How to use driver.setWindowSize method in Appium

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Source: hook.js Github


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...31 },32 },33 connectionRetryCount: 0,34 })35 await driver.setWindowSize(816, 686)36 drivers.set('firefox', {driver, cleanup: () => driver.deleteSession()})37 } else if (name === 'internet explorer') {38 driver = await remote({39 protocol: 'https',40 hostname: '',41 path: '/​wd/​hub',42 port: 443,43 logLevel: 'silent',44 capabilities: {45 browserName: 'internet explorer',46 browserVersion: '11.285',47 platformName: 'Windows 10',48 'sauce:options': {49 name: 'Snippets tests',50 idleTimeout: 1000,51 username: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME,52 accessKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY,53 },54 },55 connectionRetryCount: 0,56 })57 await driver.setWindowSize(816, 686)58 drivers.set('internet explorer', {driver, cleanup: () => driver.deleteSession()})59 } else if (name === 'ios safari') {60 let options61 if (process.env.APPLITOOLS_TEST_REMOTE === 'local') {62 options = {63 protocol: 'http',64 hostname: '',65 path: '/​wd/​hub',66 port: 4723,67 logLevel: 'silent',68 capabilities: {69 name: 'Snippets tests',70 browserName: 'Safari',71 deviceName: 'iPhone XS',...

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Source: chrome-screenshot-service-spec.js Github


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1'use strict';2const ChromeScreenshotService = require('../​../​src/​components/​chrome-screenshot-service'),3 promiseSpyObject = require('../​support/​promise-spy-object');4describe('ChromeScreenshotService', () => {5 let chromeDriver, underTest, config;6 beforeEach(() => {7 config = {};8 chromeDriver = promiseSpyObject('chromeDriver', ['start', 'loadUrl', 'stop', 'screenshot', 'setWindowSize', 'getContentBox']);9 underTest = new ChromeScreenshotService(config, {10 chromeDriver: chromeDriver11 });12 });13 ['start', 'stop'].forEach(op => {14 describe(op, () => {15 it(`${op}s the chrome driver`, done => {16 underTest[op]()17 .then(() => expect(chromeDriver[op]).toHaveBeenCalled())18 .then(done,;19 chromeDriver.promises[op].resolve();20 });21 it(`rejects if chrome driver does not ${op}`, done => {22 underTest[op]()23 .then( .catch(e => {25 expect(e).toEqual('xxx');26 })27 .then(done,;28 chromeDriver.promises[op].reject('xxx');29 });30 });31 });32 describe('screenshot', () => {33 it('blows up if no params', done => {34 underTest.screenshot()35 .then( .catch(e => {37 expect(e).toEqual('invalid-args');38 })39 .then(done,;40 });41 it('blows up if URL is not set', done => {42 underTest.screenshot({})43 .then( .catch(e => {45 expect(e).toEqual('invalid-args');46 })47 .then(done,;48 });49 it('sets the window size to 10, 10 if not provided in the config or options', done => {50 chromeDriver.setWindowSize.and.callFake((width, height) => {51 expect(width).toEqual(10);52 expect(height).toEqual(10);53 done();54 return new Promise(() => false);55 });56 underTest.screenshot({url: 'xxx'})57 .then(,;58 });59 it('rejects when setting the initial size rejects', done => {60 underTest.screenshot({url: 'yyy'})61 .then( .catch(e => expect(e).toEqual('boom'))63 .then(done,;64 chromeDriver.promises.setWindowSize.reject('boom');65 });66 it('loads the URL after window size is set', done => {67 chromeDriver.loadUrl.and.callFake(url => {68 expect(url).toEqual('someUrl');69 done();70 return new Promise(() => false);71 });72 underTest.screenshot({url: 'someUrl'})73 .then(,;74 chromeDriver.promises.setWindowSize.resolve();75 });76 it('rejects if loading the URL rejects', done => {77 underTest.screenshot({url: 'someUrl'})78 .then( .catch(e => expect(e).toEqual('boom'))80 .then(done,;81 chromeDriver.promises.setWindowSize.resolve();82 chromeDriver.promises.loadUrl.reject('boom');83 });84 it('sets the window to content size before taking the screenshot', done => {85 chromeDriver.screenshot.and.callFake(() => {86 expect(chromeDriver.setWindowSize.calls.argsFor(1)).toEqual([55, 66]);87 expect(chromeDriver.setWindowSize.calls.count()).toEqual(2);88 done();89 return new Promise(() => false);90 });91 underTest.screenshot({url: 'xxx'})92 .then(,;93 chromeDriver.promises.setWindowSize.resolve();94 chromeDriver.promises.loadUrl.resolve();95 chromeDriver.promises.getContentBox.resolve({width: 55, height: 66});96 });97 it('resolves with the chrome driver screenshot', done => {98 underTest.screenshot({url: 'xxx'})99 .then(r => expect(r).toEqual('screenshot-img'))100 .then(done,;101 chromeDriver.promises.setWindowSize.resolve();102 chromeDriver.promises.loadUrl.resolve();103 chromeDriver.promises.getContentBox.resolve({width: 55, height: 66});104 chromeDriver.promises.screenshot.resolve('screenshot-img');105 });106 });...

