How to use driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source:safari-window-e2e-specs.js Github


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...146 await driver.execute(GET_ELEM_SYNC)147 .should.eventually.equal(SUB_FRAME_1_TITLE);148 });149 it('should execute async javascript in frame', async function () {150 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(2000);151 await driver.frame('first');152 await driver.executeAsync(GET_ELEM_ASYNC)153 .should.eventually.equal(SUB_FRAME_1_TITLE);154 });155 it('should get source within a frame', async function () {156 await driver.source().should.eventually.include(FRAMESET_TITLE);157 await driver.frame('first');158 const frameSource = await driver.source();159 frameSource.should.include(SUB_FRAME_1_TITLE);160 frameSource.should.not.include(FRAMESET_TITLE);161 });162 });163 describe('iframes', function () {164 beforeEach(async function () {...

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Source:safari-execute-e2e-specs.js Github


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...75 });76 });77 describe('asynchronous', function () {78 it('should execute async javascript', async function () {79 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(1000);80 await driver.executeAsync(`arguments[arguments.length - 1](123);`)81 .should.eventually.equal(123);82 });83 it('should bubble up errors', async function () {84 await driver.executeAsync(`arguments[arguments.length - 1]('nan'--);`)85​operator applied to value that is not a reference/​);86 });87 it('should timeout when callback is not invoked', async function () {88 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(1000);89 await driver.executeAsync(`return 1 + 2`)90​Timed out waiting for/​);91 });92 });93 }94 describe('http', function () {95 runTests();96 describe('cors', function () {97 let server;98 const host = '';99 const port = 8080;100 before(function () {101 /​/​ create an http server so we can test CORS handling without102 /​/​ going to an external site103 server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {104 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/​html'});105 res.write('appium-xcuitest-driver async execute tests');106 res.end();107 }).listen({host, port});108 });109 after(function () {110 if (server) {111 server.close();112 }113 });114 it('should execute async javascript from a different site', async function () {115 await driver.get(`http:/​/​${host}:${port}`);116 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(1000);117 await driver.executeAsync(`arguments[arguments.length - 1](123);`)118 .should.eventually.equal(123);119 });120 });121 });122 describe('https', function () {123 before(async function () {124 await openPage(driver, 'https:/​/​');125 });126 runTests(true);127 });...

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Source:wdHelper.js Github


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1/​* jshint node: true */​2/​* global navigator */​3/​*4 *5 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one6 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file7 * distributed with this work for additional information8 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file9 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the10 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance11 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at12 *13 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.014 *15 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,16 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an17 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY18 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the19 * specific language governing permissions and limitations20 * under the License.21 *22*/​23'use strict';24var APPIUM_SERVER_HOST = 'localhost';25var APPIUM_SERVER_PORT = 4723;26var WEBVIEW_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5000;27var IMPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10000;28var ASYNC_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT = 60000;29var fs = require('fs');30var path = require('path');31module.exports.getDriver = function (platform) {32 var normalizedPlatform;33 switch (platform.toLowerCase()) {34 case 'android':35 normalizedPlatform = 'Android';36 break;37 case 'ios':38 normalizedPlatform = 'iOS';39 break;40 default:41 throw 'Unknown platform: ' + platform;42 }43 var serverConfig = {44 host: APPIUM_SERVER_HOST,45 port: APPIUM_SERVER_PORT46 };47 var driverConfig = {48 browserName: '',49 platformName: normalizedPlatform,50 platformVersion: global.PLATFORM_VERSION || '',51 deviceName: global.DEVICE_NAME || '',52 app: global.PACKAGE_PATH,53 autoAcceptAlerts: true,54 };55 if (global.UDID) {56 driverConfig.udid = global.UDID;57 }58 var driver = global.WD.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);59 module.exports.configureLogging(driver);60 return driver61 .init(driverConfig)62 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(IMPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT);63};64module.exports.getWD = function () {65 return global.WD;66};67module.exports.getWebviewContext = function (driver, retries) {68 if (typeof retries === 'undefined') {69 retries = 2;70 }71 return driver72 .contexts()73 .then(function (contexts) {74 /​/​ take the last webview context75 for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {76 if (contexts[i].indexOf('WEBVIEW') >= 0) {77 return contexts[i];78 }79 }80 /​/​ no webview context, the app is still loading81 return driver82 .then(function () {83 if (retries > 0) {84 console.log('Couldn\'t get webview context. Retries remaining: ' + retries);85 return driver86 .sleep(WEBVIEW_WAIT_TIMEOUT)87 .then(function () {88 return module.exports.getWebviewContext(driver, retries - 1);89 });90 }91 throw 'Couldn\'t get webview context. Failing...';92 });93 });94};95module.exports.waitForDeviceReady = function (driver) {96 return driver97 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(ASYNC_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)98 .executeAsync(function (cb) {99 document.addEventListener('deviceready', cb, false);100 }, []);101};102module.exports.injectLibraries = function (driver) {103 var q = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/​lib/​q.min.js'), 'utf8');104 return driver105 .execute(q)106 .execute(function () {107 navigator._appiumPromises = {};108 }, []);109};110module.exports.configureLogging = function (driver) {111 driver.on('status', function (info) {112 console.log(info);113 });114 driver.on('command', function (meth, path, data) {115 console.log(' > ' + meth, path, data || '');116 });117 driver.on('http', function (meth, path, data) {118 console.log(' > ' + meth, path, data || '');119 });120};121module.exports.tapElementByXPath = function (xpath, driver) {122 return driver123 .waitForElementByXPath(xpath, 30000)124 .getLocation()125 .then(function (loc) {126 if (loc.x <= 0) {127 loc.x = 1;128 }129 if (loc.y <= 0) {130 loc.y = 1;131 }132 loc.x = Math.floor(loc.x + 1);133 loc.y = Math.floor(loc.y + 1);134 var wd = module.exports.getWD();135 var tapElement = new wd.TouchAction();136 tapElement.tap(loc);137 return driver.performTouchAction(tapElement);138 });...

