Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: trait.running.spec.js
1import {2 gameDeployTraitRequest3 , gameEndTurnRequest4 , traitTakeFoodRequest5 , traitAnswerRequest6 , traitActivateRequest7 , makeTurnTimeoutId8} from '../actions';9import {PHASE} from '../../models/game/GameModel';10import * as tt from '../../models/game/evolution/traitTypes';11import {replaceGetRandom} from '../../utils/randomGenerator';12import {testShiftTime} from '../../utils/reduxTimeout'13import {makeGameSelectors} from '../../selectors';14describe('TraitRunning:', () => {15 it('carn > running', () => {16 const [{serverStore, ServerGame, ParseGame}, {clientStore0, User0}] = mockGame(1);17 const gameId = ParseGame(`18phase: feeding19food: 020players:21 - continent: $A carn waiter, $B carn, $C carn, $Runner running22`);23 const {selectPlayer, findAnimal, findTrait} = makeGameSelectors(serverStore.getState, gameId);24 expect(findTrait('$Runner', tt.TraitRunning)).ok;25 replaceGetRandom(() => 1, () => {26 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', 'TraitCarnivorous', '$Runner'));27 expect(findAnimal('$Runner'), '$Runner ran away').ok;28 expect(ServerGame().getPlayer(User0).acted, 'User0 has acted').true;29 expect(ServerGame().status.phase).equal(PHASE.FEEDING);30 clientStore0.dispatch(gameEndTurnRequest());31 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$B', 'TraitCarnivorous', '$Runner'));32 expect(findAnimal('$Runner'), '$Runner ran away').ok;33 clientStore0.dispatch(gameEndTurnRequest());34 });35 replaceGetRandom(() => 0, () => {36 expectUnchanged('Hunter has cooldown', () =>37 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', 'TraitCarnivorous', '$Runner'))38 , serverStore, clientStore0);39 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$C', 'TraitCarnivorous', '$Runner'));40 expect(findAnimal('$C').getFoodAndFat(), '$C gets food').equal(2);41 expect(findAnimal('$Runner')).null;42 });43 });44 it('B runs away manually', () => {45 const [{serverStore, ParseGame}, {clientStore0, User0}] = mockGame(1);46 const gameId = ParseGame(`47phase: feeding48players: 49 - continent: $A carn wait, $B run tail 50settings:51 timeTurn: 10052 timeTraitResponse: 10053`);54 const {selectGame, findAnimal, selectPlayer} = makeGameSelectors(serverStore.getState, gameId);55 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(50));56 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);57 // C attacks A and A runs out manually58 replaceGetRandom(() => 1, () => {59 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', tt.TraitCarnivorous, '$B'));60 expect(selectGame().question).ok;61 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)]).undefined;62 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(50));63 clientStore0.dispatch(traitAnswerRequest(tt.TraitRunning));64 });65 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);66 expect(findAnimal('$A').getFood()).equal(0);67 expect(findAnimal('$B')).ok;68 });69 it('B runs away auto', () => {70 const [{serverStore, ParseGame}, {clientStore0, User0}] = mockGame(1);71 const gameId = ParseGame(`72phase: feeding73players: 74 - continent: $A carn wait, $B run tail 75settings:76 timeTurn: 10077 timeTraitResponse: 10078`);79 const {selectGame, findAnimal, selectPlayer} = makeGameSelectors(serverStore.getState, gameId);80 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(50));81 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);82 // C attacks A and A runs out manually83 replaceGetRandom(() => 1, () => {84 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', tt.TraitCarnivorous, '$B'));85 expect(selectGame().question).ok;86 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)]).undefined;87 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(100));88 });89 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);90 expect(findAnimal('$A').getFood()).equal(0);91 expect(findAnimal('$B')).ok;92 });93 it('B fails running manual', () => {94 const [{serverStore, ParseGame}, {clientStore0, User0}] = mockGame(1);95 const gameId = ParseGame(`96phase: feeding97players: 98 - continent: $A carn wait, $B run tail 99settings:100 timeTurn: 100101 timeTraitResponse: 100102`);103 const {selectGame, findAnimal, selectPlayer} = makeGameSelectors(serverStore.getState, gameId);104 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(50));105 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);106 // C attacks A and