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Source: chrome-screenshot-service.js Github


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1'use strict';2const validateRequiredComponents = require('../​util/​validate-required-components');3module.exports = function ChromeScreenshotService(config, components) {4 validateRequiredComponents(components, ['chromeDriver']);5 const self = this,6 chromeDriver = components.chromeDriver,7 getNaturalSize = async function (options) {8 const initialWidth = options.initialWidth || 10,9 initialHeight = options.initialHeight || 10;10 await chromeDriver.setWindowSize(initialWidth, initialHeight);11 await chromeDriver.loadUrl(options.url);12 return chromeDriver.getContentBox();13 };14 self.start = chromeDriver.start;15 self.stop = chromeDriver.stop;16 self.screenshot = async function (options) {17 if (!options || !options.url) {18 return Promise.reject('invalid-args');19 }20 const naturalSize = await getNaturalSize(options);21 await chromeDriver.setWindowSize(naturalSize.width, naturalSize.height);22 if (options.beforeScreenshot) {23 await chromeDriver.evaluate(options.beforeScreenshot, options.beforeScreenshotArgs);24 await chromeDriver.waitForNetworkIdle();25 }26 return chromeDriver.screenshot();27 };28 self.canHandle = () => true;...

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Source: example.config.js Github


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1'use strict'2function size(width) {3 return function (driver) {4 return driver.setWindowSize(width, 600 /​* any height*/​);5 };6}7module.exports = {8 seleniumHost: 'http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub',9 browsers: ['chrome'],10 envHosts: {11 build: 'http:/​/​localhost:8000/​example/​build',12 prod: 'http:/​/​localhost:8000/​example/​prod'13 },14 paths: [15 { 'Tiny CSS Difference': ['/​tiny_css_difference.html', size(800)] },16 {17 'Chart Difference': ['/​chart_difference.html', function (browser) {18 return size(800)(browser).sleep(2000);...

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Source: homepage.test.js Github


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1'use strict';2const assert = require('assert');3const {4 driver,5 BASE_URL,6} = require('./​helper');7describe('test/​homepage.test.js', () => {8 describe('home page UI testing', () => {9 before(function() {10 this.timeout(5 * 1000);11 return driver12 .initWindow({13 width: 800,14 height: 600,15 deviceScaleFactor: 2,16 });17 });18 beforeEach(() => {19 return driver20 .getUrl(`${BASE_URL}`);21 });22 afterEach(function() {23 return driver24 .saveScreenshots(this);25 });26 after(() => {27 return driver28 .openReporter(false)29 .quit();30 });31 it('page render success', () => {32 return driver33 .setWindowSize(800, 600)34 .title()35 .then(title => {36 assert.equal(title, 'egg view example');37 })38 .source()39 .then(html => {40 assert.ok(html.includes('egg view example here, welcome foobar'));41 });42 });43 });...

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Source: example.test.js Github


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1'use strict';2const { webpackHelper } = require('macaca-wd');3const {4 driver,5 BASE_URL6} = webpackHelper;7describe('./​test/​example.test.js', () => {8 describe('page func testing', () => {9 before(() => {10 return driver11 .initWindow({12 platformName: 'playwright',13 browserName: 'chromium',14 width: 375,15 height: 667,16 deviceScaleFactor: 2,17 });18 });19 beforeEach(() => {20 return driver21 .getUrl(`${BASE_URL}/​examples`);22 });23 afterEach(function () {24 return driver25 .coverage()26 .saveScreenshots(this);27 });28 after(() => {29 return driver30 .openReporter(false)31 .quit();32 });33 it('page resize should be ok', () => {34 return driver35 .setWindowSize(800, 600)36 .sleep(1000);37 });38 });...

