How to use driver.getLocation method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source:element-specs.js Github


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...189 describe('getLocation', () => {190 it('should get location of an element', async () => {191 driver.bootstrap.sendAction192 .withArgs('element:getLocation').returns('loc_info');193 await driver.getLocation('el1').should.become('loc_info');194 driver.bootstrap.sendAction195 .calledWithExactly('element:getLocation', {elementId: 'el1'})196;197 });198 });199 describe('getLocationInView', () => {200 it('should get location of an element', async () => {201 sandbox.stub(driver, 'getLocation');202 driver.getLocation.returns('loc_info');203 await driver.getLocationInView('el1').should.become('loc_info');204 driver.getLocation.calledWithExactly('el1');205 });206 });207 describe('getSize', () => {...

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Source:image-element-specs.js Github


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1import _ from 'lodash';2import chai from 'chai';3import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';4import BaseDriver, { ImageElement } from '../..';5import { makeImageElementCache, getImgElFromArgs } from '../../lib/basedriver/image-element';6import { IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX } from '../../lib/constants';7import sinon from 'sinon';8chai.should();9chai.use(chaiAsPromised);10const defRect = {x: 100, y: 110, width: 50, height: 25};11const defTemplate = 'iVBORasdf';12describe('ImageElement', function () {13 const driver = new BaseDriver();14 describe('.size', function () {15 it('should return the width and height of the image el', function () {16 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);17 el.size.should.eql({width: defRect.width, height: defRect.height});18 });19 });20 describe('.location', function () {21 it('should return the location of the image el', function () {22 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);23 el.location.should.eql({x: defRect.x, y: defRect.y});24 });25 });26 describe('.center', function () {27 it('should return the center location of the image el', function () {28 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);29{30 x: defRect.x + defRect.width / 2,31 y: defRect.y + defRect.height / 232 });33 });34 });35 describe('.asElement', function () {36 it('should get the webdriver object representation of the element', function () {37 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);38 el.asElement('ELEMENT').ELEMENT.should.match(/^appium-image-el/);39 });40 });41 describe('.equals', function () {42 it('should say two image elements with same rect are equal', function () {43 const el1 = new ImageElement('foo', defRect);44 const el2 = new ImageElement('bar', defRect);45 el1.equals(el2);46 el2.equals(el1);47 });48 it('should say two image elements with different rect are not equal', function () {49 const el1 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, {...defRect, x: 0});50 const el2 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);51 el1.equals(el2);52 el2.equals(el1);53 });54 });55 describe('.click', function () {56 it('should reject an invalid tap strategy', async function () {57 const d = new BaseDriver();58 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);59 await d.settings.update({imageElementTapStrategy: 'bad'});60 await imageElementTapStrategy/);61 });62 it('should try to check for image element staleness, and throw if stale', async function () {63 const d = new BaseDriver();64 sinon.stub(d, 'findByImage').throws();65 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);66 // we need to check for staleness if explicitly requested to do so67 await d.settings.update({68 checkForImageElementStaleness: true,69 autoUpdateImageElementPosition: false70 });71 await longer attached/);72 // and also if we are updating the element position73 await d.settings.update({74 checkForImageElementStaleness: false,75 autoUpdateImageElementPosition: true76 });77 await longer attached/);78 });79 it('should auto-update element position if requested', async function () {80 const d = new BaseDriver();81 d.performActions = _.noop;82 sinon.stub(d, 'performActions');83 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);84 const newRect = {...defRect, x: defRect.x + 10, y: defRect.y + 5};85 const elPos2 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, newRect);86 sinon.stub(d, 'findByImage').returns(elPos2);87 await d.settings.update({88 autoUpdateImageElementPosition: true,89 });90 el.rect.should.not.eql(newRect);91 await;92 el.rect.should.eql(newRect);93 });94 it('should tap the center of an element using w3c actions by default', async function () {95 const d = new BaseDriver();96 d.performActions = _.noop;97 const actionStub = sinon.stub(d, 'performActions');98 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);99 // skip the staleness check for this test100 await d.settings.update({101 checkForImageElementStaleness: false,102 });103 await;104 const pointerMoveAction = actionStub.args[0][0][0].actions[0];105 pointerMoveAction.x.should.equal(;106 pointerMoveAction.y.should.equal(;107 });108 it('should fall back to touchactions if w3c actions do not exist on driver', async function () {109 const d = new BaseDriver();110 d.performTouch = _.noop;111 const actionStub = sinon.stub(d, 'performTouch');112 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);113 // skip the staleness check for this test114 await d.settings.update({115 checkForImageElementStaleness: false,116 });117 await;118 const action = actionStub.args[0][0][0].options;119 action.x.should.equal(;120 action.y.should.equal(;121 });122 