How to use method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source: DeploymentPage_Cloud_eucalyptusec2.widgets.js Github


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1/​*2 * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software9 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,10 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.11 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and12 * limitations under the License.13 */​14 15DeploymentPage_Cloud_eucalyptusec2.widgets = {16 cloudServerService: ["wm.JsonRpcService", {service: "cloudServerService", sync: true}, {}],17 deploymentService: ["wm.JsonRpcService", {service: "deploymentService", sync: true}, {}],18 ImageListVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "", json: "[{name: 'server1', dataValue: 'server1'}, {name: 'server2', dataValue: 'server2'}]"}, {}],19 KeyPairListVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: ""}],20 VMTypeListVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "EntryData", 21 json: "[{name: 'm1.small', dataValue: 'm1.small'}, {name: 'c1.medium', dataValue: 'c1.medium'}, {name: 'm1.large', dataValue: 'm1.large'}, {name: 'm1.xlarge', dataValue: 'm1.xlarge'}, {name: 'c1.xlarge', dataValue: 'c1.xlarge'}]"}],22 SecurityGroupListVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "", json: "[{name: 'network1', dataValue: 'network1'}, {name: 'network2', dataValue: 'network2'}]"}],23 HostNamesVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: ""}, {}],24 destTypeVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "EntryData", json: "[{name: 'Server', dataValue: 'server'}, {name: 'Container', dataValue: 'container'}]"}],25 serverTypeVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "EntryData", json: "[{name: 'Tomcat', dataValue: 'tomcat'}, {name: 'WebSphere', dataValue: 'websphere'}, {name: 'JBoss', dataValue: 'jboss'}, {name: 'WebLogic', dataValue: 'webLogic'}]"}],26 serviceProviderVar: ["wm.Variable", {type: "EntryData", 27 json: "[{name: 'Amazon', dataValue: 'amazon'}, {name: 'Eucalyptus', dataValue: 'eucalyptus'}, {name: 'OpSource', dataValue: 'opsource'}, {name: 'RackSpace', dataValue: 'rackspace'}]"}],28 layoutBox1: ["wm.Layout", {height: "100%"}, {}, {29 MainLayers: ["wm.Layers", {width: "100%", height: "100%"}, {}, {30 CredentialLayer: ["wm.Layer", {width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "10", border: "3", borderColor: "#B0BDD4"}, {}, {31 stepCredentialLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontSizePx_14px", "DeploymentHeader"]}, height: "38px", width: "96px", caption: "Enter Eucalyptus Cloud account information", margin: "0,0,5,0"}, {}, {32 format: ["wm.DataFormatter", {}, {}]33 }],34 CredentialLayerPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "100%", margin: "6"},{}, {35 CredentialPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "120px", width: "450px", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {36 /​/​accessKeyId: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, width: "200px", caption: "Access Key Id", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", displayValue: "WKy3rMzOWPouVOxK1p3Ar1C2uRBwa2FBXnCw", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],37 accessKeyId: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, width: "200px", caption: "Access Key Id", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],38 spacer111: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "5px", width: "250px"}, {}],39 /​/​secretAccessKey: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, width: "200px", caption: "Secret Access Key", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", displayValue: "JcoW4FMCieH2ts1MJLJZCTAe9vl7xLCrw64Q", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],40 secretAccessKey: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, width: "200px", caption: "Secret Access Key", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],41 spacer113: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "5px", width: "250px"}, {}],42 /​/​cloudIPAddr: ["wm.Text", {width: "200px", caption: "Cloud IP Address", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", displayValue: "", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],43 cloudIPAddr: ["wm.Text", {width: "200px", caption: "Cloud IP Address", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],44 spacer115: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "5px", width: "250px"}, {}],45 /​/​cloudPort: ["wm.Text", {width: "200px", caption: "Port", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", displayValue: "8773", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],46 cloudPort: ["wm.Text", {width: "200px", caption: "Port", captionSize: "150px", height: "20px", changeOnKey: true}, {onEnterKeyPress: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}],47 }],48 spacer118: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "15px", width: "20px"}, {}],49 HelpPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "150px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right"}, {}, {50 spacer337: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "5px", width: "100px"}, {}],51 helpLabel: ["wm.Html", {showing: false, height: "100%", width: "100%", singleLine: false,}],52 }],53 spacerButtonPanel1: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "100%"}],54 CredentialButtonPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "48px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right", verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "right"}, {}, {55 CredentialOKButton: ["wm.Button", {height: "48px", width: "150px", caption: "OK"}, {onclick: "CredentialOKButtonClick"}, {56 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {57 wire: ["wm.Wire", {"targetProperty":"disabled","expression":"!${accessKeyId.dataValue} || !${secretAccessKey.dataValue}"}, {}]58 }]59 }],60 /​/​spacer382: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],61 CredentialBackButton: ["wm.Button", {height: "48px", width: "150px", caption: "Back to Service Provider List"}, {onclick: "CredentialBackButtonClick"}] 62 }]63 }]64 }],65 CreateServersLayer: ["wm.Layer", {width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "10", border: "3", borderColor: "#B0BDD4"}, {onShow: "createServerShow"}, {66 CreateServersLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontSizePx_14px", "DeploymentHeader"]}, height: "38px", width: "100%", caption: "Create Server", margin: "0,0,5,0"}],67 CreateServerLayerPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "100%", margin: "6"},{}, {68 69 CreateServerOptionsPanel1: ["wm.Panel", {height: "175px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right"}, {}, {70 ImageListPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "45%", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {71 ImageListLabel: ["wm.Label", {height: "20px", width: "100%", caption: "Choose a server image"}],72 ImageList: ["wm.List", {width: "100%", height: "100%", 73 dataFields: "id,description,OS",74 border: "2", borderColor: "rgb(120,120,120)", headerVisible: true}, {}, {75 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {76 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "ImageListVar"}, {}]77 }]78 }],79 }],80 81 optionsSpacer2: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}], 82 SecurityGroupPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "55%", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {83 SecurityGroupLabel: ["wm.Label", {height: "20px", width: "100%", caption: "Choose security groups"}],84 SecurityGroupList: ["wm.List", {width: "100%", height: "100%", multiSelect: true,85 dataFields: "name,description,owner", 86 border: "2", borderColor: "rgb(120,120,120)", headerVisible: true}, {}, {87 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {88 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "SecurityGroupListVar"}, {}]89 }]90 }],91 }],92 }],93 spacer281: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "10px"}],94 CreateServerOptionsPanel2: ["wm.Panel", {height: "135px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right"}, {}, {95 /​/​KeyPairListPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "135px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {96 KeyPairListPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "65%", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {97 KeyPairListLabel: ["wm.Label", {height: "20px", width: "100%", caption: "Choose an SSH key pair"}],98 KeyPairList: ["wm.List", {width: "100%", height: "100%", 99 dataFields: "keyname, fingerprint, material",100 