Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver
Source: orderLimitBuy_positive.js
1"use strict";2var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {3 function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }4 return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {5 function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }6 function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }7 function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }8 step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());9 });10};11var __generator = (this && this.__generator) || function (thisArg, body) {12 var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;13 return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;14 function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }15 function step(op) {16 if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");17 while (_) try {18 if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;19 if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];20 switch (op[0]) {21 case 0: case 1: t = op; break;22 case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };23 case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;24 case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;25 default:26 if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }27 if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }28 if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }29 if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }30 if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();31 _.trys.pop(); continue;32 }33 op =, _);34 } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }35 if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };36 }37};38exports.__esModule = true;39var selenium_webdriver_1 = require("selenium-webdriver");40Promise.resolve().then(function () { return require('chromedriver'); });41var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');42var chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');43var chromedriver = require('chromedriver');44var selectors = require('./datas/selectors');45var awaity = require('./datas/awaity');46// enter47var enterP = require('./enter');48(function name() {49 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {50 var driver, balancB, balancS, balancBStr, balancBstr, balancSStr, balancSstr, price, get, balancBAfterB_1, balancBAfterBStr_1, balancSAfterB_1, balancSAfterBStr_1, balancBAfterBstr, balancSAfterBstr, t, arrayData, i, min, max, price_1, get_1, totalB, balancBAfterB, balancBAfterBStr, balancSAfterB, balancSAfterBStr, price_decimal, get_decimal, balancBAfterB_decimal, balancBAfterBStr_decimal, balancSAfterB_decimal, balancSAfterBStr_decimal;51 return __generator(this, function (_a) {52 switch (_a.label) {53 case 0:54 driver = new selenium_webdriver_1.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();55 return [4 /*yield*/, enterP.enterThree(driver)];56 case 1:57 _a.sent();58 return [4 /*yield*/,];59 case 2:60 _a.sent();61 return [4 /*yield*/, console.log('enter success')];62 case 3:63 _a.sent();64 //вÑÐ±Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÑ65 return [4 /*yield*/, driver.findElement(selenium_webdriver_1.By.className("SELECTOR-CHECK-PAIR-btc_usdt")).click()];66 case 4:67 //вÑÐ±Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÑ68 _a.sent();69 return [4 /*yield*/,];70 case 5:71 _a.sent();72 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancBuy(driver).getText()];73 case 6:74 balancB = _a.sent();75 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancSell(driver).getText()];76 case 7:77 balancS = _a.sent();78 //пеÑевод ÑÑÑок в ÑиÑла79 //пеÑевод balancB80 balancB = balancB.slice(0, -4);81 balancBStr = balancB.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');82 balancBStr = balancBStr.replace(/\,/g, '.');83 balancBstr = +balancBStr;84 //пеÑевод balancS85 balancS = balancS.slice(0, -4);86 balancSStr = balancS.