Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver
Source: simulator-xcode-6.js
...1255`SSL certificate '${_.truncate(payload, {length: 20})}' already installed`);1256 return false;1257 }1258`Installing SSL root certificate '${_.truncate(payload, {length: 20})}'`);1259 await installSSLCert(payload, this.udid);1260 return true;1261 }1262 /**1263 * Simulates push notification delivery1264 *1265 * @since Xcode SDK 11.41266 */1267 async pushNotification (/* payload */) { // eslint-disable-line require-await1268 throw new Error(`Xcode SDK '${this.xcodeVersion}' is too old to push notifications`);1269 }1270 async getLaunchDaemonsRoot () {1271 const devRoot = await getDeveloperRoot();1272 return path.resolve(devRoot,1273 'Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/System/Library/LaunchDaemons');...
Source: driver.js
...150 this.opts.device = device;151 this.opts.udid = udid;152 this.opts.realDevice = realDevice;153 if (this.isSimulator() && this.opts.customSSLCert) {154 await installSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid);155 }156 // at this point if there is no platformVersion, get it from the device157 if (!this.opts.platformVersion) {158 if (this.opts.device && _.isFunction(this.opts.device.getPlatformVersion)) {159 this.opts.platformVersion = await this.opts.device.getPlatformVersion();160`No platformVersion specified. Using device version: '${this.opts.platformVersion}'`);161 } else {162 // TODO: this is when it is a real device. when we have a real object wire it in163 }164 }165 // make sure that the xcode we are using can handle the platform166 if (parseFloat(this.opts.platformVersion) > parseFloat(this.iosSdkVersion)) {167 let msg = `Xcode ${this.xcodeVersion.versionString} has a maximum SDK version of ${this.iosSdkVersion}. ` +168 `It does not support iOS version ${this.opts.platformVersion}`;169 log.errorAndThrow(msg);170 }171 if ((this.opts.browserName || '').toLowerCase() === 'safari') {172'Safari test requested');173 this.safari = true;174 = undefined;175 this.opts.processArguments = this.opts.processArguments || {};176 this.opts.bundleId = SAFARI_BUNDLE_ID;177 this._currentUrl = this.opts.safariInitialUrl || (178 this.isRealDevice() ?179 '' :180 `http://${this.opts.address}:${this.opts.port}/welcome`181 );182 this.opts.processArguments.args = ['-u', this._currentUrl];183 } else {184 await this.configureApp();185 }186 // fail very early if the app doesn't actually exist187 if ( {188 await this.checkAppPresent();189 }190 if (!this.opts.bundleId) {191 this.opts.bundleId = await this.extractBundleId(;192 }193 if (!this.opts.realDevice && this.opts.scaleFactor !== undefined) {194`Settings non-default Simulator scale factor ${this.opts.scaleFactor}`);195 device.setScaleFactor(this.opts.scaleFactor);196 }197 // handle logging198 this.logs = {};199 await this.startLogCapture();200`Setting up ${this.isRealDevice() ? 'real device' : 'simulator'}`);201 if (!this.isRealDevice()) {202 this.localeConfig = await iosSettings.setLocale(this.opts.device, this.opts, {}, this.isSafari());203 await iosSettings.setPreferences(this.opts.device, this.opts, this.isSafari());204 await this.startSim();205 }206 if ( {207 await this.installApp();208 }209 await this.startWda(this.opts.sessionId, realDevice);210 await this.setInitialOrientation(this.opts.orientation);211 if (this.isSafari() || this.opts.autoWebview) {212 log.debug('Waiting for initial webview');213 await this.navToInitialWebview();214 }215 }216 async startWda (sessionId, realDevice, tries = 0) {217 tries++;218 this.wda = new WebDriverAgent(this.xcodeVersion, this.opts);219 if (this.opts.useNewWDA) {220 log.debug(`Capability 'useNewWDA' set, so uninstalling WDA before proceeding`);221 await this.wda.uninstall();222 }223 // local helper for the two places we need to uninstall wda and re-start it224 let uninstallAndRestart = async () => {225 log.debug('Quitting and uninstalling WebDriverAgent, then retrying');226 await this.wda.quit();227 