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Source:general-tests.js Github


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...56​ms/​);57 });58 /​/​ skip these until basedriver supports these timeouts59 it.skip('should set async script timeout', async function () {60 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(1000);61 });62 it.skip('should not set invalid async script timeout', async function () {63 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout('foo')64​ms/​);65 });66 it.skip('should set page load timeout', async function () {67 await driver.setPageLoadTimeout(1000);68 });69 it.skip('should not set page load script timeout', async function () {70 await driver.setPageLoadTimeout('foo')71​ms/​);72 });73 });74}...

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Source:android.js Github


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1'use strict';2var capabilities = require('./​helpers/​capabilities');3var drivers = require('./​helpers/​drivers');4describe('AntiTampering Plugin Test - Android', function () {5 this.timeout(1000000);6 var driver;7 var allPassed;8 afterEach(function () {9 allPassed = allPassed && this.currentTest.state === 'passed';10 });11 describe('Negative', function () {12 before(function () {13 allPassed = true;14 driver = drivers.getDriver(;15 return driver;16 });17 after(function () {18 return drivers.quitWithCustomStatus(driver, allPassed);19 });20 it('The Hello World cordova app should load successfully', function () {21 return driver22 .title()23 .should.eventually.equal('Hello World');24 });25 it('The plugin should not detect tampering and return assets count', function () {26 return driver27 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(20000)28 .executeAsync(function (callback) {29 return cordova.plugins.AntiTampering.verify(function (success) {30 callback('success -> ' + JSON.stringify(success));31 }, function (error) {32 callback('error -> ' + JSON.stringify(error));33 });34 }, [])35 .should.eventually.contain('{"assets":{"count":');36 });37 });38 describe('Positive', function () {39 before(function () {40 allPassed = true;41 driver = drivers.getDriver(;42 return driver;43 });44 after(function () {45 return drivers.quitWithCustomStatus(driver, allPassed);46 });47 it('The Hello World cordova app should load successfully', function () {48 return driver49 .title()50 .should.eventually.equal('Hello World');51 });52 it('The file index.html should have been actually tampered with', function () {53 return driver54 .waitForElementById('tampering')55 .should.eventually.exist;56 });57 it('The plugin should be able to detect tampering on index.html', function () {58 return driver59 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(20000)60 .executeAsync(function (callback) {61 return cordova.plugins.AntiTampering.verify(function (success) {62 callback('success -> ' + JSON.stringify(success));63 }, function (error) {64 callback('error -> ' + JSON.stringify(error));65 });66 }, [])67 .should.eventually.contain('index.html has been tampered');68 });69 });...

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Source:specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var wd = require('wd')3 , Asserter = wd.Asserter;4var setup = require('./​support/​setup')5 , driver = setup.driver6 , endOfTestSuite = setup.endOfTestSuite7 , updateAllPassed = setup.updateAllPassed;8describe("SpotifyPlugin", function () {9 this.timeout(600000);10 before(function () {11 var waitForWebViewContext = new Asserter(12 function(driver, cb) {13 return driver14 .contexts()15 .then(function(contexts) {16 var ret = false;17 if (contexts.length > 1) {18 ret = contexts[1];19 }20 cb(null, (ret !== false), ret);21 })22 }23 );24 return driver25 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(300000)26 .waitFor(waitForWebViewContext, 300000)27 .then(function(context) {28 if (! context)29 throw new Error('Context not found.');30 return driver.context(context);31 })32 .fail(function(error) {33 updateAllPassed(false);34 return endOfTestSuite();35 })36 .waitForConditionInBrowser("document.getElementById('page').style.display === 'block';", 30000)37 });38 after(function () {39 return endOfTestSuite();40 });41 afterEach(function () {42 return updateAllPassed(this.currentTest.state === 'passed');43 });44 require('./​audio-player')(driver);...

