How to use getGitTimestamp method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source:docpage.js Github


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...63}6465/​/​ Only called on article pages.66function loaded() {67 getGitTimestamp();68 betaSoftware();69 desktopPageTag();70 showAnnouncement();7172 /​/​ fix positioned page nav73 var ele = document.getElementById('page-nav');74 var pEle = ele;75 var t = 0;76 while(pEle && pEle.offsetParent){77 pEle = pEle.offsetParent;78 t += pEle.offsetTop;79 }80 ele.setAttribute('defaultTop',t);81 document.body.onscroll = function(){82 var ele = document.getElementById('page-nav');83 if(ele && ele.hasAttribute('defaultTop')){84 var fixed = false;85 if(document.documentElement.scrollTop > Number(ele.getAttribute('defaultTop'))) fixed = true;86 if(ele.classList.contains('fixed') && !fixed) ele.classList.toggle('fixed',false);87 else if(!ele.classList.contains('fixed') && fixed) ele.classList.toggle('fixed',true);88 }89 }90}9192/​/​ Only called on the Search Results Page.93function initializeSearch() {94 /​/​ Display maintenance announcements95 showAnnouncement();9697 /​/​ Prepend the URL hostname to the page url in the search results:98 var addressTags = document.getElementsByClassName("search-address");99 if( addressTags && addressTags.length ) {100 var i;101 for( i = 0 ; i < addressTags.length ; ++i ) {102 if( addressTags[i].innerHTML.substr(0,1) == '/​' ) {103 addressTags[i].innerHTML = + addressTags[i].innerHTML;104 }105 }106 }107}108109function localToClickHandler(e) {110 if ( {111 if ( == "LI" &&"branch") == "true") {112 var eleB =;113 if ( == "none") {114 = "";115 = "opened";116 } else {117 = "none";118 = "closed";119 }120 }121 }122}123124function onSearch() {125 let basePath = window.location.pathname.split("pages")[0];126 let target = basePath+"pages/​search";127 let pattern = document.getElementsByName("pattern")[0];128 let search = document.getElementsByName("search")[0];129 let display = document.getElementsByName("display")[0];130 let limit = document.getElementsByName("limit")[0];131132 if (pattern.value.indexOf("in:title") !== -1) {133 pattern.value = pattern.value.split("in:title").join(" ").trim();134135 search.value = "title";136 } else {137 search.removeAttribute("name");138 }139 if (display.value.trim().length == 0) {140 display.removeAttribute("name");141 }142 if (limit.value.trim().length == 0) {143 limit.removeAttribute("name");144 }145146 return true;147}148149function gotoPrintPage(flatten) {150 if( flatten ) {151 location.pathname.replace("/​pages/​","/​print/​")+"?flatten=true" , "_blank" );152 } else {153 location.pathname.replace("/​pages/​","/​print/​") , "_blank" );154 }155}156157function gotoFlattenPage(isFlat) {158 if( isFlat ) {159 location.pathname );160 } else {161 location.pathname + "?flatten=true" );162 }163}164165/​/​ Site wide announcement166function showAnnouncement() {167 /​/​ TODO:168 /​/​ Move Site Announcements into a JSON file169 /​/​ JSON entry has start, end, message:170 /​/​ start = a date/​time value in GMT time; The timestamp will be rendered in the user's local time.171 /​/​ end = Optional. A date/​time value in GMT time; The timestamp will be rendered in the user's local time.172 /​/​ message = Message to display. Can use placeholders {start} and {end} to refer to the start and end time. Can also use HTML.173 /​/​ target = Array of target doc sites. Doc sites include: "Alpha Anywhere", "Alpha TransForm"174 /​/​ Example: 175 /​/​ {176 /​/​ "start":"Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:00:00 GMT",177 /​/​ "end":"Thu, 06 Sep 2018 22:00:00 GMT",178 /​/​ "message": "Maintenance will be performed on the documentation servers between {start} and {end}. During this time, the Alpha Anywhere help documentation may be temporarily unavailable as we make improvements to our system. Thank you for your patience during this time.",179 /​/​ "target":["Alpha Anywhere","Alpha TransForm"]180 /​/​ }181 /​/​182 /​/​183 /​/​ Question: Should we support multiple simultaneous announcements on the site?184185 /​/​ start and end must be in GMT time; The timestamp will be rendered in the user's local time.186 var maintenance = {187 start: new Date("Sun, 23 Jun 2019 22:00:00 GMT"),188 end: new Date("Mon, 23 Jun 2019 06:00:00 GMT")189 };190 191 var now = new Date();192 if (now >= maintenance.end) {193 return;194 }195 196 var ele = document.getElementById("announcement");197 = "block";198 ele.innerHTML = "We will be upgrading the Alpha Cloud servers beginning " + maintenance.start.toLocaleString() + ". <strong>During this time, access to both Alpha Cloud and Alpha TransForm Server will not be available for several hours.</​strong> The Alpha TransForm App will continue to work, but you will not be able to synchronize forms with the TransForm Cloud nor log into your Alpha TransForm account if you were previously logged out or your login expired. We appreciate your patience during this time. <a href=\"https:/​/​​blog/​major-upgrades-coming-to-alpha-cloud-june-23\" alt=\"Major Upgrades Coming to Alpha Cloud\" target=\"blog\">Click here</​a> to learn more about the scheduled service outage and exciting new features coming to Alpha Cloud.";199200201}202203/​/​ Display a "This is beta product" warning on the page.204function betaSoftware() {205 var url = window.location.href;206 if (decodeURI(url).search(/​beta software/​i) !== -1) {207 var content = document.getElementById("doc");208 if (content) {209 var classes = content.getAttribute("class");210 if (classes !== null) {211 classes = classes + " betaSoftware";212 } else {213 classes = "betaSoftware";214 }215 content.setAttribute("class", classes);216 }217 }218}219220function desktopPageTag() {221 var url = window.location.href;222 if (decodeURI(url).search(/​Guides\/​Desktop/​i) !== -1) {223 var content = document.getElementById("doc");224 if (content) {225 var classes = content.getAttribute("class");226 if (classes !== null) {227 classes = classes + " desktop";228 } else {229 classes = "desktop";230 }231 content.setAttribute("class", classes);232 }233 }234}235236/​/​ Pull the GitHub Last Modified Timestamp for the page content.237function getGitTimestamp() {238 var path = window.location.href239 path = path.split("pages")[1];240 var url = "https:/​/​​repos/​BuildMan-Alpha/​AlphaHelp/​commits?page=1&per_page=1&path=/​helpfiles" + path;241242 var callbackFunc = function (status, jsonObj) {243 if (typeof (jsonObj) == "string") {244 jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonObj);245 }246 if (status == null && jsonObj.length > 0) {247 var d = new Date(jsonObj[0];248 var month = d.getMonth() + 1;249 month = (month < 10)? "0" + month:""+month;250 var day = d.getDate();251 day = (day < 10) ? "0" + day:""+day; ...

