How to use logDeprecationWarning method in Appium

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Source:deprecated.js Github


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...6/​* eslint-disable global-require */​7/​**8 * Generates a warning to tell developer that they are using deprecated methods!9 */​10export function logDeprecationWarning(method, alternative) {11 console.warn(12 `${method ||13 "This method"} is deprecated and will be removed in a future otp-ui release. All language functionality should be handled using react-intl.14 ${15 alternative16 ? `17 Use ${alternative} instead, which provides a new interface that doesn't return English strings.`18 : ""19 }`20 );21}22/​/​ itinerary.js23export function getStepDirection(step) {24 logDeprecationWarning("getStepDirection");25 switch (step.relativeDirection) {26 case "DEPART":27 return `Head ${step.absoluteDirection.toLowerCase()}`;28 case "LEFT":29 return "Left";30 case "HARD_LEFT":31 return "Hard left";32 case "SLIGHTLY_LEFT":33 return "Slight left";34 case "CONTINUE":35 return "Continue";36 case "SLIGHTLY_RIGHT":37 return "Slight right";38 case "RIGHT":39 return "Right";40 case "HARD_RIGHT":41 return "Hard right";42 case "CIRCLE_CLOCKWISE":43 return "Follow circle clockwise";44 case "CIRCLE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE":45 return "Follow circle counterclockwise";46 case "ELEVATOR":47 return "Take elevator";48 case "UTURN_LEFT":49 return "Left U-turn";50 case "UTURN_RIGHT":51 return "Right U-turn";52 default:53 return step.relativeDirection;54 }55}56export function getStepInstructions(step) {57 logDeprecationWarning("getStepInstructions");58 const conjunction = step.relativeDirection === "ELEVATOR" ? "to" : "on";59 return `${getStepDirection(step)} ${conjunction} ${step.streetName}`;60}61export function getStepStreetName(step) {62 logDeprecationWarning("getStepStreetName");63 if (step.streetName === "road") return "Unnamed Road";64 if (step.streetName === "path") return "Unnamed Path";65 return step.streetName;66}67export function getLegModeLabel(leg) {68 logDeprecationWarning("getLegModeLabel");69 switch (leg.mode) {70 case "BICYCLE_RENT":71 return "Biketown";72 case "CAR":73 return leg.hailedCar ? "Ride" : "Drive";74 case "GONDOLA":75 return "Aerial Tram";76 case "TRAM":77 if (leg.routeLongName.toLowerCase().indexOf("streetcar") !== -1)78 return "Streetcar";79 return "Light Rail";80 case "MICROMOBILITY":81 case "SCOOTER":82 return "Ride";83 default:84 return require("./​itinerary").toSentenceCase(leg.mode);85 }86}87/​**88 * Returns mode name by checking the vertex type (VertexType class in OTP) for89 * the provided place. NOTE: this is currently only intended for vehicles at90 * the moment (not transit or walking).91 *92 * @param {string} place place from itinerary leg93 */​94export function getModeForPlace(place) {95 logDeprecationWarning("getModeForPlace");96 switch (place.vertexType) {97 case "CARSHARE":98 return "car";99 case "VEHICLERENTAL":100 return "E-scooter";101 /​/​ TODO: Should the type change depending on bike vertex type?102 case "BIKESHARE":103 case "BIKEPARK":104 return "bike";105 /​/​ If company offers more than one mode, default to `vehicle` string.106 default:107 return "vehicle";108 }109}110export function getPlaceName(place, companies) {111 logDeprecationWarning("getPlaceName");112 /​/​ If address is provided (i.e. for carshare station, use it)113 if (place.address) return place.address.split(",")[0];114 if (place.networks && place.vertexType === "VEHICLERENTAL") {115 /​/​ For vehicle rental pick up, do not use the place name. Rather, use116 /​/​ company name + vehicle type (e.g., SPIN E-scooter). Place name is often just117 /​/​ a UUID that has no relevance to the actual vehicle. For bikeshare, however,118 /​/​ there are often hubs or bikes that have relevant names to the user.119 const company = require("./​itinerary").getCompanyForNetwork(120 place.networks[0],121 companies122 );123 if (company) {124 return `${company.label} ${getModeForPlace(place)}`;125 }126 }127 /​/​ Default to place name128 return;129}130/​**131 * For a given fare component (either total fare or component parts), returns132 * an object with string formatters and the fare value (in cents).133 */​134export function getTransitFare(fareComponent) {135 logDeprecationWarning("getTransitFare", "the fare object and getTncFare");136 /​/​ Default values (if fare component is not valid).137 let digits = 2;138 let transitFare = 0;139 let symbol = "$";140 let currencyCode = "USD";141 if (fareComponent) {142 /​/​ Assign values without declaration. See: https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​JavaScript/​Reference/​Operators/​Destructuring_assignment#assignment_without_declaration143 ({144 currencyCode,145 defaultFractionDigits: digits,146 symbol147 } = fareComponent.currency);148 transitFare = fareComponent.cents;149 }150 /​/​ For cents to string conversion, use digits from fare component.151 const centsToString = cents => {152 const dollars = (cents /​ 10 ** digits).toFixed(digits);153 return `${symbol}${dollars}`;154 };155 /​/​ For dollars to string conversion, assume we're rounding to two digits.156 const dollarsToString = dollars => `${symbol}${dollars.toFixed(2)}`;157 return {158 centsToString,159 currencyCode,160 dollarsToString,161 transitFare162 };163}164/​**165 * For an itinerary, calculates the transit/​TNC fares and returns an object with166 * these values, currency info, as well as string formatters.167 * It is assumed that the same currency is used for transit and TNC legs.168 *169 * multiple being set to true will change the output behavior:170 * - dollarsToString and centsToString will be returned as part of each fare171 * - currencyCode will be returned separately for each fare172 * - tnc currency code will be returned separately173 * - each fare type will be returned separately within a new transitFares property174 *175 * FIXME: a new approach to fare calculation must be found:176 * the current approach is not sustainable, as centsToString and DollarsToString177 * must be replaced by i18n anyway.178 *179 * However, the current behavior should ideally be kept to avoid a breaking change.180 * The "multiple" mode is helpful, but only prevents tnc fare calculation from being duplicated.181 * This method could be split out into a new one, along with tnc fare calculation.182 * If this is done, the individual fare calculation should also be modified to support183 * a default fare not being called "regular". However, this again would be a breaking change.184 * This breaking change is avoided by adding the "multiple" parameter.185 *186 * When centsToString and dollarsToString are removed, this method should be split into187 * individual fare calculation on a variable fare key, fare calculation of an entire leg,188 * which will get fares for every fare key in the leg, and a method to calculate the fare of189 * a tnc ride within the leg. This will make typescripting easier, as the types will be cleaner.190 */​191export function calculateFares(itinerary, multiple = false) {192 logDeprecationWarning("calculateFares", "the fare object and getTncFare");193 /​/​ Process any TNC fares194 let minTNCFare = 0;195 let maxTNCFare = 0;196 let tncCurrencyCode;197 itinerary.legs.forEach(leg => {198 if (leg.mode === "CAR" && leg.hailedCar && leg.tncData) {199 const { currency, maxCost, minCost } = leg.tncData;200 /​/​ TODO: Support non-USD201 minTNCFare += minCost;202 maxTNCFare += maxCost;203 tncCurrencyCode = currency;204 }205 });206 if (multiple) {207 /​/​ Return object of fares208 const transitFares = {};209 if (itinerary && itinerary.fare && itinerary.fare.fare) {210 Object.keys(itinerary.fare.fare).forEach(fareKey => {211 const fareComponent = itinerary.fare.fare[fareKey];212 transitFares[fareKey] = getTransitFare(fareComponent);213 });214 }215 return {216 maxTNCFare,217 minTNCFare,218 tncCurrencyCode,219 transitFares220 };221 }222 /​/​ Extract fare total from itinerary fares.223 const fareComponent =224 itinerary.fare && itinerary.fare.fare && itinerary.fare.fare.regular;225 /​/​ Get string formatters and itinerary fare.226 const {227 centsToString,228 currencyCode: transitCurrencyCode,229 dollarsToString,230 transitFare231 } = getTransitFare(fareComponent);232 return {233 centsToString,234 currencyCode: transitCurrencyCode || tncCurrencyCode,235 dollarsToString,236 maxTNCFare,237 minTNCFare,238 transitFare239 };240}241/​/​ map.js242export function latlngToString(latlng) {243 logDeprecationWarning("latlngToString", "the latlng object");244 return (245 latlng &&246 `${}, ${(latlng.lng || latlng.lon).toFixed(5)}`247 );248}249export function coordsToString(coords) {250 logDeprecationWarning("coordsToString", "the coords object");251 return coords.length && => (+c).toFixed(5)).join(", ");252}253export function getDetailText(location) {254 let detailText;255 if (location.type === "home" || location.type === "work") {256 detailText =;257 }258 if (location.type === "stop") {259 detailText =;260 } else if (location.type === "recent" && location.timestamp) {261 detailText = moment(location.timestamp).fromNow();262 }263 return detailText;264}265/​/​ query.js266export function summarizeQuery(query, locations = []) {267 logDeprecationWarning("summarizeQuery");268 function findLocationType(269 location,270 ls = [],271 types = ["home", "work", "suggested"]272 ) {273 const match = ls.find(l => require("./​map").matchLatLon(l, location));274 return match && types.indexOf(match.type) !== -1 ? match.type : null;275 }276 const from =277 findLocationType(query.from, locations) ||",")[0];278 const to =279 findLocationType(, locations) ||",")[0];280 const mode = require("./​itinerary").hasTransit(query.mode)281 ? "Transit"...

