How to use getFromResponse method of client Package

Best Testkube code snippet using client.getFromResponse


Source:main.go Github


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...161 _, containsAuthCode := r.URL.Query()["code"]162 return containsAuthCode || containIdToken163}164func processAuthenticationCodeRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, currentUri string, fullUrl string) {165 state := getFromResponse(r.URL.Query(), STATE)166 if state == "" {167 http.Error(w, "Could not validate state", http.StatusInternalServerError)168 return169 }170 stateData := validateState(r, state)171 if stateData == nil {172 http.Error(w, "Could not validate state", http.StatusInternalServerError)173 return174 }175 oidcResponse := parseAuthResponse(r)176 if !isValiduthRespMatchesAuthCodeFlow(oidcResponse) {177 fmt.Println(FAILED_TO_VALIDATE_MESSAGE + "unexpected set of artifacts received")178 http.Error(w, FAILED_TO_VALIDATE_MESSAGE+"unexpected set of artifacts received", http.StatusInternalServerError)179 return180 }181 // Call AAD to get accessToken with code182 tokenResponse := getAuthResultByAuthCode(oidcResponse.authCode)183 if tokenResponse != nil {184 setSessionPrincipal(w, r, tokenResponse)185 http.ServeFile(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", PAGE_PATH, "secure.html"))186 return187 }188 http.ServeFile(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", PAGE_PATH, "index.html"))189}190func validateState(r *http.Request, state string) *StateData {191 return removeStateFromSession(r, state)192}193func removeStateFromSession(r *http.Request, state string) *StateData {194 sessionID := getSessionID(r)195 states, _ := sessionManager[sessionID][STATES].(map[string]*StateData)196 if states != nil {197 eliminateExpiredStates(states)198 stateData := states[state]199 if stateData != nil {200 delete(states, state)201 return stateData202 }203 }204 return nil205}206func eliminateExpiredStates(states map[string]*StateData) {207 //TODO208}209func callGraph(r *http.Request) *GraphMeResponse {210 sessionID := getSessionID(r)211 tokenResponse := tokenResponseMap[sessionID]212 if tokenResponse != nil {213 endpoint := appConfig.MsGraphEndpointHost + "/me"214 headers := make(map[string]string)215 headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"216 headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + tokenResponse.AccessToken217 var me GraphMeResponse218 json.Unmarshal(doRequest(nil, endpoint, "GET", headers), &me)219 return &me220 }221 fmt.Println("No access token, probably not authorized")222 return nil223}224func getAuthResultByAuthCode(authCode string) *TokenResponse {225 scope := DEFAULT_SCOPE226 if appConfig.Scope != "" {227 scope = appConfig.Scope228 }229 data := url.Values{}230 data.Set("client_id", appConfig.ClientId)231 data.Set("scope", scope)232 data.Set("code", authCode)233 data.Set("redirect_uri", appConfig.RedirectUriSignin)234 data.Set("grant_type", "authorization_code")235 data.Set("client_secret", appConfig.SecretKey)236 endpoint := appConfig.Authority + "/oauth2/v2.0/token"237 headers := make(map[string]string)238 headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"239 headers["Content-Length"] = strconv.Itoa(len(data.Encode()))240 body := doRequest(data, endpoint, "POST", headers)241 var tokenResponse TokenResponse242 if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &tokenResponse); err != nil {243 fmt.Println(err)244 return nil245 }246 return &tokenResponse247}248func doRequest(data url.Values, endpoint string, method string, headers map[string]string) []byte {249 u, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(endpoint)250 urlStr := u.String()251 var r io.Reader252 if data != nil {253 r = strings.NewReader(data.Encode())254 }255 req, err := http.NewRequest(method, urlStr, r)256 if err != nil {257 fmt.Println(err.Error())258 return nil259 }260 for k, v := range headers {261 req.Header.Add(k, v)262 }263 client := &http.Client{}264 resp, err := client.Do(req)265 if err != nil {266 fmt.Println(err.Error())267 return nil268 }269 if resp.StatusCode != 200 {270 fmt.Printf("Error code: %v", resp.StatusCode)271 return nil272 }273 defer resp.Body.Close()274 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)275 if err != nil {276 fmt.Println(err.Error())277 return nil278 }279 return body280}281func isValiduthRespMatchesAuthCodeFlow(authResponse AuthorizationResponse) bool {282 return authResponse.idToken == "" && authResponse.accessToken == "" && authResponse.authCode != ""283}284func parseAuthResponse(r *http.Request) AuthorizationResponse {285 val := r.URL.Query()286 return AuthorizationResponse{287 state: getFromResponse(val, "state"),288 authCode: getFromResponse(val, "code"),289 sessionData: getFromResponse(val, "sessionData"),290 idToken: getFromResponse(val, "id_token"),291 accessToken: getFromResponse(val, "accessToken"),292 }293}294func getFromResponse(val url.Values, name string) string {295 values := val[name]296 if len(values) > 0 {297 return values[0]298 }299 return ""300}301func sendAuthRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {302 // state parameter to validate response from Authorization server and nonce parameter to validate idToken303 state := uuid.New().String()304 nonce := uuid.New().String()305 storeStateAndNonceInSession(w, r, state, nonce)306 claim := ""307 claims := r.URL.Query()["claims"]308 if len(claims) > 0 {...

