Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: appium.js
...443 reason,444 } = opts;445 log.debug(`Cleaning up ${util.pluralize('active session', sessionsCount, true)}`);446 const cleanupPromises = force447 ? _.values(this.sessions).map((drv) => drv.startUnexpectedShutdown(reason && new Error(reason)))448 : _.keys(this.sessions).map((id) => this.deleteSession(id));449 for (const cleanupPromise of cleanupPromises) {450 try {451 await cleanupPromise;452 } catch (e) {453 log.debug(e);454 }455 }456 }457 async executeCommand (cmd, ...args) {458 // getStatus command should not be put into queue. If we do it as part of super.executeCommand, it will be added to queue.459 // There will be lot of status commands in queue during createSession command, as createSession can take up to or more than a minute.460 if (cmd === 'getStatus') {461 return await this.getStatus();...
...75 const p = new B((resolve, reject) => {76 setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('onUnexpectedShutdown event is expected to be fired within 5 seconds timeout')), 5000);77 d.onUnexpectedShutdown(resolve);78 });79 d.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error('We crashed'));80 await crashed/);81 await p;82 });83 it('should not allow commands in middle of unexpected shutdown', async function () {84 // make a command that will wait a bit so we can crash while it's running85 d.oldDeleteSession = d.deleteSession;86 d.deleteSession = async function () {87 await B.delay(100);88 await this.oldDeleteSession();89 }.bind(d);90 let caps = _.clone(defaultCaps);91 await d.createSession(caps);92 const p = new B((resolve, reject) => {93 setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('onUnexpectedShutdown event is expected to be fired within 5 seconds timeout')), 5000);94 d.onUnexpectedShutdown(resolve);95 });96 d.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error('We crashed'));97 await p;98 await d.executeCommand('getSession') down/);99 });100 it('should allow new commands after done shutting down', async function () {101 // make a command that will wait a bit so we can crash while it's running102 d.oldDeleteSession = d.deleteSession;103 d.deleteSession = async function () {104 await B.delay(100);105 await this.oldDeleteSession();106 }.bind(d);107 let caps = _.clone(defaultCaps);108 await d.createSession(caps);109 const p = new B((resolve, reject) => {110 setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('onUnexpectedShutdown event is expected to be fired within 5 seconds timeout')), 5000);111 d.onUnexpectedShutdown(resolve);112 });113 d.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error('We crashed'));114 await p;115 await d.executeCommand('getSession') down/);116 await B.delay(500);117 await d.executeCommand('createSession', caps);118 await d.deleteSession();119 });120 it('should distinguish between W3C and JSONWP session', async function () {121 // Test JSONWP122 await d.executeCommand('createSession', Object.assign({}, defaultCaps, {123 platformName: 'Fake',124 deviceName: 'Commodore 64',125 }));126 d.protocol.should.equal('MJSONWP');127 await d.executeCommand('deleteSession');...
Source: driver.js
1import {2 Protocol, errors, determineProtocol3} from '../protocol';4import {5 MJSONWP_ELEMENT_KEY, W3C_ELEMENT_KEY, PROTOCOLS, DEFAULT_BASE_PATH,6} from '../constants';7import os from 'os';8import commands from './commands';9import * as helpers from './helpers';10import log from './logger';11import DeviceSettings from './device-settings';12import { desiredCapabilityConstraints } from './desired-caps';13import { validateCaps } from './capabilities';14import B from 'bluebird';15import _ from 'lodash';16import {17 ImageElement, makeImageElementCache, getImgElFromArgs18} from './image-element';19import AsyncLock from 'async-lock';20import { EventEmitter } from 'events';21B.config({22 cancellation: true,23});24const NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS = 60 * 1000;25const EVENT_SESSION_INIT = 'newSessionRequested';26const EVENT_SESSION_START = 'newSessionStarted';27const EVENT_SESSION_QUIT_START = 'quitSessionRequested';28const EVENT_SESSION_QUIT_DONE = 'quitSessionFinished';29const ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT = 'onUnexpectedShutdown';30class BaseDriver extends Protocol {31 constructor (opts = {}, shouldValidateCaps = true) {32 super();33 // setup state34 this.sessionId = null;35 this.opts = opts;36 this.caps = null;37 this.helpers = helpers;38 // basePath is used for several purposes, for example in setting up39 // proxying to other drivers, since we need to know what the base path40 // of any incoming request might look like. We set it to the default41 // initially but it is automatically updated during any actual program42 // execution by the routeConfiguringFunction, which is necessarily run as43 // the entrypoint for any Appium server44 this.basePath = DEFAULT_BASE_PATH;45 // initialize security modes46 this.relaxedSecurityEnabled = false;47 this.allowInsecure = [];48 this.denyInsecure = [];49 // timeout initialization50 this.newCommandTimeoutMs = NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS;51 this.implicitWaitMs = 0;52 this._constraints = _.cloneDeep(desiredCapabilityConstraints);53 this.locatorStrategies = [];54 this.webLocatorStrategies = [];55 // use a custom tmp dir to avoid losing data and app when computer is56 // restarted57 this.opts.tmpDir = this.opts.tmpDir ||58 process.env.APPIUM_TMP_DIR ||59 os.tmpdir();60 // base-driver internals61 this.shutdownUnexpectedly = false;62 this.noCommandTimer = null;63 this.shouldValidateCaps = shouldValidateCaps;64 this.commandsQueueGuard = new AsyncLock();65 // settings should be instantiated by drivers which extend BaseDriver, but66 // we set it to an empty DeviceSettings instance here to make sure that the67 // default settings are applied even if an extending driver doesn't utilize68 // the settings functionality itself69 this.settings = new DeviceSettings({}, _.noop);70 // keeping track of initial opts71 this.initialOpts = _.cloneDeep(this.opts);72 // allow subclasses to have internal drivers73 this.managedDrivers = [];74 // store event timings75 this._eventHistory = {76 commands: [] // commands get a special place77 };78 // cache the image elements79 this._imgElCache = makeImageElementCache();80 // used to handle driver events81 this.eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();82 this.protocol = null;83 }84 /**85 * Set a callback handler if needed to execute a custom piece of code86 * when the driver is shut down unexpectedly. Multiple calls to this method87 * will cause the handler to be executed mutiple times88 *89 * @param {Function} handler The code to be executed on unexpected shutdown.90 * The function may accept one argument, which is the actual error instance, which91 * caused the driver to shut down.92 */93 onUnexpectedShutdown (handler) {94 this.eventEmitter.on(ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, handler);95 }96 /**97 * This property is used by AppiumDriver to store the data of the98 * specific driver sessions. This data can be later used to adjust99 * properties for driver instances running in parallel.100 * Override it in inherited driver classes if necessary.101 *102 * @return {object} Driver properties mapping103 */104 get driverData () {105 return {};106 }107 /**108 * This property controls the way {#executeCommand} method109 * handles new driver commands received from the client.110 * Override it for inherited classes only in special cases.111 *112 * @return {boolean} If the returned value is true (default) then all the commands113 * received by the particular driver instance are going to be put into the queue,114 * so each following command will not be executed until the previous command115 * execution is completed. False value disables that queue, so each driver command116 * is executed independently and does not wait for anything.117 */118 get isCommandsQueueEnabled () {119 return true;120 }121 /*122 * make eventHistory a property and return a cloned object so a consumer can't123 * inadvertently change data outside of logEvent124 */125 get eventHistory () {126 return _.cloneDeep(this._eventHistory);127 }128 /*129 * API method for driver developers to log timings for important events130 */131 logEvent (eventName) {132 if (eventName === 'commands') {133 throw new Error('Cannot log commands directly');134 }135 if (typeof eventName !== 'string') {136 throw new Error(`Invalid eventName ${eventName}`);137 }138 if (!this._eventHistory[eventName]) {139 this._eventHistory[eventName] = [];140 }141 const ts =;142 const logTime = (new Date(ts)).toTimeString();143 this._eventHistory[eventName].push(ts);144 log.debug(`Event '${eventName}' logged at ${ts} (${logTime})`);145 }146 /*147 * Overridden in appium driver, but here so that individual drivers can be148 * tested with clients that poll149 */150 async getStatus () { // eslint-disable-line require-await151 return {};152 }153 // we only want subclasses to ever extend the contraints154 set desiredCapConstraints (constraints) {155 this._constraints = Object.assign(this._constraints, constraints);156 // 'presence' means different things in different versions of the validator,157 // when we say 'true' we mean that it should not be able to be empty158 for (const [, value] of _.toPairs(this._constraints)) {159 if (value && value.presence === true) {160 value.presence = {161 allowEmpty: false,162 };163 }164 }165 }166 get desiredCapConstraints () {167 return