Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-xcuitest-driver
Source: runTests.js
...124 }125 throw unknownProviderError;126 }).then(function() {127 console.log('Inputting username');128 return driver.elementByCss(actions[provider].emailInputSelector);129 }).delay(briefWaitTime).clear().sendKeys(argv.username).delay(briefWaitTime).then(function() {130 if (actions[provider].emailSubmitSelector) {131 return driver.elementByCss(actions[provider].emailSubmitSelector);132 }133 }).then(function(emailSubmitButton) {134 if (emailSubmitButton) {135 console.log('Sumitting username');136;137 }138 }).delay(briefWaitTime).then(function() {139 console.log('Inputting password');140 return driver.elementByCss(actions[provider].passwordInputSelector);141 }).delay(briefWaitTime).clear().sendKeys(password).then(function() {142 console.log('Submitting form');143 }).then(function() {144 return driver.elementByCss(actions[provider].passwordSubmitSelector);145 }).delay(briefWaitTime).click().then(function() {146 console.log('Submitted form');147 }).then(function() {148 ++loginCount;149 console.log(provider + ' login successful!');150 console.log('Providers processed so far: ' + loginCount);151 setTimeout(function() {152 login();153 }, loginWindowWaitTime);154 }, function(error) {155 var retry;156 if (error === unknownProviderError) {157 console.log('Selected window is not a supported provider window.');158 retry = true;...
Source: by-css-e2e-specs.js
...12 after(async function () {13 await deleteSession();14 });15 it('should find an element by id (android resource-id)', async function () {16 await driver.elementByCss('#text1').should.eventually.exist;17 await driver.elementByCss('*[id="android:id/text1"]').should.eventually.exist;18 await driver.elementByCss('*[resource-id="text1"]').should.eventually.exist;19 });20 it('should find an element by content description', async function () {21 await driver.elementByCss('*[description="Animation"]').should.eventually.exist;22 });23 it('should return an array of one element if the `multi` param is true', async function () {24 let els = await driver.elementsByCss('*[content-desc="Animation"]');25;26 els.should.have.length(1);27 });28 it('should find an element with a content-desc property containing an apostrophe', async function () {29 await driver.elementByCss('*[content-description="Access\'ibility"]').should.eventually.exist;30 });31 it('should find an element by class name', async function () {32 let el = await driver.elementByCss('android.widget.TextView');33 const text = await el.text();34 text.toLowerCase().should.equal('api demos');35 });36 it('should find an element with a chain of attributes and pseudo-classes', async function () {37 let el = await driver.elementByCss('android.widget.TextView[clickable=true]:nth-child(1)');38 await el.text().should.eventually.equal('Accessibility');39 });40 it('should find an element with recursive UiSelectors', async function () {41 await driver.elementsByCss('*[focused=true] *[clickable=true]')42 .should.eventually.have.length(1);43 });44 it('should allow multiple selector statements and return the Union of the two sets', async function () {45 let clickableEls = await driver.elementsByCss('*[clickable]');46;47 let notClickableEls = await driver.elementsByCss('*[clickable=false]');48;49 let both = await driver.elementsByCss('*[clickable=true], *[clickable=false]');50 both.should.have.length(clickableEls.length + notClickableEls.length);51 });52 it('should find an element by a non-fully qualified class name using CSS tag name', async function () {53 const els = await driver.elementsByCss('android.widget.TextView');54;55 });56 it('should find an element in the second selector if the first finds no elements (when finding multiple elements)', async function () {57 let selector = 'not.a.class, android.widget.TextView';58 const els = await driver.elementsByCss(selector);59;60 });61 it('should find elements using starts with attribute', async function () {62 await driver.elementByCss('*[description^="Animation"]').should.eventually.exist;63 });64 it('should find elements using ends with attribute', async function () {65 await driver.elementByCss('*[description$="Animation"]').should.eventually.exist;66 });67 it('should find elements using word match attribute', async function () {68 await driver.elementByCss('*[description~="Animation"]').should.eventually.exist;69 });70 it('should find elements using wildcard attribute', async function () {71 await driver.elementByCss('*[description*="Animation"]').should.eventually.exist;72 });73 it('should allow UiScrollable with unicode string', async function () {74 await driver.startActivity({appPackage: '', appActivity: '.text.Unicode'});75 let selector = '*[text="عربÙ"]:instance(0)';76 let el = await driver.elementByCss(selector);77 await el.text().should.eventually.equal('عربÙ');78 });...
