How to use driver.background method in Appium Android Driver

Best JavaScript code snippet using appium-android-driver


Source:requestDevice.spec.js Github


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1const { BackgroundDriver } = require('./background.driver');2const { PolyfillDriver } = require('./polyfill.driver');3const { tick } = require('./test-utils');4describe('requestDevice', () => {5 it('should scan for devices', async () => {6 const background = new BackgroundDriver();7 const bluetooth = new PolyfillDriver(background).bluetooth;8 bluetooth.requestDevice({ filters: [] });9 expect(background.nativePort.postMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ cmd: 'scan', _id: 1 });10 });11 it('should return devices matching the given filters', async () => {12 const background = new BackgroundDriver();13 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);14 const { bluetooth } = polyfill;15 const stopScanMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ result: null });16 background.autoRespond({17 scan: () => ({ result: null }),18 stopScan: stopScanMock,19 });20 const devicePromise = bluetooth.requestDevice({21 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]22 });23 await tick();24 background.nativePort.onMessage.dispatch({25 _type: 'scanResult',26 advType: 'ScanResponse',27 bluetoothAddress: 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',28 localName: 'test-device',29 rssi: -77,30 serviceUuids: ['{6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e}'],31 timestamp: 24784186015330,32 });33 polyfill.contentMessage({ cmd: 'chooserPair', deviceId: 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff' });34 const device = await devicePromise;35 expect('aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff');36 expect('test-device');37 expect(stopScanMock).toHaveBeenCalled();38 });39 it('should throw an error if the user cancels the device chooser dialog', async () => {40 const background = new BackgroundDriver();41 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);42 const { bluetooth } = polyfill;43 const stopScanMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ result: null });44 background.autoRespond({45 scan: () => ({ result: null }),46 stopScan: stopScanMock,47 });48 const devicePromise = bluetooth.requestDevice({49 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]50 });51 await tick();52 background.nativePort.onMessage.dispatch({53 _type: 'scanResult',54 advType: 'ScanResponse',55 bluetoothAddress: 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',56 localName: 'test-device',57 rssi: -77,58 serviceUuids: ['{6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e}'],59 timestamp: 24784186015330,60 });61 polyfill.contentMessage({ cmd: 'chooserCancel' });62 await expect(devicePromise).rejects.toBe('Error: User canceled device chooser');63 expect(stopScanMock).toHaveBeenCalled();64 });65 it('should stop scanning if the page disconnects', async () => {66 const background = new BackgroundDriver();67 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);68 const { bluetooth } = polyfill;69 const stopScanMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ result: null });70 background.autoRespond({71 scan: () => ({ result: null }),72 stopScan: stopScanMock,73 });74 const devicePromise = bluetooth.requestDevice({75 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]76 });77 await tick();78 polyfill.disconnect();79 expect(stopScanMock).toHaveBeenCalled();80 });...

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Source:getPrimaryService.spec.js Github


