How to use Delete method of cronjob Package

Best Testkube code snippet using cronjob.Delete


Source:cronjob.go Github


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...28type CronJobInterface interface {29 Create(*v2alpha1.CronJob) (*v2alpha1.CronJob, error)30 Update(*v2alpha1.CronJob) (*v2alpha1.CronJob, error)31 UpdateStatus(*v2alpha1.CronJob) (*v2alpha1.CronJob, error)32 Delete(name string, options *v1.DeleteOptions) error33 DeleteCollection(options *v1.DeleteOptions, listOptions v1.ListOptions) error34 Get(name string, options v1.GetOptions) (*v2alpha1.CronJob, error)35 List(opts v1.ListOptions) (*v2alpha1.CronJobList, error)36 Watch(opts v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)37 Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, subresources ...string) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error)38 CronJobExpansion39}40// cronJobs implements CronJobInterface41type cronJobs struct {42 client rest.Interface43 ns string44}45// newCronJobs returns a CronJobs46func newCronJobs(c *BatchV2alpha1Client, namespace string) *cronJobs {47 return &cronJobs{48 client: c.RESTClient(),49 ns: namespace,50 }51}52// Get takes name of the cronJob, and returns the corresponding cronJob object, and an error if there is any.53func (c *cronJobs) Get(name string, options v1.GetOptions) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error) {54 result = &v2alpha1.CronJob{}55 err = c.client.Get().56 Namespace(c.ns).57 Resource("cronjobs").58 Name(name).59 VersionedParams(&options, scheme.ParameterCodec).60 Do().61 Into(result)62 return63}64// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of CronJobs that match those selectors.65func (c *cronJobs) List(opts v1.ListOptions) (result *v2alpha1.CronJobList, err error) {66 result = &v2alpha1.CronJobList{}67 err = c.client.Get().68 Namespace(c.ns).69 Resource("cronjobs").70 VersionedParams(&opts, scheme.ParameterCodec).71 Do().72 Into(result)73 return74}75// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested cronJobs.76func (c *cronJobs) Watch(opts v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {77 opts.Watch = true78 return c.client.Get().79 Namespace(c.ns).80 Resource("cronjobs").81 VersionedParams(&opts, scheme.ParameterCodec).82 Watch()83}84// Create takes the representation of a cronJob and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the cronJob, and an error, if there is any.85func (c *cronJobs) Create(cronJob *v2alpha1.CronJob) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error) {86 result = &v2alpha1.CronJob{}87 err = c.client.Post().88 Namespace(c.ns).89 Resource("cronjobs").90 Body(cronJob).91 Do().92 Into(result)93 return94}95// Update takes the representation of a cronJob and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the cronJob, and an error, if there is any.96func (c *cronJobs) Update(cronJob *v2alpha1.CronJob) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error) {97 result = &v2alpha1.CronJob{}98 err = c.client.Put().99 Namespace(c.ns).100 Resource("cronjobs").101 Name(cronJob.Name).102 Body(cronJob).103 Do().104 Into(result)105 return106}107// UpdateStatus was generated because the type contains a Status member.108// Add a +genclient:noStatus comment above the type to avoid generating UpdateStatus().109func (c *cronJobs) UpdateStatus(cronJob *v2alpha1.CronJob) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error) {110 result = &v2alpha1.CronJob{}111 err = c.client.Put().112 Namespace(c.ns).113 Resource("cronjobs").114 Name(cronJob.Name).115 SubResource("status").116 Body(cronJob).117 Do().118 Into(result)119 return120}121// Delete takes name of the cronJob and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.122func (c *cronJobs) Delete(name string, options *v1.DeleteOptions) error {123 return c.client.Delete().124 Namespace(c.ns).125 Resource("cronjobs").126 Name(name).127 Body(options).128 Do().129 Error()130}131// DeleteCollection deletes a collection of objects.132func (c *cronJobs) DeleteCollection(options *v1.DeleteOptions, listOptions v1.ListOptions) error {133 return c.client.Delete().134 Namespace(c.ns).135 Resource("cronjobs").136 VersionedParams(&listOptions, scheme.ParameterCodec).137 Body(options).138 Do().139 Error()140}141// Patch applies the patch and returns the patched cronJob.142func (c *cronJobs) Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, subresources ...string) (result *v2alpha1.CronJob, err error) {143 result = &v2alpha1.CronJob{}144 err = c.client.Patch(pt).145 Namespace(c.ns).146 Resource("cronjobs").147 SubResource(subresources...)....

