How to use driver.updateSettings method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source: find-e2e-specs.js Github


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...73 ...FILES74 }, 180000, 180000);75 it('should find an element using the object detection strategy', async function () {76 this.timeout(180000);77 await t.driver.updateSettings({checkForImageElementStaleness: false});78 await t.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('More options');79 await t.driver.elementByCustom('ai:menu').click();80 await t.driver.elementByXPath('/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text="SDCARD"]');81 });82});83describe('Finding by element - iOS', function () {84 const t = setup(PHOTOS, 120000, 20000);85 /​/​ this test assumes you've launched the app and hit 'continue' to the86 /​/​ 'what's new in photos' interstitial87 it('should find an element by its label', async function () {88 this.timeout(90000);89 await t.driver.elementByCustom('ai:search').click();90 await t.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Cancel');91 });92});93describe('Finding by object detection - iOS', function () {94 const t = setup({95 testaiFindMode: 'object_detection',96 testaiObjDetectionDebug: true,97 testaiObjDetectionThreshold: 0.9,98 ...PHOTOS99 }, 120000, 20000);100 /​/​ this test assumes you've launched the app and hit 'continue' to the101 /​/​ 'what's new in photos' interstitial102 it('should find an element by its label', async function () {103 await t.driver.updateSettings({checkForImageElementStaleness: false});104 this.timeout(90000);105 await t.driver.elementByCustom('ai:search').click();106 await B.delay(5000);107 await t.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('October 2009');108 });109});110describe('Finding grouped icon - iOS', function () {111 const t = setup({112 testaiFindMode: 'object_detection',113 testaiObjDetectionDebug: true,114 testaiObjDetectionThreshold: 0.9,115 ...FILES_IOS116 }, 120000, 20000);117 it('should find an element by its label', async function () {118 this.timeout(90000);119 await t.driver.updateSettings({checkForImageElementStaleness: false});120 await t.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Browse').click();121 await t.driver.elementByCustom('ai:clock').click();122 await t.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('No Recents');123 });...

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Source: by-image-e2e-specs.js Github


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...16 ...APIDEMOS_CAPS,17 appActivity: '.view.ChronometerDemo'18 });19 /​/​ use the driver settings that cause the most code paths to be exercised20 await driver.updateSettings({21 fixImageTemplateSize: true,22 autoUpdateImageElementPosition: true,23 });24 });25 after(async function () {26 await driver.quit();27 });28 it('should find image elements', async function () {29 let els = await driver.elementsByImageFile(START_IMG);30 els.should.have.length(1);31 });32 it('should find an image element', async function () {33 let el = await driver.elementByImageFile(START_IMG);34 el.value.should.match(/​appium-image-element/​);35 });36 it('should not find an image element that is not matched', async function () {37 await driver.elementByImageFile(SQUARES_IMG)38​Error response status: 7/​);39 });40 it('should find anything with a threshold low enough', async function () {41 const {imageMatchThreshold} = await driver.settings();42 await driver.updateSettings({imageMatchThreshold: 0});43 try {44 await driver.elementByImageFile(SQUARES_IMG).should.eventually.exist;45 } finally {46 await driver.updateSettings({imageMatchThreshold});47 }48 });49 it('should be able to get basic element properties', async function () {50 let el = await driver.elementByImageFile(START_IMG);51 await el.isDisplayed();52 let size = await el.getSize();53;54;55 let loc = await el.getLocation();56;57;58 let locInView = await el.getLocationInView();59 locInView.x.should.eql(loc.x);60 locInView.y.should.eql(loc.y);...