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1const { BackgroundDriver } = require('./background.driver');2const { PolyfillDriver } = require('./polyfill.driver');3describe('getPrimaryService', () => {4 it('should return a service object with `uuid` and `isPrimary` fields', async () => {5 const background = new BackgroundDriver();6 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);7 background.advertiseDevice('test-device', '11:22:33:44:55:66');8 polyfill.autoChooseDevice('11:22:33:44:55:66');9 const device = await polyfill.bluetooth.requestDevice({10 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]11 });12 background.autoRespond({13 'connect': () => ({ result: 'gattDeviceId' }),14 });15 const gatt = await device.gatt.connect();16 background.autoRespond({17 'services': (msg) => {18 expect(msg).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({19 device: 'gattDeviceId', 20 service: '{0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}'21 }));22 return { result: ["{0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}"] };23 },24 });25 const service = await device.gatt.getPrimaryService(0xffe0);26 expect(service.isPrimary).toEqual(true);27 expect(service.uuid).toEqual('0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb');28 });29 it('should support standard service names, e.g. cycling_power', async () => {30 const background = new BackgroundDriver();31 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);32 background.advertiseDevice('cyclometer', '00:00:aa:00:bb:cc');33 polyfill.autoChooseDevice('00:00:aa:00:bb:cc');34 const device = await polyfill.bluetooth.requestDevice({35 filters: [{ 'name': 'cyclometer' }]36 });37 background.autoRespond({38 'connect': () => ({ result: 'gattDeviceId' }),39 });40 const gatt = await device.gatt.connect();41 background.autoRespond({42 'services': (msg) => {43 expect(msg).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({44 device: 'gattDeviceId', 45 service: '{00001818-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}'46 }));47 return { result: ["{00001818-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}"] };48 },49 });50 const service = await device.gatt.getPrimaryService('cycling_power');51 expect(service.isPrimary).toEqual(true);52 expect(service.uuid).toEqual('00001818-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb');53 });54 it('should throw an error if the requested services does not exist', async () => {55 const background = new BackgroundDriver();56 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);57 background.advertiseDevice('test-device', '11:22:33:44:55:66');58 polyfill.autoChooseDevice('11:22:33:44:55:66');59 const device = await polyfill.bluetooth.requestDevice({60 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]61 });62 background.autoRespond({63 'connect': () => ({ result: 'gattDeviceId' }),64 'services': () => ({ result: [] }),65 });66 const gatt = await device.gatt.connect();67 const serviceResult = device.gatt.getPrimaryService(0xffe2);68 await expect(serviceResult).rejects.toEqual(new Error('Service 65506 not found'));69 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from "react";2import { View, Image,StatusBar} from "react-native";3import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';4import { Container, Button, H3, Text } from "native-base";5import { Actions } from "react-native-router-flux";6import styles from "../styles";7const launchscreenLogo = require("../../../assets/logo.png");8class Accueil extends Component {9 componentDidMount(){10 this.loadInitialState()11 .done();12 }13loadInitialState = async () => {14 let mobile = await AsyncStorage.getItem('mobile');15 let userDetails = await AsyncStorage.getItem('userDetails');16 let token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');17 let driver = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token_driver');18 let mobile_driver = await AsyncStorage.getItem('mobile_driver');19 20 if(token !== null){21 Actions.home();22 23 }24 if(driver !== null && mobile_driver !== null){25 Actions.requestRide();26 }27}28render(){29 return(30 <Container>31 <StatusBar 32 backgroundColor="#11A0DC"33 barStyle="light-content"34 />35 <View style={styles.logoContainer}>36 <Image source={launchscreenLogo} style={styles.logo}/>37 </View>38 {/* <ImageBackground source={launchscreenBg} style={styles.imageContainer}> */} 39 <View style={{alignItems:"center",}}>40 <H3 style={styles.textAccueil}>Welcome to orangecabs</H3>41 </View>42 43 <View44 style={{45 alignItems: "center",46 marginBottom: 50,47 backgroundColor: "transparent"48 }}49 >50 <View style={{ marginTop: 0 }} />51 <H3 style={styles.textAccueil}>Taking pride in our rides...</H3>52 <View style={{ marginTop: 8 }} />53 </View>54 <View style={{ marginBottom: 40 ,}}>55 <Button56 style={[styles.buttonRiderDriver,{backgroundColor: "#11A0DC"}]}57 onPress={() => Actions.logrider()}58 >59 <Text style={[styles.textAccueil,{color:"#fff"}]}>Sign In Rider</Text>60 </Button>61 </View>62 <View style={{ marginBottom: 80 }}>63 <Button64 style={[styles.buttonRiderDriver,{ backgroundColor: "#F89D29"}]}65 onPress={() => Actions.logdriver()}66 >67 <Text style={[styles.textAccueil,{color:"#fff"}]}>Sign In Driver</Text>68 </Button>69 </View>70 </Container>71 );72}73}...

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Source:gattConnect.spec.js Github


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1const { BackgroundDriver } = require('./background.driver');2const { PolyfillDriver } = require('./polyfill.driver');3const { tick } = require('./test-utils');4describe('gatt.connect', () => {5 it('should establish a gatt connection', async () => {6 const background = new BackgroundDriver();7 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);8 background.advertiseDevice('test-device', '11:22:33:44:55:66');9 polyfill.autoChooseDevice('11:22:33:44:55:66');10 const device = await polyfill.bluetooth.requestDevice({11 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]12 });13 background.autoRespond({14 'connect': () => ({ result: 'gattDeviceId' })15 });16 const gatt = await device.gatt.connect();17 expect(background.lastMessage.address).toBe('112233445566');18 });19 it('should fail if the given device id was not previously returned by `requestDevice`', async () => {20 const background = new BackgroundDriver();21 const polyfill = new PolyfillDriver(background);22 background.advertiseDevice('test-device', '11:22:33:44:55:66');23 polyfill.autoChooseDevice('11:22:33:44:55:66');24 const device = await polyfill.bluetooth.requestDevice({25 filters: [{ 'name': 'test-device' }]26 });27 // This is a device we have not been authorized to connect to28 = 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff';29 background.autoRespond({30 'connect': () => ({ result: 'gattDeviceId' })31 });32 await expect(device.gatt.connect()).rejects.toBe('Error: Unknown device address');33 });...

