Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: scrape_site.js
...62 });63};64ScrapeSite.prototype.scrapePostList = function(url) {65 var scrapeArticlePromiseLists = [], articles = [];66 return this.getPageSource(url).then(function($) {67 $('article.excerpt header h2 a').each(function(i, elem) {68 var url = $(elem).attr('href');69 var scrapeArticlePromise = this.scrapeArticle(url).then(function(article) {70 return this.saveArticle(article);71 }.bind(this));72 scrapeArticlePromiseLists.push(scrapeArticlePromise);73 }.bind(this));74 return webdriver.promise.all(scrapeArticlePromiseLists).then(function(resolved) {75 var childrenList = [];76 resolved.forEach(function(resolvedE) {77 childrenList = childrenList.concat(resolvedE);78 });79 return childrenList;80 });81 }.bind(this))82};83ScrapeSite.prototype.scrapeArticles = function(urls) {84 var scrapeArticlePromiseLists = [], articles = [];85 _.each(urls, function(url) {86 var scrapeArticlePromise = this.scrapeArticle(url).then(function(article) {87 return this.saveArticle(article);88 }.bind(this));89 scrapeArticlePromiseLists.push(scrapeArticlePromise);90 }.bind(this));91 return webdriver.promise.all(scrapeArticlePromiseLists).then(function(resolved) {92 var childrenList = [];93 resolved.forEach(function(resolvedE) {94 childrenList = childrenList.concat(resolvedE);95 });96 return childrenList;97 });98};99ScrapeSite.prototype.scrapeArticle = function(url) {100 var driver = this.driver;101 var common_reg = /\s*(æåå¯ç¢¼|æåå¯ç |æåç |æå碼|æå|å¯ç¢¼|å¯ç |ç¾åº¦|ç¾åº¦äº|äºç|360äºç|360äº|360yun|yun)[:ï¼]?\s*(<[^>]+>)?\s*([0-9a-zA-Z]{4,})\s*/;102 var o = {};103 o['url'] = url;104 return this.getPageSource(url).then(function($) {105 o['title'] = $('h1.article-title').text();106 o['html'] = $('article.article-content').html();107 o['content'] = $('article.article-content').text();108 o['category'] = $('header.article-header .meta .muted').first().text().trim();109 o['status'] = {110 scraped_at:,111 download_status: 'UNDOWNLOAD'112 }113 var externaBaidupanlUrls = $('article.article-content a.external').filter(function(i1, elem) {114 var href = $(this).attr('href');115 return /^(http|https):\/\/;116 });117 if (externaBaidupanlUrls.length) { //<a href=""> has baidupan href118, elem) {...
Source: wdio-compat-plugin.js
...51 const element = await this.$(selector);52 return element.getCSSProperty(propertyName);53 });54 browser.addCommand('getSource', async function() {55 return this.getPageSource();56 });57 // In V4 dimension with choices width|height were valid, V5 getWindowSize ignores any function parameters.58 // Adding for backwards compatability.59 browser.addCommand('getViewportSize', async function(dimension = '') {60 if (dimension.toLowerCase() === 'width' || dimension.toLowerCase() === 'height') {61 return this.getWindowSize()[dimension];62 }63 return this.getWindowSize();64 });65 browser.addCommand('isExisting', async function(selector) {66 const element = await this.$(selector);67 return element.isExisting();68 });69 browser.addCommand('isVisible', async function(selector) {70 const element = await this.$(selector);71 return element.isDisplayed();72 });73 browser.addCommand('moveToObject', async function(selector, x = undefined, y = undefined) {74 const element = await this.$(selector);75 return element.moveTo(x, y);76 });77 browser.addCommand('reload', async function() {78 return this.reloadSession();79 });80 browser.addCommand('screenshot', async function() {81 return this.takeScreenshot();82 });83 browser.addCommand('scroll', async function() {84 return this.scrollIntoView();85 });86 browser.addCommand('setCookie', async function(cookieObj) {87 return this.setCookies(cookieObj);88 });89 browser.addCommand('setValue', async function(selector, value) {90 const element = await this.$(selector);91 return element.setValue(value);92 });93 /**94 * In v4 the param is an object, in v5 width and height is passed.95 * Keeping as an object for backwards compatability.96 *97 * REF: */99 browser.addCommand('setViewportSize', async function(widthHeightObject) {100 const { width, height } = widthHeightObject;101 return this.setWindowSize(width, height);102 });103 /* Same as getSource. */104 browser.addCommand('source', async function() {105 return this.getPageSource();106 });107 browser.addCommand('switchTab', async function(windowHandle) {108 return this.switchToWindow(windowHandle);109 });110 browser.addCommand('title', async function() {111 return this.getTitle();112 });113 browser.addCommand('waitForExist', async function(selector, timeout, reverse = false) {114 const element = await this.$(selector);115 return element.waitForExist({ timeout, reverse });116 });117 browser.addCommand('windowHandles', async function() {118 return this.getWindowHandles();119 });...
