Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.verifyConfigs
...211 cf, err = kconfig.ParseConfig(configFile)212 if err != nil {213 return err214 }215 if err := ctx.verifyConfigs(cf); err != nil {216 return fmt.Errorf("%vsaved config before olddefconfig to %v", err, outputFileTmp)217 }218 cf.ModToNo()219 config := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`# Automatically generated by syz-kconf; DO NOT EDIT.220# Kernel: %v %v221%s222%s223`,224 ctx.Inst.Kernel.Repo, ctx.Inst.Kernel.Tag, cf.Serialize(), ctx.Inst.Verbatim))225 return osutil.WriteFile(outputFile, config)226}227func (ctx *Context) executeShell() error {228 for _, shell := range ctx.Inst.Shell {229 if !ctx.Inst.Features.Match(shell.Constraints) {230 continue231 }232 args := strings.Split(shell.Cmd, " ")233 for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {234 args[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(args[i], "${BUILDDIR}", ctx.BuildDir)235 args[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(args[i], "${ARCH}", ctx.Target.KernelArch)236 }237 if args[0] == "make" {238 if err := ctx.Make(args[1:]...); err != nil {239 return err240 }241 continue242 }243 if _, err := osutil.RunCmd(10*time.Minute, ctx.SourceDir, args[0], args[1:]...); err != nil {244 return err245 }246 }247 return nil248}249func (ctx *Context) applyConfigs(cf *kconfig.ConfigFile) {250 for _, cfg := range ctx.Inst.Configs {251 if !ctx.Inst.Features.Match(cfg.Constraints) {252 continue253 }254 if cfg.Value != kconfig.No {255 // If this is a choice, first unset all other options.256 // If we leave 2 choice options enabled, the last one will win.257 // It can make sense to move this code to kconfig in some form,258 // it's needed everywhere configs are changed.259 if m := ctx.Kconf.Configs[cfg.Name]; m != nil && m.Parent.Kind == kconfig.MenuChoice {260 for _, choice := range m.Parent.Elems {261 cf.Unset(choice.Name)262 }263 }264 }265 cf.Set(cfg.Name, cfg.Value)266 }267}268func (ctx *Context) verifyConfigs(cf *kconfig.ConfigFile) error {269 errs := new(Errors)270 for _, cfg := range ctx.Inst.Configs {271 act := cf.Value(cfg.Name)272 if act == cfg.Value || cfg.Optional || !ctx.Inst.Features.Match(cfg.Constraints) {273 continue274 }275 if act == kconfig.No {276 errs.push("%v:%v: %v is not present in the final config", cfg.File, cfg.Line, cfg.Name)277 } else if cfg.Value == kconfig.No {278 errs.push("%v:%v: %v is present in the final config", cfg.File, cfg.Line, cfg.Name)279 } else {280 errs.push("%v:%v: %v does not match final config %v vs %v",281 cfg.File, cfg.Line, cfg.Name, cfg.Value, act)282 }...
...102 return "", "", errors.Errorf("key-value pair %s is not a valid key=value formatted.", pairStr)103 }104 return pair[0], pair[1], nil105}106func verifyConfigs(ctx context.Context, keyValues map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {107 maskedKeyValues := MaskedKeyValues(keyValues)108 ctxlog := log.WithContext(ctx)109 ctxlog.WithField("key-values", maskedKeyValues).Info("update config")110 diffkvs, err := GetDiffConfigProperties(keyValues, false)111 if err != nil {112 ctxlog.WithField("key-values", maskedKeyValues).Errorf("GetDiffConfigProperties err:%+v", err)113 return nil, err114 }115 return diffkvs, nil116}117func verifyAndSaveConfig(ctx context.Context, keyValues map[string]interface{}) (*VerifyConfigResult, error) {118 ctxlog := log.WithContext(ctx)119 if len(keyValues) <= 0 {120 return nil, errors.Errorf("request keyValues is nil")121 }122 diffkvs, err := verifyConfigs(ctx, keyValues)123 if err != nil {124 return nil, err125 }126 if len(diffkvs) <= 0 {127 currentVersion := GetCurrentConfigVersion()128 log.Infof("configs do not change, no need to modify, current config version:%+v.", currentVersion)129 return &VerifyConfigResult{130 ConfigVersion: currentVersion,131 }, nil132 }133 updatedConfigs, err := getUpdatedConfigs(ctx, diffkvs)134 if err != nil {135 ctxlog.WithFields(log.Fields{136 "updated configs": MaskedKeyValues(diffkvs),...
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")3 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")4 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")5 verifyConfigs(Configs)6}7func main() {8 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")9 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")10 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")11 verifyConfigs(Configs)12}13func main() {14 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")15 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")16 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")17 verifyConfigs(Configs)18}19func main() {20 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")21 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")22 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")23 verifyConfigs(Configs)24}25func main() {26 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")27 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")28 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")29 verifyConfigs(Configs)30}31func main() {32 Configs = append(Configs, "config1.json")33 Configs = append(Configs, "config2.json")34 Configs = append(Configs, "config3.json")35 verifyConfigs(Configs)36}37func main() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 verifyConfigs()5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")9}10func verifyConfigs() {11 fmt.Println("verifyConfigs")12}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 var mainObj = mainClass{}4 var configs = map[string]string{"a": "1", "b": "2"}5 var result = mainObj.verifyConfigs(configs)6 fmt.Println(result)7}8import (9type mainClass struct {10}11func (m mainClass) verifyConfigs(configs map[string]string) bool {12 var requiredConfigs = map[string]string{"a": "1", "b": "2"}13 var requiredConfigsCount = len(requiredConfigs)14 var configsCount = len(configs)15 if configsCount == 0 {16 fmt.Println("No configs provided")17 }18 if requiredConfigsCount != configsCount {19 fmt.Println("Required configs not provided")20 }21 for key, value := range configs {22 if value != requiredConfigs[key] {23 fmt.Println("Incorrect value provided for key: ", key)24 }25 }26}27func main() {28 var mainObj = mainClass{}29 var configs = map[string]string{"a": "1", "b": "2"}30 var result = mainObj.verifyConfigs(configs)31 fmt.Println(result)32}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 verifyConfigs()4}5func verifyConfigs() {6 logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)7 logger.SetPrefix("INFO: ")8 logger.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile)9 logger.Println("Starting the application...")10 logger.Println("Loading configuration...")11 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)12 logger.Println("Successfully loaded the configuration")13 logger.Println("Starting service...")14 time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)15 logger.Println("Service started successfully")16}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World!")4 test.VerifyConfigs()5}6Inheritance is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of a parent object. It is an important part of object-oriented programming. Inheritance in Go is implemented by embedding types. The syntax for embedding types is as follows:7type Base struct {8}9type Derived struct {10}11type Base struct {12}13type Derived struct {14}15func main() {16 d := Derived{Base{"Foo"}, 42}17}18Composition is a mechanism that allows you to implement the behavior of an object using other objects. It is an important part of object-oriented programming. Composition in Go is implemented by embedding types. The syntax for embedding types is as follows:19type Base struct {20}21type Derived struct {22}23type Base struct {24}25type Derived struct {26}27func main() {28 d := Derived{Base{"Foo"}, 42}29}30type interface_name interface {31}
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