±»å',115 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',116 dataIndex : 'CLASS',117 width : 100,118 filter: {119 xtype : 'textfield'120 }121 }, {122 text : 'å¤ç人',123 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',124 dataIndex : 'UPDATEMAN',125 width : 70,126 filter: {127 xtype : 'textfield'128 }129 }, {130 text : 'å¤çæ¶é´',131 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',132 dataIndex : 'UPDATEDATE',133 width : 90,134 filter: {135 xtype : 'datefield'136 }137 } ],138 store : store,139 dockedItems: [{140 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',141 store: store,142 dock: 'bottom',143 displayInfo: true144 }]145 } ]146 });147 me.callParent(arguments);148 }...
Source: PreProductList.js
1Ext.define('', {2 extend : 'Ext.Viewport',3 layout : 'anchor',4 hideBorders : true,5 initComponent : function() {6 var me = this;7 var store = new{8 fields : [ 'APPLY_NO', 'STORE_ID', 'STORE_NAME', 'SHENQING_OP', 'OBJECTIVE_STORE',9 'APPLY_DAY', 'APPLY_DATETIME', 'APPLY_OP', 'INOUTNO', 'CLASS',10 'UPDATEMAN', 'UPDATEDATE' ],11 proxy : {12 type : 'ajax',13 url : basePath + 'as/port/getApplyList.action',14 reader : {15 type : 'json',16 root : 'target',17 totalProperty: 'totalCount'18 }19 },20 autoLoad : true,21 pageSize: parseInt((Ext.isIE ? screen.height*0.73 : window.innerHeight)*0.7/23)22 });23 Ext.apply(me, {24 items : [ {25 xtype : 'grid',26 anchor : '100% 100%',27 columnLines : true,28 id : 'grid',29 plugins: [Ext.create('erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter', {30 remoteFilter: true31 })],32 columns : [ {33 text : 'ç³è¯·åå·',34 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',35 dataIndex : 'APPLY_NO',36 width : 180,37 filter: {38 xtype : 'textfield'39 }40 }, {41 text : 'ç½ç¹ç¼å·',42 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',43 dataIndex : 'STORE_ID',44 width : 150,45 filter: {46 xtype : 'textfield'47 }48 }, {49 text : 'ç½ç¹å称',50 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',51 dataIndex : 'STORE_NAME',52 width : 80,53 filter: {54 xtype : 'textfield'55 }56 }, {57 text : 'ç³è¯·äºº',58 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',59 dataIndex : 'SHENQING_OP',60 width : 80,61 filter: {62 xtype : 'textfield'63 }64 }, {65 text : 'ç®æ å
¬å¸',66 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',67 dataIndex : 'OBJECTIVE_STORE',68 width : 80,69 filter: {70 xtype : 'textfield'71 }72 }, {73 text : 'ç³è¯·æ¶é´',74 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',75 dataIndex : 'APPLY_DAY',76 width : 90,77 filter: {78 xtype : 'datefield'79 }80 }, {81 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æ¶é´',82 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',83 dataIndex : 'APPLY_DATETIME',84 width : 90,85 filter: {86 xtype : 'datefield'87 }88 }, {89 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æè§',90 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',91 dataIndex : 'APPLY_RESULT',92 width : 90,93 filter: {94 xtype : 'textfield'95 }96 }, {97 text : 'å®¡æ ¸äºº',98 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',99 dataIndex : 'APPLY_OP',100 width : 70,101 filter: {102 xtype : 'textfield'103 }104 }, {105 text : 'åºå
¥åºåå·',106 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',107 dataIndex : 'INOUTNO',108 width : 110,109 filter: {110 xtype : 'textfield'111 }112 }, {113 text : 'åæ®ç±»å',114 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',115 dataIndex : 'CLASS',116 width : 100,117 filter: {118 xtype : 'textfield'119 }120 }, {121 text : 'å¤ç人',122 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',123 dataIndex : 'UPDATEMAN',124 width : 70,125 filter: {126 xtype : 'textfield'127 }128 }, {129 text : 'å¤çæ¶é´',130 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',131 dataIndex : 'UPDATEDATE',132 width : 90,133 filter: {134 xtype : 'datefield'135 }136 } ],137 store : store,138 dockedItems: [{139 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',140 store: store,141 dock: 'bottom',142 displayInfo: true143 }]144 } ]145 });146 me.callParent(arguments);147 }...
