How to use driver.deleteAllCookies method in Appium

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Source: safari-basic-e2e-specs.js Github


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...345 describe('cookies', function () {346 describe('within iframe webview', function () {347 it('should be able to get cookies for a page with none', async function () {348 await openPage(driver, GUINEA_PIG_IFRAME_PAGE);349 await driver.deleteAllCookies();350 await retryInterval(5, 1000, async function () {351 await driver.allCookies().should.eventually.have.length(0);352 });353 });354 });355 describe('within webview', function () {356 describe('insecure', function () {357 beforeEach(async function () {358 await openPage(driver, GUINEA_PIG_PAGE);359 await driver.deleteCookie(;360 });361 it('should be able to get cookies for a page', async function () {362 const cookies = await driver.allCookies();363 cookies.length.should.equal(2);364 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);365 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);366 });367 it('should be able to set a cookie for a page', async function () {368 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);369 const cookies = await driver.allCookies();370 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);371 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies372 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);373 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);374 });375 it('should be able to set a cookie with expiry', async function () {376 const expiredCookie = Object.assign({}, newCookie, {377 expiry: parseInt( /​ 1000, 10) - 1000, /​/​ set cookie in past378 name: 'expiredcookie',379 });380 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();381 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, expiredCookie);382 await driver.setCookie(expiredCookie);383 cookies = await driver.allCookies();384 /​/​ should not include cookie we just added because of expiry385 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, expiredCookie);386 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies387 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);388 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);389 await driver.deleteCookie(;390 });391 it('should be able to delete one cookie', async function () {392 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);393 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();394 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);395 await driver.deleteCookie(;396 cookies = await driver.allCookies();397 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);398 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);399 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);400 });401 it('should be able to delete all cookies', async function () {402 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);403 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();404 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);405 await driver.deleteAllCookies();406 cookies = await driver.allCookies();407 cookies.length.should.equal(0);408 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);409 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);410 });411 describe('native context', function () {412 const notImplementedRegExp = /​Method is not implemented/​;413 let context;414 beforeEach(async function () {415 context = await driver.currentContext();416 await driver.context('NATIVE_APP');417 });418 afterEach(async function () {419 if (context) {420 await driver.context(context);421 }422 });423 it('should reject all functions', async function () {424 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);425 await driver.allCookies();426 await driver.deleteCookie(;427 await driver.deleteAllCookies();428 });429 });430 });431 describe('secure', function () {432 /​*433 * secure cookie tests are in `./​safari-ssl-e2e-specs.js`434 */​435 });436 });437 });438 });439 describe('safariIgnoreFraudWarning', function () {440 describe('false', function () {441 beforeEach(async function () {...

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Source: controllers.test.js Github


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...184 /​/​ assert.throws(g, errors.NoSuchFrame);185 /​/​ }186 });187 it('cookie handlers', async () => {188 await driver.deleteAllCookies();189 var cookies = await driver.getAllCookies();190 assert.equal(cookies.length, 0);191 var cookie = {192 url: pkg.homepage,193 name:,194 value: pkg.name195 };196 await driver.addCookie(cookie);197 const res = await driver.getNamedCookie(;198 assert.equal(res.length, 1);199 var cookie2 = {200 url: pkg.homepage,201 name: 'cookie-test',202 value: 'cookie-test'203 };204 await driver.addCookie(cookie2);205 cookies = await driver.getAllCookies();206 assert.equal(cookies.length, 2);207 await driver.deleteCookie('cookie-test', pkg.homepage);208 cookies = await driver.getAllCookies();209 assert.equal(cookies.length, 1);210 await driver.deleteAllCookies();211 cookies = await driver.getAllCookies();212 assert.equal(cookies.length, 0);213 });214 it('cookie handlers legacy deleteCookie behaviour', async () => {215 await driver.deleteAllCookies();216 let cookies;217 var cookie = {218 url: pkg.homepage,219 name:,220 value: pkg.name221 };222 await driver.addCookie(cookie);223 var cookie2 = {224 url: pkg.homepage,225 name: 'cookie-test',226 value: 'cookie-test'227 };228 await driver.addCookie(cookie2);229 cookies = await driver.getAllCookies();...

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Source: index.js Github


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...138 case "delete":139 driver.del(options.url, options.headers, options.body, done);140 break;141 case "deleteAllCookies":142 driver.deleteAllCookies(done);143 break;144 default:145 if(done instanceof Function) done(new Error("Unsupported or unknown device interaction `" + interaction + "`"), null);146 }147 }148 else {149 if(done instanceof Function)150 done(new Error("Cannot perform device interaction, since the driver hasn't been started yet."), false);151 }152 return self;153 };154 /​**155 * Gets the device orientation<br>156 * Results will always be 1, since *most* monitors cannot rotate...