await this.wda.uninstall();228 await this.startWda(sessionId, realDevice, tries);229 };230 try {231 await this.wda.launch(sessionId, realDevice);232 } catch (err) {233 if (tries > WDA_STARTUP_RETRIES) throw err;234 log.debug(`Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: ${err.message}`);235 await uninstallAndRestart();236 }237 this.proxyReqRes = this.wda.proxyReqRes.bind(this.wda);238 this.jwpProxyActive = true;239 try {240 await retryInterval(15, 500, async () => {241 log.debug('Sending createSession command to WDA');242 try {243 await this.startWdaSession(this.opts.bundleId, this.opts.processArguments);244 } catch (err) {245 log.debug('Failed to create session. Retrying...');246 throw err;247 }248 });249 } catch (err) {250 log.debug(`Unable to start WebDriverAgent session: ${err.message}`);251 if (tries > WDA_STARTUP_RETRIES) throw err;252 await uninstallAndRestart();253 }254 if (typeof this.opts.preventWDAAttachments !== 'undefined') {255 await adjustWDAAttachmentsPermissions(this.opts.preventWDAAttachments ? '555' : '755');256 }257 }258 // create an alias so we can actually unit test createSession by stubbing259 // this260 async extractBundleId (app) {261 return await appUtils.extractBundleId(app);262 }263 async deleteSession () {264 await this.stop();265 await super.deleteSession();266 }267 async stop () {268 this.jwpProxyActive = false;269 this.proxyReqRes = null;270 if (this.wda) {271 if (this.wda.jwproxy) {272 await this.proxyCommand(`/session/${this.sessionId}`, 'DELETE');273 }274 await this.wda.quit();275 }276 if (this.isWebContext()) {277 log.debug('In a web session. Removing remote debugger');278 await this.stopRemote();279 }280 if (this.isRealDevice()) {281 await runRealDeviceReset(this.opts.device, this.opts);282 } else {283 await runSimulatorReset(this.opts.device, this.opts);284 }285 if (this.isSimulator() && this.opts.udid && this.opts.customSSLCert) {286 await uninstallSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid);287 }288 if (!this.opts.noReset && !!this.opts.device) {289 log.debug('Resetting simulator');290 if (this.lifecycleData.bootSim) {291 log.debug('Shutting down simulator');292 await this.opts.device.shutdown();293 }294 if (this.lifecycleData.createSim) {295 log.debug('Deleting simulator created for this run');296 await this.opts.device.delete();297 }298 }299 if (!_.isEmpty(this.logs)) {300 this.logs.syslog.stopCapture();...
Source: utils.js
1import log from './logger';2import _ from 'lodash';3import { exec } from 'teen_process';4import { waitForCondition } from 'asyncbox';5import { getVersion } from 'appium-xcode';6import { getDevices } from 'node-simctl';7import { fs, tempDir } from 'appium-support';8import { Certificate } from './certificate';9import path from 'path';10import Simulator from './simulator-xcode-6';11import fkill from 'fkill';12const DEFAULT_SIM_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 30000;13const BIOMETRICS = {14 touchId: 'fingerTouch',15 faceId: 'pearl',16};17function toBiometricDomainComponent (name) {18 if (!BIOMETRICS[name]) {19 throw new Error(`'${name}' is not a valid biometric. Use one of: ${JSON.stringify(_.keys(BIOMETRICS))}`);20 }21 return BIOMETRICS[name];22}23// pgrep/pkill exit codes:24// 0 One or more processes were matched.25// 1 No processes were matched.26// 2 Invalid options were specified on the command line.27// 3 An internal error occurred.28async function pkill (appName, forceKill = false) {29 let args = forceKill ? ['-9'] : [];30 args.push('-x', appName);31 try {32 await exec('pkill', args);33 return 0;34 } catch (err) {35 if (!_.isUndefined(err.code)) {36 throw new Error(`Cannot forcefully terminate ${appName}. pkill error code: ${err.code}`);37 }38 log.error(`Received unexpected error while trying to kill ${appName}: ${err.message}`);39 throw err;40 }41}42async function killAllSimulators (timeout = DEFAULT_SIM_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) {43 log.debug('Killing all iOS Simulators');44 const xcodeVersion = await getVersion(true);45 const appName = xcodeVersion.major >= 7 ? 