Source: CbfGrid.js
1/**2 * 3 * */4Ext.define("core.cbf.view.CbfGrid", {5 extend: "Ext.grid.Panel",6 alias: "widget.cbfgrid",7 id: "cbfgridId",8 store: "",9 border: 0,10 selModel: {11 selType: "checkboxmodel"12 },13 multiSelect: true,14 frame: true,15 tbar: [16 {xtype: 'button', text: 'æ·»å ', ref: 'add', iconCls: 'table_add'}, '|',17 {xtype: 'button', text: 'ä¿®æ¹', ref: 'edit', iconCls: 'table_edit'}, '|',18 {xtype: 'button', text: 'å é¤', ref: 'del', iconCls: 'table_remove'},19 "->",20 'æå称æ¥è¯¢:',21 {22 xtype: 'triggerfield',23 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',24 listeners: {25 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {26 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();27 _store.clearFilter(false);28 _store.filter("name", _new);29 }30 },31 onTriggerClick: function() {32 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();33 _store.clearFilter(false);34 _store.filter("name", this.getValue());35 }36 },37 'æç¼å·æ¥è¯¢:',38 {39 xtype: 'triggerfield',40 triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-search-trigger',41 listeners: {42 "change": function(_this, _new, _old, _opt) {43 var _store = _this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();44 _store.clearFilter(false);45 _store.filter("id", _new);46 }47 },48 onTriggerClick: function() {49 var _store = this.ownerCt.ownerCt.getStore();50 _store.clearFilter(false);51 _store.filter("id", this.getValue());52 }53 }54 ],55 bbar: {56 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',57 store: '',58 dock: 'bottom',59 displayInfo: true60 },61 enableKeyNav: true, //å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç¨é®çæ§å¶ä¸ä¸62 columnLines: true, //å±ç¤ºç«çº¿63 columns: [64 {xtype: 'rownumberer'},65 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹ç¼ç ", dataIndex: "cbfbm", width: 120, field: {66 xtype: "textfield"67 }},68 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹ç±»å", dataIndex: "cbflx", width: 80, field: {69 xtype: "textfield"70 }},71 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹å称", dataIndex: "cbfmc", width: 80, field: {72 xtype: "textfield"73 }},74 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹æ§å«", dataIndex: "cbfxb", width: 80, field: {75 xtype: "textfield"76 }},77 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹æ°æ", dataIndex: "cbfmz", width: 80, field: {78 xtype: "textfield"79 }},80 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹å°å", dataIndex: "cbfdz", width: 150, field: {81 xtype: "textfield"82 }},83 {text: "èç³»çµè¯", dataIndex: "lxdh", width: 80, field: {84 xtype: "textfield"85 }},86 {text: "æ¿å
æ¹è°æ¥å", dataIndex: "cbfdcy", width: 80, field: {87 xtype: "textfield"88 }},89 {text: "å
¬ç¤ºè®°äºäºº", dataIndex: "gsjsr", width: 70, field: {90 xtype: "textfield"91 }},92 {text: "å
¬ç¤ºå®¡æ ¸äºº", dataIndex: "gsshr", width: 70, field: {93 xtype: "textfield"94 }},95 {text: "å
¬ç¤ºå®¡æ ¸æ¥æ", dataIndex: "gsshrq", width: 80, field: {96 xtype: "textfield"97 }}98 ],99 initComponent: function() {100 this.callParent(arguments);101 }
Source: RoomGrid.js
1Ext.define("core.baseset.roomdefine.view.RoomGrid", {2 extend: "core.base.view.BaseGrid",3 alias: "widget.baseset.roomdefine.roomgrid",4 dataUrl: comm.get('baseUrl') + "/BaseRoominfo/list",5 model: "",6 extParams: {7 filter: "[{'type':'string','comparison':'=','value':'ROOT','field':'areaId'},{'type':'string','comparison':'=','value':'0','field':'roomType'}]",8 },9 selModel: {10 type: "checkboxmodel", 11 headerWidth:40, //设置è¿ä¸ªå¼ä¸º50ã ä½columnsä¸çdefaultsä¸è®¾ç½®å®½åº¦ï¼ä¼å½±åä»12 mode:'single', //multi,simple,singleï¼é»è®¤ä¸ºå¤émulti13 },14 panelTopBar:{15 xtype:'toolbar',16 items: [{17 xtype: 'tbtext',18 html: 'åºåæ¿é´',19 style: {20 fontSize: '16px',21 color: '#C44444',22 fontWeight:800,23 lineHeight:'30px'24 }25 }],26 }, 27 panelButtomBar:null,28 columns: { 29 defaults:{30 titleAlign:"center"31 },32 items: [{33 text: "主é®",34 dataIndex: "roomId",35 hidden: true36 }, {37 text: "æ¿é´ç¼å·",38 dataIndex: "roomCode",39 flex:1, 40 minWidth:100,41 field: {42 xtype: "textfield"43 }44 }, {45 text: "æ¿é´å称",46 dataIndex: "roomName",47 flex:1,48 minWidth:100,49 field: {50 xtype: "textfield"51 }52 }, {53 text: "æ¿é´ç±»å", //å段ä¸æå54 dataIndex: "roomType", //å段å55 columnType: "basecombobox", //åç±»å56 width:100,57 ddCode: "FJLX" //åå
