How to use requestEndLoggingFormat method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source:helpers.js Github


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1"use strict";2var _ = require("underscore")3 , gridRegister = require('./​grid-register.js')4 , logger = require('./​logger.js').get('appium')5 , status = require('./​status.js')6 , io = require('')7 , mkdirp = require('mkdirp')8 , bytes = require('bytes')9 , domain = require('domain')10 , format = require('util').format11 , Args = require("vargs").Constructor;12module.exports.allowCrossDomain = function (req, res, next) {13 safely(req, function () {14 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');15 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS,DELETE');16 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'origin, content-type, accept');17 });18 /​/​ need to respond 200 to OPTIONS19 if ('OPTIONS' === req.method) {20 safely(req, function () {21 res.sendStatus(200);22 });23 } else {24 next();25 }26};27module.exports.winstonStream = {28 write: function (msg) {29 msg = msg.replace(/​$\s*$/​m, "");30 msg = msg.replace(/​\[[^\]]+\] /​, "");31 logger.log('debug', msg);32 }33};34module.exports.catchAllHandler = function (e, req, res, next) {35 safely(req, function () {36 res.status(500).send({37 status: , value: "ERROR running Appium command: " + e.message39 });40 });41 next(e);42};43module.exports.checkArgs = function (parser, args) {44 var exclusives = [45 ['noReset', 'fullReset']46 , ['ipa', 'safari']47 , ['app', 'safari']48 , ['forceIphone', 'forceIpad']49 , ['deviceName', 'defaultDevice']50 ];51 _.each(exclusives, function (exSet) {52 var numFoundInArgs = 0;53 _.each(exSet, function (opt) {54 if (_.has(args, opt) && args[opt]) {55 numFoundInArgs++;56 }57 });58 if (numFoundInArgs > 1) {59 console.error(("You can't pass in more than one argument from the set " +60 JSON.stringify(exSet) + ", since they are mutually exclusive").red);61 process.exit(1);62 }63 });64 var checkValidPort = function (port) {65 if (port > 0 && port < 65536) return true;66 console.error("Port must be greater than 0 and less than 65536");67 return false;68 };69 var validations = {70 port: checkValidPort71 , callbackPort: checkValidPort72 , bootstrapPort: checkValidPort73 , selendroidPort: checkValidPort74 , chromedriverPort: checkValidPort75 , robotPort: checkValidPort76 , backendRetries: function (r) { return r >= 0; }77 };78 var nonDefaultArgs = getNonDefaultArgs(parser, args);79 _.each(validations, function (validator, arg) {80 if (_.has(nonDefaultArgs, arg)) {81 if (!validator(args[arg])) {82 console.error("Invalid argument for param " + arg + ": " + args[arg]);83 process.exit(1);84 }85 }86 });87};88module.exports.noColorLogger = function (tokens, req, res) {89 var len = parseInt(res.getHeader('Content-Length'), 10);90 len = isNaN(len) ? '' : ' - ' + bytes(len);91 return req.method + ' ' + req.originalUrl + ' ' +92 res.statusCode + ' ' + (new Date() - req._startTime) + 'ms' + len;93};94module.exports.configureServer = function (rawConfig, appiumVer, appiumServer,95 cb) {96 var appiumRev;97 if (!rawConfig) {98 return cb(new Error('config data required'));99 }100 var versionMismatches = {};101 var excludedKeys = ["git-sha", "node_bin", "built"];102 _.each(rawConfig, function (deviceConfig, key) {103 if (deviceConfig.version !== appiumVer && !_.contains(excludedKeys, key)) {104 versionMismatches[key] = deviceConfig.version;105 } else if (key === "git-sha") {106 appiumRev = rawConfig['git-sha'];107 }108 });109 if (_.keys(versionMismatches).length) {110 logger.error("Got some configuration version mismatches. Appium is " +111 "at " + appiumVer + ".");112 _.each(versionMismatches, function (mismatchedVer, key) {113 logger.error(key + " configured at " + mismatchedVer);114 });115 logger.error("Please re-run or config");116 return cb(new Error("Appium /​ config version mismatch"));117 } else {118 appiumServer.registerConfig(rawConfig);119 cb(null, appiumRev);120 }121};122module.exports.conditionallyPreLaunch = function (args, appiumServer, cb) {123 if (args.launch) {124 logger.debug("Starting Appium in pre-launch mode");125 appiumServer.preLaunch(function (err) {126 if (err) {127 logger.error("Could not pre-launch appium: " + err);128 cb(err);129 } else {130 cb(null);131 }132 });133 } else {134 cb(null);135 }136};137module.exports.prepareTmpDir = function (args, cb) {138 if (args.tmpDir === null) return cb();139 mkdirp(args.tmpDir, function (err) {140 if (err) {141 logger.error("Could not ensure tmp dir '" + args.tmpDir + "' exists");142 logger.error(err);143 }144 cb(err);145 });146};147var startAlertSocket = function (restServer, appiumServer) {148 var alerts = io(restServer, {149 'flash policy port': -1,150 'logger': logger,151 'log level': 1,152 'polling duration': 10,153 'transports': ['websocket', 'flashsocket']154 });155 alerts.sockets.on("connection", function (socket) {156 logger.debug("Client connected: " + (;157 socket.on('disconnect', function (data) {158 logger.debug("Client disconnected: " + data);159 });160 });161 /​/​ add web socket so we can emit events162 appiumServer.attachSocket(alerts);163};164var getNonDefaultArgs = function (parser, args) {165 var nonDefaults = {};166 _.each(parser.rawArgs, function (rawArg) {167 var arg = rawArg[1].dest;168 if (args[arg] !