Best JavaScript code snippet using appium
1/* debug.js */2define ([3 '1401/system/screen' 4], function ( 5 SCREEN6) {7 var DBGOUT = true;8 var GLOBAL = true;9/** Debug *******************************************************************\10 The Debug object implements utilities for debugging and documenting.11 It will eventually implement an on-screen console, but right now it's12 just a stub for some documentation routines.13/** MODULE DECLARATION ******************************************************/14 var API = {};15 = "debug";16 var m_watching = {};17/// INSPECTION ROUTINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////18/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19/*/ InspectModule() prints a list of public properties and methods for each20 require module that contains the passed string. It returns a string, so21 you will have to console.log() to see the output.22/*/ API.InspectModule = function ( str ) {23 var rm = require.s.contexts._.defined;24 var mlist = [];25 var base = '1401/';26 if (str===undefined) str = base;27 str = (typeof str =='string') ? str : base;28 Object.keys(rm).forEach(function(key){29 var name = key.toString();30 if (name.indexOf(str)>=0) {31 mlist.push(key);32 }33 });34 var out = '\n';35 for (var i=0;i<mlist.length;i++) {36 var objName = mlist[i];37 out += objName+'\n';38 if (str!==base) {39 out+= "-----\n";40 var mod = rm[objName];41 out += m_DumpObj(mod);42 out += '\n';43 }44 }45 if (mlist.length) {46 console.log(out);47 return mlist.length + ' modules listed';48 } else 49 return "module " +str.bracket()+" not found";50 };51/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52/*/ InspectObject() accepts an object and a label, and prints a list of53 all the methods and properties in it. It returns a string, so you will54 have to console.log() to see the output.55/*/ API.InspectObject = function ( obj, depth ) {56 if (!obj) return "Must pass an object or 1401 watched object key string";57 var out = "";58 // handle command line calls 59 switch (typeof obj) {60 case 'object':61 case 'function': 62 break;63 case 'string':64 // see if string is a watched object stored in debugger65 var globj = m_watching[obj]; 66 if (!globj) {67 out = "pass object or 1401 watched object key";68 if (Object.keys(m_watching).length) {69 out += ' (strings listed below):\n';70 Object.keys(m_watching).forEach(function(key){71 out+="\t";72 out+=key;73 out+="\n";74 });75 }76 return out;77 } else {78 return this.InspectObject(globj);79 }80 break;81 default:82 return "must pass object or function, not "+(typeof obj);83 }84 // handle recursive scan85 depth = depth || 0;86 var label = || '(anonymous object)';87 var indent = "";88 for (var i=0;i<=depth;i++) indent+='\t';89 out+= label+'\n';90 out+= "\n";91 out += m_DumpObj(obj, depth+1);92 var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);93 if (proto) {94 out += "\n"+indent+"IN PROTO: ";95 out += this.InspectObject(proto,depth+1);96 out += "\n";97 }98 if (depth===0) out = '\n'+out;99 console.log(out);100 return obj;101 };102/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -103/*/ Use to add an instance of something temporarilyl inspectable by104 console InspectObject(). Useful for gaining access to certain objects105 that are buried inside a module, such as singleton instances like106 1401/objects/viewport107/*/ API.AddWatch = function ( key, obj ) {108 if (typeof key!=='string') {109 return "key must be a string";110 }111 key = key.toLowerCase();112 var exists = m_watching[key];113 if (exists) console.warn ("AddWatch:",key,"redefined");114 m_watching[key]=obj;115"AddWatch: defined new debug object key",key.bracket(),obj);116 };117/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -118/*/ Append a <div>msg</div> to the #debug div. Can be overridden by adding119 selector argument120/*/ API.Out = function ( msg, escape_msg, selector ) {121 m_DebugOut( msg, escape_msg, selector );122 };123/** SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS ****************************************************/124/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -125/*/ Support function for InspectModule() and InspectObject()126 Also checks m_watching array127/*/ function m_DumpObj ( obj, depth ) {128 var indent = "";129 for (var i=0;i<depth;i++) indent+='\t';130 var str = "";131 Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key){132 var prop = obj[key];133 var type = typeof prop;134 str += indent;135 str += type + '\t'+key;136 switch (type) {137 case 'function':138 var regexp = /function.*\(([^)]*)\)/;139 var args = regexp.exec(prop.toString());140 str+= ' ('+args[1]+')'; 141 break;142 default:143 break;144 }145 str += '\n';146 }); 147 return str;148 }149/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -150/*/ Debugger window text output151/*/ function m_DebugOut ( msg, escape_msg, selector ) {152 selector = selector || SCREEN.Debug;153 var $dbg = $(selector);154 if ($dbg)==='[object Array]') {155 $dbg = $dbg[0]; // get first matching element156 }157 if (escape_msg) {158 var e = document.createElement('div');159 var t = document.createTextNode(msg);160 e.appendChild(t);161 $dbg.append(e);162 } else {163 $dbg.append('<div>'+msg+'</div>');164 }165 }166/** GLOBAL HOOKS *************************************************************/167 if (GLOBAL) {168 window.InspectModule = API.InspectModule;169 window.InspectObject = API.InspectObject;170 window.DBG_Out = function ( msg, selector ) {171 API.Out(msg,false, selector);172 };173 window.DBG_OutClean = function ( msg, selector ) {174 API.Out(msg,true,selector);175 };176 }177/** RETURN MODULE ************************************************************/178 return API;...
