How to use driver.elementsById method in Appium

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Source: test.js Github


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...67 await action.perform();68 await action.perform();69 await action.perform();70 await action.perform();71 const list = await driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1");72 await list[1].click();73 }else if(type == 2){ /​/​ set age less than 1874 await click('android:id/​date_picker_header_year');75 let action = new wd.TouchAction(driver);76{77 x: anchor,78 y: startPoint79 });80 action.wait({ms: 10});81 action.moveTo({82 x: anchor,83 y:endPoint 84 });85 action.wait({ms: 10});86 action.release();87 await action.perform();88 const list = await driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1");89 await list[1].click();90 }else{ /​/​ set age negative91 await click('android:id/​date_picker_header_year');92 let action = new wd.TouchAction(driver);93{94 x: anchor,95 y: startPoint96 });97 action.wait({ms: 10});98 action.moveTo({99 x: anchor,100 y: height-endPoint 101 });102 action.wait({ms: 10});103 action.release();104 await action.perform();105 await action.perform();106 const list = await driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1");107 await list[1].click();108 }109 await sleep(500);110 await click("android:id/​button1");111 await sleep(500);112}113async function getDate(){114 const date = await driver.elementById('com.example.covidsurvey:id/​birthdateText');115 return date.text();116}117async function setCity(){118 await click("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​selectedCity");119 await sleep(1000);120 const list = await driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1");121 await list[2].click();122 await sleep(500);123}124async function getCity(){125 return (await driver.elementByXPath("/​hierarchy/​android.widget.FrameLayout/​android.widget.LinearLayout/​android.widget.FrameLayout/​android.view.ViewGroup/​android.widget.FrameLayout[2]/​android.widget.ScrollView/​android.view.ViewGroup/​android.widget.Spinner[1]/​android.widget.TextView")).text();126}127async function setGender(type){128 if(type == 0){129 await click("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​maleButton");130 }else if(type == 1){131 await click("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​femaleButton");132 }else{133 await click("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​otherButton");134 }135 await sleep(500);136}137async function getGender(){138 let maleButton = await driver.elementById("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​maleButton");139 let femaleButton = await driver.elementById("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​femaleButton");140 let otherButton = await driver.elementById("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​otherButton");141 if(await maleButton.getAttribute("checked")){142 return 0;143 }else if(await femaleButton.getAttribute("checked")){144 return 1;145 }else if(await otherButton.getAttribute("checked")){146 return 2;147 }else{148 return -1;149 }150}151async function setVaccine(){152 await click("com.example.covidsurvey:id/​selectedVaccine");153 await sleep(1000);154 const list = await driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1");155 await list[2].click();156 await sleep(500);157}158async function getVaccine(){159 return (await driver.elementByXPath("/​hierarchy/​android.widget.FrameLayout/​android.widget.LinearLayout/​android.widget.FrameLayout/​android.view.ViewGroup/​android.widget.FrameLayout[2]/​android.widget.ScrollView/​android.view.ViewGroup/​android.widget.Spinner[2]/​android.widget.TextView")).text();160}161async function setSideEffect(sideEffect){162 const sideEffectText = await driver.elementById('com.example.covidsurvey:id/​sideText');163 await sideEffectText.sendKeys(sideEffect);164 await sleep(500);165}166async function getSideEffect(){167 const sideEffectText = await driver.elementById('com.example.covidsurvey:id/​sideText');168 return sideEffectText.text();...

