How to use driver.isKeyboardShown method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source:snaplogin.screen.js Github


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...73 }74 75 enterUsername(username) {76 this.username.setValue(username);77 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {78 driver.hideKeyboard();79 }80;81 this.password.waitForDisplayed(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, !isShown)();82 }83 enterPassword(password) {84 this.password.setValue(password);85 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {86 driver.hideKeyboard();87 }88;89 }90 loginMessagemOk() {91 this.alert.waitForIsShown();92 this.alert.pressButton('OK');93 this.alert.waitForIsShown(false);94 }95 96 97 verifyRequiredFieldMessage(msg) {98 if (this.errorMessage.getText() === msg) {99 return true...

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Source:app.register.spec.js Github


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...14 $('~button-sign-up-container').click();15 $('~input-email').setValue('');16 $('~input-password').setValue('Test1234!');17 $('~input-repeat-password').setValue('Test1234!');18 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {19 driver.hideKeyboard();20 }21 /​*SIGN UP button is in LoginForm.js, selector defined in login.screen.js*/​22 $('~button-SIGN UP').click();23 NativeAlert.waitForIsShown();24 expect(NativeAlert.text()).toEqual('Signed Up!\nYou successfully signed up!');25 NativeAlert.pressButton('OK');26 NativeAlert.waitForIsShown(false);27 });28});29/​*Same tests in abstract form, these tests were30already included in the boilerplate code (https:/​/​​webdriverio/​appium-boilerplate/​tree/​master/​tests/​specs)31describe('WebdriverIO and Appium, when interacting with a login form,', () => {32 beforeEach(() => {33 TabBar.waitForTabBarShown(true);34 TabBar.openLogin();35 LoginScreen.waitForIsShown(true);36 });37 it('should be able sign up successfully', () => {38;39'');40 LoginScreen.password.setValue('Test1234!');41 LoginScreen.repeatPassword.setValue('Test1234!');42 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {43 driver.hideKeyboard();44 }45;46 LoginScreen.alert.waitForIsShown();47 expect(LoginScreen.alert.text()).toEqual('Signed Up!\nYou successfully signed up!');48 LoginScreen.alert.pressButton('OK');49 LoginScreen.alert.waitForIsShown(false);50 });...

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Source:signUp-test.js Github


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...18"");19 SignUp.password.setValue("");20 SignUp.confirmPassword.setValue("");21 22 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {23 driver.hideKeyboard();24 }25;26 27 const failureValue = SignUp.failureAlert.getText();28 SignUp.tryAgainButton("Try again");29 const emailValidate = SignUp.validEmail.getText();30 const passwordValidate = SignUp.validPassword.getText();31 const confPasswordValidate = SignUp.vaildConfirmPassword.getText();32 33 expect(failureValue).to.equal(failureText);34 expect(emailValidate).to.equal(validateEmailText);35 expect(passwordValidate).to.equal(validatePasswordText);36 expect(confPasswordValidate).to.equal(validateconfPassText);37 });38 it("should show alert and get validation message when confirm password is not entered", function () {39 const failureText = "Failure";40 const validateconfPassText = "Please enter the same password";41 42"");43 SignUp.password.setValue("Test1234!");44 SignUp.confirmPassword.setValue("");45 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {46 driver.hideKeyboard();47 }48;49 50 const failureValue = SignUp.failureAlert.getText();51 SignUp.tryAgainButton("Try again");52 53 const confPasswordValidate = SignUp.vaildConfirmPassword.getText();54 expect(failureValue).to.equal(failureText);55 expect(confPasswordValidate).to.equal(validateconfPassText);56 });57})58`;59module.exports = signUpTestJs;

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Source:LoginScreen.js Github


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...26 static async submitLoginForm(username, password){27 await; 28 await this.password().addValue(password);29 /​/​ If keyboard is shown then simply click outside of the keyboard.30 if(await driver.isKeyboardShown()){31 await (await $('~Login-screen')).click();32 }33 await this.loginButton().click();34 }35 36 static async submitSignUpForm(username, password){37 await; 38 await this.password().addValue(password);39 await this.repeatPassword().addValue(password);40 /​/​ If keyboard is shown then simply click outside of the keyboard.41 if(await driver.isKeyboardShown()){42 await (await $('~Login-screen')).click();43 }44 await this.signUpButton().click();45 }46}...

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Source:app.home.spec.js Github


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...24 {25 action: 'release',26 },27 ]);28 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {29 driver.hideKeyboard();30 }31 expect(HomeScreen.searchButton.isExisting()).toEqual(true);32;33 });34 it('click takes you to enquire screen', () => {35 Gestures.checkIfDisplayedWithScrollDown(SearchScreen.enquireButton, 2);36 expect(SearchScreen.enquireButton.isExisting()).toEqual(true);37;38 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {39 driver.hideKeyboard();40 }41 });42 it('should be able to click Send Enquiry and fail successfully', () => {43;44 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {45 driver.hideKeyboard();46 }47 EnquiryScreen.alert.waitForIsShown(true);48 /​/​expect an alert49 /​/​expect(EnquiryScreen.alert.isExisting()).toEqual(true);50 });...

