How to use j.proxyReqRes method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source: proxy-specs.js Github


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...156 describe('req/​res proxy', () => {157 it('should successfully proxy via req and send to res', async () => {158 let j = mockProxy();159 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​status', 'GET');160 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);161 res.headers['Content-type'].should.equal('application/​json');162 res.sentCode.should.equal(200);163 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {foo: 'bar'}});164 });165 it('should rewrite the inner session id so it doesnt change', async () => {166 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});167 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​element/​200/​value', 'GET');168 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);169 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: 'foobar', sessionId: '123'});170 });171 it('should rewrite the inner session id with sessionId in url', async () => {172 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});173 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​wd/​hub/​session/​456/​element/​200/​value', 'POST');174 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);175 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: 'foobar', sessionId: '456'});176 });177 it('should pass through urls that do not require session IDs', async () => {178 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});179 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​wd/​hub/​status', 'GET');180 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);181 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {'foo':'bar'}});182 });183 it('should proxy strange responses', async () => {184 let j = mockProxy({sessionId: '123'});185 let [req, res] = buildReqRes('/​nochrome', 'GET');186 await j.proxyReqRes(req, res);187 res.sentCode.should.equal(100);188 res.sentBody.should.eql({status: 0, value: {message: 'chrome not reachable'}});189 });190 });...

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Source: winappdriver.js Github


