How to use driver.pullFile method in Appium

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Source:file-movement-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../​common/​setup-base")3 , env = require('../​../​helpers/​env')4 , getAppPath = require('../​../​helpers/​app').getAppPath5 , fs = require('fs')6 , path = require('path')7 , Readable = require('stream').Readable8 , Simulator = require('../​../​../​lib/​devices/​ios/​simulator.js')9 , xcode = require('../​../​../​lib/​devices/​ios/​xcode.js')10 , exec = require('child_process').exec11 , getSimUdid = require('../​../​helpers/​sim-udid.js').getSimUdid12 , Unzip = require('unzip');13describe('file movements - pullFile and pushFile', function () {14 var driver;15 var desired = {16 app: getAppPath('TestApp')17 };18 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });19 it('should not be able to fetch a file from the file system at large', function (done) {20 driver21 .pullFile(__filename)22 .nodeify(done);24 });25 it('should be able to fetch the Address book', function (done) {26 driver27 .pullFile('Library/​AddressBook/​AddressBook.sqlitedb')28 .then(function (data) {29 var stringData = new Buffer(data, 'base64').toString();30 return stringData.indexOf('SQLite').should.not.equal(-1);31 })32 .nodeify(done);33 });34 it('should not be able to fetch something that does not exist', function (done) {35 driver36 .pullFile('Library/​AddressBook/​nothere.txt')37​13/​)38 .nodeify(done);39 });40 it('should be able to push and pull a file', function (done) {41 var stringData = "random string data " + Math.random();42 var base64Data = new Buffer(stringData).toString('base64');43 var remotePath = 'Library/​AppiumTest/​remote.txt';44 driver45 .pushFile(remotePath, base64Data)46 .pullFile(remotePath)47 .then(function (remoteData64) {48 var remoteData = new Buffer(remoteData64, 'base64').toString();49 remoteData.should.equal(stringData);50 })51 .nodeify(done);52 });53 describe('for a .app @skip-ci', function () {54 /​/​ TODO: skipping ci because of local files use, to review.55 var fileContent = "IAmTheVeryModelOfAModernMajorTestingTool";56 var fileName = "someFile.tmp";57 var fullPath = "";58 before(function (done) {59 var pv = env.CAPS.platformVersion || '7.1';60 var ios8 = parseFloat(pv) >= 8;61 xcode.getiOSSDKVersion(function (err, sdk) {62 if (err) return done(err);63 var next = function (udid) {64 var sim = new Simulator({65 platformVer: pv,66 sdkVer: sdk,67 udid: udid68 });69 var simRoots = sim.getDirs();70 if (simRoots.length < 1) {71 return done(new Error("Didn't find any simulator directories"));72 }73 var basePath;74 if (ios8) {75 /​/​ ios8 apps are stored in a different directory structure, need76 /​/​ to navigate down a few more here77 basePath = path.resolve(simRoots[0], 'Containers', 'Bundle',78 'Application');79 } else {80 basePath = path.resolve(simRoots[0], 'Applications');81 }82 basePath = basePath.replace(/​\s/​g, '\\ ');83 var findCmd = 'find ' + basePath + ' -name ""';84 exec(findCmd, function (err, stdout) {85 if (err) return done(err);86 if (!stdout) return done(new Error("Could not find"));87 var appRoot = stdout.replace(/​\n$/​, '');88 fullPath = path.resolve(appRoot, fileName);89 fs.writeFile(fullPath, fileContent, done);90 });91 };92 if (parseFloat(sdk) >= 8) {93 getSimUdid('6', sdk, env.CAPS, function (err, udid) {94 if (err) return done(err);95 next(udid);96 });97 } else {98 next();99 }100 });101 });102 it('should be able to fetch a file from the app directory', function (done) {103 var arg = path.resolve('/​', fileName);104 driver105 .pullFile(arg)106 .then(function (data) {107 var stringData = new Buffer(data, 'base64').toString();108 return stringData.should.equal(fileContent);109 })110 .nodeify(done);111 });112 });113 describe('file movements - pullFolder', function () {114 it('should pull all the files in Library/​AddressBook', function (done) {115 var entryCount = 0;116 driver117 .pullFolder('Library/​AddressBook')118 .then(function (data) {119 var zipStream = new Readable();120 zipStream._read = function noop() {};121 zipStream122 .pipe(Unzip.Parse())123 .on('entry', function (entry) {124 entryCount++;125 entry.autodrain();126 })127 .on('close', function () {128;129 done();130 });131 zipStream.push(data, 'base64');132 zipStream.push(null);133 });134 });135 it('should not pull folders from file system', function (done) {136 driver137 .pullFolder(__dirname)138 .nodeify(done);140 });141 it('should not be able to fetch a folder that does not exist', function (done) {142 driver143 .pullFolder('Library/​Rollodex')144​13/​)145 .nodeify(done);146 });147 });...