...34 const { records, pagination, searchParams } = storeRef;35 // console.log(storeRef);36 // const [, forceUpdate] = useReducer((x) => x + 1, 0);37 const demoList = [38 { label: 'configä¿¡æ¯', action: () => inspectObject(config) },39 {40 label: 'æ´æ°config',41 action: async () => {42 const newStuff = await updateConfig([43 () => {44 return new Promise((resolve) => {45 setTimeout(() => {46 resolve({ newEnum: { a: 1, b: 2 } });47 }, 200);48 });49 },50 ]);51{52 content: (53 <span>54 config å·²æ´æ°ï¼æå
容ï¼<pre>{JSON.stringify(newStuff, null, 2)}</pre>55 </span>56 ),57 });58 },59 },60 {61 label: 'recordModelç¸å
³ä¿¡æ¯',62 action: () => inspectObject({ idFieldName, nameFieldName, StoreNsTitle }),63 },64 { label: 'å½åæ¥è¯¢åæ°', action: () => inspectObject(searchParams) },65 { label: 'å½åå页信æ¯', action: () => inspectObject(pagination) },66 { label: 'å表æ°æ®', action: () => inspectObject(records) },67 {68 label: 'éªçé¦è¡',69 action: () => records.length && blinkRecordById(getRecordId(records[0])),70 extraProps: {71 disabled: !records.length,72 },73 },74 {75 label: 'ç¼è¾é¦è¡',76 action: () => records.length && showRecordForm(records[0]),77 extraProps: {78 disabled: !records.length,79 },80 },81 { label: 'å¼¹åºæ°å»º', action: () => showEmptyRecordForm() },82 { label: 'æ¥è¯¢[name=10]', action: () => goSearch({ name: '10' }) },83 { label: 'æ¥è¯¢å·æ°', action: () => reloadSearch() },84 { label: `æ¥è¯¢ä¸: ${searchLoading}`, action: () => {} },85 {86 label: 'å¨ä½è®¡æ°',87 action: () => {88 const modal ={ content: '' });89 const updateCount = () => {90 modal.update({91 title: 'å¨ä½è®¡æ°',92 content: (93 <div>94 <p>A+B: {getActionCount(['actA', 'actB'])}</p>95 <p>A: {getActionCount('actA')}</p>96 <p>B: {getActionCount('actB')}</p>97 </div>98 ),99 });100 };101 increaseActionCount('actA');102 increaseActionCount('actB');103 setTimeout(() => {104 updateCount();105 }, 0);106 setTimeout(() => {107 decreaseActionCount('actA');108 updateCount();109 }, 1000);110 setTimeout(() => {111 decreaseActionCount('actB');112 updateCount();113 }, 2000);114 },115 },116 {117 label: `请æ±æ¥å£`,118 action: async () => {119 callService({120 serviceTitle: `èªå®ä¹å¨ä½`,121 serviceFunction: customAction,122 serviceParams: [{ cmd: 'Just say hi', isErrReq: true }],123 });124 },125 },126 {127 label: `è·åè®°å½[id=11]`,128 action: () => {129 getRecord({ [idFieldName]: 11 }).then((record) => {130 inspectObject(record);131 });132 },133 },134 {135 label: `è·åè®°å½[id=12,13]`,136 action: () => {137 getRecordMapByIdList([12, 13]).then((record) => {138 inspectObject(record);139 });140 },141 },142 {143 label: `éä¸é¦è¡`,144 action: () => {145 toggleChecked(records[0], true);146 },147 },148 {149 label: `éä¸æ¬é¡µ`,150 action: () => {151 toggleChecked(records, true);152 },153 },154 {155 label: `æ¸
空éä¸`,156 action: () => {157 clearChecked();158 },159 },160 {161 label: `å·²éå`,162 action: () => {163 inspectObject(checkedList);164 },165 },166 ];167 return (168 <>169 <Card className={styles.container}>170 {{ label, action, extraProps }) => (171 // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key172 <Card.Grid hoverable={false} key={label}>173 <Button type="primary" onClick={action} {...extraProps}>174 {label}175 </Button>176 </Card.Grid>177 ))}...