¸ä»£ç 58 }, {59 text: "é¨çå·1",60 dataIndex: "extField01",61 width:80,62 field: {63 xtype: "textfield"64 }65 }, {66 text: "é¨çå·2",67 dataIndex: "extField02",68 width:80,69 field: {70 xtype: "textfield"71 }72 }, {73 text: "é¨çå·3",74 dataIndex: "extField03",75 width:80,76 field: {77 xtype: "textfield"78 }79 }, {80 text: "é¨çå·4",81 dataIndex: "extField04",82 width:80,83 field: {84 xtype: "textfield"85 }86 }, {87 text: "é¨çå·5",88 dataIndex: "extField05",89 width:80,90 field: {91 xtype: "textfield"92 }93 }, {94 text: "ç½ç»ç¶æ",95 dataIndex: "roomNet",96 width:80,97 renderer: function(value) {98 switch (value) {99 case '0':100 return '<font color=green>æ</font>';101 break;102 default:103 return '<font color=red>æ </font>';104 break;105 }106 }107 }]108 }109 ...
Source: HeXiaoList.js
1Ext.define('', {2 extend : 'Ext.Viewport',3 layout : 'anchor',4 hideBorders : true,5 initComponent : function() {6 var me = this;7 var store = new{8 fields : [ 'APPLYHEXIAO_NO', 'BACK_DAY', 'STORE_ID',9 'STORE_NAME', 'OBJECTIVE_STORE', 'APPLY_DATETIME',10 'APPLY_RESULT', 'APPLY_OP', 'INOUTNO', 'CLASS',11 'UPDATEMAN', 'UPDATEDATE' ],12 proxy : {13 type : 'ajax',14 url : basePath + 'as/port/getHexiaoList.action',15 reader : {16 type : 'json',17 root : 'target',18 totalProperty: 'totalCount'19 }20 },21 autoLoad : true,22 pageSize: parseInt((Ext.isIE ? screen.height*0.73 : window.innerHeight)*0.7/23)23 });24 Ext.apply(me, {25 items : [ {26 xtype : 'grid',27 anchor : '100% 100%',28 columnLines : true,29 id : 'grid',30 plugins: [Ext.create('erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter', {31 remoteFilter: true32 })],33 columns : [ {34 text : 'ç³è¯·åå·',35 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',36 dataIndex : 'APPLYHEXIAO_NO',37 width : 180,38 filter: {39 xtype : 'textfield'40 }41 }, {42 text : 'éåæ¶é´',43 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',44 dataIndex : 'BACK_DAY',45 width : 90,46 filter: {47 xtype : 'datefield'48 }49 }, {50 text : 'ç½ç¹ç¼å·',51 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',52 dataIndex : 'STORE_ID',53 width : 150,54 filter: {55 xtype : 'textfield'56 }57 }, {58 text : 'ç½ç¹å称',59 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',60 dataIndex : 'STORE_NAME',61 width : 80,62 filter: {63 xtype : 'textfield'64 }65 }, {66 text : 'ç®æ å
¬å¸',67 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',68 dataIndex : 'OBJECTIVE_STORE',69 width : 80,70 filter: {71 xtype : 'textfield'72 }73 }, {74 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æ¶é´',75 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',76 dataIndex : 'APPLY_DATETIME',77 width : 90,78 filter: {79 xtype : 'datefield'80 }81 }, {82 text : 'å®¡æ ¸æè§',83 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',84 dataIndex : 'APPLY_RESULT',85 width : 90,86 filter: {87 xtype : 'textfield'88 }89 }, {90 text : 'å®¡æ ¸äºº',91 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',92 dataIndex : 'APPLY_OP',93 width : 70,94 filter: {95 xtype : 'textfield'96 }97 }, {98 text : 'åºå
¥åºåå·',99 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',100 dataIndex : 'INOUTNO',101 width : 110,102 filter: {103 xtype : 'textfield'104 }105 }, {106 text : 'åæ®ç±»å',107 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',108 dataIndex : 'CLASS',109 width : 100,110 filter: {111 xtype : 'textfield'112 }113 }, {114 text : 'å¤ç人',115 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',116 dataIndex : 'UPDATEMAN',117 width : 70,118 filter: {119 xtype : 'textfield'120 }121 }, {122 text : 'å¤çæ¶é´',123 cls : 'x-grid-header-1',124 dataIndex : 'UPDATEDATE',125 width : 90,126 filter: {127 xtype : 'datefield'128 }129 } ],130 store : store,131 dockedItems: [{132 xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',133 store: store,134 dock: 'bottom',135 displayInfo: true136 }]137 } ]138 });139 me.callParent(arguments);140 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var chai = require('chai');4var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6var expect = chai.expect;7chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;8var desired = {9};10var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);11 .init(desired)12 .elementByAccessibilityId('Clear')13 .click()14 .elementByAccessibilityId('2')15 .click()16 .elementByAccessibilityId('Plus')17 .click()18 .elementByAccessibilityId('2')19 .click()20 .elementByAccessibilityId('Equals')21 .click()22 .elementByAccessibilityId('Display')23 .text()24 .then(function(text) {25 console.log(text);26 expect(text).to.equal('4');27 })28 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })29 .done();30console.log('Test completed');31var wd = require('wd');32var assert = require('assert');33var chai = require('chai');34var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');35chai.use(chaiAsPromised);36var expect = chai.expect;37chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;38var desired = {39};
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .click('~textField')9 .setValue('~textField', 'Hello World')10 .getText('~textField')11 .then(function(text) {12 console.log('Text is: ' + text);13 })14 .end();
Using AI Code Generation
1const wd = require('wd');2(async () => {3 await driver.init({4 });5 await driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000);6 const textField = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('textField');7 const text = await textField.text();8 console.log('text:', text);9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const wd = require('wd');2require('colors');3const config = {4 capabilities: {5 }6};7const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(config);8driver.init(config.capabilities)9 .then(() => {10 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('1');11 })12 .then((element) => {13 return;14 })15 .then(() => {16 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('2');17 })18 .then((element) => {19 return;20 })21 .then(() => {22 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('3');23 })24 .then((element) => {25 return;26 })27 .then(() => {28 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('4');29 })30 .then((element) => {31 return;32 })33 .then(() => {34 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('5');35 })36 .then((element) => {37 return;38 })39 .then(() => {40 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('6');41 })42 .then((element) => {43 return;44 })45 .then(() => {46 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('7');47 })48 .then((element) => {49 return;50 })51 .then(() => {52 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('8');53 })54 .then((element) => {55 return;56 })57 .then(() => {58 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('9');59 })60 .then((element) => {61 return;62 })63 .then(() => {64 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('0');65 })66 .then((element) => {67 return;68 })69 .then(() => {70 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Add');71 })
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3.forBrowser('safari');5driver.findElement(webdriver.By.className('gLFyf')).then(function(element) {6});7driver.quit();8var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');9var driver = new webdriver.Builder()10.forBrowser('safari');12driver.findElement(webdriver.By.className('gLFyf')).then(function(element) {13});14driver.quit();15var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');16var driver = new webdriver.Builder()17.forBrowser('safari');19driver.findElement(webdriver.By.className('gLFyf')).then(function(element) {20});21driver.quit();22var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');23var driver = new webdriver.Builder()24.forBrowser('safari');26driver.findElement(webdriver.By.className('gLFyf')).then(function(element) {27});28driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test to get text from a text field', function() {2 it('should get the text from the text field', function() {3 var textField = browser.element('input[type="text"]');4 var text = textField.getText();5 console.log(text);6 });7});8exports.config = {9 capabilities: [{10 }],11 mochaOpts: {12 }13};14var text = browser.getText('input[type="text"]');15var text = browser.element('input[type="text"]').getText();16var text = browser.element('input[type="text"]').getText();17var text = browser.element('
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