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("*/1 * * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every second") })5 c.AddFunc("0 30 * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour on the half hour") })6 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })7 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })8 c.Start()9 fmt.Println(c.Entries())10 c.Stop()11}12import (13func main() {14 c := cron.New()15 c.AddFunc("*/1 * * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every second") })16 c.AddFunc("0 30 * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour on the half hour") })17 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })18 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })19 c.Start()20 fmt.Println(c.Entries())21 c.Remove(c.Entries()[0].ID)22 c.Stop()23}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("*/5 * * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every 5 seconds") })5 c.AddFunc("*/10 * * * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every 10 seconds") })6 c.Remove(c.Entries()[0])7 c.Start()8 defer c.Stop()9 select {}10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("@every 1s", func() { fmt.Println("Every second") })5 c.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() { fmt.Println("Every two second") })6 c.Start()7 fmt.Println(c.Entries())8 c.Stop()9}10[{Every second 1s 2020-04-21 14:57:12.628000 +0530 IST m=+1.000975172 2020-04-21 14:57:12.628000 +0530 IST m=+1.000975172} {Every two second 2s 2020-04-21 14:57:12.628000 +0530 IST m=+1.000975172 2020-04-21 14:57:12.628000 +0530 IST m=+1.000975172}]11[{Every two second 2s 2020-04-21 14:57:24.959000 +0530 IST m=+1.000971629 2020-04-21 14:57:24.959000 +0530 IST m=+1.000971629}]12import (13func main() {14 c := cron.New()15 c.AddFunc("@every 1m", func() { fmt.Println("Current time: ", time.Now()) })16 c.Start()17 select {}18}

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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.Start()5 c.AddFunc("@every 1s", func() {6 fmt.Println("every 1s")7 })8 c.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() {9 fmt.Println("every 2s")10 })11 c.AddFunc("@every 3s", func() {12 fmt.Println("every 3s")13 })14 c.AddFunc("@every 4s", func() {15 fmt.Println("every 4s")16 })17 c.AddFunc("@every 5s", func() {18 fmt.Println("every 5s")19 })20 c.AddFunc("@every 6s", func() {21 fmt.Println("every 6s")22 })23 c.AddFunc("@every 7s", func() {24 fmt.Println("every 7s")25 })26 c.AddFunc("@every 8s", func() {27 fmt.Println("every 8s")28 })29 c.AddFunc("@every 9s", func() {30 fmt.Println("every 9s")31 })32 c.AddFunc("@every 10s", func() {33 fmt.Println("every 10s")34 })35 c.AddFunc("@every 11s", func() {36 fmt.Println("every 11s")37 })38 c.AddFunc("@every 12s", func() {39 fmt.Println("every 12s")40 })41 c.AddFunc("@every 13s", func() {42 fmt.Println("every 13s")43 })44 c.AddFunc("@every 14s", func() {45 fmt.Println("every 14s")46 })47 c.AddFunc("@every 15s", func() {48 fmt.Println("every 15s")49 })50 c.AddFunc("@every 16s", func() {51 fmt.Println("every 16s")52 })53 c.AddFunc("@every 17s", func() {54 fmt.Println("every 17s")55 })56 c.AddFunc("@every 18s", func() {57 fmt.Println("every 18s")58 })59 c.AddFunc("@every 19s", func() {60 fmt.Println("every 19s")61 })62 c.AddFunc("@every 20

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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("0 30 11 * * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every day at 11:30am") })5 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })6 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })7 c.Start()8 select {}9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("0/5 * * * * *", func() {5 fmt.Println("Every 5 seconds")6 })7 c.AddFunc("0/10 * * * * *", func() {8 fmt.Println("Every 10 seconds")9 })10 c.Start()11 time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)12 c.Stop()13}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("0 0 1 * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every day at 1am") })5 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })6 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })7 c.Start()8}9import (10func main() {11 c := cron.New()12 c.AddFunc("0 0 1 * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every day at 1am") })13 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })14 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })15 c.Start()16}17import (18func main() {19 c := cron.New()20 c.AddFunc("0 0 1 * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every day at 1am") })21 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })22 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })23 c.Start()24}25import (26func main() {27 c := cron.New()28 c.AddFunc("0 0 1 * *", func() { fmt.Println("Every day at 1am") })29 c.AddFunc("@hourly", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour") })30 c.AddFunc("@every 1h30m", func() { fmt.Println("Every hour thirty") })31 c.Start()32}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 c := cron.New()4 c.AddFunc("@every 1s", func() {5 fmt.Println("Every 1 second")6 })7 c.AddFunc("@every 2s", func() {8 fmt.Println("Every 2 second")9 })10 c.Start()11 c.Remove(c.Entries()[0].ID)12 c.Remove(c.Entries()[1].ID)13 select {}14}

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