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');87 balancSStr = balancSStr.replace(/\,/g, '.');88 balancSstr = +balancSStr;89 price = 1;90 get = 1;91 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.trade_buy(driver, price, get)];92 case 8:93 _a.sent(); //ÑоÑговлÑ94 return [4 /*yield*/, driver.sleep(5000)];95 case 9:96 _a.sent();97 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancBuy(driver).getText()];98 case 10:99 balancBAfterB_1 = _a.sent();100 balancBAfterB_1 = balancBAfterB_1.slice(0, -4);101 balancBAfterBStr_1 = balancBAfterB_1.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');102 balancBAfterBStr_1 = balancBAfterBStr_1.replace(/\,/g, '.');103 balancBAfterB_1 = +balancBAfterB_1;104 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancSell(driver).getText()];105 case 11:106 balancSAfterB_1 = _a.sent();107 balancSAfterB_1 = balancSAfterB_1.slice(0, -4);108 balancSAfterBStr_1 = balancSAfterB_1.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');109 balancSAfterBStr_1 = balancSAfterBStr_1.replace(/\,/g, '.');110 balancSAfterB_1 = +balancSAfterB_1;111 t = 2;112 arrayData = [];113 i = 0;114 _a.label = 12;115 case 12:116 if (!(i < t)) return [3 /*break*/, 22];117 min = 0.1;118 max = 0.2;119 price_1 = min - 0.05 + Math.random() * (max - min + 1);120 get_1 = min - 0.05 + Math.random() * (max - min + 1);121 totalB = get_1 * price_1;122 return [4 /*yield*/, console.log(totalB, 'totalB')];123 case 13:124 _a.sent();125 if (!(balancBstr > totalB)) return [3 /*break*/, 19];126 return [4 /*yield*/, console.log('trade_buy posible')];127 case 14:128 _a.sent();129 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.trade_buy(driver, price_1, get_1)];130 case 15:131 _a.sent(); //ÑоÑговлÑ132 return [4 /*yield*/, driver.sleep(5000)];133 case 16:134 _a.sent();135 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancBuy(driver).getText()];136 case 17:137 balancBAfterB = _a.sent();138 balancBAfterB = balancBAfterB.slice(0, -4);139 balancBAfterBStr = balancBAfterB.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');140 balancBAfterBStr = balancBAfterBStr.replace(/\,/g, '.');141 balancBAfterBstr = +balancBAfterBStr;142 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancSell(driver).getText()];143 case 18:144 balancSAfterB = _a.sent();145 balancSAfterB = balancSAfterB.slice(0, -4);146 balancSAfterBStr = balancSAfterB.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');147 balancSAfterBStr = balancSAfterBStr.replace(/\,/g, '.');148 balancSAfterBstr = +balancSAfterBStr;149 return [3 /*break*/, 21];150 case 19:151 if (!(balancBStr < totalB)) return [3 /*break*/, 21];152 return [4 /*yield*/, console.log('totalB > balancB; trade_buy imposible')];153 case 20:154 _a.sent();155 _a.label = 21;156 case 21:157 i++;158 return [3 /*break*/, 12];159 case 22:160 price_decimal = 0.00000001;161 get_decimal = 0.00000001;162 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.trade_buy(driver, price_decimal, get_decimal)];163 case 23:164 _a.sent(); //ÑоÑговлÑ165 return [4 /*yield*/, driver.sleep(5000)];166 case 24:167 _a.sent();168 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancBuy(driver).getText()];169 case 25:170 balancBAfterB_decimal = _a.sent();171 balancBAfterB_decimal = balancBAfterB_decimal.slice(0, -4);172 balancBAfterBStr_decimal = balancBAfterB_decimal.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');173 balancBAfterBStr_decimal = balancBAfterBStr_decimal.replace(/\,/g, '.');174 balancBAfterB_decimal = +balancBAfterB_decimal;175 return [4 /*yield*/, selectors.balancSell(driver).getText()];176 case 26:177 balancSAfterB_decimal = _a.sent();178 balancSAfterB_decimal = balancSAfterB_decimal.slice(0, -4);179 balancSAfterBStr_decimal = balancSAfterB_decimal.replace(/[\s.]/g, '');180 balancSAfterBStr_decimal = balancSAfterBStr_decimal.replace(/\,/g, '.');181 balancSAfterB_decimal = +balancSAfterB_decimal;182 // логи183 console.log();184 return [2 /*return*/];185 }186 });187 });...
