Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: utils_test.js
1const assert = require('assert');2const os = require('os');3const path = require('path');4const sinon = require('sinon');5const utils = require('../../lib/utils');6describe('utils', () => {7 describe('#fileExists', () => {8 it('exists', () => assert(utils.fileExists(__filename)));9 it('not exists', () => assert(!utils.fileExists('not_utils.js')));10 });11 describe('#getParamNames', () => {12 it('fn#1', () => utils.getParamNames((a, b) => {}).should.eql(['a', 'b']));13 it('fn#2', () => utils.getParamNames((I, userPage) => { }).should.eql(['I', 'userPage']));14 it('should handle single-param arrow functions with omitted parens', () => utils.getParamNames((I) => {}).should.eql(['I']));15 it('should handle trailing comma', () => utils.getParamNames((16 I,17 trailing,18 comma,19 ) => {}).should.eql(['I', 'trailing', 'comma']));20 });21 describe('#methodsOfObject', () => {22 it('should get methods', () => {23 utils.methodsOfObject({24 a: 1,25 hello: () => {},26 world: () => {},27 }).should.eql(['hello', 'world']);28 });29 });30 describe('#ucfirst', () => {31 it('should capitalize first letter', () => {32 utils.ucfirst('hello').should.equal('Hello');33 });34 });35 describe('#beautify', () => {36 it('should beautify JS code', () => {37 utils38 .beautify('module.exports = function(a, b) { a++; b = a; if (a == b) { return 2 }};')39 .should.eql(`module.exports = function(a, b) {40 a++;41 b = a;42 if (a == b) {43 return 244 }45};`);46 });47 });48 describe('#xpathLocator', () => {49 it('combines xpaths', () => {50 utils.xpathLocator.combine(['//a', '//button'])51 .should.eql('//a | //button');52 });53 it('converts string to xpath literal', () => {54 utils.xpathLocator.literal("can't find thing")55 .should.eql('concat(\'can\',"\'",\'t find thing\')');56 });57 });58 describe('#replaceValueDeep', () => {59 let target;60 it('returns updated object', () => {61 target = {62 timeout: 1,63 helpers: {64 something: 2,65 },66 };67 utils.replaceValueDeep(target.helpers, 'something', 1234).should.eql({ something: 1234 });68 target.should.eql({69 timeout: 1,70 helpers: {71 something: 1234,72 },73 });74 });75 it('do not replace unexisting value', () => {76 target = {77 timeout: 1,78 helpers: {79 something: 2,80 },81 };82 utils.replaceValueDeep(target, 'unexisting', 1234);83 target.should.eql({84 timeout: 1,85 helpers: {86 something: 2,87 },88 });89 });90 it('replace simple value', () => {91 target = {92 timeout: 1,93 helpers: {94 something: 2,95 },96 };97 utils.replaceValueDeep(target, 'timeout', 1234);98 target.should.eql({99 timeout: 1234,100 helpers: {101 something: 2,102 },103 });104 });105 it('replace simple falsy value', () => {106 target = {107 zeroValue: {108 timeout: 0,109 },110 falseValue: {111 timeout: false,112 },113 undefinedValue: {114 timeout: undefined,115 },116 emptyStringValue: {117 timeout: '',118 },119 nullValue: {120 timeout: null,121 },122 };123 utils.replaceValueDeep(target, 'timeout', 1234);124 target.should.eql({125 zeroValue: {126 timeout: 1234,127 },128 falseValue: {129 timeout: 1234,130 },131 undefinedValue: {132 timeout: 1234,133 },134 emptyStringValue: {135 timeout: 1234,136 },137 nullValue: {138 timeout: 1234,139 },140 });141 });142 it('replace value in array of objects', () => {143 target = {144 timeout: 1,145 something: [{146 a: 1,147 b: 2,148 }, {149 a: 3,150 },151 123,152 0,153 [{ a: 1 }, 123]],154 };155 utils.replaceValueDeep(target, 'a', 1234);156 target.should.eql({157 timeout: 1,158 something: [{159 a: 1234,160 b: 2,161 }, {162 a: 1234,163 },164 123,165 0,166 [{ a: 1234 }, 123]],167 });168 });169 it('replace simple value deep in object', () => {170 target = {171 timeout: 1,172 helpers: {173 something: {174 otherthing: 2,175 },176 },177 };178 utils.replaceValueDeep(target, 'otherthing', 1234);179 target.should.eql({180 timeout: 1,181 helpers: {182 something: {183 otherthing: 1234,184 },185 },186 });187 });188 it('replace object value', () => {189 target = {190 timeout: 1,191 helpers: {192 WebDriver: {193 timeouts: 0,194 url: 'someurl',195 },196 someHelper: {197 timeouts: 3,198 },199 },200 };201 utils.replaceValueDeep(target.helpers, 'WebDriver', { timeouts: 1234 });202 target.should.eql({203 timeout: 1,204 helpers: {205 WebDriver: {206 timeouts: 1234,207 // url is not described in new object208 },209 someHelper: {210 timeouts: 3,211 },212 },213 });214 });215 });216 describe('#getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue', () => {217 it('should normalize key (alias) to key attribute value', () => {218 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Arrow