How to use browser.executeAsync method in Appium

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Source:UI5ElementInvalidation.js Github


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...3 before(async () => {4 await browser.url("http:/​/​localhost:9191/​test-resources/​pages/​AllTestElements.html");5 });6 it("Tests that changing a property invalidates", async () => {7 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {8 const el = document.getElementById("gen");9 /​/​ Exactly 1 invalidation for each property change10 let invalidations = 0;11 el.onInvalidation = () => {12 invalidations++;13 };14 el.strProp = "new value";15 el.boolProp = true;16 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();17 done(invalidations);18 });19 assert.strictEqual(res, 2, "Invalidated 2 times");20 });21 it("Tests that setting a property to the same value does not invalidate", async () => {22 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {23 const text = "some value";24 const el = document.getElementById("gen");25 el.strProp = text;26 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();27 let invalidations = 0;28 el.onInvalidation = () => {29 invalidations++;30 };31 el.strProp = text;32 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();33 done(invalidations);34 });35 assert.strictEqual(res, 0, "Not invalidated");36 });37 it("Tests that setting a property of type Object always invalidates", async () => {38 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {39 const obj = {};40 const otherObj = {};41 const el = document.getElementById("gen");42 el.objectProp = obj;43 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();44 let invalidations = 0;45 el.onInvalidation = () => {46 invalidations++;47 };48 el.objectProp = otherObj;49 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();50 done(invalidations);51 });52 assert.strictEqual(res, 1, "Invalidated");53 });54 it("Tests that setting an array property always invalidates", async () => {55 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {56 const arr = [];57 const otherArr = [];58 const el = document.getElementById("gen");59 el.multiProp = arr;60 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();61 let invalidations = 0;62 el.onInvalidation = () => {63 invalidations++;64 };65 el.multiProp = otherArr;66 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();67 done(invalidations);68 });69 assert.strictEqual(res, 1, "Invalidated");70 });71 it("Tests that adding a child invalidates", async () => {72 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {73 const el = document.getElementById("gen");74 /​/​ Number of invalidations may vary with children/​slots count, so just check for invalidation75 let invalidated = false;76 el.onInvalidation = () => {77 invalidated = true;78 };79 const div = document.createElement("div");80 el.appendChild(div);81 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();82 done(invalidated);83 });84 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "Invalidated");85 });86 it("Tests that removing a child invalidates", async () => {87 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {88 const el = document.getElementById("gen");89 const div = document.createElement("div");90 el.appendChild(div);91 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();92 let invalidated = false;93 el.onInvalidation = () => {94 invalidated = true;95 };96 el.removeChild(div);97 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();98 done(invalidated);99 });100 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "Invalidated");101 });102 it("Tests that modifying textContent invalidates", async () => {103 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {104 const el = document.getElementById("gen");105 el.textContent = "test";106 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();107 /​/​ Number of invalidations may vary with children/​slots count, so just check for invalidation108 let invalidated = false;109 el.onInvalidation = () => {110 invalidated = true;111 };112 el.textContent = "test2";113 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();114 done(invalidated);115 });116 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "Invalidated");117 });118 it("Tests that modifying nodeValue invalidates", async () => {119 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {120 const el = document.getElementById("gen");121 el.textContent = "test";122 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();123 /​/​ Number of invalidations may vary with children/​slots count, so just check for invalidation124 let invalidated = false;125 el.onInvalidation = () => {126 invalidated = true;127 };128 el.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "test2";129 await window["sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle"].renderFinished();130 done(invalidated);131 });132 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "Invalidated");133 });134 it("Tests that multiple invalidations result in a single rendering", async () => {135 const res = await browser.executeAsync( async (done) => {136 const el = document.getElementById("gen");137 const operations = {138 invalidation: 0,139 rendering: 0,140 };141 el.onInvalidation = () => {142 operations.invalidation++;143 };144 const originalRender = el._render;145 el._render = () => {146 originalRender.apply(el, arguments);147 operations.rendering++;148 };149 el.strProp = "new";...