'Simulator' : 'iOS Simulator';46 // later versions are slower to close47 timeout = timeout * (xcodeVersion.major >= 8 ? 2 : 1);48 try {49 await exec('xcrun', ['simctl', 'shutdown', xcodeVersion.major > 8 ? 'all' : 'booted'], {timeout});50 } catch (ign) {}51 const pids = [];52 try {53 const {stdout} = await exec('pgrep', ['-f', `${appName}.app/Contents/MacOS/`]);54 if (stdout.trim()) {55 pids.push(...(stdout.trim().split(/\s+/)));56 }57 } catch (e) {58 if (e.code === 1) {59 log.debug(`${appName} is not running. Continuing...`);60 return;61 }62 if (_.isEmpty(pids)) {63 log.warn(`pgrep error ${e.code} while detecting whether ${appName} is running. Trying to kill anyway.`);64 }65 }66 if (!_.isEmpty(pids)) {67 log.debug(`Using fkill to kill processes: ${pids.join(', ')}`);68 try {69 await fkill(pids, {force: true});70 } catch (ign) {}71 }72 log.debug(`Using pkill to kill application: ${appName}`);73 try {74 await pkill(appName, true);75 } catch (ign) {}76 // wait for all the devices to be shutdown before Continuing77 // but only print out the failed ones when they are actually fully failed78 let remainingDevices = [];79 async function allSimsAreDown () {80 remainingDevices = [];81 let devices = await getDevices();82 devices = _.flatten(_.values(devices));83 return _.every(devices, (sim) => {84 let state = sim.state.toLowerCase();85 let done = state === 'shutdown' ||86 state === 'unavailable' ||87 state === 'disconnected';88 if (!done) {89 remainingDevices.push(`${} (${sim.sdk}, udid: ${sim.udid}) is still in state '${state}'`);90 }91 return done;92 });93 }94 try {95 await waitForCondition(allSimsAreDown, {96 waitMs: timeout,97 intervalMs: 20098 });99 } catch (err) {100 if (remainingDevices.length > 0) {101 log.warn(`The following devices are still not in the correct state after ${timeout} ms:`);102 for (let device of remainingDevices) {103 log.warn(` ${device}`);104 }105 }106 throw err;107 }108}109async function endAllSimulatorDaemons () {110 log.debug('Ending all simulator daemons');111 for (let servicePattern of ['', '']) {112 log.debug(`Killing any other ${servicePattern} daemons`);113 let launchCtlCommand = `launchctl list | grep ${servicePattern} | cut -f 3 | xargs -n 1 launchctl`;114 try {115 let stopCmd = `${launchCtlCommand} stop`;116 await exec('bash', ['-c', stopCmd]);117 } catch (err) {118 log.warn(`Could not stop ${servicePattern} daemons, carrying on anyway!`);119 }120 try {121 let removeCmd = `${launchCtlCommand} remove`;122 await exec('bash', ['-c', removeCmd]);123 } catch (err) {124 log.warn(`Could not remove ${servicePattern} daemons, carrying on anyway!`);125 }126 }127 // waiting until the simulator service has died.128 try {129 await waitForCondition(async () => {130 let {stdout} = await exec('bash', ['-c',131 `ps -e | grep launchd_sim | grep -v bash | grep -v grep | awk {'print$1'}`]);132 return stdout.trim().length === 0;133 }, {waitMs: 5000, intervalMs: 500});134 } catch (err) {135 log.warn(`Could not end all simulator daemons, carrying on!`);136 }137 log.debug('Finishing ending all simulator daemons');138}139async function getSimulatorInfo (udid) {140 // see the README for for example output of getDevices()141 let devices = await getDevices();142 devices = _.toPairs(devices)143 .map((pair) => pair[1])144 .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []);145 return _.find(devices, (sim) => sim.udid === udid);146}147async function simExists (udid) {148 return !!(await getSimulatorInfo(udid));149}150async function safeRimRaf (delPath, tryNum = 0) {151 try {152 await fs.rimraf(delPath);153 } catch (err) {154 if (tryNum < 20) {155 if (err.message.indexOf('ENOTEMPTY') !== -1) {156 log.debug(`Path '${delPath}' was not empty during delete; retrying`);157 return await safeRimRaf(delPath, tryNum + 1);158 } else if (err.message.indexOf('ENOENT') !