1const { test } = require('ava')2const inspectObject = require('../lib/inspectObject')3test('fetch', t => {4 const value = inspectObject('/this/is/true', {5 this: {6 is: {7 true: 'yes'8 }9 }10 });11 return, 'yes')12})13test('update', t => {14 const obj = {15 this: {16 is: {17 true: 'yes'18 }19 }20 };21 inspectObject('/this/is/true', obj, {22 type: 'upd',23 payload: false24 });25 return t.falsy(})27test('del', t => {28 const obj = {29 this: {30 is: {31 true: 'yes'32 },33 I_AM_STILL_HERE: undefined34 }35 };36 inspectObject('/this/is/true', obj, {37 type: 'del'38 });39 return t.deepEqual(obj, {40 this: {41 I_AM_STILL_HERE: undefined42 }43 })44})45test('fetch.Array', t => {46 const obj = {47 this: {48 is: {49 true: 'yes'50 }51 },52 list: [53 {54 _id: 1234,55 text: 'cat'56 },57 {58 _id: 2466,59 text: 'water'60 }61 ]62 };63 64 const result = inspectObject('/list/_id', obj)65 return, 2)66})67test('update.Object.newProp', t => {68 const obj = {69 this: {70 is: {71 true: 'yes'72 }73 },74 list: [75 {76 _id: 1234,77 text: 'cat'78 },79 {80 _id: 2466,81 text: 'water'82 }83 ]84 }85 inspectObject('/this/stuff', obj, {86 type: 'upd',87 payload: {88 dummy_data: true,89 other: {90 stuff: {91 that: 'might',92 be: {93 useful: false94 }95 }96 }97 }98 })99 return t.deepEqual(inspectObject('/this/stuff', obj), {100 dummy_data: true,101 other: {102 stuff: {103 that: 'might',104 be: {105 useful: false106 }107 }108 }109 })110})111test('update.Arrays.newProp', t => {112 const obj = {113 list: [114 {115 _id: 1234,116 text: 'cat'117 },118 {119 _id: 5678,120 text: 'frog'121 }122 ]123 }124 inspectObject('/list/_id/5678/:speak', obj, {125 type: 'upd',126 payload: 'ribit'127 })128 return[1].speak, 'ribit')129})130test('update.Object.newProp', t => {131 const obj = {132 1: true133 }134 inspectObject(['0'], obj, {135 type: 'upd',136 payload: false137 })138 return t.falsy(obj['0'])139})140test('update.Object.newProp', t => {141 const obj = {142 1: true,143 newProp: {144 stuff: undefined145 }146 }147 inspectObject(['0', 'maybe', 'this', 'will', 'work'], obj, {148 type: 'upd',149 payload: false150 })151 return t.falsy(obj['0']})153test('delete.Array', t => {154 const obj = {155 list: [156 {157 _id: 1234,158 text: 'cat',159 },160 {161 _id: 5678,162 text: 'frog'163 }164 ]165 }166 inspectObject('/list/_id/1234', obj, {167 type: 'del'168 })169 return t.deepEqual(obj.list, [170 {171 _id: 5678,172 text: 'frog'173 }174 ])175})176test('delete.Array.prop', t => {177 const obj = {178 list: [179 {180 _id: 1234,181 text: 'cat',182 speak: 'meow'183 },184 {185 _id: 5678,186 text: 'frog',187 speak: 'ribit'188 }189 ]190 }191 inspectObject('/list/_id/', obj, {192 type: 'del'193 })194 return t.deepEqual(obj.list, [195 {196 text: 'cat',197 speak: 'meow'198 },199 {200 text: 'frog',201 speak: 'ribit'202 }203 ])...