it('should use touchactions if requested', async function () {123 const d = new BaseDriver();124 d.performActions = _.noop;125 const w3cStub = sinon.stub(d, 'performActions');126 d.performTouch = _.noop;127 const touchStub = sinon.stub(d, 'performTouch');128 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);129 // skip the staleness check for this test130 await d.settings.update({131 checkForImageElementStaleness: false,132 imageElementTapStrategy: 'touchActions',133 });134 await;135 const action = touchStub.args[0][0][0].options;136 action.x.should.equal(;137 action.y.should.equal(;138 w3cStub.callCount.should.eql(0);139 });140 it('should throw if driver does not implement any type of action', async function () {141 const d = new BaseDriver();142 const el = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);143 // skip the staleness check for this test144 await d.settings.update({145 checkForImageElementStaleness: false,146 });147 await not implement/);148 });149 });150 describe('#execute', function () {151 // aGFwcHkgdGVzdGluZw== is 'happy testing'152 const imgEl = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect, 0, 'aGFwcHkgdGVzdGluZw==');153 const clickStub = sinon.stub(imgEl, 'click');154 before(function () {155 driver._imgElCache.set(, imgEl);156 clickStub.returns(true);157 });158 after(function () {159 driver._imgElCache.reset();160 clickStub.restore();161 });162 it('should reject executions on elements not in the cache', async function () {163 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'click', 'appium-image-element-foo')164 could not be located/);165 });166 it('should reject executions for unsupported commands', async function () {167 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'foobar', yet been implemented/);169 });170 it('should get displayed status of element', async function () {171 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'elementDisplayed',;173 });174 it('should get size of element', async function () {175 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getSize', .should.eventually.eql({width: defRect.width, height: defRect.height});177 });178 it('should get location of element', async function () {179 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getLocation', .should.eventually.eql({x: defRect.x, y: defRect.y});181 });182 it('should get location in view of element', async function () {183 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getLocation', .should.eventually.eql({x: defRect.x, y: defRect.y});185 });186 it('should get rect of element', async function () {187 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getElementRect', .should.eventually.eql(defRect);189 });190 it('should get score of element', async function () {191 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getAttribute',, 'score')192 .should.eventually.eql(0);193 });194 it('should get visual of element', async function () {195 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getAttribute',, 'visual')196 .should.eventually.eql('aGFwcHkgdGVzdGluZw==');197 });198 it('should get null as visual of element by default', async function () {199 const imgElement = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);200 driver._imgElCache.set(, imgElement);201 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getAttribute',, 'visual')202 .should.eventually.eql(null);203 });204 it('should not get other attribute', async function () {205 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'getAttribute',, 'content-desc')206 .should.eventually.rejectedWith('Method has not yet been implemented');207 });208 it('should click element', async function () {209 await ImageElement.execute(driver, 'click',;211 });212 });213});214describe('image element LRU cache', function () {215 it('should accept and cache image elements', function () {216 const el1 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);217 const el2 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);218 const cache = makeImageElementCache();219 cache.set(, el1);220 el1.equals(cache.get(;221 _.isUndefined(cache.get(;222 cache.has(;223 cache.has(;224 });225 it('once cache reaches max size, should eject image elements', function () {226 const el1 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);227 const el2 = new ImageElement(defTemplate, defRect);228 const cache = makeImageElementCache(defTemplate.length + 1);229 cache.set(, el1);230 cache.has(;231 cache.set(, el2);232 cache.has(;233 cache.has(;234 });235});236describe('getImgElFromArgs', function () {237 it('should return the image element id from json obj in args', function () {238 const imgEl = `${IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX}foo`;239 const args = [1, 'foo', imgEl];240 getImgElFromArgs(args).should.eql(imgEl);241 });242 it('should not return anything if image element id not in args', function () {243 const args = [1, 'foo'];244 _.isUndefined(getImgElFromArgs(args));245 });246 it('should not find image element id in anything but prefix', function () {247 const notImgEl = `foo${IMAGE_ELEMENT_PREFIX}`;248 const args = [1, 'foo', notImgEl];249 _.isUndefined(getImgElFromArgs(args));250 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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...70 *71 * @returns {String}72 */73 getLocation() {74 const location = this.driver.getLocation();75 this.log('getLocation', location);76 return location;77 }78 /**79 * Set the learner's current location80 *81 * @param {string} location82 * @returns {boolean} success83 */84 setLocation(location) {85 if (typeof location !== 'string') {86 this.log('setLocation: Invalid data type given. Expected string.', location);87 return false;88 }...