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Source: cookies-base.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../​setup-base"),3 webviewHelper = require("../​../​../​helpers/​webview"),4 loadWebView = webviewHelper.loadWebView,5 isChrome = webviewHelper.isChrome,6 testEndpoint = webviewHelper.testEndpoint,7 _ = require('underscore');8module.exports = function (desired) {9 describe('cookies', function () {10 var driver;11 setup(this, desired, {'no-reset': true}).then(function (d) { driver = d; });12 describe('within iframe webview', function () {13 it('should be able to get cookies for a page with none', function (done) {14 loadWebView(desired, driver, testEndpoint(desired) + 'iframes.html',15 "Iframe guinea pig").then(function () {16 return driver17 .deleteAllCookies()18 .get(testEndpoint(desired))19 .allCookies().should.eventually.have.length(0);20 }).nodeify(done);21 });22 });23 describe('within webview', function () {24 /​/​ TODO: investigate why we need that25 function _ignoreEncodingBug(value) {26 if (isChrome(desired)) {27 console.warn('Going round android bug: whitespace in cookies.');28 return encodeURI(value);29 } else return value;30 }31 beforeEach(function (done) {32 loadWebView(desired, driver).nodeify(done);33 });34 it('should be able to get cookies for a page', function (done) {35 driver36 .allCookies()37 .then(function (cookies) {38 cookies.length.should.equal(2);39 cookies[0].name.should.equal("guineacookie1");40 cookies[0].value.should.equal(_ignoreEncodingBug("i am a cookie value"));41 cookies[1].name.should.equal("guineacookie2");42 cookies[1].value.should.equal(_ignoreEncodingBug("cookié2"));43 }).nodeify(done);44 });45 it('should be able to set a cookie for a page', function (done) {46 var newCookie = {name: "newcookie", value: "i'm new here"};47 driver48 .deleteCookie( .allCookies()50 .then(function (cookies) {51 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;52 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);53 }).then(function () {54 return driver55 .setCookie(newCookie)56 .allCookies();57 })58 .then(function (cookies) {59 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.include(;60 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.include(newCookie.value);61 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies62 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.include("guineacookie1");63 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.include(_ignoreEncodingBug("i am a cookie value"));64 })65 .nodeify(done);66 });67 it('should be able to set a cookie with expiry', function (done) {68 var newCookie = {name: "newcookie", value: "i'm new here"};69 var now = parseInt( /​ 1000, 10);70 newCookie.expiry = now - 1000; /​/​ set cookie in past71 driver72 .deleteCookie( .allCookies()74 .then(function (cookies) {75 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;76 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);77 })78 .then(function () {79 return driver80 .setCookie(newCookie)81 .allCookies();82 }).then(function (cookies) {83 /​/​ should not include cookie we just added because of expiry84 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;85 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);86 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies87 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.include("guineacookie1");88 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.include(_ignoreEncodingBug("i am a cookie value"));89 })90 .nodeify(done);91 });92 it('should be able to delete one cookie', function (done) {93 var newCookie = {name: "newcookie", value: "i'm new here"};94 driver95 .deleteCookie( .allCookies()97 .then(function (cookies) {98 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;99 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);100 }).then(function () {101 return driver102 .setCookie(newCookie)103 .allCookies();104 }).then(function (cookies) {105 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.include(;106 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.include(newCookie.value);107 }).then(function () {108 return driver109 .deleteCookie('newcookie')110 .allCookies();111 }).then(function (cookies) {112 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;113 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);114 }).nodeify(done);115 });116 it('should be able to delete all cookie', function (done) {117 var newCookie = {name: "newcookie", value: "i'm new here"};118 driver119 .deleteCookie( .allCookies()121 .then(function (cookies) {122 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.not.include(;123 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.not.include(newCookie.value);124 }).then(function () {125 return driver126 .setCookie(newCookie)127 .allCookies();128 }).then(function (cookies) {129 _.pluck(cookies, 'name').should.include(;130 _.pluck(cookies, 'value').should.include(newCookie.value);131 }).then(function () {132 return driver133 .deleteAllCookies()134 .allCookies();135 }).then(function (cookies) {136 cookies.length.should.equal(0);137 }).nodeify(done);138 });139 });140 });...

