How to use helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source: actions-specs.js Github


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...379 sandbox.stub(teen_process, 'exec');380 sandbox.stub(jimp, 'read');381 teen_process.exec.returns({stdout: 'stdout', stderr: ''});382 driver.adb.executable.path = 'path/​to/​adb';383 await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(driver.adb);384 teen_process.exec.calledWithExactly(driver.adb.executable.path,385 driver.adb.executable.defaultArgs386 .concat(['exec-out', '/​system/​bin/​screencap', '-p']),387 {encoding: 'binary', isBuffer: true});388'stdout');389 });390 it('should throw error if size of the screenshot is zero', async function () {391 sandbox.stub(teen_process, 'exec');392 teen_process.exec.returns({stdout: '', stderr: ''});393 await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(driver.adb)394'Screenshot returned no data');395 });396 it('should throw error if code is not 0', async function () {397 sandbox.stub(teen_process, 'exec');398 teen_process.exec.returns({code: 1, stdout: '', stderr: ''});399 await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(driver.adb)400`Screenshot returned error, code: '1', stderr: ''`);401 });402 it('should throw error if stderr is not empty', async function () {403 sandbox.stub(teen_process, 'exec');404 teen_process.exec.returns({code: 0, stdout: '', stderr: 'Oops'});405 await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(driver.adb)406`Screenshot returned error, code: '0', stderr: 'Oops'`);407 });408 });409 describe('getScreenshot', function () {410 let image;411 beforeEach(function () {412 image = new jimp(1, 1);413 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getApiLevel');414 sandbox.stub(driver.adb, 'getScreenOrientation');415 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut');416 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getScreenshotDataWithAdbShell');417 sandbox.stub(image, 'getBuffer').callsFake(function (mime, cb) { /​/​ eslint-disable-line promise/​prefer-await-to-callbacks418 return, null, Buffer.from('appium'));419 });...

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Source: actions.js Github


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1import androidHelpers from '../​android-helpers';2import { fs, util, tempDir} from 'appium-support';3import path from 'path';4import log from '../​logger';5import B from 'bluebird';6import jimp from 'jimp';7import { exec } from 'teen_process';8const swipeStepsPerSec = 28;9const dragStepsPerSec = 40;10let commands = {}, helpers = {}, extensions = {};11commands.keyevent = async function keyevent (keycode, metastate = null) {12 /​/​ TODO deprecate keyevent; currently wd only implements keyevent13 log.warn('keyevent will be deprecated use pressKeyCode');14 return await this.pressKeyCode(keycode, metastate);15};16commands.pressKeyCode = async function pressKeyCode (keycode, metastate = null) {17 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('pressKeyCode', {keycode, metastate});18};19commands.longPressKeyCode = async function longPressKeyCode (keycode, metastate = null) {20 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('longPressKeyCode', {keycode, metastate});21};22commands.getOrientation = async function getOrientation () {23 let params = {24 naturalOrientation: !!this.opts.androidNaturalOrientation,25 };26 let orientation = await this.bootstrap.sendAction('orientation', params);27 return orientation.toUpperCase();28};29commands.setOrientation = async function setOrientation (orientation) {30 orientation = orientation.toUpperCase();31 let params = {32 orientation,33 naturalOrientation: !!this.opts.androidNaturalOrientation,34 };35 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('orientation', params);36};37commands.fakeFlick = async function fakeFlick (xSpeed, ySpeed) {38 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('flick', {xSpeed, ySpeed});39};40commands.fakeFlickElement = async function fakeFlickElement (elementId, xoffset, yoffset, speed) {41 let params = {xoffset, yoffset, speed, elementId};42 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('element:flick', params);43};44commands.swipe = async function swipe (startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, touchCount, elId) {45 if (startX === 'null') {46 startX = 0.5;47 }48 if (startY === 'null') {49 startY = 0.5;50 }51 let swipeOpts = {startX, startY, endX, endY,52 steps: Math.round(duration * swipeStepsPerSec)};53 /​/​ going the long way and checking for undefined and null since54 /​/​ we can't be assured `elId` is a string and not an int55 if (util.hasValue(elId)) {56 swipeOpts.elementId = elId;57 }58 return await this.doSwipe(swipeOpts);59};60commands.doSwipe = async function doSwipe (swipeOpts) {61 if (util.hasValue(swipeOpts.elementId)) {62 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('element:swipe', swipeOpts);63 } else {64 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('swipe', swipeOpts);65 }66};67commands.pinchClose = async function pinchClose (startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, percent, steps, elId) {68 let pinchOpts = {69 direction: 'in',70 elementId: elId,71 percent,72 steps73 };74 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('element:pinch', pinchOpts);75};76commands.pinchOpen = async function pinchOpen (startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, percent, steps, elId) {77 let pinchOpts = {direction: 'out', elementId: elId, percent, steps};78 