How to use deleteSession method in Appium Xcuitest Driver

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Source:SessionPanel-test.js Github


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...64 // subject.instance().deleteAllSessions();65 // expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteAllSessions).toHaveBeenCalled();66 // });67 // it('can delete one', () => {68 // subject.instance().deleteSession(mockSessionId);69 // expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteSession).toHaveBeenCalled();70 // });71 // it('requires a sessionId to delete single session', () => {72 // subject.instance().deleteSession();73 // expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteSession).not.toHaveBeenCalled();74 // });75 // describe('UI', () => {76 // let instance;77 // beforeEach(() => {78 // subject = mount(<Provider store={mockStore}><SessionPanel {...props} /></Provider>);79 // instance = subject.instance();80 // jest.spyOn(instance, 'deleteAllSessions');81 // jest.spyOn(instance, 'deleteSession');82 // });83 // it('provides a button to delete all', () => {84 // expect(instance.deleteAllSessions).not.toHaveBeenCalled();85 // subject.find('.session-panel__header').find('DismissButton').simulate('click');86 // expect(instance.deleteAllSessions).toHaveBeenCalled();...

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Source:deleteSession.test.js Github


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...20 nock.cleanAll();21 });22 it('dispatches success action when deleteSession succeeds', () => {23 const store = mockStore({});24 return store.dispatch(deleteSession())25 .then(() => {26 const actions = store.getActions();27 expect(actions[0])'type', HOME_DELETE_SESSION_BEGIN);28 expect(actions[1])'type', HOME_DELETE_SESSION_SUCCESS);29 });30 });31 it('dispatches failure action when deleteSession fails', () => {32 const store = mockStore({});33 return store.dispatch(deleteSession({ error: true }))34 .catch(() => {35 const actions = store.getActions();36 expect(actions[0])'type', HOME_DELETE_SESSION_BEGIN);37 expect(actions[1])'type', HOME_DELETE_SESSION_FAILURE);38 expect(actions[1])'data.error').that.exist;39 });40 });41 it('returns correct action by dismissDeleteSessionError', () => {42 const expectedAction = {43 type: HOME_DELETE_SESSION_DISMISS_ERROR,44 };45 expect(dismissDeleteSessionError()).to.deep.equal(expectedAction);46 });47 it('handles action type HOME_DELETE_SESSION_BEGIN correctly', () => {...

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Source:changesEnquiries.js Github


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1const domain = require('../lib/urlExtract');2const deleteSession = require('../lib/deleteSession');3const dataStore = require('../lib/dataStore');4const keyDetailsHelper = require('../lib/keyDetailsHelper');5function checkAwardDetailsNotInSession(req) {6 return !req.session.searchedNino;7}8function stopRestrictedServiceOrigin(req) {9 const referrer = req.get('Referrer') || '';10 const stopRestrictiveConditions = ['search-result', 'changes-and-enquiries', 'tasks'];11 return stopRestrictiveConditions.some((el) => referrer.includes(el));12}13function redirectWhenNotInSession(req, res, log) {14`Redirect - user not in session - ${req.method} ${req.fullUrl}`);15 res.redirect('/find-someone');16}17module.exports = (log) => (req, res, next) => {18 if (req.fullUrl === '/find-someone') {19 if (stopRestrictedServiceOrigin(req)) {20, 'origin', 'full-service');21 } else if (dataStore.get(req, 'origin') === null) {22, 'origin', 'restricted-service');23 }24 res.locals.restrictedService = true;25 res.locals.origin = dataStore.get(req, 'origin');26 res.locals.activeTab = 'change-and-enquiries';27 next();28 } else if (req.url.includes('find-someone/search-result')) {29 if (checkAwardDetailsNotInSession(req)) {30 redirectWhenNotInSession(req, res, log);31 } else {32 next();33 }34 } else if (req.url.includes('find-someone')) {35 res.locals.restrictedService = true;36 res.locals.origin = dataStore.get(req, 'origin');37 next();38 } else if (req.url.includes('changes-and-enquiries')) {39 res.locals.restrictedService = true;40 res.locals.origin = dataStore.get(req, 'origin');41 const awardDetails = dataStore.get(req, 'awardDetails');42 if (awardDetails !== undefined) {43 res.locals.keyDetails = keyDetailsHelper.formatter(awardDetails);44 }45 if (checkAwardDetailsNotInSession(req)) {46 redirectWhenNotInSession(req, res, log);47 } else if (req.url.includes('death') || req.url.includes('marital-details')) {48 if (domain.extract(req.headers.referer) === req.hostname) {49 next();50 } else {51`Security redirect - user agent failed to match - ${req.method} ${req.fullUrl}`);52 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'marital');53 deleteSession.deleteDeathDetail(req);54 res.redirect('/changes-and-enquiries/personal');55 }56 } else {57 next();58 }59 if (!req.url.includes('death') && !req.url.includes('deferral')) {60 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'stop-state-pension');61 }62 if (!req.url.includes('death')) {63 deleteSession.deleteDeathDetail(req);64 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'death-payee-details-updated');65 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'death-payment-details');66 }67 if (!req.url.includes('deferral')) {68 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'deferral');69 }70 if (!req.url.includes('marital-details/')) {71 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'marital');72 }73 if (!req.url.includes('manual-payment')) {74 deleteSession.deleteSessionBySection(req, 'manual-payment');75 }76 } else {77 next();78 }...

