How to use driver.getPerformanceData method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium

Appium JS commands.js

Source: Appium JS commands.js Github


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...239/​/​ wd example240await driver.toggleWiFi();241/​/​PerformanceData242/​/​ example243driver.getPerformanceData('', 'cpuinfo', 5);244/​/​ wd example245await driver.getPerformanceData('', 'cpuinfo', 5);246/​/​ example247driver.getPerformanceDataTypes();248/​/​ wd example249await driver.getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes();250/​/​ScreenRecording251/​/​ example252driver.startRecordingScreen();253/​/​Elements254/​/​ example255$("~SomeAccessibilityId");256/​/​ wd example257let elementOne = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId("SomeAccessibilityID");258let elementTwo = await driver.element("id", "SomeID");259/​/​ example...

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Source: java.js Github


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...198 codeFor_rotateDevice (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, x, y, radius, rotation, touchCount, duration) {199 return `driver.rotate(new DeviceRotation(${x}, ${y}, ${radius}, ${rotation}, ${touchCount}, ${duration}));`;200 }201 codeFor_getPerformanceData (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, packageName, dataType, dataReadTimeout) {202 return `List<List<Object>> performanceData = driver.getPerformanceData("${packageName}", "${dataType}", ${dataReadTimeout});`;203 }204 codeFor_getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes () {205 return `List<String> performanceTypes = driver.getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes();`;206 }207 codeFor_performTouchId (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, match) {208 return `driver.performTouchID(${match});`;209 }210 codeFor_toggleTouchIdEnrollment (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, enroll) {211 return `driver.toggleTouchIDEnrollment(${enroll});`;212 }213 codeFor_openNotifications () {214 return `driver.openNotifications();`;215 }216 codeFor_getDeviceTime () {...