...56 //android.widget.FrameLayout[1]/android.widget.ListView[1]/57 android.widget.LinearLayout[4]/android.widget.TextView[1]58 `)59 try {60 const selectedItem11 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)61 const selectedItem21 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)62 t.equal('One', selectedItem11, 'User should see selected item "One" in first dropdown')63 t.equal('One', selectedItem21, 'User should see selected item "One" in second dropdown')64 await await driver.waitForVisible(item12, 2000)66 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdFirst, 2000)68 const selectedItem12 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)69 const selectedItem22 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)70 t.equal('Two', selectedItem12, 'User should see selected item "Two" in first dropdown')71 t.equal('One', selectedItem22, 'User should see selected item "One" in second dropdown')72 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdFirst).click(dropdownIdFirst)73 await driver.waitForVisible(item13, 2000)74 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdFirst, 2000)76 const selectedItem13 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)77 const selectedItem23 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)78 t.equal('Three', selectedItem13, 'User should see selected item "Three" in first dropdown')79 t.equal('One', selectedItem23, 'User should see selected item "One" in second dropdown')80 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdFirst).click(dropdownIdFirst)81 await driver.waitForVisible(item14, 2000)82 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdFirst, 2000)84 const selectedItem14 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)85 const selectedItem24 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)86 t.equal('Four', selectedItem14, 'User should see selected item "Four" in first dropdown')87 t.equal('One', selectedItem24, 'User should see selected item "One" in second dropdown')88 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdFirst).click(dropdownIdFirst)89 await driver.waitForVisible(item11, 2000)90 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdFirst, 2000)92 const selectedItem15 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)93 const selectedItem25 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)94 t.equal('One', selectedItem15, 'User should see selected item "One" in first dropdown')95 t.equal('One', selectedItem25, 'User should see selected item "One" in second dropdown')96 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdSecond).click(dropdownIdSecond)97 await driver.waitForVisible(item22, 2000)98 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdSecond, 2000)100 const selectedItem16 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)101 const selectedItem26 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)102 t.equal('One', selectedItem16, 'User should see selected item "One" in first dropdown')103 t.equal('Two', selectedItem26, 'User should see selected item "Two" in second dropdown')104 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdSecond).click(dropdownIdSecond)105 await driver.waitForVisible(item23, 2000)106 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdSecond, 2000)108 const selectedItem17 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)109 const selectedItem27 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)110 t.equal('One', selectedItem17, 'User should see selected item "One" in first dropdown')111 t.equal('Three', selectedItem27, 'User should see selected item "Three" in second dropdown')112 await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownIdSecond).click(dropdownIdSecond)113 await driver.waitForVisible(item24, 2000)114 await await driver.waitForVisible(dropdownValueIdSecond, 2000)116 const selectedItem18 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdFirst)117 const selectedItem28 = await driver.getText(dropdownValueIdSecond)118 t.equal('One', selectedItem18, 'User should see selected item "One" in first dropdown')119 t.equal('Four', selectedItem28, 'User should see selected item "Four" in second dropdown')120 } catch (error) {121 await helper.screenshot()122 await helper.source()123 throw error124 }...
Source: frames-specs.js
