Best JavaScript code snippet using appium
1'use strict';2angular.module('', [])3 .factory('dataFactory', function($window, $location) {4 var baseServer = $window.apiUrl ? $window.apiUrl : '/static/?p=';5 var baseServerStatic = $window.apiUrl ? $window.apiUrl.substring(0, $window.apiUrl.length - 5) + '/static' : '/static';6 var localhost = ($location.$$absUrl.indexOf('http://localhost') != -1 || $location.$$absUrl.indexOf(':9000') != -1 ? 'http://localhost:3000/' : '');7 //localhost = $window.apiUrl ? $window.apiUrl + '/' : localhost;8 localhost = 'http://localhost:3000/';9 console.log('localhost ' + localhost)10 var urlSocketServer = 'http://localhost:3000/';11 var appendId = function(id) {12 return ($window.apiUrl && id ? '/' + id : '');13 };14 var webServiceUrl = function(path, action, id) {15 var wsurl;16 if ($window.apiUrl && id) {17 wsurl = '/' + path + '/' + id;18 wsurl += action ? '/' + action : '';19 } else {20 wsurl = '/' + action;21 }22 return wsurl;23 };24 var convertParams = function(params) {25 return $.map(params, function(item, key) {26 return key + '=' + item;27 }).join('&');28 };29return {30 get_result: function(data) {31 var obj = {};32 if ($window.apiUrl) {33 if (data.length >= 1) {34 obj.result = data;35 obj.count = data.length;36 } else {37 obj.result = data;38 }39 } else {40 obj = data;41 }42 return obj;43 },44 get_request_obj: function(source) {45 var obj = {}46 if ($window.apiUrl) {47 obj = _.transform(source, function(result, value, key) {48 if (value && key != 'projectId' && key != 'profileId' && key != 'companyId') {49 result['_' + key] = value;50 }51 });52 } else {53 obj = source;54 }55 return obj;56 },57 url_php_server: function() {58 return baseServer;59 },60 url_socket_server: function() {61 return urlSocketServer;62 },63 getUrlAllServices: function(id) {64 // return baseServer+'/services'+appendId(id);65 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('projects', 'services', id);66 },67 getUrlChangeService: function(id) {68 return baseServer + '/change_service' + appendId(id);69 },70 getStaticJSON: function(id) {71 return baseServerStatic + '/staticJSON.php?title=' + id;72 },73 getUrlAllTasks: function(id) {74 // return baseServer+'/tasks'+appendId(id);75 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('projects', 'tasks', id);76 },77 getUrlChangeTask: function(id) {78 return baseServer + '/change_tasks' + appendId(id);79 },80 getUrlAllDiscussions: function(id) {81 // return baseServer+'/discussions'+appendId(id);82 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('projects', 'all-discussions', id);83 },84 getUrlAllProjects: function(id) {85 return baseServer + '/projects';86 },87 getWorspaceByName: function(name) {88 return localhost + 'searchworkspace/' + name;89 },90 getUrlAllComponents: function(id) {91 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('projects', 'components', id);92 },93 getUrlAllProducts: function() {94 return baseServer + '/products';95 },96 getUrlAddToProject: function(id) {97 return baseServer + '/add_to_project' + appendId(id);98 },99 getUrlRemoveFromProject: function(id) {100 return baseServer + '/remove_from_project' + appendId(id);101 },102 getUrlAllDocuments: function(id) {103 return baseServer + '/documents' + appendId(id);104 },105 getDocumentUpload: function(id) {106 return baseServer + '/upload' + appendId(id);107 },108 documentUpload: function() {109 return baseServer + '/upload';110 },111 getUrlCreateTask: function(id) {112 var url = baseServer + '/create_task' + appendId(id);113 if (window.apiUrl) {114 url = baseServer + '/tasks/create';115 }116 return url117 },118 getProduct: function() {119 return baseServer + '/product';120 },121 getProductReview: function() {122 return baseServer + '/get_product_review';123 },124 addProductReview: function() {125 return baseServer + '/add_product_review';126 },127 addLikeDislike: function() {128 return baseServer + '/add_like_dislike';129 },130 editProduct: function() {131 return baseServer + '/edit_product';132 },133 uploadAccountPictureUrl: function() {134 return baseServer + '/upp';135 },136 uploadCompanyPictureUrl: function() {137 return baseServer + '/ucp';138 },139 uploadCompanyLogoUrl: function() {140 return baseServer + '/ucl';141 },142 uploadCompanyProfileImageUrl: function() {143 return baseServer + '/uci';144 },145 uploadCompanyProfileSkillImageUrl: function() {146 return baseServer + '/ucsi';147 },148 uploadProfilePictureUrl: function() {149 return baseServer + '/uprpic';150 },151 removeCompanyImages: function() {152 return baseServer + '/remove_company_images';153 },154 removeCompanySkillsImages: function() {155 return baseServer + '/remove_company_skills_images';156 },157 getAccountUrl: function(id) {158 return baseServer + '/get_account' + appendId(id);159 },160 getCompanyUrl: function(id) {161 var idString = $window.apiUrl ? '' : '&id=' + id;162 return baseServer + '/companies' + appendId(id) + idString;163 },164 getCompanyShortUrl: function(id){165 return baseServer+'/companies/short';166 },167 getCompanyReviewUrl: function(id) {168 // return baseServer+'/get_review_company';169 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('companies', 'company_reviews', id);170 },171 addCompanyReviewUrl: function() {172 return baseServer + '/add_review_company';173 },174 getFeaturesCompany: function(id) {175 // return baseServer+'/company_featured';176 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('companies', 'company_featured', id);177 },178 saveCompanyChanges: function() {179 return baseServer + '/save_company_changes';180 },181 addProductToFavorite: function() {182 return baseServer + '/add_product_to_favorite';183 },184 getProfile: function(id) {185 return baseServer + '/profiles' + appendId(id);186 },187 editProfile: function() {188 return baseServer + '/edit_profile';189 },190 getProfileReview: function(id) {191 return baseServer + webServiceUrl('profiles', 'profile_reviews', id);192 },193 addProfileReview: function() {194 return baseServer + '/add_profile_review';195 },196 updateFeaturesPosition: function() {197 return baseServer + '/update_features_position';198 },199 addDiscussionLikeDislike: function() {200 return baseServer + '/add_discussion_like_dislike';201 },202 logoutUrl: function(custom) {203 var home = $window.location.origin;204 return home + '/Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return=' + (custom || home);205 },206 // direct requests207 shareService: function() {208 return localhost + 'shared-services';209 },210 deleteService: function(id) {211 return localhost + 'services/' + id;212 },213 followDiscussion: function() {214 return localhost + 'follow_discussions';215 },216 isUserFollowedDiscussion: function(id) {217 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/follow_discussions';218 },219 unfollowDiscussion: function(id) {220 return localhost + 'follow_discussions/' + id;221 },222 getChildren: function() {223 return localhost + 'getChildren';224 },225 getModel: function() {226 return localhost + 'getModel';227 },228 runModel: function() {229 return localhost + 'model_run';230 },231 runModelWithFile: function() {232 return localhost + 'model_run_file';233 },234 pollModel: function(id) {235 return localhost + 'model_poll/' + id;236 },237 updateServiceStatus: function(id) {238 return localhost + 'service_runs/' + id;239 },240 cancelServiceRun: function(id) {241 return localhost + 'service_runs/cancel_run/' + id;242 },243 getServiceRun: function(id) {244 return localhost + 'service_runs/' + id;245 },246 runService: function() {247 return localhost + 'service_runs';248 },249 getServiceStatus: function(id) {250 return localhost + 'services/' + id + '/service_runs';251 },252 createPublishService: function() {253 return localhost + 'publish-services';254 },255 getFollowCompanies: function(id) {256 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/following_companies';257 },258 getFollowCompanyServices: function() {259 return localhost + 'follow-company-services';260 },261 getServiceDocuments: function(id) {262 return localhost + 'service/' + id + '/service_documents';263 },264 getProjectDocuments: function(id) {265 return localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/project_documents';266 },267 addProjectDocument: function() {268 return localhost + 'project_documents';269 },270 updateProjectDocument: function(id) {271 