== rawArg[1].defaultValue) {169 nonDefaults[arg] = args[arg];170 }171 });172 return nonDefaults;173};174var getDeprecatedArgs = function (parser, args) {175 var deprecated = {};176 _.each(parser.rawArgs, function (rawArg) {177 var arg = rawArg[1].dest;178 if (args[arg] && rawArg[1].deprecatedFor) {179 deprecated[rawArg[0]] = "use instead: " + rawArg[1].deprecatedFor;180 }181 });182 return deprecated;183};184module.exports.startListening = function (server, args, parser, appiumVer, appiumRev, appiumServer, cb) {185 var alreadyReturned = false;186 server.listen(args.port, args.address, function () {187 var welcome = "Welcome to Appium v" + appiumVer;188 if (appiumRev) {189 welcome += " (REV " + appiumRev + ")";190 }191;192 var logMessage = "Appium REST http interface listener started on " +193 args.address + ":" + args.port;194;195 startAlertSocket(server, appiumServer);196 if (args.nodeconfig !== null) {197 gridRegister.registerNode(args.nodeconfig, args.address, args.port);198 }199 var showArgs = getNonDefaultArgs(parser, args);200 if (_.size(showArgs)) {201 logger.debug("Non-default server args: " + JSON.stringify(showArgs));202 }203 var deprecatedArgs = getDeprecatedArgs(parser, args);204 if (_.size(deprecatedArgs)) {205 logger.warn("Deprecated server args: " + JSON.stringify(deprecatedArgs));206 }207'Console LogLevel: ' + logger.transports.console.level);208 if (logger.transports.file) {209'File LogLevel: ' + logger.transports.file.level);210 }211 });212 server.on('error', function (err) {213 if (err.code === 'EADDRNOTAVAIL') {214 logger.error("Couldn't start Appium REST http interface listener. Requested address is not available.");215 } else {216 logger.error("Couldn't start Appium REST http interface listener. Requested port is already in use. Please make sure there's no other instance of Appium running already.");217 }218 if (!alreadyReturned) {219 alreadyReturned = true;220 cb(err);221 }222 });223 server.on('connection', function (socket) {224 socket.setTimeout(600 * 1000); /​/​ 10 minute timeout225 });226 setTimeout(function () {227 if (!alreadyReturned) {228 alreadyReturned = true;229 cb(null);230 }231 }, 1000);232};233/​/​ Copied the morgan compile function over so that cooler formats234/​/​ may be configured235function compile(fmt) {236 fmt = fmt.replace(/​"/​g, '\\"');237 var js = ' return "' + fmt.replace(/​:([-\w]{2,})(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?/​g,238 function (_, name, arg) {239 return '"\n + (tokens["' + name + '"](req, res, "' + arg + '") || "-") + "';240 }) + '";';241 /​/​ jshint evil:true242 return new Function('tokens, req, res', js);243}244module.exports.requestStartLoggingFormat = compile('-->'.white + ' ' + ':method'.white + ' ' +245 ':url'.white);246/​/​ Copied the morgan function, modified to use colors package247/​/​ and custom logging line248module.exports.requestEndLoggingFormat = function (tokens, req, res) {249 var status = res.statusCode;250 var statusStr = ':status';251 if (status >= 500) statusStr =;252 else if (status >= 400) statusStr = statusStr.yellow;253 else if (status >= 300) statusStr = statusStr.cyan;254 else statusStr =;255 var fn = compile('<-- :method :url '.white + statusStr +256 ' :response-time ms - :res[content-length]'.grey);257 return fn(tokens, req, res);258};259function getRequestContext(req) {260 if (!req) return '';261 var data = '';262 try {263 if (req.body) data = JSON.stringify(req.body).substring(0, 200);264 } catch (ign) {}265 return format('context: [%s %s %s]', req.method, req.url, data).replace(/​ ]$/​, '');266}267/​/​ Mainly used to wrap http response methods, or for cases where errors268/​/​ perdure the domain269var safely = function () {270 var args = new (Args)(arguments);271 var req = args.all[0];272 var fn = args.callback;273 try {274 fn();275 } catch (err) {276 logger.error('Unexpected error:', err.stack, getRequestContext(req));277 }278};279module.exports.safely = safely;280module.exports.domainMiddleware = function () {281 return function (req, res, next) {282 var reqDomain = domain.create();283 reqDomain.add(req);284 reqDomain.add(res);285 res.on('close', function () {286 setTimeout(function () {287 reqDomain.dispose();288 }, 5000);289 });290 reqDomain.on('error', function (err) {291 logger.error('Unhandled error:', err.stack, getRequestContext(req));292 });293;294 };...