border: "2", borderColor: "rgb(120,120,120)", headerVisible: true}, {}, {101 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {102 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "KeyPairListVar"}, {}]103 }]104 }],105 }],106 Spacer211: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}], 107 VMTypeListPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "35%", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {108 VMTypeListLabel: ["wm.Label", {height: "20px", width: "100%", caption: "Choose or enter a VM type. The list may not be complete"}],109 VMTypeList: ["wm.SelectMenu", {captionSize: "95px", captionAlign: "left", width: "100%", height: "24px", displayField: "name", dataField: "dataValue"}, {}, {110 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {111 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "VMTypeListVar"}, {}]112 }]113 }],114 }],115 }],116 spacerButtonPanel5: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "100%"}],117 CreateServerButtonPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "48px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right", verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "right"}, {}, {118 CreateServerButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Create", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "createServerClick"}, {119 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {120 wire: ["wm.Wire", {"targetProperty":"disabled","expression":"${SecurityGroupList.emptySelection} || ${ImageList.emptySelection}"}, {}]121 }]122 }],123 /​/​spacer388: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],124 CreateServerBackButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Back to Server List", width: "150px", height: "100%", }, {onclick: "createServerBackClick"}] 125 }]126 }],127 }],128 TargetPropertiesLayer: ["wm.Layer", {width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "10", border: "3", borderColor: "#B0BDD4"}, {onShow: "setDefaultProperties"}, {129 TargetPropertiesLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontSizePx_14px", "DeploymentHeader"]}, height: "38px", width: "100%", caption: "Server Properties", margin: "0,0,5,0"}],130 TargetPropertiesLayerPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "100%", margin: "6"},{}, {131 targetName: ["wm.Text", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Name", width: "100%", height: "24px", changeOnKey: true}],132 targetDescription: ["wm.Text", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Description", width: "100%", height: "24px", changeOnKey: true}],133 destType: ["wm.SelectMenu", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Destination Type", width: "100%", height: "24px", displayField: "name", dataField: "dataValue"}, {}, {134 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {135 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "destTypeVar"}, {}]136 }]137 }],138 serviceProvider: ["wm.SelectMenu", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Service Provider", width: "100%", height: "24px", displayField: "name", dataField: "dataValue"}, {}, {139 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {140 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "serviceProviderVar"}, {}]141 }]142 }],143 serverType: ["wm.SelectMenu", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "App Server", width: "100%", height: "24px", displayField: "name", dataField: "dataValue"}, {}, {144 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {145 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "serverTypeVar"}, {}]146 }]147 }],148 dnsHost: ["wm.Text", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Host Name", width: "100%", height: "24px", changeOnKey: true}],149 portNumber: ["wm.Text", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Port", width: "100%", height: "24px", changeOnKey: true}],150 serverUser: ["wm.Text", {captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "User", 151 width: "100%", height: "24px", displayValue: "", emptyValue: "", changeOnKey: true}],152 serverPassword1: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Enter Password", 153 width: "100%", height: "24px", displayValue: "", emptyValue: "", changeOnKey: true}],154 serverPassword2: ["wm.Text", {password: 1, captionSize: "115px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Confirm Password", 155 width: "100%", height: "24px", displayValue: "", emptyValue: "", changeOnKey: true}],156 157 spacer389: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "8px", width: "14px"}, {}],158 overrideFlag: ["wm.CheckBoxEditor", {captionSize: "230px", captionAlign: "left", caption: "Override information if already exists?", 159 width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right", displayValue: true, emptyValue: "false"}, {}, {160 editor: ["wm._CheckBoxEditor", {dataType: "boolean"}, {}]161 }],162 163 spacerButtonPanel5: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "100%"}],164 TargetPropertiesButtonPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "48px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right", 165 verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "right"}, {}, {166 TargetPropertiesOKButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "OK", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, 167 {onclick: "targetPropertiesOKClick"}, {168 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {169 wire: ["wm.Wire", {"targetProperty":"disabled","expression":"!${targetName.dataValue} || !${targetDescription.dataValue}"}, {}]170 }]171 }],172 /​/​spacer389: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],173 TargetPropertiesBackButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Back to Server List", width: "150px", height: "100%", }, {onclick: "targetPropertiesBackClick"}] 174 }],175 }],176 }],177 178 ServerListLayer: ["wm.Layer", {width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "10", border: "3", borderColor: "#B0BDD4"}, {}, {179 ServerListLabel: ["wm.Label", {_classes: {domNode: ["wm_FontSizePx_14px", "DeploymentHeader"]}, height: "38px", width: "100%", caption: "Server List", margin: "0,0,5,0"}],180 181 ServerListLayerPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "100%", width: "100%", margin: "6"},{}, {182 HostListPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "255px", width: "450px", layoutKind: "top-to-bottom"}, {}, {183 HostListLabel: ["wm.Label", {height: "20px", width: "100%", caption: "Choose a server"}],184 HostList: ["wm.List", {toggleSelect: true, width: "100%", height: "100%", 185 dataFields: "serverId, dnsHost, created, imageId", 186 columnWidths: "85px, 180px, 100px, 100px",187 headerVisible: true, border: "2", borderColor: "rgb(120,120,120)"}, {}, {188 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {189 wire: ["wm.Wire", {targetProperty: "dataSet", source: "HostNamesVar"}, {}]190 }]191 }],192 }],193 194 spacer383: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "85px", width: "14px"}, {}],195 HostListButtonPanel: ["wm.Panel", {height: "48px", width: "100%", layoutKind: "left-to-right", verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "right"}, {}, {196 HostListRefreshButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Refresh", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "serverListRefreshClick"}],197 /​/​spacer358: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],198 199 HostListCreateButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Create", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "collectServerBaseInfo"}],200 /​/​spacer361: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],201 HostListTerminateButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Terminate", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "deleteServerClick"}, {202 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {203 wire: ["wm.Wire", {"targetProperty":"disabled","source":"HostList.emptySelection"}, {}]204 }]205 }],206 /​/​spacer385: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],207 HostListDepTargetButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Add to Deployment Target Table", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "addToDepTargetClick"}, {208 binding: ["wm.Binding", {}, {}, {209 wire: ["wm.Wire", {"targetProperty":"disabled","source":"HostList.emptySelection"}, {}]210 }]211 }],212 /​/​spacer386: ["wm.Spacer", {height: "48px", width: "14px"}, {}],213 HostListBackButton: ["wm.Button", { caption: "Back to Enter Credentials", width: "150px", height: "100%"}, {onclick: "serverListBackClick"}] 214 }]215 }]216 }]217 }]218 }]...