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1import events from 'events';2import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';3import log from './​logger';4import { SubProcess } from 'teen_process';5import { WAD_INSTALL_PATH, verifyWAD } from './​installer';6/​/​import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';7import cp from 'child_process';8import B from 'bluebird';9const REQD_PARAMS = ['app'];10const DEFAULT_HOST = '';11const DEFAULT_PORT = "4823"; /​/​ should be non-4723 to avoid conflict on the same box12class WinAppDriver extends events.EventEmitter {13 constructor (opts = {}) {14 const {host, port} = opts;15 super();16 for (let req of REQD_PARAMS) {17 if (!opts || !opts[req]) {18 throw new Error(`Option '${req}' is required!`);19 }20 this[req] = opts[req];21 }22 this.proxyHost = host || DEFAULT_HOST;23 this.proxyPort = port || DEFAULT_PORT;24 this.proc = null;25 this.state = WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED;26 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server: this.proxyHost, port: this.proxyPort});27 }28 async start () {29 if (!await verifyWAD()) {30 throw new Error("Could not verify WinAppDriver install; re-run install");31 }32 33 this.changeState(WinAppDriver.STATE_STARTING);34 35 /​/​ XXXYD TODO: would be better if WinAppDriver didn't require passing in /​wd/​hub as a param36 let args = [this.proxyPort + "/​wd/​hub"];37 const startDetector = (stdout) => {38 return stdout.indexOf("listening for requests") !== -1; 39 };40 let processIsAlive = false;41 try {42 await this.killAll();43 /​/​ set up our subprocess object44 this.proc = new SubProcess(WAD_INSTALL_PATH, args, {45 encoding: 'ucs2'46 });47 processIsAlive = true;48 /​/​ handle log output49 for (let stream of ['STDOUT', 'STDERR']) {50 this.proc.on(`lines-${stream.toLowerCase()}`, (lines) => {51 for (let l of lines) {52`[${stream}] ${l.trim()}`);53 }54 });55 }56 /​/​ handle out-of-bound exit by simply emitting a stopped state57 this.proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {58 processIsAlive = false;59 if (this.state !== WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED &&60 this.state !== WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPING) {61 let msg = `WinAppDriver exited unexpectedly with code ${code}, ` +62 `signal ${signal}`;63 log.error(msg);64 this.changeState(WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED);65 }66 });67`Spawning winappdriver with: ${this.winappdriver} ` +68 `${args.join(' ')}`);69 /​/​ start subproc and wait for startDetector70 await this.proc.start(startDetector);71 /​/​ XXXYD TODO: bring this back once WinAppDriver supports status correctly72 await this.waitForOnline();73 this.changeState(WinAppDriver.STATE_ONLINE);74 } catch (e) {75 this.emit(WinAppDriver.EVENT_ERROR, e);76 /​/​ just because we had an error doesn't mean the winappdriver process77 /​/​ finished; we should clean up if necessary78 if (processIsAlive) {79 await this.proc.stop();80 }81 log.errorAndThrow(e);82 }83 } 84 sessionId () {85 if (this.state !== WinAppDriver.STATE_ONLINE) {86 return null;87 }88 return this.jwproxy.sessionId;89 }90 async waitForOnline () {91 /​/​ TODO WAD doesn't support the status command correctly, so just return92 /​/​ true for now93 return true;94 /​/​ we need to make sure WAD hasn't crashed95 /​*96 let winappdriverStopped = false;97 await retryInterval(20, 200, async () => {98 if (this.state === WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED) {99 /​/​ we are either stopped or stopping, so something went wrong100 winappdriverStopped = true;101 return;102 }103 await this.getStatus();104 });105 if (winappdriverStopped) {106 throw new Error('WinAppDriver crashed during startup.');107 }*/​108 }109 async getStatus () {110 return await this.jwproxy.command('/​status', 'GET');111 }112 async startSession (caps) {113 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);114 await this.jwproxy.command('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});115 }116 async stop (emitStates = true) {117 if (emitStates) {118 this.changeState(WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPING);119 }120 try {121 if (this.proc) {122 await this.proc.stop();123 }124 if (emitStates) {125 this.changeState(WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED);126 }127 } catch (e) {128 log.error(e);129 }130 }131 changeState (state) {132 this.state = state;133 log.debug(`WinAppDriver changed state to '${state}'`);134 this.emit(WinAppDriver.EVENT_CHANGED, {state});135 }136 async sendCommand (url, method, body) {137 return await this.jwproxy.command(url, method, body);138 }139 async proxyReq (req, res) {140 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);141 }142 async killAll () {143 let cmd;144 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals145 cmd = "FOR /​F \"usebackq tokens=5\" %a in (`netstat -nao ^| " +146 "findstr /​R /​C:\"" + this.proxyPort + " \"`) do (" +147 "FOR /​F \"usebackq\" %b in (`TASKLIST /​FI \"PID eq %a\" ^| " +148 "findstr /​I winappdriver.exe`) do (IF NOT %b==\"\" TASKKILL " +149 "/​F /​PID %a))";150`Killing any old WinAppDrivers, running: ${cmd}`);151 try {152 /​/​ use cp.exec instead of teen process because of crazy windows quoting153 await (B.promisify(cp.exec))(cmd);154"Successfully cleaned up old WinAppDrivers");155 } catch (err) {156"No old WinAppDrivers seemed to exist");157 }158 }159 async deleteSession () {160 log.debug('Deleting WinAppDriver server session');161 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and162 /​/​ delete the current session163 try {164 await this.jwproxy.command('/​', 'DELETE');165 } catch (err) {166 log.warn(`Did not get confirmation WinAppDriver deleteSession worked; ` +167 `Error was: ${err}`);168 }169 }170}171WinAppDriver.EVENT_ERROR = 'winappdriver_error';172WinAppDriver.EVENT_CHANGED = 'stateChanged';173WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPED = 'stopped';174WinAppDriver.STATE_STARTING = 'starting';175WinAppDriver.STATE_ONLINE = 'online';176WinAppDriver.STATE_STOPPING = 'stopping';...

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Source: appium-for-mac.js Github


