How to use driver.setOrientation method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver


Source:basic-e2e-specs.js Github


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...75 });76 describe('screenshot', () => {77 after(async () => {78 try {79 await driver.setOrientation("PORTRAIT");80 } catch (ign) {}81 });82 it('should get an app screenshot', async () => {83 let screenshot = await driver.takeScreenshot();84 screenshot.should.exist;85;86 });87 it('should get an app screenshot in landscape mode', async () => {88 let screenshot1 = (await driver.takeScreenshot());89 screenshot1.should.exist;90 try {91 await driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");92 } catch (ign) {}93 // take a little pause while it orients, otherwise you get the screenshot94 // on an angle95 await B.delay(500);96 let screenshot2 = await driver.takeScreenshot();97 screenshot2.should.exist;98 screenshot2.should.not.eql(screenshot1);99 });100 });101 describe('logging', () => {102 describe('types', () => {103 it('should get the list of available logs', async () => {104 let expectedTypes = ['syslog', 'crashlog', 'performance'];105 (await driver.logTypes()).should.eql(expectedTypes);106 });107 });108 describe('retrieval', () => {109 it('should throw an error when an invalid type is given', async () => {110 await driver.log('something-random');111 });112 it('should get system logs', async () => {113 (await driver.log('syslog'));114 });115 it('should get crash logs', async () => {116 (await driver.log('crashlog'));117 });118 });119 });120 describe('orientation', () => {121 beforeEach(async () => {122 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');123 });124 afterEach(async () => {125 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');126 });127 it('should get the current orientation', async () => {128 let orientation = await driver.getOrientation();129 ['PORTRAIT', 'LANDSCAPE'].should.include(orientation);130 });131 it('should set the orientation', async function () {132 await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');133 (await driver.getOrientation()).should.eql('LANDSCAPE');134 });135 it('should be able to interact with an element in LANDSCAPE', async function () {136 await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');137 let el = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Buttons');138 await;139 await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Button');140 await driver.back();141 });142 });143 describe('window size', () => {144 it('should be able to get the current window size', async () => {145 let size = await driver.getWindowSize('current');146;147;148 });149 it('should not be able to get random window size', async () => {150 await driver.getWindowSize('something-random') only getting current window size is supported/);...

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Source:general-tests.js Github


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...37 it('should get the orientation', async function () {38 (await driver.getOrientation()).should.equal('PORTRAIT');39 });40 it('should set the orientation to something valid', async function () {41 await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');42 (await driver.getOrientation()).should.equal('LANDSCAPE');43 });44 it('should not set the orientation to something invalid', async function () {45 await driver.setOrientation('INSIDEOUT')46 must be/);47 });48 it('should get a screenshot', async function () {49 should.exist(await driver.takeScreenshot());50 });51 it('should set implicit wait timeout', async function () {52 await driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout(1000);53 });54 it('should not set invalid implicit wait timeout', async function () {55 await driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout('foo')56;57 });58 // skip these until basedriver supports these timeouts59 it.skip('should set async script timeout', async function () {...

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Source:application.js Github


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...33 });34 it(`Application Events`, async () => {35 let oriantation = await driver.findElementByText("Portrait", "contains");36 chai.assert.isTrue(await oriantation.isDisplayed(), "Portrait is not visible");37 await driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");38 oriantation = await driver.findElementByText("Landscape", "contains");39 chai.assert.isTrue(await oriantation.isDisplayed(), "LANDSCAPE is not visible");40 await driver.setOrientation("PORTRAIT");41 oriantation = await driver.findElementByText("Portrait", "contains");42 chai.assert.isTrue(await oriantation.isDisplayed(), "Portrait is not visible");43 await driver.backgroundApp(2);44 const suspendSuspendEvent = await driver.findElementByText("The appication was suspended!", "contains");45 chai.assert.isTrue(await suspendSuspendEvent.isDisplayed(), "suspendSuspendEvent is not thrown"); 46 const suspendResumeEvent = await driver.findElementByText("The appication was resumed", "contains");47 chai.assert.isTrue(await suspendResumeEvent.isDisplayed(), "suspendResumeEvent is not thrown"); 48 });49 it(`Check Platform`, async () => {50 const platform = driver.isAndroid ? "Android" : "iOS";51 const batteryIndicator = await driver.findElementByText(`${platform} Applicaiton`, "contains");52 chai.assert.isTrue(await batteryIndicator.isDisplayed(), "Not correct platform!");53 });54});