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Source: twitterActions.js Github


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1function retweet(tweetObj, url){2 var tweetid = tweetObj.id_str;3 var text = tweetObj.text;4 var screen_name = tweetObj.user.screen_name;5 $("#dialog").remove();6 $(document.body).append("<div id='dialog'><div id='dialog_content'><div class='tweetConfirm'>"+ formatTweet(tweetObj) +7 "</​div><div class='clear'></​div>"+8 " Retweet this? <div class='clear'></​div><button id='okbutton'>"+9 " OK </​button> <button id='cancelbutton'> Cancel </​button><button id='editbutton'> Edit </​button>"+10 "<div class='clear'></​div></​div></​div>");11 if (url)12 appendFBLike(url, $("#dialog_content"));13 $("#okbutton").click(function(e){14 $("disabled", true);15 $.ajax({16 type: 'POST',17 url:"/​retweet.php?tweet_id=" + tweetid,18 success: function(){ 19 $("#dialog_content").html("Retweeted"); 20 setTimeout(function(){21 $("#dialog").remove();22 }, 3000);23 },24 error: function() {showLogin();}25 });26 });27 $("#cancelbutton").click(function(){28 $("#dialog").remove();29 });30 $("#editbutton").click(function(){31 tweet("RT @" + screen_name + " " +text); 32 });33}34function tweet(Text){35 $("#dialog").remove();36 $(document.body).append("<div id='dialog'><div id='dialog_content'> What's happening? "+37 "<div class='clear'></​div><textarea id='tweetText' rows='5' cols='45'>" + 38 "</​textarea><div class='clear'></​div><button id='okbutton'> OK </​button> "+39 "<button id='cancelbutton'> Cancel </​button> <span id='textCounter'></​span><div class='clear'></​div></​div></​div>");40 if (Text)41 $("#tweetText")[0].value = Text;42 $("#textCounter").html(140 - $("#tweetText")[0].value.length);43 $("#okbutton").click(function(e){44 $("disabled", true);45 $.ajax({46 type: 'POST',47 url:"/​reply.php?tweet_text="+ escape($("#tweetText")[0].value),48 success: function(){ 49 $("#dialog_content").html("Tweet sent"); 50 setTimeout(function(){51 $("#dialog").remove();52 }, 3000);53 },54 error: function() {showLogin();}55 });56 });57 $("#cancelbutton").click(function(){58 $("#dialog").remove();59 });60}61function reply(tweet){62 tweetid = tweet.id_str;63 var additionals = typeof tweet.retweeted_status != 'undefined' ? " @" + tweet.retweeted_status.user.screen_name : "";64 additionals += typeof official_hashtag != 'undefined' ? " " + official_hashtag : "";65 $("#dialog").remove();66 $(document.body).append("<div id='dialog'><div id='dialog_content'><div class='tweetConfirm'>"+formatTweet(tweet)+67 "</​div><div class='clear'></​div><textarea id='replyText' rows='5' cols='45'>@" + 68 tweet.user.screen_name + additionals + "</​textarea>" +69 " <div class='clear'></​div><button id='okbutton'> OK </​button> "+70 "<button id='cancelbutton'> Cancel </​button> <span id='textCounter'></​span><div class='clear'></​div> </​div></​div>");71 $("#textCounter").html(140 - $("#replyText")[0].value.length);72 $("#okbutton").click(function(e){73 $("disabled", true);74 $.ajax({75 type: 'POST',76 url:"/​reply.php?tweet_id=" + tweetid + "&tweet_text="+ escape($("#replyText")[0].value),77 success: function(){ 78 $("#dialog_content").html("Reply sent"); 79 setTimeout(function(){80 $("#dialog").remove();81 }, 3000);82 },83 error: function() {showLogin();}84 });85 });86 $("#cancelbutton").click(function(){87 $("#dialog").remove();88 });89}90function favorite(tweet, url){91 tweetid = tweet.id_str;92 $("#dialog").remove();93 $(document.body).append("<div id='dialog'> <div id='dialog_content'><div class='tweetConfirm'>"+94 formatTweet(tweet)+"</​div><div class='clear'></​div>"+95 " Favorite this? <div class='clear'></​div><button id='okbutton'>"+96 " OK </​button> <button id='cancelbutton'> Cancel </​button><div class='clear'></​div> </​div></​div>");97 