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Source:ConfigurationURL.spec.js Github


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...3 before(async () => {4 await browser.url("http:/​/​localhost:9191/​test-resources/​pages/​Configuration.html?sap-ui-rtl=true&sap-ui-language=ja&sap-ui-calendarType=Japanese&sap-ui-theme=sap_belize_hcb&sap-ui-animationMode=basic");5 });6 it("Tests that RTL is applied", async () => {7 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {8 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;9 done(config.getRTL());10 });11 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "RTL is true");12 });13 it("Tests that language is applied", async () => {14 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {15 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;16 done(config.getLanguage());17 });18 assert.strictEqual(res, 'ja', "language is japanese");19 });20 it("Tests that calendarType is applied", async () => {21 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {22 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;23 done(config.getCalendarType());24 });25 assert.strictEqual(res, 'Japanese', "calendarType is japanese");26 });27 it("Tests that theme is applied", async () => {28 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {29 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;30 done(config.getTheme());31 });32 assert.strictEqual(res, 'sap_belize_hcb', "Thems is HCB");33 });34 it("Tests that animationMode is applied", async () => {35 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {36 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;37 done(config.getAnimationMode());38 });39 assert.strictEqual(res, 'basic', "animationMode is basic");40 });41});42describe("Some settings can be set via SAP URL params", () => {43 before(async () => {44 await browser.url("http:/​/​localhost:9191/​test-resources/​pages/​Configuration.html?sap-language=bg&sap-theme=sap_fiori_3_dark");45 });46 it("Tests that language is applied", async () => {47 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {48 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;49 done(config.getLanguage());50 });51 assert.strictEqual(res, 'bg', "language is bulgarian");52 });53 it("Tests that theme is applied", async () => {54 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {55 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;56 done(config.getTheme());57 });58 assert.strictEqual(res, 'sap_fiori_3_dark', "Thems is Fiori Dark");59 });60});61describe("SAP UI params take precedence over the SAP params", () => {62 before(async () => {63 await browser.url("http:/​/​localhost:9191/​test-resources/​pages/​Configuration.html?sap-language=bg&sap-ui-language=de&sap-theme=sap_fiori_3_dark&sap-theme=sap_fiori_3_hcb");64 });65 it("Tests that language is applied via sap-ui-language", async () => {66 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {67 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;68 done(config.getLanguage());69 });70 assert.strictEqual(res, 'de', "language is german");71 });72 it("Tests that theme is applied via sap-ui-theme", async () => {73 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {74 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;75 done(config.getTheme());76 });77 assert.strictEqual(res, 'sap_fiori_3_hcb', "Thems is Fiori HCB");78 });...

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Source:browserExecutors.js Github


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...12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express13 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing14 * permissions and limitations under the License.15 */​16/​/​ usage: const cacheKeys = await browser.executeAsync(getCacheKeys);17exports.getCacheKeys = function getCacheKeys(done) {18 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback19 caches.keys().then(function filterKeys(cacheKeys) {20 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback21 return cacheKeys.filter(function filterSWCache(key) {22 return key.startsWith('__sw');23 });24 }).then(done);25};26/​/​ usage: const cacheEntries = await browser.executeAsync(getCacheEntries, cacheKeys);27/​/​ makes it easy to build maps - new Map(cacheEntries);28exports.getCacheEntries = function getCacheEntries(cacheKeys, done) {29 Promise.all(30 /​/​ we map over each cache name and open that cache to use it31 => caches32 .open(key)33 /​/​ once we have the cache reference, we get all the keys (Request(s))34 .then((cache) => cache.keys().then((requests) => [35 /​/​ finally, we return an array for each cache (name) and every request url [url, ...]36 key,37{ url }) => url),38 ]))39 )40 ).then(done);41};42/​/​ usage: const match = await browser.executeAsync(getCacheMatch, 'https:/​/​...');43exports.getCacheMatch = function getCacheMatch(url, done) {44 caches.match(url).then(done);45};46/​/​ usage: const match = await browser.executeAsync(getCacheMatch, 'https:/​/​...');47exports.getCacheMeta = function getCacheMeta(url, done) {48 caches49 .open('__sw/​__meta')50 /​/​ once we have the cache reference, we get all the keys (Request(s))51 .then((cache) => cache.match(`/​__sw/​__meta/​${url}`))52 .then((response) => (response ? response.json() : {}))53 .then(done);54};55/​/​ usage: const registration = await browser.executeAsync(getServiceWorkerReady);56exports.getServiceWorkerReady = function getServiceWorkerReady(done) {57 navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(done);...