down').should.equal('ArrowDown');219 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('RIGHT_ARROW').should.equal('ArrowRight');220 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('leftarrow').should.equal('ArrowLeft');221 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Up arrow').should.equal('ArrowUp');222 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Left Alt').should.equal('AltLeft');223 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('RIGHT_ALT').should.equal('AltRight');224 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('alt').should.equal('Alt');225 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('oPTION left').should.equal('AltLeft');226 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('ALTGR').should.equal('AltGraph');227 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('alt graph').should.equal('AltGraph');228 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Control Left').should.equal('ControlLeft');229 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('RIGHT_CTRL').should.equal('ControlRight');230 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Ctrl').should.equal('Control');231 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Cmd').should.equal('Meta');232 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('LeftCommand').should.equal('MetaLeft');233 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('os right').should.equal('MetaRight');234 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('SUPER').should.equal('Meta');235 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('NumpadComma').should.equal('Comma');236 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Separator').should.equal('Comma');237 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Add').should.equal('NumpadAdd');238 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Decimal').should.equal('NumpadDecimal');239 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Divide').should.equal('NumpadDivide');240 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Multiply').should.equal('NumpadMultiply');241 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('Subtract').should.equal('NumpadSubtract');242 });243 it('should normalize modifier key based on operating system', () => {244 sinon.stub(os, 'platform', () => { return 'notdarwin'; });245 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('CmdOrCtrl').should.equal('Control');246 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('COMMANDORCONTROL').should.equal('Control');247 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('ControlOrCommand').should.equal('Control');248 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('left ctrl or command').should.equal('ControlLeft');249 os.platform.restore();250 sinon.stub(os, 'platform', () => { return 'darwin'; });251 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('CtrlOrCmd').should.equal('Meta');252 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('CONTROLORCOMMAND').should.equal('Meta');253 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('CommandOrControl').should.equal('Meta');254 utils.getNormalizedKeyAttributeValue('right command or ctrl').should.equal('MetaRight');255 os.platform.restore();256 });257 });258 describe('#screenshotOutputFolder', () => {259 let _oldGlobalOutputDir;260 let _oldGlobalCodeceptDir;261 before(() => {262 _oldGlobalOutputDir = global.output_dir;263 _oldGlobalCodeceptDir = global.codecept_dir;264 global.output_dir = '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/test_output';265 global.codecept_dir = '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/tests/e2e';266 });267 after(() => {268 global.output_dir = _oldGlobalOutputDir;269 global.codecept_dir = _oldGlobalCodeceptDir;270 });271 it('returns the joined filename for filename only', () => {272 const _path = utils.screenshotOutputFolder('screenshot1.failed.png');273 _path.should.eql(274 '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/test_output/screenshot1.failed.png'.replace(275 /\//g,276 path.sep,277 ),278 );279 });280 it('returns the given filename for absolute one', () => {281 const _path = utils.screenshotOutputFolder(282 '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/test_output/screenshot1.failed.png'.replace(283 /\//g,284 path.sep,285 ),286 );287 if (os.platform() === 'win32') {288 _path.should.eql(289 path.resolve(290 global.codecept_dir,291 '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/test_output/screenshot1.failed.png',292 ),293 );294 } else {295 _path.should.eql(296 '/Users/someuser/workbase/project1/test_output/screenshot1.failed.png',297 );298 }299 });300 });...