...25 it('should switch to frame by name', async function () {26 await driver.setFrame('first');27 (await driver.title());28 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');29 (await driver.getText(h1));30 });31 it('should switch to frame by index', async function () {32 await driver.setFrame(1);33 (await driver.title());34 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');35 (await driver.getText(h1));36 });37 it('should switch to frame by id', async function () {38 await driver.setFrame('frame3');39 (await driver.title());40 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');41 (await driver.getText(h1));42 });43 it('should switch back to default content from frame', async function () {44 await driver.setFrame('first');45 (await driver.title());46 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');47 (await driver.getText(h1));48 await driver.setFrame(null);49 (await driver.findElement('tag name', 'frameset')).should.exist;50 });51 it('should switch to child frames', async function () {52 await driver.setFrame('third');53 (await driver.title());54 await driver.setFrame('childframe');55 (await driver.findElement('id', 'only_on_page_2')).should.exist;56 });57 it('should execute javascript in frame', async function () {58 await driver.setFrame('first');59 (await driver.execute(GET_ELEM_SYNC));60 });61 it('should execute async javascript in frame', async function () {62 await driver.setFrame('first');63 (await driver.executeAsync(GET_ELEM_ASYNC));64 });65 it('should get source within a frame', async function () {66 let pageSource = await driver.getPageSource();67 pageSource.should.include(FRAMESET_TITLE);68 await driver.setFrame('first');69 let frameSource = await driver.getPageSource();70 frameSource.should.include(SUB_FRAME_1_TITLE);71 frameSource.should.not.include(FRAMESET_TITLE);72 });73 });74 describe('iframes', function () {75 beforeEach(async function () {76 return await loadWebView(77 desired,78 driver,79 `${env.TEST_END_POINT}iframes.html`,80 'Iframe guinea pig'81 );82 });83 it('should switch to iframe by name', async function () {84 await driver.setFrame('iframe1');85 (await driver.title());86 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');87 (await driver.getText(h1));88 });89 it('should switch to iframe by index', async function () {90 await driver.setFrame(1);91 (await driver.title());92 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');93 (await driver.getText(h1));94 });95 it('should switch to iframe by id', async function () {96 await driver.setFrame('id-iframe3');97 (await driver.title());98 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');99 (await driver.getText(h1));100 });101 it('should switch to iframe by element', async function () {102 let frame = await driver.findElement('id', 'id-iframe3');103 await driver.setFrame(frame);104 (await driver.title());105 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');106 (await driver.getText(h1));107 });108 it('should not switch to iframe by element of wrong type', async function () {109 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');110 await driver.setFrame(h1);111 });112 it('should switch back to default content from iframe', async function () {113 await driver.setFrame('iframe1');114 (await driver.title());115 let h1 = await driver.findElement('tag name', 'h1');116 (await driver.getText(h1));117 await driver.setFrame(null);118 (await driver.findElements('tag name', 'iframe')).should.have.length(3);119 });120 it('should get source within an iframe', async function () {121 let pageSource = await driver.getPageSource();122 pageSource.should.include(IFRAME_FRAMESET_TITLE);123 await driver.setFrame('iframe1');124 let frameSource = await driver.getPageSource();125 frameSource.should.include(SUB_FRAME_1_TITLE);126 frameSource.should.not.include(IFRAME_FRAMESET_TITLE);127 });128 });...
Source: definitions.js
...293031Then("Test DONE -> Written {string} on the page", async function (arg1) {32 await driver.pause(maxRandomValue);33 // await driver.wait(until.driver.getText(`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`), very_long_time);34 const texto_esperado = await driver.getText(`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`);35 36 console.log(texto_esperado)3738 39});4041//***Encontra o botão pelo que está escrito nele***42When("I click on the button with the text {string}", async function (arg1) {43 await driver.pause(short_time);44 await`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`);45});4647Given("The field written {string} is filled with {string}", async function (arg1, arg2) {48 await driver.pause(long_time);49 await driver.setValue(`android=new UiSelector().textStartsWith("${arg1}")`, arg2);50});515253When("I click on the page", async function () {54 await driver.pause(long_time);55 await driver.touchPerform([{56 action: 'tap',57 options: {58 x: 100,59 y: 25060 }61 }]);62});636465Given("The field with the text {string} is filled with {string}", async function (arg1, arg2) {66 await driver.pause(long_time);67 await driver.setValue(`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`, arg2);68}); 6970When("I move the page", async function () {71 await driver.pause(long_time);72 73 // Javascript74 // example75 await driver.touchPerform([76 { action: 'press', options: { x: 100, y: 250 } },77 { action: 'moveTo', options: { x: 400, y: 100 } },78 { action: 'release' }79 ]);80});8182Then("The data {string} will appear on top of the marker with classname {string} and index = {string}", async function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {83 await driver.pause(long_time);84 const texto_esperado = await driver.getText(`android=new