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Source:scroll.js Github


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1/​* eslint-disable no-console */​2const { range } = require('mathjs');3const getCurrentScrollPosition = async() => {4 return await browser.executeAsync(async(done) => {5 const htmlEl = document.querySelector('html');6 done(htmlEl.scrollTop);7 });8};9const scroll = async(_, y) => {10 return await browser.executeAsync(async(yBrowser, done) => {11 const html = document.querySelector('html');12 html.scroll(0, yBrowser);13 html.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll', {}));14 done(html.scrollLeft === 0 && html.scrollTop === yBrowser);15 }, y);16};17const scrollTo = async(browser, y, step=50, timeout=100)=>{18 let localStep = step;19 const currentScrollPosition = await getCurrentScrollPosition(browser);20 if (currentScrollPosition>y) {21 localStep = -step;22 }23 const scrollArray = range(currentScrollPosition, y, localStep, true)._data;24 await scrollArray.reduce((prev, value)=>{25 return prev.then(async()=>{26 await scroll(browser, value);27 return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));28 });29 }, Promise.resolve());30};31const scrollByStep = async(browser, y, step, timeout) => {32 const currentScrollPosition = await getCurrentScrollPosition(browser);33 await scrollTo(browser, currentScrollPosition + y, step, timeout);34};35const scrollBy = async(browser, y)=>{36 return await browser.executeAsync(async(yBrowser, done) => {37 const html = document.querySelector('html');38 html.scrollBy(0, yBrowser);39 html.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll', {}));40 done();41 }, y);42};43const scrollToElementStep = async(_, selector) => {44 const currentScrollPosition = await getCurrentScrollPosition();45 const elementPosition = await browser.executeAsync(async(selectorBrowser, done) => {46 const element = document.querySelector(selectorBrowser).getBoundingClientRect();47 done(element);48 }, selector);49 await scrollByStep(browser, elementPosition.y - currentScrollPosition + 100);50};51const scrollToElement = async(_, selector)=>{52 return await browser.executeAsync(async(selectorBrowser, done) => {53 const element = document.querySelector(selectorBrowser);54 element.scrollIntoView();55 done();56 }, selector);57};58module.exports = {59 scrollTo,60 scrollBy,61 scrollByStep,62 scrollToElement,63 scrollToElementStep,64 scrollToAbsolutePosition: scroll...

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Source:ConfigurationScript.spec.js Github


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...3 before(async () => {4 await browser.url("http:/​/​localhost:9191/​test-resources/​pages/​ConfigurationScript.html?do-not-change-configuration");5 });6 it("Tests that RTL is applied", async () => {7 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {8 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;9 done(config.getRTL());10 });11 assert.strictEqual(res, true, "RTL is true");12 });13 it("Tests that language is applied", async () => {14 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {15 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;16 done(config.getLanguage());17 });18 assert.strictEqual(res, 'ja', "language is japanese");19 });20 it("Tests that calendarType is applied", async () => {21 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {22 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;23 done(config.getCalendarType());24 });25 assert.strictEqual(res, 'Japanese', "calendarType is japanese");26 });27 it("Tests that formatSettings are applied", async () => {28 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {29 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;30 done(config.getFirstDayOfWeek());31 });32 assert.strictEqual(res, 0, "First day of week is applied");33 });34 it("Tests that theme is applied", async () => {35 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {36 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;37 done(config.getTheme());38 });39 assert.strictEqual(res, 'sap_belize_hcb', "Thems is HCB");40 });41 it("Tests that noConflict is applied", async () => {42 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {43 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;44 done(config.getNoConflict());45 });46 assert.include(, "selection-change", "selectionChange was successfully registered as a no conflict event");47 });48 it("Tests that animationMode is applied", async () => {49 const res = await browser.executeAsync(done => {50 const config = window['sap-ui-webcomponents-bundle'].configuration;51 done(config.getAnimationMode());52 });53 assert.strictEqual(res, 'basic', "animationMode is basic");54 });...

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Source:card.js Github


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1const exists = async(browser, cardSelector) => {2 const cardPresent = await browser.executeAsync(async(cardSelectorBrowser, done) => {3 const card = document.querySelector(cardSelectorBrowser);4 done(!!card);5 }, cardSelector);6 return cardPresent;7};8const getCurrentPosition = async(browser, cardSelector) => {9 return await browser.executeAsync(async(cardSelectorBrowser, done) => {10 const y = document.querySelector(cardSelectorBrowser).getBoundingClientRect().y;11 done(y);12 }, cardSelector);13};14const getShadowRootContent = async(browser, cardSelector) => {15 const contentInfo = await browser.executeAsync(async(cardSelectorBrowser, done) => {16 const amp = document.querySelector(`${cardSelectorBrowser} article`).firstElementChild.shadowRoot.AMP;17 const info = { url: amp.url, title: amp.title };18 done(info);19 }, cardSelector);20 return contentInfo;21};22const hasHeroImage = async(browser, cardSelector) => {23 const heroImagePresent = await browser.executeAsync(async(cardSelectorBrowser, done) => {24 const heroElement = document.querySelector(cardSelectorBrowser)25 .parentElement.querySelector('#mrf-hero-element');26 done(!!heroElement);27 }, cardSelector);28 return heroImagePresent;29};30module.exports = {31 exists,32 getCurrentPosition,33 getShadowRootContent,34 hasHeroImage...