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Source:main.js Github


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...78 , server = http.createServer(rest);79 rest.use(domainMiddleware());80 rest.use(morgan(function (tokens, req, res) {81 /​/​ morgan output is redirected straight to winston82, req, res),83 (res.jsonResp || '').grey);84 }));85 rest.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'static/​favicon.ico')));86 rest.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static')));87 rest.use(allowCrossDomain);88 rest.use(parserWrap);89 rest.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));90 rest.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '50mb'}));91 rest.use(morgan({format: function (tokens, req, res) {92 /​/​ morgan output is redirected straight to winston93 var data = '';94 try {95 if (req.body) data = JSON.stringify(req.body).substring(0, 1000);96 } catch (ign) {}...

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Source:express-logging.js Github


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...29 let fn = compile(`${'<-- :method :url '.white}${statusStr} ${':response-time ms - :res[content-length]'.grey}`);30 return fn(tokens, req, res);31}32const endLogFormatter = morgan((tokens, req, res) => {33, req, res),34 (res.jsonResp || '').grey);35});36const requestStartLoggingFormat = compile(`${'-->'.white} ${':method'.white} ${':url'.white}`);37const startLogFormatter = morgan((tokens, req, res) => {38 /​/​ morgan output is redirected straight to winston39 let data = '';40 try {41 if (req.body) {42 data = JSON.stringify(req.body).substring(0, 1000);43 }44 } catch (ign) {}45, req, res), data.grey);46}, {immediate: true});47export { endLogFormatter, startLogFormatter };

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const requestEndLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestEndLoggingFormat;2const requestStartLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestStartLoggingFormat;3const responseLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').responseLoggingFormat;4const responseErrorLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').responseErrorLoggingFormat;5const requestErrorLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestErrorLoggingFormat;6const logRequest = require('appium-base-driver').logRequest;7const logResponse = require('appium-base-driver').logResponse;8const logRequestError = require('appium-base-driver').logRequestError;9const logResponseError = require('appium-base-driver').logResponseError;10const logStart = require('appium-base-driver').logStart;11const logEnd = require('appium-base-driver').logEnd;12const logError = require('appium-base-driver').logError;13const logInfo = require('appium-base-driver').logInfo;14const logWarn = require('appium-base-driver').logWarn;15const logDebug = require('appium-base-driver').logDebug;16const logTrace = require('appium-base-driver').logTrace;17const logHttp = require('appium-base-driver').logHttp