UiSelector().className("${arg2}").enabled(true).instance(${arg3})`);85 const nova_Tela = await driver.getText().then((text) => {86 console.log(text, "segundo console ")87 resultado = text.substring(0, 6)88 assert.equal(resultado, arg1)8990 })91});9293Given("I wait {string} seconds", async function (arg1) {94 await driver.pause(arg1);95}); 96979899//PARA CLICAR - await'android=new UiSelector().textStartsWith("Digit")');100//<Text style={} accessibilityLavel="texto_Titulo_Selecione" resource-id="texto_Titulo_Selecione" >101//Selecione a estação102//</Text>103104// android:id/button2105// bounds [450,1045][656,1189]106107// Identificador no botão entrar108//***Encontra botão pelo classname e pelo index***109Given("I click on the button with classname {string} and index = {string}", async function (arg1, arg2) {110 await driver.pause(short_time);111 await`android=new UiSelector().className("${arg1}").enabled(true).instance(${arg2})`);112});113114Given("I click on the button with description{string} ,classname {string} and index = {string}", async function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {115 await driver.pause(short_time);116 await`android=new UiSelector().description("${arg1}")className("${arg2}").enabled(true).instance(${arg3})`);117118});119Given("I click on the item with classname {string} and index = {string}, which has coordinates x = {string} and y = {string}", async function (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {120 await driver.pause(short_time);121 // example122 //O ponto (0, 0) refere-se ao canto superior esquerdo da página. As coordenadas do elemento são retornadas como um objeto JSON com propriedades x e y123 let location = await driver.getLocation(`android=new UiSelector().className("${arg1}").enabled(true).instance(${arg2})`);124 console.log(location);125 await driver.pause(short_time);126 await driver.touchPerform([{127 action: 'tap',128 options: {129 x: arg3,130 y: arg4131 }132 }]);133});134135Then("Test finished: The {string} icon is on the screen", async function (arg1) {136137 await driver.pause(maxRandomValue);138 // await driver.wait(until.driver.getText(`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`), very_long_time);139 const texto_esperado = await driver.getText(`android=new UiSelector().textMatches("${arg1}")`);140141 console.log(texto_esperado)142 143 assert.equal(resultado, arg1)144145});146147Given("The field with classname {string} and index {string} is filled with {string}", async function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {148149 await driver.pause(long_time);150 await driver.setValue(`android=new UiSelector().className("${arg1}").enabled(true).instance(${arg2})`, arg3);151
Source: selectors.js
...16 .pause(5000)17 //Verify loaded page title contains âGet Schedules & Times Near Youâ18 //.expect.element('title')'Get Schedules & Times Near You | Weight Watchers')19/*20driver.getText("//title",function(result)21 { t = JSON.stringify(result);22 console.log('t: '+ t)23 //console.log('First result and the distance: '+ result.value)24 }25 )26 */27 //In the search field, search for meetings for zip code: 1001128 driver29 .click("//input[@id='meetingSearch']")30 .setValue("//input[@id='meetingSearch']","10011")31 .keys(driver.Keys.ENTER)32 .pause(4000)33 // Print the title of the first result and the distance (located on the right of location title/name)34 driver.getText("(//div[@class='location__top'])[1]",function(result)35 { res = result.value;36 console.log('First result and the distance: '+ res)37 //console.log('First result and the distance: '+ result.value)38 }39 )40 // Click on the first search result and then, verify displayed location name matches with the name of the first searched result that was clicked.41 .click("(//div[@class='location__top'])[1]")42 driver.getText("//div[@class='location__name']",function(result)43 { res1 = result.value;44 //console.log('On clicking: '+ res1)45 //console.log('On clicking: '+ result.value)46 var i= res.includes(res1)47 //console.log("i = "+i)48 if(i==true)49 {50 console.log("Displayed location name matches with the name of the first searched result")51 }52 else53 {54 console.log("Displayed location name does not match with the name of the first searched result")55 }56 }57 58 ) 59 60}61var getTodaysHours = function(driver)62{63 // From this location page, print TODAYâs hours of operation (located towards the bottom of the page)64 driver65 .execute('scrollTo(600,600)')66 .pause(1000)67 .useXpath()68 //get todays date69 var d= new Date();70 //get today's day value71 var n=d.getDay();72 //console.log(n);73 //if value is 1, the day is Saturday74 if(n==1)75 {76 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[24]",function(result)77 { 78 console.log('Saturday '+ result.value);79 }80 )81 }82 //if value is 2, the day is Sunday83 else if(n==2)84{85driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[25]",function(result)86 { 87 console.log('Sunday '+ result.value);88 }89 )90}//if value is 