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Source:helper-specs.js Github


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...48 afterEach(function () {49 logger.warn.restore();50 });51 it('sends a message to warn', function () {52 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'old', 'new');53 logger.warn.called.should.equal(true);54 });55 it('is only called once per run', function () {56 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'old', 'new');57 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'old', 'new');58 logger.warn.calledOnce.should.equal(true);59 });60 it('logs each message', function () {61 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'old', 'new');62 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'YeOlde', 'Moderne');63 logger.warn.calledTwice.should.equal(true);64 });65 });66 describe("#logFinalDeprecationWarning", function () {67 beforeEach(function () {68 helpers.clearWarnings();69 sinon.spy(logger, 'warn');70 });71 afterEach(function () {72 logger.warn.restore();73 });74 var warning = "[DEPRECATED] You used 1 deprecated capabilities during" +75 " this session. Please check the logs as they will be" +76 " removed in a future version of Appium.";77 it('logs a message when dep warnings happened', function () {78 helpers.logDeprecationWarning('function', 'old', 'new');79 helpers.logFinalDeprecationWarning();80 logger.warn.args[1][0].should.equal(warning);81 });82 it('does nothing if no dep warnings happened', function () {83 helpers.logFinalDeprecationWarning();84 logger.warn.called.should.equal(false);85 });86 });87 describe('xcode version', function () {88 it('parses xcode version with space', function () {89 var actual = "/​Applications/​ Xcode​Contents/​Developer";90 var expected = "/​Applications/​\\ Xcode\\​Contents/​Developer";91 helpers.escapeSpace(actual).should.equal(expected);92 });...

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Source:main.js Github


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...64 logNonDefaultArgsWarning(showArgs);65 }66 let deprecatedArgs = getDeprecatedArgs(parser, args);67 if (_.size(deprecatedArgs)) {68 logDeprecationWarning(deprecatedArgs);69 }70 if (!_.isEmpty(args.defaultCapabilities)) {71 logDefaultCapabilitiesWarning(args.defaultCapabilities);72 }73 /​/​ TODO: bring back loglevel reporting below once logger is flushed out74 /​/​'Console LogLevel: ' + logger.transports.console.level);75 /​/​if (logger.transports.file) {76 /​/​'File LogLevel: ' + logger.transports.file.level);77 /​/​}78}79function logServerPort (address, port) {80 let logMessage = `Appium REST http interface listener started on ` +81 `${address}:${port}`;82;...

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Source:messages.js Github


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...8 * messages.header.description).9 */​10/​* eslint-disable import/​prefer-default-export */​11export function mergeMessages(defaultPropsMessages, propsMessages) {12 logDeprecationWarning("mergeMessages");13 const defaultMessages = defaultPropsMessages || {};14 const instanceMessages = propsMessages || {};15 return {16 ...defaultMessages,17 ...instanceMessages18 };...

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1const log = require('appium-support').logger.getLogger('Appium');2log.logDeprecationWarning('test');3const log = require('appium-base-driver').logger.getLogger('Appium');4log.logDeprecationWarning('test');5const log = require('appium-base-plugin').logger.getLogger('Appium');6log.logDeprecationWarning('test');7const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');8log.logDeprecationWarning('test');9const log = require('appium-logger').getLogger('Appium');10log.logDeprecationWarning('test');11const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');12log.logDeprecationWarning('test');13const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');14log.logDeprecationWarning('test');15const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');16log.logDeprecationWarning('test');17const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');18log.logDeprecationWarning('test');19const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');20log.logDeprecationWarning('test');21const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');22log.logDeprecationWarning('test');23const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');24log.logDeprecationWarning('test');25const log = require('appium-support').getLogger('Appium');26log.logDeprecationWarning('test');