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('element:pinch', pinchOpts);79};80commands.flick = async function flick (element, xSpeed, ySpeed, xOffset, yOffset, speed) {81 if (element) {82 await this.fakeFlickElement(element, xOffset, yOffset, speed);83 } else {84 await this.fakeFlick(xSpeed, ySpeed);85 }86};87commands.drag = async function drag (startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, touchCount, elementId, destElId) {88 let dragOpts = {89 elementId, destElId, startX, startY, endX, endY,90 steps: Math.round(duration * dragStepsPerSec)91 };92 return await this.doDrag(dragOpts);93};94commands.doDrag = async function doDrag (dragOpts) {95 if (util.hasValue(dragOpts.elementId)) {96 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('element:drag', dragOpts);97 } else {98 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('drag', dragOpts);99 }100};101commands.lock = async function lock (seconds) {102 await this.adb.lock();103 if (isNaN(seconds)) {104 return;105 }106 const floatSeconds = parseFloat(seconds);107 if (floatSeconds <= 0) {108 return;109 }110 await B.delay(1000 * floatSeconds);111 await this.unlock();112};113commands.isLocked = async function isLocked () {114 return await this.adb.isScreenLocked();115};116commands.unlock = async function unlock () {117 return await androidHelpers.unlock(this, this.adb, this.caps);118};119commands.openNotifications = async function openNotifications () {120 return await this.bootstrap.sendAction('openNotification');121};122commands.setLocation = async function setLocation (latitude, longitude) {123 return await this.adb.sendTelnetCommand(`geo fix ${longitude} ${latitude}`);124};125commands.fingerprint = async function fingerprint (fingerprintId) {126 if (!this.isEmulator()) {127 log.errorAndThrow('fingerprint method is only available for emulators');128 }129 await this.adb.fingerprint(fingerprintId);130};131commands.sendSMS = async function sendSMS (phoneNumber, message) {132 if (!this.isEmulator()) {133 log.errorAndThrow('sendSMS method is only available for emulators');134 }135 await this.adb.sendSMS(phoneNumber, message);136};137commands.gsmCall = async function gsmCall (phoneNumber, action) {138 if (!this.isEmulator()) {139 log.errorAndThrow('gsmCall method is only available for emulators');140 }141 await this.adb.gsmCall(phoneNumber, action);142};143commands.gsmSignal = async function gsmSignal (signalStrengh) {144 if (!this.isEmulator()) {145 log.errorAndThrow('gsmSignal method is only available for emulators');146 }147 await this.adb.gsmSignal(signalStrengh);148};149commands.gsmVoice = async function gsmVoice (state) {150 if (!this.isEmulator()) {151 log.errorAndThrow('gsmVoice method is only available for emulators');152 }153 await this.adb.gsmVoice(state);154};155commands.powerAC = async function powerAC (state) {156 if (!this.isEmulator()) {157 log.errorAndThrow('powerAC method is only available for emulators');158 }159 await this.adb.powerAC(state);160};161commands.powerCapacity = async function powerCapacity (batteryPercent) {162 if (!this.isEmulator()) {163 log.errorAndThrow('powerCapacity method is only available for emulators');164 }165 await this.adb.powerCapacity(batteryPercent);166};167commands.networkSpeed = async function networkSpeed (networkSpeed) {168 if (!this.isEmulator()) {169 log.errorAndThrow('networkSpeed method is only available for emulators');170 }171 await this.adb.networkSpeed(networkSpeed);172};173/​**174 * Emulate sensors values on the connected emulator.175 *176 * @typedef {Object} Sensor177 * @property {string} sensorType - sensor type declared in adb.SENSORS178 * @property {string} value - value to set to the sensor179 *180 * @param {Object} Sensor181 * @throws {Error} - If sensorType is not defined182 * @throws {Error} - If value for the se sor is not defined183 * @throws {Error} - If deviceType is not an emulator184 */​185commands.sensorSet = async function sensorSet (sensor = {}) {186 const {sensorType, value} = sensor;187 if (!util.hasValue(sensorType)) {188 log.errorAndThrow(`'sensorType' argument is required`);189 }190 if (!util.hasValue(value)) {191 log.errorAndThrow(`'value' argument is required`);192 }193 if (!this.isEmulator()) {194 log.errorAndThrow('sensorSet method is only available for emulators');195 }196 await this.adb.sensorSet(sensorType, value);197};198helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbShell = async function getScreenshotDataWithAdbShell (adb, opts) {199 const localFile = await tempDir.path({prefix: 'appium', suffix: '.png'});200 if (await fs.exists(localFile)) {201 await fs.unlink(localFile);202 }203 try {204 const pngDir = opts.androidScreenshotPath || '/​data/​local/​tmp/​';205 const png = path.posix.resolve(pngDir, 'screenshot.png');206 const cmd = ['/​system/​bin/​rm', `${png};`, '/​system/​bin/​screencap', '-p', png];207 await;208 if (!await adb.fileSize(png)) {209 throw new Error('The size of the taken screenshot equals to zero.');210 }211 await adb.pull(png, localFile);212 return await;213 } finally {214 if (await fs.exists(localFile)) {215 await fs.unlink(localFile);216 }217 }218};219helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut = async function getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut (adb) {220 let {stdout, stderr, code} = await exec(adb.executable.path,221 adb.executable.defaultArgs222 .concat(['exec-out', '/​system/​bin/​screencap', '-p']),223 {encoding: 'binary', isBuffer: true});224 /​/​ if there is an error, throw225 if (code || stderr.length) {226 throw new Error(`Screenshot returned error, code: '${code}', stderr: '${stderr.toString()}'`);227 }228 /​/​ if we don't get anything at all, throw229 if (!stdout.length) {230 throw new Error('Screenshot returned no data');231 }232 return await;233};234commands.getScreenshot = async function getScreenshot () {235 const apiLevel = await this.adb.getApiLevel();236 let image = null;237 if (apiLevel > 20) {238 try {239 /​/​ This screenshoting approach is way faster, since it requires less external commands240 /​/​ to be executed. Unfortunately, exec-out option is only supported by newer Android/​SDK versions (5.0 and later)241 image = await this.