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Source:ghost-test.js Github


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1describe('Random testing con gremlins', function () {2 it('No se generan errores en el home', function () {3 browser.url('/​')4 browser.timeouts('script', 60000)5 browser.executeAsync(meterScript)6 browser.executeAsync(correrGremlins)7 })8 it('No se generan errores en el admin', function () {9 browser.url('/​ghost')10 browser.waitForVisible('input[name="identification"]', 5000);11 let input = $('input[name="identification"]')12 input.setValue('')13 input = $('input[name="password"]')14 input.setValue('hola1234')15'button=Sign in')16 browser.waitForText('Stories', 5000);17 browser.timeouts('script', 60000)18 browser.executeAsync(meterScript)19 browser.executeAsync(correrGremlins)20 })21})22function meterScript (callback) {23 const s = document.createElement('script')24 s.src = 'https:/​/​​marmelab/​gremlins.js/​master/​gremlins.min.js'25 if (s.addEventListener) {26 s.addEventListener('load', callback, false)27 } else if (s.readyState) {28 s.onreadystatechange = callback29 }30 document.body.appendChild(s)31}32function correrGremlins (callback) {33 const horde = gremlins.createHorde()...

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Source:executeAsync.test.js Github


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...7 capabilities: {8 browserName: 'foobar'9 }10 })11 await browser.executeAsync(() => 'foobar', 1, 2, 3)12 expect(request.mock.calls[1][0].uri.path).toBe('/​wd/​hub/​session/​foobar-123/​execute/​async')13 expect(request.mock.calls[1][0].body.script).toBe('return (() => \'foobar\').apply(null, arguments)')14 expect(request.mock.calls[1][0].body.args).toEqual([1, 2, 3])15 })16 it('should throw if script is wrong type', async () => {17 const browser = await remote({18 baseUrl: 'http:/​/​',19 capabilities: {20 browserName: 'foobar'21 }22 })23 expect(() => browser.executeAsync(null)).toThrow()24 expect(() => browser.executeAsync(1234)).toThrow()25 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .executeAsync(function (a, b, done) {9 done(a + b);10 }, 4, 5)11 .then(function (result) {12 })13 .end();14var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');15var options = {16 desiredCapabilities: {17 }18};19 .remote(options)20 .init()21 .execute(function (a, b) {22 return a + b;23 }, 4, 5)24 .then(function (result) {25 })26 .end();27var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');28var options = {29 desiredCapabilities: {30 }31};32 .remote(options)33 .init()34 .execute(function (a, b) {35 return a + b;36 }, 4, 5)37 .then(function (result) {38 })39 .end();40var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');41var options = {42 desiredCapabilities: {43 }44};45 .remote(options)46 .init()47 .execute(function (a, b) {48 return a + b;49 }, 4, 5)50 .then(function (result) {51 })52 .end();53var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');54var options = {55 desiredCapabilities: {56 }57};

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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .forBrowser('chrome')4 .build();5driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');6driver.findElement('btnG')).click();7driver.wait(function() {8 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {9 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';10 });11}, 1000);12driver.quit();13var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');14var driver = new webdriver.Builder()15 .forBrowser('chrome')16 .build();17driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');18driver.findElement('btnG')).click();19driver.wait(function() {20 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {21 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';22 });23}, 1000);24driver.quit();25var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');26var driver = new webdriver.Builder()27 .forBrowser('chrome')28 .build();29driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');30driver.findElement('btnG')).click();31driver.wait(function() {32 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {33 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';34 });35}, 1000);36driver.quit();37var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');38var driver = new webdriver.Builder()39 .forBrowser('chrome')40 .build();41driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');42driver.findElement('btnG')).click();43driver.wait(function() {44 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {45 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';46 });47}, 1000);48driver.quit();