if (url)98 appendFBLike(url, $("#dialog_content"));99 $("#okbutton").click(function(e){100 $("disabled", true);101 $.ajax({102 type: 'POST',103 url:"/​favorite.php?tweet_id=" + tweetid,104 success: function(){ 105 $("#dialog_content").html("Favorited"); 106 setTimeout(function(){107 $("#dialog").remove();108 }, 3000);109 },110 error: function() {showLogin();}111 });112 });113 $("#cancelbutton").click(function(){114 $("#dialog").remove();115 });116}117function showLogin(){118 $("#dialog_content").html("Failed"); 119 setTimeout(function(){120 $("#dialog").remove();121 }, 3000);...

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Source: RestrictionEnzymeController.js Github


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1Ext.define("Vesa.controller.RestrictionEnzymeController", {2 extend: "",3 requires: ["Teselagen.manager.RestrictionEnzymeGroupManager"],4 GroupManager: null,5 managerWindow: null,6 enzymeSelector: null,7 init: function() {8 this.GroupManager = Teselagen.manager.RestrictionEnzymeGroupManager;9 this.control({10 "#enzymeGroupSelector": {11 change: this.onEnzymeGroupSelected12 },13 "#enzymeSearchField": {14 keyup: this.onEnzymeSearchFieldKeyup15 },16 "#restrictionEnzymesManagerOKButton": {17 click: this.onOKButtonClick18 },19 "#saveGroupButton": {20 click: this.onSaveButtonClick21 },22 "#deleteGroupButton": {23 click: this.onDeleteGroupButtonClick24 },25 });26 this.application.on({27 RestrictionEnzymeManagerOpened: this.onEnzymeManagerOpened, 28 scope: this29 });30 },31 /​**32 * Populates the group selector combobox when the restriction enzyme33 * manage window is opened.34 */​35 onEnzymeManagerOpened: function(manager) {36 this.managerWindow = manager;37 this.enzymeSelector = manager.query("#enzymeSelector")[0];38 if(!this.GroupManager.getIsInitialized()) {39 this.GroupManager.initialize();40 }41 var nameData = [];42 var groupSelector = this.managerWindow.query("#enzymeGroupSelector")[0];43 Ext.each(this.GroupManager.getGroupNames(), function(name) {44{name: name});45 });46 /​/​ Set the value in the combobox to the first element by default.47 groupSelector.setValue("0").get("name"));48 /​/​ Load data into the enzyme selector.49 var startGroup = this.GroupManager.groupByName(groupSelector.getValue());50 var groupArray = [];51 Ext.each(startGroup.getEnzymes(), function(enzyme) {52 groupArray.push({name: enzyme.getName()});53 });54;55 this.enzymeSelector.bindStore(;56 this.displayActiveGroup();57 },58 displayActiveGroup: function() {59 var activeGroup = this.GroupManager.getActiveGroup();60 var names = [];61 Ext.each(activeGroup.getEnzymes(), function(enzyme) {62 names.push({name: enzyme.getName()});63 }, this);64, false);65 this.enzymeSelector.toField.bindStore(;66 },67 /​**68 * Populates the itemselector field with enzyme names.69 * Called when the user selects a new group in the combobox.70 */​71 onEnzymeGroupSelected: function(combobox) {72 var newGroup = this.GroupManager.groupByName(combobox.getValue());73 var newStoreData = [];74 var enzymeArray = [];75 Ext.each(newGroup.getEnzymes(), function(enzyme) {76 enzymeArray.push({name: enzyme.getName()});77 });78, false);79 this.enzymeSelector.fromField.bindStore(;80 },81 onEnzymeSearchFieldKeyup: function(field) {82 {83 if( RegExp(field.getValue(), "i")) != -1) {84 return true;85 }86 });87 this.enzymeSelector.fromField.bindStore(;88 },89 /​**90 * Saves active enzymes and closes the window.91 */​92 onOKButtonClick: function() {93 var names = [];94 {95 names.push(;96 });97 var newActiveGroup = this.GroupManager.createGroupByEnzymes("active", 98 names);99 this.managerWindow.close();100 if(newActiveGroup !== this.GroupManager.getActiveGroup()){101 this.GroupManager.setActiveGroup(newActiveGroup);102 this.application.fireEvent("ActiveEnzymesChanged");103 }104 }...