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Source:base.js Github


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...9 };10 11 static async is_displayed(method, locator) {12 /​/​ this.ifKeyboard_hide();13 let keyboard = await CustomWorld.driver.isKeyboardShown();14 if (keyboard === true) {15 await CustomWorld.driver.hideDeviceKeyboard();16 }17 let element = await CustomWorld.driver.element(method, locator);18 let isDisplayed = await element.isDisplayed();19 return isDisplayed20 };21 static async click(method, locator) {22 let element = await CustomWorld.driver.element(method, locator);23 return await;24 };25 static async type(method, locator, value) {26 let element = await CustomWorld.driver.element(method, locator);27 return await element.type(value);28 };29 static async match_text(method, locator, text) {30 let element = await CustomWorld.driver.element(method, locator);31 let actual = await element.text();32 let result = text.localeCompare(actual);33 return (result === 0, actual);34 };35 static async ifKeyboard_hide() {36 let keyboard = await CustomWorld.driver.isKeyboardShown();37 if (keyboard === true) {38 await CustomWorld.driver.hideDeviceKeyboard();39 }40 }41}42module.exports = {43 basePage...

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Source:RepeatScreen.js Github


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...12 constructor() {13 super(SELECTORS.REPEAT_CUSTOM_SCREEN);14 }15 pressEveryRepeatDaily() {16 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {17 driver.hideKeyboard();18 }19;20 }21 pressEveryRepeatWeekly() {22 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {23 driver.hideKeyboard();24 }25;26 }27 pressEveryRepeatMonths() {28 if (driver.isKeyboardShown()) {29 driver.hideKeyboard();30 }31;32 }33}...

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Source:appium.basics.js Github


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...6 isSelected( element ) { return element.isSelected()},7 isEnabled( element ) { return element.isEnabled()},8 isChecked( element ) { return element.getAttribute('checked')}, /​/​if checked returns true9 hideKeyboard() { return driver.hideKeyboard()},10 isKeyboardShown() { return driver.isKeyboardShown()},11 toggleAirplaneMode() { return driver.toggleAirplaneMode()},12 launchApp() { return driver.launchApp()},13 closeApp() { return driver.closeApp()},...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6async function main() {7 const client = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await client.isKeyboardShown();9 await client.deleteSession();10}11main();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var caps = {4}5driver.init(caps).then(function () {6 .click()7 .click()8 .click()9 .click()10 .text()11 .then(function (text) {12 console.log(text);13 assert.equal(text, '10');14 })15 .sleep(5000)16 .click()17 .sleep(5000)18 .click()19 .click()20 .click()21 .click()22 .text()23 .then(function (text) {24 console.log(text);25 assert.equal(text, '25');26 })27 .sleep(5000)28 .click()29 .sleep(5000)30 .click()31 .click()32 .click()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(;2driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys("webdriver");3driver.findElement('btnG')).click();4driver.wait(function() {5 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {6 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';7 });8}, 1000);9driver.isKeyboardShown().then(function(isShown){10 console.log(isShown);11});12driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require("wd"),2 assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .elementById("lst-ib")8 .type("Hello World")9 .sleep(3000)10 .isKeyboardShown()11 .then(function(isShown) {12 assert.equal(isShown, true);13 })14 .quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.isKeyboardShown().then(function(isShown) {2 console.log(isShown);3});4driver.hideKeyboard().then(function() {5 console.log('keyboard is closed');6});7driver.hideKeyboard('pressKey', 'Done').then(function() {8 console.log('keyboard is closed');9});10driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside').then(function() {11 console.log('keyboard is closed');12});13driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {14 console.log('keyboard is closed');15});16driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {17 console.log('keyboard is closed');18});19driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {20 console.log('keyboard is closed');21});22driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {23 console.log('keyboard is closed');24});25driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {26 console.log('keyboard is closed');27});28driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {29 console.log('keyboard is closed');30});31driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {32 console.log('keyboard is closed');33});34driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {35 console.log('keyboard is closed');36});37driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {38 console.log('keyboard is closed');39});40driver.hideKeyboard('tapOutside', 'Done').then(function() {41 console.log('keyboard is closed');42});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var driver = new webdriver.Builder().usingServer(server).withCapabilities(caps).build();2driver.isKeyboardShown().then(function(isShown) {3 console.log("Keyboard shown? " + isShown);4});5driver.quit();6I have also tried to use the isKeyboardShown() method with the text field that is not

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