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1import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';2import log from './​logger';3import { SubProcess } from 'teen_process';4import { fs, logger, process } from 'appium-support';5import path from 'path';6const DEFAULT_A4M_HOST = '';7const DEFAULT_A4M_PORT = 4622;8const REQ_A4M_APP_PATH = '/​Applications/​';9const A4M_APP_BUNDLE_ID = 'com.appium.AppiumForMac';10const a4mLog = logger.getLogger('Appium4Mac');11class AppiumForMac {12 constructor (opts = {}) {13 this.proxyHost = opts.a4mHost;14 this.proxyPort = opts.a4mPort;15 this.a4mAppPath = opts.a4mAppPath;16 this.killAllA4MAppBeforeStart = opts.killAllA4MAppBeforeStart || true;17 this.proc = null;18 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server: this.proxyHost, port: this.proxyPort});19 }20 async start () {21 if (!await fs.exists(this.a4mAppPath)) {22 throw new Error(`Could not verify AppiumForMacDriver install in '${this.a4mAppPath}'; please install it to '${this.a4mAppPath}'`);23 }24 const startDetector = (stdout, stderr) => stderr.includes('Started HTTP server');25 let processIsAlive = false;26 try {27 if (this.killAllA4MAppBeforeStart) {28 await this.killAll();29 }30 /​/​ set up our subprocess object31 const a4mBinary = path.resolve(this.a4mAppPath, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'AppiumForMac');32 this.proc = new SubProcess(a4mBinary, []);33 processIsAlive = true;34 /​/​ handle log output35 for (let stream of ['STDOUT', 'STDERR']) {36 this.proc.on(`lines-${stream.toLowerCase()}`, (lines) => {37 for (let l of lines) {38`[${stream}] ${l.trim()}`);39 }40 });41 }42 /​/​ handle out-of-bound exit by simply logging43 /​/​ TODO add ability for driver to handle this gracefully and maybe44 /​/​ restart45 this.proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {46 processIsAlive = false;47 let msg = `AppiumForMac exited unexpectedly with code ${code}, ` +48 `signal ${signal}`;49 log.error(msg);50 });51`Spawning AppiumForMac with: ${this.a4mAppPath}`);52 /​/​ start subproc and wait for startDetector53 await this.proc.start(startDetector);54 await this.waitForOnline();55 } catch (e) {56 this.emit(AppiumForMac.EVENT_ERROR, e);57 /​/​ just because we had an error doesn't mean the winappdriver process58 /​/​ finished; we should clean up if necessary59 if (processIsAlive) {60 await this.proc.stop();61 }62 log.errorAndThrow(e);63 }64 }65 sessionId () {66 if (this.state !== AppiumForMac.STATE_ONLINE) {67 return null;68 }69 return this.jwproxy.sessionId;70 }71 async waitForOnline () { /​/​ eslint-disable-line require-await72 /​/​ TODO: Actually check via HTTP73 return true;74 }75 async getStatus () {76 return await this.sendCommand('/​status', 'GET');77 }78 async startSession (caps) {79 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);80 await this.sendCommand('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});81 }82 async stop () {83 try {84 if (this.proc) {85 await this.proc.stop();86 }87 } catch (e) {88 log.error(e);89 }90 }91 async sendCommand (url, method, body) {92 let res;93 /​/​ need to cover over A4M's bad handling of responses, which sometimes94 /​/​ don't have 'value' properties95 try {96 res = await this.jwproxy.command(url, method, body);97 } catch (e) {98 if (e.message.indexOf('Did not get a valid response object') === -1 ||99 e.message.indexOf('value') !== -1) {100 throw e;101 }102 }103 return res;104 }105 async proxyReq (req, res) {106 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);107 }108 async killAll () {109 const processName = 'AppiumForMac';110 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals111`Killing any old AppiumForMac`);112 await process.killProcess(processName);113'Successfully cleaned up old Appium4Mac servers');114 }115 async deleteSession () {116 log.debug('Deleting AppiumForMac server session');117 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and118 /​/​ delete the current session119 try {120 await this.sendCommand('/​', 'DELETE');121 } catch (err) {122 log.warn(`Did not get confirmation AppiumForMac deleteSession worked; ` +123 `Error was: ${err}`);124 }125 }126}127export { AppiumForMac, DEFAULT_A4M_HOST, DEFAULT_A4M_PORT,128 A4M_APP_BUNDLE_ID, REQ_A4M_APP_PATH };...

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Source: selendroid.js Github