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Source:proxy_client.go Github


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...66 resp, err := t.baseExec(method, uri, fmt.Sprintf("%T", result), body, params)67 if err != nil {68 return result, err69 }70 return t.getFromResponse(resp)71}72// ExecuteMultiple is a method to make an api call for multiple objects73func (t ProxyClient[A]) ExecuteMultiple(method, uri string, body []byte, params map[string]string) (result []A, err error) {74 resp, err := t.baseExec(method, uri, fmt.Sprintf("%T", result), body, params)75 if err != nil {76 return result, err77 }78 return t.getFromResponses(resp)79}80// Delete is a method to make delete api call81func (t ProxyClient[A]) Delete(uri, selector string, isContentExpected bool) error {82 resp, err := t.baseExec(http.MethodDelete, uri, uri, nil, map[string]string{"selector": selector})83 if err != nil {84 return err85 }86 if isContentExpected {87 var code int88 resp.StatusCode(&code)89 if code != http.StatusNoContent {90 respBody, err := resp.Raw()91 if err != nil {92 return err93 }94 return fmt.Errorf("request returned error: %s", respBody)95 }96 }97 return nil98}99// GetURI returns uri for api method100func (t ProxyClient[A]) GetURI(pathTemplate string, params ...interface{}) string {101 path := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplate, params...)102 return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", Version, path)103}104// GetLogs returns logs stream from job pods, based on job pods logs105func (t ProxyClient[A]) GetLogs(uri string, logs chan output.Output) error {106 resp, err := t.getProxy(http.MethodGet).107 Suffix(uri).108 SetHeader("Accept", "text/event-stream").109 Stream(context.Background())110 if err != nil {111 return err112 }113 go func() {114 defer close(logs)115 defer resp.Close()116 StreamToLogsChannel(resp, logs)117 }()118 return nil119}120// GetFile returns file artifact121func (t ProxyClient[A]) GetFile(uri, fileName, destination string) (name string, err error) {122 req, err := t.getProxy(http.MethodGet).123 Suffix(uri).124 SetHeader("Accept", "text/event-stream").125 Stream(context.Background())126 if err != nil {127 return name, err128 }129 defer req.Close()130 f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(destination, filepath.Base(fileName)))131 if err != nil {132 return name, err133 }134 if _, err = f.ReadFrom(req); err != nil {135 return name, err136 }137 defer f.Close()138 return f.Name(), err139}140func (t ProxyClient[A]) getProxy(requestType string) *rest.Request {141 return t.client.CoreV1().RESTClient().Verb(requestType).142 Namespace(t.config.Namespace).143 Resource("services").144 SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").145 Name(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", t.config.ServiceName, t.config.ServicePort)).146 SubResource("proxy")147}148func (t ProxyClient[A]) getFromResponse(resp rest.Result) (result A, err error) {149 bytes, err := resp.Raw()150 if err != nil {151 return result, err152 }153 err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &result)154 return result, err155}156func (t ProxyClient[A]) getFromResponses(resp rest.Result) (result []A, err error) {157 bytes, err := resp.Raw()158 if err != nil {159 return result, err160 }161 err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &result)162 return result, err163}164func (t ProxyClient[A]) getProblemFromResponse(resp rest.Result) (problem.Problem, error) {165 bytes, respErr := resp.Raw()166 problemResponse := problem.Problem{}167 err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &problemResponse)168 // add kubeAPI client error to details169 if respErr != nil {170 problemResponse.Detail += ";\nresp error:" + respErr.Error()...