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Source:device-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var env = require('../../../helpers/env'),3 setup = require("../../common/setup-base"),4 desired = require('./desired');5describe('uicatalog - device @skip-ios7up', function () {6 describe('lock device', function () {7 var driver;8 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });9 var allowance = env.IOS7 ? 5 : 2;10 it("should lock the device for 4 of seconds (+/- " + allowance + " secs)", function (done) {11 var before = new Date().getTime() / 1000;12 driver13 .lockDevice(4)14 .then(function () {15 var now = (new Date().getTime() / 1000);16 (now - before);17 (now - before) + allowance + 1);18 }).nodeify(done);19 });20 });21 describe('background app', function () {22 var driver;23 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });24 it("should background the app for 4 of seconds (+/- 6 secs)", function (done) {25 var before = new Date().getTime() / 1000;26 driver27 .backgroundApp(4)28 .then(function () {29 ((new Date().getTime() / 1000) - before);30 }).nodeify(done);31 });32 });...

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Source:driverBackground_api.js Github


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1var app = angular.module('driverBackgroundApp',[]);2app.controller('driverBackground',function ($scope, $http){3 $scope.showSSN = true ;4 5 6 $scope.addSSN = function(){7 var re = /^([0-9]{3})(?:-[0-9]{2})(?:-[0-9]{4})$/;8 var ssn1=re.exec($scope.d_ssn);9 if(ssn1){10 //alert("ok ssn"+$scope.d_ssn);11 $http({12 13 method : "POST",14 url : '/addSSN',15 data : {16 "d_video":$scope.d_video,17 "d_ssn" : $scope.d_ssn18 19 }20 }).success(function(data){21 if(data.statusCode === 200)22 {23 alert("success add ssn"+JSON.stringify(data));24 //Making a get call to the '/redirectToHomepage' API25 window.location.assign("/driverHome/documents");26 }27 else if(data.statusCode === 401)28 {29 alert("failed add ssn"+JSON.stringify(data));30 $scope.showSSN = false;31 //window.location.assign("/driverHome/backgroundCheck");32 $scope.invalid_login = false;33 $scope.unexpected_error = true;34 }35 }).error( function(error){36 $scope.unexpected_error = false;37 $scope.invalid_login = true;38 }) 39 }40 else{alert("not ok ssn"+$scope.d_ssn); $scope.showSSN = false ;}41 }...

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Source:driver.test.mjs Github


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1import test from "ava"2import driver from "./driver.mjs"3test.serial ("given", (t) => {4 const actual = driver ({ "backgroundColor": "red", "color": "green" })5 const expect = "ae af"6 (actual, expect)7})8test.serial ("given (2)", (t) => {9 const actual = driver ({10 "backgroundColor": "blue",11 "fontFamily": { "src": "url(/fonts/font.woff) (woff)" }12 })13 const expect = "ah ai"14 (actual, expect)15})16test.serial ("given (3)", (t) => {17 const actual = driver ({18 "animationName": {19 "0%": {20 "transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)"21 },22 "to": {23 "transform": "translate3d(100%,0,0)"24 }25 },26 "color": "green",27 "fontFamily": { "src": "url(/fonts/font.woff) (woff)" }28 })29 const expect = "ak af ai"30 (actual, expect)31})32test.serial ("given (4)", (t) => {33 const actual = driver ({34 "animationName": {35 "0%": {36 "transform": "translate3d(0,0,0)"37 },38 "to": {39 "transform": "translate3d(100%,0,0)"40 }41 },42 "color": "purple",43 "fontFamily": { "src": "url(/fonts/font.woff) (woff)" }44 })45 const expect = "ak al ai"46 (actual, expect)...