Source: service.js
...40 const element = await this.$(selector);41 return element.getCSSProperty(propertyName);42 });43 browser.addCommand('getSource', async function () {44 return this.getPageSource();45 });46 browser.addCommand('getText', async function (selector) {47 const element = await this.$(selector);48 return element.getText();49 });50 // In V4 dimension with choices width|height were valid, V5 getWindowSize ignores any function parameters.51 // Adding for backwards compatability.52 browser.addCommand('getViewportSize', async function (dimension = '') {53 if (dimension.toLowerCase() === 'width' || dimension.toLowerCase() === 'height') {54 return this.getWindowSize()[dimension];55 }56 return this.getWindowSize();57 });58 browser.addCommand('isExisting', async function (selector) {59 const element = await this.$(selector);60 return element.isExisting();61 });62 browser.addCommand('isVisible', async function (selector) {63 const element = await this.$(selector);64 return element.isDisplayed();65 });66 browser.addCommand('moveToObject', async function (selector, x = undefined, y = undefined) {67 const element = await this.$(selector);68 return element.moveTo(x, y);69 });70 browser.addCommand('reload', async function () {71 return this.reloadSession();72 });73 browser.addCommand('screenshot', async function () {74 return this.takeScreenshot();75 });76 browser.addCommand('scroll', async function () {77 return this.scrollIntoView();78 });79 browser.addCommand('setCookie', async function (cookieObj) {80 return this.setCookies(cookieObj);81 });82 browser.addCommand('setValue', async function (selector, value) {83 const element = await this.$(selector);84 return element.setValue(value);85 });86 /**87 * In v4 the param is an object, in v5 width and height is passed.88 * Keeping as an object for backwards compatability.89 *90 * REF: */92 browser.addCommand('setViewportSize', async function (widthHeightObject) {93 const { width, height } = widthHeightObject;94 return this.setWindowSize(width, height);95 });96 /* Same as getSource. */97 browser.addCommand('source', async function () {98 return this.getPageSource();99 });100 browser.addCommand('switchTab', async function (windowHandle) {101 return this.switchToWindow(windowHandle);102 });103 browser.addCommand('title', async function () {104 return this.getTitle();105 });106 browser.addCommand('waitForVisible', async function (selector, ms, reverse = false) {107 const element = await this.$(selector);108 return element.waitForDisplayed(ms, reverse);109 });110 browser.addCommand('waitForExist', async function (selector, ms, reverse = false) {111 const element = await this.$(selector);112 return element.waitForExist(ms, reverse);...