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Source: SaveAsWindowController.js Github


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1Ext.define("Vede.controller.VectorEditor.SaveAsWindowController", {2 extend: "Vede.controller.VectorEditor.SequenceEditingController",3 requires: ["Teselagen.manager.SequenceFileManager",4 "Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager",5 "Teselagen.manager.VectorEditorManager",6 "Teselagen.event.ProjectEvent",7 "Teselagen.event.SequenceManagerEvent",8 "",9 "Teselagen.constants.Constants"],10 sequenceManager: null,11 sequenceGrid: null,12 sequenceNameField: null,13 onSequenceManagerChanged: function(sequenceManager) {14 this.sequenceManager = sequenceManager;15 },16 onWindowShow: function() {17 this.sequenceGrid = Ext.getCmp('saveAsWindowSequencesGrid');18 this.sequenceNameField = Ext.getCmp('saveAsWindowSequenceNameField');19 Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager.sequences.clearFilter();20 Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager.sequences.loadPage(1);21 this.sequenceGrid.reconfigure(Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager.sequences);22 this.sequenceNameField.setValue(this.sequenceManager.getName());23 },24 onGridItemClick: function(grid, sequence, el) {25 this.sequenceNameField.setValue(sequence.get('name'));26 },27 onSaveAsWindowOKButtonClick: function() {28 this.sequenceGrid = Ext.getCmp('saveAsWindowSequencesGrid');29 var workingSequence = Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager.workingSequence;30 var sequencesNames = [];31 var name = Ext.String.trim(this.sequenceNameField.getValue());32 if(!name || name.match(/​^\s*$/​) || !name.length) {33 this.sequenceNameField.setFieldStyle("border-color:red");34 } else {35 var genbank = this.sequenceManager.toGenbank();36 var locus = genbank.getLocus();37 locus.locusName = name;38 genbank.setLocus(locus);39 /​/​ May not work with non-genbank files.40 var newSequenceFile = Ext.create("Teselagen.models.SequenceFile", {41 sequenceFileFormat:,42 sequenceFileContent: genbank.toString(),43 sequenceFileName:,44 partSource:,45 name: name46 });47{48 success: function () {49 var duplicated = JSON.parse(arguments[1].response.responseText).duplicated;50 if(!duplicated) {51 Vede.application.fireEvent(Teselagen.event.ProjectEvent.LOAD_PROJECT_TREE, function () {52 Ext.getCmp("mainAppPanel").getActiveTab().el.unmask();53 Teselagen.manager.ProjectManager.openSequence(newSequenceFile);54 });55 /​/​;56 Ext.getCmp('SaveAsWindow').close();57 } else {58 Ext.MessageBox.alert('', 'A sequence with the name "' +59 name + '" already exists. \nPlease select another name.');60 }61 },62 failure: function() {63 Ext.MessageBox.alert('', 'Error saving sequence. Please try again.');64 }65 });66 }67 },68 onTabChange: function(mainAppPanel, newTab) {69 if(newTab.initialCls === "VectorEditorPanel") {70 this.onSequenceManagerChanged(newTab.model);71 }72 },73 init: function() {74 this.control({75 '#mainAppPanel': {76 tabchange: this.onTabChange77 },78 '#SaveAsWindow': {79 show: this.onWindowShow80 },81 '#saveAsWindowSequencesGrid': {82 itemclick: this.onGridItemClick83 },84 '#saveAsWindowOKButton': {85 click: this.onSaveAsWindowOKButtonClick86 }87 });88 this.application.on(Teselagen.event.SequenceManagerEvent.SEQUENCE_MANAGER_CHANGED,89 this.onSequenceManagerChanged, this);90 }...

