Best JavaScript code snippet using appium
Source: general-specs.js
...46 describe('getDeviceTime', function () {47 it('should return device time', async function () {48 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell');49' 2018-06-09T16:21:54+0900 ');50 await driver.getDeviceTime().should.become('2018-06-09T16:21:54+09:00');51['date', '+%Y-%m-%dT%T%z']);52 });53 it('should return device time with custom format', async function () {54 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell');55' 2018-06-09T16:21:54+0900 ');56 await driver.getDeviceTime('YYYY-MM-DD').should.become('2018-06-09');57['date', '+%Y-%m-%dT%T%z']);58 });59 it('should throw error if shell command failed', async function () {60 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'shell').throws();61 await driver.getDeviceTime();62 });63 });64 describe('getPageSource', function () {65 it('should return page source', async function () {66 sandbox.stub(driver.bootstrap, 'sendAction').withArgs('source').returns('sources');67 (await driver.getPageSource())'sources');68 });69 });70 describe('back', function () {71 it('should press back', async function () {72 sandbox.stub(driver.bootstrap, 'sendAction');73 await driver.back();74 driver.bootstrap.sendAction.calledWithExactly('pressBack');75 });...
Source: js-wdio.js
...189 codeFor_openNotifications () {190 return `await driver.openNotifications();`;191 }192 codeFor_getDeviceTime () {193 return `let time = await driver.getDeviceTime();`;194 }195 codeFor_fingerprint (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, fingerprintId) {196 return `await driver.fingerprint(${fingerprintId});`;197 }198 codeFor_getSession () {199 return `let caps = await driver.session('c8db88a0-47a6-47a1-802d-164d746c06aa');`;200 }201 codeFor_setTimeouts (/*varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, timeoutsJson*/) {202 return '/* TODO implement setTimeouts */';203 }204 codeFor_setCommandTimeout (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, ms) {205 return `await driver.timeouts('command', ${ms})`;206 }207 codeFor_getOrientation () {...
Source: js-wd.js
...181 codeFor_openNotifications () {182 return `await driver.openNotifications();`;183 }184 codeFor_getDeviceTime () {185 return `let time = await driver.getDeviceTime();`;186 }187 codeFor_fingerprint (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, fingerprintId) {188 return `await driver.fingerprint(${fingerprintId});`;189 }190 codeFor_getSession () {191 return `let caps = await driver.getSession();`;192 }193 codeFor_setTimeouts (/*varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, timeoutsJson*/) {194 return '/* TODO implement setTimeouts */';195 }196 codeFor_getOrientation () {197 return `let orientation = await driver.getOrientation();`;198 }199 codeFor_setOrientation (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, orientation) {...
Source: driver-specs.js
...128 };129 it('should call idevicedate', async function () {130 let date = 'Tue Jun 12 11:13:31 UTC 2018';131 let driver = setup(mocks, {date});132 (await driver.getDeviceTime()).should.eql('2018-06-12T11:13:31+00:00');133 });134 it('should call idevicedate with format', async function () {135 let date = 'Tue Jun 12 11:13:31 CEST 2018';136 let driver = setup(mocks, {date});137 (await driver.getDeviceTime('YYYY-MM-DD')).should.equal('2018-06-12');138 });139 it('should return output of idevicedate if unparseable', async function () {140 let date = 'some time and date';141 let driver = setup(mocks, {date});142 (await driver.getDeviceTime()).should.equal(date);143 });144 it('should throw an error when idevicedate cannot be found', async function () {145 mocks.fs.expects('which')146 .once().throws();147 let driver = new IosDriver();148 driver.opts = {udid: 'some-udid'};149 await driver.getDeviceTime()150'Could not capture device date and time');151 });152 });153 describe('simulator', function () {154 it('should return system date', async function () {155 mocks.teen_process.expects('exec')156 .once().withExactArgs('date', ['+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'])157 .returns({stdout: '2018-06-12T12:11:59+0200'});158 let driver = new IosDriver();159 (await driver.getDeviceTime()).should.eql('2018-06-12T12:11:59+02:00');160 });161 });...
Source: dem.testImageSend.spec.js
...70// );71// let timing = time.getValue();72// console.log (timing)73 74// let time = driver.getDeviceTime();75// console.log(time)76// // let logs = driver.getLogs('logcat')77// // console.log(logs)78});79it("should save a screenshot of the browser view", function () {80 driver.saveScreenshot('./photos/screenshotImage.png');81 });...
Source: saucelabs.js
...29 testobject_test_name:Â 'Default Appium Test'30 });31 32 await sleep(5000);33 const time = await driver.getDeviceTime();34 console.log(time);35 36 } catch( err ) {37 console.log(err);38 } finally {39 await driver.quit();40 }41 return "done";42}...