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Source: jetpack-compose-e2e-specs.js Github


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...22 it('should find element by tag and text and click it', async function () {23 let el = await driver.elementByXPath("/​/​*[@text='Clickable Component']");24 await driver.moveTo(el);25 await;26 await driver.updateSettings({ driver: 'compose' });27 let e = await driver.elementByTagName('lol');28 await e.isDisplayed();29 let elementWithDescription = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('desc');30 await elementWithDescription.text().should.eventually.equal('Click to see dialog');31 await elementWithDescription.isDisplayed();32 let clickableText = await driver.elementByLinkText('Click to see dialog');33 await;34 await driver.elementByLinkText('Congratulations! You just clicked the text successfully');35 await driver.settings().should.eventually.eql({ driver: 'compose' });36 });37 it('should find element by xpath', async function () {38 await driver.updateSettings({ driver: 'espresso' });39 let el = await driver.elementByXPath("/​/​*[@text='Clickable Component']");40 await driver.moveTo(el);41 await;42 await driver.updateSettings({ driver: 'compose' });43 let e = await driver.elementByXPath("/​/​*[@view-tag='lol']/​/​*[@content-desc='desc']");44 await e.text().should.eventually.equal('Click to see dialog');45 });46 it('should find elements', async function () {47 await driver.updateSettings({ driver: 'espresso' });48 let el = await driver.elementByXPath("/​/​*[@text='Horizontal Carousel']");49 await driver.moveTo(el);50 await;51 await driver.updateSettings({ driver: 'compose' });52 let e = await driver.elementsByLinkText('Grace Hopper');53;54 await e[0].text().should.eventually.equal('Grace Hopper');55 });...

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Source: source-specs.js Github


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...30 .nodeify(done);31 });32 it('should get less source when compression is enabled', function (done) {33 var getSourceWithoutCompression = function () {34 return driver.updateSettings({"ignoreUnimportantViews": false}).source();35 };36 var getSourceWithCompression = function () {37 return driver.updateSettings({"ignoreUnimportantViews": true }).source();38 };39 var sourceWithoutCompression, sourceWithCompression;40 getSourceWithoutCompression()41 .then(function (els) {42 sourceWithoutCompression = els;43 return getSourceWithCompression();44 })45 .then(function (els) {46 sourceWithCompression = els;47 })48 .then(function () {49 return;50 })51 .nodeify(done);...

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Source: source-e2e-specs.js Github


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...25 assertSource(source);26 });27 it('should get less source when compression is enabled', async function () {28 let getSourceWithoutCompression = async () => {29 await driver.updateSettings({'ignoreUnimportantViews': false});30 return await driver.source();31 };32 let getSourceWithCompression = async () => {33 await driver.updateSettings({'ignoreUnimportantViews': true});34 return await driver.source();35 };36 let sourceWithoutCompression = await getSourceWithoutCompression();37 let sourceWithCompression = await getSourceWithCompression();38;39 await getSourceWithoutCompression().should.eventually.eql(sourceWithoutCompression);40 });...

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Source: find-system-ui-el-e2e-specs.js Github


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...25 });26 it('should not find statusBarBackground element via xpath', async function () {27 let statusBar = await driver.elementsByXPath(`/​/​*[@resource-id='android:id/​statusBarBackground']`); /​/​check server (NPE) if allowInvisibleElements is unset on server side28;29 await driver.updateSettings({'allowInvisibleElements': false});30 let statusBarWithInvisibleEl = await driver.elementsByXPath(`/​/​*[@resource-id='android:id/​statusBarBackground']`);31;32 });33 it('should find statusBarBackground element via xpath', async function () {34 await driver.updateSettings({'allowInvisibleElements': true});35 await driver.elementByXPath(`/​/​*[@resource-id='android:id/​statusBarBackground']`).should.eventually.exist;36 });...

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Source: settings-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("./​setup-base")3 , env = require('../​../​helpers/​env')4 , getAppPath = require('../​../​helpers/​app').getAppPath;5var app;6if (env.IOS) {7 app = 'testapp';8} else if (env.ANDROID || env.SELENDROID) {9 app = 'ApiDemos';10}11var desired = {12 app: getAppPath(app)13};14if (env.SELENDROID) {15 desired.automationName = 'selendroid';16}17describe('settings', function () {18 var driver;19 setup(this, desired, {'no-reset': true}).then(function (d) { driver = d; });20 it('should return a settings object even if none specified', function (done) {21 driver22 .settings().should.eventually.exist23 .nodeify(done);24 });25 it('should be able to store a setting', function (done) {26 driver27 .updateSettings({'settlers of': 'Catan'})28 .settings()'settlers of')29 .nodeify(done);30 });31 it('should overwrite new settings', function (done) {32 driver33 .updateSettings({'settlers of': 'Catan'})34 .updateSettings({'settlers of': 'Europa'})35 .settings().then(function (settings) {36 return settings['settlers of'].should.equal('Europa');37 })38 .nodeify(done);39 });40 it('should leave non-specified settings unchanged', function (done) {41 driver42 .updateSettings({'thing one': 1})43 .updateSettings({'thing two': 2})44 .settings()'thing one')45 .nodeify(done);46 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var desiredCapabilities = {2};3var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);4 .init(desiredCapabilities)5 .then(function() {6 return driver.updateSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: true});7 })8 .then(function() {9 })10 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })11 .done();12desired_caps = {13 caps: {14 },15 appium_lib: {16 }17}18driver ={ignoreUnimportantViews: true})20from appium import webdriver21desired_caps = {}22driver.update_settings({'ignoreUnimportantViews': True})23driver.quit()24$desired_caps = array("appium-version" => "1.0",