this._constraints;168 }169 // method required by MJSONWP in order to determine whether it should170 // respond with an invalid session response171 sessionExists (sessionId) {172 if (!sessionId) return false; // eslint-disable-line curly173 return sessionId === this.sessionId;174 }175 // method required by MJSONWP in order to determine if the command should176 // be proxied directly to the driver177 driverForSession (/*sessionId*/) {178 return this;179 }180 logExtraCaps (caps) {181 let extraCaps = _.difference(_.keys(caps),182 _.keys(this._constraints));183 if (extraCaps.length) {184 log.warn(`The following capabilities were provided, but are not ` +185 `recognized by Appium:`);186 for (const cap of extraCaps) {187 log.warn(` ${cap}`);188 }189 }190 }191 validateDesiredCaps (caps) {192 if (!this.shouldValidateCaps) {193 return true;194 }195 try {196 validateCaps(caps, this._constraints);197 } catch (e) {198 log.errorAndThrow(new errors.SessionNotCreatedError(`The desiredCapabilities object was not valid for the ` +199 `following reason(s): ${e.message}`));200 }201 this.logExtraCaps(caps);202 return true;203 }204 isMjsonwpProtocol () {205 return this.protocol === PROTOCOLS.MJSONWP;206 }207 isW3CProtocol () {208 return this.protocol === PROTOCOLS.W3C;209 }210 setProtocolMJSONWP () {211 this.protocol = PROTOCOLS.MJSONWP;212 }213 setProtocolW3C () {214 this.protocol = PROTOCOLS.W3C;215 }216 /**217 * Check whether a given feature is enabled via its name218 *219 * @param {string} name - name of feature/command220 *221 * @returns {Boolean}222 */223 isFeatureEnabled (name) {224 // if we have explicitly denied this feature, return false immediately225 if (this.denyInsecure && _.includes(this.denyInsecure, name)) {226 return false;227 }228 // if we specifically have allowed the feature, return true229 if (this.allowInsecure && _.includes(this.allowInsecure, name)) {230 return true;231 }232 // otherwise, if we've globally allowed insecure features and not denied233 // this one, return true234 if (this.relaxedSecurityEnabled) {235 return true;236 }237 // if we haven't allowed anything insecure, then reject238 return false;239 }240 /**241 * Assert that a given feature is enabled and throw a helpful error if it's242 * not243 *244 * @param {string} name - name of feature/command245 */246 ensureFeatureEnabled (name) {247 if (!this.isFeatureEnabled(name)) {248 throw new Error(`Potentially insecure feature '${name}' has not been ` +249 `enabled. If you want to enable this feature and accept ` +250 `the security ramifications, please do so by following ` +251 `the documented instructions at` +252 `/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/`);253 }254 }255 // This is the main command handler for the driver. It wraps command256 // execution with timeout logic, checking that we have a valid session,257 // and ensuring that we execute commands one at a time. This method is called258 // by MJSONWP's express router.259 async executeCommand (cmd, ...args) {260 // get start time for this command, and log in special cases261 let startTime =;262 if (cmd === 'createSession') {263 // If creating a session determine if W3C or MJSONWP protocol was requested and remember the choice264 this.protocol = determineProtocol(...args);265 this.logEvent(EVENT_SESSION_INIT);266 } else if (cmd === 'deleteSession') {267 this.logEvent(EVENT_SESSION_QUIT_START);268 }269 // if we had a command timer running, clear it now that we're starting270 // a new command and so don't want to time out271 this.clearNewCommandTimeout();272 if (this.shutdownUnexpectedly) {273 throw new errors.NoSuchDriverError('The driver was unexpectedly shut down!');274 }275 // If we don't have this command, it must not be implemented276 // If the target element is ImageElement, we must try to call `ImageElement.execute` which exist following lines277 // since ImageElement supports few commands by itself278 const imgElId = getImgElFromArgs(args);279 if (!this[cmd] && !imgElId) {280 throw new errors.NotYetImplementedError();281 }282 let unexpectedShutdownListener;283 const commandExecutor = async () => imgElId284 ? await ImageElement.execute(this, cmd, imgElId, ...args)285 : await B.race([286 this[cmd](...args),287 new B((resolve, reject) => {288 unexpectedShutdownListener = reject;289 this.eventEmitter.on(ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, unexpectedShutdownListener);290 })291 ]).finally(() => {292 if (unexpectedShutdownListener) {293 // This is needed to prevent memory leaks294 this.eventEmitter.removeListener(ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, unexpectedShutdownListener);295 unexpectedShutdownListener = null;296 }297 });298 const res = this.isCommandsQueueEnabled && cmd !