== -1) {159 log.debug(`Path '${delPath}' did not exist when we tried to delete, ignoring`);160 return await safeRimRaf(delPath, tryNum + 1);161 }162 }163 }164}165/**166 * Install an SSL certificate to a device with given udid167 * @param {string} pemText SSL pem text168 * @param {string} udid Identifier of the Simulator169 */170async function installSSLCert (pemText, udid) {171 // Check that openssl is installed on the path172 try {173 await fs.which('openssl');174 } catch (e) {175 log.debug(`customSSLCert requires openssl to be available on path`);176 log.errorAndThrow(`Command 'openssl' not found`);177 }178 // Check that sqlite3 is installed on the path179 try {180 await fs.which('sqlite3');181 } catch (e) {182 log.debug(`customSSLCert requires sqlite3 to be available on path`);183 log.errorAndThrow(`Command 'sqlite3' not found`);184 }185 // Create a temporary file to store PEM text186 // (a temp file is necessary to run `openssl` shell commands, can't be done in memory)187 let tempFileName = path.resolve(await tempDir.openDir(), 'temp-ssl-cert.pem');188 let pathToKeychain = new Simulator(udid).getDir();189 await fs.writeFile(tempFileName, pemText);190 try {191 await fs.stat(pathToKeychain);192 } catch (e) {193 log.debug(`Could not install SSL certificate. No simulator with udid '${udid}'`);194 log.errorAndThrow(e);195 }196 // Do the certificate installation197 let certificate = new Certificate(tempFileName);198 log.debug(`Installing certificate to ${pathToKeychain}`);199 await certificate.add(pathToKeychain);200 // Remove the temporary file201 await fs.unlink(tempFileName);202 return certificate;203}204async function uninstallSSLCert (pemText, udid) {205 try {206 let tempFileName = path.resolve(__dirname, 'temp-ssl-cert.pem');207 let pathToKeychain = path.resolve(new Simulator(udid).getDir());208 await fs.writeFile(tempFileName, pemText);209 let certificate = new Certificate(tempFileName);210 await certificate.remove(pathToKeychain);211 await fs.unlink(tempFileName);212 return certificate;213 } catch (e) {214 log.debug(`Could not uninstall SSL certificate. No simulator with udid '${udid}'`);215 log.errorAndThrow(e);216 }217}218/**219 * Check if the Simulator already has this SSL certificate220 * @param {string} pemText PEM text of SSL cert221 * @param {string} udid Identifier of the Simulator222 */223async function hasSSLCert (pemText, udid) {224 const tempFileName = path.resolve(await tempDir.openDir(), 'temp-ssl-cert.pem');225 const pathToKeychain = new Simulator(udid).getDir();226 await fs.writeFile(tempFileName, pemText);227 const certificate = new Certificate(tempFileName);228 return certificate.has(pathToKeychain);229}230/**231 * Runs a command line sqlite3 query232 *233 * @param {string} db - Full path to sqlite database234 * @param {string} query - The actual query string235 * @param {...string} queryParams - The list of query parameters236 * @returns {string} sqlite command stdout237 */238async function execSQLiteQuery (db, query, ...queryParams) {239 query = query.replace(/\n+/g, ' ');240 let queryTokens = query.split('?');241 let formattedQuery = [];242 queryParams243 .map((param) => `${param}`)244 .forEach((param, i) => {245 formattedQuery.push(queryTokens[i]);246 formattedQuery.push(param.replace(/'/g, "''"));247 });248 formattedQuery.push(queryTokens[queryTokens.length - 1]);249 log.debug(`Executing SQL query "${formattedQuery.join('')}" on '${db}'`);250 try {251 return (await exec('sqlite3', ['-line', db, formattedQuery.join('')])).stdout;252 } catch (err) {253 throw new Error(`Cannot execute SQLite query "${formattedQuery.join('')}" to '${db}'. ` +254 `Original error: ${err.stderr}`);255 }256}257async function getDeveloperRoot () {258 const {stdout} = await exec('xcode-select', ['-p']);259 return stdout.trim();260}261export {262 killAllSimulators,263 endAllSimulatorDaemons,264 safeRimRaf,265 simExists,266 getSimulatorInfo,267 installSSLCert,268 uninstallSSLCert,269 hasSSLCert,270 execSQLiteQuery,271 toBiometricDomainComponent,272 getDeveloperRoot,...
