How to use fixPythonContentType method in Appium Base Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver


Source:server.js Github


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1import path from 'path';2import express from 'express';3import http from 'http';4import favicon from 'serve-favicon';5import bodyParser from 'body-parser';6import methodOverride from 'method-override';7import log from './logger';8import { startLogFormatter, endLogFormatter } from './express-logging';9import { allowCrossDomain, fixPythonContentType, catchAllHandler,10 catch404Handler, catch4XXHandler } from './middleware';11import { guineaPig, guineaPigScrollable, welcome, STATIC_DIR } from './static';12import { produceError, produceCrash } from './crash';13async function server (configureRoutes, port, hostname = null) {14 // create the actual http server15 let app = express();16 let httpServer = http.createServer(app);17 return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {18 httpServer.on('error', (err) => {19 if (err.code === 'EADDRNOTAVAIL') {20 log.error('Could not start REST http interface listener. ' +21 'Requested address is not available.');22 } else {23 log.error('Could not start REST http interface listener. The requested ' +24 'port may already be in use. Please make sure there is no ' +25 'other instance of this server running already.');26 }27 reject(err);28 });29 httpServer.on('connection', (socket) => {30 socket.setTimeout(600 * 1000); // 10 minute timeout31 });32 configureServer(app, configureRoutes);33 let serverArgs = [port];34 if (hostname) {35 // If the hostname is omitted, the server will accept36 // connections on any IP address37 serverArgs.push(hostname);38 }39 httpServer.listen(...serverArgs, (err) => {40 if (err) {41 reject(err);42 }43 resolve(httpServer);44 });45 });46}47function configureServer (app, configureRoutes) {48 app.use(endLogFormatter);49 // set up static assets50 app.use(favicon(path.resolve(STATIC_DIR, 'favicon.ico')));51 app.use(express.static(STATIC_DIR));52 // crash routes, for testing53 app.use('/wd/hub/produce_error', produceError);54 app.use('/wd/hub/crash', produceCrash);55 // add middlewares56 app.use(allowCrossDomain);57 app.use(fixPythonContentType);58 app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));59 app.use(methodOverride());60 app.use(catch4XXHandler);61 app.use(catchAllHandler);62 // make sure appium never fails because of a file size upload limit63 app.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '1gb'}));64 // set up start logging (which depends on bodyParser doing its thing)65 app.use(startLogFormatter);66 configureRoutes(app);67 // dynamic routes for testing, etc.68 app.all('/welcome', welcome);69 app.all('/test/guinea-pig', guineaPig);70 app.all('/test/guinea-pig-scrollable', guineaPigScrollable);71 // catch this last, so anything that falls through is 404ed72 app.use(catch404Handler);73}...

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Source:middleware.js Github


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1import log from './logger';2import { errors } from 'mobile-json-wire-protocol';3function allowCrossDomain (req, res, next) {4 try {5 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');6 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS,DELETE');7 res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'origin, content-type, accept');8 // need to respond 200 to OPTIONS9 if ('OPTIONS' === req.method) {10 res.sendStatus(200);11 } else {12 next();13 }14 } catch (err) {15 log.error(`Unexpected error: ${err.stack}`);16 next();17 }18}19function fixPythonContentType (req, res, next) {20 // hack because python client library gives us wrong content-type21 if (/^\/wd/.test(req.path) && /^Python/.test(req.headers['user-agent'])) {22 if (req.headers['content-type'] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {23 req.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json';24 }25 }26 next();27}28function catchAllHandler (err, req, res, next) {29 log.error(`Uncaught error: ${err.message}`);30 log.error('Sending generic error response');31 try {32 res.status(500).send({33 status: errors.UnknownError.code(),34 value: `ERROR running Appium command: ${err.message}`35 });36 log.error(err);37 } catch (ign) {38 next(ign);39 }40}41function catch4XXHandler (err, req, res, next) {42 if (err.status >= 400 && err.status < 500) {43 // set the content type to `text/plain`44 // log.debug(`Setting content type to 'text/plain' for HTTP status '${err.status}'`);46 res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');47 res.status(err.status).send(`Unable to process request: ${err.message}`);48 } else {49 next(err);50 }51}52function catch404Handler (req, res) {53 // set the content type to `text/plain`54 // log.debug('No route found. Setting content type to \'text/plain\'');56 res.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');57 res.status(404).send(`The URL '${req.originalUrl}' did not map to a valid resource`);58}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;3const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');4const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;5const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');6const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;7const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');8const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;9const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');10const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;11const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');12const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;13const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');14const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;15const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');16const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;17const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');18const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;19const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');20const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;21const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');22const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;23const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');24const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;25const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');26const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;27const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');28const { fixPython

