Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.preloadCorpus
...177 usedFiles: make(map[string]time.Time),178 saturatedCalls: make(map[string]bool),179 }180 //åå§åcorpus.db Manager HTTP PRC prometheusåæ° dash181 mgr.preloadCorpus() //æåå è½½è¯æåº182 mgr.initStats() // Initializes prometheus variables.183 mgr.initHTTP() // Creates HTTP server.184 mgr.collectUsedFiles() //collect å½å使ç¨çæ件,è®°å½è¿äºæ件çModitime185 // Create RPC server for fuzzers.186 mgr.serv, err = startRPCServer(mgr)187 if err != nil {188 log.Fatalf("failed to create rpc server: %v", err)189 }190 //Create Dashboard for fuzzer191 if cfg.DashboardAddr != "" {192 mgr.dash, err = dashapi.New(cfg.DashboardClient, cfg.DashboardAddr, cfg.DashboardKey)193 if err != nil {194 log.Fatalf("failed to create dashapi connection: %v", err)195 }196 }197 //æ¥å¿è®°å½ï¼å¯å¨ä¸ä¸ªçº¿ç¨æ¥æ¥æ¶vmä¼ è¿æ¥çæ¶æ¯ï¼å¹¶æå°198 go func() {199 for lastTime := time.Now(); ; {200 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)201 now := time.Now()202 diff := now.Sub(lastTime)203 lastTime = now204 if mgr.firstConnect.IsZero() { //å¦æè¿æ²¡æè¿æ¥206 continue208 }209 mgr.fuzzingTime += diff * time.Duration(atomic.LoadUint32(&mgr.numFuzzing))210 executed := mgr.stats.execTotal.get()211 crashes := mgr.stats.crashes.get()212 corpusCover := mgr.stats.corpusCover.get()213 corpusSignal := mgr.stats.corpusSignal.get()214 maxSignal := mgr.stats.maxSignal.get()215 numReproducing := atomic.LoadUint32(&mgr.numReproducing)217 numFuzzing := atomic.LoadUint32(&mgr.numFuzzing)218 log.Logf(0, "VMs %v, executed %v, cover %v, signal %v/%v, crashes %v, repro %v",219 numFuzzing, executed, corpusCover, corpusSignal, maxSignal, crashes, numReproducing)220 }221 }()222 //flagBenchå®æå°åæç»æåå
æ¬VMç¶æï¼crashæ°éï¼çä¿¡æ¯223 if *flagBench != "" {224 f, err := os.OpenFile(*flagBench, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, osutil.DefaultFilePerm)225 if err != nil {226 log.Fatalf("failed to open bench file: %v", err)227 }228 go func() {229 for {230 time.Sleep(time.Minute)231 vals := mgr.stats.all()232 if mgr.firstConnect.IsZero() {234 continue236 }237 mgr.minimizeCorpus()238 vals["corpus"] = uint64(len(mgr.corpus))239 vals["uptime"] = uint64(time.Since(mgr.firstConnect)) / 1e9240 vals["fuzzing"] = uint64(mgr.fuzzingTime) / 1e9241 data, err := json.MarshalIndent(vals, "", " ")243 if err != nil {244 log.Fatalf("failed to serialize bench data")245 }246 if _, err := f.Write(append(data, '\n')); err != nil {247 log.Fatalf("failed to write bench data")248 }249 }250 }()251 }252 //å¼å¯dash253 if mgr.dash != nil {254 go mgr.dashboardReporter()255 }256 osutil.HandleInterrupts(vm.Shutdown)257 if mgr.vmPool == nil {258 log.Logf(0, "no VMs started (type=none)")259 log.Logf(0, "you are supposed to start syz-fuzzer manually as:")260 log.Logf(0, "syz-fuzzer -manager=manager.ip:%v [other flags as necessary]", mgr.serv.port)261 <-vm.Shutdown262 return263 }264 //æåè°ç¨vmLoop265 mgr.vmLoop()266}267type RunResult struct {268 idx int269 crash *Crash270 err error271}272type ReproResult struct {273 instances []int274 report0 *report.Report // the original report we started reproducing275 res *repro.Result276 stats *repro.Stats277 err error278 hub bool // repro came from hub279}280// Manager needs to be refactored (#605).281// nolint: gocyclo, gocognit, funlen282func (mgr *Manager) vmLoop() {283 log.Logf(0, "booting test machines...")284 log.Logf(0, "wait for the connection from test machine...")285 instancesPerRepro := 4286 vmCount := mgr.vmPool.Count()287 maxReproVMs := vmCount - mgr.cfg.FuzzingVMs288 //设å®æå¤ç¨äºReproçVM个æ°289 if instancesPerRepro > maxReproVMs && maxReproVMs > 0 {290 instancesPerRepro = maxReproVMs291 }292 bootInstance := make(chan int)293 go func() {294 //å¯å¨instance295 for i := 0; i < vmCount; i++ {296 bootInstance <- i297 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second * mgr.cfg.Timeouts.Scale)298 }299 }()300 //åå§åpendingRepro reproducing reproinstances301 var instances []int302 runDone := make(chan *RunResult, 1)303 pendingRepro := make(map[*Crash]bool) //çå¾