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Source: appium-test-wd.js Github


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1import path from 'path';2import * as wd from 'wd';3import * as capabilities from '../​capabilities';4import {DEVICE_TIMEOUT, JEST_TIMEOUT, TARGET_PLATFORM} from '../​constants';5describe('Create Android session (wd)', () => {6 let driver;7 beforeAll(async () => {8 jest.setTimeout(JEST_TIMEOUT);9 const {capabilities: deviceConfig, ...serverConfig} = capabilities[TARGET_PLATFORM];10 if (process.env.BROWSERSTACK) {11 = path.basename(__filename, path.extname(__filename));12 }13 console.debug('[beforeAll] initializing driver serverConfig %j and capabilities %j', serverConfig, deviceConfig);14 /​/​ Connect to Appium server15 driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);16 /​/​ Start the session17 await driver.init(deviceConfig)18 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(DEVICE_TIMEOUT)19 .sleep(5000);20'[beforeAll] driver initialized %j', driver);21 });22 afterAll(async () => {23 await driver.quit();24 });25 /​/​ NOTE-RT: BrowserStack doesn't seem to support `getCurrentPackage`26 xit('verify the running application', async () => {27 /​/​ Check that we're running the ApiDemos app by checking package and activity28 const activity = await driver.getCurrentActivity();29 const pkg = await driver.getCurrentPackage();30 expect(`${pkg}${activity}`).toBe('com.apktest.MainActivity');31 });32 it('Press alert button and press OK', async () => {33 console.log('REGULAR BUTTON');34 let button = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('test-button-1');35 /​/​ console.log(button)36 await;37 /​/​ Click alert message button38 let okbutton = await driver.element('id', 'android:id/​button1');39 console.log('OK');40 /​/​ console.log(okbutton);41 await;42 });43 it('Press alert button and press Cancel', async () => {44 console.log('REGULAR BUTTON');45 let button = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('test-button-1');46 /​/​ console.log(button)47 await;48 /​/​ Click alert message button49 let okbutton = await driver.element('id', 'android:id/​button2');50 console.log('CANCEL');51 /​/​ console.log(okbutton);52 await;53 });54 it('Press second button and press OK', async () => {55 console.log('REGULAR BUTTON');56 let button = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('test-button-2');57 /​/​ console.log(button)58 await;59 /​/​ Click alert message button60 let okbutton = await driver.element('id', 'android:id/​button1');61 console.log('OK');62 /​/​ console.log(okbutton);63 await;64 });65 it('Press alert button and press Cancel', async () => {66 console.log('REGULAR BUTTON');67 let button = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('test-button-2');68 /​/​ console.log(button)69 await;70 /​/​ Click alert message button71 let okbutton = await driver.element('id', 'android:id/​button2');72 console.log('CANCEL');73 /​/​ console.log(okbutton);74 await;75 });76 77 it('Press Google Sign in and sign in succesfully', async () => {78 console.log('Google SIGNIN');79 let button = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('google-signinbutton');80 /​/​ console.log(button)81 await;82 await driver.sleep(5000)83 let contexts = await driver.contexts();84 console.log(contexts)85 await driver.context('WEBVIEW_chrome')86 let context = await driver.currentContext();87 console.log(context)88 });...

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Source: OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin.js Github


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1/​*2* OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin - Handles the OK, Close and Cancel buttons3*/​4function OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin()5{6 this.m_strCloseFunctionName = undefined;7 8 OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin.Base.constructor.apply( this );9}10UberObject.Base( OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin, Plugin );1112Object.extend( OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin.prototype, {13 loadConfigParams: function()14 {15 OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin.Base.loadConfigParams.apply( this );16 this.extendConfigParams( {17 m_strCloseFunctionName: { type: 'string', bRequired: false }18 } );19 },2021 RegisterMessageHandlers: function()22 {23 this.RegisterListenerObject( { message: 'registerdomeventhandlers', 24 listener: this.OnRegisterDomEventHandlers, context: this } );25 26 this.extendPlugged( 'setOKText', this );27 28 OKCloseCancelButtonsPlugin.Base.RegisterMessageHandlers.apply( this, arguments );29 },3031 OnRegisterDomEventHandlers: function()32 {33 var objPlugged = this.getPlugged();3435 objPlugged.attachButton( 'elementCloseButton', this.OnCloseButtonClick, this );36 objPlugged.attachButton( 'elementOKButton', this.OnOKButtonClick, this );37 objPlugged.attachButton( 'elementCancelButton', this.OnCancelButtonClick, this );38 },3940 /​**41 * OnCloseButtonClick - Hides ourselves42 */​43 OnCloseButtonClick: function( in_objEvent )44 {45 this._doButtonAction( 'close' );46 },4748 /​**49 * OnOKButtonClick - Hides ourselves50 */​51 OnOKButtonClick: function( in_objEvent )52 {53 this._doButtonAction( 'submit' );54 },5556 /​**57 * OnCancelButtonClick - Hides ourselves58 */​59 OnCancelButtonClick: function( in_objEvent )60 {61 this._doButtonAction( 'cancelled' );62 },6364 _doButtonAction: function( in_strMessage )65 {66 Util.Assert( TypeCheck.String( in_strMessage ) );67 var objPlugged = this.getPlugged();68 var aArguments = this._getClosingArguments();69 70 objPlugged.Raise( objPlugged.type + in_strMessage, aArguments );71 },72 73 /​**74 * _getClosingArguments - you just like the name, don't you?75 * @param {Variant} - either undefined or an array, passed directly to the Raise function.76 */​77 _getClosingArguments: function()78 {79 var aRetVal = undefined;80 if( this.m_strCloseFunctionName )81 {82 var vRetVal = this.getPlugged()[ this.m_strCloseFunctionName ]();83 if( vRetVal )84 {85 aRetVal = [ vRetVal ];86 } /​/​ end if87 } /​/​ end if88 89 return aRetVal;90 },91 92 /​**93 * setOKText - set the text of the OK button94 * @param {String} in_strText - text to set the input button to95 */​96 setOKText: function( in_strText )97 {98 Util.Assert( TypeCheck.String( in_strText ) );99 100 this.getPlugged().$( 'elementOKButton' ).innerHTML = in_strText;101 } ...