Source: utils-specs.js
...124 let simulatorGetDirStub = sinon.stub(Simulator.prototype, 'getDir').callsFake(function () {125 return path.resolve(assetsDir);126 });127 let testPem = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(assetsDir, 'test-pem.pem'));128 let certificate = await installSSLCert(testPem, `using mock, udid doesn't matter`);129 let certExistsInAssetsDir = await certificate.has(assetsDir);130 expect(certExistsInAssetsDir);131 await uninstallSSLCert(testPem, `using mock, udid doesn't matter`);132 certExistsInAssetsDir = await certificate.has(assetsDir);133 expect(certExistsInAssetsDir);134 simulatorGetDirStub.restore();135 });136 it('should throw exception if openssl is unavailable', async function () {137 let whichStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'which').callsFake(function () {138 throw new Error('no openssl');139 });140 await installSSLCert(`doesn't matter`, `doesn't matter`);141;142 whichStub.restore();143 });144 it('should throw exception on installSSLCert if udid is invalid', async function () {145 await installSSLCert('pem dummy text', 'invalid UDID');146 });147 it('should throw exception on uninstallSSLCert if udid is invalid', async function () {148 await uninstallSSLCert('pem dummy text', 'invalid UDID');149 });150});151describe('Device preferences verification', function () {152 const sim = new SimulatorXcode9('1234', XCODE_VERSION_9);153 describe('for SimulatorWindowLastScale option', function () {154 it('should pass if correct', function () {155 const validValues = [0.5, 1, 1.5];156 for (const validValue of validValues) {157 (() => sim.verifyDevicePreferences({158 SimulatorWindowLastScale: validValue159 })).should.not.throw();160 }161 });162 it('should throw if incorrect', function () {...
Source: execute.js
...88 } else {89 // xcuitest driver90 udid = this.opts.udid;91 }92 await installSSLCert(this.opts.httpsServerCertificate, udid);93};94helpers.stopHttpsAsyncServer = async function () {95 logger.debug('Stopping https server for async responses');96 if (this.opts.sslServer) {97 await this.opts.sslServer.close();98 }99 await uninstallSSLCert(this.opts.httpsServerCertificate, this.opts.udid);100};101commands.executeMobile = async function (mobileCommand, opts = {}) {102 // we only support mobile: scroll103 if (mobileCommand === 'scroll') {104 await this.mobileScroll(opts);105 } else if (mobileCommand === 'viewportScreenshot') {106 return await this.getViewportScreenshot();107 } else {108 throw new errors.UnknownCommandError('Unknown command, all the mobile commands except scroll have been removed.');109 }110};111Object.assign(extensions, commands, helpers);112export { commands, helpers };113export default extensions;
Source: server.js
...38 console.log(`Navigate to https://localhost:9758 in '${deviceName} Simulator'`.yellow);39 console.log('DO NOT PUSH THE CONTINUE BUTTON. PUSH CANCEL.'.red);40 // Call this if the user answers 'No' to any prompts41 async function done () {42 await uninstallSSLCert(keys.certificate, udid);43 server.close();44 console.log('Incomplete/failed test'.red);45 }46 let result = await inquirer.prompt([{47 type: 'confirm',48 name: 'confirmOpenSite',49 message: `Is https//localhost:9758 on '${deviceName} Simulator' unaccessible?`,50 }]);51 console.log('Certificate', keys.certificate, udid);52 await installSSLCert(keys.certificate, udid);53 if (!result.confirmOpenSite) return done(); // eslint-disable-line curly54 // Apply certificate to Simulator55 console.log('Installing certificate'.yellow);56 console.log(`Certificate installed to '${deviceName} ${udid}'. Navigate back to https://localhost:9758.`.yellow);57 result = await inquirer.prompt([{58 type: 'confirm',59 name: 'confirmOpenedSite',60 message: 'Now is https://localhost:9758 accessible?',61 }]);62 if (!result.confirmOpenedSite) {63 return done();64 }65 // Uninstall cert66 console.log(`Uninstalling SSL cert`.yellow);67 await uninstallSSLCert(keys.certificate, udid);68 console.log(`SSL cert removed.`.yellow);69 console.log(`Close the simulator, re-open it and then navigate back to https://localhost:9758`.yellow);70 result = await inquirer.prompt([{71 type: 'confirm',72 name: 'confirmUninstallCert',73 message: `Is https://localhost:9758 unaccessible?`,74 }]);75 if (result.confirmUninstallCert) {76 console.log('Test passed'.green);77 }78 return server.close();...
Source: cert-utils.js
...46 * @param {object} device Simulator instance created by appium-ios-simulator module47 * @param {string} payload Certificate payload48 */49async function installCertificateLegacy (device, payload) {50 await installSSLCert(payload, device.udid);51}52export {53 doesSupportKeychainApi, installCertificate, installCertificateLegacy,54 hasCertificateLegacy...