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { fixPythonContentType } = BaseDriver;3const { util } = require('appium-support');4const path = require('path');5const fs = require('fs');6const pythonScript = path.resolve(__dirname, '');7const pythonScriptContent = fs.readFileSync(pythonScript, 'utf8');8const fixedPythonScriptContent = fixPythonContentType(pythonScriptContent);9(async () => {10 const { stdout } = await util.exec('python', ['-c', fixedPythonScriptContent]);11 console.log(stdout);12})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {3 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');4};5var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');6AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {7 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');8};9var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');10AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {11 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');12};13var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {15 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');16};17var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');18AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {19 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');20};21var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');22AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {23 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');24};25var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {27 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');28};29var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');30AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {31 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');32};33var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');34AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {35 return contentType.replace(/'/g, '"');36};37var AppiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');38AppiumBaseDriver.prototype.fixPythonContentType = function (contentType) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2var driver = new BaseDriver();3driver.fixPythonContentType('{"status": 0, "value": "value"}');4var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');5var driver = new BaseDriver();6driver.fixPythonContentType('{"status": 0, "value": "value"}');7var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');8var driver = new BaseDriver();9driver.jwpProxyActive = true;10driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];11driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];12driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus', 'getCommand'];13var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14var driver = new BaseDriver();15driver.jwpProxyActive = true;16driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];17driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];18driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus', 'getCommand'];19var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');20var driver = new BaseDriver();21driver.jwpProxyActive = true;22driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];23driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];24driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus', 'getCommand'];25var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26var driver = new BaseDriver();27driver.jwpProxyActive = true;28driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];29driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];30driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus', 'getCommand'];31var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');32var driver = new BaseDriver();33driver.jwpProxyActive = true;34driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];35driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];36driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus', 'getCommand'];37var BaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');38var driver = new BaseDriver();39driver.jwpProxyActive = true;40driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession'];41driver.jwpProxyAvoid = ['getSession', 'getStatus'];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { util } = require('appium-support');3const { fixPythonContentType } = util;4const driver = new BaseDriver();5const pythonString = 'b\'{"value": "Hello World!"}\'';6const fixedPythonString = fixPythonContentType(pythonString);7console.log(fixedPythonString);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { fixPythonContentType } = require('appium-base-driver');2const pythonContentType = fixPythonContentType('image/png');3const { fixImageOrientation } = require('appium-base-driver');4const fixedImageOrientation = fixImageOrientation(imageBuffer, orientation);5const { isShowingLockscreen } = require('appium-base-driver');6const isLockscreen = isShowingLockscreen(imageBuffer);7const { getScreenshotDataForXCUITest } = require('appium-base-driver');8const screenshotData = getScreenshotDataForXCUITest(imageBuffer, orientation);9const { getScreenshotDataForW3C } = require('appium-base-driver');10const screenshotData = getScreenshotDataForW3C(imageBuffer, orientation);11const { getScreenshotData } = require('appium-base-driver');12const screenshotData = getScreenshotData(imageBuffer, orientation, platformName);13const { getScreenshotOrientation } = require('appium-base-driver');14const screenshotOrientation = getScreenshotOrientation(imageBuffer, orientation);15const { getScreenshotOrientationForXCUITest } = require('appium-base-driver');16const screenshotOrientation = getScreenshotOrientationForXCUITest(imageBuffer, orientation);17const { getScreenshotOrientationForW3C } =

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