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Source: basics-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var env = require('../​../​../​../​helpers/​env')3 , ADB = require('appium-adb')4 , setup = require("../​../​../​common/​setup-base")5 , desired = require("../​desired")6 , reset = require("../​reset")7 , atv = 'android.widget.TextView';8describe("apidemo - find - basics", function () {9 var driver;10 var apiLevel = "0";11 var singleResourceId = "home";12 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });13 before(function (done) {14 var adb = new ADB({});15 /​/​ the app behaves differently on different api levels when it comes to16 /​/​ which resource ids are available for testing, so we switch here to make17 /​/​ sure we're using the right resource id below18 adb.getApiLevel(function (err, level) {19 if (err) return done(err);20 apiLevel = level;21 if (apiLevel >= "21") {22 singleResourceId = "decor_content_parent";23 }24 done();25 });26 });27 if (env.FAST_TESTS) {28 beforeEach(function () {29 return reset(driver);30 });31 }32 it('should find a single element by content-description', function (done) {33 driver34 .elementByName("Animation").text().should.become("Animation")35 .nodeify(done);36 });37 it('should find an element by class name', function (done) {38 driver39 .elementByClassName("android.widget.TextView").text().should.become("API Demos")40 .nodeify(done);41 });42 it('should find multiple elements by class name', function (done) {43 driver44 .elementsByClassName("android.widget.TextView")45 .nodeify(done);47 });48 it('should not find an element that doesnt exist', function (done) {49 driver50 .elementByClassName("blargimarg")​status: 7/​)51 .nodeify(done);52 });53 it('should not find multiple elements that doesnt exist', function (done) {54 driver55 .elementsByClassName("blargimarg").should.eventually.have.length(0)56 .nodeify(done);57 });58 it('should fail on empty locator', function (done) {59 driver.elementsByClassName("")60 .catch(function (err) { throw; })​selector/​)61 .elementsByClassName(atv).should.eventually.exist62 .nodeify(done);63 });64 /​/​ TODO: The new version of ApiDemo doesn't use id, find a better example.65 it('should find a single element by id @skip-android-all', function (done) {66 driver67 .complexFind(["scroll", [[3, "views"]], [[7, "views"]]]).click()68 .elementByXPath("/​/​android.widget.TextView[@text='Buttons']").click()69 .elementById("buttons_1_normal").text().should.become("Normal")70 .nodeify(done);71 });72 /​/​ TODO: The new version of ApiDemo doesn't use id, find a better example.73 it('should find a single element by string id @skip-android-all', function (done) {74 driver75 .elementById("activity_sample_code").text().should.become("API Demos")76 .nodeify(done);77 });78 it('should find a single element by resource-id', function (done) {79 driver80 .elementById('android:id/​' + singleResourceId).should.eventually.exist81 .nodeify(done);82 });83 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id', function (done) {84 driver85 .elementsById('android:id/​text1')86 .nodeify(done);88 });89 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id even when theres just one', function (done) {90 driver91 .elementsById('android:id/​' + singleResourceId)92 .then(function (els) {93 els.length.should.equal(1);94 })95 .nodeify(done);96 });97 it('should find a single element by resource-id with implicit package', function (done) {98 driver99 .elementById(singleResourceId).should.eventually.exist100 .nodeify(done);101 });102 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id with implicit package', function (done) {103 driver104 .elementsById('text1')105 .nodeify(done);107 });108 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id with implicit package even when theres just one', function (done) {109 driver110 .elementsById(singleResourceId)111 .then(function (els) {112 els.length.should.equal(1);113 })114 .nodeify(done);115 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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...56 assert.equal(searchParametersElement.length, 1);57 });58 it('should find elements by ID', async function () {59 /​/​ Look for element by ID. In Android this is the 'resource-id'60 const actionBarContainerElements = await driver.elementsById('android:id/​action_bar_container');61 assert.equal(actionBarContainerElements.length, 1);62 });63 it('should find elements by class name', async function () {64 /​/​ Look for elements by the class name. In Android this is the Java Class Name of the view.65 const linearLayoutElements = await driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.FrameLayout');66 assert.isAbove(linearLayoutElements.length, 1);67 });68 it('should find elements by XPath', async function () {69 /​/​ Find elements by XPath70 const linearLayoutElements = await driver.elementsByXPath(`/​/​*[@class='android.widget.FrameLayout']`);71 assert.isAbove(linearLayoutElements.length, 1);72 });...

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Source:find-basic-e2e-specs.js Github


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...37 await driver.elementById(`android:id/​${singleResourceId}`)38 .should.eventually.exist;39 });40 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id', async function () {41 await driver.elementsById('android:id/​text1')42 .should.eventually.have.length.above(1);43 });44 it('should find multiple elements by resource-id even when theres just one', async function () {45 await driver.elementsById(`android:id/​${singleResourceId}`)46 .should.eventually.have.length(1);47 });48 describe('implicit wait', function () {49 let implicitWaitTimeout = 5000;50 before(async function () {51 await driver.setImplicitWaitTimeout(implicitWaitTimeout);52 });53 it('should respect implicit wait with multiple elements', async function () {54 let beforeMs =;55 await driver.elementsById('there_is_nothing_called_this')56 .should.eventually.have.length(0);57 let afterMs =;58 (afterMs - beforeMs) * 2);59 });60 });...

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Source:geo-location-e2e-specs.js Github


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...18 return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);19 }20 it('should set geo location', async function () {21 /​/​ If we hit the permission screen, click the 'Continue Button' (sdk >= 28)22 const continueButtons = await driver.elementsById('​continue_button');23 if (continueButtons.length > 0) {24 await continueButtons[0].click();25 }26 /​/​ Get rid of the modal window saying that the app was built for an old version27 await B.delay(1000);28 const okButtons = await driver.elementsById('android:id/​button1');29 if (okButtons.length > 0) {30 await okButtons[0].click();31 }32 /​/​ Get the text in the app that tells us the latitude and logitude33 const getText = async function () {34 return await retryInterval(10, 1000, async function () {35 const textViews = await driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.TextView');36;37 return await textViews[1].text();38 });39 };40 const latitude = getRandomInt(-90, 90);41 const longitude = getRandomInt(-180, 180);42 let text = await getText();...

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Source:android-selectors.test.js Github


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...30/​/​ });31/​/​32/​/​ it('should find elements by ID', async function () {33/​/​ /​/​ Look for element by ID. In Android this is the 'resource-id'34/​/​ const actionBarContainerElements = await driver.elementsById('android:id/​action_bar_container');35/​/​ assert.equal(actionBarContainerElements.length, 1);36/​/​ });37/​/​38/​/​ it('should find elements by class name', async function () {39/​/​ /​/​ Look for elements by the class name. In Android this is the Java Class Name of the view.40/​/​ const linearLayoutElements = await driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.FrameLayout');41/​/​ assert.isAbove(linearLayoutElements.length, 1);42/​/​ });43/​/​44/​/​ it('should find elements by XPath', async function () {45/​/​ /​/​ Find elements by XPath46/​/​ const linearLayoutElements = await driver.elementsByXPath(`/​/​*[@class='android.widget.FrameLayout']`);47/​/​ assert.isAbove(linearLayoutElements.length, 1);48/​/​ });...