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1import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';2import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';3import logger from './​logger';4import path from 'path';5import { fs } from 'appium-support';6import { SE_APK_PATH, SE_MANIFEST_PATH } from './​installer';7const REQD_PARAMS = [8 'adb', 'appPackage', 'appActivity', 'tmpDir', 'apk', 'host', 'systemPort',9 'devicePort',10];11class SelendroidServer {12 constructor (opts = {}) {13 for (let req of REQD_PARAMS) {14 if (!opts || !opts[req]) {15 throw new Error(`Option '${req}' is required!`);16 }17 this[req] = opts[req];18 }19 /​/​ new package name for repackaged selendroid server20 this.modServerPkg = `selendroid.${this.appPackage}`;21 /​/​ path to the repackaged selendroid server specific to this app22 this.modServerPath = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, `${this.modServerPkg}.apk`);23 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server:, port: this.systemPort});24 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);25 }26 async prepareModifiedServer () {27 /​/​ TODO might have a race condition if we try building this with multiple28 /​/​ sessions at the same time. OTOH we probably want to share the mod29 /​/​ server...30 let needsUninstall = false;31 if (!(await fs.exists(this.modServerPath))) {32 await this.buildNewModServer();33 needsUninstall = true;34 }35 needsUninstall = await this.checkAndSignCert(this.modServerPath) || needsUninstall;36 if (needsUninstall) {37'New server was built, uninstalling any instances of it');38 await this.adb.uninstallApk(this.modServerPkg);39 }40 }41 async installModifiedServer () {42 let installed = await this.adb.isAppInstalled(this.modServerPkg);43 if (!installed) {44 await this.adb.install(this.modServerPath);45 }46 }47 async buildNewModServer () {48`Repackaging selendroid for: '${this.appPackage}'`);49 let packageTmpDir = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, this.appPackage);50 let newManifestPath = path.resolve(this.tmpDir, 'AndroidManifest.xml');51`Creating new manifest: '${newManifestPath}'`);52 await fs.mkdir(packageTmpDir);53 await fs.copyFile(SE_MANIFEST_PATH, newManifestPath);54 await this.adb.initAapt(); /​/​ TODO this should be internal to adb55 await this.adb.compileManifest(newManifestPath, this.modServerPkg,56 this.appPackage);57 await this.adb.insertManifest(newManifestPath, SE_APK_PATH,58 this.modServerPath);59`Repackaged selendroid ready: '${this.modServerPath}'`);60 }61 async checkAndSignCert (apk) {62 let signed = await this.adb.checkApkCert(apk, this.appPackage);63 if (!signed) {64 await this.adb.sign(apk);65 }66 /​/​ return whether the apk was signed67 return !signed;68 }69 async startSession (caps) {70 let instrumentWith = `${this.modServerPkg}/​` +71 `io.selendroid.server.ServerInstrumentation`;72`Starting selendroid server with instrumentation: ` +73 `${instrumentWith}`);74 await this.adb.instrument(this.appPackage, this.appActivity, instrumentWith);75'Waiting for Selendroid to be online...');76 /​/​ wait 20s for Selendroid to be online77 await retryInterval(20, 1000, async () => {78 await this.jwproxy.command('/​status', 'GET');79 });80 await this.jwproxy.command('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});81 }82 async deleteSession () {83 logger.debug('Deleting Selendroid server session');84 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and85 /​/​ delete the current session86 try {87 await this.jwproxy.command('/​', 'DELETE');88 } catch (err) {89 logger.warn(`Did not get confirmation Selendroid deleteSession worked; ` +90 `Error was: ${err}`);91 }92 }93}...

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Source: proxy.js Github


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1"use strict";2var _s = require('underscore.string')3 , logger = require('./​logger.js').get('appium')4 , status = require('./​status.js')5 , doRequest = require('../​devices/​common.js').doRequest6 , respondError = require('./​responses.js').respondError7 , _ = require('underscore')8 , safely = require('./​helpers').safely;9module.exports.shouldProxy = function (req) {10 if (req.device === null) return false;11 if (!req.device.isProxy) return false;12 var deviceAvoids = req.device.avoidProxy || [];13 var avoid = [14 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​wd/​hub/​session$')]15 , ['DELETE', new RegExp('^/​wd/​hub/​session/​[^/​]+$')]16 ].concat(deviceAvoids);17 var method = req.method.toUpperCase();18 var path = req.originalUrl;19 var shouldAvoid = false;20 /​/​ check for POST /​execute mobile:21 if (method === 'POST' &&22 new RegExp('^/​wd/​hub/​session/​.+/​execute$').test(path) &&23 _s.startsWith(req.body.script, "mobile: ")) {24 shouldAvoid = true;25 }26 _.each(avoid, function (pathToAvoid) {27 if (method === pathToAvoid[0] && pathToAvoid[1].exec(path)) {28 shouldAvoid = true;29 }30 });31 return !shouldAvoid;32};33module.exports.doProxy = function (req, res) {34 if (req.device.proxyReqRes) {35 /​/​ this section is triggered when we have defined the proxy device to use36 /​/​ the appium-jsonwp-proxy method proxyReqRes. Ultimately we'll be moving37 /​/​ everything to this paradigm and will delete the code after this block.38 /​/​ proxyReqRes might be a promise or a callback-based function, so handle39 /​/​ both40 var handler = function (err) {41 logger.error(err.message);42 };43 var p = req.device.proxyReqRes(req, res, handler);44 if (p.catch) {45 p.catch(handler);46 }47 return;48 }49 logger.debug("Proxying command to " + req.device.proxyHost + ":" +50 req.device.proxyPort);51 var sessRe = new RegExp('^/​wd/​hub/​session/​([^/​]+)');52 var sessionRegxMatch = sessRe.exec(req.originalUrl);53 var newPath, origSessId = null;54 /​/​ there might be no session id in the orig. req.55 if (sessionRegxMatch) {56 origSessId = sessionRegxMatch[1];57 var sessId = req.device.proxySessionId ? req.device.proxySessionId :58 origSessId;59 newPath = req.originalUrl.replace(origSessId, sessId);60 } else {61 newPath = req.originalUrl;62 }63 var url = 'http:/​/​' + req.device.proxyHost + ':' + req.device.proxyPort +64 newPath;65 doRequest(url, req.method.toUpperCase(), req.body,66 req.headers['content-type'], function (err, response, body) {67 if (typeof body === "string") {68 try {69 body = JSON.parse(body);70 } catch (e) {}71 }72 if (err) {73 return respondError(req, res,,74 "Did not successfully proxy server command");75 }76 if (body && body.value) {77 var resStatusCode = body.status;78 if (resStatusCode !== 0) {79 var resErrorMessage = body.value.message;80 return respondError(req, res, resStatusCode, resErrorMessage);81 }82 }83 var sbody = body ? JSON.stringify(body).slice(0, 10000) : body;84 logger.debug("Proxied response received with status " +85 response.statusCode + ": " +86 sbody);87 /​/​ if the proxied response contains a sessionId that the downstream88 /​/​ driver has generated, we don't want to return that to the client.89 /​/​ Instead, return the id for the current appium session90 if (body && body.sessionId && origSessId) {91 body.sessionId = origSessId;92 }93 safely(req, function () {94 res.headers = response.headers;95 res.set('Content-Type', response.headers['content-type']);96 res.status(response.statusCode).send(body);97 });98 });...