...25test('inspectString outputs string representing input.', () => {26 expect(λ.inspectString('a')).toBe('\'a\'');27});28test('inspectObject outputs string representing input.', () => {29 expect(λ.inspectObject({a: 'b'})).toBe('{a: \'b\'}');30 expect(λ.inspectObject({inspect: () => 'inspected'})).toBe('inspected');31});32test('deepInspect outputs inspectObject if input is an object.', () => {33 expect(λ.deepInspect({a: 'b'})).toBe(λ.inspectObject({a: 'b'}));34 expect(λ.deepInspect({inspect: () => 'inspected'})).toBe(λ.inspectObject({inspect: () => 'inspected'}));35});36test('deepInspect outputs inspectFunction if input is a function.', () => {37 function namedFunction() {38 return null;39 }40 expect(λ.deepInspect(() => 'b')).toBe(λ.inspectFunction(() => 'b'));41 expect(λ.deepInspect(namedFunction)).toBe(λ.inspectFunction(namedFunction));42});43test('deepInspect outputs inspectArray if input is an array.', () => {44 function namedFunction() {45 return null;46 }47 expect(λ.deepInspect([1, 'a'])).toBe(λ.inspectArray([1, 'a']));48 expect(λ.deepInspect([namedFunction, 'a'])).toBe(λ.inspectArray([namedFunction, 'a']));...
...53 ? inspectFunction(a)54 : isArray(a)55 ? inspectArray(a)56 : isObject(a)57 ? inspectObject(a)58 : isString(a)59 ? inspectString(a)...
1import { inspect } from 'util';2function inspectObject(object) {3 return inspect(object, {4 colors: true,5 });6}7function singleLine(str) {8 return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');9}10const actionFormatters = {11 // This is used at feature/apollo branch, but it can help you when implementing Apollo12 APOLLO_QUERY_INIT: a =>13 `queryId:${a.queryId} variables:${inspectObject(a.variables)}\n ${singleLine(a.queryString)}`,14 APOLLO_QUERY_RESULT: a =>15 `queryId:${a.queryId}\n ${singleLine(inspectObject(a.result))}`,16 APOLLO_QUERY_STOP: a =>17 `queryId:${a.queryId}`,18};19// Server side redux action logger20export default function createLogger() {21 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars22 return store => next => (action) => {23 let formattedPayload = '';24 const actionFormatter = actionFormatters[action.type];25 if (typeof actionFormatter === 'function') {26 formattedPayload = actionFormatter(action);27 } else if (action.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) {28 formattedPayload = action.toString();29 } else if (typeof action.payload !== 'undefined') {30 formattedPayload = inspectObject(action.payload);31 } else {32 formattedPayload = inspectObject(action);33 }34 console.log(` * ${action.type}: ${formattedPayload}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console35 return next(action);36 };...
...13 // Note: strings are returned verbatim since getting the extra quotes are unneeded in most cases.14 if (isString(obj)) {15 return obj16 }17 return inspectObject(obj)18 })19 console.log(objStrings.join(' '))20}21/** Runs inspectObject() on multiple items. */22const inspect = (...objs) => {23 return => inspectObject(obj))24}25/** Returns a dump of the contents of an object. */26const inspectObject = (obj, opts = {}) => {27 return util.inspect(obj, { colors: true, depth: logDepth, maxArrayLength: logMaxLength, breakLength: 120, ...opts })28}29/** Exits the program with a return code. */30const exit = exitCode => {31 process.exit(exitCode)32}33/** Exits the program with an error. */34const die = (...objs) => {35 if (objs.length) {36 log(`${getProgName()}:`, ...segments)37 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3driver.init({4}).then(function() {5 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button1").click();6}).then(function() {7 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button2").click();8}).then(function() {9 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button3").click();10}).then(function() {11 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button4").click();12}).then(function() {13 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button5").click();14}).then(function() {15 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button6").click();16}).then(function() {17 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button7").click();18}).then(function() {19 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button8").click();20}).then(function() {21 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button9").click();22}).then(function() {23 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button10").click();24}).then(function() {25 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button11").click();26}).then(function() {27 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button12").click();28}).then(function() {29 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button13").click();30}).then(function() {31 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button14").click();32}).then(function() {33 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button15").click();34}).then(function() {35 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button16").click();36}).then(function() {37 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button17").click();38}).then(function() {39 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button18").click();40}).then(function() {41 return driver.elementById("com.example.androiddemo:id/button19").click();42}).then(function() {