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.updateSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: true});2driver.updateSettings({enableNotificationListener: true});3driver.updateSettings({disableAndroidWatchers: true});4driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerScreenshotQuality: 30});5driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerFramerate: 30});6driver.updateSettings({mjpegScalingFactor: 100});7driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerPort: 7810});8driver.updateSettings({mjpegBilinearFiltering: true});9driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerScreenshotQuality: 30});10driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerFramerate: 30});11driver.updateSettings({mjpegScalingFactor: 100});12driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerPort: 7810});13driver.updateSettings({mjpegBilinearFiltering: true});14driver.updateSettings({keyboardAutocorrection: true});15driver.updateSettings({keyboardPrediction: true});16driver.updateSettings({doNotKeepActivities: true});17driver.updateSettings({autoGrantPermissions: true});18driver.updateSettings({autoAcceptAlerts: true});19driver.updateSettings({autoDismissAlerts: true});20driver.updateSettings({skipDeviceInitialization: true});21driver.updateSettings({skipServerInstallation: true});22driver.updateSettings({skipUnlock: true});23driver.updateSettings({ignoreHiddenApiPolicyError: true});24driver.updateSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: true});25driver.updateSettings({enableNotificationListener: true});26driver.updateSettings({disableAndroidWatchers: true});27driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerScreenshotQuality: 30});28driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerFramerate: 30});29driver.updateSettings({mjpegScalingFactor: 100});30driver.updateSettings({mjpegServerPort: 7810});31driver.updateSettings({mjpegBilinearFiltering: true});32driver.updateSettings({keyboardAutocorrection: true});33driver.updateSettings({keyboardPrediction: true});34driver.updateSettings({doNotKeepActivities: true});35driver.updateSettings({autoGrantPermissions: true});36driver.updateSettings({autoAcceptAlerts: true});37driver.updateSettings({autoDismissAlerts: true});38driver.updateSettings({skipDeviceInitialization: true});39driver.updateSettings({skipServerInstallation: true});40driver.updateSettings({skipUnlock: true});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.updateSettings({2 settings: {3 ignoreUnimportantViews: true4 }5});6driver = new wd.Builder()7 .withCapabilities({8 })9 .build();10driver.updateSettings({11 settings: {12 ignoreUnimportantViews: true13 }14});15driver = new wd.Builder()16 .withCapabilities({17 })18 .build();19driver.updateSettings({20 settings: {21 ignoreUnimportantViews: true22 }23});24driver = new wd.Builder()25 .withCapabilities({26 })27 .build();28driver.updateSettings({29 settings: {30 ignoreUnimportantViews: true31 }32});33driver = new wd.Builder()34 .withCapabilities({35 })36 .build();37driver.updateSettings({38 settings: {39 ignoreUnimportantViews: true40 }41});42driver = new wd.Builder()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.updateSettings({"ignoreUnimportantViews":false});2driver.getSettings();3driver.getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes();4driver.getPerformanceData("com.example", "memoryinfo", 1);5driver.getPerformanceDataTypes("com.example");6driver.getPerformanceDataTypes("com.example");7driver.getPerformanceDataTypes("com.example");8driver.startRecordingScreen();9driver.startRecordingScreen();10driver.startRecordingScreen();

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