A runs out manually107 replaceGetRandom(() => 0, () => {108 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', tt.TraitCarnivorous, '$B'));109 expect(selectGame().question).ok;110 clientStore0.dispatch(traitAnswerRequest(tt.TraitRunning));111 expect(selectGame().question).ok;112 });113 replaceGetRandom(() => 1, () => {114 expectUnchanged(`Running is in cooldown`, () => {115 clientStore0.dispatch(traitAnswerRequest(tt.TraitRunning));116 });117 clientStore0.dispatch(traitAnswerRequest(tt.TraitTailLoss, tt.TraitRunning));118 });119 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);120 expect(findAnimal('$A').getFood()).equal(1);121 expect(findAnimal('$B')).ok;122 });123 it('B fails running auto', () => {124 const [{serverStore, ParseGame}, {clientStore0, User0}] = mockGame(1);125 const gameId = ParseGame(`126phase: feeding127players: 128 - continent: $A carn wait, $B run tail 129settings:130 timeTurn: 100131 timeTraitResponse: 100132`);133 const {selectGame, findAnimal, selectPlayer} = makeGameSelectors(serverStore.getState, gameId);134 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(50));135 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);136 // C attacks A and A runs out manually137 replaceGetRandom(() => 0, () => {138 clientStore0.dispatch(traitActivateRequest('$A', tt.TraitCarnivorous, '$B'));139 expect(selectGame().question).ok;140 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(100));141 expect(selectGame().question).ok;142 });143 replaceGetRandom(() => 1, () => {144 serverStore.dispatch(testShiftTime(100));145 });146 expect(serverStore.getTimeouts()[makeTurnTimeoutId(gameId)].remaining).equal(50);147 expect(findAnimal('$A').getFood()).equal(1);148 expect(findAnimal('$B')).ok;149 });...
Source: Timeline.js
1define('util/Timeline', [ 'util/PubSub', 'util/CueList', 'util/Map' ], function (PubSub, CueList, Map) {2 function Timeline(coolAudio) {3 this.coolAudio = coolAudio;4 // key => CueList5 this.cueLists = { };6 // key => PubSub7 = { };8 // key => Map(value => id)9 // FIXME Should be a multimap to allow multiple of the same value?10 this.timeouts = { };11 }12 function validateKey(key) {13 if (typeof key !== 'string') {14 throw new TypeError('key must be a string');15 }16 }17 function addTimeout(coolAudio, timeouts, events, value, time) {18 var timeoutId = coolAudio.setInterval(function () {19 events.publish(value);20 }, time);21 timeouts.set(value, timeoutId);22 }23 Timeline.prototype = {24 getCueList: function (key) {25 validateKey(key);26 if (!, key)) {27 this.cueLists[key] = new CueList();28 }29 return this.cueLists[key];30 },31 getEvents: function (key) {32 validateKey(key);33 if (!, key)) {34 // We need to add timeouts for existing cues. They don't35 // have timeouts at this point due to a lack of a pubsub; see36 // Timeline#add.37 var events = new PubSub();38 var timeouts = this.getTimeouts(key);39 var cues = this.getCueList(key);40 var i;41 for (i = 0; i < cues.cueValues.length; ++i) {42 addTimeout(this.coolAudio, timeouts, events, cues.cueValues[i], cues.cueStarts[i]);43 }44[key] = events;45 }46 return[key];47 },48 getTimeouts: function (key) {49 validateKey(key);50 if (!, key)) {51 this.timeouts[key] = new Map();52 }53 return this.timeouts[key];54 },55 subscribe: function (key, callback) {56 return this.getEvents(key).subscribe(callback);57 },58 add: function (key, value, startTime, endTime) {59 if (, key)) {60 // Only bother doing timeout stuff if we potentially have61 // subscribers62 addTimeout(this.coolAudio, this.getTimeouts(key),[key], value, startTime);63 }64 return this.getCueList(key).add(value, startTime, endTime);65 },66 remove: function (key, value) {67 if (, key)) {68 var timeoutId = this.timeouts[key].get(value, null);69 if (timeoutId !== null) {70 this.coolAudio.clearTimeout(timeoutId);71 }72 }73 return this.getCueList(key).remove(value);74 },75 removeMany: function (key, values) {76 if (, key)) {77 var timeouts = this.getTimeouts(key);78 values.forEach(function (value) {79 var timeoutId = timeouts.get(value, null);80 if (timeoutId !== null) {81 this.coolAudio.clearTimeout(timeoutId);82 }83 }, this);84 }85 return this.getCueList(key).removeMany(values);86 },87 getAllAtTime: function (time, key) {88 return this.getCueList(key).getAllAtTime(time);89 },90 getAllInTimeRange: function (startTime, endTime, key) {91 return this.getCueList(key).getAllInTimeRange(startTime, endTime);92 }93 };94 return Timeline;...