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Source:SettingMap.js Github


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1let jsonobj;2let foo = function () {3 var map = new ol.Map({4 target: 'map',5 layers: [6 new ol.layer.Tile({7 source: new ol.source.OSM()8 })9 ],10 view: new ol.View({11 center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([19.8424, 45.2541]),12 zoom: 1513 })14 });15 map.on('click', function (evt) {16 var coord = ol.proj.toLonLat(evt.coordinate);17 alert(coord);18 reverseGeocode(coord);19 });20}21let foof1 = function () {22 $("#divwriteuserdata").append(`<table class="table table - bordered" style="float:right;width:40%;height:50%">23 <thead>24 <tr class="success">25 <th colspan="2">26 Location details preview27 </th>28 </tr>29 </thead>30 <tbody>31 <tr>32 <td>Your current address:</td>33 <td>34 <input type="text" id="txtAddress"/>35 </td>36 </tr>37 <tr>38 <td>Coordinates:</td>39 <td>40 <input type="text" id="txtX"/>41 <input type="text" id="txtY"/>42 </td>43 </tr>44 <tr class="success">45 <td colspan="2">46 <input id="btnSaveLoc" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" value="Save location"/>47 </td>48 </tr>49 </tbody>50 </table >`);51 $("#btnSaveLoc").click(function () {52 $.post("/api/Driver/SetLocation/", { json: jsonobj }, function () { location.href = `Driver.html`; })53 .fail(function () {54 alert(`error while sending address`);55 });56 });57 $("#btnSubmitLoc").click(function () {58 alert(jsonobj);59 $.post("/api/Driver/GetLocation/", { json: jsonobj }, function (location) {60 $("#txtAddress").val(location.Address.Street + location.Address.HomeNumber);61 $("#txtX").val(location.X);62 $("#txtY").val(location.Y);63 })64 .fail(function () {65 alert(`error while sending location`);66 });67 });68}69let ShowMap = function (placeForMap) {70 $(placeForMap).html(`<h2>Location</h2>71 <button class="btn btn-primary" id="btnSubmitLoc">Submit location</button>72 <div id="map" class="map" style="float:left;width:60%;height:50%;"></div>73 `);74 foo();75};76function addMarker(lon, lat, icon) {77 var iconFeatures = [];78 var iconGeometry = new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform([lon, lat], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));79 var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({80 geometry: iconGeometry81 });82 iconFeatures.push(iconFeature);83 var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({84 features: iconFeatures //add an array of features85 });86 var iconStyle = new{87 image: new** @type {} */({88 anchor: [0.5, 46],89 anchorXUnits: 'fraction',90 anchorYUnits: 'pixels',91 opacity: 0.95,92 src: icon93 }))94 });95 var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({96 source: vectorSource,97 style: iconStyle98 });99 map.addLayer(vectorLayer);100 return iconFeature;101}102function reverseGeocode(coords) {103 fetch('' + coords[0] + '&lat=' + coords[1])104 .then(function (response) {105 return response.json();106 }).then(function (json) {107 console.log(json);108 jsonobj = json;109 });...

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Source:location-specs.js Github


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...8 let session = setup(this, desired);9 let driver = session.driver;10 it('should return the right x/y coordinates for getLocation', async function () {11 let el = await driver.findElement('class name', 'UIAButton');12 let loc = await driver.getLocation(el);13 [94, 110].should.contain(parseInt(loc.x, 10));14;15 });16 it('should return the right x/y coordinates for getLocationInView', async function () {17 let el = await driver.findElement('class name', 'UIAButton');18 let loc = await driver.getLocation(el);19 [94, 110].should.contain(parseInt(loc.x, 10));20;21 });22 it('should not error with valid lat/lon and no options', async function () {23 await driver.setGeoLocation({latitude: -30, longitude: 30});24 });25 it('should error with invalid lat/lon and no options', async function () {26 await B.resolve(driver.setGeoLocation({latitude: -150, longitude: 30}))27 .catch(throwMatchableError)28 17 latitude/);29 });30});31describe('testapp - location - 2 @skip-ci', function () {32 let session = setup(this, _.defaults(...

