How to use proxy.proxyReqRes method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source: webdriveragent.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import url from 'url';4import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';5import { fs } from 'appium-support';6import log from '../​logger';7import { NoSessionProxy } from "./​no-session-proxy";8import { checkForDependencies } from './​utils';9import { resetXCTestProcesses, getPIDsListeningOnPort } from '../​utils';10import XcodeBuild from './​xcodebuild';11import iProxy from './​iproxy';12import fkill from 'fkill';13const BOOTSTRAP_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'WebDriverAgent');14const WDA_BUNDLE_ID = '';15const WDA_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;16const WDA_AGENT_PORT = 8100;17const WDA_BASE_URL = 'http:/​/​localhost';18class WebDriverAgent {19 constructor (xcodeVersion, args = {}) {20 this.xcodeVersion = xcodeVersion;21 this.device = args.device;22 this.platformVersion = args.platformVersion;23 =;24 this.realDevice = !!args.realDevice;25 this.setWDAPaths(args.bootstrapPath, args.agentPath);26 this.wdaLocalPort = args.wdaLocalPort;27 this.prebuildWDA = args.prebuildWDA;28 this.webDriverAgentUrl = args.webDriverAgentUrl;29 this.started = false;30 this.wdaConnectionTimeout = args.wdaConnectionTimeout;31 this.useCarthageSsl = _.isBoolean(args.useCarthageSsl) && args.useCarthageSsl;32 this.useXctestrunFile = args.useXctestrunFile;33 this.xcodebuild = new XcodeBuild(this.xcodeVersion, this.device, {34 platformVersion: this.platformVersion,35 agentPath: this.agentPath,36 bootstrapPath: this.bootstrapPath,37 realDevice: this.realDevice,38 showXcodeLog: !!args.showXcodeLog,39 xcodeConfigFile: args.xcodeConfigFile,40 xcodeOrgId: args.xcodeOrgId,41 xcodeSigningId: args.xcodeSigningId,42 keychainPath: args.keychainPath,43 keychainPassword: args.keychainPassword,44 useSimpleBuildTest: args.useSimpleBuildTest,45 usePrebuiltWDA: args.usePrebuiltWDA,46 updatedWDABundleId: args.updatedWDABundleId,47 launchTimeout: args.wdaLaunchTimeout || WDA_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT,48 wdaRemotePort: this.realDevice ? WDA_AGENT_PORT : (this.wdaLocalPort || WDA_AGENT_PORT),49 useXctestrunFile : this.useXctestrunFile50 });51 }52 setWDAPaths (bootstrapPath, agentPath) {53 /​/​ allow the user to specify a place for WDA. This is undocumented and54 /​/​ only here for the purposes of testing development of WDA55 this.bootstrapPath = bootstrapPath || BOOTSTRAP_PATH;56`Using WDA path: '${this.bootstrapPath}'`);57 /​/​ for backward compatibility we need to be able to specify agentPath too58 this.agentPath = agentPath || path.resolve(this.bootstrapPath, 'WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj');59`Using WDA agent: '${this.agentPath}'`);60 }61 async cleanupObsoleteProcesses () {62 const pids = await getPIDsListeningOnPort(this.url.port,63 (cmdLine) => (cmdLine.includes('/​WebDriverAgentRunner') || cmdLine.includes('/​iproxy')) &&64 !cmdLine.toLowerCase().includes(this.device.udid.toLowerCase()));65 if (!pids.length) {66 log.debug(`No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions ` +67 `listening on port ${this.url.port} have been found`);68 return;69 }70`Detected ${pids.length} obsolete cached process${pids.length === 1 ? '' : 'es'} ` +71 `from previous WDA sessions. Cleaning up...`);72 try {73 await fkill(pids);74 } catch (e) {75 log.warn(`Failed to kill obsolete cached process${pids.length === 1 ? '' : 'es'} '${pids}'. ` +76 `Original error: ${e.message}`);77 }78 }79 async isRunning () {80 const noSessionProxy = new NoSessionProxy({81 server: this.url.hostname,82 port: this.url.port,83 base: '',84 timeout: 3000,85 });86 try {87 const status = await noSessionProxy.command('/​status', 'GET');88 if (!status) {89 throw new Error(`WDA response to /​status command should be defined.`);90 }91 return true;92 } catch (err) {93 log.debug(`WDA is not listening at '${this.url.href}'`);94 return false;95 }96 }97 async uninstall () {98 log.debug(`Removing WDA application from device`);99 try {100 await this.device.removeApp(WDA_BUNDLE_ID);101 } catch (e) {102 log.warn(`WebDriverAgent uninstall failed. Perhaps, it is already uninstalled? Original error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);103 }104 }105 async launch (sessionId) {106 if (this.webDriverAgentUrl) {107`Using provided WebdriverAgent at '${this.webDriverAgentUrl}'`);108 this.url = this.webDriverAgentUrl;109 this.setupProxies(sessionId);110 return;111 }112'Launching WebDriverAgent on the device');113 this.setupProxies(sessionId);114 if (!this.useXctestrunFile && !await fs.exists(this.agentPath)) {115 throw new Error(`Trying to use WebDriverAgent project at '${this.agentPath}' but the ` +116 'file does not exist');117 }118 if (!this.useXctestrunFile) {119 /​/​ make sure that the WDA dependencies have been built120 await checkForDependencies(this.bootstrapPath, this.useCarthageSsl);121 }122 /​/​ We need to provide WDA local port, because it might be occupied with123 /​/​ iproxy instance initiated by some preceeding run with