Source: dpms.js
1var x11 = require('../lib');2var should = require('should');3var assert = require('assert');4var util = require('util');5describe('DPMS extension', function() {6 var display;7 var X;8 var dpms;9 before(function(done) {10 var client = x11.createClient(function(err, dpy) {11 if (!err) {12 display = dpy;13 X = display.client;14 X.require('dpms', function(err, ext) {15 should.not.exist(err);16 dpms = ext;17 done();18 });19 } else {20 done(err);21 }22 });23 client.on('error', done);24 });25 describe('Setting the DPMS timeouts to specific values', function() {26 var prev_timeouts;27 before(function(done) {28 dpms.GetTimeouts(function(err, timeouts) {29 prev_timeouts = timeouts;30 done(err);31 });32 });33 it('GetTimeouts should return those values', function(done) {34 dpms.SetTimeouts(110, 110, 110);35 dpms.GetTimeouts(function(err, timeouts) {36 if (!err) timeouts.should.eql([110, 110, 110]);37 done(err);38 });39 });40 after(function(done) {41 dpms.SetTimeouts(prev_timeouts[0], prev_timeouts[1], prev_timeouts[2]);42 dpms.GetTimeouts(function(err, timeouts) {43 if (!err) timeouts.should.eql(prev_timeouts);44 done(err);45 });46 });47 });48 describe('Changing status and level of DPMS', function() {49 var prev_status;50 var prev_level;51 before(function(done) {52 dpms.Info(function(err, info) {53 if (!err) {54 prev_level = info[0];55 prev_status = info[1];56 }57 done(err);58 });59 });60 it('Info should return the correct values', function(done) {61 if (prev_status === 0) dpms.Enable(); // for force level to work dpms must be enabled62 var new_level = prev_level === 0 ? 1 : 0;63 dpms.ForceLevel(new_level);64 dpms.Info(function(err, info) {65 if (!err) {66 info[0].should.equal(new_level);67 info[1].should.equal(1);68 }69 done(err);70 });71 });72 after(function(done) {73 dpms.ForceLevel(prev_level);74 if (prev_status) dpms.Enable();75 else dpms.Disable();76 dpms.Info(function(err, info) {77 if (!err) {78 info[0].should.equal(prev_level);79 info[1].should.equal(prev_status);80 }81 done(err);82 });83 });84 });85 after(function(done) {86 X.terminate();87 X.on('end', done);88 });...
Source: index.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3exports.Timeouts = void 0;4const tiny_typed_emitter_1 = require("tiny-typed-emitter");5class Timeouts extends tiny_typed_emitter_1.TypedEmitter {6 options;7 ready;8 client;9 constructor(client, options, init = true) {10 super();11 this.options = options;12 this.client = client;13 this.ready = false;14 if (init)15 this._init();16 }17 async getTimeouts() {18 return (await this.options.db.get('timeouts')) || [];19 }20 async create(id, time, data) {21 if (!this.ready)22 throw new Error('Manager is not ready yet');23 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();24 let expires = + time;25 timeouts.push({ id, expires, time, data });26 this.options.db.set('timeouts', timeouts);27 this.emit('create', { id, expires, time, data });28 }29 async _resolve() {30 if (!this.client.readyAt)31 return;32 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();33 if (1 > timeouts.length)34 return;35 for (const timeout of timeouts) {36 if ( >= timeout.expires) {37 this.out(, timeout.expires, timeout.time);38 }39 }40 }41 async out(id, expires, time) {42 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();43 let timeout = timeouts.find((t) => === id && t.expires === expires && t.time === time);44 if (!timeout)45 return;46 this.emit('expires', timeout);47 this.deleteFromDB(id, expires, time);48 }49 async delete(func) {50 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();51 if (1 > timeouts.length)52 return;53 for (const timeout of timeouts) {54 if (func(timeout)) {55 this.deleteFromDB(, timeout.expires, timeout.time);56 }57 }58 }59 async has(func) {60 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();61 if (1 > timeouts.length)62 return false;63 let so = false;64 for (const timeout of timeouts) {65 if (func(timeout)) {66 so = true;67 }68 }69 return so;70 }71 async deleteFromDB(id, expires, time) {72 let timeouts = await this.getTimeouts();73 for (let i = 0; i < timeouts.length; i++) {74 if (timeouts[i].id === id && timeouts[i].expires === expires && timeouts[i].time === time) {75 timeouts.splice(i, 1);76 this.options.db.set('timeouts', timeouts);77 this.emit('deleted', timeouts[i]);78 }79 }80 }81 _init() {82 setInterval(() => {83 if (this.client.readyAt)84;85 }, this.options.pulse);86 this.ready = true;87 this.emit('ready', this);88 }89}...