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Source:background-app-specs.js Github


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1"use strict";2var setup = require("../../common/setup-base"),3 desired = require('./desired');4describe('uicatalog - background app @skip-ios6', function () {5 var driver;6 setup(this, desired).then(function (d) { driver = d; });7 it("should background the app for 4 of seconds (+/- 6 secs)", function (done) {8 var before = new Date().getTime() / 1000;9 driver10 .backgroundApp(4)11 .then(function () {12 ((new Date().getTime() / 1000) - before);13 }).nodeify(done);14 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');2var opts = {3 desiredCapabilities: {4 }5};6var client = webdriverio.remote(opts);7 .init()8 .background(5)9 .end();10var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');11var opts = {12 desiredCapabilities: {13 }14};15var client = webdriverio.remote(opts);16 .init()17 .background(10)18 .end();19var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');20var opts = {21 desiredCapabilities: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');2var driver = new webdriver.Builder()3 .forBrowser('chrome')4 .build();5driver.findElement('q')).sendKeys('webdriver');6driver.findElement('btnG')).click();7driver.wait(function() {8 return driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {9 return title === 'webdriver - Google Search';10 });11}, 1000);12driver.quit();13I have tried to use the driver.backgroundApp(seconds) method, but I am getting the following error:14I have tried to use the driver.backgroundApp(seconds) method, but I am getting the following error:15I have tried to use the driver.backgroundApp(seconds) method, but I am getting the following error:16I have tried to use the driver.backgroundApp(seconds) method, but I am getting the following error:17I have tried to use the driver.backgroundApp(seconds) method, but I am getting the following error:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desiredCaps = {4};5driver.init(desiredCaps).then(function () {6 return driver.background(5);7}).then(function () {8 return driver.quit();9});10I have been trying to use the driver.background method of Appium Android Driver for some time now, but I keep getting the following error: "TypeError: driver.background is not a function". I have tried using the .background method on both the wd and wd-bridge packages, but I keep getting the same error. I am not sure if I am using the method incorrectly or if there is a problem with the method itself. I have tried using the method with both the UiAutomator2 and UiAutomator1 drivers, and I get the same error. I am using the latest version of Appium (1.8.1) and the latest version of the wd package (1.10.0). I have also tried using the wd-bridge package, but I get the same error. The following is the code that I am using to test the method:11I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question, but I am trying to use the driver.background method of Appium Android Driver for some time now, but I keep getting the following error: "TypeError: driver.background is not a function". I have tried using the .background method on both the wd and wd-bridge packages, but I keep getting the same error. I am not sure if I am using the method incorrectly or if there is a problem with the method itself. I have tried using the method with both the UiAutomator2 and UiAutomator1 drivers, and I get the same error. I am using the latest version of Appium (1.8.1) and the latest version of the wd package (1.10.0). I have also tried using the wd-bridge package, but I get the same error. The following is the code that I am using to test the method:12var wd = require('wd');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;2driver.background(5);3const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;4driver.background(5);5const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;6driver.background(5);7const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;8driver.background(5);9const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;10driver.background(5);11const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;12driver.background(5);13const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;14driver.background(5);15const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;16driver.background(5);17const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;18driver.background(5);19const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;20driver.background(5);21const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;22driver.background(5);23const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;24driver.background(5);25const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;26driver.background(5);27const driver = require('appium-android-driver').AndroidDriver;28driver.background(5

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.remote("localhost", 4723);6driver.init(desired, function() {7 driver.background(5, function() {8 driver.quit();9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var path = require('path');4var desired = {5 app: path.resolve(__dirname, "appium-test-app-1.1.0.apk"),6};7var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);8 .init(desired)9 .then(function() {10 return driver.background(5);11 })12 .then(function() {13 return driver.elementByClassName("android.widget.EditText");14 })15 .then(function(el) {16 return el.sendKeys("hello world");17 })18 .then(function() {19 return driver.elementByClassName("android.widget.Button");20 })21 .then(function(el) {22 return;23 })24 .then(function() {25 return driver.elementByClassName("android.widget.TextView");26 })27 .then(function(el) {28 return el.text();29 })30 .then(function(txt) {31 assert.ok(txt === "hello world");32 })33 .fin(function() { return driver.quit(); })34 .done();35var wd = require('wd');36var assert = require('assert');37var path = require('path');38var desired = {39 app: path.resolve(__dirname, ""),40};41var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);42 .init(desired)43 .then(function() {44 return driver.background(5);45 })46 .then(function() {47 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId("IntegerA");48 })49 .then(function(el) {50 return el.sendKeys("2");51 })52 .then(function() {53 return driver.elementByAccessibilityId("IntegerB");54 })55 .then(function(el) {56 return el.sendKeys("3");

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