How to use element.getLocationInView method in Appium

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Source:commands.js Github


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...28 'parameters': { 'pointerType': 'mouse' },29 'actions': [{30 'type': 'pointerMove',31 'origin': 'pointer',32 'x': element.getLocationInView('x') + x,33 'y': element.getLocationInView('y') + y34 },35 ]36 }]);37 } catch (err) {38 console.log(err);39 assert(0, `Error while mouse hover element in firefox - ${err}.`);40 }41 else42 element.moveToObject(x, y);43 },44 /​**45 * Given an element classname, e.g. `.sb-message-box`, add an event listener to the first webelement found46 * with that class name, so that any subnodes added to that element will trigger the addition of a mutation event with the47 * subnode's details to an array on the global `window` object, at `window.trackedEvents`...

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Source:dom.js Github


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1/​/​ Copyright 2011 WebDriver committers2/​/​ Copyright 2011 Google Inc.3/​/​4/​/​ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5/​/​ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6/​/​ You may obtain a copy of the License at7/​/​8/​/​ http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09/​/​10/​/​ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11/​/​ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12/​/​ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13/​/​ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14/​/​ limitations under the License.15/​**16 * @fileoverview Ready to inject atoms for querying the DOM.17 */​18goog.provide('webdriver.atoms.inject.dom');19goog.require('bot.dom');20goog.require('bot.userAgent');21goog.require('webdriver.atoms.element');22goog.require('webdriver.atoms.inject');23/​**24 * Gets the visisble text for the given element.25 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.26 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window27 * containing the element.28 * @return {string} The visible text wrapped in a JSON string as defined by the29 * WebDriver wire protocol.30 */​31webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.getText = function(element, opt_window) {32 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(33 bot.dom.getVisibleText, [element], opt_window);34};35/​**36 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.37 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window38 * containing the element.39 * @return {string} A boolean describing whether the element is40 * checked or selected wrapped in a JSON string as defined by41 * the wire protocol.42 */​43webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.isSelected = function(element, opt_window) {44 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(45 bot.dom.isSelected, [element], opt_window);46};47/​**48 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.49 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window50 * containing the element.51 * @return {string} The coordinates of the top left corner in a JSON52 * string as defined by the wire protocol.53 */​54webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.getTopLeftCoordinates =55 function(element, opt_window) {56 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(57 webdriver.atoms.element.getLocationInView, [element], opt_window);58};59/​**60 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.61 * @param {string} attribute The attribute to look up.62 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window63 * containing the element.64 * @return {string} The requested attribute value in a JSON string65 * as defined by the wire protocol.66 */​67webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.getAttributeValue =68 function(element, attribute, opt_window) {69 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(70 webdriver.atoms.element.getAttribute, [element, attribute], opt_window);71};72/​**73 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.74 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window75 * containing the element.76 * @return {string} The element size in a JSON string as77 * defined by the wire protocol.78 */​79webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.getSize = function(element, opt_window) {80 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(81 getSize, [element], opt_window);82 function getSize(e) {83 var rect = bot.dom.getClientRect(e);84 var height = rect.height;85 var width = rect.width;86 if (!bot.userAgent.IE_DOC_PRE10) {87 /​/​ On IE10, getBoundingClientRect returns floating point values.88 width = Math.floor(width);89 height = Math.floor(height);90 }91 return { 'width': width, 'height': height };92 }93};94/​**95 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.96 * @param {string} property The property to look up.97 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window98 * containing the element.99 * @return {string} The value of the requested CSS property in a JSON100 * string as defined by the wire protocol.101 */​102webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.getValueOfCssProperty =103 function(element, property, opt_window) {104 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(105 bot.dom.getEffectiveStyle, [element, property], opt_window);106};107/​**108 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to query.109 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window110 * containing the element.111 * @return {string} A boolean describing whether the element is enabled112 * in a JSON string as defined by the wire protocol.113 */​114webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.isEnabled = function(element, opt_window) {115 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(116 bot.dom.isEnabled, [element], opt_window);117};118/​**119 * @param {{bot.inject.ELEMENT_KEY: string}} element The element to check.120 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The optional window121 * containing the element.122 * @return {string} true if the element is visisble, false otherwise.123 * The result is wrapped in a JSON string as defined by the wire124 * protocol.125 */​126webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.isDisplayed = function(element, opt_window) {127 return webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_(128 bot.dom.isShown, [element, /​*ignoreOpacity=*/​true], opt_window);129};130/​**131 * @param {Function} fn The function to call.132 * @param {Array.<*>} args An array of function arguments for the function.133 * @param {{WINDOW: string}=} opt_window The window context for134 * the execution of the function.135 * @return {string} The serialized JSON wire protocol result of the function.136 */​137webdriver.atoms.inject.dom.executeDomFunction_ =138 function(fn, args, opt_window) {139 var response;140 try {141 var targetWindow = webdriver.atoms.inject.getWindow(opt_window);142 var unwrappedArgs = /​**@type {Object}*/​(bot.inject.unwrapValue(args,143 targetWindow.document));144 var functionResult = fn.apply(null, unwrappedArgs);145 response = bot.inject.wrapResponse(functionResult);146 } catch (ex) {147 response = bot.inject.wrapError(ex);148 }149 return goog.json.serialize(response);...