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Source:config.js Github


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...30 if (!sha) {31 return;32 }33 BUILD_INFO['git-sha'] = sha;34 const built = await getGitTimestamp(sha, useGithubApiFallback);35 if (!_.isEmpty(built)) {36 BUILD_INFO.built = built;37 }38}39async function getGitRev (useGithubApiFallback = false) {40 if (await fs.exists(path.resolve(rootDir, GIT_META_ROOT))) {41 try {42 const {stdout} = await exec(GIT_BINARY, ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], {43 cwd: rootDir44 });45 return stdout.trim();46 } catch (ign) {}47 }48 if (!useGithubApiFallback) {...

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Source:md-to-vue.js Github


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...121 headers: data.headers || [],122 relativePath123 }124 if (includeLastUpdatedData) {125 pageData.lastUpdated = await getGitTimestamp(file)126 }127 const vueSrc =128 genPageDataCode(129 data.hoistedTags || [],130 pageData131 ).join('\n') +132 `\n<template><div>${html}</​div></​template>`133 debug(`[render] ${file} in ${ - start}ms.`)134 const result = {135 vueSrc,136 pageData,137 deadLinks,138 includes139 }...

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Source:fast-import.js Github


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...34 getPreviousCommit(branch),35 ]);36 pipe.write(`commit refs/​heads/​${branch}\n`);37 pipe.write(38 `committer ${username} <${email}> ${getGitTimestamp(new Date())}\n`,39 );40 const messageBuffer = Buffer.from(message, 'utf8');41 pipe.write(`data ${messageBuffer.length}\n`);42 pipe.write(messageBuffer);43 pipe.write('\n');44 if (head) {45 pipe.write(`from ${head}\n`);46 }47 if (clean) {48 pipe.write('deleteall\n');49 }50}51/​**52 * Write a fast-import file header into the given stream....