Source: web-e2e-specs.js
...32 it('should send text to html text inputs', async function () {33 const html = await driver.source();34 html.should.match(/Selenium/);35 // Chrome 83 must be W3C36 const textbox = await driver.elementByCss('#i_am_a_textbox');37 await textbox.clear();38 await textbox.type('Text contents');39 await textbox.getAttribute('value').should.eventually.equal('Text contents');40 await textbox.clear();41 await textbox.text().should.eventually.equal('');42 });43 it('should navigate between webview pages', async function () {44 const anchorLink = await driver.elementByCss('[id="i am a link"]');45 await;46 const bodyEl = await driver.elementByTagName('body');47 bodyEl.getAttribute('value').should.eventually.equal(/I am some other page content/);48 await driver.back();49 await driver.elementByCss('[id="i am a link"]').should.eventually.exist;50 });51 it('should be able to switch from webview back to native, navigate to a different webview and then switch back to web context', async function () {52 // Switch to webview53 let contexts = await driver.contexts();54 await driver.context(contexts[1]);55 await driver.title().should.eventually.equal('I am a page title');56 // Switch to native and go to different activity57 await driver.context(contexts[0]);58 await driver.startActivity({59 appPackage: '',60 appActivity: '',61 });62 contexts = await driver.contexts();63 await driver.elementById('android:id/content').should.eventually.exist;...
Source: CanLogin.uat.js
1/*jslint node: true */2"use strict";3require("../helpers/setup");4var wd = require("wd"),5 _ = require('underscore'),6 serverConfigs = require('../helpers/appium-servers'),7 path = require('path');8describe("Can Login", function () {9 this.timeout(300000);10 var driver;11 var allPassed = true,12 username = process.env.PRIVATE_USERNAME,13 password = process.env.PRIVATE_PASSWORD,14 platform = process.env.PLATFORM || 'ios',15 iOSDeviceUDID = process.env.IOS_UDID;16 function setupWithAppiumServer(serverConfig) {17 return wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);18 }19 function setupLogging(driver) {20 require("../helpers/logging").configure(driver);21 }22 function addCapabilitiesAndInit(capabilities, driver) {23 var desired = _.clone(capabilities[platform]);24 = path.join('../../', require("../helpers/apps")[platform + 'Hybrid']);25 if (platform === 'ios' && iOSDeviceUDID) {26 = path.join('../../', require("../helpers/apps")[platform + 'Hybrid' + 'Device']);27 desired.udid = iOSDeviceUDID;28 }29 if (platform === 'android') {30 desired.appPackage = process.env.APP_PACKAGE;31 desired.appActivity = process.env.APP_ACTIVITY;32 }33 if (process.env.SAUCE) {34 = platform + ' - Can login';35 desired.tags = ['sample'];36 }37 return driver.init(desired);38 }39 function switchToUIWebViewContext(driver) {40 // instead of default NATIVE_APP context41 return driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout(3000)42 .contexts()43 .then(function (contexts) {44 var webViewContext = _.find(contexts, function (context) {45 return context.indexOf('WEBVIEW') !== -1;46 });47 console.log('webViewContext', webViewContext);48 return driver.context(webViewContext);49 });50 }51 before(function () {52 var serverConfig = process.env.SAUCE ? serverConfigs.sauce : serverConfigs.local;53 driver = setupWithAppiumServer(serverConfig);54 setupLogging(driver);55 driver = addCapabilitiesAndInit(require("../helpers/capabilities"), driver);56 return switchToUIWebViewContext(driver);57 });58 after(function () {59 return driver.quit().finally(function () {60 if (process.env.SAUCE) {61 return driver.sauceJobStatus(allPassed);62 }63 });64 });65 afterEach(function () {66 allPassed = allPassed && this.currentTest.state === 'passed';67 });68 it("should have an email field ", function () {69 return driver70 .elementByCss('input[type=\'email\']', 500)71 .should.eventually.exist;72 });73 it("should have a password field ", function () {74 return driver75 .elementByCss('input[type=\'password\']')76 .should.eventually.exist;77 });78 it("should login with correct name and password", function () {79 return driver80 .elementByCss('input[type=\'email\']')81 .sendKeys(username)82 .elementByCss('input[type=\'password\']')83 .sendKeys(password)84 .elementByCss('.sign-in').click()85 .waitForElementByCss('.app-title', 5000)86 .waitForElementByCss('.app-button', 5000)87 .text().should.eventually.include('+');88 });...