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Source: appium-for-awtk.js Github


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1import { JWProxy } from 'appium-base-driver';2import log from './​logger';3import { SubProcess } from 'teen_process';4import { fs, logger, process } from 'appium-support';5import path from 'path';6const DEFAULT_A4A_HOST = '';7const DEFAULT_A4A_PORT = 4622;8const REQ_A4A_APP_PATH = '/​Applications/​';9const A4A_APP_BUNDLE_ID = 'com.appium.AppiumForAwtk';10const a4aLog = logger.getLogger('Appium4Awtk');11class AppiumForAwtk {12 constructor (opts = {}) {13 this.proxyHost = opts.a4aHost;14 this.proxyPort = opts.a4aPort;15 this.a4aAppPath = opts.a4aAppPath;16 this.killAllA4AAppBeforeStart = opts.killAllA4AAppBeforeStart || true;17 this.proc = null;18 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({server: this.proxyHost, port: this.proxyPort});19 }20 async start () {21 console.log('start')22 }23 sessionId () {24 if (this.state !== AppiumForAwtk.STATE_ONLINE) {25 return null;26 }27 return this.jwproxy.sessionId;28 }29 async waitForOnline () { /​/​ eslint-disable-line require-await30 /​/​ TODO: Actually check via HTTP31 return true;32 }33 async getStatus () {34 return await this.sendCommand('/​status', 'GET');35 }36 async startSession (caps) {37 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);38 await this.sendCommand('/​session', 'POST', {desiredCapabilities: caps});39 }40 async stop () {41 try {42 if (this.proc) {43 await this.proc.stop();44 }45 } catch (e) {46 log.error(e);47 }48 }49 async sendCommand (url, method, body) {50 let res;51 /​/​ need to cover over A4A's bad handling of responses, which sometimes52 /​/​ don't have 'value' properties53 try {54 res = await this.jwproxy.command(url, method, body);55 } catch (e) {56 if (e.message.indexOf('Did not get a valid response object') === -1 ||57 e.message.indexOf('value') !== -1) {58 throw e;59 }60 }61 return res;62 }63 async proxyReq (req, res) {64 return await this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes(req, res);65 }66 async killAll () {67 const processName = 'AppiumForAwtk';68 /​/​ js hint cannot handle backticks, even escaped, within template literals69`Killing any old AppiumForAwtk`);70 await process.killProcess(processName);71'Successfully cleaned up old Appium4Awtk servers');72 }73 async deleteSession () {74 log.debug('Deleting AppiumForAwtk server session');75 /​/​ rely on jwproxy's intelligence to know what we're talking about and76 /​/​ delete the current session77 try {78 await this.sendCommand('/​', 'DELETE');79 } catch (err) {80 log.warn(`Did not get confirmation AppiumForAwtk deleteSession worked; ` +81 `Error was: ${err}`);82 }83 }84}85export { AppiumForAwtk, DEFAULT_A4A_HOST, DEFAULT_A4A_PORT,86 A4A_APP_BUNDLE_ID, REQ_A4A_APP_PATH };...

