Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
1import log from '../logger';2import { logger, imageUtil } from 'appium-support';3import _ from 'lodash';4import { errors } from '../../..';5import { MATCH_TEMPLATE_MODE } from './images';6import { ImageElement, DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE } from '../image-element';7const commands = {}, helpers = {}, extensions = {};8const IMAGE_STRATEGY = '-image';9const CUSTOM_STRATEGY = '-custom';10// Used to compare ratio and screen width11// Pixel is basically under 1080 for example. 100K is probably enough fo a while.12const FLOAT_PRECISION = 100000;13// Override the following function for your own driver, and the rest is taken14// care of!15// helpers.findElOrEls = async function (strategy, selector, mult, context) {}16// strategy: locator strategy17// selector: the actual selector for finding an element18// mult: multiple elements or just one?19// context: finding an element from the root context? or starting from another element20//21// Returns an object which adheres to the way the JSON Wire Protocol represents elements:22// { ELEMENT: # } eg: { ELEMENT: 3 } or { ELEMENT: 1.023 }23helpers.findElOrElsWithProcessing = async function findElOrElsWithProcessing (strategy, selector, mult, context) {24 this.validateLocatorStrategy(strategy);25 try {26 return await this.findElOrEls(strategy, selector, mult, context);27 } catch (err) {28 if (this.opts.printPageSourceOnFindFailure) {29 const src = await this.getPageSource();30 log.debug(`Error finding element${mult ? 's' : ''}: ${err.message}`);31 log.debug(`Page source requested through 'printPageSourceOnFindFailure':`);32 log.debug(src);33 }34 // still want the error to occur35 throw err;36 }37};38commands.findElement = async function findElement (strategy, selector) {39 if (strategy === IMAGE_STRATEGY) {40 return await this.findByImage(selector, {multiple: false});41 } else if (strategy === CUSTOM_STRATEGY) {42 return await this.findByCustom(selector, false);43 }44 return await this.findElOrElsWithProcessing(strategy, selector, false);45};46commands.findElements = async function findElements (strategy, selector) {47 if (strategy === IMAGE_STRATEGY) {48 return await this.findByImage(selector, {multiple: true});49 } else if (strategy === CUSTOM_STRATEGY) {50 return await this.findByCustom(selector, true);51 }52 return await this.findElOrElsWithProcessing(strategy, selector, true);53};54commands.findElementFromElement = async function findElementFromElement (strategy, selector, elementId) {55 return await this.findElOrElsWithProcessing(strategy, selector, false, elementId);56};57commands.findElementsFromElement = async function findElementsFromElement (strategy, selector, elementId) {58 return await this.findElOrElsWithProcessing(strategy, selector, true, elementId);59};60/**61 * Find an element using a custom plugin specified by the customFindModules cap.62 *63 * @param {string} selector - the selector which the plugin will use to find64 * elements65 * @param {boolean} multiple - whether we want one element or multiple66 *67 * @returns {WebElement} - WebDriver element or list of elements68 */69commands.findByCustom = async function findByCustom (selector, multiple) {70 const plugins = this.opts.customFindModules;71 // first ensure the user has registered one or more find plugins72 if (!plugins) {73 // TODO this info should go in docs instead; update when docs for this74 // feature exist75 throw new Error('Finding an element using a plugin is currently an ' +76 'incubating feature. To use it you must manually install one or more ' +77 'plugin modules in a way that they can be required by Appium, for ' +78 'example installing them from the Appium directory, installing them ' +79 'globally, or installing them elsewhere and passing an absolute path as ' +80 'the capability. Then construct an object where the key is the shortcut ' +81 'name for this plugin and the value is the module name or absolute path, ' +82 'for example: {"p1": "my-find-plugin"}, and pass this in as the ' +83 "'customFindModules' capability.");84 }85 // then do some basic checking of the type of the capability86 if (!