How to use deleteAllSessions method in Appium

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium


Source:visibility.js Github


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1define(['jquery', 'core/​notification', 'core/​str'], function($, notification, str) {2 /​/​ Private variables and functions.3 /​/​ The current clicked element.4 var element = 0;5 /​**6 * Displays a confirmation dialog box for deleting visibility session.7 *8 * @param {String} confirmationText The string that should be used for the confirmation dialogue.9 * @param {Function} action The callback that performs the ajax action upon confirmation.10 * @method confirmationDialog11 */​12 var confirmationDialog = function(confirmationText, action) {13 /​/​ Create confirmation string dialog.14 str.get_strings([15 { key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle' },16 { key: confirmationText, component: 'local_visibility' },17 { key: 'yes', component: 'core' },18 { key: 'no', component: 'core' }19 ]).done(function(strs) {20 notification.confirm(21 strs[0], /​/​ Confirm.22 strs[1], /​/​ Are you absolutely sure?23 strs[2], /​/​ Yes.24 strs[3], /​/​ No.25 action26 );27 }.bind(this)).fail(notification.exception);28 };29 /​**30 * Deletes selected visibility session via ajax31 *32 * @method deleteSession33 */​34 var deleteSession = function(){35 var id ='id');36 var courseId ='course');37 $.ajax({38 url: "ajax.php",39 data: {40 action: 'delete',41 courseid: courseId,42 rangeid: id,43 sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey44 }45 }).done(function( msg ) {46 if (msg.success) {47 $(".range" + id).fadeOut(250);48 $(".notifications").remove(); /​/​ Remove any notices if any.49 notification.alert(50 null,51 msg.successmsg52 );53 if (msg.count == 0) {54 location.reload(); /​/​ Reload the page so Visibility dropdown is unlocked.55 }56 } else {57 /​/​ Deletion failed. Display an error message.58 var moodleStringPromise = str.get_string('deleteerror', 'local_visibility');59 $.when(moodleStringPromise).done(function(errorMsg) {60 window.alert(errorMsg);61 });62 }63 });64 };65 /​**66 * Deletes all visibility sessions via ajax67 *68 * @method deleteAllSessions69 */​70 var deleteAllSessions = function(){71 var courseId ='course');72 $.ajax({73 url: "ajax.php",74 data: {75 action: 'deleteall',76 courseid: courseId,77 sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey78 }79 }).done(function( msg ) {80 if (msg.success) {81 $(".visibility-session").fadeOut(250);82 $(".notifications").remove(); /​/​ Remove any notices if any.83 notification.alert(84 null,85 msg.successmsg86 );87 location.reload(); /​/​ Reload the page so Visibility dropdown is unlocked.88 } else {89 /​/​ Deletion failed. Display an error message.90 var moodleStringPromise = str.get_string('deleteallerror', 'local_visibility');91 $.when(moodleStringPromise).done(function(errorMsg) {92 window.alert(errorMsg);93 });94 }95 });96 };97 return {98 /​/​ Public variables and functions.99 /​**100 * Initialise the module.101 * @method init102 */​103 init: function() {104 $('.rangedeletebutton').click(function(ev) {105 element = $(this);106 ev.preventDefault();107 confirmationDialog('confirmremovevisibilitysession', deleteSession);108 });109 $('#id_rangedeleteallbutton').click(function(ev) {110 element = $(this);111 ev.preventDefault();112 confirmationDialog('confirmdeleteallsessions', deleteAllSessions);113 });114 }115 };...

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Source:SessionPanel-test.js Github


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...60 /​/​ dispatchFuncs.deleteSession.mockClear();61 /​/​ dispatchFuncs.deleteAllSessions.mockClear();62 /​/​ });63 /​/​ it('can delete all', () => {64 /​/​ subject.instance().deleteAllSessions();65 /​/​ expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteAllSessions).toHaveBeenCalled();66 /​/​ });67 /​/​ it('can delete one', () => {68 /​/​ subject.instance().deleteSession(mockSessionId);69 /​/​ expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteSession).toHaveBeenCalled();70 /​/​ });71 /​/​ it('requires a sessionId to delete single session', () => {72 /​/​ subject.instance().deleteSession();73 /​/​ expect(dispatchFuncs.deleteSession).not.toHaveBeenCalled();74 /​/​ });75 /​/​ describe('UI', () => {76 /​/​ let instance;77 /​/​ beforeEach(() => {78 /​/​ subject = mount(<Provider store={mockStore}><SessionPanel {...props} /​></​Provider>);...