return localhost + 'project_documents/' + id;272 },273 deleteProjectDocument: function(id) {274 return localhost + 'project_documents/' + id;275 },276 addServiceToProject: function(id) {277 return localhost + 'services/' + id;278 },279 getMembersUrl: function(id) {280 return localhost + 'members';281 },282 getMembersToProject: function() {283 return localhost + 'projects_members';284 },285 createMembersToProject: function() {286 return localhost + 'projects_members';287 },288 acceptProject: function(projectId, memberId) {289 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/accept/' + memberId;290 },291 declineProject: function(projectId, memberId) {292 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/reject/' + memberId;293 },294 getProjectMembers: function(id) {295 return localhost + 'projects_members';296 },297 getMembersToProjectById: function(id) {298 return localhost + 'projects_members/' + id;299 },300 updateMembersToProject: function(id) {301 return localhost + 'projects_members/' + id;302 },303 inviteToProject: function(pid, uid) {304 return localhost + 'project/' + pid + '/invite/' + uid;305 },306 removeMembersToProject: function(id) {307 return localhost + 'projects_members/' + id;308 },309 joinProject: function() {310 return localhost + 'projects_join_requests';311 },312 joinProjectRequests: function(id) {313 return localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/joinApprovalRequests';314 },315 manageJoinRequests: function(id) {316 return {317 accept: localhost + 'projectJoinApprovalRequests/' + id + '?action=approve',318 decline: localhost + 'projectJoinApprovalRequests/' + id + '?action=decline'319 };320 },321 getProjectsJoinRequests: function() {322 return localhost + 'projects_join_requests';323 },324 getProjectJoinRequests: function(id) {325 return localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/projects_join_requests';326 },327 deleteProjectJoinRequests: function(id) {328 return localhost + 'projects_join_requests/' + id;329 },330 updateProjectJoinRequests: function(id) {331 return localhost + 'projects_join_requests/' + id;332 },333 addCompanyJoinRequest: function() {334 return localhost + 'companies_join_requests';335 },336 cancelCompanyJoinRequest: function(id) {337 return localhost + 'companies_join_requests/' + id;338 },339 getProfileCompanyJoinRequest: function(id) {340 return localhost + 'profiles/' + id + '/companies_join_requests';341 },342 addSuggestJoinCompany: function() {343 return localhost + 'suggest_join_companies';344 },345 cancelSuggestJoinCompany: function(id) {346 return localhost + 'suggest_join_companies/' + id;347 },348 getSuggestJoinCompany: function(id) {349 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/suggest_join_companies';350 },351 followMember: function(id) {352 return localhost + 'following_members' + (id ? '/' + id : '');353 },354 getAccountFollowedMembers: function(id) {355 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/following_members';356 },357 projectMembers: function(id) {358 return localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/projects_members';359 },360 deleteProjectMember: function(id) {361 return localhost + 'projects_members/' + id;362 },363 deleteProject: function(id) {364 return localhost + 'projects/' + id;365 },366 getCreateProject: function() {367 return localhost + 'projects/create';368 },369 getProjects: function(type) {370 return localhost + (type == 'all-projects' ? 'projects/all' : 'projects');371 },372 getPublicProjects: function() {373 return localhost + 'projects/public';374 },375 getMyProjects: function() {376 return localhost + 'projects/my-projects';377 },378 getProject: function(id) {379 return localhost + 'projects/' + id;380 },381 updateProject: function(id) {382 return localhost + 'projects/' + id;383 },384 addProjectTag: function() {385 return localhost + 'projects_tags';386 },387 getProjectsTags: function() {388 return localhost + 'projects_tags';389 },390 deleteProjectTag: function(id) {391 return localhost + 'projects_tags/' + id;392 },393 getProjectTags: function(id) {394 return localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/projects_tags/';395 },396 getAssignUsers: function() {397 return localhost + 'assign_users';398 },399 createTask: function() {400 return localhost + 'tasks/create';401 },402 updateTask: function(id) {403 return localhost + 'tasks/' + id;404 },405 getMyServices: function() {406 return localhost + 'my-services';407 },408 getMyTasks: function() {409 return localhost + 'my-tasks';410 },411 getTasks: function(projectId) {412 if (projectId) {413 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/tasks';414 } else {415 return localhost + 'tasks';416 }417 },418 getTask: function(id) {419 return localhost + 'tasks/' + id;420 },421 deleteTask: function(id) {422 return localhost + 'tasks/' + id;423 },424 followCompany: function() {425 return localhost + 'company/follow';426 },427 unfollowCompany: function(id) {428 return localhost + 'company/unfollow/' + id;429 },430 getRelatedArticles: function(id) {431 return localhost + 'faq_articles';432 },433 getFAQArticle: function(id) {434 return localhost + 'faq_articles/' + id;435 },436 getFAQSubcategories: function() {437 return localhost + 'faq_subcategories';438 },439 getFAQCategories: function() {440 return localhost + 'faq_categories';441 },442 getEvents: function() {443 return localhost + 'events';444 },445 getAnnouncements: function() {446 return localhost + 'announcements';447 },448 getAnnouncementsComments: function(id) {449 return localhost + 'announcements/' + id + '/announcement_comments';450 },451 updateCompanyFeaturedPosition: function(id) {452 return localhost + 'company_featured/' + id + '/position';453 },454 addCompanyFeatured: function() {455 return localhost + 'company_featured/add';456 },457 removeCompanyFeatured: function(id) {458 return localhost + 'company_featured/' + id;459 },460 getCompanyFeatured: function(id) {461 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/company_featured';462 },463 getCompanyServices: function(id) {464 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/company_services';465 },466 getCompanyComponents: function(id) {467 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/company_components';468 },469 getNewCompanyServices: function(id) {470 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/new';471 },472 createStorefrontMessage: function() {473 return localhost + 'messages';474 },475 userRole: function() {476 return localhost + 'userRole';477 },478 updateUser: function() {479 return localhost + 'user';480 },481 generateToken: function(id) {482 return localhost + 'user/createtoken?userId=' + id;483 },484 emailToken: function(id, token) {485 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '/email?token=' + token;486 },487 validateToken: function(id, token) {488 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '?action=verify'489 },490 unverify: function(id) {491 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '?action=unverify';492 },493 declineMember: function(id) {494 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '?action=decline';495 },496 uploadApplication: function() {497 return localhost + 'appSubmission';498 },499 getApplicationNames: function() {500 return localhost + 'appSubmission/appName';501 },502 getDmdiiMemberTags: function() {503 return localhost + 'tags/dmdiiMember';504 },505 getOrgTags: function() {506 return localhost + 'tags/organization';507 },508 getUsersByOrganization: function(id) {509 return localhost + 'user/organization/' + id510 //add paged and filtered511 },512 changeUserOrganization: function(id) {513 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '/organizations';514 },515 getOrganizationList: function() {516 return localhost + 'organizations';517 },518 getOrganization: function(id) {519 return localhost + 'organizations/' + id;520 },521 updateOrganization: function(id) {522 return localhost + 'organizations/' + id;523 },524 createOrganization: function(id) {525 return localhost + 'organizations/';526 },527 deleteOrganization: function(id) {528 return localhost + 'organizations/' + id;529 },530 getDocument: function() {531 return {532 byType: localhost + 'documents/organization'533 }534 },535 getDMDIIMember: function(id) {536 return {537 get: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/' + id,538 