_.isPlainObject(plugins)) {87 throw new Error("Invalid format for the 'customFindModules' capability. " +88 'It should be an object with keys corresponding to the short names and ' +89 'values corresponding to the full names of the element finding plugins');90 }91 // get the name of the particular plugin used for this invocation of find,92 // and separate it from the selector we will pass to the plugin93 let [plugin, realSelector] = selector.split(':');94 // if the user didn't specify a plugin for this find invocation, and we had95 // multiple plugins registered, that's a problem96 if (_.size(plugins) > 1 && !realSelector) {97 throw new Error(`Multiple element finding plugins were registered ` +98 `(${_.keys(plugins)}), but your selector did not indicate which plugin ` +99 `to use. Ensure you put the short name of the plugin followed by ':' as ` +100 `the initial part of the selector string.`);101 }102 // but if they did not specify a plugin and we only have one plugin, just use103 // that one104 if (_.size(plugins) === 1 && !realSelector) {105 realSelector = plugin;106 plugin = _.keys(plugins)[0];107 }108 if (!plugins[plugin]) {109 throw new Error(`Selector specified use of element finding plugin ` +110 `'${plugin}' but it was not registered in the 'customFindModules' ` +111 `capability.`);112 }113 let finder;114 try {115 log.debug(`Find plugin '${plugin}' requested; will attempt to use it ` +116 `from '${plugins[plugin]}'`);117 finder = require(plugins[plugin]);118 } catch (err) {119 throw new Error(`Could not load your custom find module '${plugin}'. Did ` +120 `you put it somewhere Appium can 'require' it? Original error: ${err}`);121 }122 if (!finder || !_.isFunction(finder.find)) {123 throw new Error('Your custom find module did not appear to be constructed ' +124 'correctly. It needs to export an object with a `find` method.');125 }126 const customFinderLog = logger.getLogger(plugin);127 let elements;128 const condition = async () => {129 // get a list of matched elements from the custom finder, which can130 // potentially use the entire suite of methods the current driver provides.131 // the finder should always return a list of elements, but may use the132 // knowledge of whether we are looking for one or many to perform internal133 // optimizations134 elements = await finder.find(this, customFinderLog, realSelector, multiple);135 // if we're looking for multiple elements, or if we're looking for only136 // one and found it, we're done137 if (!_.isEmpty(elements) || multiple) {138 return true;139 }140 // otherwise we should retry, so return false to trigger the retry loop141 return false;142 };143 try {144 // make sure we respect implicit wait145 await this.implicitWaitForCondition(condition);146 } catch (err) {147 if (err.message.match(/Condition unmet/)) {148 throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();149 }150 throw err;151 }152 return multiple ? elements : elements[0];153};154/**155 * @typedef {Object} FindByImageOptions156 * @property {boolean} [shouldCheckStaleness=false] - whether this call to find an157 * image is merely to check staleness. If so we can bypass a lot of logic158 * @property {boolean} [multiple=false] - Whether we are finding one element or159 * multiple160 * @property {boolean} [ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale=false] - Whether we161 * ignore defaultImageTemplateScale. It can be used when you would like to162 * scale b64Template with defaultImageTemplateScale setting.163 */164/**165 * Find a screen rect represented by an ImageElement corresponding to an image166 * template sent in by the client167 *168 * @param {string} b64Template - base64-encoded image used as a template to be169 * matched in the screenshot170 * @param {FindByImageOptions} - additional options171 *172 * @returns {WebElement} - WebDriver element with a special id prefix173 */174helpers.findByImage = async function findByImage (b64Template, {175 shouldCheckStaleness = false,176 multiple = false,177 ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale = false,178}) {179 const {180 imageMatchThreshold: threshold,181 imageMatchMethod,182 fixImageTemplateSize,183 fixImageTemplateScale,184 defaultImageTemplateScale,185 getMatchedImageResult: visualize186 } = this.settings.getSettings();187`Finding