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Source: actions.js Github


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1/​/​ import {IDLESTATUS_AWAY, IDLESTATUS_EXPIRED} from './​constants';2/​/​ import {_authenticationSuccess,_setLastCheckedTime, logout} from '../​../​actions/​credential.actions';3/​/​ import SecurityAPI from '../​../​api/​credential.api';4/​/​ import {ModalService} from '../​/​modal.service';5/​/​ import {I18n} from 'react-redux-i18n';6/​/​ import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';7/​/​ import {actions as idleActions} from './​index';8/​/​ import AdalService from '../​/​adal.service';9/​/​ import * as ActionTypes from '../​../​actions/​action-types.constants.js';10/​/​11/​/​12/​/​ /​/​time returned is in milliseconds13/​/​ export const idleStatusDelay = idleStatus => (dispatch, getState) => {14/​/​ if(idleStatus === IDLESTATUS_AWAY)15/​/​ return 1200000; /​/​20 mins after action16/​/​ if(idleStatus === IDLESTATUS_EXPIRED)17/​/​ return 610000; /​/​10 mins after first notification18/​/​ };19/​/​20/​/​ export const activeStatusAction = (dispatch, getState) => {};21/​/​22/​/​ export const idleStatusAction = idleStatus => (dispatch, getState) => {23/​/​24/​/​ if(idleStatus === IDLESTATUS_AWAY) {25/​/​ ModalService.showAlertNoClosing(I18n.t('redux_idle_monitor.first_timer_body') ,I18n.t('redux_idle_monitor.first_timer_title')).then(result => {26/​/​27/​/​ SecurityAPI.getAuthenticatedUser().then(authenticatedUser => {28/​/​ dispatch((idleActions.start)());29/​/​ dispatch(_authenticationSuccess(authenticatedUser));30/​/​ dispatch(_setLastCheckedTime(new Date().getTime()));31/​/​ }).fail(() => {32/​/​ SecurityAPI.logout().then(() => {33/​/​ awayOKButtonClickOnEndedSessionAction(dispatch);34/​/​ }).fail(() => {35/​/​ awayOKButtonClickOnEndedSessionAction(dispatch);36/​/​ });37/​/​ });38/​/​ });39/​/​ }40/​/​41/​/​42/​/​ if(idleStatus === IDLESTATUS_EXPIRED) {43/​/​ SecurityAPI.getAuthenticatedUser().then(authenticatedUser => {44/​/​ dispatch((idleActions.start)());45/​/​ dispatch(_authenticationSuccess(authenticatedUser));46/​/​ dispatch(_setLastCheckedTime(new Date().getTime()));47/​/​ ModalService.removeExistingAlert();48/​/​ }).fail(() => {49/​/​ SecurityAPI.logout().then(() => {50/​/​ expiredStatusAction(dispatch);51/​/​ }).fail(() => {52/​/​ expiredStatusAction(dispatch);53/​/​ });54/​/​ });55/​/​ }56/​/​ };57/​/​58/​/​ const expiredStatusAction = (dispatch) => {59/​/​ ModalService.removeExistingAlert();60/​/​ dispatch({type: ActionTypes.LOGOUT_SUCCESS});61/​/​ AdalService.logout();62/​/​ browserHistory.push('/​');63/​/​ dispatch(_setLastCheckedTime(0));64/​/​ ModalService.showAlertNoClosing(I18n.t('redux_idle_monitor.second_timer_body'), I18n.t('redux_idle_monitor.second_timer_title')).then(result => { });65/​/​ dispatch((idleActions.stop)());66/​/​ }67/​/​68/​/​ const awayOKButtonClickOnEndedSessionAction = (dispatch) => {69/​/​ dispatch({type: ActionTypes.LOGOUT_SUCCESS});70/​/​ AdalService.logout();71/​/​ browserHistory.push('/​');72/​/​ dispatch(_setLastCheckedTime(0));73/​/​ dispatch((idleActions.stop)());...