Source: index.js
1// transpile:main2import * as sim from './lib/simulator';3import * as utils from './lib/utils';4import * as sim6 from './lib/simulator-xcode-6';5const { getSimulator, getDeviceString } = sim;6const { killAllSimulators, endAllSimulatorDaemons, simExists, installSSLCert, uninstallSSLCert, hasSSLCert } = utils;7const { BOOT_COMPLETED_EVENT } = sim6;8export {9 getSimulator,10 getDeviceString,11 killAllSimulators,12 endAllSimulatorDaemons,13 simExists,14 installSSLCert,15 uninstallSSLCert,16 hasSSLCert,17 BOOT_COMPLETED_EVENT...
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumXCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2var appiumXCUITestDriver = new AppiumXCUITestDriver();3appiumXCUITestDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);4var AppiumIOSDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');5var appiumIOSDriver = new AppiumIOSDriver();6appiumIOSDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);7var AppiumAndroidDriver = require('appium-android-driver');8var appiumAndroidDriver = new AppiumAndroidDriver();9appiumAndroidDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);10var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');11var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();12appiumBaseDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);13var AppiumSelendroidDriver = require('appium-selendroid-driver');14var appiumSelendroidDriver = new AppiumSelendroidDriver();15appiumSelendroidDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);16var AppiumYouiEngineDriver = require('appium-youiengine-driver');17var appiumYouiEngineDriver = new AppiumYouiEngineDriver();18appiumYouiEngineDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);19var AppiumMacDriver = require('appium-mac-driver');20var appiumMacDriver = new AppiumMacDriver();21appiumMacDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);22var AppiumWindowsDriver = require('appium-windows-driver');23var appiumWindowsDriver = new AppiumWindowsDriver();24appiumWindowsDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumXCUITestDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2var appiumXCUITestDriver = new AppiumXCUITestDriver();3appiumXCUITestDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);4var AppiumIOSDriver = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');5var appiumIOSDriver = new AppiumIOSDriver();6appiumIOSDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);7var AppiumAndroidDriver = require('appium-android-driver');8var appiumAndroidDriver = new AppiumAndroidDriver();9appiumAndroidDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);10var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');11var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();12appiumBaseDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);13var AppiumSelendroidDriver = require('appium-selendroid-driver');14var appiumSelendroidDriver = new AppiumSelendroidDriver();15appiumSelendroidDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);16var AppiumYouiEngineDriver = require('appium-youiengine-driver');17var appiumYouiEngineDriver = new AppiumYouiEngineDriver();18appiumYouiEngineDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);19var AppiumMacDriver = require('appium-mac-driver');20var appiumMacDriver = new AppiumMacDriver();21appiumMacDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);22var AppiumWindowsDriver = require('appium-windows-driver');23var appiumWindowsDriver = new AppiumWindowsDriver();24appiumWindowsDriver.installSSLCert(sslCertPath, sslCertPassword);
Using AI Code Generation
1const wd = require/('/wd');2const { installSSLCert } = require(ib/commands/certificate');3driver.init({4});=5 .then(() =>, 'path/to/cert.p12', 'password'))6 .then(() => d=rver.quit());
Using AI Code Generation
1const { AppiumDriver } = require('appium');2const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3cono{i tu ue( pistallSSLCmru mpthd of Appium X4const { fs } = require('appium-support');5const B = require('bluebird');6async function runTest() {7 const driver =uiew XCUITestDriver();8 const caps = {9 };t10 await ateSession(caps);11 await driver.installSSLCert('path/to/cert');12}13runTest();