image element with match threshold ${threshold}`);188 if (!this.getWindowSize) {189 throw new Error("This driver does not support the required 'getWindowSize' command");190 }191 const {width: screenWidth, height: screenHeight} = await this.getWindowSize();192 // someone might have sent in a template that's larger than the screen193 // dimensions. If so let's check and cut it down to size since the algorithm194 // will not work unless we do. But because it requires some potentially195 // expensive commands, only do this if the user has requested it in settings.196 if (fixImageTemplateSize) {197 b64Template = await this.ensureTemplateSize(b64Template, screenWidth,198 screenHeight);199 }200 const results = [];201 const condition = async () => {202 try {203 const {b64Screenshot, scale} = await this.getScreenshotForImageFind(screenWidth, screenHeight);204 b64Template = await this.fixImageTemplateScale(b64Template, {205 defaultImageTemplateScale, ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale,206 fixImageTemplateScale, ...scale207 });208 const comparisonOpts = {209 threshold,210 visualize,211 multiple,212 };213 if (imageMatchMethod) {214 comparisonOpts.method = imageMatchMethod;215 }216 if (multiple) {217 results.push(...(await this.compareImages(MATCH_TEMPLATE_MODE,218 b64Screenshot,219 b64Template,220 comparisonOpts)));221 } else {222 results.push(await this.compareImages(MATCH_TEMPLATE_MODE,223 b64Screenshot,224 b64Template,225 comparisonOpts));226 }227 return true;228 } catch (err) {229 // if compareImages fails, we'll get a specific error, but we should230 // retry, so trap that and just return false to trigger the next round of231 // implicitly waiting. For other errors, throw them to get out of the232 // implicit wait loop233 if (err.message.match(/Cannot find any occurrences/)) {234 return false;235 }236 throw err;237 }238 };239 try {240 await this.implicitWaitForCondition(condition);241 } catch (err) {242 // this `implicitWaitForCondition` method will throw a 'Condition unmet'243 // error if an element is not found eventually. In that case, we will244 // handle the element not found response below. In the case where get some245 // _other_ kind of error, it means something blew up totally apart from the246 // implicit wait timeout. We should not mask that error and instead throw247 // it straightaway248 if (!err.message.match(/Condition unmet/)) {249 throw err;250 }251 }252 if (_.isEmpty(results)) {253 if (multiple) {254 return [];255 }256 throw new errors.NoSuchElementError();257 }258 const elements ={rect, score, visualization}) => {259`Image template matched: ${JSON.stringify(rect)}`);260 return new ImageElement(b64Template, rect, score, visualization);261 });262 // if we're just checking staleness, return straightaway so we don't add263 // a new element to the cache. shouldCheckStaleness does not support multiple264 // elements, since it is a purely internal mechanism265 if (shouldCheckStaleness) {266 return elements[0];267 }268 const registeredElements = => this.registerImageElement(imgEl));269 return multiple ? registeredElements : registeredElements[0];270};271/**272 * Ensure that the image template sent in for a find is of a suitable size273 *274 * @param {string} b64Template - base64-encoded image275 * @param {int} screenWidth - width of screen276 * @param {int} screenHeight - height of screen277 *278 * @returns {string} base64-encoded image, potentially resized279 */280helpers.ensureTemplateSize = async function ensureTemplateSize (b64Template, screenWidth, screenHeight) {281 let imgObj = await imageUtil.getJimpImage(b64Template);282 let {width: tplWidth, height: tplHeight} = imgObj.bitmap;283`Template image is ${tplWidth}x${tplHeight}. Screen size is ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`);284 // if the template fits inside the screen dimensions, we're good285 if (tplWidth <= screenWidth && tplHeight <= screenHeight) {286 return b64Template;287 }288`Scaling template image from ${tplWidth}x${tplHeight} to match ` +289 `screen at ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`);290 // otherwise, scale it to fit inside the screen dimensions291 imgObj = imgObj.scaleToFit(screenWidth, screenHeight);292 return (await imgObj.getBuffer(imageUtil.MIME_PNG)).toString('base64');293};294/**295 * @typedef {Object} Screenshot296 * @property {string} b64Screenshot - base64 based screenshot string297 */298/**299 * @typedef {Object} ScreenshotScale300 * @property {float} xScale - Scale ratio for width301 * @property {float} yScale - Scale ratio for height302 */303/**304 * Get the screenshot image that will be used for find by element, potentially305 * altering it in various ways based on user-requested settings306 *307 * @param {int} screenWidth - width of screen308 * @param {int} screenHeight - height of screen309 *310 * @returns {Screenshot, ?ScreenshotScale} base64-encoded screenshot and ScreenshotScale311 */312helpers.getScreenshotForImageFind = async function getScreenshotForImageFind (screenWidth, screenHeight) {313 if (!this.getScreenshot) {314 throw new Error("This driver does not support the required 'getScreenshot' command");315 }316 let b64Screenshot = await this.getScreenshot();317 // if the user has requested not to correct for aspect or size differences318 // between the screenshot and the screen, just return the screenshot now319 if (!this.settings.getSettings().fixImageFindScreenshotDims) {320`Not verifying screenshot dimensions match screen`);321 return {b64Screenshot};322 }323 if (screenWidth < 1 || screenHeight < 1) {324 log.warn(`The retrieved screen size ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight} does ` +325 `not seem to be valid. No changes will be applied to the screenshot`);326 return {b64Screenshot};327 }328 // otherwise, do some verification on the screenshot to make sure it matches329 // the screen size and aspect ratio330'Verifying screenshot size and aspect ratio');331 let imgObj = await imageUtil.getJimpImage(b64Screenshot);332 let {width: shotWidth, height: shotHeight} = imgObj.bitmap;333 if (shotWidth < 1 || shotHeight < 1) {334 log.warn(`The retrieved screenshot size ${shotWidth}x${shotHeight} does ` +335 `not seem to be valid. No changes will be applied to the screenshot`);336 return {b64Screenshot};337 }338 if (screenWidth === shotWidth && screenHeight === shotHeight) {339 // the height and width of the screenshot and the device screen match, which340 // means we should be safe when doing template matches341'Screenshot size matched screen size');342 return {b64Screenshot};343 }344 // otherwise, if they don't match, it could spell problems for the accuracy345 // of coordinates returned by the image match algorithm, since we match based346 // on the screenshot coordinates not the device coordinates themselves. There347 // are two potential types of mismatch: aspect ratio mismatch and scale348 // mismatch. We need to detect and fix both349 const scale = {xScale: 1.0, yScale: 1.0};350 const screenAR = screenWidth / screenHeight;351 const shotAR = shotWidth / shotHeight;352 if (Math.round(screenAR * FLOAT_PRECISION) === Math.round(shotAR * FLOAT_PRECISION)) {353`Screenshot aspect ratio '${shotAR}' (${shotWidth}x${shotHeight}) matched ` +354 `screen aspect ratio '${screenAR}' (${screenWidth}x${screenHeight})`);355 } else {356 log.warn(`When trying to find an element, determined that the screen ` +357 `aspect ratio and screenshot aspect ratio are different. Screen ` +358 `is ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight} whereas screenshot is ` +359 `${shotWidth}x${shotHeight}.`);360 // In the case where the x-scale and y-scale are different, we need to decide361 // which one to respect, otherwise the screenshot and template will end up362 // being resized in a way that changes its aspect ratio (distorts it). For example, let's say:363 // this.getScreenshot(shotWidth, shotHeight) is 540x397,364 // this.getDeviceSize(screenWidth, screenHeight) is 1080x1920.365 // The ratio would then be {xScale: 0.5, yScale: 0.2}.366 // In this case, we must should `yScale: 0.2` as scaleFactor, because367 // if we select the xScale, the height will be bigger than real screenshot size368 // which is used to image comparison by OpenCV as a base image.369 // All of this is primarily useful when the screenshot is a horizontal slice taken out of the370 // screen (for example not including top/bottom nav bars)371 const xScale = (1.0 * shotWidth) / screenWidth;372 const yScale = (1.0 * shotHeight) / screenHeight;373 const scaleFactor = xScale >= yScale ? yScale : xScale;374 log.warn(`Resizing screenshot to ${shotWidth * scaleFactor}x${shotHeight * scaleFactor} to match ` +375 `screen aspect ratio so that image element coordinates have a ` +376 `greater chance of being correct.