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Source:SessionCard.js Github


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...60 { name: 'Edit', event: () => sessionEdited(session), icon: 'edit' },61 {62 name: 'Archive',63 event: () =>64 deleteSession({65 variables: {66 session_id67 }68 }),69 icon: 'archive'70 }71 ]}72 link={`/session/${session.session_id}`}73 />74 )}75 </Mutation>76 );77}78export default withSnackbar(SessionCard);

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Source:AuthStore.js Github


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...10 setSession(apiKey) {11 try {12 localStorage['equiptSession'] = JSON.stringify(apiKey);13 } catch(err) {14 this.deleteSession();15 }16 },17 getSession() {18 return localStorage['equiptSession'];19 },20 deleteSession() {21 localStorage['equiptSession'] = '';22 _currentUser = null;23 },24 getApiKey() {25 try {26 return this.getSession() && JSON.parse(this.getSession()).access_token;27 } catch(err) {28 this.deleteSession();29 }30 },31 getUserId() {32 try {33 return this.getSession() && JSON.parse(this.getSession()).user_id;34 } catch(err) {35 this.deleteSession();36 }37 },38 isFacebookLogin() {39 return _facebookLogin;40 }41});42AppDispatcher.register(function(action) {43 44 var {type, data} = action.payload;45 let AuthStore = Equipt.stores.AuthStore;46 47 switch(type) {48 case Constants.NEW_SESSION:49 _currentUser = data.user;50 AuthStore.setSession(data.api_key);51 AuthStore.emitChange();52 break;53 case Constants.END_SESSION:54 AuthStore.deleteSession();55 AuthStore.emitChange();56 break;57 case Constants.FACEBOOK_STATUS_CHANGED:58 if (data.isLoggedIn) {59 _facebookLogin = true;60 _currentUser = data.user;61 AuthStore.setSession(data.api_key);62 } else {63 _facebookLogin = false;64 AuthStore.deleteSession();65 } 66 AuthStore.emitChange();67 break;68 }...

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Source:testDeleteSession.js Github


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1var test = require('tape')2var init = require('./helpers/init.js')3test('deleteSession() can be called without a callback', function (t) {4 t.plan(2)5 t.doesNotThrow(function () {6 init().sessionState.deleteSession(null)7 })8 t.doesNotThrow(function () {9 init().sessionState.deleteSession('wheee')10 })11})12test('deleteSession() calls back with a decent error message if a bad session id is passed', function (t) {13 t.plan(2)14 init().sessionState.deleteSession(null, function (err) {15 t.ok(err)16 t.ok(/session ?id/i.test(err.message))17 t.end()18 })19})20test('deleteSession() works as expected', function(t) {21 var sessionId = 'LOLThisIsAFakeSessionId'22 var now = new Date().getTime().toString()23 var initialState = init()24 var ss = initialState.sessionState25 var sdb = initialState.sessionsDb26 t.plan(9)27 ss.deleteSession(sessionId, function (err) { //not yet authenticated28 t.ifError(err)29 sdb.put(sessionId, now, function (err) { //authenticate30 t.ifError(err)31 sdb.get(sessionId, function (err, time) { //make sure 'put' worked32 t.ifError(err)33 t.equal(time, now, 'times match')34 ss.deleteSession(sessionId, function (err) { //previously authenticated35 t.ifError(err)36 t.notOk(err && err.notFound, 'no \'not found\' error')37 sdb.get(sessionId, function (err, time) { //make sure unauth worked38 t.ok(err, 'error')39 t.ok(err && err.notFound, '\'not found\' error')40 t.notOk(time, 'no time came back')41 t.end()42 })43 })44 })45 })46 })...

