How to use element.getTagName method in Appium

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Source:elementhelper.spec.js Github


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...18 expect(result)['/​home']);19 });20 it('should search for an element by its full path', async () => {21 const element = await helper.getElement('Header > Country Bar > Global Icon');22 const tag = await element.getTagName();23 expect(tag)'span')24 });25 it('should find element on the page and perform check', async () => {26 const element = await helper.getElement('Header > Country Bar > Global Icon');27 const result = await element.isPresent();28 expect(result);29 });30 it('should find an element from collection by its number', async () => {31 let el = await helper.getElement('Product List > Results Panel > Search Results #2 > Button #2');32 const text = await el.getText();33 expect(text)'Learn More');34 });35 it('should find an element from collection by "first"', async () => {36 let el = await helper.getElement('Product List > Results Panel > first Search Results > first Button');37 const text = await el.getText();38 expect(text)'Buy Now');39 });40 it('should find an element from collection by "second"', async () => {41 let el = await helper.getElement('Product List > Results Panel > second Search Results > second Button');42 const text = await el.getText();43 expect(text)'Learn More');44 });45 it('should find an element from collection by "last"', async () => {46 let el = await helper.getElement('Product List > Results Panel > last Search Results > last Button');47 const text = await el.getText();48 expect(text)'Learn More');49 });50 it('should throw an error when getting an element that is not a collection by index', async () => {51 return expect(helper.getElement('Header > Country Bar #2')), 'Error in getting #2 instance of [#country] - not a collection!');52 });53 it('should throw an error if there is no such child in an element', async () => {54 return expect(helper.getElement('Header > nonexistent')), 'No child element [nonexistent] in { selector: \'header\',\n children: { \'Country Bar\': [Object], \'Navigation Bar\': [Object] } }');55 });56 it('should complete an unfinished element chain', () => {57 const result = helper.findElementInChain(helper.masterPO['/​about'], 'Copyright Links');58 expect(result).to.eql('Copyright Footer > Copyright Links Bar > Copyright Links');59 });60 it('should search for an element by an unfinished chain', async () => {61 let element = await helper.getElement('Header > Global Icon');62 const tag = await element.getTagName();63 expect(tag)'span')64 });65 describe('tests that change url', () => {66 afterEach(async () => {67 await browser.get('https:/​/​​home');68 });69 it('should throw an error if there is no page object for current url', async () => {70 await browser.get('https:/​/​​home/​ssd/​extreme-portable-ssd');71 return expect(helper.getPageObject()), 'No Page Object found for [/​home/​ssd/​extreme-portable-ssd]!');72 })73 })...

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Source:elementUtils.js Github


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...14 * @param {WebElement} element The WebElement to get the description of15 * @returns {Promise<Object>}16 */​17export const getElementDescription = async (element) => ({18 tagName: await element.getTagName(),19 id: await element.getId(),20 css: await element.getCssValue(),21 value: await element.getAttribute('value'),22 text: await element.getText(),23 outerHTML: await element.getAttribute('outerHTML'),24});25/​**26 * Ensures item in instance of a Selenium WebElement, else throws Error27 * @param {*} item The item to check28 * @returns {WebElement}29 */​30export const ensureIsWebElement = (item) => {31 if (item instanceof WebElement) {32 return item;...

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Source:delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element.spec.js Github


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1/​*2 * Copyright (c) 2018,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or https:/​/​​licenses/​MIT6 */​7const assert = require('assert');8const URL = '/​delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element';9describe('Invoking the focus method on an element inside a shadow tree', () => {10 beforeEach(async () => {11 await browser.url(URL);12 });13 it('should apply focus (tabindex -1)', async () => {14 /​/​ Click the top input to give the focus event's relatedTarget a15 /​/​ non-null value so that we enter the code path that we want to test.16 const input = await browser.shadowDeep$(17 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',18 '.head'19 );20 await;21 const target = await browser.shadowDeep$(22 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',23 'integration-button.negative'24 );25 await target.focus();26 const activeElement = await browser.activeElementShadowDeep();27 assert.strictEqual(await activeElement.getTagName(), 'button');28 });29 it('should apply focus (tabindex 0)', async () => {30 /​/​ Click the top input to give the focus event's relatedTarget a31 /​/​ non-null value so that we enter the code path that we want to test.32 const head = await browser.shadowDeep$(33 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',34 '.head'35 );36 await;37 const target = await browser.shadowDeep$(38 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',39 ''40 );41 await target.focus();42 const activeElement = await browser.activeElementShadowDeep();43 assert.strictEqual(await activeElement.getTagName(), 'button');44 });45 it('should apply focus (no tabindex)', async () => {46 /​/​ Click the top input to give the focus event's relatedTarget a47 /​/​ non-null value so that we enter the code path that we want to test.48 const head = await browser.shadowDeep$(49 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',50 '.head'51 );52 await;53 const target = await browser.shadowDeep$(54 'integration-delegates-focus-focus-method-on-internal-element',55 'integration-button.none'56 );57 await target.focus();58 const activeElement = await browser.activeElementShadowDeep();59 assert.strictEqual(await activeElement.getTagName(), 'button');60 });...