== 'executeDriverScript'299 ? await this.commandsQueueGuard.acquire(, commandExecutor)300 : await commandExecutor();301 // if we have set a new command timeout (which is the default), start a302 // timer once we've finished executing this command. If we don't clear303 // the timer (which is done when a new command comes in), we will trigger304 // automatic session deletion in this.onCommandTimeout. Of course we don't305 // want to trigger the timer when the user is shutting down the session306 // intentionally307 if (this.isCommandsQueueEnabled && cmd !== 'deleteSession') {308 // resetting existing timeout309 this.startNewCommandTimeout();310 }311 // log timing information about this command312 const endTime =;313 this._eventHistory.commands.push({cmd, startTime, endTime});314 if (cmd === 'createSession') {315 this.logEvent(EVENT_SESSION_START);316 } else if (cmd === 'deleteSession') {317 this.logEvent(EVENT_SESSION_QUIT_DONE);318 }319 return res;320 }321 async startUnexpectedShutdown (err = new errors.NoSuchDriverError('The driver was unexpectedly shut down!')) {322 this.eventEmitter.emit(ON_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, err); // allow others to listen for this323 this.shutdownUnexpectedly = true;324 try {325 await this.deleteSession(this.sessionId);326 } finally {327 this.shutdownUnexpectedly = false;328 }329 }330 validateLocatorStrategy (strategy, webContext = false) {331 let validStrategies = this.locatorStrategies;332 log.debug(`Valid locator strategies for this request: ${validStrategies.join(', ')}`);333 if (webContext) {334 validStrategies = validStrategies.concat(this.webLocatorStrategies);335 }336 if (!_.includes(validStrategies, strategy)) {337 throw new errors.InvalidSelectorError(`Locator Strategy '${strategy}' is not supported for this session`);338 }339 }340 /*341 * Restart the session with the original caps,342 * preserving the timeout config.343 */344 async reset () {345 log.debug('Resetting app mid-session');346 log.debug('Running generic full reset');347 // preserving state348 let currentConfig = {};349 for (let property of ['implicitWaitMs', 'newCommandTimeoutMs', 'sessionId', 'resetOnUnexpectedShutdown']) {350 currentConfig[property] = this[property];351 }352 // We also need to preserve the unexpected shutdown, and make sure it is not cancelled during reset.353 this.resetOnUnexpectedShutdown = () => {};354 // Construct the arguments for createSession depending on the protocol type355 const args = this.protocol === PROTOCOLS.W3C ?356 [undefined, undefined, {alwaysMatch: this.caps, firstMatch: [{}]}] :357 [this.caps];358 try {359 await this.deleteSession(this.sessionId);360 log.debug('Restarting app');361 await this.createSession(...args);362 } finally {363 // always restore state.364 for (let [key, value] of _.toPairs(currentConfig)) {365 this[key] = value;366 }367 }368 this.clearNewCommandTimeout();369 }370 proxyActive (/* sessionId */) {371 return false;372 }373 getProxyAvoidList (/* sessionId */) {374 return [];375 }376 canProxy (/* sessionId */) {377 return false;378 }379 /**380 * Whether a given command route (expressed as method and url) should not be381 * proxied according to this driver382 *383 * @param {string} sessionId - the current sessionId (in case the driver runs384 * multiple session ids and requires it). This is not used in this method but385 * should be made available to overridden methods.386 * @param {string} method - HTTP method of the route387 * @param {string} url - url of the route388 *389 * @returns {boolean} - whether the route should be avoided390 */391 proxyRouteIsAvoided (sessionId, method, url) {392 for (let avoidSchema of this.getProxyAvoidList(sessionId)) {393 if (!_.isArray(avoidSchema) || avoidSchema.length !== 2) {394 throw new Error('Proxy avoidance must be a list of pairs');395 }396 let [avoidMethod, avoidPathRegex] = avoidSchema;397 if (!_.includes(['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'], avoidMethod)) {398 throw new Error(`Unrecognized proxy avoidance method '${avoidMethod}'`);399 }400 if (!_.isRegExp(avoidPathRegex)) {401 throw new Error('Proxy avoidance path must be a regular expression');402 }403 let normalizedUrl = url.replace(new RegExp(`^${_.escapeRegExp(this.basePath)}`), '');404 if (avoidMethod === method && avoidPathRegex.test(normalizedUrl)) {405 return true;406 }407 }408 return false;409 }410 addManagedDriver (driver) {411 this.managedDrivers.push(driver);412 }413 getManagedDrivers () {414 return this.managedDrivers;415 }416 registerImageElement (imgEl) {417 this._imgElCache.set(, imgEl);418 const protoKey = this.isW3CProtocol() ? W3C_ELEMENT_KEY : MJSONWP_ELEMENT_KEY;419 return imgEl.asElement(protoKey);420 }421}422for (let [cmd, fn] of _.toPairs(commands)) {423 BaseDriver.prototype[cmd] = fn;424}425export { BaseDriver };...
