Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-base-driver
Source: helpers.js
...134 // overuse RAM and have a performance drop.135 if (isDir && await calculateFolderIntegrity(currentPath) >= expectedIntegrity?.folder) {136 return true;137 }138 if (!isDir && await calculateFileIntegrity(currentPath) === expectedIntegrity?.file) {139 return true;140 }141 return false;142}143async function configureApp (app, supportedAppExtensions) {144 if (!_.isString(app)) {145 // immediately shortcircuit if not given an app146 return;147 }148 if (!_.isArray(supportedAppExtensions)) {149 supportedAppExtensions = [supportedAppExtensions];150 }151 let newApp = app;152 let shouldUnzipApp = false;153 let archiveHash = null;154 const remoteAppProps = {155 lastModified: null,156 immutable: false,157 maxAge: null,158 };159 const {protocol, pathname} = url.parse(newApp);160 const isUrl = ['http:', 'https:'].includes(protocol);161 const cachedAppInfo = APPLICATIONS_CACHE.get(app);162 return await APPLICATIONS_CACHE_GUARD.acquire(app, async () => {163 if (isUrl) {164 // Use the app from remote URL165`Using downloadable app '${newApp}'`);166 const headers = await retrieveHeaders(newApp);167 if (!_.isEmpty(headers)) {168 if (headers['last-modified']) {169 remoteAppProps.lastModified = new Date(headers['last-modified']);170 }171 logger.debug(`Last-Modified: ${headers['last-modified']}`);172 if (headers['cache-control']) {173 remoteAppProps.immutable = /\bimmutable\b/i.test(headers['cache-control']);174 const maxAgeMatch = /\bmax-age=(\d+)\b/i.exec(headers['cache-control']);175 if (maxAgeMatch) {176 remoteAppProps.maxAge = parseInt(maxAgeMatch[1], 10);177 }178 }179 logger.debug(`Cache-Control: ${headers['cache-control']}`);180 }181 const cachedPath = getCachedApplicationPath(app, remoteAppProps, cachedAppInfo);182 if (cachedPath) {183 if (await isAppIntegrityOk(cachedPath, cachedAppInfo?.integrity)) {184`Reusing previously downloaded application at '${cachedPath}'`);185 return verifyAppExtension(cachedPath, supportedAppExtensions);186 }187`The application at '${cachedPath}' does not exist anymore ` +188 `or its integrity has been damaged. Deleting it from the internal cache`);189 APPLICATIONS_CACHE.del(app);190 }191 let fileName = null;192 const basename = fs.sanitizeName(path.basename(decodeURIComponent(pathname)), {193 replacement: SANITIZE_REPLACEMENT194 });195 const extname = path.extname(basename);196 // to determine if we need to unzip the app, we have a number of places197 // to look: content type, content disposition, or the file extension198 if (ZIP_EXTS.includes(extname)) {199 fileName = basename;200 shouldUnzipApp = true;201 }202 if (headers['content-type']) {203 const ct = headers['content-type'];204 logger.debug(`Content-Type: ${ct}`);205 // the filetype may not be obvious for certain urls, so check the mime type too206 if (ZIP_MIME_TYPES.some((mimeType) => new RegExp(`\\b${_.escapeRegExp(mimeType)}\\b`).test(ct))) {207 if (!fileName) {208 fileName = `${DEFAULT_BASENAME}.zip`;209 }210 shouldUnzipApp = true;211 }212 }213 if (headers['content-disposition'] && /^attachment/i.test(headers['content-disposition'])) {214 logger.debug(`Content-Disposition: ${headers['content-disposition']}`);215 const match = /filename="([^"]+)/i.exec(headers['content-disposition']);216 if (match) {217 fileName = fs.sanitizeName(match[1], {218 replacement: SANITIZE_REPLACEMENT219 });220 shouldUnzipApp = shouldUnzipApp || ZIP_EXTS.includes(path.extname(fileName));221 }222 }223 if (!fileName) {224 // assign the default file name and the extension if none has been detected225 const resultingName = basename226 ? basename.substring(0, basename.length - extname.length)227 : DEFAULT_BASENAME;228 let resultingExt = extname;229 if (!supportedAppExtensions.includes(resultingExt)) {230`The current file extension '${resultingExt}' is not supported. ` +231 `Defaulting to '${_.first(supportedAppExtensions)}'`);232 resultingExt = _.first(supportedAppExtensions);233 }234 fileName = `${resultingName}${resultingExt}`;235 }236 const targetPath = await tempDir.path({237 prefix: fileName,238 suffix: '',239 });240 newApp = await downloadApp(newApp, targetPath);241 } else if (await fs.exists(newApp)) {242 // Use the local app243`Using local app '${newApp}'`);244 shouldUnzipApp = ZIP_EXTS.includes(path.extname(newApp));245 } else {246 let errorMessage = `The application at '${newApp}' does not exist or is not accessible`;247 // protocol value for 'C:\\temp' is 'c:', so we check the length as well248 if (_.isString(protocol) && protocol.length > 2) {249 errorMessage = `The protocol '${protocol}' used in '${newApp}' is not supported. ` +250 `Only http: and https: protocols are supported`;251 }252 throw new Error(errorMessage);253 }254 if (shouldUnzipApp) {255 const archivePath = newApp;256 archiveHash = await calculateFileIntegrity(archivePath);257 if (archiveHash === cachedAppInfo?.archiveHash) {258 const {fullPath} = cachedAppInfo;259 if (await isAppIntegrityOk(fullPath, cachedAppInfo?.integrity)) {260 if (archivePath !== app) {261 await fs.rimraf(archivePath);262 }263`Will reuse previously cached application at '${fullPath}'`);264 return verifyAppExtension(fullPath, supportedAppExtensions);265 }266`The application at '${fullPath}' does not exist anymore ` +267 `or its integrity has been damaged. Deleting it from the cache`);268 APPLICATIONS_CACHE.del(app);269 }270 const tmpRoot = await tempDir.openDir();271 try {272 newApp = await unzipApp(archivePath, tmpRoot, supportedAppExtensions);273 } finally {274 if (newApp !