all: localhost + 'dmdiiMember',539 full: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/all',540 search: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/search',541 map: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/mapEntry'542 }543 },544 dmdiiMemberNewsUrl: function(id) {545 return {546 get: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/news',547 save: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/news',548 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/news/' + id549 }550 },551 dmdiiMemberEventUrl: function(id) {552 return {553 get: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/events',554 save: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/events',555 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/events/' + id556 }557 },558 getDMDIIMemberProjects: function() {559 return {560 prime: localhost + 'dmdiiprojects/member',561 contributing: localhost + 'contributingCompanies'562 }563 },564 saveDMDIIMember: function() {565 return {566 member: localhost + 'dmdiiMember/save'567 }568 },569 getDMDIIProject: function(id) {570 return {571 get: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/' + id,572 all: localhost + 'dmdiiprojects',573 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiProjects/' + id,574 active: localhost + 'dmdiiprojects/member/active',575 contributors: localhost + 'dmdiiproject/contributingcompanies',576 search: localhost + 'dmdiiprojects/search'577 }578 },579 getDMDIIEvents: function(id) {580 return {581 get: localhost + 'dmdiievent/' + id,582 all: localhost + 'dmdiievents'583 }584 },585 saveDMDIIProject: function() {586 return {587 project: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/save'588 }589 },590 dmdiiProjectUpdateUrl: function(id) {591 return {592 get: localhost + 'dmdiiProjectUpdate',593 save: localhost + 'dmdiiProjectUpdate',594 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiProjectUpdate/' + id595 }596 },597 dmdiiProjectEventUrl: function(id) {598 return {599 get: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/events',600 save: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/events',601 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/events/' + id602 }603 },604 dmdiiProjectNewsUrl: function(id) {605 return {606 get: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/news',607 save: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/news',608 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiProject/news/' + id609 };610 },611 quicklinkUrl: function(id) {612 return {613 get: localhost + 'dmdiiquicklink',614 save: localhost + 'dmdiiquicklink',615 delete: localhost + 'dmdiiquicklink/' + id616 };617 },618 payment: function(){619 return {620 pay: localhost + 'payment',621 organizations: localhost + 'organizations/user'622 };623 },624 getDMDIIDocuments: function(id) {625 return {626 all: localhost + 'dmdiidocuments',627 single: localhost + 'dmdiidocument/' + id,628 project: localhost + 'dmdiidocuments/dmdiiProjectId',629 overview: localhost + 'staticdocument/1',630 status: localhost + 'staticdocument/2',631 projectDocument: localhost + 'dmdiidocument/filetype'632 };633 },634 saveDMDIIDocument: function() {635 return localhost + 'dmdiidocument';636 },637 deleteDMDIIDocument: function(id) {638 return localhost + 'dmdiidocument/' + id;639 },640 documentsUrl: function(id, user, internal, email, url) {641 return {642 getSingle: localhost + 'documents/' + id,643 getList: localhost + 'documents',644 getListIds: localhost + 'documents?ids=' + id,645 download: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/download',646 save: localhost + 'documents',647 update: localhost + 'documents/' + id,648 delete: localhost + 'documents/' + id,649 versioned: localhost + 'documents/versions/' + id,650 s_versioned: localhost + 'documents/s_versions/' + id,651 // share: localhost + 'documents/'+id+'/user/'+userid652 share: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/share?user=' + user + '&internal=' + internal + '&email=' + email,653 accept: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/accept',654 shareWs: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/shareWs?ws=' + user,655 // saveSr: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/saveSr?url=' + user656 saveSr: localhost + 'documents/' + id + '/saveSr'657 }658 },659 directoriesUrl: function(id) {660 var endpoint = 'directories/';661 return {662 get: localhost + endpoint + id,663 list: localhost + endpoint,664 save: localhost + endpoint,665 update: localhost + endpoint + id,666 delete: localhost + endpoint + id,667 files: localhost + 'documents/' + endpoint + id,668 s_files: localhost + 'documents/' + 's_' + endpoint + id669 }670 },671 getApplicationTags: function() {672 return localhost + 'applicationTag'673 },674 getDmdiiDocumentTags: function() {675 return localhost + 'dmdiidocuments/getAllTags';676 },677 getDocumentTags: function() {678 return localhost + 'documents/tags';679 },680 createDocumentTag: function() {681 return localhost + 'dmdiidocuments/saveDocumentTag';682 },683 getNonDmdiiMembers: function() {684 return localhost + 'organization/nonMember';685 },686 // companies ------------------687 companyURL: function(id) {688 var name = 'companies';689 return {690 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,691 update: localhost + name + '/' + id,692 delete: localhost + name + '/' + id,693 create: localhost + name,694 all: localhost + name,695 short : localhost+name+'/short',696 reviews: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/company_reviews?reviewId=0',697 addReviews: localhost + 'company_reviews',698 get_review: localhost + 'company_reviews/' + id,699 update_review: localhost + 'company_reviews/' + id,700 getReply: localhost + 'company_reviews?reviewId=' + id,701 getHelpful: localhost + 'company_reviews_helpful',702 addHelpful: localhost + 'company_reviews_helpful',703 updateHelpful: localhost + 'company_reviews_helpful/' + id,704 getFlagged: localhost + 'company_reviews_flagged',705 addFlagged: localhost + 'company_reviews_flagged',706 history: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/company_history',707 profiles: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/profiles',708 get_removed_members: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/removed_company_members',709 remove_member: localhost + 'removed_company_members',710 remove_member_from_removed: localhost + 'removed_company_members/' + id,711 get_member_requests: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/companies_join_requests',712 approve_member: localhost + 'companies_join_requests/' + id,713 decline_member: localhost + 'companies_join_requests/' + id,714 add_contact_method: localhost + 'company_contact_methods',715 get_contact_methods: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/company_contact_methods',716 update_contact_method: localhost + 'company_contact_methods/' + id,717 delete_contact_method: localhost + 'company_contact_methods/' + id718 }719 },720 // ---------------------------721 updateAccount: function(id) {722 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id;723 },724 getAccount: function(id) {725 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id;726 },727 // servers ------------------728 serverURL: function(id) {729 var name = 'account_servers';730 return {731 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,732 update: localhost + name + '/' + id,733 delete: localhost + name + '/' + id,734 create: localhost + name,735 all: localhost + name736 }737 },738 getAccountServersUrl: function(id) {739 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/account_servers';740 },741 getServerSecureUrl: function(id) {742 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/servers';743 },744 // ---------------------------745 getServices: function(projectId) {746 if (projectId) {747 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/services';748 } else {749 return localhost + 'services';750 }751 },752 getComponents: function() {753 return localhost + 'components';754 },755 getMarketPopularServices: function() {756 return localhost + 'market/popular_services';757 },758 getMarketNewServices: function() {759 return localhost + 'market/new_services';760 },761 getMarketServices: function() {762 return localhost + 'market/new_services';763 },764 getMarketComponents: function() {765 return localhost + 'market/components';766 },767 getMarketPlaceServices: function() {768 return localhost + 'market/services';769 },770 getServicesTags: function() {771 return localhost + 'service_tags';772 },773 getDefaultServices: function() {774 return localhost + 'defaultServices';775 },776 getDefaultService: function(parentId) {777 return localhost + 'defaultServices/' + parentId;778 },779 userFavorites: function(contentId, contentType) {780 var name = 'userFavorites';781 return {782 get: localhost + name + ((contentType != null) ? '?contentType=' + contentType : ''),783 create: localhost + name + '?contentId=' + contentId + '&contentType=' + contentType,784 delete: localhost + name + '?contentId=' + contentId + '&contentType=' + contentType,785 };786 },787 /// profiles -----------------788 profiles: function(id) {789 var name = 'profiles';790 return {791 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,792 update: localhost + name + '/' + id,793 reviews: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/profile_reviews?reviewId=0',794 get_review: localhost + 'profile_reviews/' + id,795 addReviews: localhost + 'profile_reviews',796 update_review: localhost + 'profile_reviews/' + id,797 getReply: localhost + 'profile_reviews?reviewId=' + id,798 getHelpful: localhost + 'profile_reviews_helpful',799 addHelpful: localhost + 'profile_reviews_helpful',800 updateHelpful: localhost + 'profile_reviews_helpful/' + id,801 getFlagged: localhost + 'profile_reviews_flagged',802 addFlagged: localhost + 'profile_reviews_flagged',803 history: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/profile_history',804 all: localhost + name805 }806 },807 getRecentUpdates: function() {808 return localhost + 'recent_updates';809 },810 // ---------------------------811 /// components -----------------812 components: function(type, id) {813 var name = type;814 return {815 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,816 update: localhost + name + '/' + id,817 all: localhost + name,818 getReply: localhost + 'product_reviews?reviewId=' + id,819 get_review: localhost + 'product_reviews/' + id,820 update_review: localhost + 'product_reviews/' + id,821 reviews: localhost + 'product/' + id + '/product_reviews?productType=' + type + '&reviewId=0',822 addReviews: localhost + 'product_reviews',823 getHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful',824 addHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful',825 updateHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful/' + id,826 getFlagged: localhost + 'product_reviews_flagged',827 addFlagged: localhost + 'product_reviews_flagged',828 get_included: localhost + 'included-services',829 remove_included: localhost + 'included-services/' + id,830 add_included: localhost + 'included-services',831 get_tags: localhost + 'service_tags',832 add_tags: localhost + 'service_tags',833 get_images: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/service_images',834 add_images: localhost + 'service_images',835 remove_images: localhost + 'service_images/' + id,836 remove_tags: localhost + 'service_tags/' + id,837 edit_specifications: localhost + 'specifications/' + id,838 get_array_specifications: localhost + 'array_specifications',839 add_array_specifications: localhost + 'array_specifications'840 }841 },842 // ---------------------------843 /// services -----------------844 services: function(id) {845 var name = 'services';846 return {847 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,848 getArray: localhost + name + "?id=" + id,849 add: localhost + name,850 get_for_project: localhost + 'projects/' + id + '/' + name,851 update: localhost + name + '/' + id,852 all: localhost + name,853 getReply: localhost + 'product_reviews?reviewId=' + id,854 reviews: localhost + 'product/' + id + '/product_reviews?reviewId=0',855 get_review: localhost + 'product_reviews/' + id,856 update_review: localhost + 'product_reviews/' + id,857 addReviews: localhost + 'product_reviews',858 getHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful',859 addHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful',860 updateHelpful: localhost + 'product_reviews_helpful/' + id,861 getFlagged: localhost + 'product_reviews_flagged',862 addFlagged: localhost + 'product_reviews_flagged',863 get_authors: localhost + 'services/' + id + '/service_authors',864 remove_authors: localhost + 'service_authors/' + id,865 add_authors: localhost + 'service_authors',866 get_tags: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/service_tags',867 add_tags: localhost + 'service_tags',868 remove_tags: localhost + 'service_tags/' + id,869 update_tag: localhost + 'service_tags/' + id,870 get_history: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/services_history',871 get_run_history: localhost + 'service_runs' + '?serviceId=' + id,872 get_servers: localhost + 'account_servers',873 add_servers: localhost + 'services_servers',874 get_array_specifications: localhost + 'array_specifications',875 add_array_specifications: localhost + 'array_specifications',876 get_specifications: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/specifications',877 add_specifications: localhost + 'service/' + id + '/specifications',878 update_specifications: localhost + '/specifications/' + id,879 get_statistics: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/services_statistic',880 add_interface: localhost + 'dome-interfaces',881 get_interface: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/dome-interfaces',882 update_interface: localhost + 'dome-interfaces/' + id,883 get_position_inputs: localhost + name + '/' + id + '/input-positions',884 update_position_inputs: localhost + 'input-positions/' + id,885 add_position_inputs: localhost + 'input-positions'886 }887 },888 // ---------------------------889 uploadServiceImageUrl: function() {890 return baseServer + '/uploadServiceImage';891 },892 getFavoriteProducts: function() {893 return localhost + 'favorite_products';894 },895 deactivateAccount: function(id) {896 return localhost + 'accounts' + (id ? '/' + id : '');897 },898 getDiscussions: function(projectId, dataTypeWidget) {899 if (!projectId && !dataTypeWidget) {900 return localhost + 'individual-discussions';901 } else {902 if (projectId) {903 if (dataTypeWidget) {904 switch (dataTypeWidget) {905 case 'following':906 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/following_discussions';907 default:908 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/individual-discussions';909 }910 } else {911 return localhost + 'projects/' + projectId + '/individual-discussion';912 }913 } else if (dataTypeWidget) {914 switch (dataTypeWidget) {915 case 'following':916 return localhost + 'following_discussions';917 case 'popular':918 return localhost + 'popular_discussions';919 case 'follow-people':920 return localhost + 'follow_people_discussions';921 default:922 return localhost + 'individual-discussion';923 }924 }925 }926 },927 deleteCompanyLogo: function(id) {928 return localhost + 'companies' + (id ? '/' + id : '');929 },930 saveChangedDiscussionComment: function(id) {931 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments' + (id ? '/' + id : '');932 },933 addDiscussionTag: function() {934 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-tags';935 },936 getLastDiscussionTagId: function() {937 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-tags';938 },939 getDiscussionTags: function(id) {940 return localhost + 'individual-discussion/' + id + '/individual-discussion-tags'941 },942 deleteDiscussionTag: function(id) {943 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-tags' + (id ? '/' + id : '');944 },945 deleteDiscussionComment: function(id) {946 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments' + (id ? '/' + id : '');947 },948 getDiscussionComments: function(id) {949 return localhost + 'individual-discussion/' + id + '/individual-discussion-comments?commentId=0';950 },951 ///952 getDiscussionsReply: function(id) {953 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments?commentId=' + id;954 },955 getDiscussionCommentsHelpful: function() {956 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments-helpful';957 },958 addDiscussionCommentsHelpful: function() {959 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments-helpful';960 },961 