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Source: js-oxygen.js Github


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1import Framework from './​framework';2class JsOxygenFramework extends Framework {3 get language () {4 return 'js';5 }6 get type () {7 if (this.caps && this.caps.platformName) {8 const platformName = this.caps.platformName.toLowerCase();9 if (platformName === 'windows') {10 return 'win';11 }12 if (['android', 'androiddriver'].includes(platformName)) {13 return 'mob';14 }15 if (['ios', 'iosdriver'].includes(platformName)) {16 return 'mob';17 }18 }19 return 'mob';20 }21 wrapWithBoilerplate (code) {22 if (code && code.includes('')) {23 this.caps.browserName = '__chrome_or_safari__';24 } else {25 = '__application_path_or_name__';26 }27 let caps = JSON.stringify(this.caps, null, 2);28 let url = JSON.stringify(`${this.scheme}:/​/​${}:${this.port}${this.path}`);29 return `/​/​ Requires the Oxygen HQ client library30/​/​ (npm install oxygen-cli -g)31/​/​ Then paste this into a .js file and run with:32/​/​ oxygen <file>.js33const capabilities = ${caps};34const appiumUrl = ${url};35${this.type}.init(capabilities, appiumUrl);36${code}37`;38 }39 codeFor_executeScript (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, args) {40 return `${this.type}.execute(${args})`;41 }42 codeFor_findAndAssign (strategy, locator, localVar, isArray) {43 /​/​ wdio has its own way of indicating the strategy in the locator string44 switch (strategy) {45 case 'xpath': break; /​/​ xpath does not need to be updated46 case 'accessibility id': locator = `~${locator}`; break;47 case 'id': locator = `id=${locator}`; break;48 case 'name': locator = `name=${locator}`; break;49 case 'class name': locator = `css=${locator}`; break;50 case '-android uiautomator': locator = `android=${locator}`; break;51 case '-android datamatcher': locator = `android=${locator}`; break;52 case '-ios predicate string': locator = `ios=${locator}`; break;53 case '-ios class chain': locator = `ios=${locator}`; break; /​/​ TODO: Handle IOS class chain properly. Not all libs support it. Or take it out54 default: throw new Error(`Can't handle strategy ${strategy}`);55 }56 if (isArray) {57 return `let ${localVar} = mob.findElements(${JSON.stringify(locator)});`;58 } else {59 return `let ${localVar} = mob.findElement(${JSON.stringify(locator)});`;60 }61 }62 codeFor_click (varName, varIndex) {63 return `${this.type}.click(${this.getVarName(varName, varIndex)});`;64 }65 codeFor_clear (varName, varIndex) {66 return `${this.type}.clear(${this.getVarName(varName, varIndex)});`;67 }68 codeFor_sendKeys (varName, varIndex, text) {69 return `${this.type}.type(${this.getVarName(varName, varIndex)}, ${JSON.stringify(text)});`;70 }71 codeFor_back () {72 return `${this.type}.back();`;73 }74 codeFor_tap (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, x, y) {75 return `${this.type}.tap(${x}, ${y});`;76 }77 codeFor_swipe (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, x1, y1, x2, y2) {78 return `${this.type}.swipeScreen(${x1}, ${y1}, ${x2}, ${y2});`;79 }80 codeFor_getCurrentActivity () {81 return `let activityName = ${this.type}.getCurrentActivity();`;82 }83 codeFor_getCurrentPackage () {84 return `let packageName = ${this.type}.getCurrentPackage();`;85 }86 codeFor_installApp (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, app) {87 return `${this.type}.installApp('${app}');`;88 }89 codeFor_isAppInstalled (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, app) {90 return `let isAppInstalled = ${this.type}.isAppInstalled("${app}");`;91 }92 codeFor_launchApp () {93 return `${this.type}.launchApp();`;94 }95 codeFor_background (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, timeout) {96 return `${this.type}.getDriver().background(${timeout});`;97 }98 codeFor_closeApp () {99 return `${this.type}.closeApp();`;100 }101 codeFor_reset () {102 return `${this.type}.resetApp();`;103 }104 codeFor_removeApp (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, app) {105 return `${this.type}.removeApp('${app}')`;106 }107 codeFor_getStrings (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, language, stringFile) {108 return `let appStrings = ${this.type}.getDriver().getStrings(${language ? `${language}, ` : ''}${stringFile ? `"${stringFile}` : ''});`;109 }110 codeFor_getClipboard () {111 return `let clipboardText = ${this.type}.getDriver().getClipboard();`;112 }113 codeFor_setClipboard (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, clipboardText) {114 return `${this.type}.getDriver().setClipboard('${clipboardText}')`;115 }116 codeFor_pressKeyCode (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, keyCode) {117 return `${this.type}.pressKeyCode(${keyCode});`;118 }119 codeFor_longPressKeyCode (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, keyCode) {120 return `${this.type}.longPressKeyCode(${keyCode});`;121 }122 codeFor_hideKeyboard () {123 return `${this.type}.hideKeyboard();`;124 }125 codeFor_isKeyboardShown () {126 return `let isKeyboardShown = ${this.type}.getDriver().isKeyboardShown();`;127 }128 codeFor_pushFile (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, pathToInstallTo, fileContentString) {129 return `${this.type}.getDriver().pushFile('${pathToInstallTo}', '${fileContentString}');`;130 }131 codeFor_pullFile (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, pathToPullFrom) {132 return `let fileBase64 = ${this.type}.getDriver().pullFile('${pathToPullFrom}');`;133 }134 codeFor_pullFolder (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, folderToPullFrom) {135 return `let fileBase64 = ${this.type}.getDriver().pullFolder('${folderToPullFrom}');`;136 }137 codeFor_toggleAirplaneMode () {138 return `${this.type}.getDriver().toggleAirplaneMode();`;139 }140 codeFor_toggleData () {141 return `${this.type}.getDriver().toggleData();`;142 }143 codeFor_toggleWiFi () {144 return `${this.type}.getDriver().toggleWiFi();`;145 }146 codeFor_toggleLocationServices () {147 return `${this.type}.getDriver().toggleLocationServices();`;148 }149 codeFor_sendSMS (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, phoneNumber, text) {150 return `${this.type}.getDriver().sendSms('${phoneNumber}', '${text}');`;151 }152 codeFor_gsmCall (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, phoneNumber, action) {153 return `${this.type}.getDriver().gsmCall('${phoneNumber}', '${action}');`;154 }155 codeFor_gsmSignal (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, signalStrength) {156 return `${this.type}.getDriver().gsmSignal(${signalStrength});`;157 }158 codeFor_gsmVoice (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, state) {159 return `${this.type}.getDriver().gsmVoice('${state}');`;160 }161 codeFor_shake () {162 return `${this.type}.shake();`;163 }164 codeFor_lock (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, seconds) {165 return `${this.type}.getDriver().lock(${seconds});`;166 }167 codeFor_unlock () {168 return `${this.type}.getDriver().unlock();`;169 }170 codeFor_isLocked () {171 return `let isLocked = ${this.type}.getDriver().isLocked();`;172 }173 codeFor_rotateDevice (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, x, y, radius, rotation, touchCount, duration) {174 return `${this.type}.getDriver().rotateDevice({x: ${x}, y: ${y}, duration: ${duration}, radius: ${radius}, rotation: ${rotation}, touchCount: ${touchCount}});`;175 }176 codeFor_getPerformanceData (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, packageName, dataType, dataReadTimeout) {177 return `let performanceData = ${this.type}.getDriver().getPerformanceData('${packageName}', '${dataType}', ${dataReadTimeout});`;178 }179 codeFor_getPerformanceDataTypes () {180 return `let supportedPerformanceDataTypes = ${this.type}.getDriver().getPerformanceDataTypes();`;181 }182 codeFor_touchId (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, match) {183 return `${this.type}.getDriver().touchId(${match});`;184 }185 codeFor_toggleEnrollTouchId (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, enroll) {186 return `${this.type}.getDriver().toggleEnrollTouchId(${enroll});`;187 }188 codeFor_openNotifications () {189 return `${this.type}.getDriver().openNotifications();`;190 }191 codeFor_getDeviceTime () {192 return `let time = ${this.type}.getDeviceTime();`;193 }194 codeFor_fingerprint (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, fingerprintId) {195 return `${this.type}.getDriver().fingerPrint(${fingerprintId});`;196 }197 codeFor_getSession () {198 return `let caps = ${this.type}.getDriver().capabilities;`;199 }200 codeFor_setTimeouts (/​*varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, timeoutsJson*/​) {201 return '/​* TODO implement setTimeouts */​';202 }203 codeFor_setCommandTimeout () {204 return `/​/​ Not supported: setCommandTimeout`;205 }206 codeFor_getOrientation () {207 return `let orientation = ${this.type}.getDriver().getOrientation();`;208 }209 codeFor_setOrientation (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, orientation) {210 return `${this.type}.getDriver().setOrientation("${orientation}");`;211 }212 codeFor_getGeoLocation () {213 return `let location = ${this.type}.getDriver().getGeoLocation();`;214 }215 codeFor_setGeoLocation (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, latitude, longitude, altitude) {216 return `${this.type}.getDriver().setGeoLocation({latitude: ${latitude}, longitude: ${longitude}, altitude: ${altitude}});`;217 }218 codeFor_getLogTypes () {219 return `let getLogTypes = ${this.type}.getDriver().getLogTypes();`;220 }221 codeFor_getLogs (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, logType) {222 return `let logs = ${this.type}.getDriver().getLogs('${logType}');`;223 }224 codeFor_updateSettings (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, settingsJson) {225 return `${this.type}.getDriver().updateSettings(${settingsJson});`;226 }227 codeFor_getSettings () {228 return `let settings = ${this.type}.getDriver().getSettings();`;229 }230}231JsOxygenFramework.readableName = 'JS - Oxygen HQ';...