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Source:SessionAction.test.js Github


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...6 let setSessionTimeOut;7 // describe block for getActiveMenuOnClickAction8 describe('deleteSession', () => {9 beforeEach(() => {10 deleteSession = actions.deleteSession();11 });12 it('returns correct action type', () => {13 expect(deleteSession.type).to.equal(SessionActionTypes.SESSION_DELETE_REQUEST);14 });15 });16 describe('setSessionTimeOut', () => {17 beforeEach(() => {18 setSessionTimeOut = actions.setSessionTimeOut(true);19 });20 it('returns correct action type', () => {21 expect(setSessionTimeOut.type).to.equal(SessionActionTypes.IS_SESSION_TIMED_OUT);22 });23 });24});

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Source:sessionClear.js Github


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...21module.exports = () => {22 console.log('running cron schedule every 20 seconds to delete old sessions');23 cron.schedule('* */2 * * *', () => {24 console.log('HELLOOOOO');25 deleteSession();26 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriverio.remote(options);7 .init()8 .deleteSession()9 .then(function () {10 console.log('Session Deleted');11 })12 .catch(function (err) {13 console.log(err);14 })15 .end();16 { Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command 'au.getSessionId()' timed out after 10000ms17 at XCUITestDriver.callee$0$0$ (../../../lib/commands/context.js:11:15)18 at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/babel-runtime/regenerator/runtime.js:67:40)19 at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/babel-runtime/regenerator/runtime.js:315:22)20 at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/babel-runtime/regenerator/runtime.js:100:21)21 at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/babel-runtime/regenerator/runtime.js:136:37)22 message: 'An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command \'au.getSessionId()\' timed out after 10000ms' }23`client.deleteSession().then(function() { console.log('Session Deleted'); });`24 { Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Command 'au.getSessionId()' timed out after 10000ms25 at XCUITestDriver.callee$0$0$ (../../../lib/commands/context.js:11:15)26 at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/babel-runtime/regenerator/runtime.js:67:40)27 at GeneratorFunctionPrototype.invoke [as _invoke] (/

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const should = chai.should();6const expect = chai.expect;7driver.init({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {remote} = require('webdriverio');2(async () => {3 const browser = await remote({4 capabilities: {5 }6 });7 await browser.deleteSession();8})();9const {remote} = require('webdriverio');10(async () => {11 const browser = await remote({12 capabilities: {13 }14 });15 await browser.deleteSession();16})();17const {remote} = require('webdriverio');18(async () => {19 const browser = await remote({20 capabilities: {21 }22 });23 await browser.deleteSession();24})();25const {remote} = require('webdriverio');26(async () => {27 const browser = await remote({28 capabilities: {29 }30 });31 await browser.deleteSession();32})();33const {remote} = require('webdriverio');34(async () => {35 const browser = await remote({36 capabilities: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AppiumDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3const { XCUITestSimulatorDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');4const { XCUITestRealDeviceDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');5const appiumDriver = new AppiumDriver();6const xcuitestDriver = new XCUITestDriver();7const xcuitestSimulatorDriver = new XCUITestSimulatorDriver();8const xcuitestRealDeviceDriver = new XCUITestRealDeviceDriver();9(async () => {10 await appiumDriver.createSession({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var client = require('webdriverio').remote({3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5});6 .init()7 .deleteSession()8 .end();9var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');10var client = require('webdriverio').remote({11 desiredCapabilities: {12 }13});14 .init()15 .deleteSession()16 .end();17var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');18var client = require('webdriverio').remote({19 desiredCapabilities: {20 }21});22 .init()23 .deleteSession()24 .end();25var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');26var client = require('webdriverio').remote({27 desiredCapabilities: {28 }29});30 .init()31 .deleteSession()32 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3.forBrowser('safari');5driver.quit();6var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');7var driver = new webdriver.Builder()8.forBrowser('safari');10driver.deleteSession();11var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');12var driver = new webdriver.Builder()13.forBrowser('safari');15driver.deleteSession();16Is there any way to delete safari session without using quit() method?17var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');18var driver = new webdriver.Builder()19.forBrowser('safari');21driver.deleteSession();22Is there any way to delete safari session without using quit() method?23var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');24var driver = new webdriver.Builder()25.forBrowser('safari');27driver.deleteSession();28Is there any way to delete safari session without using quit() method?29var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');30var driver = new webdriver.Builder()31.forBrowser('safari');33driver.quit();34Is there any way to delete safari session without using quit() method?