Source: homePage.js
1import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';2import { connect } from 'react-redux';3import UrlForm from './urlForm';4import TagSummary from './tagSummary';5import PrettyPrintPageSource from './prettyPrintPageSource';6import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';7import * as GetPageSourceActions from '../../actions/getPageSourceAction';8import DisplayChart from './displayChart'9class HomePage extends React.Component {10 constructor(props) {11 super(props);12 this.state = {13 highlight: null,14 url: null15 };16 this.getPageSource = this.getPageSource.bind(this);17 this.updateURLstate = this.updateURLstate.bind(this);18 this.clearHighlight = this.clearHighlight.bind(this);19 this.setHighlightTag = this.setHighlightTag.bind(this);20 }21 // isNewTags(tags) {22 // if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(tags).length > 0) {23 // let newTags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(tags);24 // let stateTags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.state.tags);25 //26 // // compare length27 // if (newTags.length != stateTags.length) {28 // return false;29 // }30 //31 // for (let i = 0; i < newTags.length; i++) {32 // let propName = newTags[i];33 //34 // // compare values of object35 // if (newTags[propName] !== stateTags[propName]) {36 // return false;37 // }38 // }39 // this.setState({40 // tags41 // });42 // return true;43 // }44 // }45 getPageSource(event) {46 event.preventDefault();47 this.props.actions.getPageSource(this.state.url);48 }49 updateURLstate(event) {50 const url =;51 this.setState({52 url53 });54 }55 setHighlightTag(tag) {56 this.setState({57 highlight: tag58 });59 }60 clearHighlight() {61 this.setState({62 highlight: null63 });64 }65 highlightTag(pageSource, tag) {66 if (tag && pageSource) {67 // let re = new RegExp("<(\/)?" + tag + "(.*)?>", "g");68 // let re = new RegExp("\s*<(\/){0,1}" + tag + "[^>]*>", "g");69 let re = new RegExp("\s*<[^>]*" + tag + "[^>]*>[\s]*", "g");70 let matchingHTMLChunks = pageSource.match(re);71 let htmlChunks = pageSource.split(re);72 let pageSourceArray = [];73 let htmlChunkFlag = 0;74 let len = htmlChunks.length + matchingHTMLChunks.length;75 for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {76 if (htmlChunkFlag) {77 pageSourceArray.push(matchingHTMLChunks.shift());78 htmlChunkFlag = 0;79 } else {80 pageSourceArray.push(htmlChunks.shift());81 htmlChunkFlag = 1;82 }83 }84 return pageSourceArray;85 } else if (pageSource && !tag) {86 return [pageSource];87 } else {88 return [];89 }90 }91 render() {92 // console.log(this.props.payload);93 // console.log(this.state);94 return (95 <div id="content-wrapper">96 <div id="search">97 <img id="logo"/>98 <UrlForm99 onSearch={ this.getPageSource }100 onChange={ this.updateURLstate }101 />102 </div>103 <div id="sourcerer-content">104 <div className="left-content ">105 <PrettyPrintPageSource106 badUrl={ this.props.payload.error }107 prettyPrintPageSource={ this.props.payload.prettySource }108 highlighter={ this.highlightTag }109 tag={ this.state.highlight }110 />111 </div>112 <div className="right-content">113 <div id="chart">114 <DisplayChart115 tags={ this.props.payload.tagData }116 />117 </div>118 <div id="tags">119 <TagSummary120 tags={ this.props.payload.tagData }121 setHighlightTag={ this.setHighlightTag }122 clearHighlight={ this.clearHighlight }123 />124 </div>125 </div>126 </div>127 </div>128 );129 }130}131HomePage.propTypes = {132 actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired,133 payload: PropTypes.object.isRequired134};135// ownProps is a reference to the components attached to this component. That is why it is called own props136// state is the state that is in our redux store137// state.pageSource refers to the pageSource within redux-store --> rootReducer --> pageSourceReducer138function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {139 return {140 payload: state.pageSource141 };142}143// determines what actions are available in the component144function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {145 return {146 actions: bindActionCreators(GetPageSourceActions, dispatch)147 };148}...
Source: plugin.js
...40 const {platformName} = driver.caps;41 if (strategy.toLowerCase() !== 'xpath') {42 return await next();43 }44 const xml = await this.getPageSource(null, driver, null, true);45 let newSelector = transformQuery(selector, xml, multiple);46 // if the selector was not able to be transformed, that means no elements were found that47 // matched, so do the appropriate thing based on element vs elements48 if (newSelector === null) {49 log.warn(`Selector was not able to be translated to underlying XML. Either the requested ` +50 `element does not exist or there was an error in translation`);51 if (multiple) {52 return [];53 }54 throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();55 }56 if (platformName.toLowerCase() === 'ios') {57 // with the XCUITest driver, the <AppiumAUT> wrapper element is present in the source but is58 // not present in the source considered by WDA, so our index path based xpath queries will...