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1import { logger } from 'appium-support';2logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');3logger.logInfo('test', 'test');4logger.logWarn('test', 'test');5logger.logError('test', 'test');6import { logger } from 'appium-support';7logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');8logger.logInfo('test', 'test');9logger.logWarn('test', 'test');10logger.logError('test', 'test');11import { logger } from 'appium-support';12logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');13logger.logInfo('test', 'test');14logger.logWarn('test', 'test');15logger.logError('test', 'test');16import { logger } from 'appium-support';17logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');18logger.logInfo('test', 'test');19logger.logWarn('test', 'test');20logger.logError('test', 'test');21import { logger } from 'appium-support';22logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');23logger.logInfo('test', 'test');24logger.logWarn('test', 'test');25logger.logError('test', 'test');26import { logger } from 'appium-support';27logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');28logger.logInfo('test', 'test');29logger.logWarn('test', 'test');30logger.logError('test', 'test');31import { logger } from 'appium-support';32logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');33logger.logInfo('test', 'test');34logger.logWarn('test', 'test');35logger.logError('test', 'test');36import { logger } from 'appium-support';37logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test');38logger.logInfo('test', 'test');39logger.logWarn('test', 'test');40logger.logError('test', 'test');

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1const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;2const logger = new AppiumLogger();3logger.logDeprecationWarning('This is a deprecation warning');4const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;5const logger = new AppiumLogger();6logger.logWarning('This is a warning');7const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;8const logger = new AppiumLogger();9logger.logInfo('This is an info');10const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;11const logger = new AppiumLogger();12logger.logDebug('This is a debug');13const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;14const logger = new AppiumLogger();15logger.logError('This is an error');16const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;17const logger = new AppiumLogger();18logger.log('This is a log');19const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;20const logger = new AppiumLogger();21logger.log('This is a log');22const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;23const logger = new AppiumLogger();24logger.log('This is a log');25const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;26const logger = new AppiumLogger();27logger.log('This is a log');28const AppiumLogger = require('appium-support').logger;29const logger = new AppiumLogger();

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1var logger = require('appium-support').logger;2logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', '1.0.0');3var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;4logger.deprecateWarning('test', '1.0.0');5var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;6logger.deprecate('test', '1.0.0', '2.0.0');7var logger = require('appium-support').logger;8var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');9logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', '1.0.0', log);10var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;11var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');12logger.deprecateWarning('test', '1.0.0', log);13var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;14var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');15logger.deprecate('test', '1.0.0', '2.0.0', log);16var logger = require('appium-support').logger;17var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');18logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', '1.0.0', log, 'Custom message');19var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;20var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');21logger.deprecateWarning('test', '1.0.0', log, 'Custom message');22var logger = require('appium-support').deprecate;23var log = logger.getLogger('CustomLogger');24logger.deprecate('test', '1.0.0', '2.0.0', log, 'Custom message');

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1const { logger } = require('appium-support');2logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');3const { logger } = require('appium-support');4logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');5const { logger } = require('appium-support');6logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');7const { logger } = require('appium-support');8logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');9const { logger } = require('appium-support');10logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');11const { logger } = require('appium-support');12logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');13const { logger } = require('appium-support');14logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');15const { logger } = require('appium-support');16logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');17const { logger } = require('appium-support');18logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');19const { logger } = require('appium-support');20logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');21const { logger } = require('appium-support');22logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');23const { logger } = require('appium-support');24logger.logDeprecationWarning('test', 'test', 'test');25const { logger } = require

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1const log = new AppiumLogger();2log.logDeprecationWarning('testDeprecationWarning');3log.logWarning('testWarning');4const log = new AppiumLogger();5log.logInfo('testInfo');6log.logDebug('testDebug');7log.logTrace('testTrace');8const log = new AppiumLogger();9log.logError(new Error('testError'));10log.logErrorAndThrow(new Error('testErrorAndThrow'));11const log = new AppiumLogger();12log.logEvent('testEvent', {foo: 'bar'});13const log = new AppiumLogger();14log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});15const log = new AppiumLogger();16log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});17const log = new AppiumLogger();18log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});19const log = new AppiumLogger();20log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});21const log = new AppiumLogger();22log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});23const log = new AppiumLogger();24log.log('testLog', 'testMessage', {foo: 'bar'});25const log = new AppiumLogger();26log.log('testLog', 'test

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1class AppiumLogger {2 logDeprecationWarning (message) {3 log.warn('DEPRECATION', message);4 }5}6module.exports = AppiumLogger;7log.error('ERROR', message);'INFO', message);9log.verbose('VERBOSE', message);10log.silly('SILLY', message);11log.debug('DEBUG', message);12log.warn('WARN', message);13log.http('HTTP', message);14log.pause('PAUSE', message);15log.resume('RESUME', message);16log.silly('SILLY', message);17log.timing('TIMING', message);18log.addLevel('ADDLEVEL', 3000, { fg: 'blue', bg: 'white' }, message);19log.enableProgress();20log.disableProgress();21log.progress(message);22log.disableColor();23log.enableColor();24log.disableUnicode();25log.enableUnicode();26log.disablePrefix();27log.enablePrefix();

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