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Source: window-size.js Github


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1const setWindowSize = async (driver, width, height) => {2 await driver.manage().window().setRect({3 width,4 height,5 x: 0,6 y: 0,7 });8};9const fullScreen = async (driver) => driver.manage().window().fullscreen();10const hugeScreen = async (driver) => setWindowSize(driver, 1200, 800);11const largeScreen = async (driver) => setWindowSize(driver, 900, 800);12const mediumScreen = async (driver) => setWindowSize(driver, 600, 800);13const smallScreen = async (driver) => setWindowSize(driver, 300, 800);14const sizes = () => [15 fullScreen,16 hugeScreen,17 largeScreen,18 mediumScreen,19 smallScreen,20];21module.exports = {22 fullScreen,23 hugeScreen,24 largeScreen,25 mediumScreen,26 smallScreen,27 sizes,...

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Source: screenshot Github


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...5var capabilities = {6 'browserName' : 'firefox'7};8var path = ['', function (driver) {9 return driver.setWindowSize(1300, 6000).sleep(2000);10}];11viff.takeScreenshot(capabilities, process.argv[2], path, function (bufferImg) {12 FS.writeFileSync('output.png', bufferImg);13 viff.closeDrivers();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.setWindowSize(500, 500);2driver.getWindowSize();3driver.getOrientation();4driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");5driver.getGeoLocation();6driver.setGeoLocation(12.9716, 77.5946, 100);7driver.getNetworkConnection();8driver.setNetworkConnection(6);9driver.getPerformanceData("", "cpuinfo", 10);10driver.getPerformanceDataTypes();11driver.getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes();12driver.getSettings();13driver.updateSettings({"ignoreUnimportantViews": true});14driver.getClipboard();15driver.setClipboard("text/​plain", "Hello");16driver.hideKeyboard();17driver.lock(5);18driver.unlock();19driver.isLocked();20driver.isDeviceLocked();21driver.toggleAirplaneMode();22driver.toggleData();23driver.toggleWiFi();24driver.toggleLocationServices();25driver.openNotifications();26driver.startActivity("", "");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);3var desiredCapabilities = {4};5 .init(desiredCapabilities)6 .setWindowSize(500, 500)7 .quit();8 .init(desiredCapabilities)9 .setWindowRect(0, 0, 500, 500)10 .quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.setWindowSize(480, 800);2driver.setWindowSize(480, 800, "landscape");3driver.setWindowSize(480, 800, "portrait");4driver.setWindowSize("current");5driver.getScreenshot();6driver.touch("singleTap", {x: 100, y: 100});7driver.touch("doubleTap", {x: 100, y: 100});8driver.touch("longPress", {x: 100, y: 100});9driver.touch("drag", {fromX: 100, fromY: 100, toX: 200, toY: 200});10driver.touch("drag", {fromX: 100, fromY: 100, toX: 200, toY: 200, duration: 1000});11driver.touch("scroll", {element: element, toX: 100, toY: 100});12driver.touch("scroll", {element: element, toX: 100, toY: 100, duration: 1000});13driver.touch("scroll", {element: element, toElement: element});14driver.touch("scroll", {element: element, toElement: element, duration: 1000});15driver.touch("pinch", {element: element, percent: 200, speed: 1000});16driver.touch("zoom", {element: element, percent: 200, speed: 1000});17driver.touchPerform([18 {action: "press", options: {x: 100, y: 100}},19 {action: "moveTo", options: {x: 200, y: 200}},20 {action: "release"}21]);22driver.performMultiAction([23 {action: "press", options: {element: element}},24 {action: "moveTo", options: {element: element}},25 {action: "release"}26]);27driver.performTouchId(true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.setWindowSize(600, 800)2 .then(function() {3 });4driver.getWindowSize()5 .then(function(size) {6 });7driver.getOrientation()8 .then(function(orientation) {9 });10driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE")11 .then(function() {12 });13driver.getGeoLocation()14 .then(function(location) {15 });16driver.setGeoLocation(40.7143528, -74.0059731)17 .then(function() {18 });19driver.getNetworkConnection()20 .then(function(connection) {21 });22driver.setNetworkConnection(6)23 .then(function() {24 });25driver.getPerformanceData("", "memoryinfo", 5)26 .then(function(data) {27 });28driver.getPerformanceDataTypes()29 .then(function(data) {30 });31driver.getSettings()32 .then(function(settings) {33 });34driver.updateSettings({"ignoreUnimportantViews": false})35 .then(function() {36 });37driver.toggleLocationServices()38 .then(function() {39 });40driver.lock(5)41 .then(function() {42 });43driver.isLocked()44 .then(function(locked)

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