ReproçCrash304 reproducing := make(map[string]bool) //æ£å¨è¿è¡reproç305 reproInstances := 0306 var reproQueue []*Crash307 reproDone := make(chan *ReproResult, 1)308 stopPending := false309 shutdown := vm.Shutdown310 //è¿å¯ä»¥å¯å¨æ°çinstancesï¼å¼å§Repro311 for shutdown != nil || len(instances) != vmCount {312 phase := mgr.phase314 //å°Crashä»pendingå å
¥å°reproducingä¸316 for crash := range pendingRepro {317 if reproducing[crash.Title] {318 continue319 }320 delete(pendingRepro, crash)321 if !mgr.needRepro(crash) {322 continue323 }324 log.Logf(1, "loop: add to repro queue '%v'", crash.Title)325 reproducing[crash.Title] = true326 reproQueue = append(reproQueue, crash)327 }328 log.Logf(1, "loop: phase=%v shutdown=%v instances=%v/%v %+v repro: pending=%v reproducing=%v queued=%v",329 phase, shutdown == nil, len(instances), vmCount, instances,330 len(pendingRepro), len(reproducing), len(reproQueue))331 canRepro := func() bool { //canRepro为确å®æ¯å¦å¯ä»¥è¿è¡Reproæä½332 return phase >= phaseTriagedHub && len(reproQueue) != 0 &&333 reproInstances+instancesPerRepro <= maxReproVMs //没çæç½ï¼instancesPerReproæ¯ä»ä¹ä¸æ¯å¾äºè§£334 }335 if shutdown != nil {336 //å¯ä»¥å¤ç°å¹¶ä¸æå©ä½çinstance337 for canRepro() && len(instances) >= instancesPerRepro {338 last := len(reproQueue) - 1339 crash := reproQueue[last]340 reproQueue[last] = nil341 reproQueue = reproQueue[:last]342 //å°vmå为vmIndexesåinstances两个é¨åï¼Indexesè¿è¡crashçå¤ç°ï¼instancesè¿è¡å®ä¾è¿è¡343 vmIndexes := append([]int{}, instances[len(instances)-instancesPerRepro:]...)344 instances = instances[:len(instances)-instancesPerRepro]345 reproInstances += instancesPerRepro346 atomic.AddUint32(&mgr.numReproducing, 1)347 log.Logf(1, "loop: starting repro of '%v' on instances %+v", crash.Title, vmIndexes)348 go func() {349 features := mgr.checkResult.Features350 //è¿è¡Reproå¤ç°351 res, stats, err := repro.Run(crash.Output, mgr.cfg, features, mgr.reporter, mgr.vmPool, vmIndexes)352 reproDone <- &ReproResult{353 instances: vmIndexes,354 report0: crash.Report,355 res: res,356 stats: stats,357 err: err,358 hub: crash.hub,359 }360 }()361 }362 //没æå¯ä»¥å¤ç°çä½æ¯æå©ä½çinstances363 for !canRepro() && len(instances) != 0 {364 last := len(instances) - 1365 idx := instances[last]366 instances = instances[:last]367 log.Logf(1, "loop: starting instance %v", idx)368 go func() {369 //è°ç¨mgr.runInstanceInnerï¼370 //mgr.runInstanceInner()è°ç¨äºFuzzerCmd()å¯å¨fuzz;371 //åè°ç¨MonitorExecution()çæ§ä¿¡æ¯å¹¶è¿åReport对象372 //è¿åcrashä¿¡æ¯373 crash, err := mgr.runInstance(idx)374 //ç»æå¤ç375 runDone <- &RunResult{idx, crash, err}376 }()377 }378 }379 var stopRequest chan bool380 if !stopPending && canRepro() {381 stopRequest = mgr.vmStop382 }383 wait:384 select {385 case idx := <-bootInstance:386 instances = append(instances, idx)387 case stopRequest <- true:388 log.Logf(1, "loop: issued stop request")389 stopPending = true390 case res := <-runDone:391 log.Logf(1, "loop: instance %v finished, crash=%v", res.idx, res.crash != nil)392 if res.err != nil && shutdown != nil {393 log.Logf(0, "%v", res.err)394 }395 stopPending = false396 instances = append(instances, res.idx)397 // On shutdown qemu crashes with "qemu: terminating on signal 2",398 // which we detect as "lost connection". Don't save that as crash.399 if shutdown != nil && res.crash != nil {400 needRepro := mgr.saveCrash(res.crash)401 if needRepro {402 log.Logf(1, "loop: add pending repro for '%v'", res.crash.Title)403 pendingRepro[res.crash] = true404 }405 }406 case res := <-reproDone:407 atomic.AddUint32(&mgr.numReproducing, ^uint32(0))408 crepro := false409 title := ""410 if res.res != nil {411 crepro = res.res.CRepro412 title = res.res.Report.Title413 }414 log.Logf(1, "loop: repro on %+v finished '%v', repro=%v crepro=%v desc='%v'",415 res.instances, res.report0.Title, res.res != nil, crepro, title)416 if res.err != nil {417 log.Logf(0, "repro failed: %v", res.err)418 }419 delete(reproducing, res.report0.Title)420 instances = append(instances, res.instances...)421 reproInstances -= instancesPerRepro422 if res.res == nil {423 if !res.hub {424 mgr.saveFailedRepro(res.report0, res.stats)425 }426 } else {427 mgr.saveRepro(res.res, res.stats, res.hub)428 }429 case <-shutdown:430 log.Logf(1, "loop: shutting down...")431 shutdown = nil432 case crash := <-mgr.hubReproQueue:433 log.Logf(1, "loop: get repro from hub")434 pendingRepro[crash] = true435 case reply := <-mgr.needMoreRepros:436 reply <- phase >= phaseTriagedHub &&437 len(reproQueue)+len(pendingRepro)+len(reproducing) == 0438 goto wait439 case reply := <-mgr.reproRequest:440 repros := make(map[string]bool)441 for title := range reproducing {442 repros[title] = true443 }444 reply <- repros445 goto wait446 }447 }448}449func (mgr *Manager) preloadCorpus() {450 log.Logf(0, "loading corpus...")451 corpusDB, err := db.Open(filepath.Join(mgr.cfg.Workdir, "corpus.db"))452 if err != nil {453 log.Fatalf("failed to open corpus database: %v", err)454 }455 mgr.corpusDB = corpusDB456 if seedDir := filepath.Join(mgr.cfg.Syzkaller, "sys", mgr.cfg.TargetOS, "test"); osutil.IsExist(seedDir) {457 seeds, err := ioutil.ReadDir(seedDir)458 if err != nil {459 log.Fatalf("failed to read seeds dir: %v", err)460 }461 for _, seed := range seeds {462 data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(seedDir, seed.Name()))463 if err != nil {...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Starting main")4 main.PreloadCorpus()5 fmt.Println("Ending main")6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Starting main")10 main.PreloadCorpus()11 fmt.Println("Ending main")12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Starting main")16 main.PreloadCorpus()17 fmt.Println("Ending main")18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Starting main")22 main.PreloadCorpus()23 fmt.Println("Ending main")24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Starting main")28 main.PreloadCorpus()29 fmt.Println("Ending main")30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Starting main")34 main.PreloadCorpus()35 fmt.Println("Ending main")36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Starting main")40 main.PreloadCorpus()41 fmt.Println("Ending main")42}43import (44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Starting main")46 main.PreloadCorpus()47 fmt.Println("Ending main")48}49import (50func main() {51 fmt.Println("Starting main")52 main.PreloadCorpus()53 fmt.Println("Ending main")54}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type Word struct {3}4type WordList struct {5}6func main() {7 