3, the day is Monday91 else if(n==3)92{93driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[26]",function(result)94 { 95 console.log('Monday '+ result.value);96 }97 )98 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[27]",function(result)99 { 100 console.log(' '+ result.value);101 }102 )103 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[28]",function(result)104 { 105 console.log(' '+ result.value);106 }107 )108}109//if value is 4, the day is Tuesday110 else if(n==4){111 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[29]",function(result)112 { 113 console.log('Tuesday '+ result.value);114 }115 )116 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[30]",function(result)117 { 118 console.log(' '+ result.value);119 }120 )121}122//if value is 5, the day is Wednesday123else if(n==5)124{125driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[31]",function(result)126 { 127 console.log('Wednesday '+ result.value);128 }129 )130 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[32]",function(result)131 { 132 console.log(' '+ result.value);133 }134 )135}136//if value is 6, the day is Thursday137else if(n==6)138{139 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[33]",function(result)140 { 141 console.log('Thursday '+ result.value);142 }143 )144 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[34]",function(result)145 { 146 console.log(' '+ result.value);147 }148 )149 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[35]",function(result)150 { 151 console.log(' '+ result.value);152 }153 )154}155//if value is 7, the day is Friday156else if(n==7)157{158 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[36]",function(result)159 { 160 console.log('Friday '+ result.value);161 }162 )163 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[37]",function(result)164 { 165 console.log(' '+ result.value);166 }167 )168 driver.getText("(//div[@ng-repeat='meeting in day.meetings'])[38]",function(result)169 { 170 console.log(' '+ result.value);171 }172 )173}174}175module.exports={176 usingSelectorsDemo: usingSelectorsDemo,177 getTodaysHours: getTodaysHours...
Source: keyboard-specs.js
...22 }23 let el = await driver.findElement('class name', 'UIATextField');24 await driver.clear(el);25 await driver.setValue(text, el);26 let text2 = await driver.getText(el);27 if (strategy === 'grouped') {28;29 } else {30 text2.should.equal(text);31 }32 });33 });34 };35 _.each([undefined, 'oneByOne', 'grouped', 'setValue'], test);36 describe('typing', function () {37 let session = setup(this, desired);38 let driver = session.driver;39 describe('stability @skip-ci', function () {40 let runs = 10;41 let text = 'Delhi is New @@@ BREAKFAST-FOOD-0001';42 let test = function () {43 it('should send keys to a text field', async function () {44 let el = await driver.findElement('class name', 'UIATextField');45 await driver.clear(el);46 driver.setValue(text, el);47 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal(text);48 });49 };50 for (let n = 0; n < runs; n++) {51 describe(`sendKeys test ${n + 1}`, test);52 }53 });54 it('should send accented text', async function () {55 let testText = unorm.nfd('é Šù á¸');56 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');57 let el = els[1];58 await driver.clear(el);59 await driver.setValue(testText, el);60 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal(testText);61 });62 it('should send backspace key', async function () {63 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');64 let el = els[1];65 await driver.clear(el);66 await driver.setValue('abcd', el);67 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal('abcd');68 await driver.setValue('\uE003\uE003', el);69 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal('ab');70 });71 it('should send delete key', async function () {72 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');73 let el = els[1];74 await driver.clear(el);75 await driver.setValue('abcd', el);76 await driver.setValue('\ue017\ue017', el);77 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal('ab');78 });79 it('should send single quote text with setValue', async function () {80 let testText = "'";81 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');82 let el = els[1];83 await driver.clear(el);84 await driver.setValue(testText, el);85 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal(testText);86 });87 it('should send single quote text with keys', async function () {88 let testText = "'";89 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');90 let el = els[1];91 await driver.clear(el);92 await driver.keys(testText);93 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal(testText);94 });95 it('should send text with a newline', async function () {96 let testText = ['my string\n'];97 let els = await driver.findElements('class name', 'UIATextField');98 let el = els[1];99 await driver.clear(el);100 await driver.keys(testText);101 (await driver.getText(el)).should.equal('my string');102 });103 });...