updateDiscussionCommentsHelpful: function(id) {962 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments-helpful/' + id;963 },964 getDiscussionCommentsFlagged: function() {965 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments-flagged';966 },967 addDiscussionCommentsFlagged: function() {968 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments-flagged';969 },970 ///971 getIndividualDiscussion: function(id) {972 return localhost + 'individual-discussion' + (id ? '/' + id : '');973 },974 getIndividualDiscussions: function() {975 return localhost + 'individual-discussion';976 },977 addCommentIndividualDiscussion: function() {978 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments'979 },980 getLastDiscussionCommentId: function() {981 return localhost + 'individual-discussion-comments'982 },983 getLastDiscussionId: function() {984 return localhost + 'individual-discussion'985 },986 addDiscussion: function() {987 return localhost + 'individual-discussion'988 },989 /*990 getCompanyImages : function(id){991 return localhost+'companies/'+id+'/company_images'992 },993 getCompanySkillsImages: function(id){994 return localhost+'companies/'+id+'/company_skill_images'995 },996 getCompanyVideos : function(id){997 return localhost+'companies/'+id+'/company_videos'998 },999 getCompanySkills : function(id){1000 return localhost+'companies/'+id+'/company_skills'1001 },1002 */1003 getCompanyMembers: function(id) {1004 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/company_members'1005 },1006 getCompanyKeyContacts: function(id) {1007 return localhost + 'companies/' + id + '/company_key_contacts'1008 },1009 addCompanySkill: function() {1010 return localhost + 'company_skills'1011 },1012 getLastCompanySkillId: function() {1013 return localhost + 'company_skills'1014 },1015 deleteCompanySkill: function(id) {1016 return localhost + 'company_skills/' + id;1017 },1018 getLastCompanyContactId: function() {1019 return localhost + 'company_key_contacts'1020 },1021 addCompanyContact: function() {1022 return localhost + 'company_key_contacts'1023 },1024 updateCompany: function(id) {1025 return localhost + 'companies/' + id;1026 },1027 updateCompanyProfile: function(id) {1028 return localhost + 'companies/' + id;1029 },1030 getLastCompanyVideoId: function() {1031 return localhost + 'company_videos';1032 },1033 addCompanyVideo: function() {1034 return localhost + 'company_videos';1035 },1036 deleteCompanyVideo: function(id) {1037 return localhost + 'company_videos/' + id;1038 },1039 deleteCompanyContact: function(id) {1040 return localhost + 'company_key_contacts/' + id;1041 },1042 updateCompanyImage: function(id) {1043 return localhost + 'company_images/' + id;1044 },1045 deleteCompanyImage: function(id) {1046 return localhost + 'company_images/' + id;1047 },1048 updateCompanySkillsImage: function(id) {1049 return localhost + 'company_skill_images/' + id;1050 },1051 deleteCompanySkillsImage: function(id) {1052 return localhost + 'company_skill_images/' + id;1053 },1054 updateCompanyVideo: function(id) {1055 return localhost + 'company_videos/' + id;1056 },1057 updateCompanyContact: function(id) {1058 return localhost + 'company_key_contacts/' + id;1059 },1060 getService: function(id) {1061 return localhost + 'services' + (id ? '/' + id : '');1062 },1063 getFavorites: function() {1064 return localhost + 'favorite_products';1065 },1066 getFavoriteService: function(id) {1067 return localhost + 'accounts/' + id + '/favorite_products';1068 },1069 getFavorite: function() {1070 return localhost + 'favorite_products';1071 },1072 addFavorite: function() {1073 return localhost + 'favorite_products';1074 },1075 deleteFavorite: function(id) {1076 return localhost + 'favorite_products/' + id;1077 },1078 getUserList: function() {1079 return localhost + 'users';1080 },1081 getUserUrl: function() {1082 return localhost + 'user';1083 },1084 userAccount: function(id) {1085 return {1086 get: localhost + 'user/' + id1087 }1088 },1089 getUserName: function(id) {1090 return localhost + 'user/' + id + '/userName';1091 },1092 getOnboardingBasicInfoUrl: function() {1093 return localhost + 'user-basic-information'1094 },1095 getUserAcceptTermsAndConditionsUrl: function() {1096 return localhost + 'user-accept-terms-and-conditions'1097 },1098 getAccountNotificationCategoryItems: function() {1099 return localhost + 'account-notification-category-items';1100 },1101 getAccountNotifications: function() {1102 return localhost + 'account-notification-categories';1103 },1104 getUserAccountNotifications: function(account_id) {1105 return localhost + 'accounts/' + account_id + '/account-notification-settings';1106 },1107 updateUserAccountNotification: function(id) {1108 return localhost + 'account-notification-settings/' + id;1109 },1110 markNotificationRead: function(id, notification_id) {1111 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '/notifications/' + notification_id + '?action=markNotificationRead';1112 },1113 markAllNotificationsRead: function(id) {1114 return localhost + 'users/' + id + '/notifications?action=markAllRead';1115 },1116 requestVerification: function() {1117 return localhost + 'notifications?action=requestVerification';1118 },1119 getNotificationsUser: function() {1120 return localhost + 'notifications-user';1121 },1122 getNotificationsStatisticUser: function() {1123 return localhost + 'notifications-user-statistic';1124 },1125 getNotificationsPm: function() {1126 return localhost + 'notifications-pm';1127 },1128 addNotificationsPm: function() {1129 return localhost + 'notifications-pm';1130 },1131 getNotificationsStatisticPm: function() {1132 return localhost + 'notifications-pm-statistic';1133 },1134 //RESOURCES1135 getAllResourceLabs: function() {1136 return localhost + 'resource/lab';1137 },1138 getResourceLab: function(id) {1139 return localhost + 'resource/lab/' + id;1140 },1141 getAllResourceBays: function() {1142 return localhost + 'resource/bay/';1143 },1144 getResourceBay: function(id) {1145 return localhost + 'resource/bay/' + id;1146 },1147 getAllBayMachines: function(id) {1148 return localhost + 'resource/machine/' + id;1149 },1150 getResourceProject: function(id) {1151 return localhost + 'resource/project/' + id;1152 },1153 getAllResourceProjects: function() {1154 return localhost + 'resource/project';1155 },1156 getAllCourses: function() {1157 return localhost + 'resource/course';1158 },1159 getCourse: function(id) {1160 return localhost + 'resource/course/' + id;1161 },1162 getAllJobs: function() {1163 return localhost + 'resource/job';1164 },1165 getJob: function(id) {1166 return localhost + 'resource/job/' + id;1167 },1168 getAllAssessments: function() {1169 return localhost + 'resource/assessment';1170 },1171 getAssessment: function(id) {1172 return localhost + 'resource/assessment/' + id;1173 },1174 //END RESOURCES1175 searchMarketplace: function(text) {1176 if ($window.apiUrl) {1177 return localhost + 'searchServices/' + text;1178 } else {1179 return localhost + 'searchServices';1180 }1181 },1182 searchMembers: function(text) {1183 console.log('data.factory.searchMembers: text=' + text);1184 return localhost + 'searchMembers/' + text;1185 },1186 markReadNotifications: function() {1187 return localhost + 'mark-read-notifications';1188 },1189 clearNotification: function(id) {1190 return localhost + 'clear-notification/' + id;1191 },1192 compare: function(id, type) {1193 // type - services, members1194 var name = 'compare_' + type;1195 return {1196 userCompares: localhost + 'profiles/' + id + '/' + name,1197 get: localhost + name + '/' + id,1198 delete: localhost + name + '/' + id,1199 add: localhost + name1200 }1201 },1202 getDateFormat: function() {1203 return 'YYYY-MM-DD';1204 },1205 getTimeFormat: function() {1206 return 'hh:mm:ss A';1207 },1208 getDateAndTimeFormat: function() {1209 return this.getDateFormat() + ' ' + this.getTimeFormat();1210 },1211 // TODO -- make this a REST endpoint1212 getDocAccessLevels: function() {1213 return {1214 'All Members': 'ALL_MEMBERS',1215 'Project Participants': 'PROJECT_PARTICIPANTS',1216 'Project Participants and Upper Tier Members': 'PROJECT_PARTICIPANTS_AND_UPPER_TIER_MEMBERS',1217 'Project Participants VIPS': 'PROJECT_PARTICIPANT_VIPS',1218 'Choose Organizations': 'ORG'1219 }1220 },1221 getMyVPC: function() {1222 return localhost + 'organizations/myVPC'1223 }1224 };...