wordList.preloadCorpus("corpus.txt")8 fmt.Println(wordList.words)9}10func (wordList *WordList) preloadCorpus(corpus string) {11 file, err := os.Open(corpus)12 if err != nil {13 fmt.Println(err)14 }15 defer file.Close()16 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)17 scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines)18 for scanner.Scan() {19 fmt.Println(scanner.Text())20 words := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")21 for _, word := range words {22 fmt.Println(word)23 wordList.words = append(wordList.words, word)24 }25 }26}27import (28type Word struct {29}30type WordList struct {31}32func main() {33 wordList.preloadCorpus("corpus.txt")34 fmt.Println(wordList.words)35}36func (wordList *WordList) preloadCorpus(corpus string) {37 file, err := os.Open(corpus)38 if err != nil {39 fmt.Println(err)40 }41 defer file.Close()42 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)43 scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines)44 for scanner.Scan() {45 fmt.Println(scanner.Text())46 words := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")47 for _, word := range words {48 fmt.Println(word)49 wordList.words = append(wordList.words, word)50 }51 }52}53import (54type Word struct {55}56type WordList struct {57}58func main() {59 wordList.preloadCorpus("corpus.txt")60 fmt.Println(wordList.words)61}62func (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 m := new(main)4 m.preloadCorpus()5 fmt.Println(m.corpus)6}7type main struct {8}9func (m *main) preloadCorpus() {10 m.corpus = strings.Repeat("a", 1000000)11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 file, err := os.Create("preload.txt")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer file.Close()8 w := bufio.NewWriter(file)9 fmt.Fprint(w, "preloadCorpus")10 w.Flush()11}12import (13func main() {14 file, err := os.Create("preload.txt")15 if err != nil {16 log.Fatal(err)17 }18 defer file.Close()19 w := bufio.NewWriter(file)20 fmt.Fprint(w, "preloadCorpus")21 w.Flush()22}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 corpus := new(Corpus)4 corpus.preloadCorpus(path)5 reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)6 fmt.Print("Enter query: ")7 query, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')8 query = strings.TrimSuffix(query, "\n")9 fmt.Print("Enter number of results: ")10 numResults, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')11 numResults = strings.TrimSuffix(numResults, "\n")12 numResultsInt, err := strconv.Atoi(numResults)13 if err != nil {14 log.Fatal(err)15 }16 results := corpus.query(query, numResultsInt)17 for i, result := range results {18 fmt.Println(i+1, result)19 }20}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 m := new(Main)4 m.preloadCorpus()5 fmt.Println("Enter the query")6 reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)7 query, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')8 query = strings.TrimRight(query, "9}11import (12func main() {13 m := new(Main)14 fmt.Println("Enter the query")15 reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)16 query, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')17 query = strings.TrimRight(query, "18}20import (21func main() {22 m := new(Main)23 fmt.Println("Enter the query")24 reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)25 query, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')26 query = strings.TrimRight(query, "27}29import (30func main() {31 m := new(Main)32 fmt.Println("Enter the
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