`);377 imgObj = imgObj.resize(shotWidth * scaleFactor, shotHeight * scaleFactor);378 scale.xScale *= scaleFactor;379 scale.yScale *= scaleFactor;380 shotWidth = imgObj.bitmap.width;381 shotHeight = imgObj.bitmap.height;382 }383 // Resize based on the screen dimensions only if both width and height are mismatched384 // since except for that, it might be a situation which is different window rect and385 // screenshot size like `@driver.window_rect #=>x=0, y=0, width=1080, height=1794` and386 // `"deviceScreenSize"=>"1080x1920"`387 if (screenWidth !== shotWidth && screenHeight !== shotHeight) {388`Scaling screenshot from ${shotWidth}x${shotHeight} to match ` +389 `screen at ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`);390 imgObj = imgObj.resize(screenWidth, screenHeight);391 scale.xScale *= (1.0 * screenWidth) / shotWidth;392 scale.yScale *= (1.0 * screenHeight) / shotHeight;393 }394 b64Screenshot = (await imgObj.getBuffer(imageUtil.MIME_PNG)).toString('base64');395 return {b64Screenshot, scale};396};397/**398 * @typedef {Object} ImageTemplateSettings399 * @property {boolean} fixImageTemplateScale - fixImageTemplateScale in device-settings400 * @property {float} defaultImageTemplateScale - defaultImageTemplateScale in device-settings401 * @property {boolean} ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale - Ignore defaultImageTemplateScale if it has true.402 * If b64Template has been scaled to defaultImageTemplateScale or should ignore the scale,403 * this parameter should be true. e.g. click in image-element module404 * @property {float} xScale - Scale ratio for width405 * @property {float} yScale - Scale ratio for height406 */407/**408 * Get a image that will be used for template maching.409 * Returns scaled image if scale ratio is provided.410 *411 *412 * @param {string} b64Template - base64-encoded image used as a template to be413 * matched in the screenshot414 * @param {ImageTemplateSettings} opts - Image template scale related options415 *416 * @returns {string} base64-encoded scaled template screenshot417 */418const DEFAULT_FIX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SCALE = 1;419helpers.fixImageTemplateScale = async function fixImageTemplateScale (b64Template, opts = {}) {420 if (!opts) {421 return b64Template;422 }423 let {424 fixImageTemplateScale = false,425 defaultImageTemplateScale = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE,426 ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale = false,427 xScale = DEFAULT_FIX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SCALE,428 yScale = DEFAULT_FIX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SCALE429 } = opts;430 if (ignoreDefaultImageTemplateScale) {431 defaultImageTemplateScale = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE;432 }433 // Default434 if (defaultImageTemplateScale === DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_SCALE && !fixImageTemplateScale) {435 return b64Template;436 }437 // Calculate xScale and yScale Appium should scale438 if (fixImageTemplateScale) {439 xScale *= defaultImageTemplateScale;440 yScale *= defaultImageTemplateScale;441 } else {442 xScale = yScale = 1 * defaultImageTemplateScale;443 }444 // xScale and yScale can be NaN if defaultImageTemplateScale is string, for example445 if (!parseFloat(xScale) || !parseFloat(yScale)) {446 return b64Template;447 }448 // Return if the scale is default, 1, value449 if (Math.round(xScale * FLOAT_PRECISION) === Math.round(DEFAULT_FIX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SCALE * FLOAT_PRECISION)450 && Math.round(yScale * FLOAT_PRECISION === Math.round(DEFAULT_FIX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SCALE * FLOAT_PRECISION))) {451 return b64Template;452 }453 let imgTempObj = await imageUtil.getJimpImage(b64Template);454 let {width: baseTempWidth, height: baseTempHeigh} = imgTempObj.bitmap;455 const scaledWidth = baseTempWidth * xScale;456 const scaledHeight = baseTempHeigh * yScale;457`Scaling template image from ${baseTempWidth}x${baseTempHeigh}` +458 ` to ${scaledWidth}x${scaledHeight}`);459`The ratio is ${xScale} and ${yScale}`);460 imgTempObj = await imgTempObj.resize(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);461 return (await imgTempObj.getBuffer(imageUtil.MIME_PNG)).toString('base64');462};463Object.assign(extensions, commands, helpers);464export { commands, helpers, IMAGE_STRATEGY, CUSTOM_STRATEGY };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { fixImageTemplateScale } = require('./helpers');3const driver = new BaseDriver();4describe('Test fixImageTemplateScale method', function () {5 it('should return the correct scale', function () {6 const scale = fixImageTemplateScale(driver, 2);7 });8});
Using AI Code Generation
1const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;2const scale = helpers.fixImageTemplateScale('path_to_image');3console.log(scale);4const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;5const scale = helpers.getDevicePixelRatio();6console.log(scale);7const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;8const scale = helpers.getDisplayDensity();9console.log(scale);10const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;11const scale = helpers.getDisplayRotation();12console.log(scale);13const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;14const scale = helpers.getDisplaySize();15console.log(scale);16const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;17const scale = helpers.getIMEList();18console.log(scale);19const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;20const scale = helpers.getIMEActivated();21console.log(scale);22const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;23const scale = helpers.getDeviceTime();24console.log(scale);25const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;26const scale = helpers.getDeviceSysLanguage();27console.log(scale);28const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;29const scale = helpers.getDeviceCountry();30console.log(scale);31const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;32const scale = helpers.getDeviceTimezone();33console.log(scale);
Using AI Code Generation
1var helpers = require('appium-base-driver').androidHelpers;2var desired = {3};4var driver = new wd.Builder().withCapabilities(desired).build();5driver.init(desired).then(function() {6 return driver.sleep(5000);7}).then(function() {8}).then(function() {9}).then(function() {10}).then(function() {11}).then(function() {12}).then(function() {13}).then(function() {14}).then(function() {15}).then(function() {16}).then(function() {17}).then(function() {18}).then(function() {19}).then(function() {20}).then(function() {21}).then(function() {22}).then(function() {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { helpers } = require('appium-base-driver');2helpers.fixImageTemplateScale({scale: 2});3const { helpers } = require('appium-base-driver');4module.exports = {helpers};5{6"dependencies": {7 }8}9const { helpers } = require('appium-base-driver');10helpers.fixImageTemplateScale({scale: 2});11const { helpers } = require('appium-base-driver');12module.exports = {helpers};13{14"dependencies": {15 }16}
Using AI Code Generation
1const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').AndroidHelpers;2const path = require('path');3const image = path.resolve('/Users/isaacmurchie/Downloads/Screen Shot 2016-09-22 at 1.36.57 PM.png');4const image2 = path.resolve('/Users/isaacmurchie/Downloads/Screen Shot 2016-09-22 at 1.36.57 PM.png');5const image3 = helpers.fixImageTemplateScale(image);6const image4 = helpers.fixImageTemplateScale(image2);7console.log(image3, image4);8const helpers = require('appium-base-driver').AndroidHelpers;9const path = require('path');10const image = path.resolve('/Users/isaacmurchie/Downloads/Screen Shot 2016-09-22 at 1.36.57 PM.png');11const image2 = path.resolve('/Users/isaacmurchie/Downloads/Screen Shot 2016-09-22 at 1.36.57 PM.png');12const image3 = helpers.fixImageTemplateScale(image);13const image4 = helpers.fixImageTemplateScale(image2);14console.log(image3, image4);
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