Source: by-xpath-e2e-specs.js
...22 await driver.findElement('xpath', '/*') not be located/);23 });24 it('should find element by type', async function () {25 let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `//${atv}`);26 await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('API Demos');27 });28 it('should find element by text', async function () {29 let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `//${atv}[@text='Accessibility']`);30 await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('Accessibility');31 });32 it('should find exactly one element via elementsByXPath', async function () {33 let el = await driver.findElements('xpath', `//${atv}[@text='Accessibility']`);34 el.length.should.equal(1);35 await driver.getText(el[0].ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('Accessibility');36 });37 it('should find element by partial text', async function () {38 let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `//${atv}[contains(@text, 'Accessibility')]`);39 await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('Accessibility');40 });41 it('should find the last element', async function () {42 let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `(//${atv})[last()]`);43 let text = await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT);44 ['OS', 'Text', 'Views', 'Preference'].should.include(text);45 });46 // TODO: Doesn't work on CI. Works locally on API_LEVEL 2347 // it('should find element by xpath index and child @skip-ci', async () => {48 // let alv = 'android.widget.ListView';49 // let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `//${f}[2]/${alv}[1]/${atv}[4]`);50 // await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('App');51 // });52 it('should find element by index and embedded desc', async function () {53 let el = await driver.findElement('xpath', `//${f}//${atv}[5]`);54 await driver.getText(el.ELEMENT).should.eventually.equal('Content');55 });56 it('should find all elements', async function () {57 let els = await driver.findElements('xpath', `//*`);58;59 });60 it('should find the first element when searching for all elements', async function () {61 let el = await driver.findElements('xpath', `//*`);62 el[0].should.exist;63 });64 it('should find less elements with compression turned on', async function () {65 await driver.updateSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: false});66 let elementsWithoutCompression = await driver.findElements('xpath', `//*`);67 await driver.updateSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: true});68 let elementsWithCompression = await driver.findElements('xpath', `//*`);...
Source: 05_test_card_text_field.js
...31 numberPlaceholder="XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX"32 expirationPlaceholder="MM/YY"33 cvcPlaceholder="123"34 */35 const placeholder = await driver.getText(placeholderId)36 t.equal(placeholder, 'XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX', 'Custom placeholder as expected')37 await t.pass('User should be able focus on `PaymentCardTextField` component')39 // Set card credentials40 await driver.keys('42424242424242421234123')41 // Wait for expiration date and cvc42 await driver.waitForVisible(inputExpData, 50000).waitForText(inputExpData)43 await driver.waitForVisible(inputCVC, 50000).waitForText(inputCVC)44 t.pass('User should be able write card data on `PaymentCardTextField` component')45 t.equal(46 await driver.getText(cardPramIds.number),47 'Number: 4242424242424242',48 'Number should be 4242424242424242'49 )50 t.equal(await driver.getText(cardPramIds.expMonth), 'Month: 12', 'Month should be 12')51 t.equal(await driver.getText(cardPramIds.expYear), 'Year: 34', 'Year should be 34')52 t.equal(await driver.getText(cardPramIds.cvc), 'CVC: 123', 'CVC should be 123')53 t.equal(await driver.getText(cardPramIds.valid), 'Valid: true', 'Field should be valid')...