Source: First.js
...21driver.isKeyboardShown()22//--To open activity and start application23driver.startActivity(appPackage, appActivity, appWaitPackage, appWaitActivity, intentAction, intentCategory, intentFlags, optionalIntentArguments, dontStopAppOnReset)24//To get device time25driver.getDeviceTime()2613: 45 >> instagram open 27search >> mark 2813: 47(2 minutes)29 >> mark profile open >> post view 30 13 : 45 + 00: 60 >> 14: 4531 if (devucetime == 14: 45)32{33 start execution34}35//--To close the app36driver.closeApp()37//--To Start Recording...
Source: getDeviceTime.js
...16 * mob.getDeviceTime(); //Gets the device time17 */18module.exports = async function() {19 await this.helpers.assertContext(, this.helpers.contextList.ios);20 return await this.driver.getDeviceTime();...
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time) {10 console.log(time);11});12driver.quit();13Example 2: Using driver.getDeviceTime() method to get the device time in Appium14var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),15 until = webdriver.until;16var driver = new webdriver.Builder()17 .forBrowser('chrome')18 .build();19driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');20driver.findElement('btnG')).click();21driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);22driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time) {23 console.log(time);24});25driver.quit();26Example 3: Using driver.getDeviceTime() method to get the device time in Appium27var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),28 until = webdriver.until;29var driver = new webdriver.Builder()30 .forBrowser('chrome')31 .build();32driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');33driver.findElement('btnG')).click();34driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);35driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time) {36 console.log(time);37});38driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time) {10 console.log(time);11});12driver.quit();13{ year: 2017,14 nanos: 0 }15{ year: 2017,16 nanos: 0 }17{ year: 2017,18 nanos: 0 }19{ year: 2017,20 nanos: 0 }21{ year: 2017,22 nanos: 0 }23{ year: 2017,24 nanos: 0 }25{ year: 2017,
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var serverConfig = {4};5var desiredCaps = {6};7var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);8 .init(desiredCaps)9 .getDeviceTime()10 .then(function(deviceTime){11 console.log(deviceTime);12 })13 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })14 .done();15var wd = require('wd');16var assert = require('assert');17var serverConfig = {18};19var desiredCaps = {20};21var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);22 .init(desiredCaps)23 .getDeviceTime()24 .then(function(deviceTime){25 console.log(deviceTime);26 })27 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })28 .done();29var wd = require('wd');30var assert = require('assert');31var serverConfig = {32};33var desiredCaps = {34};
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(;3driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time) {4console.log('Device time: ' + time);5driver.quit();6});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd'),2q = require('q'),3assert = require('assert');4var desired = {5};6var driver = wd.remote("localhost", 4723);7driver.init(desired, function(err) {8 if (err) {9 console.log(err);10 } else {11 driver.getDeviceTime(function(err, time) {12 if (err) {13 console.log(err);14 } else {15 console.log(time);16 }17 });18 }19});20driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){2 console.log("Device time is: " + time);3});4driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){5 console.log("Device time is: " + time);6});7driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){8 console.log("Device time is: " + time);9});10driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){11 console.log("Device time is: " + time);12});13driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){14 console.log("Device time is: " + time);15});16driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){17 console.log("Device time is: " + time);18});19driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){20 console.log("Device time is: " + time);21});22driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){23 console.log("Device time is: " + time);24});25driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){26 console.log("Device time is: " + time);27});28driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){29 console.log("Device time is: " + time);30});31driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){32 console.log("Device time is: " + time);33});34driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(time){35 console.log("Device time is: " + time);36});37driver.getDeviceTime().then(function
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumDriver = require('appium-js').AppiumDriver;2var driver = new AppiumDriver();3driver.getDeviceTime(function(err, res) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(res);8 }9});10{11}
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();3driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime) {4 console.log(deviceTime);5 driver.quit();6});
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime) {2 console.log(deviceTime);3});4{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }5{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }6{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }7{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }8{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }9{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }10{ year: 2019, month: 12, dayOfMonth: 27, hour: 14, minute: 42, second: 40, nano: 0 }11The driver.getDeviceTime() method will return the device time
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime){2 console.log(deviceTime);3});4driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime){5 console.log(deviceTime);6});7driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime){8 console.log(deviceTime);9});10driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime){11 console.log(deviceTime);12});13driver.getDeviceTime().then(function(deviceTime){14 console.log(deviceTime);15});
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With new-age project development methodologies like Agile and DevOps slowly replacing the old-age waterfall model, the demand for testing is increasing in the industry. Testers are now working together with the developers and automation testing is vastly replacing manual testing in many ways. If you are new to the domain of automation testing, the organization that just hired you, will expect you to be fast, think out of the box, and able to detect bugs or deliver solutions which no one thought of. But with just basic knowledge of testing, how can you be that successful test automation engineer who is different from their predecessors? What are the skills to become a successful automation tester in 2019? Let’s find out.
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