Source: js-wdio.js
...195 codeFor_sessionCapabilities () {196 return `let caps = await driver.session('c8db88a0-47a6-47a1-802d-164d746c06aa');`;197 }198 codeFor_setPageLoadTimeout (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, ms) {199 return `await driver.timeouts('page load', ${ms})`;200 }201 codeFor_setAsyncScriptTimeout (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, ms) {202 return `await driver.timeouts('script', ${ms})`;203 }204 codeFor_setImplicitWaitTimeout (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, ms) {205 return `await driver.timeouts('implicit', ${ms})`;206 }207 codeFor_setCommandTimeout (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, ms) {208 return `await driver.timeouts('command', ${ms})`;209 }210 codeFor_getOrientation () {211 return `let orientation = await driver.orientation();`;212 }213 codeFor_setOrientation (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, orientation) {214 return `driver.orientation("${orientation}");`;215 }216 codeFor_getGeoLocation () {217 return `let location = await driver.location();`;218 }219 codeFor_setGeoLocation (varNameIgnore, varIndexIgnore, latitude, longitude, altitude) {220 return `await driver.location({latitude: ${latitude}, longitude: ${longitude}, altitude: ${altitude}});`;221 }222 codeFor_logTypes () {...
Source: driver-specs.js
...46 it('should exist by default', function () {47 driver.newCommandTimeoutMs.should.equal(60000);48 });49 it('should be settable through `timeouts`', async function () {50 await driver.timeouts('command', 20);51 driver.newCommandTimeoutMs.should.equal(20);52 });53 });54 describe('implicit', function () {55 it('should not exist by default', function () {56 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.equal(0);57 });58 it('should be settable through `timeouts`', async function () {59 await driver.timeouts('implicit', 20);60 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.equal(20);61 });62 it('should be settable through `timeouts` for W3C', async function () {63 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 30);64 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.equal(30);65 });66 });67 describe('page load', function () {68 it('should be settable through `timeouts`', async function () {69 let to = driver.pageLoadMs + 20;70 await driver.timeouts('page load', to);71 driver.pageLoadMs.should.equal(to);72 });73 it('should be settable through `timeouts` for W3C', async function () {74 let to = driver.pageLoadMs + 30;75 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, undefined, to);76 driver.pageLoadMs.should.equal(to);77 });78 });79 describe('script', function () {80 it('should be settable through `timeouts`', async function () {81 let to = driver.asyncWaitMs + 20;82 await driver.timeouts('script', to);83 driver.asyncWaitMs.should.equal(to);84 });85 it('should be settable through `timeouts` for W3C', async function () {86 let to = driver.asyncWaitMs + 30;87 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, to);88 driver.asyncWaitMs.should.equal(to);89 });90 it('should be settable through asyncScriptTimeout', async function () {91 let to = driver.asyncWaitMs + 20;92 await driver.asyncScriptTimeout(to);93 driver.asyncWaitMs.should.equal(to);94 });95 });96 describe('script, page load and implicit', function () {97 it('should be settable through `timeouts` for W3C', async function () {98 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, 10, 20, 30);99 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.equal(30);100 driver.pageLoadMs.should.equal(20);101 driver.asyncWaitMs.should.equal(10);102 });103 });104 });105});106describe('getDeviceTime', withMocks({fs, teen_process}, (mocks) => {107 afterEach(function () {108 mocks.verify();109 });110 describe('real device', function () {111 const setup = function (mocks, opts = {}) {112 let udid = 'some-udid';...