Source: WebExtension.js
...44 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {45 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef46 this.getCurrentTab()47 .then(tab => {48 this.getPageSource( .then(source => resolve(source))50 .catch(err => reject(err))51 })52 .catch(err => reject(err))53 })54 }
1'use strict';2module.exports = (browser) => {3 browser.addCommand('getSource', function() {4 return this.getPageSource();5 });...
Source: source.js
1'use strict';2module.exports = (browser) => {3 browser.addCommand('source', function() {4 return this.getPageSource();5 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6 .remote(options)7 .init()8 .getTitle().then(function(title) {9 console.log('Title was: ' + title);10 })11 .end();12var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');13var options = {14 desiredCapabilities: {15 }16};17 .remote(options)18 .init()19 .getPageSource().then(function(source) {20 console.log('Page source: ' + source);21 })22 .end();23var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');24var options = {25 desiredCapabilities: {26 }27};28 .remote(options)29 .init()30 .getSource().then(function(source) {31 console.log('Page source: ' + source);32 })33 .end();34var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');35var options = {36 desiredCapabilities: {37 }38};39 .remote(options)40 .init()41 .findElement('css selector', 'input[name="q"]').then(function(element) {42 console.log('Element found: ' + element);43 })44 .end();45var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');46var options = {47 desiredCapabilities: {48 }49};50 .remote(options)51 .init()52 .findElements('css selector', 'input[name="q"]').then(function(elements) {53 console.log('Elements found: ' + elements.length);54 })55 .end();
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),2 until = webdriver.until;3var fs = require('fs');4var driver = new webdriver.Builder()5 .forBrowser('chrome')6 .build();7driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');8driver.findElement('btnG')).click();9driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);10driver.getPageSource().then(function(source) {11 fs.writeFile("test.html", source, function(err) {12 if (err) {13 return console.log(err);14 }15 console.log("The file was saved!");16 });17});18driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.init({2}).then(function() {3 return driver.getPageSource();4}).then(function(source) {5 console.log(source);6}).done();7driver.init({8}).then(function() {9 return driver.getPageSource();10}).then(function(source) {11 console.log(source);12}).done();13Your name to display (optional):14Your name to display (optional):15driver.getPageSource().then(function(source) {16 console.log(source);17});18Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1var source = this.getPageSource();2console.log(source);3var source = this.getPageSource();4console.log(source);5var source = this.getPageSource();6console.log(source);7var source = this.getPageSource();8console.log(source);9var source = this.getPageSource();10console.log(source);11var source = this.getPageSource();12console.log(source);13var source = this.getPageSource();14console.log(source);15var source = this.getPageSource();16console.log(source);17var source = this.getPageSource();18console.log(source);19var source = this.getPageSource();20console.log(source);21var source = this.getPageSource();22console.log(source);23var source = this.getPageSource();24console.log(source);25var source = this.getPageSource();26console.log(source);27var source = this.getPageSource();28console.log(source);29var source = this.getPageSource();30console.log(source);31var source = this.getPageSource();32console.log(source);33var source = this.getPageSource();34console.log(source);35var source = this.getPageSource();36console.log(source);37var source = this.getPageSource();38console.log(source);39var source = this.getPageSource();
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Automation frameworks enable automation testers by simplifying the test development and execution activities. A typical automation framework provides an environment for executing test plans and generating repeatable output. They are specialized tools that assist you in your everyday test automation tasks. Whether it is a test runner, an action recording tool, or a web testing tool, it is there to remove all the hard work from building test scripts and leave you with more time to do quality checks. Test Automation is a proven, cost-effective approach to improving software development. Therefore, choosing the best test automation framework can prove crucial to your test results and QA timeframes.
There are times when developers get stuck with a problem that has to do with version changes. Trying to run the code or test without upgrading the package can result in unexpected errors.
The count of mobile users is on a steep rise. According to the research, by 2025, it is expected to reach 7.49 billion users worldwide. 70% of all US digital media time comes from mobile apps, and to your surprise, the average smartphone owner uses ten apps per day and 30 apps each month.
Nowadays, automation is becoming integral to the overall quality of the products being developed. Especially for mobile applications, it’s even more important to implement automation robustly.
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