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Source:git-util.js Github


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...28 } catch (e) {29 return null;30 }31}32function getGitTimestamp(d) {33 const tzOff = d.getTimezoneOffset();34 const tzOffHours = Math.abs(Math.floor(tzOff /​ 60));35 const tzOffMinutes = Math.abs(Math.floor(tzOff % 60));36 const tzOffString =37 `${tzOff >= 0 ? '+' : '-'}` +38 `${tzOffHours < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tzOffHours}` +39 `${tzOffMinutes < 10 ? '0' : ''}${tzOffMinutes}`;40 return `${Math.floor(+d /​ 1000)} ${tzOffString}`;41}42function getGitPath(fname) {43 return normalizePath(fname).split(path.sep).join('/​');44}45function createTag(tagName, message, ref) {46 return spawnPromise(...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var appium = require('appium');2var getGitTimestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp;3console.log(getGitTimestamp());4var getGitTimestamp = require('appium').getGitTimestamp;5console.log(getGitTimestamp());6var appium = require('appium');7console.log(appium.getGitTimestamp());8var appium = require('appium');9var getGitTimestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp;10console.log(getGitTimestamp());11var getGitTimestamp = require('appium').getGitTimestamp;12console.log(getGitTimestamp());13var appium = require('appium');14console.log(appium.getGitTimestamp());15var appium = require('appium');16var getGitTimestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp;17console.log(getGitTimestamp());18var getGitTimestamp = require('appium').getGitTimestamp;19console.log(getGitTimestamp());20var appium = require('appium');21console.log(appium.getGitTimestamp());22var appium = require('appium');23var getGitTimestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp;24console.log(getGitTimestamp());25var getGitTimestamp = require('appium').getGitTimestamp;26console.log(getGitTimestamp());27var appium = require('appium');28console.log(appium.getGitTimestamp());29var appium = require('appium');30var getGitTimestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp;31console.log(getGitTimestamp());32var getGitTimestamp = require('appium').getGitTimestamp;33console.log(getGitTimestamp());34var appium = require('appium');35console.log(appium.getGitTimestamp());

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1var appium = require('appium');2appium.getGitTimestamp(function(err, timestamp) {3 console.log(timestamp);4});5var appium = require('appium');6appium.getGitBranch(function(err, branch) {7 console.log(branch);8});9var appium = require('appium');10appium.getGitCommit(function(err, commit) {11 console.log(commit);12});13var appium = require('appium');14appium.getGitDescribe(function(err, describe) {15 console.log(describe);16});17var appium = require('appium');18appium.getGitFullHash(function(err, hash) {19 console.log(hash);20});21var appium = require('appium');22appium.getGitState(function(err, state) {23 console.log(state);24});25var appium = require('appium');26appium.getGitIsDirty(function(err, dirty) {27 console.log(dirty);28});29var appium = require('appium');30appium.getGitIsTag(function(err, tag) {31 console.log(tag);32});33var appium = require('appium');34appium.getGitIsGrafted(function(err, grafted) {35 console.log(grafted);36});37var appium = require('appium');38appium.getGitIsGrafted(function(err, grafted) {39 console.log(grafted);40});41var appium = require('appium');42appium.getGitIsGrafted(function(err, grafted) {43 console.log(grafted);44});

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1describe('Appium', function() {2 it('should get git timestamp', function(done) {3 appium.getGitTimestamp().then(function(gitTimestamp) {4 console.log('gitTimestamp: ' + gitTimestamp);5 done();6 });7 });8});9describe('Appium', function() {10 it('should get platform', function(done) {11 appium.getPlatform().then(function(platform) {12 console.log('platform: ' + platform);13 done();14 });15 });16});17describe('Appium', function() {18 it('should get OS version', function(done) {19 appium.getOsVersion().then(function(osVersion) {20 console.log('osVersion: ' + osVersion);21 done();22 });23 });24});25describe('Appium', function() {26 it('should get model', function(done) {27 appium.getModel().then(function(model) {28 console.log('model: ' + model);29 done();30 });31 });32});33describe('Appium', function() {34 it('should get UDID', function(done) {35 appium.getUdid().then(function(udid) {36 console.log('ud

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1var Appium = require('appium');2var appium = new Appium();3appium.getGitTimestamp(function(err, timestamp){4 console.log(timestamp);5});6var Appium = require('appium');7var appium = new Appium();8appium.getGitSha(function(err, sha){9 console.log(sha);10});11var Appium = require('appium');12var appium = new Appium();13appium.getGitBranch(function(err, branch){14 console.log(branch);15});16var Appium = require('appium');17var appium = new Appium();18appium.getGitDescribe(function(err, describe){19 console.log(describe);20});21var Appium = require('appium');22var appium = new Appium();23appium.getGitCommit(function(err, commit){24 console.log(commit);25});26var Appium = require('appium');27var appium = new Appium();28appium.getGitAuthor(function(err, author){29 console.log(author);30});31var Appium = require('appium');32var appium = new Appium();33appium.getGitCommitLog(function(err, commitLog){34 console.log(commitLog);35});36var Appium = require('appium');37var appium = new Appium();38appium.getGitStatus(function(err, gitStatus){39 console.log(gitStatus);40});41var Appium = require('appium');42var appium = new Appium();43appium.getGitDiff(function(err, gitDiff){44 console.log(gitDiff);45});46var Appium = require('appium');47var appium = new Appium();48appium.getGitRemoteOrigin(function(err, remoteOrigin){49 console.log(remoteOrigin);50});51var Appium = require('appium');52var appium = new Appium();53appium.getGitLastTag(function(err, lastTag){