Source: context-specs.js
1import chai from 'chai';2import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';3import sinon from 'sinon';4import { default as webviewHelpers,5 NATIVE_WIN, WEBVIEW_BASE, WEBVIEW_WIN, CHROMIUM_WIN } from '../../../lib/webview-helpers';6import { setupNewChromedriver } from '../../../lib/commands/context';7import AndroidDriver from '../../..';8import Chromedriver from 'appium-chromedriver';9import PortFinder from 'portfinder';10import { errors } from 'appium-base-driver';11let driver;12let stubbedChromedriver;13let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();14let expect = chai.expect;15chai.should();16chai.use(chaiAsPromised);17describe('Context', function () {18 beforeEach(function () {19 sandbox.stub(PortFinder, 'getPort').callsFake(function (cb) { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks20 return cb(null, 4444); // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks21 });22 driver = new AndroidDriver();23 driver.adb = sandbox.stub();24 driver.adb.curDeviceId = 'device_id';25 driver.adb.getAdbServerPort = sandbox.stub().returns(5555);26 sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'restart');27 sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'start');28 sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype.proxyReq, 'bind').returns('proxy');29 stubbedChromedriver = sinon.stub();30 stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq = sinon.stub();31 stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq.bind = sinon.stub();32 stubbedChromedriver.restart = sinon.stub();33 stubbedChromedriver.stop = sandbox.stub().throws();34 stubbedChromedriver.removeAllListeners = sandbox.stub();35 });36 afterEach(function () {37 sandbox.restore();38 });39 describe('getCurrentContext', function () {40 it('should return current context', async function () {41 driver.curContext = 'current_context';42 await driver.getCurrentContext().should.become('current_context');43 });44 it('should return NATIVE_APP if no context is set', async function () {45 driver.curContext = null;46 await driver.getCurrentContext().should.become(NATIVE_WIN);47 });48 });49 describe('getContexts', function () {50 it('should get Chromium context where appropriate', async function () {51 driver = new AndroidDriver({browserName: 'Chrome'});52 expect(await driver.getContexts()).to.include(CHROMIUM_WIN);53 });54 it('should use ADB to figure out which webviews are available', async function () {55 sandbox.stub(webviewHelpers, 'getWebviews');56 expect(await driver.getContexts()).to.not.include(CHROMIUM_WIN);57;58 });59 });60 describe('setContext', function () {61 beforeEach(function () {62 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getContexts').returns(['DEFAULT', 'WV', 'ANOTHER']);63 sandbox.stub(driver, 'switchContext');64 });65 it('should switch to default context if name is null', async function () {66 sandbox.stub(driver, 'defaultContextName').returns('DEFAULT');67 await driver.setContext(null);68 driver.switchContext.calledWithExactly('DEFAULT');69'DEFAULT');70 });71 it('should switch to default web view if name is WEBVIEW', async function () {72 sandbox.stub(driver, 'defaultWebviewName').returns('WV');73 await driver.setContext(WEBVIEW_WIN);74 driver.switchContext.calledWithExactly('WV');75'WV');76 });77 it('should throw error if context does not exist', async function () {78 await driver.setContext('fake')79;80 });81 it('should not switch to context if already in it', async function () {82 driver.curContext = 'ANOTHER';83 await driver.setContext('ANOTHER');84;85 });86 });87 describe('switchContext', function () {88 beforeEach(function () {89 sandbox.stub(driver, 'stopChromedriverProxies');90 sandbox.stub(driver, 'startChromedriverProxy');91 sandbox.stub(driver, 'suspendChromedriverProxy');92 sandbox.stub(driver, 'isChromedriverContext');93 driver.curContext = 'current_cntx';94 });95 it('should start chrome driver proxy if requested context is webview', async function () {96 driver.isChromedriverContext.returns(true);97 await driver.switchContext('context');98 driver.startChromedriverProxy.calledWithExactly('context');99 });100 it('should stop chromedriver proxy if current context is webview and requested context is not', async function () {101 driver.opts = {recreateChromeDriverSessions: true};102 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('requested_cntx').returns(false);103 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('current_cntx').returns(true);104 await driver.switchContext('requested_cntx');105;106 });107 it('should suspend chrome driver proxy if current context is webview and requested context is not', async function () {108 driver.opts = {recreateChromeDriverSessions: false};109 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('requested_cntx').returns(false);110 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('current_cntx').returns(true);111 await driver.switchContext('requested_cntx');112;113 });114 it('should throw error if requested and current context are not webview', async function () {115 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('requested_cntx').returns(false);116 driver.isChromedriverContext.withArgs('current_cntx').returns(false);117 await driver.switchContext('requested_cntx')118 to context/);119 });120 });121 describe('defaultContextName', function () {122 it('should return NATIVE_WIN', async function () {123 await driver.defaultContextName();124 });125 });126 describe('defaultWebviewName', function () {127 it('should return WEBVIEW with package', async function () {128 driver.opts = {appPackage: 'pkg'};129 await driver.defaultWebviewName() + 'pkg');130 });131 });132 describe('isWebContext', function () {133 it('should return true if current context is not native', async function () {134 driver.curContext = 'current_context';135 await driver.isWebContext();136 });137 });138 describe('startChromedriverProxy', function () {139 beforeEach(function () {140 sandbox.stub(driver, 'onChromedriverStop');141 });142 it('should start new chromedriver session', async function () {143 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');144;145 driver.chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0]146'device_id');147;148 driver.chromedriver.proxyReq.bind.calledWithExactly(driver.chromedriver);149'proxy');150;151 });152 it('should be able to extract package from context name', async function () {153 driver.opts.appPackage = 'pkg';154 driver.opts.extractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextName = true;155 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_com.pkg');156 driver.chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0]157{androidPackage: 'com.pkg'});158 });159 it('should use package from opts if package extracted from context is empty', async function () {160 driver.opts.appPackage = 'pkg';161 driver.opts.extractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextName = true;162 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_');163 driver.chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0]164{androidPackage: 'pkg'});165 });166 it('should handle chromedriver event with STATE_STOPPED state', async function () {167 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');168 await driver.chromedriver.emit(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED,169 {state: Chromedriver.STATE_STOPPED});170 driver.onChromedriverStop.calledWithExactly('WEBVIEW_1');171 });172 it('should ignore events if status is not STATE_STOPPED', async function () {173 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');174 await driver.chromedriver.emit(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED,175 {state: 'unhandled_state'});176;177 });178 it('should reconnect if session already exists', async function () {179 stubbedChromedriver.hasWorkingWebview = sinon.stub().returns(true);180 driver.sessionChromedrivers = {WEBVIEW_1: stubbedChromedriver};181 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');182;183;184 });185 it('should restart if chromedriver has not working web view', async function () {186 stubbedChromedriver.hasWorkingWebview = sinon.stub().returns(false);187 driver.sessionChromedrivers = {WEBVIEW_1: stubbedChromedriver};188 await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');189;190 });191 });192 describe('suspendChromedriverProxy', function () {193 it('should suspend chrome driver proxy', async function () {194 await driver.suspendChromedriverProxy();195 (driver.chromedriver == null);196 (driver.proxyReqRes == null);197;198 });199 });200 describe('onChromedriverStop', function () {201 it('should call startUnexpectedShutdown if chromedriver in active context', async function () {202 sinon.stub(driver, 'startUnexpectedShutdown');203 driver.curContext = 'WEBVIEW_1';204 await driver.onChromedriverStop('WEBVIEW_1');205 let arg0 = driver.startUnexpectedShutdown.getCall(0).args[0];206'error');207 arg0.message.should.include('Chromedriver quit unexpectedly during session');208 });209 it('should delete session if chromedriver in non-active context', async function () {210 driver.curContext = 'WEBVIEW_1';211 driver.sessionChromedrivers = {WEBVIEW_2: 'CHROMIUM'};212 await driver.onChromedriverStop('WEBVIEW_2');213;214 });215 });216 describe('stopChromedriverProxies', function () {217 it('should stop all chromedriver', async function () {218 driver.sessionChromedrivers = {WEBVIEW_1: stubbedChromedriver, WEBVIEW_2: stubbedChromedriver};219 sandbox.stub(driver, 'suspendChromedriverProxy');220 await driver.stopChromedriverProxies();221;222 stubbedChromedriver.removeAllListeners223 .calledWithExactly(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED);224;225;226;227 });228 });229 describe('isChromedriverContext', function () {230 it('should return true if context is webview or chromium', async function () {231 await driver.isChromedriverContext(WEBVIEW_WIN + '_1');232 await driver.isChromedriverContext(CHROMIUM_WIN);233 });234 });235 describe('setupNewChromedriver', function () {236 it('should be able to set app package from chrome options', async function () {237 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({chromeOptions: {androidPackage: 'apkg'}});238 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidPackage239'apkg');240 });241 it('should use prefixed chromeOptions', async function () {242 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({243 'goog:chromeOptions': {244 androidPackage: 'apkg',245 },246 });247 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidPackage248'apkg');249 });250 it('should merge chromeOptions', async function () {251 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({252 chromeOptions: {253 androidPackage: 'apkg',254 },255 'goog:chromeOptions': {256 androidWaitPackage: 'bpkg',257 },258 'appium:chromeOptions': {259 androidActivity: 'aact',260 },261 });262 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidPackage263'apkg');264 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidActivity265'aact');266 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidWaitPackage267'bpkg');268 });269 it('should be able to set androidActivity chrome option', async function () {270 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({chromeAndroidActivity: 'act'});271 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidActivity272'act');273 });274 it('should be able to set androidProcess chrome option', async function () {275 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({chromeAndroidProcess: 'proc'});276 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidProcess277'proc');278 });279 it('should be able to set loggingPrefs capability', async function () {280 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({enablePerformanceLogging: true});281 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].loggingPrefs282 .should.deep.equal({performance: 'ALL'});283 });284 it('should set androidActivity to appActivity if browser name is chromium-webview', async function () {285 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({browserName: 'chromium-webview',286 appActivity: 'app_act'});287 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].chromeOptions.androidActivity288'app_act');289 });290 it('should be able to set loggingPrefs capability', async function () {291 let chromedriver = await setupNewChromedriver({pageLoadStrategy: 'strategy'});292 chromedriver.start.getCall(0).args[0].pageLoadStrategy293'strategy');294 });295 });...
Source: context.js
...131 if (context === this.curContext) {132 // we exited unexpectedly while automating the current context and so want133 // to shut down the session and respond with an error134 let err = new Error("Chromedriver quit unexpectedly during session");135 await this.startUnexpectedShutdown(err);136 } else {137 // if a Chromedriver in the non-active context barfs, we don't really138 // care, we'll just make a new one next time we need the context.139 logger.warn("Chromedriver quit unexpectedly, but it wasn't the active " +140 "context, ignoring");141 delete this.sessionChromedrivers[context];142 }143};144// Intentionally stop all the chromedrivers currently active, and ignore145// their exit events146helpers.stopChromedriverProxies = async function () {147 this.suspendChromedriverProxy(); // make sure we turn off the proxy flag148 for (let context of _.keys(this.sessionChromedrivers)) {149 let cd = this.sessionChromedrivers[context];...
Source: driver-e2e-tests.js
...191 simple: false192 });193 // make sure that the request gets to the server before our shutdown194 await B.delay(100);195 d.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error('Crashytimes'));196 let res = await p;197 res.status.should.equal(13);198 res.value.message.should.contain('Crashytimes');199 await'Crashytimes');200 });201 });202 describe('event timings', function () {203 it('should not add timings if not using opt-in cap', async function () {204 let session = await startSession(defaultCaps);205 let res = await getSession(session.sessionId);206 should.not.exist(;207 await endSession(session.sessionId);208 });209 it('should add start session timings', async function () {...