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1describe('test', function() {2 it('should test', function() {3 browser.executeAsync(function() {4 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];5 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();6 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {7 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {8 callback(xhr.responseText);9 }10 };11 xhr.send();12 }).then(function(text) {13 console.log(text);14 });15 });16});17describe('test', function() {18 it('should test', function() {19 browser.execute(function() {20 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();21 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {22 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {23 return xhr.responseText;24 }25 };26 xhr.send();27 }).then(function(text) {28 console.log(text);29 });30 });31});32describe('test', function() {33 it('should test', function() {34 browser.execute(function() {35 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();36 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {37 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {38 return xhr.responseText;39 }40 };41 xhr.send();42 }).then(function(text) {43 console.log(text);44 });45 });46});47describe('test', function() {48 it('should test', function() {49 browser.execute(function() {50 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();51 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {52 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {53 return xhr.responseText;54 }55 };56 xhr.send();57 }).then(function(text) {58 console.log(text);59 });60 });61});62describe('test', function() {63 it('should test', function() {64 browser.execute(function() {65 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();66 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {67 if (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var browser = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);3browser.init({4}, function () {5 browser.executeAsync("window.setTimeout(arguments[arguments.length - 1], 5000);", function() {6 browser.quit();7 });8 });9});10info: Welcome to Appium v1.0.0 (REV 3c3a0a1a4b9f9e4f4d4a4e2f2a0c4a8d0e1c1b2a)

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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .executeAsync(function(callback) {9 callback(document.title);10 }, function(err, result) {11 console.log(err, result.value);12 })13 .end();14var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');15var options = {16 desiredCapabilities: {17 }18};19 .remote(options)20 .init()21 .executeAsync(function(callback) {22 callback(document.title);23 }, function(err, result) {24 console.log(err, result.value);25 })26 .end();27var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');28var options = {29 desiredCapabilities: {30 }31};32 .remote(options)33 .init()34 .executeAsync(function(callback) {35 callback(document.title);36 }, function(err, result) {37 console.log(err, result.value);38 })39 .end();40var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');41var options = {42 desiredCapabilities: {43 }44};45 .remote(options)46 .init()47 .executeAsync(function(callback) {48 callback(document.title);49 }, function(err, result) {50 console.log(err, result.value);51 })52 .end();

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1var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";2browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {3 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);4}, script).then(function(value) {5 console.log(value);6});7var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";8browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {9 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);10}, script).then(function(value) {11 console.log(value);12});13var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";14browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {15 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);16}, script).then(function(value) {17 console.log(value);18});19var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";20browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {21 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);22}, script).then(function(value) {23 console.log(value);24});25var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";26browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {27 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);28}, script).then(function(value) {29 console.log(value);30});31var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";32browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {33 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);34}, script).then(function(value) {35 console.log(value);36});37var script = "return document.getElementById('username').value";38browser.executeAsync(function(script, cb) {39 cb(document.getElementById('username').value);40}, script).then(function(value) {41 console.log(value);42});

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1var title = browser.executeAsync(function(done) {2 done(document.title);3});4console.log(title);5var title = browser.execute(function() {6 return document.title;7});8console.log(title);9var title = browser.execute(function() {10 return document.title;11}).value;12console.log(title);13var title = browser.execute(function() {14 return document.title;15});16console.log(title.value);17var title = browser.execute(function() {18 return document.title;19});20console.log(title.value);21var title = browser.execute(function() {22 return document.title;23});24console.log(title.value);25var title = browser.execute(function() {26 return document.title;27});28console.log(title.value);29var title = browser.execute(function() {30 return document.title;31});32console.log(title.value);33var title = browser.execute(function() {34 return document.title;35});

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1describe('Test', function() {2 it('should get the title of the browser', function() {3 browser.executeAsyncScript('var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];callback(document.title);').then(function(title){4 console.log(title);5 });6 });7});8describe('Test', function() {9 it('should get the title of the browser', function() {10 browser.executeAsyncScript('var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];callback(document.title);').then(function(title){11 console.log(title);12 });13 });14});15describe('Test', function() {16 it('should get the title of the browser', function() {17 browser.executeAsyncScript('var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];callback(document.title);').then(function(title){18 console.log(title);19 });20 });21});22describe('Test', function() {23 it('should get the title of the browser', function() {24 browser.executeAsyncScript('var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];callback(document.title);').then(function(title){25 console.log(title);26 });27 });28});

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