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Source: SelectWindowController.js Github


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1/​**2 * Select window controller3 * @class Vede.controller.VectorEditor.SelectWindowController4 */​5Ext.define("Vede.controller.VectorEditor.SelectWindowController", {6 extend: "",7 requires: ["Teselagen.event.SelectionEvent",8 "Teselagen.event.SequenceManagerEvent",9 "Teselagen.event.MenuItemEvent"],10 MenuItemEvent: null,11 SelectionEvent: null,12 selectWindow: null,13 sequenceManager: null,14 onSelectWindowOpened: function(window) {15 this.selectWindow = window;16 },17 onSequenceManagerChanged: function(sequenceManager) {18 this.sequenceManager = sequenceManager;19 },20 onOKButtonClick: function() {21 if(!this.sequenceManager) {22 this.selectWindow.close();23 }24 var from = Ext.getCmp("selectWindowFromField").getValue();25 var to = Ext.getCmp("selectWindowToField").getValue();26 var seqLen = this.sequenceManager.getSequence().toString().length;27 if(isNaN(from) || from > seqLen || from < 1) {28 Ext.getCmp("selectWindowFromField").setFieldStyle("border-color:red");29 } else if(isNaN(to) || to > seqLen || to < 1) {30 Ext.getCmp("selectWindowToField").setFieldStyle("border-color:red");31 } else {32 this.selectWindow.close();33 this.application.fireEvent(this.SelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGED,34 this, Number(from) - 1, Number(to));35 }36 },37 onTabChange: function(mainAppPanel, newTab) {38 if(newTab.initialCls === "VectorEditorPanel") {39 this.onSequenceManagerChanged(newTab.model);40 }41 },42 init: function() {43 this.control({44 "#mainAppPanel": {45 tabchange: this.onTabChange46 },47 "#selectWindowOKButton": {48 click: this.onOKButtonClick49 }50 });51 this.MenuItemEvent = Teselagen.event.MenuItemEvent;52 this.SelectionEvent = Teselagen.event.SelectionEvent;53 this.application.on(this.MenuItemEvent.SELECT_WINDOW_OPENED,54 this.onSelectWindowOpened, this);55 this.application.on(Teselagen.event.SequenceManagerEvent.SEQUENCE_MANAGER_CHANGED, 56 this.onSequenceManagerChanged, this);57 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { remote } = require('webdriverio');2const assert = require('assert');3(async () => {4 const browser = await remote({5 capabilities: {6 }7 })8 await browser.pause(5000);9 await'~okButton');10 await browser.pause(5000);11 await browser.deleteSession();12})();13const { remote } = require('webdriverio');14const assert = require('assert');15(async () => {16 const browser = await remote({17 capabilities: {18 }19 })20 await browser.pause(5000);21 await'~okButton');22 await browser.pause(5000);23 await browser.deleteSession();24})();25const { remote } = require('webdriverio');26const assert = require('assert');27(async () => {28 const browser = await remote({29 capabilities: {30 }31 })32 await browser.pause(5000);33 await'~okButton');34 await browser.pause(5000);35 await browser.deleteSession();36})();37const { remote } = require('webdriverio');38const assert = require('assert');39(async () => {40 const browser = await remote({41 capabilities: {42 }43 })44 await browser.pause(5000);45 await'~okButton');46 await browser.pause(5000);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .elementByAccessibilityId('OK')8 .then(function(element) {9 return;10 })11 .then(function() {12 return driver.quit();13 })14 .done();15var wd = require('wd');16var assert = require('assert');17var desired = {18};19var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);20 .init(desired)21 .elementByAccessibilityId('OK')22 .then(function(element) {23 return;24 })25 .then(function() {26 return driver.quit();27 })28 .done();29var wd = require('wd');30var assert = require('assert');31var desired = {32};33var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);34 .init(desired)35 .elementByAccessibilityId('OK')36 .then(function(element) {37 return;38 })39 .then(function() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var app = require('express')(),2 server = require('http').Server(app),3 io = require('')(server),4 port = 3000;5server.listen(port, function() {6 console.log('Server listening at port %d', port);7});8app.get('/​', function(req, res) {9 res.sendFile(__dirname + '/​index.html');10});11app.get('/​static', function(req, res) {12 res.sendFile(__dirname + '/​static.html');13});14var usernames = {};15var numUsers = 0;16io.on('connection', function(socket) {17 var addedUser = false;18 socket.on('new message', function(data) {19 socket.broadcast.emit('new message', {20 });21 });22 socket.on('add user', function(username) {23 if (addedUser) return;24 socket.username = username;25 ++numUsers;26 addedUser = true;27 socket.emit('login', {28 });29 socket.broadcast.emit('user joined', {30 });31 });32 socket.on('typing', function() {33 socket.broadcast.emit('typing', {34 });35 });36 socket.on('stop typing', function() {37 socket.broadcast.emit('stop typing', {38 });39 });40 socket.on('disconnect', function() {41 if (addedUser) {42 --numUsers;43 socket.broadcast.emit('user left', {44 });45 }46 });47});

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