Source: homepage.test.js
1'use strict';2import Promise from 'bluebird';3import {4 webpackHelper5} from 'macaca-wd';6const {7 driver,8 BASE_URL9} = webpackHelper;10describe('./test/homepage.test.js', () => {11 describe('page func testing', () => {12 before(() => {13 return driver14 .initWindow({15 width: 375,16 height: 667,17 deviceScaleFactor: 218 });19 });20 beforeEach(() => {21 return driver22 .getUrl(BASE_URL);23 });24 afterEach(function () {25 return driver26 .coverage()27 .saveScreenshots(this);28 });29 after(() => {30 return driver31 .openReporter(true)32 .quit();33 });34 it('panel should be ok', () => {35 const elementGroup = `#simplest .btn-group`;36 const elementButton = `${elementGroup} button`;37 const elementRect = `document.querySelector('${elementGroup}').getClientRects()`;38 const height = `${elementRect}[0].y || ${elementRect}[0].top`;39 return driver40 .execute(`window.scrollTo(0, ${height})`)41 .elementsByCss(elementButton)42 .then(list => {43 const queue =, key) => `${elementButton}:nth-child(${key + 1})`);44 return Promise.reduce([null].concat(queue), (i, selector) => {45 return driver46 .elementByCss(selector)47 .click()48 .sleep(500)49 .click()50 .sleep(500);51 });52 });53 });54 it('waterfall should be ok', () => {55 const element = `#waterfall .rc-autoresponsive-container`;56 const elementRect = `document.querySelector('${element}').getClientRects()`;57 const height = `${elementRect}[0].y || ${elementRect}[0].top`;58 return driver59 .sleep(1500)60 .execute(`window.scrollTo(0, ${height})`)61 .sleep(500)62 .elementsByCss(`${element} .item`)63 .then(list => {64 const queue =, key) => `${element} > .item:nth-child(${key + 1})`);65 return Promise.reduce(queue, (i, selector) => {66 return driver67 .elementByCss(selector)68 .click()69 .sleep(1000)70 .click();71 });72 });73 });74 it('i18n should be ok', () => {75 return driver76 .elementByCss('div.i18n-buttons > div > button:nth-child(2)')77 .click()78 .sleep(1000)79 .elementByCss('div.i18n-buttons > div > button:nth-child(1)')80 .click()81 .getUrl(`${BASE_URL}?locale=zh`)82 .sleep(500);83 });84 it('resize should be ok', () => {85 return driver86 .setWindowSize(800, 600);87 });88 it('hash should be ok', () => {89 return driver90 .elementById('examples')91 .click()92 .sleep(500);93 });94 it('hash redirect should be ok', () => {95 return driver96 .getUrl(`${BASE_URL}/#usage`)97 .sleep(1000);98 });99 });...
Source: todo.test.js
1'use strict';2import {3 webpackHelper4} from 'macaca-wd';5const {6 driver,7 BASE_URL8} = webpackHelper;9describe('test/todo.test.js', () => {10 before(() => {11 return driver12 .initWindow({13 width: 800,14 height: 600,15 deviceScaleFactor: 216 });17 });18 beforeEach(() => {19 return driver20 .getUrl(`${BASE_URL}/src`);21 });22 afterEach(function () {23 return driver24 .coverage()25 .saveScreenshots(this);26 });27 after(() => {28 return driver29 .openReporter(true)30 .quit();31 });32 describe('Page input testing', () => {33 it('Input todo task', () => {34 return driver35 .elementByCss('#new-todo')36 .formInput(`Create Medium article by formInput ${}`)37 .elementByCss('#new-todo')38 .domEvent('keyup', {39 key: 'Enter',40 keyCode: 13,41 })42 .sleep(3000)43 .elementByCss('#new-todo')44 .clear()45 .sendKeys(`Create Medium article by sendKeys ${}`)46 .elementByCss('#new-todo')47 .domEvent('keyup', {48 key: 'Enter',49 keyCode: 13,50 });51 });52 });53 describe('Page checked testing', () => {54 it('Click done one task', () => {55 return driver56 .elementByCss('#new-todo')57 .formInput(`Create Medium article by formInput ${}`)58 .elementByCss('#new-todo')59 .domEvent('keyup', {60 key: 'Enter',61 keyCode: 13,62 })63 .sleep(1500)64 .elementByCss('.toggle')65 .click()66 .sleep(1500);67 });68 it('Click clear completed', () => {69 return driver70 .elementByCss('#new-todo')71 .formInput(`Create Medium article by formInput ${}`)72 .elementByCss('#new-todo')73 .domEvent('keyup', {74 key: 'Enter',75 keyCode: 13,76 })77 .sleep(2000)78 .elementByCss('#new-todo')79 .clear()80 .sendKeys(`Create Medium article by sendKeys ${}`)81 .elementByCss('#new-todo')82 .domEvent('keyup', {83 key: 'Enter',84 keyCode: 13,85 })86 .elementByCss('.toggle')87 .click()88 .sleep(1500)89 .elementByCss('#clear-completed')90 .click()91 .sleep(1500);92 });93 });...