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1var AppiumHelper = require('appium-helper');2var appiumHelper = new AppiumHelper();3var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp();4console.log(gitTimestamp);5var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp(__dirname);6console.log(gitTimestamp);7var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');8console.log(gitTimestamp);9var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');10console.log(gitTimestamp);11var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');12console.log(gitTimestamp);13var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');14console.log(gitTimestamp);15var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');16console.log(gitTimestamp);17var gitTimestamp = appiumHelper.getGitTimestamp('/​Users/​username/​Desktop');18console.log(gitTimestamp);

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1var appium = require('./​appium.js');2var timestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp();3console.log(timestamp);4exports.getGitTimestamp = function() {5 var timestamp = 'timestamp';6 return timestamp;7};8module.exports = {9 getGitTimestamp: function() {10 var timestamp = 'timestamp';11 return timestamp;12 }13};14module.exports = function() {15 var timestamp = 'timestamp';16 return timestamp;17};18module.exports = {19 getGitTimestamp: function() {20 var timestamp = 'timestamp';21 return timestamp;22 }23};24var appium = require('./​appium.js');25var timestamp = appium.getGitTimestamp();26console.log(timestamp);27exports.getGitTimestamp = function() {28 var timestamp = 'timestamp';29 return timestamp;30};31module.exports = {32 getGitTimestamp: function() {33 var timestamp = 'timestamp';34 return timestamp;35 }36};37module.exports = function() {

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1var appiumServer = require('appium');2var appium = new appiumServer();3appium.getGitTimestamp().then(function(gitTimestamp) {4 console.log(gitTimestamp);5});6var appiumServer = require('appium');7var appium = new appiumServer();8appium.getGitTimestamp().then(function(gitTimestamp) {9 console.log(gitTimestamp);10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var appium = require('appium');2var appiumArgs = {3};4appium.main(appiumArgs, function(err, appiumServer) {5 appiumServer.getGitTimestamp(function(err, timestamp) {6 console.log('git timestamp is: ' + timestamp);7 });8});9fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git10fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var driver = wd.remote();3driver.getGitTimestamp(function(err, timestamp) {4 console.log(timestamp);5});6public class AppiumDriver extends WebDriver implements TakesScreenshot, Rotatable, HasSessionDetails, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, HasNetworkConnection, HasCapabilities, HasOnScreenKeyboard, HasSettings, HasDeviceTime, HasApplicationState, HasDeviceFiles, HasClipboard, HasLogEvents, HasSessionDetails, HasSessionLogs {7 public AppiumDriver(URL remoteAddress, Capabilities desiredCapabilities) {8 super(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities);9 }10 public String getGitTimestamp() {11 return (String) execute(DriverCommand.GET_GIT_TIMESTAMP).getValue();12 }13}14public class AppiumDriver extends WebDriver implements TakesScreenshot, Rotatable, HasSessionDetails, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, HasNetworkConnection, HasCapabilities, HasOnScreenKeyboard, HasSettings, HasDeviceTime, HasApplicationState, HasDeviceFiles, HasClipboard, HasLogEvents, HasSessionDetails, HasSessionLogs {15 public AppiumDriver(URL remoteAddress, Capabilities desiredCapabilities) {16 super(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities);17 }18 public String getGitTimestamp() {19 return (String) execute(DriverCommand.GET_GIT_TIMESTAMP).getValue();20 }21}22public class AppiumDriver extends WebDriver implements TakesScreenshot, Rotatable, HasSessionDetails, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, HasNetworkConnection, HasCapabilities, HasOnScreenKeyboard, HasSettings, HasDeviceTime, HasApplicationState, HasDeviceFiles, HasClipboard, HasLogEvents, HasSessionDetails, HasSessionLogs {23 public AppiumDriver(URL remoteAddress, Capabilities desiredCapabilities) {24 super(remoteAddress, desiredCapabilities);25 }26 public String getGitTimestamp() {27 return (String) execute(DriverCommand.GET_GIT_TIMESTAMP).getValue();28 }29}30public class AppiumDriver extends WebDriver implements TakesScreenshot, Rotatable, HasSessionDetails, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, HasNetworkConnection, HasCapabilities, HasOnScreenKeyboard, HasSettings, HasDeviceTime, HasApplicationState, HasDeviceFiles, HasClipboard, HasLogEvents, HasSessionDetails, HasSessionLogs {31 public AppiumDriver(URL remoteAddress, Capabilities desiredCapabilities) {32 super(remoteAddress, desired

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