Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: basic-specs.js
...16 });17 });18 describe('implicit wait', function () {19 it('should set the implicit wait for finding web elements', async function () {20 await driver.implicitWait(7 * 1000);21 let before = new Date().getTime() / 1000;22 let hasThrown = false;23 /**24 * we have to use try catch to actually halt the process here25 */26 try {27 await driver.findElement('tag name', 'notgonnabethere');28 } catch (e) {29 hasThrown = true;30 } finally {31;32 }33 let after = new Date().getTime() / 1000;34 ((after - before) > 7);35 await driver.implicitWait(0);36 });37 });38 describe('window title', function () {39 beforeEach(async function () { return await loadWebView(desired, driver); });40 it('should return a valid title on web view', async function () {41 (await driver.title()).should.include('I am a page title');42 });43 });44 describe('element handling', function () {45 beforeEach(async function () { return await loadWebView(desired, driver); });46 it('should find a web element in the web view', async function () {47 (await driver.findElement('id', 'i_am_an_id')).should.exist;48 });49 it('should find multiple web elements in the web view', async function () {...
Source: playback-webdriver.spec.js
1// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one2// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file3// distributed with this work for additional information4// regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance7// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at8//9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an13// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY14// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the15// specific language governing permissions and limitations16// under the License.17import { promisify } from 'util'18import { By } from 'selenium-webdriver'19import { createHeadlessChrome } from '@seleniumhq/webdriver-testkit'20import { createStaticSite } from '@seleniumhq/side-testkit'21import Playback from '../../src/playback'22import Variables from '../../src/Variables'23import WebDriverExecutor from '../../src/webdriver'24jest.setTimeout(30000)25describe('Playback using webdriver', () => {26 const app = createStaticSite()27 let port, close, driver, executor, variables28 beforeAll(async () => {29 await new Promise(res => {30 const server = app.listen(() => {31 port = server.address().port32 close = promisify(server.close.bind(server))33 res()34 })35 })36 })37 afterEach(() => {38 executor.hooks = undefined39 })40 afterAll(async () => {41 await close()42 })43 beforeAll(async () => {44 variables = new Variables()45 driver = await createHeadlessChrome()46 executor = new WebDriverExecutor({ driver, implicitWait: 50 })47 })48 afterAll(async () => {49 await driver.quit()50 })51 afterEach(async () => {52 try {53 await driver.actions({ bridge: true }).clear()54 } catch (err) {55 // chromedriver doesn't support clear()56 }57 })58 it('should run a test using WebDriverExecutor', async () => {59 const test = {60 id: 1,61 commands: [62 {63 command: 'open',64 target: '/check.html',65 value: '',66 },67 {68 command: 'uncheck',69 target: 'id=t',70 value: '',71 },72 {73 command: 'check',74 target: 'id=f',75 value: '',76 },77 ],78 }79 const playback = new Playback({80 executor,81 variables,82 baseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/`,83 })84 await (await const element = await driver.findElement('f'))86 expect(await element.isSelected()).toBeTruthy()87 })88 it('should utilize before and after commands', async () => {89 const test = {90 id: 1,91 commands: [92 {93 command: 'open',94 target: '/check.html',95 value: '',96 },97 {98 command: 'uncheck',99 target: 'id=t',100 value: '',101 },102 {103 command: 'check',104 target: 'id=f',105 value: '',106 },107 ],108 }109 const playback = new Playback({110 executor,111 variables,112 baseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/`,113 })114 executor.hooks = {115 onAfterCommand: jest.fn(),116 onBeforeCommand: jest.fn(),117 }118 await (await expect(executor.hooks.onBeforeCommand).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)120 expect(executor.hooks.onAfterCommand).