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Source:orientation-e2e-specs.js Github


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...8describe('apidemo - orientation -', function () {9 let driver;10 describe('initial -', function () {11 afterEach(async function () {12 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');13 await deleteSession();14 });15 it('should have portrait orientation if requested', async function () {16 driver = await initSession(Object.assign({}, APIDEMOS_CAPS, {17 appActivity: '.view.TextFields',18 orientation: 'PORTRAIT',19 }));20 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.eql('PORTRAIT');21 });22 it('should have landscape orientation if requested', async function () {23 driver = await initSession(Object.assign({}, APIDEMOS_CAPS, {24 appActivity: '.view.TextFields',25 orientation: 'LANDSCAPE',26 }));27 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.eql('LANDSCAPE');28 });29 it('should have portrait orientation if nothing requested', async function () {30 driver = await initSession(Object.assign({}, APIDEMOS_CAPS, {31 appActivity: '.view.TextFields',32 }));33 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.eql('PORTRAIT');34 });35 });36 describe('setting -', function () {37 before(async function () {38 driver = await initSession(Object.assign({}, APIDEMOS_CAPS, {39 appActivity: '.view.TextFields'40 }));41 });42 after(async function () {43 await deleteSession();44 });45 it('should rotate screen to landscape', async function () {46 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');47 await B.delay(3000);48 await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');49 await B.delay(3000);50 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.become('LANDSCAPE');51 });52 it('should rotate screen to landscape', async function () {53 await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');54 await B.delay(3000);55 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');56 await B.delay(3000);57 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.become('PORTRAIT');58 });59 it('should not error when trying to rotate to portrait again', async function () {60 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');61 await B.delay(3000);62 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');63 await B.delay(3000);64 await driver.getOrientation().should.eventually.become('PORTRAIT');65 });66 });...

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Source:dialog.test.js Github


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...16 })18 it.only('Verify that the app adjusts when orientation is switched', () => {19 console.log(driver.getOrientation())20 driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE')21 driver.pause(3000)22 driver.saveScreenshot('./screenshots/landscape.png')23;24 driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT')25 driver.back()26 driver.saveScreenshot('./screenshots/portrait.png')27 })28 it.only('Verify thee repeat alarm options has attribute checked set to true when selected', () => {29 })...

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Source:sample.test.js Github


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...14 await dialog.okBtnClick();15 });16 it('Verify that the app adjust when orientation is switched', async () => {17 console.log("############################## ORIENTATION : ################################# ", await driver.getOrientation());18 await driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");19 await driver.saveScreenshot('./test-execution_report/mobile-ui/screenshot/landscape.png');20 await driver.setOrientation("PORTRAIT");21 await driver.saveScreenshot("./test-execution_report/mobile-ui/screenshot/portrait.png");22 });...