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Source:execute-async-base.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../​setup-base"),3 webviewHelper = require("../​../​../​helpers/​webview"),4 loadWebView = webviewHelper.loadWebView;5module.exports = function (desired) {6 describe("executeAsync", function () {7 var driver;8 setup(this, desired, {'no-reset': true}).then(function (d) { driver = d; });9 beforeEach(function (done) {10 loadWebView(desired, driver).nodeify(done);11 });12 it("should bubble up javascript errors", function (done) {13 driver14 .executeAsync("'nan'--")15​status: (13|17)/​)16 .nodeify(done);17 });18 it("should execute async javascript", function (done) {19 driver20 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(10000)21 .executeAsync("arguments[arguments.length - 1](123);")22 .should.become(123)23 .nodeify(done);24 });25 it("should timeout when callback isn't invoked", function (done) {26 driver27 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(2000)28 .executeAsync("return 1 + 2")29​status: 28/​)30 .nodeify(done);31 });32 });...

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Source:runner.js Github


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...27driver.get('http:/​/​​');28driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {29 console.log('Page title is: ' + title);30});31/​/​driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(8000);32driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(8000);33var result = driver.executeAsyncScript(_browserCollector, store).then(function(err, data) {34 console.log(err);35 console.log(data);36 console.log(store);37 driver.quit();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var chai = require('chai');4var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6chai.should();7var expect = chai.expect;8var driver;9var caps = {10};11driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);12driver.init(caps).setAsyncScriptTimeout(30000);13driver.sleep(3000);14driver.quit();15Error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command '/​Users/​xxxxxx/​Library/​Android/​sdk/​platform-tools/​adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am start -W -n com.xxxxx.xxxxx/​com.xxxxx.xxxxx.MainActivity -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000' exited with code 1'; Stderr: 'Exception occurred while executing:16 at at at at at at at android.os.ShellCommand.exec( at

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(10000);2driver.setImplicitWait(10000);3driver.setPageLoadTimeout(10000);4driver.source().then(function(source) {5 console.log(source);6});7driver.startRecordingScreen({8}).then(function(recordingData) {9 console.log(recordingData);10});11driver.stopRecordingScreen().then(function(recordingData) {12 console.log(recordingData);13});14driver.takeScreenshot().then(function(image) {15 require('fs').writeFile('screenshot.png', image, 'base64', function(err) {16 console.log(err);17 });18});19driver.timeouts('script', 10000);20driver.timeouts('implicit', 10000);21driver.timeouts('page load', 10000);22driver.touchAction({23}).perform().then(function() {24 driver.touchAction({25 }).perform().then(function() {26 driver.touchAction({27 }).perform();28 });29});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 .setAsyncScriptTimeout(10000)2 .then(function() {3 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])4 .then(function() {5 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])6 .then(function() {7 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])8 .then(function() {9 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])10 .then(function() {11 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])12 .then(function() {13 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])14 .then(function() {15 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])16 .then(function() {17 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])18 .then(function() {19 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])20 .then(function() {21 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])22 .then(function() {23 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "down" }])24 .then(function() {25 .executeAsyncScript("mobile: scroll", [{ direction: "up" }])26 .then(function() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Appium', function() {2 it('should set async script timeout', function() {3 driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(10000);4 });5});6describe('Appium', function() {7 it('should set implicit wait', function() {8 driver.setImplicitWait(10000);9 });10});11describe('Appium', function() {12 it('should set page load timeout', function() {13 driver.setPageLoadTimeout(10000);14 });15});16describe('Appium', function() {17 it('should set script timeout', function() {18 driver.setScriptTimeout(10000);19 });20});21describe('Appium', function() {22 it('should set window', function() {23 driver.setWindow(10000);24 });25});26describe('Appium', function() {27 it('should start activity', function() {28 driver.startActivity('', '.view.Controls1');29 });30});31describe('Appium', function() {32 it('should swipe', function() {33 driver.swipe(100, 100, 100, 400, 1000);34 });35});36describe('Appium', function() {37 it('should toggle airplane mode', function() {38 driver.toggleAirplaneMode();39 });40});41describe('Appium', function() {42 it('should toggle data', function() {43 driver.toggleData();44 });45});46describe('Appium', function() {47 it('should toggle location services', function() {48 driver.toggleLocationServices();49 });50});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {2 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];3 setTimeout(function() {4 callback('Hello Async World!');5 }, 5000);6}).then(function(result) {7});8driver.elementByAccessibilityId('someId').click();9driver.executeScript(function() {10 setTimeout(function() {11 console.log('Hello World!');12 }, 5000);13});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { driver } = require('./​driver.js');2async function setAsyncScriptTimeout() {3 try {4 await driver.setAsyncScriptTimeout(10000);5 console.log('Async script timeout set successfully');6 } catch (error) {7 console.log('Error setting async script timeout');8 }9}10setAsyncScriptTimeout();11const { remote } = require('webdriverio');12const driver = remote({13 capabilities: {14 },15});16module.exports = { driver };17async setAsyncScriptTimeout(ms: number): Promise<void>

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