Mock automation testing framework index.

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GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language.

Support and updates

  • Mock has 7625 stars, 542 forks.
  • It has 0 major releases in the past 6 months.
  • It has 0 commits and there are 12 open pull requests.
  • It has 59 open issues and 50 have been closed.

Code statistics

  • Mock has 30 packages.
  • Mock has 375 methods.


Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:

Geolocation Testing With Selenium Using Examples

A website or web application may look differently depending on the location from where it is accessed. If you are building a consumer web product that has a diverse target audience, it is essential to perform geolocation testing.

Top 11 JavaScript Frameworks For 2019

An extensive number of programming languages are being used worldwide today, each having its own purpose, complexities, benefits and quirks. However, it is JavaScript that has without any doubt left an indelible and enduring impression on the web, to emerge as the most popular programming language in the world for the 6th consecutive year.

The Art of Testing the Untestable

It’s strange to hear someone declare, “This can’t be tested.” In reply, I contend that everything can be tested. However, one must be pleased with the outcome of testing, which might include failure, financial loss, or personal injury. Could anything be tested when a claim is made with this understanding?

A Comprehensive Guide On JUnit 5 Extensions

JUnit is one of the most popular unit testing frameworks in the Java ecosystem. The JUnit 5 version (also known as Jupiter) contains many exciting innovations, including support for new features in Java 8 and above. However, many developers still prefer to use the JUnit 4 framework since certain features like parallel execution with JUnit 5 are still in the experimental phase.

Complete Selenium WebDriver Tutorial: Guide to Selenium Test Automation

When it comes to web automation testing, there are a number of frameworks like Selenium, Cypress, PlayWright, Puppeteer, etc., that make it to the ‘preferred list’ of frameworks. The choice of test automation framework depends on a range of parameters like type, complexity, scale, along with the framework expertise available within the team. However, it’s no surprise that Selenium is still the most preferred framework among developers and QAs.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.


Mock is lincensed under the Apache License 2.0

LambdaTest Community Discussions

Test case code snippets

Accessibility testing - Preserve focus during scripting


In general, avoid using scripts to remove focus from an element until the user moves focus manually.

API Testing - Check large payloads


Verify that the API correctly handles large payloads and returns the correct HTTP status code and error message.

Accessibility testing - ARIA as supplement to HTML


Use ARIA to enhance accessibility only when HTML is not sufficient. Use caution when providing ARIA roles, states, and properties.

Ecommerce website - Test pincode field


Pincode field on an ecommerce website should accept corrent pincodes and throw error when wrong pincode is entered. Verify when user enter the correct pin code and submit. later try to edit and enter the wrong pin code, then pin code field should throw an error


Mock can be downloaded from it’s GitHub repository -

Package index



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Other similar frameworks


A reverse proxy server that records and replays HTTP responses


k6 provides a clean, approachable scripting API, local and cloud execution, and flexible configuration.


Selenoid is a powerful implementation of Selenium hub using Docker containers to launch browsers


Simulate system and network conditions using a TCP proxy to perform testing


Keploy is a no-code API testing platform that generates tests-cases and data-mocks from API calls. Dependency-mocks are automatically generated with the recorded request/responses.

Frameworks to try


Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework


Fuel is the easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android. Offers maven and jitpack installations.


SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing your site using the Page Object Model pattern, for use with Capybara in automated acceptance testing.


Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language. Gherkin Ruby can be used either through its command line interface (CLI) or as a library.


factory_bot is a fixtures replacement with a straightforward definition syntax , support for multiple build strategies and support for multiple factories.

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