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Source: safari-cookie-e2e-specs.js Github


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...22 });23 describe('within iframe webview', function () {24 it('should be able to get cookies for a page with none', async () => {25 await driver.get(GUINEA_PIG_IFRAME_PAGE);26 await driver.deleteAllCookies();27 await driver.get(GUINEA_PIG_IFRAME_PAGE);28 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();29 cookies.should.have.length(0);30 });31 });32 describe('within webview', function () {33 const newCookie = {34 name: 'newcookie',35 value: 'i am new here'36 };37 const oldCookie1 = {38 name: 'guineacookie1',39 value: 'i am a cookie value'40 };41 const oldCookie2 = {42 name: 'guineacookie2',43 value: 'cookié2'44 };45 let doesIncludeCookie = function (cookies, cookie) {46 =>;47 => c.value).should.include(cookie.value);48 };49 let doesNotIncludeCookie = function (cookies, cookie) {50 =>;51 => c.value).should.not.include(cookie.value);52 };53 beforeEach(async () => {54 await driver.get(GUINEA_PIG_PAGE);55 });56 it('should be able to get cookies for a page', async () => {57 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();58 cookies.length.should.equal(2);59 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);60 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);61 });62 it('should be able to set a cookie for a page', async () => {63 await driver.deleteCookie(;64 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();65 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);66 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);67 cookies = await driver.allCookies();68 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);69 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies70 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);71 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);72 });73 it('should be able to set a cookie with expiry', async () => {74 let expiredCookie = _.defaults({75 expiry: parseInt( /​ 1000, 10) - 1000 /​/​ set cookie in past76 }, newCookie);77 await driver.deleteCookie(;78 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();79 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, expiredCookie);80 await driver.setCookie(expiredCookie);81 cookies = await driver.allCookies();82 /​/​ should not include cookie we just added because of expiry83 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, expiredCookie);84 /​/​ should not clobber old cookies85 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);86 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);87 });88 it('should be able to delete one cookie', async () => {89 await driver.deleteCookie(;90 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();91 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);92 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);93 cookies = await driver.allCookies();94 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);95 await driver.deleteCookie(;96 cookies = await driver.allCookies();97 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);98 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);99 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);100 });101 it('should be able to delete all cookies', async () => {102 await driver.deleteCookie(;103 let cookies = await driver.allCookies();104 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);105 await driver.setCookie(newCookie);106 cookies = await driver.allCookies();107 doesIncludeCookie(cookies, newCookie);108 await driver.deleteAllCookies();109 cookies = await driver.allCookies();110 cookies.length.should.equal(0);111 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie1);112 doesNotIncludeCookie(cookies, oldCookie2);113 });114 });...

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Source: cookie.test.js Github


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...41 * https:/​/​​macaca-wd/​#deleteAllCookies42 */​43 describe('deleteAllCookies', async () => {44 it('should work', async () => {45 await driver.deleteAllCookies();46 assert.equal(server.ctx.url, '/​wd/​hub/​session/​sessionId/​cookie');47 assert.equal(server.ctx.method, 'DELETE');48 assert.deepEqual(server.ctx.request.body, {});49 assert.deepEqual(server.ctx.response.body, {50 sessionId: 'sessionId',51 status: 0,52 value: ''53 });54 });55 });56 /​**57 * https:/​/​​macaca-wd/​#deleteCookie58 */​59 describe('deleteCookie', async () => {...

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Source: driver-service.js Github


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1'use strict';2const wd = require("wd");3const consoleLog = require('../​helpers/​console-log');4const driverService = require('./​driver-service');5const fs = require('fs');6const driverInit = (options, done) => {7 const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(options.serverConfig);8 require("../​helpers/​logging").configure(driver);9 let time = 0;10 function recInit() {11 time++;12 driver.init(options.desired, (err, sessionID, capabilities) => {13 if (err && (time < 5)) {14 consoleLog(err);15 setTimeout(function () {16 recInit();17 }, 62000);18 } else done(driver);19 });20 }21 recInit();22};23const driverQuit = (driver, suitePassed, sauceLabs, done) => {24 return driver25 .deleteAllCookies()26 .close()27 .quit()28 .finally(function () {29 if (sauceLabs) {30 return driver.sauceJobStatus(suitePassed, (err) => {31 if (err) consoleLog(err);32 done();33 });34 } else done();35 });36};37const driverAssure = (driver, options, done) => {38 driver.status((err, status) => {39 if (err) {40 consoleLog('RE-INIT A SESSION');41 driver.quit();42 driverService.init(options, (wd) => done(wd));43 } else done(driver);44 });45};46const takeScreenshot = (driver, site) => {47 driver.takeScreenshot((err, screenShot) => {48 const date = new Date();49 const fileName = `${site}_${date}.png`;50 consoleLog(fileName);51 consoleLog(fileName);52 fs.writeFile(`./​screenshot/​${fileName}`, screenShot, 'base64', function(err){53 if (err) consoleLog(err);54 })55 })56};57module.exports = {58 init: driverInit,59 quit: driverQuit,60 assure: driverAssure,61 takeScreenshot: takeScreenshot...