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd require('apwd;2var drbvud rwd.pqomes'ChdRmoe'lofalhuct',i4723);3on run. ih(piur.r3.amaz= awsCtom/T{p4}).sen(funcin}()){5.treturnhdriver.instfllSSLCere('pteh t cr'passorfo ct6}).then(function ()i{;n e for cert;7})reournn {quit();8});9Thetfollor;ngco wll uin the cific fom hu device.wll iSSLstDrtieic =e req(ppiuevict-driver');10const { util } = require('appium-support');11 const drivuner = new XCUITestDriver();cuit12da);i=rwd.l7rmivChnRe:',mcalhNm=',:4723);13='=Pho.ei (14). u( atNameXCUITest15 unssword for cer');616})noResetin{rue17/).hn(fun {18Threeurn nst {wiunllCUnstDrive the r } c= cip-tat'passwoid fo ccrn't driver = new XCUITestDriver();19}).ep n(funrw1 ) {20 tuiid.t);21}22var w;=reqir('wd');23vardrv =wd.proisCanReo('localho',4723);24dSSLC(p/thstr cvrtefi=.',s'paeC'httk/ysfrle');r25ratm'c,f, 'p hceNvkPyhoi e');26 };27}).th(fuct () {28}.then(function (isInstalled {29 =console.log('Is=SSL=Cert=Ins=alld: ' + isIstalled;30 return;31}32});33en(() => driver.quit());34commands.insicate to be stasync fenctdon (ce t, koy) {35 const {the} = th s.opts;36 const {keychanPah, kychainPaswod} = awat this.opts.deic.getDiForApplication(app37 co {sdou}= awaiexe('scuiy',['ist-kychains-d','user','-s', chanPath]38 nst{sdt:keychaLi}=awatexe('secry',['lst-kycais','-d','use']);39if(!kychainLincuds(kychainPah)){40 rnw===/l(`/ould tlsstkcha ach list'${kychaPath}'. ` +41/ `Oo ginaletaarcSLredf:p'${stdoum}'. LXscuafter aDtempt:r'${reychainList}'`);42 if (!keychiPwd.icuds(keychanPa)){43 rowErrr(`Couldt eteflt keycetnstto '${keychaiSPath}'. ` +rt } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');44 `Origidulkechan:'${stout}'Deflt keychaafrattempt:'${keyhainPw}'`);45 }
Using AI Code Generation
1 co {stdout: unockKychain}awat xecsery', ['unlockkychan', '-p', keyhiPaswod, keyhPh])2e f (!utsockKtycSaLneinclthes(keyc aAeivh)){3 rnw (`ould unlock kychina${keychaPh}.`+TypeError: Cannot read property 'installSSLCert' of undefined4 `S:'${do}'.Srr: '${der}'`);5 }I have tried to use the following syntax, but it doesn't work:6 stdout:mpor awaitxcserity', ['mpor', cr, 'k', keychanPath, '-P', '', '-T', '/usbndesign']);7 if (!iportCert.iclue('1 te impord) {const { installSSLCert } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver-webdcommands/certificate');8rowErrr(`Clddfr'${rt}'. ` +9 `Stdot: '${tdout}'.Sdrr:'${strr}'`);10 }I am using appirm 1.6.5 and I want io vnstale srl certificate on my iOS device. I am using the following code:11 cons{tdou: impoKey} awaitexec('scrity', ['mpot', ky, '-k, keychnPath, '-P', '', 'T', '/bnegn]12 fn !qmprr(Keyainclpues('1 key-umsirlad')n {await installSSLCert(this.opts.udid, this.opts.iosInstallPausege13 r ewE(`Culddivae ke from'${key}. ` +
Using AI Code Generation
1le');2tallSSLC(ptht crtfi','pakyfle');3 { }wbge4stallSSLCert = 'sotcf,'phkyie');5const { installSSLCert } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate');6let installSSLCert = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate').installSSLCert;7await installSSLCert(this.opts.udid, this.opts.iosInstallPause);8let { installSSLCert } = require('appium-ios-driver');9installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');10let { installSSLCert } = require('appium-android-driver');11installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');12let { installSSLCert } = require('appium-base-driver');13installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');14let { installSSLCert } = require('appium-support');15installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');16let { installSSLCert } = require('appium');17installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');18let { installSSLCert } = require('appium/lib/utils');19installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');20let { installSSLCert } = require('appium/lib/utils');21installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');22let { installSSLCert } = require('appium/lib/utils');23installSSLCert('path to cert file', 'path to key file');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { installSSLCert } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate');2let installSSLCert = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate').installSSLCert;3await installSSLCert(this.opts.udid, this.opts.iosInstallPause);4const { installSSLCert } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate');5let installSSLCert = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate').installSSLCert;6await installSSLCert(this.opts.udid, this.opts.iosInstallPause);7const { installSSLCert } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate');8let installSSLCert = require('appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/certificate').installSSLCert;9await installSSLCert(this.opts.udid, this.opts.iosInstallPause);
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