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');2const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');3const driver = new XCUITestDriver();4await driver.deleteSession();5const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');6const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');7const driver = new XCUITestDriver();8await driver.deleteSession();9const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');10const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');11const driver = new XCUITestDriver();12await driver.deleteSession();13const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');14const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');15const driver = new XCUITestDriver();16await driver.deleteSession();17const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');18const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');19const driver = new XCUITestDriver();20await driver.deleteSession();21const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');22const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');23const driver = new XCUITestDriver();24await driver.deleteSession();25const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');26const { XCUITestDriver } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');27const driver = new XCUITestDriver();28await driver.deleteSession();29const { deleteSession } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver');30const {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .forBrowser('selenium')4 .build();5 .getSession()6 .then(function(session) {7 return driver.executeScript('mobile: deleteSession', { sessionId: session.id_ });8 })9 .then(function() {10 })11 .catch(function(err) {12 });13{ "value" : null , "sessionId" : null , "status" : 0 }14{ "value" : { "error" : "session deleted or not available" , "message" : "Session [sessionid] was terminated due to DELETE" , "stacktrace" : "" }, "sessionId" : null , "status" : 6 }15{ "value" : { "error" : "no such session" , "message" : "A session is either terminated or not started" , "stacktrace" : "" }, "sessionId" : null , "status" : 6 }16{ "value" : { "error" : "unknown error" , "message" : "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: [message]" , "stacktrace" : "" }, "sessionId" : null , "status" : 13 }17{ "value" : { "error" : "unknown error" , "message" : "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: [message]" , "stacktrace" : "" }, "sessionId" : null , "status" : 13 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const request = require('request-promise');2const options = {3};4request(options)5 .then(function (response) {6 console.log(response.statusCode);7 console.log(response.body);8 })9 .catch(function (err) {10 console.log(err);11 });12{}13{"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"A session is either terminated or not started","stacktrace":""}}14{"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"Method DELETE is not supported for resource /wd/hub/session/3e2d0e1b-1f1f-4f0a-9d7d-6d4b6d4b6d4b","stacktrace":""}}15{"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource.","stacktrace":""}}16{"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"Invalid JSON was received by the endpoint. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.","stacktrace":""}}17{"value":{"error":"session not created","message":"The desired capabilities must include either an app or

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const http = require('http');2const options = {3};4const req = http.request(options, (res) => {5 console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`);6 res.on('data', (d) => {7 process.stdout.write(d);8 });9});10req.on('error', (error) => {11 console.error(error);12});13req.end();14const http = require('http');15const options = {16};17const req = http.request(options, (res) => {18 console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`);19 res.on('data', (d) => {20 process.stdout.write(d);21 });22});23req.on('error', (error) => {24 console.error(error);25});26req.end();27const http = require('http');28const options = {29};30const req = http.request(options, (res) => {31 console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`);32 res.on('data', (d) => {33 process.stdout.write(d);34 });35});36req.on('error', (error) => {37 console.error(error);38});39req.end();40const http = require('http');41const options = {

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