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Source:file-actions-specs.js Github


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...25 .withArgs(localFile)26 .returns(Buffer.from('YXBwaXVt', 'utf8'));27 sandbox.stub(support.fs, 'exists').withArgs(localFile).returns(true);28 sandbox.stub(support.fs, 'unlink');29 await driver.pullFile('remote_path').should.become('YXBwaXVt');30 driver.adb.pull.calledWithExactly('remote_path', localFile)31;32 support.fs.unlink.calledWithExactly(localFile);33 });34 it('should be able to pull file located in application container from the device', async function () {35 let localFile = 'local/​tmp_file';36 const packageId = 'com.myapp';37 const remotePath = 'path/​in/​container';38 const tmpPath = '/​data/​local/​tmp/​container';39 sandbox.stub(support.tempDir, 'path').returns(localFile);40 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'pull');41 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell');42 sandbox.stub(support.util, 'toInMemoryBase64')43 .withArgs(localFile)44 .returns(Buffer.from('YXBwaXVt', 'utf8'));45 sandbox.stub(support.fs, 'exists').withArgs(localFile).returns(true);46 sandbox.stub(support.fs, 'unlink');47 await driver.pullFile(`@${packageId}/​${remotePath}`).should.become('YXBwaXVt');48 driver.adb.pull.calledWithExactly(tmpPath, localFile);49['run-as', packageId, `chmod 777 '/​data/​data/​${packageId}/​${remotePath}'`]);50['cp', '-f', `/​data/​data/​${packageId}/​${remotePath}`, tmpPath]);51 support.fs.unlink.calledWithExactly(localFile);52['rm', '-f', tmpPath]);53 });54 });55 describe('pushFile', function () {56 it('should be able to push file to device', async function () {57 let localFile = 'local/​tmp_file';58 let content = 'appium';59 sandbox.stub(support.tempDir, 'path').returns(localFile);60 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'push');61 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell');...

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Source:file-movement-e2e-specs.js Github


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...18 after(async function () {19 await deleteSession();20 });21 async function pullFileAsString (remotePath) {22 let remoteData64 = await driver.pullFile(remotePath);23 return Buffer.from(remoteData64, 'base64').toString();24 }25 describe('sim relative', function () {26 describe('files', function () {27 it('should not be able to fetch a file from the file system at large', async function () {28 await driver.pullFile(__filename);29 });30 it('should be able to fetch the Address book', async function () {31 let stringData = await pullFileAsString(`${UICAT_CONTAINER}/​PkgInfo`);32 stringData.indexOf('APPL').should.not.equal(-1);33 });34 it('should not be able to fetch something that does not exist', async function () {35 await driver.pullFile('Library/​AddressBook/​nothere.txt')36​13/​);37 });38 it('should be able to push and pull a file', async function () {39 let stringData = `random string data ${Math.random()}`;40 let base64Data = Buffer.from(stringData).toString('base64');41 let remotePath = `${UICAT_CONTAINER}/​remote.txt`;42 await driver.pushFile(remotePath, base64Data);43 let remoteStringData = await pullFileAsString(remotePath);44 remoteStringData.should.equal(stringData);45 });46 });47 describe('folders', function () {48 it('should not pull folders from file system', async function () {49 await driver.pullFolder(__dirname);...

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...54 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(false);55 /​/​ Pull the file from the device, it was uploaded in the before step56 /​/​ This is the `tricky` part, you need to know the file structure of the device and where you can download57 /​/​ the file from. I've checked this structure with the VUSB offering of Sauce Labs for private devices.58 const downloadedBase64Image = driver.pullFile(deviceFilePath);59 /​/​ Write the file to the file the correct folder60 writeFileSync(filePath, downloadedBase64Image, 'base64');61 /​/​ Now verify that the file does exist in our repo62 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(true);63 });...