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3)121 expect(executor.hooks.onBeforeCommand.mock.calls[0]).toEqual([122 {123 command: test.commands[0],124 },125 ])126 expect(executor.hooks.onAfterCommand.mock.calls[0]).toEqual([127 {128 command: test.commands[0],129 },130 ])131 })132 it('should inform of a new window', async () => {133 const test = {134 id: 1,135 commands: [136 {137 command: 'open',138 target: '/windows.html',139 value: '',140 },141 {142 command: 'click',143 target: 'css=a',144 value: '',145 opensWindow: true,146 windowHandleName: 'new',147 windowTimeout: 200,148 },149 ],150 }151 const playback = new Playback({152 executor,153 variables,154 baseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/`,155 })156 executor.hooks = {157 onWindowAppeared: jest.fn(),158 }159 await (await expect(executor.hooks.onWindowAppeared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)161 expect(executor.hooks.onWindowAppeared.mock.calls[0]).toMatchObject([162 {163 command: test.commands[1],164 windowHandleName: test.commands[1].windowHandleName,165 windowHandle: expect.stringMatching(/^CDwindow-/),166 },167 ])168 })169 it('should wait for hook execution to complete', async () => {170 let didExecute = false171 const test = {172 id: 1,173 commands: [174 {175 command: 'open',176 target: '/windows.html',177 value: '',178 },179 {180 command: 'click',181 target: 'css=a',182 value: '',183 opensWindow: true,184 windowHandleName: 'new',185 windowTimeout: 200,186 },187 ],188 }189 const playback = new Playback({190 executor,191 variables,192 baseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/`,193 })194 executor.hooks = {195 onWindowAppeared: () => {196 return new Promise(res => {197 setTimeout(() => {198 didExecute = true199 res()200 }, 10)201 })202 },203 }204 await (await expect(didExecute).toBeTruthy()206 })207 it('should perform locator fallback', async () => {208 const test = {209 id: 1,210 commands: [211 {212 command: 'open',213 target: '/check.html',214 value: '',215 },216 {217 command: 'uncheck',218 target: 'id=nan',219 value: '',220 targetFallback: [221 ['id=stillnan', 'id'],222 ['id=t', 'id'],223 ['id=broken', 'id'],224 ],225 },226 ],227 }228 const playback = new Playback({229 executor,230 variables,231 baseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/`,232 })233 await (await const element = await driver.findElement('t'))235 expect(await element.isSelected()).toBeFalsy()236 })...
Source: timeout-specs.js
...64 });65 });66 describe('implicitWait', function () {67 it('should call setImplicitWait when given an integer', async function () {68 await driver.implicitWait(42);69;70 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);71 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);72 });73 it('should call setImplicitWait when given a string', async function () {74 await driver.implicitWait('42');75;76 implicitWaitSpy.firstCall.args[0].should.equal(42);77 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);78 });79 it('should throw an error if something random is sent', async function () {80 await driver.implicitWait('howdy');81 });82 it('should throw an error if timeout is negative', async function () {83 await driver.implicitWait(-42);84 });85 });86 describe('set implicit wait', function () {87 it('should set the implicit wait with an integer', function () {88 driver.setImplicitWait(42);89 driver.implicitWaitMs.should.eql(42);90 });91 describe('with managed driver', function () {92 let managedDriver1 = new BaseDriver();93 let managedDriver2 = new BaseDriver();94 before(function () {95 driver.addManagedDriver(managedDriver1);96 driver.addManagedDriver(managedDriver2);97 });...
Source: find-basic-e2e-specs.js
...73 });74 describe('implicit wait', function () {75 let implicitWait = 5000;76 before(async function () {77 await driver.implicitWait(implicitWait);78 });79 it('should respect implicit wait with multiple elements', async function () {80 let beforeMs =;81 await driver.findElements('id', 'there_is_nothing_called_this')82 .should.eventually.have.length(0);83 let afterMs =;84 (afterMs - beforeMs) + 5000);85 (afterMs - beforeMs);86 });87 it('should respect implicit wait with a single element', async function () {88 let beforeMs =;89 await driver.findElement('id', 'there_is_nothing_called_this')90 not be located/);91 let afterMs =;...