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;2var driver = new AppiumDriver();3console.log(obj);4var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;5var driver = new AppiumDriver();6var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField");7console.log(obj);8var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;9var driver = new AppiumDriver();10var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField", 1);11console.log(obj);12var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;13var driver = new AppiumDriver();14var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField", 1, "name");15console.log(obj);16var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;17var driver = new AppiumDriver();18var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField", 1, "name", "value");19console.log(obj);20var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;21var driver = new AppiumDriver();22var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField", 1, "name", "value", "label");23console.log(obj);24var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;25var driver = new AppiumDriver();26var obj = driver.inspectObject("class", "UIATextField", 1, "name", "value", "label", "hint");27console.log(obj);28var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;29var driver = new AppiumDriver();
Using AI Code Generation
1var Appium = require('appium');2var appium = new Appium();3var obj = {name:"John", age:30, city:"New York"};4appium.inspectObject(obj);5appium.inspectObject(obj, 2);6appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true);7appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true);8appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true, true);9appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true, true, true);10appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true, true, true, true);11appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true, true, true, true, true);12appium.inspectObject(obj, 2, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new AppiumDriver();2var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");3console.log(result);4var driver = new AppiumDriver();5var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");6console.log(result);7var driver = new AppiumDriver();8var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");9console.log(result);10var driver = new AppiumDriver();11var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");12console.log(result);13var driver = new AppiumDriver();14var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");15console.log(result);16var driver = new AppiumDriver();17var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");18console.log(result);19var driver = new AppiumDriver();20var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");21console.log(result);22var driver = new AppiumDriver();23var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");24console.log(result);25var driver = new AppiumDriver();26var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");27console.log(result);28var driver = new AppiumDriver();29var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");30console.log(result);31var driver = new AppiumDriver();32var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");33console.log(result);34var driver = new AppiumDriver();35var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");36console.log(result);37var driver = new AppiumDriver();38var result = driver.inspectObject(1, "text");39console.log(result);40var driver = new AppiumDriver();41var result = driver.inspectObject(1
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Appium Inspector Test', function() {2 it('should inspect an object', function() {3 var driver = browser.driver;4 var inspectObject = require('appium-inspector/lib/inspector.js');5 inspectObject(driver, 'button', 'xpath');6 });7});8> inspectObject(driver, 'button', 'xpath')9inspectObject(browser, 'button', 'xpath')10inspectObject(native, 'button', 'xpath')11inspectObject(hybrid, 'button', 'xpath')12inspectObject(webview, 'button', 'xpath')
Using AI Code Generation
1var Appium = require('appium');2var AppiumClient = require('appium-client');3var client = new AppiumClient();4var appium = new Appium();5var session = appium.createSession();6var device = appium.createDevice();7var element = appium.createElement();8var touch = appium.createTouch();9var command = appium.createCommand();10var commandChain = appium.createCommandChain();11var multiAction = appium.createMultiAction();12var touchAction = appium.createTouchAction();13var keyEvent = appium.createKeyEvent();14var commandList = appium.createCommandList();15var commandSequence = appium.createCommandSequence();16var commandSet = appium.createCommandSet();17var commandSetList = appium.createCommandSetList();18var commandSetSequence = appium.createCommandSetSequence();19var commandSetSet = appium.createCommandSetSet();20var commandSetSetList = appium.createCommandSetSetList();21var commandSetSetSequence = appium.createCommandSetSetSequence();22var commandSetSetSet = appium.createCommandSetSetSet();23var commandSetSetSetList = appium.createCommandSetSetSetList();24var commandSetSetSetSequence = appium.createCommandSetSetSetSequence();
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;2var driver = new AppiumDriver();3var obj = driver.inspectObject({name: 'myElement'});4console.log(obj);5{ name: 'myElement',6 rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 },7 size: 0 }8var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;9var driver = new AppiumDriver();10var obj = driver.inspectObject({name: 'myElement'});11console.log(obj);12{ name: 'myElement',13 rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 },14 size: 0 }15var AppiumDriver = require('appium-driver').AppiumDriver;16var driver = new AppiumDriver();17var obj = driver.inspectObject({name: 'myElement'});18console.log(obj);19{ name: 'myElement',20 rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height
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