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Source: webdriveragent.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import path from 'path';3import { spawnSubProcess } from 'node-simctl';4import { JWProxy } from 'appium-jsonwp-proxy';5import { fs } from 'appium-support';6import log from './​logger';7import { getLogger } from 'appium-logger';8import { simBooted } from './​simulatorManagement.js';9const agentLog = getLogger('WebDriverAgent');10const BIN_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin');11const REQ_ARGS = ['udid', 'platformVersion', 'host'];12class WebDriverAgent {13 /​/​ agentPath (optional): Path to WebdriverAgent Executable (inside constructor (args = {}) {15 for (let reqArg of REQ_ARGS) {16 if (_.isUndefined(args[reqArg])) {17 throw new Error(`You must send in the '${reqArg}' argument`);18 }19 }20 if (args.agentPath) {21`Custom agent path specified: ${args.agentPath}`);22 } else {23`Using default agent`);24 }25 this.udid = args.udid;26 this.platformVersion = args.platformVersion;27 =;28 this.agentPath = args.agentPath || path.resolve(BIN_PATH, `WebDriverAgent-${this.platformVersion}`);29 }30 async launch (sessionId) {31"Launching WebDriverAgent on the device");32 if (!await fs.exists(this.agentPath)) {33 throw new Error(`Trying to use WebDriverAgent binary at ${this.agentPath} but it ` +34 `does not exist. Check your platformVersion?`);35 }36 if (!await simBooted(this.udid)) {37 log.errorAndThrow(new Error(`simulator ${this.udid} is not in 'booted' state`));38 }39 this.proc = await spawnSubProcess(this.udid, this.agentPath);40 this.proc.on('output', (d, e) => {41 /​/​ NSLog logs to stderr, so nothing hits stdout. *shrug*42 if (d.length) {43;44 }45 if (e.length) {46;47 }48 });49 let port;50 let startupDetector = (stdout, stderr) => {51 if (stderr.indexOf('WebDriverAgent started on port') > -1) {52 let r = /​WebDriverAgent started on port (\d+)/​;53 let match = r.exec(stderr);54 if (match) {55 port = match[1];56`detected that WebDriverAgent is running on port ${port}`);57 } else {58 log.errorAndThrow(new Error('No port detected from WebDriverAgent'));59 }60 return true;61 }62 };63 await this.proc.start(startupDetector);64 this.port = port;65 this.jwproxy = new JWProxy({host:, port: this.port, base: ''});66 this.jwproxy.sessionId = sessionId;67 this.proxyReqRes = this.jwproxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.jwproxy);68 }69}...