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Source:orientation-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../../common/setup-base")3 , env = require('../../../helpers/env')4 , desired = require("./desired")5 , reset = require("./reset");6describe("apidemos - orientation", function () {7 var driver;8 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });9 if (env.FAST_TESTS) {10 beforeEach(function () {11 return reset(driver);12 });13 }14 it('should rotate screen to landscape', function (done) {15 driver16 .setOrientation("PORTRAIT")17 .sleep(3000)18 .setOrientation("LANDSCAPE")19 .sleep(3000)20 .getOrientation().should.become("LANDSCAPE")21 .nodeify(done);22 });23 it('should rotate screen to portrait', function (done) {24 driver25 .setOrientation("LANDSCAPE")26 .sleep(3000)27 .setOrientation("PORTRAIT")28 .sleep(3000)29 .getOrientation().should.become("PORTRAIT")30 .nodeify(done);31 });32 it('Should not error when trying to rotate to portrait again', function (done) {33 driver34 .setOrientation("PORTRAIT")35 .sleep(3000)36 .setOrientation("PORTRAIT")37 .sleep(3000)38 .getOrientation().should.become("PORTRAIT")39 .nodeify(done);40 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const assert = require('assert');3const PORT = 4723;4const config = {5};6async function main() {7 let driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT);8 await driver.init(config);9 await driver.sleep(3000);10 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');11 let orientation = await driver.getOrientation();12 assert.equal(orientation, "PORTRAIT");13 await driver.quit();14}15main();16const wd = require('wd');17const assert = require('assert');18const PORT = 4723;19const config = {20};21async function main() {22 let driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT);23 await driver.init(config);24 await driver.sleep(3000);25 await driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT');26 let orientation = await driver.getOrientation();27 assert.equal(orientation, "PORTRAIT");28 await driver.quit();29}30main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var caps = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6 .init(caps)7 .setOrientation('LANDSCAPE')8 .then(function() {9 return driver.takeScreenshot();10 })11 .then(function(img) {12 require('fs').writeFile('landscape.png', img, 'base64', function(err) {13 console.log(err);14 });15 })16 .setOrientation('PORTRAIT')17 .then(function() {18 return driver.takeScreenshot();19 })20 .then(function(img) {21 require('fs').writeFile('portrait.png', img, 'base64', function(err) {22 console.log(err);23 });24 })25 .quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const expect = chai.expect;6const caps = {7};8const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);9driver.init(caps)10 .then(() => driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE'))11 .then(() => driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT'))12 .then(() => driver.quit())13 .catch((err) => console.log(err));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const driver = wdio.remote({3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5});6driver.init();7driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');8driver.end();9* Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.6.410* Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable):11* Node.js version (unless using|exe): v7.10.0

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const {host, port, user, key} = require('./credentials');3const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(host, port, user, key);4 .init({5 })6 .then(() => driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE'))7 .then(() => driver.setOrientation('PORTRAIT'))8 .then(() => driver.quit());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2const { Eyes, Target, VisualGridRunner, ClassicRunner, BatchInfo, ConsoleLogHandler, StitchMode, Configuration, DeviceName, ScreenOrientation, BatchInfo, DeviceName, ScreenOrientation } = require('@applitools/eyes-selenium');3let driver;4async function main() {5 const eyes = new Eyes(new ClassicRunner());6 const batchInfo = new BatchInfo('Demo Batch');7 const configuration = new Configuration();8 configuration.setApiKey(process.env.APPLITOOLS_API_KEY);9 configuration.setBatch(batchInfo);10 configuration.setAppName('Demo App');11 configuration.setTestName('Demo Test');12 configuration.setMatchLevel('Strict');13 configuration.setForceFullPageScreenshot(true);14 configuration.setStitchMode(StitchMode.CSS);15 configuration.addBrowser(800, 600, BrowserType.CHROME);16 configuration.addBrowser(700, 500, BrowserType.FIREFOX);17 configuration.addBrowser(1600, 1200, BrowserType.EDGE_CHROMIUM);18 configuration.addBrowser(1024, 768, BrowserType.IE_11);19 configuration.addBrowser(800, 600, BrowserType.SAFARI);20 configuration.addDeviceEmulation(DeviceName.iPhone_X, ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT);21 eyes.setConfiguration(configuration);22 eyes.setLogHandler(new ConsoleLogHandler(true));23 try {24 driver = await new webdriver.Builder()25 .forBrowser('chrome')26 .build();27 await;28 await eyes.check('Main Page', Target.window());29 await eyes.close();30 } finally {31 await driver.quit();32 await eyes.abortIfNotClosed();33 }34}35main();36const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');37const { Eyes, Target, VisualGridRunner, ClassicRunner, BatchInfo, ConsoleLogHandler, StitchMode, Configuration, DeviceName, ScreenOrientation, BatchInfo, DeviceName, ScreenOrientation } = require('@applitools/eyes-selenium');38let driver;39async function main() {40 const eyes = new Eyes(new ClassicRunner());41 const batchInfo = new BatchInfo('Demo Batch');42 const configuration = new Configuration();43 configuration.setApiKey(process.env.APPLITOOLS_API_KEY);44 configuration.setBatch(batchInfo);45 configuration.setAppName('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require("webdriverio");2const assert = require("assert");3const opts = {4 capabilities: {5 }6};7async function main() {8 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);9 await client.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");10 await client.deleteSession();11}12main();

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