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Source:BasePage.js Github


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...10 this.navDrawer = new NavDrawer(this.driver)11 }12 get searchButton () { return this.driver.elementById('ru.myshows.activity:id/​action_search')}13 get searchField () { return this.driver.elementById('ru.myshows.activity:id/​search_src_text')}14 get searchResults () { return this.driver.elementsById('ru.myshows.activity:id/​show_name')}15 /​/​todo: do smt 16 get backButton () { return this.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Navigate up')}17 get collapseButton () { return this.driver.elementByAccessibilityId('Collapse')}18 async isLoggedIn () {19 await this.driver.sleep(3000)20 return this.navDrawer.navigationDrawerButton.isDisplayed()21 }22 async searchShow (series) {23 await await this.searchField.sendKeys(series)25 await this.driver.waitFor(dHelper.keyboardIsShown, 3000, 500)26 /​/​ tap the search button on mobile keyboard27 await this.driver.tap({x: 992, y: 1698})28 await this.driver.sleep(1000)...

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Source:by-id-e2e-specs.js Github


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...16 await driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').should.eventually.exist;17 });18 it('should return an array of one element if the `multi` param is true', async function () {19 /​/​ TODO: this returns an object instead of an array. Investigate.20 let els = await driver.elementsById('android:id/​text1');21;22 els.should.have.length.above(1);23 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({4 })5 .build();6driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10000);7driver.init().then(function () {8 driver.elementsById('android:id/​text1').then(function (els) {9 els[1].click();10 });11});12driver.quit();13driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').then(function (el) {14;15});16driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').then(function (el) {17 el.text().then(function (text) {18 console.log(text);19 });20});21driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').then(function (el) {22 el.text().then(function (text) {23 console.log(text);24 });25});26driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').then(function (el) {27 el.text().then(function (text) {28 console.log(text);29 });30});31driver.elementById('android:id/​text1').then(function (el) {32 el.text().then(function (text) {33 console.log(text);34 });35});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desiredCaps = {4};5var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);6driver.init(desiredCaps).then(function() {7 driver.elementsById("android:id/​text1").then(function(elements) {8 console.log(elements);9 });10});11driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);6driver.init(desired, function() {7 driver.elementsById('i am a link', function(err, els) {8 assert.ok(els.length > 0);9 driver.quit();10 });11 });12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desiredCaps = {4};5var driver = webdriver.remote('localhost', 4723);6driver.init(desiredCaps, function() {7 driver.elementsById('android:id/​text1', function(err, el) {8 driver.elementById('android:id/​text1', function(err, el) {9 el.text(function(err, text) {10 assert.ok(text === 'Animation');11 console.log("Text of the element is: " + text);12 });13 });14 });15});16driver.quit();17info: Welcome to Appium v0.17.6 (REV 4c8e5d9f7c4e4c4f4e4f4e4f4e4f4e4f4e4f4e4f)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5driver.init(desired, function(err) {6 if (err) {7 console.log(err);8 return;9 }10 if (err) {11 console.log(err);12 return;13 }14 driver.elementsById('gbqfq', function(err, els) {15 if (err) {16 console.log(err);17 return;18 }19 els[0].type('appium', function(err) {20 if (err) {21 console.log(err);22 return;23 }24 driver.quit();25 });26 });27 });28});29var wd = require('wd');30var assert = require('assert');31var desired = {32};33driver.init(desired, function(err) {34 if (err) {35 console.log(err);36 return;37 }38 if (err) {39 console.log(err);40 return;41 }42 driver.elementsByClassName('gbqfif', function(err, els) {43 if (err) {44 console.log(err);45 return;46 }47 els[0].click(function(err) {48 if (err) {49 console.log(err);50 return;51 }52 driver.quit();53 });54 });55 });56});57var wd = require('wd');58var assert = require('assert');59var desired = {60};61driver.init(desired, function(err) {62 if (err) {63 console.log(err);64 return;65 }66 if (err) {67 console.log(err);68 return;69 }70 driver.elementsByCssSelector('input.gbqfif', function(err, els) {71 if (err)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);2driver.init(desired).then(function() {3 driver.elementsById('android:id/​text1').then(function() {4 console.log("elementsById method worked");5 });6});7var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);8driver.init(desired).then(function() {9 driver.elementByClassName('android.widget.TextView').then(function() {10 console.log("elementByClassName method worked");11 });12});13var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);14driver.init(desired).then(function() {15 driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.TextView').then(function() {16 console.log("elementsByClassName method worked");17 });18});19var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);20driver.init(desired).then(function() {21 driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.TextView').then(function() {22 console.log("elementsByClassName method worked");23 });24});25var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);26driver.init(desired).then(function()

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