Source: proxy-helper.js
...32 });33 if (isCommandExpired) {34 proxy.cancelActiveRequests();35 const errMsg = `Appium did not get any response from "${cmdName}" command in ${timeout} ms`;36 await this.startUnexpectedShutdown(new errors.TimeoutError(errMsg));37 log.errorAndThrow(errMsg);38 }39 } else {40 res = await proxy.command(endpoint, method, body);41 }42 // temporarily handle errors that can be returned43 if (res && res.status && parseInt(res.status, 10) !== 0) {44 throw errorFromCode(res.status, res.value);45 }46 return res;47};48Object.assign(extensions, helpers);49export { helpers };50export default extensions;
Source: timeout.js
...28 this.noCommandTimer29 .then(async () => { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-then30 log.warn(`Shutting down because we waited ` +31 `${this.newCommandTimeoutMs / 1000} seconds for a command`);32 await this.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error(`Command ${cmd} timed out!`));33 })34 .catch(B.CancellationError, (/*err*/) => {35 // ignore36 });37};38Object.assign(extensions, commands, helpers);39export { commands, helpers };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').BaseDriver;2BaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {3 console.log('Unexpected Shutdown');4};5const BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').BaseDriver;6BaseDriver.prototype.stopUnexpectedShutdown = function () {7 console.log('Unexpected Shutdown Stopped');8};
Using AI Code Generation
1import { startUnexpectedShutdown } from 'appium-base-driver/lib/mjsonwp/mjsonwp';2startUnexpectedShutdown();3import { startUnexpectedShutdown } from 'appium-base-driver/lib/mjsonwp/mjsonwp';4startUnexpectedShutdown();5function startUnexpectedShutdown() {6 process.emit('SIGTERM');7}8process.on('SIGTERM', () => {9'Shutting down due to unexpected shutdown');10 gracefulShutdown();11});12function gracefulShutdown() {13 server.close();14 process.exit(0);15}16process.on('SIGTERM', () => {17'Shutting down due to unexpected shutdown');18 gracefulShutdown();19});20function gracefulShutdown() {21 server.close();22 process.exit(0);23}24process.on('SIGTERM', () => {25'Shutting down due to unexpected shutdown');26 gracefulShutdown();27});28function gracefulShutdown() {29 server.close();30 process.exit(0);31}32process.on('SIGTERM', () => {33'Shutting down due to unexpected shutdown');34 gracefulShutdown();35});36function gracefulShutdown() {37 server.close();38 process.exit(0);39}40process.on('SIGTERM', () => {41'Shutting down due to unexpected shutdown');42 gracefulShutdown();43});44function gracefulShutdown() {45 server.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-base-driver').BaseDriver;2startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');3const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium').Driver;4startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');5const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;6startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');7const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-ios-driver').IOSDriver;8startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');9const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-windows-driver').WindowsDriver;10startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');11const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-mac-driver').MacDriver;12startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');13const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-fake-driver').FakeDriver;14startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');15const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-youiengine-driver').YouiEngineDriver;16startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');17const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-espresso-driver').EspressoDriver;18startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');19const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-xcuitest-driver').XCUITestDriver;20startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');21const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-webdriveragent-driver').WebDriverAgentDriver;22startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');23const { startUnexpectedShutdown } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver').UiAutomator2Driver;24startUnexpectedShutdown('Unexpected shutdown happened');25const { startUnexpectedShutdown
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;2var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();3appiumBaseDriver.startUnexpectedShutdown(new Error('Unexpected error'));4var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;5var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();6appiumBaseDriver.restart();7var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;8var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();9appiumBaseDriver.getStatus();10var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;11var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();12appiumBaseDriver.getSession();13var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;14var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();15appiumBaseDriver.getContexts();16var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;17var appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver();18appiumBaseDriver.getCurrentContext();19var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver').AppiumBaseDriver;
Using AI Code Generation
1var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {3};4var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');5AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {6};7var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');8AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {9};10var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');11AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {12};13var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {15};16var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');17AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {18};19var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');20AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {21};22var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');23AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {24};25var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {27};28var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');29AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.startUnexpectedShutdown = function (err) {30};
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