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Source:direct_client.go Github


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...83 if err != nil {84 return result, err85 }86 defer resp.Body.Close()87 return t.getFromResponse(resp)88}89// ExecuteMultiple is a method to make an api call for multiple objects90func (t DirectClient[A]) ExecuteMultiple(method, uri string, body []byte, params map[string]string) (result []A, err error) {91 resp, err := t.baseExec(method, uri, fmt.Sprintf("%T", result), body, params)92 if err != nil {93 return result, err94 }95 defer resp.Body.Close()96 return t.getFromResponses(resp)97}98// Delete is a method to make delete api call99func (t DirectClient[A]) Delete(uri, selector string, isContentExpected bool) error {100 resp, err := t.baseExec(http.MethodDelete, uri, uri, nil, map[string]string{"selector": selector})101 if err != nil {102 return err103 }104 defer resp.Body.Close()105 if isContentExpected && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {106 respBody, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)107 if err != nil {108 return err109 }110 return fmt.Errorf("request returned error: %s", respBody)111 }112 return nil113}114// GetURI returns uri for api method115func (t DirectClient[A]) GetURI(pathTemplate string, params ...interface{}) string {116 path := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplate, params...)117 return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s%s", t.apiURI, Version, path)118}119// GetLogs returns logs stream from job pods, based on job pods logs120func (t DirectClient[A]) GetLogs(uri string, logs chan output.Output) error {121 req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, uri, nil)122 if err != nil {123 return err124 }125 req.Header.Set("Accept", "text/event-stream")126 resp, err := t.client.Do(req)127 if err != nil {128 return err129 }130 go func() {131 defer close(logs)132 defer resp.Body.Close()133 StreamToLogsChannel(resp.Body, logs)134 }()135 return nil136}137// GetFile returns file artifact138func (t DirectClient[A]) GetFile(uri, fileName, destination string) (name string, err error) {139 resp, err := t.client.Get(uri)140 if err != nil {141 return name, err142 }143 defer resp.Body.Close()144 if resp.StatusCode > 299 {145 return name, fmt.Errorf("error: %d", resp.StatusCode)146 }147 split := strings.Split(fileName, "/")148 f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(destination, split[len(split)-1]))149 if err != nil {150 return name, err151 }152 if _, err = io.Copy(f, resp.Body); err != nil {153 return name, err154 }155 if err = t.responseError(resp); err != nil {156 return name, fmt.Errorf("api/download-file returned error: %w", err)157 }158 return f.Name(), nil159}160func (t DirectClient[A]) getFromResponse(resp *http.Response) (result A, err error) {161 err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result)162 return163}164func (t DirectClient[A]) getFromResponses(resp *http.Response) (result []A, err error) {165 err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result)166 return167}168// responseError tries to lookup if response is of Problem type169func (t DirectClient[A]) responseError(resp *http.Response) error {170 if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {171 var pr problem.Problem172 bytes, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)173 if err != nil {174 return fmt.Errorf("can't get problem from api response: can't read response body %w", err)175 }176 err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &pr)177 if err != nil {178 return fmt.Errorf("can't get problem from api response: %w, output: %s", err, string(bytes))...

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1import (2type client struct {3}4func (c *client) getFromResponse(url string) (*http.Response, error) {5 return c.httpClient.Get(url)6}7func main() {8 c := &client{httpClient: http.DefaultClient}9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println("error is ", err)11 }12 fmt.Println("response is ", r)13}14response is &{200 OK 200 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Type:[text/html; charset=utf-8] Date:[Wed, 07 Oct 2020 05:29:42 GMT] Content-Length:[1270]] 0xc0000a4000 1270 [] false false map[] 0xc0000a4000 0xc0000a4000}