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Source:focus.test.js Github


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...19 expect(text).toBe("bar");20 /​/​ tabbing again makes the body active21 await driver.actions().sendKeys(TAB).perform();22 element = await driver.switchTo().activeElement();23 expect(await element.getTagName()).toBe("body");24 /​/​ tabbing again selects the first item25 await driver.actions().sendKeys(TAB).perform();26 element = await driver.switchTo().activeElement();27 text = await element.getText();28 expect(text).toBe("foo");29 });30 test("programmatic changing focus", async () => {31 await render(<div>32 <button id="foo">foo</​button>33 <button id="bar">bar</​button>34 </​div>);35 const focus = async (element) => 36 await driver.executeScript((element) => {37 element.focus();38 }, element);39 const blur = async (element) => 40 await driver.executeScript((element) => {41 element.blur();42 }, element);43 const foo = await driver.findElement("foo"));44 const bar = await driver.findElement("bar"));45 let element;46 await focus(foo);47 element = await driver.switchTo().activeElement();48 expect(await element.getText()).toBe("foo");49 await blur(foo);50 element = await driver.switchTo().activeElement();51 expect(await element.getTagName()).toBe("body");52 await focus(bar);53 element = await driver.switchTo().activeElement();54 expect(await element.getText()).toBe("bar");55 });...

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Source:unStalenessOf.js Github


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...3var chalk = require("chalk");4module.exports = function (element) {5 return new until.Condition('element to become not stale', function () {6 console.log(chalk.bold.yellow("Getting tag name of element..."));7 return element.getTagName().then(8 function (tagName) {9 console.log(chalk.bold.yellow("Tag name resolved as '" + tagName + "'"));10 return true;11 },12 function (e) {13 if (e.code === bot.ErrorCode.STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE) {14 return false;15 }16 throw e;17 });18 });...

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Source:Text.driver.js Github


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1const textDriverFactory = ({ element }) => {2 return {3 exists: () => !!element,4 getTagName: () => element.tagName.toLowerCase(),5 getText: () => element.innerHTML,6 getSize: () => element.getAttribute('data-size'),7 getSkin: () => element.getAttribute('data-skin'),8 getWeight: () => element.getAttribute('data-weight'),9 isLight: () => element.getAttribute('data-light') === 'true',10 isSecondary: () => element.getAttribute('data-secondary') === 'true',11 };12};...

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Source:HTMLDivElement.js Github


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1/​* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */​2import HTMLPairElement from './​HTMLPairElement.js';3/​/​ BEGIN (write your solution here)4class HTMLDivElement extends HTMLPairElement {5 getTagName() {6 return 'div';7 }8}9/​/​ END...

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Source:elementname_test.js Github


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1function testShouldReturnInput(driver) {2 driver.get(TEST_PAGES.formPage);3 var element = driver.findElement({id: 'cheese'});4 assertThat(element.getTagName(), is('input'));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } };3var client = webdriverio.remote(options);4 .init()5 .getTitle().then(function(title) {6 console.log('Title was: ' + title);7 })8 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var By = webdriver.By;3var until = webdriver.until;4var driver = new webdriver.Builder()5 .forBrowser('chrome')6 .build();7driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');8driver.findElement('btnG')).click();9driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);10driver.quit();11var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');12var By = webdriver.By;13var until = webdriver.until;14var driver = new webdriver.Builder()15 .forBrowser('chrome')16 .build();17driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');18driver.findElement('btnG')).click();19driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);20driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var assert = require('assert');3var By = webdriver.By;4var until = webdriver.until;5var driver = new webdriver.Builder()6 .forBrowser('chrome')7 .build();8driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');9driver.findElement('btnG')).click();10driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);11driver.quit();12var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');13var assert = require('assert');14var By = webdriver.By;15var until = webdriver.until;16var driver = new webdriver.Builder()17 .forBrowser('chrome')18 .build();19driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');20driver.findElement('btnG')).click();21driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);22driver.findElement(By.css("h3.r a")).getAttribute('href').then(function(text){23 console.log(text);24});25driver.quit();26var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');27var assert = require('assert');28var By = webdriver.By;29var until = webdriver.until;30var driver = new webdriver.Builder()31 .forBrowser('chrome')32 .build();33driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');34driver.findElement('btnG')).click();35driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);36driver.findElement(By.css("h3.r a")).getText().then(function(text){37 console.log(text);38});39driver.quit();40var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');41var assert = require('assert');42var By = webdriver.By;43var until = webdriver.until;44var driver = new webdriver.Builder()45 .forBrowser('chrome')46 .build();47driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');48driver.findElement('btnG')).click();49driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);50driver.findElement(By.css("h3.r a")).isDisplayed().then(function(text){

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } };3 .remote(options)4 .init()5 .getTitle().then(function(title) {6 console.log('Title was: ' + title);7 })8 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Get tag name', function () {2 it('should get the tag name', function () {3 .elementById('buttonTestCD')4 .getTagName().should.become('android.widget.Button')5 });6});7describe('Get attribute', function () {8 it('should get the attribute', function () {9 .elementById('buttonTestCD')10 .getAttribute('name').should.become('ComputeSumButton')11 });12});13describe('Get location', function () {14 it('should get the location', function () {15 .elementById('buttonTestCD')16 .getLocation().should.become({x: 0, y: 0})17 });18});19describe('Get size', function () {20 it('should get the size', function () {21 .elementById('buttonTestCD')22 .getSize().should.become({width: 0, height: 0})23 });24});25describe('Get text', function () {26 it('should get the text', function () {27 .elementById('buttonTestCD')28 .getText().should.become('Compute Sum')29 });30});31describe('Is displayed', function () {32 it('should get the displayed status', function () {33 .elementById('buttonTestCD')34 .isDisplayed().should.become(true)35 });36});37describe('Is enabled', function () {38 it('should get the enabled status', function () {39 .elementById('buttonTestCD')40 .isEnabled().should.become(true)41 });42});43describe('Is selected', function () {44 it('should get the selected status', function () {45 .elementById('buttonTestCD')

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