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...54 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(false);55 /​/​ Pull the file from the device, it was uploaded in the before step56 /​/​ This is the `tricky` part, you need to know the file structure of the device and where you can download57 /​/​ the file from. I've checked this structure with the VUSB offering of Sauce Labs for private devices.58 const downloadedBase64Image = driver.pullFile(deviceFilePath);59 /​/​ Write the file to the file the correct folder60 writeFileSync(filePath, downloadedBase64Image, 'base64');61 /​/​ Now verify that the file does exist in our repo62 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(true);63 });...

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...50 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(false);51 /​/​ Pull the file from the device, it was uploaded in the before step52 /​/​ This is the `tricky` part, you need to know the file structure of the device and where you can download53 /​/​ the file from. I've checked this structure with the VUSB offering of Sauce Labs for private devices.54 const downloadedBase64Image = driver.pullFile(deviceFilePath);55 /​/​ Write the file to the file the correct folder56 writeFileSync(filePath, downloadedBase64Image, 'base64');57 /​/​ Now verify that the file does exist in our repo58 expect(fileExists(filePath)).toEqual(true);59 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.takeScreenshot().then(10 function(image, err) {11 require('fs').writeFile('out.png', image, 'base64', function(err) {12 console.log(err);13 });14 }15);16driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.quit();10driver.pullFile('/​sdcard/​example.txt').then(function (res) {11 console.log(res);12});13driver.pullFolder('/​sdcard/​example_folder').then(function (res) {14 console.log(res);15});16driver.pushFile('/​sdcard/​example.txt', 'Hello World!').then(function () {17 console.log('File created');18});19driver.pushFolder('/​sdcard/​example_folder').then(function () {20 console.log('Folder created');21});22var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),23 until = webdriver.until;24var driver = new webdriver.Builder()25 .forBrowser('chrome')26 .build();27driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');28driver.findElement('btnG')).click();29driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);30driver.quit();31driver.pullFile('/​sdcard/​example.txt').then(function (res) {32 console.log(res);33});34driver.pullFolder('/​sdcard/​example_folder').then(function (res) {35 console.log(res);36});37driver.pushFile('/​sdcard/​example.txt', 'Hello World!').then(function () {38 console.log('File created');39});40driver.pushFolder('/​sdcard/​example_folder').then(function () {41 console.log('Folder created');42});43var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),44 until = webdriver.until;45var driver = new webdriver.Builder()46 .forBrowser('chrome')47 .build();48driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');49driver.findElement('btnG')).click();50driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);51driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);3var desiredCaps = {4};5driver.init(desiredCaps)6 .then(function() {7 return driver.pullFile('/​data/​data/​com.example.myapp/​files/​test.txt');8 })9 .then(function(data) {10 console.log(data);11 })12 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })13 .done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test Appium', function () {2 this.timeout(300000);3 var driver;4 before(function () {5 driver = webdriverio.remote({6 desiredCapabilities: {7 },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var driver = require('./​driver.js').driver;3driver.pullFile('/​storage/​emulated/​0/​DCIM/​100MEDIA/​IMG_20160324_162738.jpg').then(function (data) {4 console.log(data);5 var base64Data = data.replace(/​^data:image\/​png;base64,/​, "");6 fs.writeFile("out.png", base64Data, 'base64', function(err) {7 console.log(err);8 });9});10var fs = require('fs');11var driver = require('./​driver.js').driver;12driver.pushFile('/​storage/​emulated/​0/​DCIM/​100MEDIA/​IMG_20160324_162738.jpg', fs.readFileSync('out.png')).then(function (data) {13 console.log(data);14});15var driver = require('./​driver.js').driver;16driver.installApp('/​Users/​jagadeesh/​Downloads/​ContactManager.apk').then(function (data) {17 console.log(data);18});19var driver = require('./​driver.js').driver;20driver.removeApp('').then(function (data) {21 console.log(data);22});23var driver = require('./​driver.js').driver;24driver.launchApp().then(function (data) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.pullFile('/​sdcard/​Download/​test.txt')2.then(function (data) {3 console.log(data);4})5.catch(function (err) {6 console.log(err);7});8var fs = require('fs');9var data = fs.readFileSync('test.txt', 'utf8');10driver.pushFile('/​sdcard/​Download/​test.txt', data)11.then(function () {12 console.log('File pushed successfully');13})14.catch(function (err) {15 console.log(err);16});17driver.getDeviceTime()18.then(function (time) {19 console.log(time);20})21.catch(function (err) {22 console.log(err);23});24driver.getPerformanceData('', 'cpuinfo', 1000)25.then(function

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