== archivePath && archivePath !== app) {275 await fs.rimraf(archivePath);276 }277 }278`Unzipped local app to '${newApp}'`);279 } else if (!path.isAbsolute(newApp)) {280 newApp = path.resolve(process.cwd(), newApp);281 logger.warn(`The current application path '${app}' is not absolute ` +282 `and has been rewritten to '${newApp}'. Consider using absolute paths rather than relative`);283 app = newApp;284 }285 verifyAppExtension(newApp, supportedAppExtensions);286 if (app !== newApp && (archiveHash || _.values(remoteAppProps).some(Boolean))) {287 const cachedFullPath = cachedAppInfo?.fullPath;288 if (cachedFullPath && cachedFullPath !== newApp && await fs.exists(cachedFullPath)) {289 await fs.rimraf(cachedFullPath);290 }291 const integrity = {};292 if ((await fs.stat(newApp)).isDirectory()) {293 integrity.folder = await calculateFolderIntegrity(newApp);294 } else {295 integrity.file = await calculateFileIntegrity(newApp);296 }297 APPLICATIONS_CACHE.set(app, {298 ...remoteAppProps,299 timestamp:,300 archiveHash,301 integrity,302 fullPath: newApp,303 });304 }305 return newApp;306 });307}308async function downloadApp (app, targetPath) {309 const {href} = url.parse(app);...
Using AI Code Generation
1var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');2var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;3var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');4console.log(fileIntegrity);5var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');6var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;7var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');8console.log(fileIntegrity);9var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');10var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;11var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');12console.log(fileIntegrity);13var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');14var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;15var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');16console.log(fileIntegrity);17var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');18var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;19var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');20console.log(fileIntegrity);21var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');22var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;23var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');24console.log(fileIntegrity);25var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');26var calculateFileIntegrity = appiumBaseDriver.calculateFileIntegrity;27var fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('path/to/file');28console.log(fileIntegrity);29var appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');
Using AI Code Generation
1# from appium_base_driver import calculateFileIntegrity2# fileIntegrity = calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file')3# print(fileIntegrity)4# from appium_base_driver import calculateFolderIntegrity5# folderIntegrity = calculateFolderIntegrity('/path/to/folder')6# print(folderIntegrity)
Using AI Code Generation
1var appium = require('appium-base-driver');2var driver = new appium.AppiumDriver();3var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');4var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');5var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();6var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');7var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');8var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();9var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');10var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');11var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();12var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');13var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');14var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();15var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');16var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');17var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();18var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');19var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');20var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();21var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');22var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');23var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();24var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');25var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');26var driver = new uiauto.UiAutoDriver();27var fileIntegrity = driver.calculateFileIntegrity('/path/to/file');28var uiauto = require('appium-uiauto');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');2const { calculateFileIntegrity } = BaseDriver;3calculateFileIntegrity('/Users/selendroid/selendroid-test-app.apk', 'md5')4 .then((result) => console.log(result))5 .catch((err) => console.log(err));6const { BaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');7const { calculateFileIntegrity } = BaseDriver;8class MyDriver extends BaseDriver {9 async calculateFileIntegrity (remotePath, algorithm) {10 const localPath = await this.pullFile(remotePath);11 return calculateFileIntegrity(localPath, algorithm);12 }13}14module.exports = MyDriver;
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