Source: windows-frame-specs.js
...12 }).driver;13 describe('within webview', function () {14 before(async function () {15 // minimize waiting if something goes wrong16 await driver.implicitWait(1000);17 });18 beforeEach(function () { return loadWebView('safari', driver); });19 it("should throw nosuchwindow if there's not one", function () {20 return driver.setWindow('noexistman') could not be found/);21 });22 // unfortunately, iOS8 doesn't respond to the close() method on window23 // the way iOS7 does24 it('should be able to open and close windows @skip-ios8', async function () {25 let el = await driver.findElement('id', 'blanklink');26 await;27 await spinTitle('I am another page title', driver);28 await B.delay(2000);29 await driver.closeWindow();30 await B.delay(3000);31 await spinTitle('I am a page title', driver);32 });33 it('should be able to go back and forward', async function () {34 let link = await driver.findElement('link text', 'i am a link');35 await;36 await driver.findElement('id', 'only_on_page_2');37 await driver.back();38 await driver.findElement('id', 'i_am_a_textbox');39 await driver.forward();40 await driver.findElement('id', 'only_on_page_2');41 });42 // broken on real devices, see it('should be able to open js popup windows with safariAllowPopups set to true @skip-real-device', async function () {44 let link = await driver.findElement('link text', 'i am a new window link');45 await;46 await spinTitle('I am another page title', driver, 30);47 });48 });49});50describe(`safari - windows and frames (${env.DEVICE}) - without safariAllowPopups`, function () {51 this.timeout(MOCHA_SAFARI_TIMEOUT);52 const driver = setup(this, {53 browserName: 'safari',54 safariAllowPopups: false55 }).driver;56 before(async function () {57 // minimize waiting if something goes wrong58 await driver.implicitWait(5000);59 });60 beforeEach(async function () { return await loadWebView('safari', driver); });61 it('should not be able to open js popup windows', async function () {62 await driver.execute("'/test/guinea-pig2.html', null)");63 await spinTitle('I am another page title', driver, 5);64 });...
Source: calc-app-2-specs.js
...38 });39 // TODO: Fails on sauce, investigate40 // TODO: Fails with 8.4 or Appium 1.5, investigate cause41 it.skip('should be able to get syslog logs @skip-ios8 @skip-ci', async function () {42 await driver.implicitWait(4000);43 await B.resolve(driver.findElement('accessibility id', 'SumLabelz'))44 .catch(throwMatchableError)45 7/);46 let logs = await driver.getLog();47;48 logs[0].message.should.not.include('\n');49 logs[0].level.should.equal('ALL');50 logs[0].timestamp.should.exist;51 });52 it('should be able to get crashlog logs @skip-ci', async function () {53 let dir = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, 'Library', 'Logs', 'DiagnosticReports');54 let msg = 'boom';55 let logs = await driver.getLog('crashlog');56 await fs.writeFile(`${dir}/myApp_${Date.parse(new Date())}_rocksauce.crash`, msg);...
Source: implicit-wait-specs.js
...26 (afterMs - beforeMs) + 2000);27 (afterMs - beforeMs);28 };29 it('should set the implicit wait for finding elements', async function () {30 await driver.implicitWait(4000);31 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 4000);32 await impWaitCheck('accessibility id', 'FoShoIAintHere', 4000);33 await impWaitCheckSingle('accessibility id', 'FoShoIAintHere', 4000);34 });35 it('should work with small command timeout', async function () {36 await driver.timeouts('command', 5000);37 await driver.implicitWait(10000);38 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 10000);39 });40 it('should work even with a reset in the middle', async function () {41 await driver.timeouts('command', 60000);42 await driver.implicitWait(4000);43 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 4000);44 await driver.reset();45 await B.delay(3000); // cooldown46 await impWaitCheck('class name', 'UIANotGonnaBeHere', 4000);47 });48 });...