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(this.adb);242 } catch (e) {243`Cannot get screenshot data with 'adb exec-out' because of '${e.message}'. ` +244 `Defaulting to 'adb shell' call`);245 }246 }247 if (!image) {248 try {249 image = await this.getScreenshotDataWithAdbShell(this.adb, this.opts);250 } catch (e) {251 const err = `Cannot get screenshot data because of '${e.message}'. ` +252 `Make sure the 'LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE' is not set for ` +253 `the current view`;254 log.errorAndThrow(err);255 }256 }257 if (apiLevel < 23) {258 /​/​ Android bug 8433742 - rotate screenshot if screen is rotated259 let screenOrientation = await this.adb.getScreenOrientation();260 try {261 image = await image.rotate(-90 * screenOrientation);262 } catch (err) {263 log.warn(`Could not rotate screenshot due to error: ${err}`);264 }265 }266 const getBuffer = B.promisify(image.getBuffer, {context: image});267 const imgBuffer = await getBuffer(jimp.MIME_PNG);268 return imgBuffer.toString('base64');269};270Object.assign(extensions, commands, helpers);271export { commands, helpers };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;2async function getScreenShotDataWithAdbExecOut() {3 const adb = await helpers.createADB();4 const screenShotData = await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(adb);5 console.log(screenShotData);6}7getScreenShotDataWithAdbExecOut();8const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;9async function getScreenShotDataWithAapt() {10 const adb = await helpers.createADB();11 const screenShotData = await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAapt(adb);12 console.log(screenShotData);13}14getScreenShotDataWithAapt();15const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;16async function getScreenShotDataWithAdbShell() {17 const adb = await helpers.createADB();18 const screenShotData = await helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbShell(adb);19 console.log(screenShotData);20}21getScreenShotDataWithAdbShell();22const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;23async function getDisplayDensity() {24 const adb = await helpers.createADB();25 const displayDensity = await helpers.getDisplayDensity(adb);26 console.log(displayDensity);27}28getDisplayDensity();29const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;30async function getDisplayRotation() {31 const adb = await helpers.createADB();32 const displayRotation = await helpers.getDisplayRotation(adb);33 console.log(displayRotation);34}35getDisplayRotation();36const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;37async function getDisplaySize() {38 const adb = await helpers.createADB();39 const displaySize = await helpers.getDisplaySize(adb);40 console.log(displaySize);41}42getDisplaySize();43const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;44async function getDevicePixelRatio() {45 const adb = await helpers.createADB();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var AppiumAndroidDriver = require('appium-android-driver');2var helpers = AppiumAndroidDriver.helpers;3var adb = helpers.require('adb');4var path = require('path');5adb.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut('/​Users/​saikrishna/​Downloads/​adb', path.resolve(__dirname, 'screenshot.png')).then(function (data) {6 console.log(data);7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;2const adb = helpers.createAdb({3});4const screenshotData = helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut(adb, 'emulator-5554');5console.log(`screenshot data: ${screenshotData}`);6const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;7const screenshotData = helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut('emulator-5554');8console.log(`screenshot data: ${screenshotData}`);9const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;10const screenshotData = helpers.getScreenshotData('emulator-5554');11console.log(`screenshot data: ${screenshotData}`);12const helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;13const adb = helpers.createAdb({14});15const screenshotData = helpers.getScreenshotData(adb, 'emulator-5554');16console.log(`screenshot data: ${screenshotData}`);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var path = require('path');3var helpers = require('appium-android-driver').androidHelpers;4var adbExecOut = helpers.getScreenshotDataWithAdbExecOut;5var adb = require('appium-adb').ADB.createADB();6var screenshotPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'screenshot.png');7adbExecOut(adb, function (err, screenshotData) {8 if (err) {9 console.error(err);10 } else {11 fs.writeFile(screenshotPath, screenshotData, {encoding: 'base64'}, function (err) {12 if (err) {13 console.error(err);14 } else {15 console.log('Screenshot saved to ' + screenshotPath);16 }17 });18 }19});20{21 "scripts": {22 },23 "dependencies": {24 }25}

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