Source: sample.test.js
1'use strict';2const wd = require('macaca-wd');3describe('./test/sample.test.js', function() {4 this.timeout(5 * 60 * 1000);5 const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote({6 host: 'localhost',7 port: process.env.MACACA_SERVER_PORT || 34568 });9 before(() => {10 return driver.init({11 platformName: 'desktop',12 browserName: 'chrome',13 chromeOptions: {14 binary: '/Applications/' // å¡«åèªå·±çæ§è¡æ件路å²15 }16 }).sleep(2 * 1000)17 });18 after(() => {19 return driver20 .sleep(1000)21 .close();22 })23 it('click link', () => {24 return driver25 .waitForElementById('macacaId', 5000, 100)26 .click();27 })28 it('click button', () => {29 return driver30 .elementByCss('#app > div > header > div.sidebar-button')31 .click();32 })33 it('click title ', () => {34 return driver35 .elementByCss('#app > div > div.sidebar > nav > div:nth-child(2) > div > a > span.title')36 .sleep(2000)37 .click();38 })39 it('click title', () => {40 return driver41 .elementByCss('#app > div > div.sidebar > nav > div:nth-child(3) > div > a > span.title')42 .sleep(2000)43 .click();44 })45 it('input text', () => {46 return driver47 .elementByCss('#app > div > header > div.links > div > input')48 .sleep(2000)49 .click()50 .sendKeys('计ç®æº');51 })...
Source: index.js
...16 return driver.title().should.eventually.equals('hello tarifa');17 });18 it("should check the displayed product_name", function () {19 var p = config.product_name;20 return driver.elementByCss('#name').text().should.eventually.equals(p);21 });22 it("should check the displayed id", function () {23 var id =;24 return driver.elementByCss('#id').text().should.eventually.equals(id);25 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2var asserters = wd.asserters;3 .init({4 })5 .then(function () {6 return driver.elementByCss('XCUIElementTypeNavigationBar');7 })8 .then(function (el) {9 return el.getAttribute('name');10 })11 .then(function (text) {12 console.log(text);13 })14 .fin(function () { return driver.quit(); })15 .done();
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.elementByCss('#myElement')2 .then(function (el) {3 });4driver.elementByCss('#myElement')5 .then(function (el) {6 });7driver.elementByCss('#myElement')8 .then(function (el) {9 });10driver.elementByCss('#myElement')11 .then(function (el) {12 });13driver.elementByCss('#myElement')14 .then(function (el) {15 });16driver.elementByCss('#myElement')17 .then(function (el) {18 });19driver.elementByCss('#myElement')20 .then(function (el) {21 });22driver.elementByCss('#myElement')23 .then(function (el) {24 });25driver.elementByCss('#myElement')26 .then(function (el) {27 });28driver.elementByCss('#myElement')29 .then(function (el) {30 });31driver.elementByCss('#myElement')
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require("wd");2require('colors');3var assert = require("assert");4var Q = require("q");5var _ = require("lodash");6var fs = require("fs");7var path = require("path");8var app = require("./app");9var desired = {10};11 .init(desired)12 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)13 .then(function() {14 return driver.elementByCss("XCUIElementTypeButton");15 })16 .then(function(el) {17 return;18 })19 .then(function() {20 return driver.elementByCss("XCUIElementTypeStaticText");21 })22 .then(function(el) {23 return el.text();24 })25 .then(function(text) {26 console.log(text);27 })28 .fin(function() {29 return driver.quit();30 })31 .done();
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('webdriverio');2var desiredCaps = {3};4var driver = webdriver.remote({5});6 .init()7 .then(function () {8 return driver.elementByCss('XCUIElementTypeWindow[vis
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test', function () {2 it('should work', function () {3 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')4 .click();5 });6});7describe('Test', function () {8 it('should work', function () {9 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')10 .click();11 });12});13describe('Test', function () {14 it('should work', function () {15 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')16 .click();17 });18});19describe('Test', function () {20 it('should work', function () {21 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')22 .click();23 });24});25describe('Test', function () {26 it('should work', function () {27 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')28 .click();29 });30});31describe('Test', function () {32 it('should work', function () {33 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')34 .click();35 });36});37describe('Test', function () {38 it('should work', function () {39 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')40 .click();41 });42});43describe('Test', function () {44 it('should work', function () {45 return driver.elementByCss('#element_id')
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