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('webdriverio');2var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'Chrome' } };3 .remote(options)4 .init()5 .getTitle().then(function(title) {6 console.log('Title was: ' + title);7 })8 .end();9var webdriver = require('webdriverio');10var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'Chrome' } };11 .remote(options)12 .init()13 .getTitle().then(function(title) {14 console.log('Title was: ' + title);15 })16 .end();17var webdriver = require('webdriverio');18var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'Chrome' } };19 .remote(options)20 .init()21 .getTitle().then(function(title) {22 console.log('Title was: ' + title);23 })24 .end();25var webdriver = require('webdriverio');26var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'Chrome' } };27 .remote(options)28 .init()29 .getTitle().then(function(title) {30 console.log('Title was: ' + title);31 })32 .end();33var webdriver = require('webdriverio');34var options = { desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'Chrome' } };35 .remote(options)36 .init()37 .getTitle().then(function(title) {38 console.log('Title was: ' + title);39 })40 .end();
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new webdriver.Builder()2 .withCapabilities({'app': 'path/to/myapp.apk', 'deviceName': 'deviceName', 'platformName': 'Android', 'platformVersion': '4.4'})3 .build();4driver.findElement('myElement')).getText().then(function(text) {5 console.log(text);6});7driver.quit();8driver.findElement('myElement')).getText().then(function(text) {9 console.log(text);10});11driver.findElement('myElement')).getAttribute('text').then(function(text) {12 console.log(text);13});
Using AI Code Generation
1var driver = new AndroidDriver();2driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {3 console.log(text);4});5var driver = new iOSDriver();6driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {7 console.log(text);8});9var driver = new WindowsDriver();10driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {11 console.log(text);12});13var driver = new SelendroidDriver();14driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {15 console.log(text);16});17var driver = new FirefoxOSDriver();18driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {19 console.log(text);20});21var driver = new ChromeDriver();22driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {23 console.log(text);24});25var driver = new SafariDriver();26driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {27 console.log(text);28});29var driver = new UIAutomator2Driver();30driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {31 console.log(text);32});33var driver = new YouiEngineDriver();34driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {35 console.log(text);36});37var driver = new MacDriver();38driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {39 console.log(text);40});41var driver = new TizenDriver();42driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {43 console.log(text);44});45var driver = new XCUITestDriver();46driver.getText("id", "someId", function(err, text) {
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.getText("id", "", function(err, text) {2 console.log(text);3});4driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {5 console.log(text);6});7driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {8 console.log(text);9});10driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {11 console.log(text);12});13driver.getText("css selector", "my_textview", function(err, text) {14 console.log(text);15});16driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {17 console.log(text);18});19driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {20 console.log(text);21});22driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {23 console.log(text);24});25driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {26 console.log(text);27});28driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {29 console.log(text);30});31driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {32 console.log(text);33});34driver.getText("id", "my_textview", function(err, text) {35 console.log(text);36});
Using AI Code Generation
1var webdriver = require('webdriverio');2var options = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriver.remote(options);7 .init()8 .elementByName('Edit Text').then(function (el) {9 return client.elementIdText(el.value.ELEMENT);10 }).then(function (text) {11 console.log(text);12 })13 .end();14var webdriver = require('webdriverio');15var options = {16 desiredCapabilities: {17 }18};19var client = webdriver.remote(options);20 .init()21 .elementByName('Edit Text').then(function (el) {22 return client.elementIdText(el.value.ELEMENT);23 }).then(function (text) {24 console.log(text);25 })26 .end();
Using AI Code Generation
1 console.log("Text: " + text);2});3 console.log("Text: " + text);4});5 console.log("Text: " + text);6});
Using AI Code Generation
1driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {2 console.log(text);3});4driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {5 console.log(text);6});7driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {8 console.log(text);9});10driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {11 console.log(text);12});13driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {14 console.log(text);15});16driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {17 console.log(text);18});19driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {20 console.log(text);21});22driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {23 console.log(text);24});25driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {26 console.log(text);27});28driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {29 console.log(text);30});31driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {32 console.log(text);33});34driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {35 console.log(text);36});37driver.getText("id=android:id/title", function(err, text) {38 console.log(text);39});40driver.getText("id
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Testing is a critical step in any web application development process. However, it can be an overwhelming task if you don’t have the right tools and expertise. A large percentage of websites still launch with errors that frustrate users and negatively affect the overall success of the site. When a website faces failure after launch, it costs time and money to fix.
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Manual cross browser testing is neither efficient nor scalable as it will take ages to test on all permutations & combinations of browsers, operating systems, and their versions. Like every developer, I have also gone through that ‘I can do it all phase’. But if you are stuck validating your code changes over hundreds of browsers and OS combinations then your release window is going to look even shorter than it already is. This is why automated browser testing can be pivotal for modern-day release cycles as it speeds up the entire process of cross browser compatibility.
Mobile devices and mobile applications – both are booming in the world today. The idea of having the power of a computer in your pocket is revolutionary. As per Statista, mobile accounts for more than half of the web traffic worldwide. Mobile devices (excluding tablets) contributed to 54.4 percent of global website traffic in the fourth quarter of 2021, increasing consistently over the past couple of years.
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