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Source:attribute-e2e-specs.js Github


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...41 it('should be able to find displayed attribute through normal func', async () => {42 await driver.elementDisplayed(animationEl).should.eventually.become(true);43 });44 it('should be able to get element location using getLocation', async () => {45 let location = await driver.getLocation(animationEl);46;47;48 });49 it('should be able to get element location using getLocationInView', async () => {50 let location = await driver.getLocationInView(animationEl);51;52;53 });54 it('should be able to get element size', async () => {55 let size = await driver.getSize(animationEl);56;57;58 });59});

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Source:driver.controller.js Github


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1import Driver from './driver.model';2import helper from '../helper';3const registerDriver = async (req, res) => {4 const { name, vehicle } = req.body;5 if (!name || !vehicle) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Invalid fields.' });6 Driver.findOne({ name }, (err, driver) => {7 if (err) return res.status(400).send(err);8 else if (driver) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Driver already registered.' });9 const newDriver = new Driver({ name, vehicle });10 => {11 if (err) return res.status(400).send(err);12 return res.status(200).send({ message: 'Driver has been registered.' });13 });14 });15}16const getLocation = async (req, res) => {17 const { id } = req.body;18 if (!id) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Invalid fields.' });19 Driver.findById(id, (err, driver) => {20 if (err || driver == null) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Unregistered driver.' });21 if (!driver.isAvailable) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Offline driver.' });22 return res.status(200).json(driver.location);23 });24}25const setLocation = async (req, res) => {26 const { id, lat, lng } = req.body;27 if (!id || !lat || !lng) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Invalid fields.' });28 Driver.findById(id, (err, driver) => {29 if (err || driver == null) return res.status(400).send({ message: 'Unregistered driver.' });30 = parseFloat(lat, 10);31 driver.location.lng = parseFloat(lng, 10);32 driver.isAvailable = true;33 => {34 if (err) return res.status(400).send(err);35 return res.status(200).json(driver.location);36 });37 });38}39const getModelTypes = async (req, res) => {40 const driverTypes = await helper.getModelTypes(Driver);41 res.status(200).json(driverTypes);42}43export default {44 registerDriver,45 getLocation,46 setLocation,47 getModelTypes,...

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Source:touch-specs.js Github


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...12 }).driver;13 it('should flick element', async function () {14 await driver.setUrl(`${env.TEST_END_POINT}touch.html`);15 let flickElem = await driver.findElement('id', 'flickElem');16 let l1 = await driver.getLocation(flickElem);17 let dx = 30, dy = 30;18 flickElem = await driver.findElement('id', 'flickElem');19 await driver.flick(flickElem, dx, dy, 0);20 await B.delay(1000);21 let l2 = await driver.getLocation(flickElem);22 // UI Atomation's flickFromTo() seems to be not prices enough.23 // And in most cases safari receives the last touchmove event24 // with the coordinates which are by one pixel less than desired25 // destination. Hence allow some deviation here.26 + dx - 2, l1.x + dx + 2);27 + dy - 2, l1.y + dy + 2);28 });29 it('should not be able to do native touch actions', async function () {30 let el = await driver.findElement('id', 'comments');31 let gestures = [32 {action: 'press', options: {element: el}},33 {action: 'release'}34 ];35 await driver.performTouch(gestures);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2 build();3var searchBox = driver.findElement('q'));4searchBox.sendKeys('webdriver');5searchBox.getAttribute('value').then(function(value) {6 console.log('Value of search box is: ' + value);7});8driver.quit();9{10}11Location of search box is: { x: 16, y: 390 }12{13}14Size of search box is: { width: 408, height: 48 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var caps = {4};5var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);6driver.init(caps, function() {7 driver.getLocation(function(err, location) {8 console.log('Location: ', location);9 });10});11var wd = require('wd');12var assert = require('assert');13var caps = {14};15var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);16driver.init(caps, function() {17 driver.setLocation(40.714353, -74.005973, function(err) {18 console.log('Location set!');19 });20});21var wd = require('wd');22var assert = require('assert');23var caps = {24};25var driver = wd.remote('localhost', 4723);26driver.init(caps, function() {27 driver.getNetworkConnection(function(err, connection) {28 console.log('Connection: ', connection);29 });30});31var wd = require('wd');32var assert = require('assert');33var caps = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1driver.getLocation('someLocator').then(function(location){2 console.log("Location of the element is: " + location);3});4driver.getLocationInView('someLocator').then(function(location){5 console.log("Location of the element in the view port is: " + location);6});7driver.getSize('someLocator').then(function(size){8 console.log("Size of the element is: " + size);9});10driver.getOrientation().then(function(orientation){11 console.log("Orientation of the device is: " + orientation);12});13driver.getPageSource().then(function(pageSource){14 console.log("Page source of the current page is: " + pageSource);15});16driver.getScreenOrientation().then(function(orientation){17 console.log("Screen orientation of the device is: " + orientation);18});19driver.getText('someLocator').then(function(text){20 console.log("Text of the element is: " + text);21});22driver.hideKeyboard();

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