How to use driver.forward method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source: ElementsSpec.js Github


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...59 /​/​browser.driver.sleep(4000)60 /​/​click back button on browser61 /​/​browser.navigate().back()62 /​/​click forward button on browser63 /​/​browser.navigate().forward() /​/​ we can use browser.driver.forward() as well64 /​/​clcik refresh button from browser65 /​/​browser.navigate().refresh()66 browser.driver.sleep(5000)67 });...

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Source: browser.test.js Github


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...46 * https:/​/​​macaca-wd/​#forward47 */​48 describe('forward', async () => {49 it('should work', async () => {50 await driver.forward();51 assert.equal(server.ctx.url, '/​wd/​hub/​session/​sessionId/​forward');52 assert.equal(server.ctx.method, 'POST');53 assert.deepEqual(server.ctx.response.body, {54 sessionId: 'sessionId',55 status: 0,56 value: '',57 });58 });59 });60 /​**61 * https:/​/​​macaca-wd/​#get62 */​63 describe('get', async () => {64 it('should work', async () => {...

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Source: windows-frame-specs.js Github


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...35 await;36 await driver.findElement('id', 'only_on_page_2');37 await driver.back();38 await driver.findElement('id', 'i_am_a_textbox');39 await driver.forward();40 await driver.findElement('id', 'only_on_page_2');41 });42 /​/​ broken on real devices, see https:/​/​​appium/​appium/​issues/​516743 it('should be able to open js popup windows with safariAllowPopups set to true @skip-real-device', async function () {44 let link = await driver.findElement('link text', 'i am a new window link');45 await;46 await spinTitle('I am another page title', driver, 30);47 });48 });49});50describe(`safari - windows and frames (${env.DEVICE}) - without safariAllowPopups`, function () {51 this.timeout(MOCHA_SAFARI_TIMEOUT);52 const driver = setup(this, {53 browserName: 'safari',...

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Source: flight.spec.js Github


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...34 });35 });36 describe("#forward", function() {37 it("tells the drone to move forward", function() {38 driver.forward(1);39 expect(driver.connection.front);40 });41 });42 describe("#frontFlip", function() {43 it("tells the drone to do a front flip", function() {44 driver.frontFlip();45 expect(driver.connection.animate)"flipAhead", 150);46 });47 });48 describe("#backFlip", function() {49 it("tells the drone to do a back flip", function() {50 driver.backFlip();51 expect(driver.connection.animate)"flipBehind", 150);52 });...

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Source: linktravel.js Github


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...48 driver.speed,49 driver.distance(driver.toNode)50 )51 driver.face(driver.toNode)52 driver.forward(moveBy)53 if (moveBy < driver.speed) {54 driver.fromNode = driver.toNode55 driver.toNode = util.oneOf(driver.toNode.linkNeighbors())56 }57 })58 }59}60const model = new LinkTravelModel()61model.setup()62/​/​ Debugging63const { world, patches, turtles, links, nodes, drivers } = model64console.log('patches:', patches.length)65console.log('turtles:', turtles.length)66console.log('links:', links.length)...

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Source: inputGroupView.js Github


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1import styled from 'styled-components/​native/​dist/​styled-components.native.esm';2import { css } from 'styled-components';3import React, { useContext, useRef, useState } from 'react';4import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';5import SnackBar from 'react-native-snackbar-component';6import AppContext from '../​../​utils/​context';7import { Check } from '../​../​../​assets/​images-components/​Icons';8const InputGroupView = () => {9 const [text, setText] = useState('');10 const [isCorrectGroupName, setIsCorrectGroupName] = useState(false);11 const context = useContext(AppContext);12 const defaultValue = context.currentGroup;13 const shakeAnimation = useRef();14 const setGroupName = (groupName) => {15 const re = /​^([а-яА-Я\w]{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})$/​g;16 const isGroupCorrect = re.test(groupName);17 setText(groupName);18 setIsCorrectGroupName(isGroupCorrect);19 };20 if (context.isError) {21 shakeAnimation.current.shake(800);22 }23 return (24 <>25 <GroupField26 placeholder="XXXX-00-00"27 placeholderTextColor="#6A6A74"28 onChangeText={(text) => setGroupName(text)}29 defaultValue={defaultValue}30 autoFocus31 /​>32 <Animatable.View ref={shakeAnimation} useNativeDriver>33 <Forward34 disabled={!isCorrectGroupName}35 errorState={context.isError}36 isLoading={context.isLoadingSchedule}37 onPress={() => {38 context.setGroup(text);39 }}40 >41 <Check disabled={!isCorrectGroupName} /​>42 </​Forward>43 </​Animatable.View>44 <SnackBar visible={context.isError} textMessage={context.errorText} /​>45 </​>46 );47};48const GroupField = styled.TextInput`49 background-color: #1f2025;50 border-radius: 7px;51 color: white;52 height: 52px;53 margin-top: 30px;54 padding: 12px;55 text-align: center;56 width: 250px;57`;58const Forward = styled.TouchableOpacity`59 align-items: center;60 border-radius: 7px;61 height: 52px;62 justify-content: center;63 margin-top: 30px;64 width: 124px;65 ${(props) => (props.errorState ? css`background: #35353f;` : props.disabled ? css`background: #35353f;` : css`background: #6180e8;`)}66`;...

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Source: LinkTravelModel.js Github


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...42 driver.speed,43 driver.distance(driver.toNode)44 )45 driver.face(driver.toNode)46 driver.forward(moveBy)47 if (moveBy < driver.speed) {48 driver.fromNode = driver.toNode49 driver.toNode = util.oneOf(driver.toNode.linkNeighbors())50 }51 })52 }...

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Source: browser.js Github


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...25 goBack() {26 return this.driver.back();27 },28 goForward() {29 return this.driver.forward();30 },31 setWindowSize(height, width) {32 return this.driver.manage().window().setSize(parseInt(height, 10), parseInt(width, 10));33 },34};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('chrome')5 .build();6driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');7driver.findElement('btnG')).click();8driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);9driver.forward();10driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .forBrowser('chrome')4 .build();5driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');6driver.findElement('btnG')).click();7driver.wait(function() {8 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {9 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';10 });11}, 1000);12driver.navigate().back();13driver.navigate().forward();14driver.quit();15var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');16var driver = new webdriver.Builder()17 .forBrowser('chrome')18 .build();19driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');20driver.findElement('btnG')).click();21driver.wait(function() {22 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {23 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';24 });25}, 1000);26driver.navigate().back();27driver.navigate().forward();28driver.quit();29var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');30var driver = new webdriver.Builder()31 .forBrowser('chrome')32 .build();33driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');34driver.findElement('btnG')).click();35driver.wait(function() {36 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {37 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';38 });39}, 1000);40driver.navigate().back();41driver.navigate().forward();42driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.forward();2driver.back()3driver.back();4driver.refresh()5driver.refresh();6driver.getPageSource()7driver.getPageSource();8driver.setContext()9driver.setContext("NATIVE_APP");10driver.getContext()11driver.getContext();12driver.getContexts()13driver.getContexts();14driver.getOrientation()15driver.getOrientation();16driver.setOrientation()17driver.setOrientation("LANDSCAPE");18driver.getGeoLocation()19driver.getGeoLocation();20driver.setGeoLocation()21driver.setGeoLocation(37.422, -122.084);22driver.getNetworkConnection()23driver.getNetworkConnection();24driver.setNetworkConnection()25driver.setNetworkConnection(1);26driver.getPerformanceData()

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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