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Source: nonElementRelated.js Github


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...20 driver.navigate().back();21 /​/​ Add a cookie to browser session22 driver.addCookie({'foo':'bar'});23 /​/​ Clear all cookies from browser session24 driver.deleteAllCookies();25 /​/​ Execute a javascript command26 driver.executeScript('javascript function');27 /​/​ Return page source28 driver.getPageSource();29 /​/​ Return current page url30 driver.getCurrentUrl();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } };3var client = webdriverio.remote(options);4 .init()5 .deleteAllCookies()6 .end();7➜ webdriverio git:(master) ✗ node test.js8[0-0] COMMAND: POST /​wd/​hub/​session {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"}}9[0-0] DATA: {}10[0-0] RESULT: {"sessionId":"6e8a3c3d-6c0d-4f2a-a8f6-0b6b1c6d7f6e","status":0,"value":{"browserName":"chrome","browserVersion":"45.0.2454.101","chrome":{"chromedriverVersion":"2.18.343547 (2a5a5d7d5f9a5a7f5e5f5e7d5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a)","userDataDir":"/​var/​folders/​3q/​0kq7m2_16zj8w2t2y6gj5f7h0000gn/​T/​.org.chromium.Chromium.9yJ0xR"},"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"handlesAlerts":true,"hasTouchScreen":false,"javascriptEnabled":true,"locationContextEnabled":true,"mobileEmulationEnabled":false,"nativeEvents":true,"platform":"Mac OS X","rotatable":false,"takesHeapSnapshot":true,"takesScreenshot":true,"version":"45.0.2454.101","webStorageEnabled":true}}11[0-0] DATA: {}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'chrome' } };2var client = webdriverio.remote(options);3 .init()4 .deleteAllCookies()5 .end();6➜ webdriverio git:(master) ✗ node test.js7[0-0] COMMAND: POST /​wd/​hub/​session {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"}}8[0-0] DATA: {}9[0-0] RESULT: {"sessionId":"6e8a3c3d-6c0d-5f2a-a8f6-0b6b1c6d7f6e","status":0,"value":{"browserName":"chrome","browserVersion":"45.0.2454.101","chrome":{"chromedriverVersion":"2.18.343547 (2a5a5d7d5f9a5a7f5e5f5e7d5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a)","userDataDir":"/​var/​folders/​3q/​0kq7m2_16zj8w2t2y6gj5f7h0000gn/​T/​.org.chromium.Chromium.9yJ0xR"},"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"handlesAlerts":true,"hasTouchScreen":false,"javascriptEnabled":true,"locationContextEnabled":true,"mobileEmulationEnabled":false,"nativeEvents":true,"platform":"Mac OS X","rotatable":false,"takesHeapSnapshot":true,"takesScreenshot":true,"version":"45.0.2454.101","webStorageEnabled":true}}10[0-0] DATA: {}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require(‘selenium-webdriver’);2var driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser(‘chrome’).build();3driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();4driver.quit();5var webdriver = require(‘selenium-webdriver’);6var driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser(‘chrome’).build();7driver.manage().deleteCookie(‘cookieName’);8driver.quit();9winw().maxmiz()Appwd10Get All Cookieswinow().sPstion()Appwd11window().sSz()Appwd12manag().wndow().gRec()wbdvr

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Using AI Code Generation


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1iver.mange().timeouts().impicityWait() method of Appium wbriver2mana().indw().setR()wbdivb‘ser.m3.manage()wn().setRect()wdverwinw().maxmiz()Appwd4winow().sPstion()Appwd5iver.manage().window().getSizewondow().full creen()of Appium wAppverwd6manae().window().sR()wbderwinw().getPstion()Appwd7.manage()wdow().etRecmanag)().wdvdow().geeRec()wbdvr8mag().wdow().setRemt(manag.().window().gewRn(.()Rectmwebdrivdrwbdver9.mmana().idow().stRe()wbdiv10code to use driver.manama().w).dow().ietRect()ndow().setRect() mwdbdrivAm11mange().window().geRe()webder12manag().windw().getRct()webdir13.manage()wdow().eRct() webdriver() method of Appium webdriver14var driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser(‘chrome’).build();15driver.manage().getAllCookies().then(function(cookies){16console.log(cookies);17});18driver.quit();19var webdriver = require(‘selenium-webdriver’);20var driver = new webdriver.Builder().for

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