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.3 * 4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a5 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), 6 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation 7 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 8 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the 9 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:10 * 11 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in12 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.13 * 14 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR15 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 16 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE17 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 18 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING 19 * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER 20 * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.21 * 22 */23/*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, nomen: true, indent: 4,24maxerr: 50, browser: true */25/*global $, define, brackets */26define(function (require, exports, module) {27 "use strict";28 var BaseServer = brackets.getModule("LiveDevelopment/Servers/BaseServer").BaseServer,29 FileUtils = brackets.getModule("file/FileUtils"),30 PreferencesManager = brackets.getModule("preferences/PreferencesManager");31 32 /**33 * @private34 * 35 * Prefences manager for this extension36 */37 var _prefs = PreferencesManager.getExtensionPrefs("staticserver");38 /**39 * @constructor40 * @extends {BaseServer}41 * Live preview server that uses a built-in HTTP server to serve static42 * and instrumented files.43 *44 * @param {!{baseUrl: string, root: string, pathResolver: function(string), nodeDomain: NodeDomain}} config45 * Configuration parameters for this server:46 * baseUrl - Optional base URL (populated by the current project)47 * pathResolver - Function to covert absolute native paths to project relative paths48 * root - Native path to the project root (and base URL)49 * nodeDomain - An initialized NodeDomain50 */51 function StaticServer(config) {52 this._nodeDomain = config.nodeDomain;53 this._onRequestFilter = this._onRequestFilter.bind(this);54, config);55 }56 57 StaticServer.prototype = Object.create(BaseServer.prototype);58 StaticServer.prototype.constructor = StaticServer;59 /**60 * Determines whether we can serve local file.61 * @param {string} localPath A local path to file being served.62 * @return {boolean} true for yes, otherwise false.63 */64 StaticServer.prototype.canServe = function (localPath) {65 if (!this._nodeDomain.ready()) {66 return false;67 }68 69 // If we can't transform the local path to a project relative path,70 // the path cannot be served71 if (localPath === this._pathResolver(localPath)) {72 return false;73 }74 // Url ending in "/" implies default file, which is usually index.html.75 // Return true to indicate that we can serve it.76 if (localPath.match(/\/$/)) {77 return true;78 }79 // FUTURE: do a MIME Type lookup on file extension80 return FileUtils.isStaticHtmlFileExt(localPath);81 };82 /**83 * @private84 * Update the list of paths that fire "request" events85 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolved by the StaticServer domain when the message is acknowledged.86 */87 StaticServer.prototype._updateRequestFilterPaths = function () {88 var paths = Object.keys(this._liveDocuments);89 return this._nodeDomain.exec("setRequestFilterPaths", this._root, paths);90 };91 /**92 * Gets the server details from the StaticServerDomain in node.93 * The domain itself handles starting a server if necessary (when94 * the staticServer.getServer command is called).95 *96 * @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves/rejects when 97 * the server is ready/failed.98 */99 StaticServer.prototype.readyToServe = function () {100 var self = this;101 var deferred = new $.Deferred();102 function sanitizePort(port) {103 port = parseInt(port, 10);104 port = (port && !isNaN(port) && port > 0 && port < 65536) ? port : 0;105 return port;106 }107 function onSuccess(address) {108 self._baseUrl = "http://" + address.address + ":" + address.port + "/";109 deferred.resolve();110 }111 function onFailure() {112 self._baseUrl = "";113 deferred.resolve();114 }115 var port = sanitizePort(_prefs.get("port"));116 this._nodeDomain.exec("getServer", self._root, port)117 .done(function (address) {118 // If the port returned wasn't what was requested, then the preference has119 // changed. Close the current server, and open a new one with the new port.120 if (address.port !== port && port > 0) {121 return self._nodeDomain.exec("closeServer", self._root)122 .done(function () {123 return self._nodeDomain.exec("getServer", self._root, port)124 .done(onSuccess)125 .fail(onFailure);126 })127 .fail(onFailure);128 }129 onSuccess(address);130 })131 .fail(onFailure);132 return deferred.promise();133 };134 /**135 * See BaseServer#add. StaticServer ignores documents that do not have136 * a setInstrumentationEnabled method. Updates request filters.137 */138 StaticServer.prototype.add = function (liveDocument) {139 if (liveDocument.setInstrumentationEnabled) {140 // enable instrumentation141 liveDocument.setInstrumentationEnabled(true);142 }143 144, liveDocument);145 146 // update the paths to watch147 this._updateRequestFilterPaths();148 };149 /**150 * See BaseServer#remove. Updates request filters.151 */152 StaticServer.prototype.remove = function (liveDocument) {153, liveDocument);154 155 this._updateRequestFilterPaths();156 };157 /**158 * See BaseServer#clear. Updates request filters.159 */160 StaticServer.prototype.clear = function () {161;162 163 this._updateRequestFilterPaths();164 };165 166 /**167 * @private168 * Send HTTP response data back to the StaticServerSomain169 */170 StaticServer.prototype._send = function (location, response) {171 this._nodeDomain.exec("writeFilteredResponse", location.root, location.pathname, response);172 };173 174 /**175 * @private176 * Event handler for StaticServerDomain requestFilter event177 * @param {jQuery.Event} event178 * @param {{hostname: string, pathname: string, port: number, root: string, id: number}} request179 */180 StaticServer.prototype._onRequestFilter = function (event, request) {181 var key = request.location.pathname,182 liveDocument = this._liveDocuments[key],183 response;184 185 // send instrumented response or null to fallback to static file186 if (liveDocument && liveDocument.getResponseData) {187 response = liveDocument.getResponseData();188 } else {189 response = {}; // let server fall back on loading file off disk190 }191 =;192 193 this._send(request.location, response);194 };195 196 /**197 * See BaseServer#start. Starts listenting to StaticServerDomain events.198 */199 StaticServer.prototype.start = function () {200 this._nodeDomain.on("requestFilter", this._onRequestFilter);201 };202 /**203 * See BaseServer#stop. Remove event handlers from StaticServerDomain.204 */205 StaticServer.prototype.stop = function () {206"requestFilter", this._onRequestFilter);207 };208 module.exports = StaticServer;...