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Source:commonFunctions.js Github


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...17 }1819 clickElement(element){2021 element.getLocationInView()22 element.waitForVisible(10000)23 }2627 getElementText(element) {28 element.waitForExist(10000)29 browser.pause(3000)30 return element.getText()31 }3233 assertElementText(element, expectedText) {34 element.waitForExist(10000)35 expect(element.getText().trim()).to.equal(expectedText); ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.findElement('resultStats')).getLocationInView().then(function(location) {10 console.log(location.x);11 console.log(location.y);12});13driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .getTitle().then(function(title) {9 console.log('Title was: ' + title);10 })11 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2 build();3driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');4driver.findElement('btnG')).click();5driver.wait(function() {6 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {7 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';8 });9}, 1000);10driver.findElement('q')).clear();11driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');12driver.findElement('btnG')).click();13driver.wait(function() {14 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {15 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';16 });17}, 1000);18driver.quit();19org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command '/​Users/​XXXXXX/​Library/​Android/​sdk/​platform-tools/​adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am force-stop' exited with code 1'; Stderr: 'Exception occurred while dumping:20java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {​.crash.service.CrashDumpService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{8c9b9f u0a118 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:1 seq(0,0,0)}21at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService($2900($ android.os.Handler.handleCallback( android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( android.os.Looper.loop(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var chai = require('chai');4var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5var should = chai.should();6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7var desiredCaps = {8};9var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);10chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = driver.transferPromiseness;11 .init(desiredCaps)12 .then(function(location){13 var x = location.x;14 var y = location.y;15 .touchAction({action: 'press', x: x, y: y})16 .touchAction({action: 'release'})17 .perform();18 })19 .sleep(5000)20 .quit();21Your name to display (optional):22Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var By = webdriver.By;3var chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/​chrome');4var chromeService = new chrome.ServiceBuilder('/​usr/​local/​bin/​chromedriver').build();5chrome.setDefaultService(chromeService);6var driver = new webdriver.Builder()7 .withCapabilities( .build();9function getLocation(element){10 element.getLocationInView().then(function(location){11 console.log('Location of the element is: ' + location);12 });13}14function getXY(element){15 element.getLocationInView().then(function(location){16 console.log('X coordinate of the element is: ' + location.x);17 console.log('Y coordinate of the element is: ' + location.y);18 });19}20function getLocation(element){21 element.getLocationInView().then(function(location){22 console.log('Location of the element is: ' + location);23 });24}25function getXY(element){26 element.getLocationInView().then(function(location){27 console.log('X coordinate of the element is: ' + location.x);28 console.log('Y coordinate of the element is: ' + location.y);29 });30}31function getLocation(element){32 element.getLocationInView().then(function(location){

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