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Source:login.test.js Github


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...24 const secondValidBody = loginBodyFactory(user2);25 const invalidBody = invalidLoginEmailFactory();26 const wrongPasswordBody = wrongLoginPasswordFactory(validBody);27 beforeAll(async () => {28 await deleteAllSessions();29 await deleteAllUsers();30 const userId = (31 await insertUser({ ...user, password: hashPassword(user.password) })32 ).rows[0].id;33 await insertSession(userId, token);34 });35 afterAll(async () => {36 await deleteAllSessions();37 await deleteAllUsers();38 endConnection();39 });40 it('should return status code 404 when there is no such email', async () => {41 const routeReturn = await supertest(server)42 .post(login.route)43 .send(secondValidBody);44 expect(routeReturn.status).toEqual(404);45 });46 it('should return status code 404 when the password is incorrect', async () => {47 const routeReturn = await supertest(server)48 .post(login.route)49 .send(wrongPasswordBody);50 expect(routeReturn.status).toEqual(404);...

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Source:index.js Github


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1const adapterManager = require('../​../​adapter-manager');2const createSessionService = require('@tryghost/​session-service');3const sessionFromToken = require('@tryghost/​mw-session-from-token');4const createSessionMiddleware = require('./​middleware');5const expressSession = require('./​express-session');6const models = require('../​../​../​models');7const urlUtils = require('../​../​../​../​shared/​url-utils');8const url = require('url');9function getOriginOfRequest(req) {10 const origin = req.get('origin');11 const referrer = req.get('referrer') || urlUtils.getAdminUrl() || urlUtils.getSiteUrl();12 if (!origin && !referrer || origin === 'null') {13 return null;14 }15 if (origin) {16 return origin;17 }18 const {protocol, host} = url.parse(referrer);19 if (protocol && host) {20 return `${protocol}/​/​${host}`;21 }22 return null;23}24const sessionService = createSessionService({25 getOriginOfRequest,26 getSession: expressSession.getSession,27 findUserById({id}) {28 return models.User.findOne({id});29 }30});31module.exports = createSessionMiddleware({sessionService});32const ssoAdapter = adapterManager.getAdapter('sso');33/​/​ Looks funky but this is a "custom" piece of middleware34module.exports.createSessionFromToken = sessionFromToken({35 callNextWithError: false,36 createSession: sessionService.createSessionForUser,37 findUserByLookup: ssoAdapter.getUserForIdentity.bind(ssoAdapter),38 getLookupFromToken: ssoAdapter.getIdentityFromCredentials.bind(ssoAdapter),39 getTokenFromRequest: ssoAdapter.getRequestCredentials.bind(ssoAdapter)40});41module.exports.sessionService = sessionService;...

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Source:logout.test.js Github


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...16 const user = userFactory();17 const token = uuidFactory();18 const validBody = logoutBodyFactory(user, token);19 beforeAll(async () => {20 await deleteAllSessions();21 await deleteAllUsers();22 const userId = (23 await insertUser({ ...user, password: hashPassword(user.password) })24 ).rows[0].id;25 await insertSession(userId, token);26 });27 afterAll(async () => {28 await deleteAllSessions();29 await deleteAllUsers();30 endConnection();31 });32 it('should return status code 200 when email is valid and password is correct', async () => {33 const routeReturn = await supertest(server)34 .post(logout.route)35 .send(validBody);36 const successfulLogout = await searchSession(user.uuid, token);37 expect(routeReturn.status).toEqual(200);38 expect(successfulLogout.rowCount).toEqual(0);39 });40 it("should return status code 404 when the session doesn't exist", async () => {41 const routeReturn = await supertest(server)42 .post(logout.route)...