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Source: driver.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import { BaseDriver } from '@appium/​base-driver';3import SafariDriverServer from './​safari';4import { desiredCapConstraints } from './​desired-caps';5import commands from './​commands/​index';6import { formatCapsForServer } from './​utils';7const NO_PROXY = [8 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],9 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],10 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​element/​[^/​]+/​elements?$')],11 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​elements?$')],12 ['DELETE', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​cookie$')],13];14class SafariDriver extends BaseDriver {15 constructor (opts = {}) {16 super(opts);17 this.desiredCapConstraints = desiredCapConstraints;18 this.locatorStrategies = [19 'xpath',20 'tag name',21 'link text',22 'partial link text',23 'css selector',24 /​/​ Let these two reach Safari Driver and fail there with a proper error message25 'id',26 'name',27 ];28 this.resetState();29 for (const [cmd, fn] of _.toPairs(commands)) {30 SafariDriver.prototype[cmd] = fn;31 }32 }33 resetState () {34 this.safari = null;35 this.proxyReqRes = null;36 this.isProxyActive = false;37 this._screenRecorder = null;38 }39 proxyActive () {40 return this.isProxyActive;41 }42 getProxyAvoidList () {43 return NO_PROXY;44 }45 canProxy () {46 return true;47 }48 async createSession (...args) {49 const [sessionId, caps] = await super.createSession(...args);50 this.safari = new SafariDriverServer(this.log);51 try {52 await this.safari.start(formatCapsForServer(caps));53 } catch (e) {54 await this.deleteSession();55 throw e;56 }57 this.proxyReqRes = this.safari.proxy.proxyReqRes.bind(this.safari.proxy);58 this.isProxyActive = true;59 return [sessionId, caps];60 }61 async deleteSession () {62'Ending Safari session');63 await this._screenRecorder?.stop(true);64 await this.safari?.stop();65 this.resetState();66 await super.deleteSession();67 }68}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriverio.remote(options);7 .init()8 .getTitle().then(function(title) {9 console.log('Title was: ' + title);10 })11 .end();12var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');13var options = {14 desiredCapabilities: {15 }16};17var client = webdriverio.remote(options);18 .init()19 .getTitle().then(function(title) {20 console.log('Title was: ' + title);21 })22 .end();23var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');24var options = {25 desiredCapabilities: {26 }27};28var client = webdriverio.remote(options);29 .init()30 .getTitle().then(function(title) {31 console.log('Title was: ' + title);32 })33 .end();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var path = require('path');4var serverConfig = {5};6var desired = {7 app: path.resolve(__dirname, ''),8};9var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);10 .init(desired)11 .context('WEBVIEW_1')12 .then(function() {13 return driver.proxyReqRes({14 payload: {15 script: 'return document.readyState;',16 }17 });18 })19 .then(function(res) {20 console.log(res);21 })22 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })23 .done();24info: --> POST /​wd/​hub/​session/​1234567890/​execute {"script":"return document.readyState;","args":[]}25info: [debug] Pushing command to appium work queue: "au.mainApp().getTreeForXML()"26info: [debug] Sending command to instruments: au.mainApp().getTreeForXML()27info: [debug] [INST] 2015-05-26 14:23:18 +0000 Debug: Got new command 2 from instruments: au.mainApp().getTreeForXML()28info: [debug] [INST] 2015-05-26 14:23:18 +0000 Debug: evaluating au.mainApp().getTreeForXML()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const request = require('request');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4const chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');5const path = require('path');6const B = require('bluebird');7const _ = require('lodash');8const { withRetries } = require('asyncbox');9const { fs, tempDir, zip, mkdirp } = require('appium-support');10const { withMocks } = require('appium-test-support');11const { MOCHA_TIMEOUT } = require('./​helpers');12const { util, system } = require('appium-support');13const { AppiumDriver, errors } = require('..');14chai.should();15chai.use(chaiAsPromised);16chai.use(chaiSubset);17describe('proxyReqRes', function () {18 this.timeout(MOCHA_TIMEOUT);19 let driver;20 let proxySpy;21 let proxySpyRes;22 let proxySpyReq;23 let proxySpyReqBody;24 let proxySpyResBody;25 let proxySpyResHeaders;26 let proxySpyResStatusCode;27 let proxySpyResStatusMessage;28 let proxySpyResTime;29 let proxySpyResHAR;30 before(async function () {31 proxySpy = withMocks({request}, (mocks) => {32 mocks.request.expects('get')33 .callsFake((args) => {34 proxySpyReq = args;35 return new B((resolve, reject) => {36 request.get(args, (err, res, body) => {37 if (err) {38 return reject(err);39 }40 proxySpyRes = res;41 proxySpyResHeaders = res.headers;42 proxySpyResStatusCode = res.statusCode;43 proxySpyResStatusMessage = res.statusMessage;44 proxySpyResTime = res.elapsedTime;45 proxySpyResHAR = res.har;46 proxySpyResBody = body;47 resolve(res);48 });49 });50 });51 mocks.request.expects('post')52 .callsFake((args) => {53 proxySpyReq = args;54 proxySpyReqBody = args.body;55 return new B((resolve, reject) => {56, (err, res, body) => {57 if (err) {58 return reject(err);59 }60 proxySpyRes = res;61 proxySpyResHeaders = res.headers;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var request = require('request');2var appium = require('appium');3var driver = new appium.AppiumDriver();4var proxyReqRes = driver.proxyReqRes.bind(driver);5var options = {6};7proxyReqRes(options, function (err, response) {8 if (err) {9 console.log(err);10 } else {11 console.log(response.statusCode);12 console.log(response.body);13 }14});

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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