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Source: performance-specs.js Github


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...36 });37 describe('getPerformanceData', function () {38 it('should return battery info', async function () {39 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getBatteryInfo').returns('data');40 await driver.getPerformanceData(null, 'batteryinfo').should.become('data');41 });42 it('should return cpu info', async function () {43 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getCPUInfo').withArgs('pkg').returns('data');44 await driver.getPerformanceData('pkg', 'cpuinfo').should.become('data');45 });46 it('should return memory info', async function () {47 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getMemoryInfo').withArgs('pkg').returns('data');48 await driver.getPerformanceData('pkg', 'memoryinfo').should.become('data');49 });50 it('should return network info', async function () {51 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getNetworkTrafficInfo').returns('data');52 await driver.getPerformanceData(null, 'networkinfo').should.become('data');53 });54 it('should throw error if data type is not valid', async function () {55 await driver.getPerformanceData(null, 'invalid')56​No performance data of type 'invalid' found./​);57 });58 });59 describe('getCPUInfo', function () {60 it('should return cpu data', async function () {61['dumpsys', 'cpuinfo', '|', 'grep', `'${PACKAGE_NAME}'`])62 .returns(' +0% 2209/​ 14% user + 23% kernel');63 (await driver.getCPUInfo(PACKAGE_NAME)) .equal([CPU_KEYS, ['14', '23']]);65 asyncbox.retryInterval.calledWith(RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_PAUSE);66 });67 it('should throw error if no data', async function () {68;69 await driver.getCPUInfo(PACKAGE_NAME, 1)

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Source: js-wd.js Github


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...163 codeFor_rotateDevice (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, x, y, radius, rotation, touchCount, duration) {164 return `driver.rotateDevice({x: ${x}, y: ${y}, duration: ${duration}, radius: ${radius}, rotation: ${rotation}, touchCount: ${touchCount}});`;165 }166 codeFor_getPerformanceData (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, packageName, dataType, dataReadTimeout) {167 return `let performanceData = await driver.getPerformanceData('${packageName}', '${dataType}', ${dataReadTimeout});`;168 }169 codeFor_getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes () {170 return `let supportedPerformanceDataTypes = await driver.getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes();`;171 }172 codeFor_performTouchId (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, match) {173 return `await driver.touchId(${match});`;174 }175 codeFor_toggleTouchIdEnrollment (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, enroll) {176 return `await driver.toggleTouchIdEnrollment(${enroll});`;177 }178 codeFor_openNotifications () {179 return `await driver.openNotifications();`;180 }181 codeFor_getDeviceTime () {...