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3}).then(function() {4}).then(function() {5 return driver.quit();6});7import { BaseDriver, errors } from 'appium-base-driver';8import _ from 'lodash';9import logger from './​logger';10import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';11import { util } from 'appium-support';12import { requestEndLoggingFormat } from 'appium-base-driver/​lib/​basedriver/​driver';13export default class AndroidDriver extends BaseDriver {14 constructor(opts = {}, shouldValidateCaps = true) {15 super(opts, shouldValidateCaps);16 this.desiredCapConstraints = {17 platformName: {18 },19 deviceName: {20 },21 app: {22 }23 };24 }25 async createSession(caps) {26 let [sessionId] = await super.createSession(caps);27 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server: this.opts.address, port: this.opts.port, base: ''});28 await this.jwproxy.command('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});29 return [sessionId, caps];30 }31 async deleteSession() {32 await super.deleteSession();33 await this.jwproxy.command('/​session', 'DELETE', {});34 }35 async get(url) {36 await this.jwproxy.command('/​url', 'POST', {url});37 }38}39import _ from 'lodash';40import util from 'util';41import { requestEndLoggingFormat } from 'appium-base-driver/​lib/​basedriver/​driver';42export default class Logger {43 constructor(prefix, logObj = {}) {44 this.prefix = prefix;45 this.logs = logObj;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { AppiumServer } = require('appium');3let appiumServer = new AppiumServer();4let appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver(appiumServer);5appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('json');6appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('junit');7appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('teamcity');8appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('dot');9appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('spec');10appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('progress');11appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('nyan');12appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('xunit');13appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('xunit-file');14appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('markdown');15appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('html');16appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('json-stream');17appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('list');18appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('tap');19appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('landing');20appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('min');21appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('doc');22appiumBaseDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat('json-stream');23const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');24const { AppiumServer } = require('appium');25let appiumServer = new AppiumServer();26let appiumBaseDriver = new AppiumBaseDriver(appiumServer);27appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('json');28appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('junit');29appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('teamcity');30appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('dot');31appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('spec');32appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('progress');33appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('nyan');34appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('xunit');35appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('xunit-file');36appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('markdown');37appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('html');38appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('json-stream');39appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('list');40appiumBaseDriver.requestStartLoggingFormat('tap');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let requestEndLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestEndLoggingFormat;2let request = {method: 'POST', url: '/​wd/​hub/​session/​1234567890/​element', body: {using: 'id', value: 'test'}};3let response = {status: 200, body: {status: 0, value: {ELEMENT: '1234567890'}}};4let res = requestEndLoggingFormat(request, response);5console.log(res);6{"using":"id","value":"test"}7{"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"1234567890"}}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');3class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {4 async createSession () {5 }6}7const myDriver = new MyDriver();8myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();9const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');10const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');11class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {12 async createSession () {13 }14}15const myDriver = new MyDriver();16myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();17const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');18const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');19class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {20 async createSession () {21 }22}23const myDriver = new MyDriver();24myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();25const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');26const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');27class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {28 async createSession () {29 }30}31const myDriver = new MyDriver();32myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();33const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');34const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');35class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {36 async createSession () {37 }38}39const myDriver = new MyDriver();40myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();41const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');42const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');43class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {44 async createSession () {45 }46}47const myDriver = new MyDriver();48myDriver.requestEndLoggingFormat();49const { requestEndLoggingFormat } = require('appium-base-driver');50const { BaseDriver } = require('app

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1describe('test', function () {2 it('should log the response', function () {3 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();4 });5});6describe('test', function () {7 it('should log the response', function () {8 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();9 });10});11describe('test', function () {12 it('should log the response', function () {13 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();14 });15});16describe('test', function () {17 it('should log the response', function () {18 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();19 });20});21describe('test', function () {22 it('should log the response', function () {23 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();24 });25});26describe('test', function () {27 it('should log the response', function () {28 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();29 });30});31describe('test', function () {32 it('should log the response', function () {33 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();34 });35});36describe('test', function () {37 it('should log the response', function () {38 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();39 });40});41describe('test', function () {42 it('should log the response', function () {43 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();44 });45});46describe('test', function () {47 it('should log the response', function () {48 driver.requestEndLoggingFormat();49 });50});51describe('test', function () {

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1const requestEndLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestEndLoggingFormat;2const logFormat = requestEndLoggingFormat('GET', '/​wd/​hub/​session/​:sessionId/​element/​:elementId/​displayed', {3});4console.log(logFormat);5const responseEndLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').responseEndLoggingFormat;6const logFormat = responseEndLoggingFormat('GET', '/​wd/​hub/​session/​:sessionId/​element/​:elementId/​displayed', {7}, 'true');8console.log(logFormat);9const requestErrorLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').requestErrorLoggingFormat;10const logFormat = requestErrorLoggingFormat('GET', '/​wd/​hub/​session/​:sessionId/​element/​:elementId/​displayed', {11}, 'Element not found');12console.log(logFormat);13const responseErrorLoggingFormat = require('appium-base-driver').responseErrorLoggingFormat;14const logFormat = responseErrorLoggingFormat('GET', '/​wd/​hub/​session/​:sessionId/​element/​:elementId/​displayed', {15}, 'Element not found');16console.log(logFormat);

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