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1func main() {2 client := &Client{}3 client.getFromResponse()4}5func (client *Client) getFromResponse() {6 fmt.Println("getFromResponse")7}8type Foo struct {9}10func (f *Foo) SetA(a int) *Foo {11}12func Bar() {13 f := &Foo{}14}15cannot call pointer method on f.SetA(1)16cannot take the address of f.SetA(1)17func Bar() {18 f := &Foo{}19 f.SetA(1)20 f.SetA(2)21}22func wrap(f func()) func() {23 return func() {24 f()25 }26}27cannot use f (type func()) as type func() in return argument28func wrap(f func()) func() {29}30cannot use f (type func()) as type func() in return argument31func wrap(f func()) func() {32 return func() {33 f()34 }()35}36cannot use f (type func()) as type func() in return argument37func wrap(f func()) func() {38 return func() {39 f()40 }41}42cannot use f (type func()) as type func() in return argument

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1import (2func main() {3 client := &http.Client{}4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")8 req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")9 resp, err := client.Do(req)10 if err != nil {11 panic(err)12 }13 defer resp.Body.Close()14 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)15 if err != nil {16 panic(err)17 }18 fmt.Println(string(body))19}20import (21func main() {22 client := &http.Client{}23 if err != nil {24 panic(err)25 }26 req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")27 req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")28 resp, err := client.Do(req)29 if err != nil {30 panic(err)31 }32 defer resp.Body.Close()33 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)34 if err != nil {35 panic(err)36 }37 fmt.Println(string(body))38}39import (40func main() {41 client := &http.Client{}42 if err != nil {43 panic(err)44 }45 req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")46 req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")47 resp, err := client.Do(req)48 if err != nil {49 panic(err)50 }51 defer resp.Body.Close()52 body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)53 if err != nil {54 panic(err)55 }56 fmt.Println(string(body))57}58import (59func main() {60 client := &http.Client{}61 if err != nil {62 panic(err)63 }64 req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")65 req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")66 resp, err := client.Do(req)67 if err != nil {68 panic(err)69 }70 defer resp.Body.Close()

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1func main() {2 client := NewClient()3 client.getFromResponse()4}5import (6type Client struct {7}8func NewClient() *Client {9 return &Client{name: "client"}10}11func (c *Client) getFromResponse() {12 fmt.Println("getFromResponse")13}14I am trying to share a method between 2 files, but I am getting an error: undefined: Client in main.go:6: client.getFromResponse()15I am trying to share a method between 2 files, but I am getting an error: undefined: Client in main.go:6: client.getFromResponse()16Also, you can’t call a method on a pointer to a struct type in the same package. You need to call it on the struct itself. (That’s why you’re getting the error.)17I am trying to share a method between 2 files, but I am getting an error: undefined: Client in main.go:6: client.getFromResponse()18Also, you can’t call a method on a pointer to a struct type in the same package. You need to call it on the struct itself. (That’s why you’re getting the error.)19I am trying to share a method between 2 files, but I am getting an error: undefined: Client in main.go:6: client.getFromResponse()20Also, you can’t call a method on a pointer to a struct type in the same package. You need to call it on the struct itself. (That’s why you’re getting the error.)21I am trying to share a method between 2 files, but I am getting an error: undefined: Client in main.go:6: client.getFromResponse()22Also, you can’t call a method on a pointer to a struct type in the same package. You need to call it on the struct itself. (That’s why you’re getting the error.)

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1So, I have a question: Is there a way to make a package that is not a main package, but can be imported in other packages? If so, how would I do that?2import (3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")5 client.getFromResponse()6}7import (8func getFromResponse() {9 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")10}11import (12func postToResponse() {13 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")14}15import (16func main() {17 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")18 client.getFromResponse()19}20import (21func getFromResponse() {22 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")23}24import (25func postToResponse() {26 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")27}28import (29func main() {30 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")31 client.getFromResponse()32}33import (34func getFromResponse() {35 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")36}37import (38func postToResponse() {39 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")40}41import (42func main() {43 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")44 client.getFromResponse()45}46import (47func getFromResponse() {48 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")49}50import (51func postToResponse() {52 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")53}54import (55func main() {56 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")57 client.getFromResponse()58}59import (60func getFromResponse() {61 fmt.Println("Hello,

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1func getFromResponse(response *http.Response, key string) string {2 decoder := json.NewDecoder(response.Body)3 var t map[string]interface{}4 err := decoder.Decode(&t)5 if err != nil {6 return err.Error()7 }8 return t[key].(string)9}10func getFromResponse(response *http.Response, key string) string {11 decoder := json.NewDecoder(response.Body)12 var t map[string]interface{}13 err := decoder.Decode(&t)14 if err != nil {15 return err.Error()16 }17 return t[key].(string)18}

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