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Source: performance-e2e-specs.js Github


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...24 let capability = await driver.getPerformanceDataTypes();25 capability.should.eql(_.keys(SUPPORTED_PERFORMANCE_DATA_TYPES));26 });27 it('should throw an Error for unsupported capability data type ', async function () {28 await driver.getPerformanceData(caps.appPackage, 'randominfo', 2);29 });30 it('should get the amount of cpu by user and kernel process', async function () {31 /​/​ TODO: why does this fail?32 let apiLevel = await driver.adb.getApiLevel();33 if ([21, 24, 25].indexOf(apiLevel) >= 0) {34 return this.skip();35 }36 let cpu = await driver.getPerformanceData(caps.appPackage, 'cpuinfo', 50);37 Array.isArray(cpu);38;39 cpu[0].should.eql(CPU_KEYS);40 if (cpu.length > 1) {41 for (let i = 1; i < cpu.length; i++) {42 cpu[0].length.should.equal(cpu[i].length);43 }44 }45 });46 it('should get the amount of memory used by the process', async function () {47 let memory = await driver.getPerformanceData(caps.appPackage, 'memoryinfo', 2);48 Array.isArray(memory);49;50 memory[0].should.eql(MEMORY_KEYS);51 if (memory.length > 1) {52 for (let i = 1; i < memory.length; i++) {53 memory[0].length.should.equal(memory[i].length);54 }55 }56 });57 it('should get the remaining battery power', async function () {58 let battery = await driver.getPerformanceData(caps.appPackage, 'batteryinfo', 2);59 Array.isArray(battery);60;61 battery[0].should.eql(BATTERY_KEYS);62 if (battery.length > 1) {63 for (let i = 1; i < battery.length; i++) {64 battery[0].length.should.equal(battery[i].length);65 }66 }67 });68 it('should get the network statistics', async function () {69 /​/​ TODO: why does adb fail with a null pointer exception on 5.170 if (await driver.adb.getApiLevel() === 22) {71 return this.skip();72 }73 let network = await driver.getPerformanceData(caps.appPackage, 'networkinfo', 2);74 Array.isArray(network);75;76 let compare = false;77 for (let j = 0; j < NETWORK_KEYS.length; ++j) {78 if (_.isEqual(NETWORK_KEYS[j], network[0])) {79 compare = true;80 }81 }82 compare.should.equal(true);83 if (network.length > 1) {84 for (let i = 1; i < network.length; ++i) {85 network[0].length.should.equal(network[i].length);86 }87 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.getPerformanceData('', 'cpuinfo', 1000).then(function (data) {10 console.log(data);11});12driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6driver.getPerformanceData("", "memoryinfo", 1)7 .then(function (data) {8 console.log(data.value);9 });10driver.quit();11[ { memoryType: 'nativePrivateDirty',12 memoryPrivateDirty: '0' },13 { memoryType: 'dalvikPrivateDirty',14 memoryPrivateDirty: '0' },15 { memoryType: 'totalPrivateDirty',16 memoryPrivateDirty: '0' } ]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require("wd"),2 Q = require('q');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);6 .init(desired)7 .then(function() {8 return driver.getPerformanceData("", "cpuinfo", 10);9 })10 .then(function(data) {11 console.log(data);12 })13 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })14 .done();15[ { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-0', label: 'cpuinfo-0' },16 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-1', label: 'cpuinfo-1' },17 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-2', label: 'cpuinfo-2' },18 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-3', label: 'cpuinfo-3' },19 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-4', label: 'cpuinfo-4' },20 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-5', label: 'cpuinfo-5' },21 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-6', label: 'cpuinfo-6' },22 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-7', label: 'cpuinfo-7' },23 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-8', label: 'cpuinfo-8' },24 { value: '0.000000', name: 'cpuinfo-9', label: 'cpuinfo-9' },25 { value:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6driver.getPerformanceData('', 'cpuinfo', 5000)7 .then(function (data) {8 console.log(data);9 });10driver.quit();11To use this method, we need to import the ‘perf_hooks’ module. This module is available in NodeJS 8.5.0 and above. To use this method, the following code can be used:12var perf_hooks = require('perf_hooks');13var startTime =;14driver.getPerformanceDataTypes('')15 .then(function (data) {16 console.log(data);17 });18var endTime =;19console.log(endTime - startTime);20To use this method, we need to import the ‘perf_hooks’ module. This module is available in NodeJS 8

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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