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.3 * 4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a5 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), 6 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation 7 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 8 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the 9 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:10 * 11 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in12 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.13 * 14 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR15 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 16 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE17 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 18 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING 19 * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER 20 * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.21 * 22 */23/*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, forin: true, maxerr: 50, regexp: true */24/*global define, $ */25define(function (require, exports, module) {26 "use strict";27 /**28 * Base class for live preview servers29 *30 * Configuration parameters for this server:31 * - baseUrl - Optional base URL (populated by the current project)32 * - pathResolver - Function to covert absolute native paths to project relative paths33 * - root - Native path to the project root (and base URL)34 *35 * @constructor36 * @param {!{baseUrl: string, root: string, pathResolver: function(string): string}} config37 */38 function BaseServer(config) {39 this._baseUrl = config.baseUrl;40 this._root = config.root; // ProjectManager.getProjectRoot().fullPath41 this._pathResolver = config.pathResolver; // ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(doc.file.fullPath)42 this._liveDocuments = {};43 }44 /**45 * Returns a base url for current project. 46 *47 * @return {string}48 * Base url for current project.49 */50 BaseServer.prototype.getBaseUrl = function () {51 return this._baseUrl;52 };53 /**54 * @private55 * Augments the given Brackets document with information that's useful for live development56 * @param {Object} liveDocument57 */58 BaseServer.prototype._setDocInfo = function (liveDocument) {59 var parentUrl,60 matches,61 doc = liveDocument.doc;62 // FUTURE: some of these things should just be moved into core Document; others should63 // be in a LiveDevelopment-specific object attached to the doc.64 matches = /^(.*\/)(.+\.([^.]+))$/.exec(doc.file.fullPath);65 if (!matches) {66 return;67 }68 doc.extension = matches[3];69 parentUrl = this.pathToUrl(matches[1]);70 doc.url = parentUrl + encodeURI(matches[2]);71 // the root represents the document that should be displayed in the browser72 // for live development (the file for HTML files)73 // TODO: Issue #2033 Improve how default page is determined74 doc.root = { url: doc.url };75 // TODO: Better workflow of liveDocument.doc.url assignment76 // Force sync the browser after a URL is assigned77 if (doc.isDirty && liveDocument._updateBrowser) {78 liveDocument._updateBrowser();79 }80 };81 /**82 * Returns a URL for a given path83 * @param {string} path Absolute path to covert to a URL84 * @return {?string} Converts a path within the project root to a URL.85 * Returns null if the path is not a descendant of the project root.86 */87 BaseServer.prototype.pathToUrl = function (path) {88 var baseUrl = this.getBaseUrl(),89 relativePath = this._pathResolver(path);90 // See if base url has been specified and path is within project91 if (relativePath !== path) {92 // Map to server url. Base url is already encoded, so don't encode again.93 var encodedDocPath = encodeURI(path);94 var encodedProjectPath = encodeURI(this._root);95 return encodedDocPath.replace(encodedProjectPath, baseUrl);96 }97 return null;98 };99 /**100 * Convert a URL to a local full file path101 * @param {string} url102 * @return {?string} The absolute path for given URL or null if the path is103 * not a descendant of the project.104 */105 BaseServer.prototype.urlToPath = function (url) {106 var path,107 baseUrl = "";108 baseUrl = this.getBaseUrl();109 if (baseUrl !== "" && url.indexOf(baseUrl) === 0) {110 // Use base url to translate to local file path.111 // Need to use encoded project path because it's decoded below.112 path = url.replace(baseUrl, encodeURI(this._root));113 114 return decodeURI(path);115 }116 return null;117 };118 /**119 * Called by LiveDevelopment before to prepare the server before navigating120 * to the project's base URL. The provider returns a jQuery promise.121 * The Live Development launch process waits until the promise122 * is resolved or rejected. If the promise is rejected, an error window123 * is shown and Live Development does not start..124 *125 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that may be asynchronously resolved126 * when the server is ready to handle HTTP requests.127 */128 BaseServer.prototype.readyToServe = function () {129 // Base implementation always resolves130 return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();131 };132 133 /**134 * Determines if this server can serve local file. LiveDevServerManager135 * calls this method when determining if a server can serve a file.136 * @param {string} localPath A local path to file being served.137 * @return {boolean} true When the file can be served, otherwise false.138 */139 BaseServer.prototype.canServe = function (localPath) {140 return true;141 };142 BaseServer.prototype._documentKey = function (absolutePath) {143 return "/" + encodeURI(this._pathResolver(absolutePath));144 };145 /**146 * Adds a live document to server147 * @param {Object} liveDocument148 */149 BaseServer.prototype.add = function (liveDocument) {150 if (!liveDocument) {151 return;152 }153 154 // use the project relative path as a key to lookup requests155 var key = this._documentKey(liveDocument.doc.file.fullPath);156 157 this._setDocInfo(liveDocument);158 this._liveDocuments[key] = liveDocument;159 };160 /**161 * Removes a live document from the server162 * @param {Object} liveDocument163 */164 BaseServer.prototype.remove = function (liveDocument) {165 if (!liveDocument) {166 return;167 }168 169 var key = this._liveDocuments[this._documentKey(liveDocument.doc.file.fullPath)];170 171 if (key) {172 delete this._liveDocuments[key];173 }174 };175 /**176 * Lookup a live document using it's full path key177 * @param {string} path Absolute path to covert to a URL178 * @param {?Object} liveDocument Returns a live document or undefined if a179 * document does not exist for the path.180 */181 BaseServer.prototype.get = function (path) {182 return this._liveDocuments[this._documentKey(path)];183 };184 /**185 * Clears all live documents currently attached to the server186 */187 BaseServer.prototype.clear = function () {188 this._liveDocuments = {};189 };190 /**191 * Start the server192 */193 BaseServer.prototype.start = function () {194 // do nothing195 };196 /**197 * Stop the server198 */199 BaseServer.prototype.stop = function () {200 // do nothing201 };202 exports.BaseServer = BaseServer;...