a real device124 /​/​ (iproxy instances are not killed on session termination by default)125 await resetXCTestProcesses(this.device.udid, !this.realDevice, {wdaLocalPort: this.url.port});126 if (this.realDevice) {127 this.iproxy = new iProxy(this.device.udid, this.url.port, WDA_AGENT_PORT);128 await this.iproxy.start();129 }130 await this.xcodebuild.init(this.noSessionProxy);131 /​/​ Start the xcodebuild process132 if (this.prebuildWDA) {133 await this.xcodebuild.prebuild();134 }135 return await this.xcodebuild.start();136 }137 setupProxies (sessionId) {138 const proxyOpts = {139 server: this.url.hostname,140 port: this.url.port,141 base: '',142 timeout: this.wdaConnectionTimeout,143 };144 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy(proxyOpts);145 this.jwproxy.sessionId = sessionId;146 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);147 this.noSessionProxy = new NoSessionProxy(proxyOpts);148 this.noSessionProxyReqRes = this.noSessionProxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.noSessionProxy);149 }150 async quit () {151'Shutting down sub-processes');152 if (this.iproxy) {153 await this.iproxy.quit();154 }155 await this.xcodebuild.quit();156 await this.xcodebuild.reset();157 if (this.jwproxy) {158 this.jwproxy.sessionId = null;159 }160 this.started = false;161 }162 get url () {163 if (!this._url) {164 let port = this.wdaLocalPort || WDA_AGENT_PORT;165 this._url = url.parse(`${WDA_BASE_URL}:${port}`);166 }167 return this._url;168 }169 set url (_url) {170 this._url = url.parse(_url);171 }172 get fullyStarted () {173 return this.started;174 }175 set fullyStarted (started = false) {176 /​/​ before WDA is started we expect errors from iproxy, since it is not177 /​/​ communicating with anything yet178 this.started = started;179 if (this.iproxy) {180 this.iproxy.expectIProxyErrors = !started;181 }182 }183 async retrieveDerivedDataPath () {184 return await this.xcodebuild.retrieveDerivedDataPath();185 }186}187export default WebDriverAgent;...

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Source: driver.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import { BaseDriver } from '@appium/​base-driver';3import SafariDriverServer from './​safari';4import { desiredCapConstraints } from './​desired-caps';5import commands from './​commands/​index';6import { formatCapsForServer } from './​utils';7const NO_PROXY = [8 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],9 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],10 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​element/​[^/​]+/​elements?$')],11 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​elements?$')],12 ['DELETE', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​cookie$')],13];14class SafariDriver extends BaseDriver {15 constructor (opts = {}) {16 super(opts);17 this.desiredCapConstraints = desiredCapConstraints;18 this.locatorStrategies = [19 'xpath',20 'tag name',21 'link text',22 'partial link text',23 'css selector',24 /​/​ Let these two reach Safari Driver and fail there with a proper error message25 'id',26 'name',27 ];28 this.resetState();29 for (const [cmd, fn] of _.toPairs(commands)) {30 SafariDriver.prototype[cmd] = fn;31 }32 }33 resetState () {34 this.safari = null;35 this.proxyReqRes = null;36 this.isProxyActive = false;37 this._screenRecorder = null;38 }39 proxyActive () {40 return this.isProxyActive;41 }42 getProxyAvoidList () {43 return NO_PROXY;44 }45 canProxy () {46 return true;47 }48 async createSession (...args) {49 const [sessionId, caps] = await super.createSession(...args);50 this.safari = new SafariDriverServer(this.log);51 try {52 await this.safari.start(formatCapsForServer(caps));53 } catch (e) {54 await this.deleteSession();55 throw e;56 }57 this.proxyReqRes = this.safari.proxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.safari.proxy);58 this.isProxyActive = true;59 return [sessionId, caps];60 }61 async deleteSession () {62'Ending Safari session');63 await this._screenRecorder?.stop(true);64 await this.safari?.stop();65 this.resetState();66 await super.deleteSession();67 }68}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4const { exec } = require('teen_process');5const { fs, util } = require('appium-support');6const { SubProcess } = require('teen_process');7const { retryInterval } = require('asyncbox');8const B = require('bluebird');9chai.should();10chai.use(chaiAsPromised);11const DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PORT = 8200;12const DEFAULT_DEVICE_PORT = 8201;13const startSystemServer = async function (systemPort = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PORT) {14 const adb = await getAdbWithCorrectAdbPath();15 const adbName = await adb.defaultDevice();16 const args = ['reverse', `tcp:${systemPort}`, `tcp:${systemPort}`];17 await, args);18};19const getAdbWithCorrectAdbPath = async function () {20 const adbPath = await fs.which('adb');21 return new ADB({adb: adbPath});22};23const getAdbDevicesWithRetry = B.method(function () {24 return retryInterval(10, 1000, async () => {25 try {26 return await getAdbWithCorrectAdbPath().getDevicesWithRetry();27 } catch (ign) {}28 });29});30const startDeviceServer = async function (systemPort = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PORT, devicePort = DEFAULT_DEVICE_PORT) {31 const adbDevices = await getAdbDevicesWithRetry();32 if (_.isEmpty(adbDevices)) {33 throw new Error('No adb devices connected');34 }35 const device = adbDevices[0].udid;36 const server = new SubProcess('appium', ['--session-override', '--allow-insecure', 'chromedriver_autodownload', '--chromedriver-port', devicePort, '--device-name', device, '--system-port', systemPort]);37 await server.start(0);38 return server;39};40const startAppiumServer = async function (systemPort = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PORT, devicePort = DEFAULT_DEVICE_PORT) {41 const adbDevices = await getAdbDevicesWithRetry();42 if (_.isEmpty(adbDevices)) {43 throw new Error('No adb devices connected');44 }45 const device = adbDevices[0].udid;46 const server = new SubProcess('appium', ['--session-override', '--allow-insecure',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {2 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);3};4Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {5 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);6};7Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {8 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);9};10Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {11 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);12};13Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {14 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);15};16Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {17 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);18};19Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {20 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);21};22Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {23 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);24};25Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {26 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);27};28Appium.prototype.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {29 return this.proxy.proxyReqRes(req, res, next);30};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { ProxyDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');3const { proxy } = new ProxyDriver();4class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {5 constructor (opts = {}) {6 super(opts);7 this.proxyReqRes = this.proxyReqRes.bind(this);8 }9 async proxyReqRes (driverOpts) {10 return await proxy.proxyReqRes(driverOpts);11 }12}13module.exports = MyDriver;14const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');15const { ProxyDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');16const { proxy } = new ProxyDriver();17class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {18 constructor (opts = {}) {19 super(opts);20 this.proxyReqRes = this.proxyReqRes.bind(this);21 }22 async proxyReqRes (driverOpts) {23 return await proxy.proxyReqRes(driverOpts);24 }25}26module.exports = MyDriver;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var wd = require('wd');3var asserters = wd.asserters;4var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote({5});6var desired = {7};8 .init(desired)9 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)10 .title()11 .then(function(title) {12 console.log('title is: ' + title);13 })14 .quit();15 .init(desired)16 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)17 .title()18 .then(function(title) {19 console.log('title is: ' + title);20 })21 .quit();22 .init(desired)23 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)24 .title()25 .then(function(title) {26 console.log('title is: ' + title);27 })28 .quit();29 .init(desired)30 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)31 .title()32 .then(function(title) {33 console.log('title is: ' + title);34 })35 .quit();36 .init(desired)37 .setImplicitWaitTimeout(10000)38 .title()39 .then(function(title) {40 console.log('title is: ' + title);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2driver.setProxy(proxy);3driver.init({4}).then(function () {5 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('ComputeSumButton');6}).then(function (el) {7 return;8}).then(function () {9 return driver.elementByClassName('UIAStaticText');10}).then(function (el) {11 return el.text();12}).then(function (text) {13 console.log('The sum is: ' + text);14}).fin(function () {15 return driver.quit();16}).done();17proxy.proxyReqRes = function (req, res, next) {18 var self = this;19 var data = '';20 var dest = self.proxyHost + ":" + self.proxyPort;21 req.on('data', function (chunk) {22 data += chunk.toString();23 });24 req.on('end', function () {25 var options = {26 };27 var proxyReq = http.request(options, function (proxyRes) {28 proxyRes.on('data', function (chunk) {29 res.write(chunk);30 });31 proxyRes.on('end', function () {32 res.end();33 });34 res.writeHead(proxyRes.statusCode, proxyRes.headers);35 });36 proxyReq.write(data);37 proxyReq.end();38 });39};

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