Source: Timeouts.js
1/***2 public class Timeouts3 @author : Maroder4 @date : 17/01/20205 @licence : GNU/GPL6 @version : 1.07 */8const {WebDriverRestApi} = require("./restApi/WebDriverRestApi.js");9const {Logger} = require("../lib/Misc/Logger.js");10const {RunTimeException}= require("../lib/exception/RunTimeException.js");11class Timeouts{12 static #Logger;13 static #API = WebDriverRestApi.getInstance();14 #driver;15 constructor(driver) {16 Timeouts.#Logger = Logger.factory(;17 this.#driver = driver;18 }19 async implicitlyWait(msTimeout){20 let response;21 if((response = await Timeouts.#API.setTimeouts(this.#driver.getSessionId(),"implicit",msTimeout)).getStatusCode() === 200 ){22 return void 0;23 }24 // Timeouts25 throw new RunTimeException(Timeouts.#Logger,response.getError());26 }27 async getImplicitTimeout( ){28 return this.getTimeouts().implicit || null;29 }30 async pageLoadTimeout(msTimeout){31 let response;32 if((response = await Timeouts.#API.setTimeouts(this.#driver.getSessionId(),"pageLoad",msTimeout)).getStatusCode() === 200 ){33 return void 0;34 }35 // Timeouts36 throw new RunTimeException(Timeouts.#Logger,response.getError());37 }38 async getPageLoadTimeout( ){39 return this.getTimeouts().pageLoad || null;40 }41 async setScriptTimeout(msTimeout){42 let response;43 if((response = await Timeouts.#API.setTimeouts(this.#driver.getSessionId(), "script",msTimeout)).getStatusCode() === 200 ){44 return void 0;45 }46 // Timeouts47 throw new RunTimeException(Timeouts.#Logger,response.getError());48 }49 async getScriptTimeout( ){50 return this.getTimeouts().script || null;51 }52 //53 async getTimeouts(){54 let response;55 if((response = await Timeouts.#API.getTimeouts(this.#driver.getSessionId())).getStatusCode() === 200 ){56 return response.getBodyAsObject();57 }58 // Timeouts59 throw new RunTimeException(Timeouts.#Logger,response.getError());60 }61}62/***63 @export64*/...
Source: timeouts-test.js
1const assert = require('assert');2describe(' page', ()=>{3 it('should have the right title', ()=>{4 browser.url('');5 const title = browser.getTitle();6 var timeout = browser.getTimeouts();7 console.log("time out returned as : " + JSON.stringify(timeout));8 browser.setTimeouts(40000,50000,120000);9 timeout = browser.getTimeouts();10 console.log("time out returned as : " + JSON.stringify(timeout));11 assert.strictEqual(title,'WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js')12 })...
Source: getTimeouts.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3/**4 * The Get Timeouts command gets timeout durations associated with the current session.5 *6 * @alias browser.getTimeouts7 * @see * @return {Object} Object containing timeout durations for `script`, `pageLoad` and `implicit` timeouts.9 */10function getTimeouts() {11 return {12 implicit: this.timeouts.get('implicit'),13 pageLoad: this.timeouts.get('pageLoad'),14 script: this.timeouts.get('script')15 };16}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const wdio = require('webdriverio');2const opts = {3 capabilities: {4 }5};6const client = wdio.remote(opts);7client.init();8client.setTimeouts({9});10client.pause(10000);11client.end();
Using AI Code Generation
1var wd = require('wd');2driver.init({3}).then(function() {4 return driver.getTimeouts();5}).then(function(timeouts) {6 console.log(timeouts);7 return driver.quit();8}).done();9{ implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000 }
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