Source: timeout-specs.js
...20 });21 describe('timeouts', function () {22 describe('errors', function () {23 it('should throw an error if something random is sent', async function () {24 await driver.timeouts('random timeout', 'howdy');25 });26 it('should throw an error if timeout is negative', async function () {27 await driver.timeouts('random timeout', -42);28 });29 it('should throw an errors if timeout type is unknown', async function () {30 await driver.timeouts('random timeout', 42);31 });32 it('should throw an error if something random is sent to scriptDuration', async function () {33 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, 123, undefined, undefined);34 });35 it('should throw an error if something random is sent to pageLoadDuration', async function () {36 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, undefined, 123, undefined);37 });38 });39 describe('implicit wait', function () {40 it('should call setImplicitWait when given an integer', async function () {41 await driver.timeouts('implicit', 42);42;43 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);44 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);45 });46 it('should call setImplicitWait when given a string', async function () {47 await driver.timeouts('implicit', '42');48;49 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);50 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);51 });52 it('should call setImplicitWait when given an integer to implicitDuration', async function () {53 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 42);54;55 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);56 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);57 });58 it('should call setImplicitWait when given a string to implicitDuration', async function () {59 await driver.timeouts(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, '42');60;61 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);62 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);63 });64 });65 });66 describe('implicitWait', function () {67 it('should call setImplicitWait when given an integer', async function () {68 await driver.implicitWait(42);69;70 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);71 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);72 });73 it('should call setImplicitWait when given a string', async function () {...
Source: ffitest.js
1var SerialPort = require('serialport').SerialPort;2var serialPort = new SerialPort('COM8');3var isSerialPortOpen = false;4serialPort.on('open', function() {5 console.log('open');6 isSerialPortOpen = true;7});8var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');9var driver = new webdriver.Builder().10withCapabilities(;12//var timeouts = (new webdriver.WebDriver.Timeouts(driver))13//timeouts.setScriptTimeout(10000);14driver.get('').then(function() {15});16driver.sleep(5000);17driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {18 var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];19 window.focus();20 pgeditorChar.pwdclear();21 _ocx_passwordChar.setActive();22 callback("run");23}).then(function(str) {24 console.log("str", str)25 return true;26});27driver.findElement("inp")).sendKeys("");28driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {29 _ocx_passwordChar.removeNode();30 callback("run");31}).then(function(str) {32 console.log("str", str)33 return true;34});35// var isPre = false;36// driver.wait(function() {37// driver.isElementPresent("_ocx_passwordChar")).then(38// function(isPresent) {39// if (isPre) return;40// isPre = isPresent;41// console.log("isPre", isPre);42// })43// return isPre;44// }, Infinity);45// driver.findElement("_ocx_passwordChar")).sendKeys("").then(function(){46 47// });48driver.sleep(1000).then(function(){49 kbInput("Bcd", function(idx) {50 console.log("finish input", idx);51 //driver.quit();52 });53});54function kbInput(str, callback, idx) {55 if (idx === undefined) idx = 0;56 if (idx === str.length) {57 callback(idx)58 return;59 }60 var nextchar = str.charCodeAt(idx);61 serialPort.write([nextchar], function() {62 idx++;63 var delay = (nextchar>=65 && nextchar<=90)?140:40;64 //console.log(nextchar, delay)65 serialPort.drain(function() {66 setTimeout(function(){67 kbInput(str, callback, idx);68 }, delay)69 70 });71 });72}73// console.log("executeAsyncScript...")74// driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {75// var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];76// console.log("executeAsyncScript...");77// console.log(pgeditorChar.pwdLength());78// pgeditorChar.pwdclear();79// callback("run");80// }).then(function(str) {81// console.log("str", str)82// return true;83// });84// driver.wait(function() {85// if (new Date().getSeconds() === 24 && new Date().getMinutes() === 25) {86// console.log("executeAsyncScript...");87// return true;88// } else return false;89// }, Infinity);90// driver.executeAsyncScript(function(randomForEnc) {91// console.log("executeAsyncScript get Pwd result...", randomForEnc);92// var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];93// pgeditorChar.pwdSetSk(randomForEnc);94// var PwdResultChar = pgeditorChar.pwdResult();95// callback(PwdResultChar);96// }, '577745').then(function(str) {97// console.log("got Pwd result:", str);98// return true;...