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Source:sessionsTable.js Github


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1import dbConnection from './​connection.js';2const searchSession = (userUuid, token) =>3 dbConnection.query(4 `SELECT 5,, users.email6 FROM users7 JOIN sessions8 ON sessions.user_id = users.id9 WHERE10 users.uuid = $1 AND11 sessions.token= $2;`,12 [userUuid, token]13 );14const insertSession = (userId, token) =>15 dbConnection.query(16 `17 INSERT INTO sessions (user_id, token)18 VALUES ($1, $2);19 `,20 [userId, token]21 );22const deleteSession = (id, token) =>23 dbConnection.query(24 `25 DELETE FROM sessions26 WHERE27 user_id = $1 AND28 token = $229 returning id30 ;`,31 [id, token]32 );33const deleteAllSessions = () => dbConnection.query('DELETE FROM sessions;');34function getToken(token) {35 return dbConnection.query(36 'SELECT users.* FROM sessions JOIN users ON = sessions.user_id WHERE sessions.token = $1',37 [token]38 );39}40export {41 searchSession,42 insertSession,43 deleteSession,44 deleteAllSessions,45 getToken,...

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Source:actions.js Github


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1import * as actionTypes from './​actionTypes';2const initState = (state) => ({3 type: actionTypes.INIT_STATE,4 payload: {5 state: state,6 },7});8const createSession = title => ({9 type: actionTypes.CREATE_SESSION,10 payload: {11 title: title,12 },13});14const deleteSession = id => ({15 type: actionTypes.DELETE_SESSION,16 payload: {17 id: id,18 },19});20const deleteAllSessions = () => ({21 type: actionTypes.DELETE_ALL_SESSIONS,22 payload: {},23});24const addPhotoToSession = (sessionId, photo) => ({25 type: actionTypes.ADD_PHOTO_TO_SESSION,26 payload: {27 id: sessionId,28 photo,29 },30});31const deletePhotoFromSession = (sessionId, photoId) => ({32 type: actionTypes.DELETE_PHOTO_FROM_SESSION,33 payload: {34 sessionId,35 photoId36 },37});38export {39 initState,40 createSession,41 deleteSession,42 deleteAllSessions,43 addPhotoToSession,44 deletePhotoFromSession...

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Source:sessionControllers.js Github


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...16}17function removeBooking(req, res) {18 sessionServices.removeBooking(req, res);19}20function deleteAllSessions(req, res) {21 sessionServices.deleteAllSessions(req, res);22}23module.exports = {24 getAllSessions,25 getSessionById,26 createSession,27 updateSeatInfo,28 bookSelectedSeats,29 removeBooking,30 deleteAllSessions...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .withCapabilities({'browserName': 'chrome'})4 .build();5driver.deleteAllSessions();6driver.quit();7[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["b8a1b0f3-0e2b-4a8b-8d6e-7e9f9a0e8a46"]8[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionRequested' logged at 1512170006365 (13:20:06 GMT+0530 (IST))9[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'quitSessionFinished' logged at 1512170006367 (13:20:06 GMT+0530 (IST))10[debug] [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null11package test;12import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;13import;14import;15import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;16public class test {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var driver = new webdriver.Builder()4 .forBrowser('firefox')5 .build();6driver.manage().deleteAllCookies();7driver.quit();8var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),9 until = webdriver.until;10var driver = new webdriver.Builder()11 .forBrowser('firefox')12 .build();13driver.manage().deleteCookie('myCookie');14driver.quit();15var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),16 until = webdriver.until;17var driver = new webdriver.Builder()18 .forBrowser('firefox')19 .build();20driver.manage().deleteCookieNamed('myCookie');21driver.quit();22var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),23 until = webdriver.until;24var driver = new webdriver.Builder()25 .forBrowser('firefox')26 .build();27driver.executeAsyncScript('window.setTimeout(arguments[arguments.length - 1], 500);');28driver.quit();29var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),30 until = webdriver.until;31var driver = new webdriver.Builder()32 .forBrowser('firefox')33 .build();34driver.executeScript('window.alert("Hello World!");');35driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const AppiumServer = require('appium-server');2const server = new AppiumServer();3server.deleteAllSessions();4const AppiumServer = require('appium-server');5const server = new AppiumServer();6server.start();7const AppiumServer = require('appium-server');8const server = new AppiumServer();9server.stop();10const AppiumServer = require('appium-server');11const server = new AppiumServer();12server.getLogs();13const AppiumServer = require('appium-server');14const server = new AppiumServer();15server.getStatus();16[MIT](LICENSE)

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