Source: session.js
...51 attempts = Math.min(env.MAX_RETRY, attempts);52 }53 await init(attempts);54 this.initialized = true;55 await this.driver.implicitWait(env.IMPLICIT_WAIT_TIMEOUT);56 }57 async tearDown () {58 if (this.initialized) {59 try {60 await this.driver.deleteSession();61 } catch (err) {62 log.warn("didn't quit cleanly.");63 }64 }65 }66}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const wdio = require("webdriverio");2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 },5};6(async function () {7 const driver = await wdio.remote(opts);8 await driver.implicitWait(10000);9 await;10 const el2 = await driver.$(11 );12 await;13 await;14 const el4 = await driver.$(15 );16 await;17 await el5.setValue("hello");18 const el6 = await driver.$(19 );20 await;21 const el7 = await driver.$(22 );23 await;24 await;25 const el9 = await driver.$(26 );27 await;28 const el10 = await driver.$(29 );30 await;31 await el11.setValue("hello");32 const el12 = await driver.$(33 );34 await;35 const el13 = await driver.$(36 );37 await;38 await;39 const el15 = await driver.$(40 );41 await;
Using AI Code Generation
1const wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3}).then(function () {4 return driver.implicitWait(30000);5}).then(function () {6 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId('myButton');7}).then(function (el) {8 return;9}).then(function () {10 return driver.quit();11}).catch(function (err) {12 console.log(err);13});14import;15import io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType;16import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;17import;18import;19public class test {20 public static void main(String args[]) throws MalformedURLException {21 DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();22 cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.DEVICE_NAME, "emulator-5554");23 cap.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, "path/to/my.apk");
Using AI Code Generation
1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7client.init()8 .then(() => client.implicitWait(10000))9 .then(() => client.elementByAccessibilityId('myElement').click())10 .then(() => client.end());11const wdio = require('webdriverio');12const opts = {13 capabilities: {14 }15};16const client = wdio.remote(opts);17client.init()18 .then(() => client.waitForVisible('~myElement', 10000))19 .then(() => client.elementByAccessibilityId('myElement').click())20 .then(() => client.end());
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2driver.implicitWait(5000);3driver.quit();4[HTTP] {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome"}}5[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"browserName":"chrome"},null,null]6[debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1525287695937 (10:14:55 GMT+0530 (IST))7[Appium] Creating new ChromeDriver (v2.35.528161) session8[debug] [BaseDriver] Creating session with MJSONWP desired capabilities: {"browserName":"chrome"}9[Chromedriver] [STDOUT] Starting ChromeDriver 2.35.528161 (4b8a3e2e4c06f4d4d3cb3d9b2f4b0e2f2c1e8b8b) on port 9515
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('webdriverio');2var assert = require('assert');3var options = {4 desiredCapabilities: {5 }6};7var client = webdriver.remote(options);8 .init()9 .setValue('#lst-ib', 'webdriver')10 .getTitle().then(function(title) {11 console.log('Title was: ' + title);12 })13 .end();14var webdriver = require('webdriverio');15var assert = require('assert');16var options = {17 desiredCapabilities: {18 }19};20var client = webdriver.remote(options);21 .init()22 .setValue('#lst-ib', 'webdriver')23 .getTitle().then(function(title) {24 console.log('Title was: ' + title);25 })26 .end();27var webdriver = require('webdriverio');28var assert = require('assert');29var options = {30 desiredCapabilities: {31 }32};33var client = webdriver.remote(options);34 .init()35 .setValue('#lst-ib', 'webdriver')36 .getTitle().then(function(title) {37 console.log('Title was: ' + title);38 })39 .end();40var webdriver = require('webdriverio');41var assert = require('assert');42var options = {43 desiredCapabilities: {44 }45};46var client = webdriver.remote(options);47 .init()48 .setValue('#lst-ib', 'webdriver')49 .getTitle().then(function(title) {50 console.log('Title was: ' + title);51 })52 .end();53var webdriver = require('webdriverio');54var assert = require('assert');55var options = {56 desiredCapabilities: {57 }58};59var client = webdriver.remote(options);60 .init()
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.implicitWait(30000);2driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);3driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);4driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);5driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);6driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);7driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);8driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);9driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);10driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);11driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);12driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);13driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);14driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);15driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);16driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);17driver.timeoutsImplicitWait(30000);18driver.timeouts('implicit', 30000);
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Mobile apps have been an inseparable part of daily lives. Every business wants to be part of the ever-growing digital world and stay ahead of the competition by developing unique and stable applications.
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Diego Molina, a core member of the Selenium project, has been in testing for the past eight years. Today, he proudly spends 95% of his time on the Selenium project. His dedication to the testing community led him to speak at numerous conferences, including Selenium Conf and Appium Conf. You can also regularly find him on IRC or Slack’s Selenium channel.
As everyone knows, the mobile industry has taken over the world and is the fastest emerging industry in terms of technology and business. It is possible to do all the tasks using a mobile phone, for which earlier we had to use a computer. According to Statista, in 2021, smartphone vendors sold around 1.43 billion smartphones worldwide. The smartphone penetration rate has been continuously rising, reaching 78.05 percent in 2020. By 2025, it is expected that almost 87 percent of all mobile users in the United States will own a smartphone.
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