Source: implicit-wait-specs.js
...32 await impWaitCheck('accessibility id', 'FoShoIAintHere', 4000);33 await impWaitCheckSingle('accessibility id', 'FoShoIAintHere', 4000);34 });35 it('should work with small command timeout', async function () {36 await driver.timeouts('command', 5000);37 await driver.implicitWait(10000);38 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 10000);39 });40 it('should work even with a reset in the middle', async function () {41 await driver.timeouts('command', 60000);42 await driver.implicitWait(4000);43 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 4000);44 await driver.reset();45 await B.delay(3000); // cooldown46 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 4000);47 });48 });...
Source: page-load-timeout-specs.js
...11 fullReset: true,12 }).driver;13 describe('small timeout, slow page load', function () {14 it('should not go to the requested page', async function () {15 await driver.timeouts({protocol: BaseDriver.DRIVER_PROTOCOL.MJSONWP, type: 'page load', ms: 5000}, "1dcfe021-8fc8-49bd-8dac-e986d3091b97");16 await driver.setUrl(env.GUINEA_TEST_END_POINT + '?delay=30000');17 // the page should not have time to load18 (await driver.getPageSource()).should.include('Let\'s browse!');19 });20 });21 describe('no timeout, very slow page', function () {22 let startMs =;23 it('should go to the requested page', async function () {24 await driver.timeouts({protocol: BaseDriver.DRIVER_PROTOCOL.MJSONWP, type: 'command', ms: 120000}, "1dcfe021-8fc8-49bd-8dac-e986d3091b97");25 await driver.timeouts({protocol: BaseDriver.DRIVER_PROTOCOL.MJSONWP, type: 'page load', ms: 0}, "1dcfe021-8fc8-49bd-8dac-e986d3091b97");26 await driver.setUrl(env.GUINEA_TEST_END_POINT + '?delay=5000');27 // the page should load after 7000028 (await driver.getPageSource()).should.include('I am some page content');29 ( - startMs);30 });31 });...