1'use strict'23const args = process.argv4 .slice(2)5 .map(arg => arg.split('='))6 .reduce((args, [value, key]) => {7 args[value] = key;8 return args;9 }, {});1011var baseServer = '';12var ipsServer = baseServer;13var scsServer = baseServer;14var iasServer = baseServer;15var issServer = baseServer;16var gdsServer = baseServer;17var cmmServer = baseServer;1819if (args.ipsServer != undefined) {20 ipsServer = args.ipsServer;21}22if (args.scsServer != undefined) {23 scsServer = args.scsServer;24}25if (args.iasServer != undefined) {26 iasServer = args.iasServer;27}28if (args.issServer != undefined) {29 issServer = args.issServer;30}31if (args.gdsServer != undefined) {32 gdsServer = args.gdsServer;33}34if (args.cmmServer != undefined) {35 cmmServer = args.cmmServer;36}373839const getIpsServer = () => ({40 target: ipsServer,41 changeOrigin: true,42 pathRewrite: { '^/ips': '' }43});4445const getScsServer = () => ({46 target: scsServer,47 changeOrigin: true,48 pathRewrite: { '^/scs': '' }49});5051const getIasServer = () => ({52 target: iasServer,53 changeOrigin: true,54 pathRewrite: { '^/ias': '' }55});5657const getIssServer = () => ({58 target: issServer,59 changeOrigin: true,60 pathRewrite: { '^/iss': '' }61});6263const getGdsServer = () => ({64 target: gdsServer,65 changeOrigin: true,66 pathRewrite: { '^/gds': '' }67});6869const getCmmServer = () => ({70 target: cmmServer,71 changeOrigin: true,72 pathRewrite: { '^/cmm': '' }73});7475module.exports = {76 '/ips': getIpsServer(),77 '/scs': getScsServer(),78 '/ias': getIasServer(),79 '/iss': getIssServer(),80 '/gds': getGdsServer(),81 '/cmm': getCmmServer(),82}8384
Source: StudentServer.js
1import {baseServer} from '@/tools/servers'2export class StudentServer {3 static addStudent(requestDTO) {4 let httpMethod = 'POST'5 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.addStudent, arguments, httpMethod)6 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/addStudent', body)7 }8 static delStudent(uid) {9 let httpMethod = 'GET'10 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.delStudent, arguments, httpMethod)11 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/delStudentById', body)12 }13 static batchDeletion(requestDTO) {14 let httpMethod = 'POST'15 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.batchDeletion, arguments, httpMethod)16 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/batchDeletion', body)17 }18 static updateStudent(requestDTO) {19 let httpMethod = 'POST'20 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.updateStudent, arguments, httpMethod)21 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/updateStudent', body)22 }23 static getStudentListData(requestDTO) {24 let httpMethod = 'POST'25 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.getStudentListData, arguments, httpMethod)26 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/getStudentListData', body)27 }28 static getStudentById(uid) {29 let httpMethod = 'GET'30 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.getStudentById, arguments, httpMethod)31 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/student/getStudentById', body)32 }...
Source: PermissionServer.js
1import {baseServer} from '@/tools/servers'2export class PermissionServer {3 static addPermission(requestDTO) {4 let httpMethod = 'POST'5 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.addPermission, arguments, httpMethod)6 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/permission/addPermission', body)7 }8 static getPermissionListData(requestDTO) {9 let httpMethod = 'POST'10 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.getPermissionListData, arguments, httpMethod)11 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/permission/getPermissionListData', body)12 }13 static getPermissionWithLineById(uid) {14 let httpMethod = 'GET'15 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.getPermissionWithLineById, arguments, httpMethod)16 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/permission/getPermissionWithLineById', body)17 }18 static getPermissionURLs() {19 let httpMethod = 'GET'20 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.getPermissionURLs, arguments, httpMethod)21 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/permission/getPermissionURLs', body)22 }...
1import {baseServer} from '@/tools/servers'2export class AccountServer {3 static login(requestDTO) {4 let httpMethod = 'POST'5 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.login, arguments, httpMethod)6 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/account/userLogin', body)7 }8 static logout() {9 let httpMethod = 'GET'10 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.login, arguments, httpMethod)11 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/account/userLogout', body)12 }13 static studentRegister(requestDTO) {14 let httpMethod = 'POST'15 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.login, arguments, httpMethod)16 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/account/studentRegister', body)17 }18 static teacherRegister(requestDTO) {19 let httpMethod = 'POST'20 let body = baseServer.getArgs(this.login, arguments, httpMethod)21 return baseServer.connection(httpMethod, '/account/teacherRegister', body)22 }...
1var baseserver_8py =2[3 [ "BaseServer", "classgevent_1_1baseserver_1_1_base_server.html", "classgevent_1_1baseserver_1_1_base_server" ],4 [ "_extract_family", "baseserver_8py.html#a27774b95f455108a66266a75e0f8d8e9", null ],5 [ "_handle_and_close_when_done", "baseserver_8py.html#a08a7d906be95efa57ca9b153131a8c33", null ],6 [ "_parse_address", "baseserver_8py.html#a6a23d29fcc0ce1ec72123863f0a0030e", null ],7 [ "parse_address", "baseserver_8py.html#a0efe82b9b2362f2ad7bd41f0b222b1f1", null ],8 [ "__all__", "baseserver_8py.html#ad528a75fa489d49047c3f6c0c9a31481", null ]...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2var appium = require('appium');3var assert = require('assert');4var desiredCaps = {5};6appium.startServer(function(err, appiumServer) {7if (err) {8console.log(err);9}10var driver = wd.remote("
Using AI Code Generation
1var Appium = require('appium');2var appium = new Appium();3appium.startServer();4appium.stopServer();5var Appium = require('appium');6var appium = new Appium();7appium.startServer();8appium.stopServer();9var Appium = require('appium');10var appium = new Appium();11appium.startServer();12appium.stopServer();13var Appium = require('appium');14var appium = new Appium();15appium.startServer();16appium.stopServer();17var Appium = require('appium');18var appium = new Appium();19appium.startServer();20appium.stopServer();21var Appium = require('appium');22var appium = new Appium();23appium.startServer();24appium.stopServer();25var Appium = require('appium');26var appium = new Appium();27appium.startServer();28appium.stopServer();29var Appium = require('appium');30var appium = new Appium();31appium.startServer();32appium.stopServer();33var Appium = require('appium');34var appium = new Appium();35appium.startServer();36appium.stopServer();37var Appium = require('appium');38var appium = new Appium();39appium.startServer();
Using AI Code Generation
1var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');2var server = new appiumServer();3server.baseServer();4var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');5var server = new appiumServer();6server.appiumServer();7var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');8var server = new appiumServer();9server.appiumServer();10var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');11var server = new appiumServer();12server.appiumServer();13var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');14var server = new appiumServer();15server.appiumServer();16var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');17var server = new appiumServer();18server.appiumServer();19var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');20var server = new appiumServer();21server.appiumServer();22var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');23var server = new appiumServer();24server.appiumServer();25var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');26var server = new appiumServer();27server.appiumServer();28var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');29var server = new appiumServer();30server.appiumServer();31var appiumServer = require('appium-server-1');32var server = new appiumServer();33server.appiumServer();
Using AI Code Generation
1var baseServer = require('appium').baseServer;2var server = new baseServer();3server.start();4var server = new baseServer(1234);5var caps = {6};7var server = new baseServer(1234, caps);8var caps = {9};10var server = new baseServer(1234, caps, '/path/to/appium.js');11var caps = {12};13var server = new baseServer(1234, caps, '/path/to/appium.js', '/path/to/log');14var caps = {15};16var server = new baseServer(1234, caps, '/path/to/app
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