Source: short-timeout-specs.js
...9 describe('short timeout', function () {10 let session = setup(this, desired);11 let driver = session.driver;12 it('should die with short command timeout', async function () {13 await driver.timeouts('command', 3000);14 await B.delay(5500);15 await B.resolve(driver.findElement('accessibility id', 'dont exist dogg'))16 .catch(throwMatchableError)17 (13|6)/);18 });19 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const wd = require('wd');2const chai = require('chai');3const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5const expect = chai.expect;6const should = chai.should();7const serverConfig = require('./appium-servers');8const { androidCaps, iosCaps } = require('./caps');9const { APPIUM_PORT, SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY } = require('./env');10describe('Appium Base Driver', () => {11 let driver;12 let allPassed = true;13 before(async () => {14 const server = serverConfig.local;15 driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote(, server.port);16 const caps = androidCaps;17 await driver.init(caps);18 await driver.sleep(3000);19 });20 after(async () => {21 allPassed = allPassed && (this.currentTest.state === 'passed');22 await driver.quit();23 });24 afterEach(function () {25 allPassed = allPassed && (this.currentTest.state === 'passed');26 });27 it('should set a timeout', async () => {28 await driver.timeouts('script', 5000);29 });30});31const androidCaps = {32};33const iosCaps = {34};35module.exports = { androidCaps, iosCaps };36const local = {37};38const sauce = {39};40module.exports = { local, sauce };41const APPIUM_PORT = 4723;42const SAUCE_USERNAME = '';43const SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY = '';44module.exports = { APPIUM_PORT, SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY };45{
Using AI Code Generation
1const webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriverio.remote(opts);7client.init()8 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))9 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))10 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))11 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))12 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))13 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))14 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))15 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))16 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))17 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))18 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))19 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))20 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))21 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))22 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))23 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))24 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))25 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))26 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))27 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))28 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))29 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))30 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))31 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load', 10000))32 .then(() => client.timeouts('implicit', 10000))33 .then(() => client.timeouts('script', 10000))34 .then(() => client.timeouts('page load
Using AI Code Generation
1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7(async function myFunction() {8 await client.init();9 await client.timeouts('implicit', 5000);10 await client.$('~button');11 await client.deleteSession();12})();13const wdio = require('webdriverio');14const opts = {15 capabilities: {16 }17};18const client = wdio.remote(opts);19(async function myFunction() {20 await client.init();21 await client.timeouts('implicit', 5000);22 await client.$('~button');23 await client.deleteSession();24})();25const wdio = require('webdriverio');26const opts = {27 capabilities: {28 }29};30const client = wdio.remote(opts);31(async function myFunction() {32 await client.init();33 await client.timeouts('implicit', 5000);34 await client.$('~button');35 await client.deleteSession();36})();37const wdio = require('webdriverio');38const opts = {39 capabilities: {
Using AI Code Generation
1async function timeouts (req, res) {2 let timeoutType = req.params.type;3 let ms =;4 let timeouts = {};5 timeouts[timeoutType] = ms;6 await this.setImplicitWait(timeouts);7 res.status(200).json({ status:, value: null });8}9async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {10 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {11 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;12 }13}14async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {15 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {16 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;17 }18}19async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {20 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {21 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;22 }23}24async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {25 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {26 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;27 }28}29async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {30 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {31 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;32 }33}34async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {35 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {36 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;37 }38}39async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {40 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {41 this.implicitWaitMs = timeouts.implicit;42 }43}44async function setImplicitWait (timeouts) {45 if (timeouts.implicit !== undefined) {
Using AI Code Generation
1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7 .init()8 .timeouts('script', 1000)9 .timeouts('implicit', 1000)10 .timeouts('page load', 1000)11 .end();12const wdio = require('webdriverio');13const opts = {14 capabilities: {15 }16};17const client = wdio.remote(opts);18 .init()19 .timeouts('script', 1000)20 .timeouts('implicit', 1000)21 .timeouts('page load', 1000)22 .end();23const wdio = require('webdriverio');24const opts = {25 capabilities: {26 }27};28const client = wdio.remote(opts);29 .init()30 .timeouts('script', 1000)31 .timeouts('implicit', 1000)32 .timeouts('page load', 1000)33 .end();
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Diego Molina, a core member of the Selenium project, has been in testing for the past eight years. Today, he proudly spends 95% of his time on the Selenium project. His dedication to the testing community led him to speak at numerous conferences, including Selenium Conf and Appium Conf. You can also regularly find him on IRC or Slack’s Selenium channel.
As everyone knows, the mobile industry has taken over the world and is the fastest emerging industry in terms of technology and business. It is possible to do all the tasks using a mobile phone, for which earlier we had to use a computer. According to Statista, in 2021, smartphone vendors sold around 1.43 billion smartphones worldwide. The smartphone penetration rate has been continuously rising, reaching 78.05 percent in 2020. By 2025, it is expected that almost 87 percent of all mobile users in the United States will own a smartphone.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.
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